Juicy chicken fillet in a slow cooker. Chicken fillet in a slow cooker. Chicken fillet pastrami

In our area, it is customary to talk with sighs about crispy chicken crust and incredibly tender chicken fillet. However, we believe that the time has finally come to add another “dish” to this list - chicken in a slow cooker. Of course, a multicooker won’t do anything supernatural with chicken, but the taste of chicken cooked in this device is something special.

On top of that, cooking chicken legs (and other parts of this delicious bird) takes a minimum of effort and time from the cook. And this is no less important than the taste and aesthetic perception of the dish...

Chicken in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, you can create almost any culinary delight from chicken meat. The only thing that is not available to owners of multicookers is cooking traditional chicken kebab on skewers. Otherwise there are no restrictions.

This means that in a slow cooker, chicken can be stewed, baked, fried and even smoked, not only in its pure form, but also with all kinds of side dishes (for example, rice or potatoes). And what kind of broths do you get in a slow cooker... Yummy!

How to cook chicken in a slow cooker?

Perhaps it is worth warning that in order to prepare delicious chicken dishes, you should perfectly master the art of operating a multicooker. After all, many dishes require the sequential use of two or even three automatic modes. And exquisite delicacies are prepared almost entirely using manual settings.

But all these “difficulties” are nonsense. Because with instructions in hand, you can master a multicooker at a decent level in a day or two. And the rest will come with experience in the first month of use.

Well, finally, we will give a few examples of “chains” of modes and programs used when cooking chicken in a slow cooker:

  • stewed chicken: "STEW"
  • chicken with potatoes: “BAKING” or “PILOV” (depending on the recipe)
  • chicken in sour cream sauce: “BAKING” + “STEW” or “BAKING” + “MILK PORridge”
  • chicken with mushrooms: “STEW” + “PRESSURE COOKING”

P.S. The final choice of mode depends on your preferences and the specific multicooker model.

The multicooker was invented relatively recently, but immediately firmly won its rightful place in the kitchen of housewives, mainly due to the saving of time and effort on cooking, as well as the ease of use. Chicken in a slow cooker can be prepared in a variety of ways. Let's list the main dishes: chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker, stewed chicken in a slow cooker, rice with chicken in a slow cooker, buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker, chicken in sauce in a slow cooker, chicken with mushrooms in a slow cooker, chicken with vegetables in a slow cooker , chakhokhbili from chicken in a slow cooker and others.

Chicken dishes in a slow cooker are so varied that it is impossible to describe them in one article. A significant part of them are recipes for chicken dishes with vegetables in a slow cooker. These include: cabbage with chicken in a slow cooker, potatoes with chicken in a slow cooker, chicken with beans in a slow cooker, stewed potatoes with chicken in a slow cooker, stewed cabbage with chicken in a slow cooker and others. If you want to surprise your guests with something original, take a look at some of our unconventional recipes. These are: chicken jellied meat in a slow cooker, chicken pie in a slow cooker, chicken pasta in a slow cooker, chicken soup in a slow cooker, chicken casserole in a slow cooker, chicken in soy sauce in a slow cooker and some others. A large number of dishes that previously required the use of traditional frying pans and ovens are now prepared using a multicooker. True connoisseurs of chicken meat notice the difference in the results, and therefore the option with a slow cooker boldly claims to be called an independent dish. Judge for yourself: chicken in sour cream in a slow cooker, fried chicken in a slow cooker, chicken in foil in a slow cooker, roast chicken in a slow cooker, chicken with porridge in a slow cooker, steamed chicken in a slow cooker.

Some dishes in a slow cooker are prepared with small nuances that distinguish them from the traditional version. Be sure to check out the recipes on our website: chicken fillet in a slow cooker, whole chicken in a slow cooker, frying chicken in a slow cooker, homemade chicken in a slow cooker, dietary chicken in a slow cooker.

Recipes for cooking chicken in a slow cooker continue to expand and improve. New dishes with chicken in a slow cooker are appearing in world cuisine. We try to post recipes for these innovations on our website. People love slow cooker chicken. Recipes with photos are available for your attention on our website. If you need chicken in a slow cooker, the photo will tell you what it will look like in the final version. Or - stewed chicken in a slow cooker with a photo - looks more appetizing. This is convenient for readers. Visitors to our site often ask questions about the preparation of this or that dish. For example: how to cook chicken in a slow cooker, how to cook pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken, how to bake chicken in a slow cooker, how to cook chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, how to stew chicken in a slow cooker? The answers are in the recipes and photos.

