Seasonality of vegetables and fruits. Rich pantry of health - fruits and berries of the southern regions of the Russian Federation

Taman is a unique corner of nature that has everything for a great holiday. And, of course, one of the main riches of the Taman Peninsula after the sea and sun is its year-round private fresh fruits and vegetables.

The holiday season does not begin on the 20th of May and at the same time, guests of the Taman Peninsula can treat themselves to early strawberries, and at the end of the month, cherries. Prices start from 120-150 rubles per kilogram. Also during this period, villagers offer their radishes at a price of 100-120 rubles per kg (for some reason, radishes are always expensive here), and by the beginning of June the first ground cucumbers already appear at a price of 50-70 rubles per kg. Fresh herbs on the Taman Peninsula it is present all year round, they sell it in bunches (20-30 rubles per bunch), although the “volume” of the bunch greatly depends on the time of year - the largest bunches are in May - June and September. At the end of April and throughout May, delicious food is sold at the market in Temryuk early cabbage. By the end of May, you can buy carrots and beets from the first harvest at the market. The first new potatoes appear in early March, and the peak of the new potato season occurs in April-May.

At the end of June cherries and strawberries are already falling, although a small selection of remontant (all-season) strawberries is always present in Taman from May to October. In June, the first berries are replaced by cherries (at a price of 70-100 rubles per kg) and cherry plums (at a price of 40-50 rubles per kg). You can also try such a southern berry as mulberry (50-100 rubles per glass). The first tomatoes are ripe (June price 50-70 rubles per kg), zucchini (priced from 15 to 30 rubles per kg), cucumbers already cost 40 rubles per kg, and at the end of the month peas. At the same time, you can buy the first local watermelons of early varieties.

In July The time has come for berries, which are well known to every resident of central Russia: first of all, these are raspberries and blackberries, currants and gooseberries are sold a little at a price of 80-100 rubles per glass. As for apricots, on the Taman Peninsula they grow only on household plots, and do not produce a large harvest every year (so that the surplus can be sold), so the apricots that are sold in July at Taman markets are mainly imported from Dagestan or Armenia. Sometimes they sell wild apricot (zherdel) in buckets along the main routes, which grows in some forest belts of Taman, but it is also rare and small and perishable. In mid-late July, the time begins for melons, watermelons and peaches, which can be bought both at local markets and at melon fields and orchards. There are peach orchards near the village of Kuchugury and in the village of Yubileiny, peaches there cost from 30 rubles per kg to 80 rubles, and melons and watermelons are grown everywhere on the Taman Peninsula and in July they cost 25-30 rubles for melons, 20 rubles for watermelons. The first ones appear summer varieties apples (at a price of 50 rubles per kg), as well as corn (which is sold on the cob at a price of 10-20 rubles per fresh cob and 30 rubles for boiled cob). If spring and summer are hot, then at the end of July early grapes appear on Taman at a price of 100-120 rubles per kg.

In August in Taman there is a real abundance of fruits and vegetables: apples (from 30 rubles per kg), pears (from 30 rubles per kg), peaches (from 30 rubles per kg), nectarines (80 rubles per kg), grapes (by the end of the month the price drops to 40 rubles per kg), plums (40-50 rubles per kg), watermelons (from 10 rubles per kg), melons (from 20 rubles per kg), tomatoes (from 20 rubles per kg), eggplants and peppers (from 30 rubles per kg), corn. Cucumbers and zucchini become more and more expensive starting in August (cucumbers reach 80 rubles per kg, zucchini up to 50 rubles per kg), since the heat and lack of rain during this period do not contribute to the harvest. At the end of the month, local farmers begin selling pumpkin (from 20 rubles per kg). Such traditional vegetables like carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, potatoes are not grown in large (farmer) quantities in Taman and in August and in the following months they are already imported from the Crimean and other regions of the Krasnodar Territory.

In September starts in Taman the Velvet season, the heat subsides, there are fewer tourists, but the abundance of fruit continues, although you can no longer find peaches and nectarines, their season ends at the end of August, but watermelons can be bought for 4 rubles per kg. At this time, the following people are in time for Taman Exotic fruits like Adam's apple and jujuba, and these can also be found in local markets. At the end of the month, the walnut harvest begins (the price per kilogram during this period drops to 80-100 rubles).

In October The preparation of fields for winter begins, so very often, melons are plowed up even before the harvest has been completed. They start picking apples autumn varieties(during this period in apple orchards apples can be bought at a price of 20 rubles per kg), the harvest of grapes, walnuts, corn, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers is ending.

From November to May In Taman you can always buy local winter apples (at a price of 20 rubles per kg), greens, walnuts(priced from 150 rubles per kg). Sometimes you can find tomatoes and cucumbers from local greenhouse farms (but mostly these vegetables are brought from Turkey), as well as grapes preserved in industrial refrigerators (mainly Moldova varieties at a price of 80-100 rubles per kg). All other fruits during this period are imported (some from the CIS countries, some from Egypt and Turkey), and traditional vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, cabbage) are brought from central Russia and the northern regions of the Krasnodar Territory.

And in May, the gentle sun, warm sea (Azov and Black) and the first vegetables and fruits of the Taman Peninsula will again delight the first vacationers. Come, at least to eat fruits and vegetables, as they say, “straight from the garden”!

Note. The prices in the article are indicated for the 2013-2014 seasons, we hope that in 2015 they will not become much more expensive.

Seasonality of vegetables and fruits - an aspect that we do not always take into account when choosing products. After all, in supermarkets there are vegetables and fruits all year round laid out in neat slides on chilled shelves, even and smooth, as if chosen. Large retail chains make us think less about the quality of products and more about a wide selection and maximum convenience of purchasing: at any time of the year, any day of the week and any time of the day. We regularly eat beautiful vegetables and fruits from the supermarket, succumbing to the illusion of a healthy lifestyle.

Are vegetables and fruits always healthy?

While we are happy to fill our carts with fruits and vegetables, we forget that they will only be useful during the season, which is different for each product. Moreover, not seasonal fruits may harm the body. But how can this be? Haven't we been taught since childhood that fruits and vegetables, especially raw ones, are a source of many vitamins?

Yes and no. Seasonal fruits, ripened according to the natural cycle and collected at its peak, are maximally rich in vitamins and microelements. Such vegetables and fruits can and should be eaten unprocessed, preserving them useful composition.

Modern agricultural technologies, catering to endless consumer demand, supply us with a wide selection of out-of-season products that are not only not healthy (grown in artificial conditions, vegetables and fruits do not accumulate required quantity vitamins), but also harmful. Additives that stimulate growth and early ripening, nitrate fertilizers, pesticides that do not have time to decompose due to too short a cycle - all this is harmful to our health. Children under three years of age and the elderly are especially susceptible to this.

Such vegetables and fruits must be carefully processed before consumption in order to reduce harmful effects. It is recommended to soak them in cold water(or in a weak solution of vinegar), cut off the stalks and peel the peel. But even in this case, their benefits to the body will be minimal.

Stocking up on vitamins for future use

Realizing that after an abundant summer comes winter, we consciously or unconsciously adjust our diet, trying to get enough of the juicy fresh flavors and accumulate more vitamins in reserve. This desire is reinforced by national food traditions: seasonal vegetables in the summer they do not leave the table, alternating in “green” salads and various types okroshka. Craving for fresh vegetables And fruits are not accidental: our body instinctively chooses what will be useful for it. Thus, carrots contain beta-carotene, which is converted by body enzymes into vitamin A (retinol), which strengthens the retina. Cucumber consists of 95% water, saturated with potassium and serving as an excellent means for removing toxins and toxic substances. And the red color of the tomato is due to the lycopene it contains, which prevents the division of some cancer cells.

The World Health Organization recommends eating at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables, fresh or cooked (excluding potatoes and similar starchy root vegetables), per day to prevent disease hearts, cancer diseases, diabetes and obesity. For convenience, you can remember the universal “five servings rule”: you should eat 5 or more different fruit and vegetable “servings” per day. One serving is approximately 80-100 grams, or an amount that can easily fit in a folded palm: a carrot, a tomato, a couple of tangerines or a small bowl of vegetable salad.

Canning, drying or freezing?