And if you want to cook an original “delicious chicken in a slow cooker” dish, we recommend a recipe for stewed chicken in a slow cooker. And if you like your stewed chicken in a slow cooker, send us recipes with photos, we’ll rejoice together, and share with other gourmets.

Now you know that chicken in a slow cooker is not just one recipe, there are a huge number of them. So explore and try. And if you're interested, here are some tips for cooking chicken:

Old poultry is used mainly for boiling and stewing, young poultry is used for frying.

From the liquid remaining after cooking the chicken in a container, meat juice is prepared, which is used to baste the bird when serving the dish.

Before cooking chickens and lean chickens, they are brushed with sour cream to create a more golden brown crust. Readiness is determined by piercing the thick part of the flesh with a chef's needle; clear juice flows out of the finished bird.

The finished chicken dish goes well with fried potatoes. The poultry dish is topped with meat sauce or butter.

Additionally, as a side dish you can serve green salad, red or white cabbage salad, pickled berries and fruits, and soaked apples in a salad bowl, vase or on a pie plate.

step by step recipe with photos

Try baking chicken fillet in a slow cooker! First of all, it’s quite simple: marinate it and then bake it without looking at it. Secondly, it is very tasty: the fillet turns out tender, melts in your mouth, and juicy. Thirdly, it is useful: vitamins and microelements remain inside the meat and are not boiled down into the broth.

Chicken meat baked in this way can be served as a main course. And served cold as a snack. In addition, this fillet goes great in salads. It tastes much better than boiled!

If you don't have a slow cooker, use the oven. Let's begin!


  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • soy sauce - to taste
  • table salt - to taste
  • black pepper - to taste
  • spices - to taste


1. Wash the chicken pulp in running cold water. Place in a colander or on a towel to drain off any remaining water. If you don’t have time to wait, just wrap it with a clean towel so that excess water is absorbed into it. Make sure that the towel does not have lint, otherwise it may get into the meat and slightly spoil the effect.

In order for the meat to bake aromatic and soft, we need to marinate it. We will use a simple but effective method - in soy sauce. This sauce works wonders on meat! Doesn't change the natural flavor of the chicken much, but still makes it tender. So, we thoroughly coat the chicken fillet with soy sauce and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Add a little salt. Sprinkle with spices to your taste. We peel the garlic and pass it through a press (“garlic press”). Rub the garlic into the pulp.

2. Leave the chicken fillet to marinate in this aromatic composition. After about half an hour, the meat should be thoroughly soaked in the marinade.

To make the chicken juicy, we will bake it in foil. Cut off the desired piece of foil, place the pulp on it, and carefully wrap it.

3. Place a piece of parchment on the bottom of the multicooker pan to prevent scratches from the foil. We place our chicken in foil on top of the paper.

4. Close the oven with a lid and set the baking mode. The time we need is 40 minutes. Having heard the bell, we can open the lid.

Chicken breast in a slow cooker turns out juicy and tender. If you follow some cooking rules, the dish also turns out to be dietary. Below are some of the most interesting and at the same time simple recipes for cooking chicken breast in a slow cooker.

The easiest way to prepare chicken breast is to bake it. The meat remains tasty both hot and cold.

  • skinless chicken fillet;
  • salt;
  • spices for chicken.

Rinse the fillet well and pat dry with paper towels. Rub with a mixture of spices and salt on all sides. Place in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave to marinate with spices for half an hour.

Take a sheet of foil, put the breast in it, wrap it on all sides. Place the package in the multicooker bowl with the seam facing up.

Cook on the “Bake” program for half an hour. If the breast is large, the cooking time will be longer, up to 45 minutes. 10 minutes before the end, turn over to the other side. Remove the package and let cool slightly - about ten minutes.

With vegetables

The recipe below can be called dietary - it contains few calories, but the dish turns out to be very satisfying.

For one serving you will need:

  • chicken breast - 200 g;
  • broccoli - 100 g;
  • carrots - 55 g;
  • rice - 15 g;
  • linseed oil - 4 ml (teas. l.);
  • salt, herbs.