To maintain the correct balance in your diet even in winter, you can make preparations from seasonal vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and mushrooms. The most popular, but least valuable option in terms of preserving usefulness is canning. This way you can cook a lot vegetable dishes, completely ready to serve. However, canning requires heat treatment, therefore the content of vitamins and minerals in the final product is minimal. There is also little benefit in jams and preserves, because long-term boiling and combining with sugar do not in the best possible way affects the composition of berries and fruits.

A more gentle treatment is drying at room temperature, in the sun or in the oven. This option is well suited for fruits, berries, mushrooms and herbs.

Finally, almost perfect way preparation is the freezing of food. It allows you to preserve as much as possible not only the beneficial composition, but also appearance, taste and aroma of vegetables and fruits. It should be remembered that re-freezing is undesirable, so it is better to distribute the products into small portion bags.

Seasonal calendar of vegetables and fruits

To easily navigate the seasons and create delicious and useful menu all year round, use our seasonal calendar.

Cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts. Shallots and leeks, artichokes, turnips, parsnips

Citrus fruits (grapefruits, lemons, oranges, tangerines), quince, persimmons

Cabbage: white, red, Brussels sprouts. Shallots, parsnips


Watercress and radicchio salad. Asparagus, spinach, radish, rhubarb

Asparagus, spinach, radish, White cabbage. Salads: cabbage, lettuce, radicchio, arugula. Young peas

Asparagus, spinach, radishes and radishes, rutabaga. Beans, peas. Carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers. Cauliflower, broccoli. Salads: lettuce, cabbage, radicchio

Strawberries and wild strawberries, cherries and cherries. Red currants, gooseberries, blueberries

New potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. Cauliflower, broccoli. Carrots, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper. Green peas and beans. Celery, leeks and onions. Watercress, lettuce, lettuce

Strawberries, raspberries, cherries and cherries. Black and red currants, blueberries, blueberries, gooseberries. Peaches, apricots, nectarines

Potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers, carrots, eggplants, zucchini and zucchini. Cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli, green pea. Bell pepper, corn, onion. Radish, radish, rutabaga, chard.

Watermelons and melons, plums, peaches, nectarines and apricots. Gooseberries, blueberries, currants, sea buckthorn


Cucumbers and tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant and zucchini. Cauliflower and broccoli. Onion and leeks, cabbage, horseradish, radishes and rutabaga

Apples, plums, figs, pears. Melons and watermelons. Sea ​​buckthorn

Tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Leek, rutabaga, turnip, horseradish

Apples, pears, figs

Carrots, pumpkin, turnips. Colored and Brussels sprouts. Leeks, horseradish

Persimmon, pear, quince, cranberry

Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, turnip, leek

Quince, persimmon, pomegranate. Cranberry. Citrus

The Village continues to collect expert tips on how to improve your everyday kitchen routine. We already know how to properly prepare or preserve the most different products, and talked about simple tricks that will make it easier and more interesting for you to be in the kitchen. In the new issue, we talked with the creator of the service for delivery of farm products MoscowFresh, a representative of the Danilovsky market and several sellers of the Preobrazhensky market about what products you need to buy right now and what to look for when choosing them.


Now they brought it to the markets Krasnodar corn new harvest. It cooks in literally 20 minutes, and you don’t even need to salt it - this corn itself is already fresh and sweet. You should definitely buy it. Of course, she will be good for the next two months, but now, in my opinion, is the best.

Chanterelles are now on sale. So far they are being brought in small quantities, so they are still quite expensive, but they will gradually become cheaper. The price for them is already changing day by day - for example, a large batch has arrived, and the price is falling. You have to look, you have to look, but chanterelles are chanterelles, they will all be equally tasty for those who love them.

The berry season is open - it's time to go to the market for raspberries, blueberries and currants. But, for example, blackberries are still imported, so they are not cheap; they are brought from Azerbaijan. Our blackberry season will begin in August, but for now it’s time for blueberries. Plus, it’s worth buying black and red currants, but gooseberries are still sour, it’s better to buy them later. Strawberries and especially raspberries now, in the last two weeks, are what we need. Some time ago they were still supplied from Moldova, but now our Russian ones have appeared on the markets - sweet real raspberries. In general, now the berries are so good that they can even be stored in the refrigerator for some time. But the strawberry season is over. This is not that scary, because strawberries themselves are a very capricious and problematic berry: sometimes they leak, sometimes they turn out to be too watery, and it’s impossible to store them. The same currants, unlike her, taste great.


Krasnodar tomatoes have been available on the market for a month now. They are inexpensive and good - I would even say, good quality. But if you still want something truly tasty, it is best to pay the extra money for Azerbaijani ones. The smaller they are, the tastier, and the most delicious ones are the size of a nectarine. These tomatoes couldn't be better. You cut it - inside green seeds, aroma and juicy pulp. And they taste neither sour nor sweet - just what you need.

Now there are several varieties: Lukhovitsky, as well as inexpensive larger ground cucumbers - all equally juicy and ripe. But, again, if you want something expensive and tasty, then it’s best to take Baku ones. They are light green in color and remain the most tender and delicious. But ours, Russian ground ones, are half the price and also delicious. For a change, you can eat them for a couple of months.

Pumpkin, zucchini and other vegetables

The new pumpkin harvest has not yet arrived, and for now they are bringing foreign ones to Russia. She is now small - literally a kilogram each, light in color, fresh and really very good, although expensive. Well, ours will appear in a month or two.

You can already find our cabbage, eggplants and zucchini on the market - everything is Krasnodar, cheap and without unnecessary chemicals. Plus appeared on the shelves new harvest potatoes. If at the end of May - in June there were only Azerbaijani potatoes from the new harvest, now ours have appeared. And under no circumstances should you take old-harvest potatoes, even if they are offered.

Apricots and peaches

Juicy and sweet apricots have been on sale for several weeks now. They should be quite large, with an orange, but not green tint. These will probably be ripe and fresh. Best variety- “shalah”, now it’s the height of its season in stores. In general, if you go to the market, you definitely need to take apricots.

Flat peaches and nectarines too seasonal fruits, but it’s still better to wait for flat ones. The wait is not long: one or two weeks. So far, the first deliveries of flat peaches are a bit harsh and not as sweet as they should be - again, unlike apricots, which are already selling well.

Melon and watermelon

The melon and watermelon season has already begun. Melons are still Uzbek, and watermelons, in addition to Uzbekistan, are already being brought from Dagestan. The most important thing for a melon is that it gives off a strong honey aroma, and it’s best to take small ones, two to three kilograms. Classic melon- “torpedo” variety - for now smaller in size, than it will be after some time, but already good. As for the watermelon, everything is simple: knock on it - if it rings, then most likely it will be ripe. Now the watermelons on sale are not large ones, like the 10-kilogram ones in August, but small ones, three or four kilograms. They are a pleasure to eat.

Anna Shelepova

PR manager of Danilovsky market

A lot of fruit is now supplied from the former Soviet republics - apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums are brought from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. And, for example, red-sided Farrell pears are brought from South Africa. When choosing fruits, you need to remember that ripe fruits should not be too hard or too soft. Oozing juice and mashed fruit can only become a good base for jam.

The cherry season will last until August. You can buy it in three varieties: yellow comes from Armenia, pink and red from Uzbekistan. The stalks of good cherries should be green and elastic, and the berries should be free of cuts and dents, otherwise they will quickly spoil. It’s also easy to determine freshness by smell: you definitely shouldn’t buy fermented berries.

And other berries

From mid-July to mid-August, local strawberries will be on the market: from Tambov, Lipetsk, Volgograd, Rostov regions and Krasnodar Territory. Strawberries should be selected by smell: ripe ones have a bright aroma.

In general, July is the time to buy raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, as well as black, white and red currants. This sweet season will last about a month - until mid-August. When choosing, everything is obvious: you don’t need to buy berries with brown spots and wrinkles. Those that do not hold their shape are still only suitable for jam.

By July, local vegetables near Moscow, including zucchini, ripen. On Danilovsky you can buy and unusual varieties- for example, round zucchini, which is convenient to stuff, or yellow-green, very bright, “delicate marshmallow” varieties - they have a sweetish taste and should be eaten raw. They are grown by a farmer from the Moscow region, Svetlana Ivanova, and can be found at the market only three days a week, from Friday to Sunday. By the way, she also sells zucchini flowers - quite rare for Russian cuisine product. They are delicious fried in batter.