Cut the fillet into longitudinal slices or medium portions. Salt the slices, season with herbs and mix. Leave to marinate. Cut the carrots into cubes. Separate broccoli into florets.

Place vegetables and meat in a random order on the multi-cooker basket. Pour twice as much water into the multi-cooker bowl as the amount of rice. Add some salt. Wash the cereal and add it to the water. We put a basket on top. Select the “Steam” mode and, if possible, select the “Meat” product. Set the timer for 20 minutes. Drain the rice through a sieve to remove excess water. Season the porridge with oil. Place everything on one dish.

In sour cream sauce

  • 600 g chicken breast without skin and bones;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • salt pepper.

Cut the breast into small pieces, finely chop the garlic and dill. Place sour cream, meat, herbs, spices and chopped products into a multicooker bowl. Mix all the contents with a spoon. Close the lid and set the cooking mode to “Grains” for 30 minutes. You can use the “Multi-cook” mode at a temperature of 120 degrees.

Steamed fillet in a slow cooker

Steamed fillet in a slow cooker will be an excellent dinner on the diet menu:

  • 1 boneless, skinless chicken breast;
  • salt, pepper mol.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 stack. water.

The preparation is very simple: the fillet is cut into oblong pieces, placed on a greased basket for steaming, the fillet is salted and peppered. Select the “Steam” program and the “Meat” product, cook for half an hour.

Chicken breast stewed with potatoes

Chicken breast with potatoes - what could be easier to prepare and more ideal in combination! A dish stewed in a slow cooker will be an excellent dinner or lunch that you can take with you to work.

  • 3 medium sized potatoes;
  • half a breast;
  • one medium carrot and one onion each;
  • salt, oil, tomato paste.

First, fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots in oil. Salt and pepper. Fry in the “Frying” mode for a quarter of an hour. The lid does not close. After that, tomato paste is laid out, and after a few minutes - diced potatoes. Mix everything, pour in a glass of hot water. Switch the program to “Stewing”, cooking time - 45 minutes.

How to cook pilaf?

Pilaf with chicken breast is a delicate dish that is quite popular among housewives. After all, you immediately get a full-fledged dish with meat and a side dish of cereal.

  • chicken breast - 1 whole, boneless and skinless;
  • rice - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 cups;
  • carrots - 1 unit;
  • onion - 1 unit;
  • spices “For pilaf”;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Pour oil into a multicooker bowl. Activate the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes. Finely chop the onion and add to the oil. Three carrots and also add to the oil and onion. Close the lid and leave to simmer.

Meanwhile, cut the chicken into small cubes. Add it to vegetables. Mix everything well and leave for 5 minutes - fry, under a closed lid.

After this, open the lid, add spices, mix, fill with water and add washed rice. There should be at least a third of an hour left until the end of cooking. Close the lid and leave the dish to cook.

Goulash from fillet in a slow cooker

  • fillet - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 unit;
  • carrots - 1 unit;
  • post oil - 3 table. l.;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
  • salt pepper;
  • flour - 2 table. l.;
  • tomato paste - 1 table. l.

The preparation is very simple: cut the chicken into pieces, fry the chopped onion and grated carrots in the “Frying” mode for about ten minutes. Afterwards, put the vegetables in a separate bowl, combine with flour and spices.

Next, lay out layers of chicken, vegetables, and herbs if desired, and fill everything with tomato paste. We stick the bay leaf on both sides of the contents and carefully pour in half a glass of hot water. Select the “Stew” mode and cook under the lid for 1-2 hours, depending on the power of the equipment.

On a note. Instead of pasta, you can use lecho or borscht dressing.


  • onion - 1 large;
  • chicken fillet - 1-1.3 kg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • medium potatoes - 5 units;
  • set of spices “For chicken”;
  • salt;
  • mayonnaise - 200 ml;
  • hard cheese - 150 gr.

Pour some vegetable oil into the multicooker. Select the “Frying” program for a quarter of an hour. Salt and rub the chicken breast halves with spices, place them in a multi-cooker bowl and cook with the lid on.

Meanwhile, cut the onion into rings and the potatoes into round slices. Three large cheeses.

Turn the fillet over to the other side, cover with a layer of onion rings, then with potato slices. Spread mayonnaise on top and cover with cheese.

Select the “Baking” mode for half an hour.