White turnips from Moscow region appeared on the market in mid-June. Now purple turnips have been added to it - softer, juicier and sweeter, less fibrous. The surface of a good turnip should be smooth, without stains or damage. A ripe root vegetable will be heavier than it seems at first glance.

Young carrots

These carrots are the sweetest and juiciest. They are sold together with the tops, and it is the tops that will help determine the quality of the vegetable: if they are fresh and bright green, then the carrots will be of high quality.


In July, tomatoes ripen in the south of Russia: in Kabardino-Balkaria, Volgograd and Rostov regions, Krasnodar Territory. Depending on the variety, they differ not only in taste, but also in appearance: there are gray-red “Black Prince” tomatoes, there are yellow ones, and a little later green and black ones will appear. They are completely ripe, such colors are a feature of the variety.

The taste of tomatoes ranges from sour to sweet. As with plums, I advise you to try to understand which variety you like. And further important point: Summer is not the time for Uzbek tomatoes; now they have a dense, harsh skin. They should be left until winter - then there will be no better tomatoes to be found.

Nowadays you can buy everything on the market, it seems. known species herbs: dill, parsley, basil, wild garlic, arugula, kale, green onions and shallots, as well different types salad The rules for choosing fresh greens are quite obvious: they should not have yellow, dried or insect-eaten leaves.

Soon they will ripen on local farms bell peppers and eggplants. Now the first melons have begun to appear on the market: Astrakhan “collective farmers” and Uzbek “torpedoes”.
By August they will begin to be sold at fairly low prices. Then it’s worth buying watermelons: they will be ripe, soaked in the sun and very sweet.


Now the season of Russian zucchini and eggplant has begun. Besides, it's time to buy them ground tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers - tomatoes are especially good, one to one: ripe, even. All this is ours now, matured in Krasnodar, ours. It's hot there.


seller at Preobrazhensky market

For example, there are practically no strawberries anymore. But there are honey apricots “shalah” from Armenia. Moldavian cherries are also gradually disappearing - for them, like cherries, now is not the season. Almost all the cherries have already left, even though they are ours, from Crimea. But now the time has come for nectarines and peaches - Moldavian and Uzbek. Here flat peaches I definitely need to take it now. They are from Uzbekistan, large and sweet, 250 rubles each.

Natural conditions on the peninsula differ depending on the proximity of mountains, the sea, and soil characteristics. Therefore, Crimea has been growing a wide variety of fruits for a long time. They are adapted to each region. Much of the credit for what fruits grow in Crimea now belongs to breeders

Beware, "foreign guests"

Every self-respecting tourist who comes to Crimea should definitely try the fruit. But caution won't hurt. Despite the fact that such a variety of its own is grown in Crimea delicious fruits, a significant number of them are imported from abroad. As a rule, they are beautiful, ideally stored, and do not disappear for a long time.

Fruits of June and July

If you are lucky enough to get to Crimea at the beginning of summer, you can try a wide variety of fruits in June. These are apricot, mulberry, cherry, strawberry, peach. Each of them has a colorful taste. The impressions received will be another reason to return here.

Some people prefer to visit the peninsula later, knowing what a gentle sea Crimea greets in mid-summer, what fruits there are in July. These are the fruits from royal taste: new varieties of peaches, watermelons, melons, Crimean tomatoes, apples. And now about each in more detail.


She is completely special. Once it was brought from China and since then it feels great in the Crimean climate. There are about 9 species within the peninsula. Moreover, some do not grow anywhere except Crimea. Mulberries ripen in June, in large quantities, closer to its second half.

The local mulberry grows quite large. White and black, it is very juicy and sweet. Unfortunately, transporting it over long distances is impossible due to its tenderness. Therefore, you will have to eat plenty of it on the spot.

Mulberry leaves are also of considerable value. They are used to feed silkworms. In addition, dried leaves and berries are used as an additive to tea, and also as a folk remedy.

Crimean apricots

Some of the best fruits that Crimea can offer in June are local apricots. They feel good in the area of ​​Bakhchisarai and Simferopol. In the South Coast region, short-term frosts are possible during the beginning of apricot flowering, which leads to crop failures. Therefore, a lot of them and at a cheap price can be found approximately one year out of 3-4.

In Crimea there are many varieties bred specifically for this region. The real Crimean varieties are considered to be Red-cheeked and Pineapple apricots. But there is no need to treat wild animals without respect. The fact is that wild apricots in Crimea differ from those in other regions. They are often much sweeter here. And some bitterness only adds piquancy to the taste.

The red-cheeked variety has Orange color and almost half a reddish blush. The fruits are quite large, juicy and dense. Medium sweetness. The bone is small.

A separate conversation about the Pineapple apricot. It has a pale orange-cream color. There is an oblong bone inside. Sweet and dense pulp. Even the pit inside the apricot is distinguished by some sweetness.


The cherry season begins in Crimea from mid-June and lasts until the end of July. Later varieties and sweeter. The most common Crimean varieties are: May early ripening, Drogana yellow, Kara Kerez, Napoleon. The first of them is dark red in color, the berries are heart-shaped, and its flesh is also dark red. Very tasty. The second has a yellow color, a ruddy side. Its size is larger than average. Very sweet.

A small recommendation for tourists who love to walk in the mountains, explore new places and are cherry lovers. This berry grows well and everywhere in Crimea. Unfortunately not today better times for agriculture and for growing cherries in particular. There are abandoned gardens. The cherries in them have already gone somewhat wild, but remain very sweet. In addition, it has not been treated with any chemicals for several years.

Therefore, it is worth combining business with pleasure. And not only go on a hike for the sake of the hike itself, but also enjoy Crimean cherries. Long-abandoned gardens can be found at the memorial between the villages of Uglovoye and Peschanoye, near the Red Mountains.


There is a lot of it in Crimea and different varieties. It’s worth choosing a local one. It is not as big and beautiful as the imported one, but very sweet. Its aroma is strong. The berries have an elongated shape. Crimean local strawberries are very fleshy and tender. It is very difficult to transport it. So, if strawberries sit on the market for several hours and are dry and do not lose their appearance, you should doubt that they are local.


Peaches and figs are the best vegetables and fruits that Crimea has to offer. About 20 varieties of peaches are grown on the peninsula. Their size may be different. The skin is velvety, hairy or smooth. The color of the pulp varies from white to yellow-red or even red.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a peach on the Crimean market, you need not only to choose a ripe one, but also to smell it well. Crimean local peaches have a very strong and sweet smell. It can be heard from a distance. However, you need to smell it so as not to make a mistake and buy a green peach brought from afar and ripened here. Sniffing at such a “guest of Crimea”, you can smell the smell of dust or another chemical shade. As a rule, such peaches are very beautiful and smooth. In contrast, local ripe fruits may not be entirely beautiful view, slightly broken skin or too soft side. But it's not scary. Their sugary taste makes up for these shortcomings.

Peaches ripen in July. The most common and delicious are the following.

1. Fluffy early. Creamy small fruits. Round. The flesh is greenish. Very juicy.

2. Red-cheeked. Its size is larger than average, round. Cream color with green flesh.

3. Juicy. Green-beige fruit with a half-cherry blush. Very juicy greenish flesh.

4. Kiev nectarine. This is a red-burgundy fruit with orange pulp. Sweet with a slight sourness. Its bone usually comes off easily.

Peach is useful for stimulating appetite in children. It is recommended for diseases of the stomach, intestines, and rhythm disturbances. It is recommended to rinse your mouth after eating peaches. Their fruit acids have a negative effect on tooth enamel.


This fruit is also grown in Crimea. However, in very small quantities. Therefore, if you want to try Crimean fruits, you should not take nectarine. As a rule, it is imported. Unfortunately, Crimea largely receives fruit in July, as throughout the year, from Spain or Turkey.


Of all the fruits that Crimea grows, figs are the most exotic and unusual. This fruit can only be truly enjoyed here. Figs produce two harvests in Crimea. One in June-July, and the other in August. This fruit must be soft and juicy when purchased. But not dry at all with a dried out interior. Figs are very sweet. White and purple figs grow in Crimea. Each of them is good in its own way.