In bacon in a slow cooker

  • chicken breast - 3 halves without bone and skin;
  • dry parsley, salt, pepper, dry rosemary - 2 teaspoons each. l.;
  • hard cheese - 250 gr;
  • bacon, sliced ​​- 1 standard. package.

First of all, cut the fillet so that you get a “book”. Cover the meat with cling film and beat with a hammer. Afterwards, remove the film, add salt and cover a little with each spice. Repeat with each piece of fillet. Cut the cheese into thick slices. Place one block at a time into the meat and wrap it in a roll. Wrap the resulting roll in a piece of bacon.

Place the prepared rolls in a greased multi-cooker bowl. Select the “Baking” mode for half an hour, close the lid.

With lemon and black pepper

  • chicken breast on the bone - 1 large (500-700 g);
  • lemon - 2 mugs;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon. l.;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • olive oil or sunflower refined;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

Rinse the meat part thoroughly under running water, remove the skin if desired (without it you will get a dietary dish), and dry with paper towels. Make cuts in several places. Rub with a mixture of spices, herbs, salt, juice, oil. Place slices of garlic cloves into the slits. Take a sheet of foil, put a lemon circle, top with a breast, and a second lemon circle on it. Wrap tightly and place in multi-cooker bowl.

We activate the “Baking”, “Roasting” or “Multi-cook” mode for 50-80 minutes, depending on the size of the breast and the selected temperature.

Time: 50 min.

Servings: 3-4

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

A simple recipe for cooking chicken fillet in a Redmond slow cooker

Chicken fillet in the Redmond multicooker can be prepared using a variety of recipes. For those who are on a diet, steamed chicken fillet in a slow cooker is best. You can fry the fillet breaded or with pasta and various sauces.

The only drawback of chicken fillet is its dryness after improper cooking. A skillful multicooker assistant will not spoil dietary chicken meat. Chicken fillet does not contain fat, has a complete protein composition and is inexpensive, therefore it is the main meat product of the average family.

It can be given to children from an early age. A contraindication to eating chicken is pancreatitis. Chicken meat is beneficial not only because of its low calorie content (about 130 kcal per 100 g) and easily digestible proteins. It contains vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, which help improve the condition of the skin, metabolism and functioning of the nervous system.

The recipe for chicken fillet with pasta does not require additional preparation of the side dish. Everything turns out tasty and quickly. Tender golden fillet and pasta with sauce are prepared in half an hour in a slow cooker with minimal effort. A great option for feeding your family when you get home from work.

For slow cooker chicken recipes, it is better to buy chilled meat that has not been frozen. High-quality meat has a uniform pink color, a smooth and dry surface and a fresh, characteristic smell. Refrigerated meat results in less dry dishes.

Chicken fillet does not need to be soaked or marinated before cooking; it has a delicate texture without any pre-treatment. It is advisable to salt the meat at the end of frying so that it does not lose its juice, and cut it not too finely for the same reason.

For meat and pasta recipes, buy premium pasta, which is made from durum wheat. They should not boil quickly and turn into porridge after cooking.

You can use store-bought tomato sauce or make it yourself from fresh tomatoes with the addition of spices, garlic, and bell pepper.

Mint, thyme, basil, thyme, ground pepper, turmeric, and dried dill are used as spices in chicken recipes. It is advisable not to overdo it with spices. Only those whose taste they know and love are added. Spices are useful, but some of them can cause allergies. Chicken and garlic recipes go well together. It can be placed inside by making small cuts in the meat.

Let's start cooking


Cooking process

Step 1

Prepare everything for cooking. Peel carrots and onions. The onion is cut into pieces, the carrots are grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips. The chicken fillet is washed and cut into small pieces.

Step 2

Pour oil into a multicooker bowl, add onions and carrots. Turn on the “Frying” mode and lightly fry the vegetables without closing the multicooker lid. Add the chopped fillet to the vegetables and lightly fry on both sides. At the end of frying, pour in the prepared sauce, add spices and salt, and add clean hot water.

Step 3

Add pasta to meat and vegetables into a multicooker bowl. Switch the multicooker to the “Stew” mode. The time is set to 20 minutes.

Step 4

Hard cheese is grated. When the pasta is ready, mix it with meat and vegetables and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Close the multicooker and let the dish stand in the heating mode for 10 minutes. The finished dish is laid out on plates and decorated with herbs as desired.

Enjoy your meal!