Figs are a real storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements. It is recommended for diabetes mellitus, as it helps lower blood sugar levels. In addition, it helps reduce cholesterol levels and fights the formation of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

The “delicious” season on the peninsula begins quite early and ends in late autumn. From May to November, Crimea offers a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. The conditions of the peninsula create the prerequisites for growing and ripening peaches, mulberries, strawberries, figs and bright flavors. All of them differ from those grown in neighboring regions. Having visited Crimea during these months, you can easily find out what fruits are in July or September. To do this, just visit the colorful local market. And then it will become clear why the combination “Crimea-fruit” is as relevant as “Crimea-Black Sea”.

The best way to replenish your reserves of vitamins and minerals to strengthen your immune system is in Abkhazia and the southern regions of the Russian Federation: Sochi and Crimea. If you find yourself in resort towns in the south at the right time, you can enjoy sweet, freshly picked berries and fruits that fill you up from May to November. vitality growing organisms of children and their parents.

Sochi – berry and fruit paradise

The Sochi climate, close to subtropical, allows you to keep up in natural conditions on rich soils healthy fruits and berries, which, thanks to the abundance of sun, grow very sweet.

Hurry up and try it from mid-May local strawberries of the sweetest variety “Marshal”. The usefulness of strawberries is undeniable: carotene, pectins, vitamins C, B and P, minerals of iron, phosphorus, calcium help fight anemia and vitamin deficiency. Mulberries, which also ripen towards the end of May in Sochi, improve metabolic processes and help with hypertension. Early ripening cherries are rich in vitamins and minerals that help improve digestion.

June in Sochi pleases with the appearance of cherries, cherry plums, raspberries, late varieties of strawberries, white and pink cherries. You should definitely try the medlar, which ripens in early June and is similar in color and shape to an apricot. Medlar is rich in provitamin A, vitamin C, P, phytoncides and pectins.

In July The variety of fruits in Sochi is even richer: early apples, apricots, peaches, plums, blackberries diversify the menu of vacationers.

The richest month in which pears, mid-season apples, grapes, melons, white figs, dogwood and blueberries ripen in Sochi is August. Dogwood is more used for compotes, but ripe berries are also useful and pleasant to savor. The time of hot weather and juicy fruits attracts tourists with children to Sochi.

September gentle sun in Sochi promotes relaxation and fills grapes with vitamins, late pears and apples, blue fig, feijoa. Figs and feijoas are rich in iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. The rich composition of feijoa has a beneficial effect on the body of pregnant women and children, enriching the diet with vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.

October, November in Sochi attracts with wine festivals. By this time, feijoa has ripened, the time for persimmons, pomegranates, and kiwis has begun.

December– time for collection citrus lemon, tangerines and oranges. Winter holidays delicious with sweet tangerines and oranges, rich in fiber and vitamin C.

  • Where to buy fruit in Sochi: addresses of markets and farm shops in Sochi and Adler. How to get to them.
  • : Adler, Krasnaya Polyana, Mount Akhun, Olympic venues, caves and other attractions.
  • Order a transfer or rent a car
  • Selection of hotels in Adler: popular, top-end, with sea views, close to the center

Crimean health pantries

Filled with sunshine, Crimean fruits and berries begin to enrich the vitamin diet of southerners and visiting tourists from the end of May. Strawberries and early ripening cherries will delight the first vacationers on the Southern Coast of Crimea (SC).

In June strawberries, mulberries, strawberries, cherry plums, cherries, pink and black cherries, black currants and raspberries will ripen in the Crimea and pamper tourists with children. Cherry plum improves digestion, and raspberries and black currants increase immunity to colds.

July in Crimea Not only is the weather favorable due to sunny weather, but nature is rich in the harvest of early varieties of apples, red and white currants, apricots, peaches, melons, white cherries, plums and the first grapes. All freshly picked fruits are different high content vitamins and minerals that live the human body.

In August mid-season varieties apples, pears, grapes, plums, watermelons and melons, dogwoods, peaches, momordicas and first figs will delight all vacationers with abundance and taste. Momordica, like its related pumpkin, will sing at the end of August. Overripe momordica has sweet red seeds that are eaten raw. Momordica is rich in antioxidants and minerals.

September fruits and berries, no less useful than summer fruits. Blue figs, apples and pears are harvested in the gardens, the main harvest of wine grapes takes place and feijoa ripens.

In October on the Black Sea coast of Crimea you can treat yourself to feijoa, at the end of the month with persimmons and pomegranates and kiwi.
