Spaghetti from zucchini raw food diet recipes. Raw salad of zucchini and carrots. How to cook raw spaghetti

Zucchini spaghetti with tomato sauce is a very tasty and satisfying dish. Even a person who is not used to eating raw food can eat it. It turns out incredibly tasty and healthy!

In our house, raw spaghetti like this is a staple dish for lunch. All the kids and especially my husband Denis really liked it. I must say that after I learned how to cook raw spaghetti, in 2 months we used up the entire supply of zucchini, which we usually leave for the whole winter. Therefore, be sure to prepare this dish for your family, especially in the summer during the season of young zucchini.


Grate 1 medium zucchini or 4 small young zucchini on a special grater for Korean carrots. Or using a special spaghetti knife. That's it, the spaghetti is ready. There is no need to salt or squeeze out the juice from our spaghetti.

Now we need to prepare a very tasty sauce for our spaghetti. There are many sauces for such an occasion. I will present you with some of them to try.

Tomato sauce

basil greens

2 cloves garlic (or asafoetida)

0.5 tsp dry coriander

sea ​​salt to taste (or without)

2 tbsp olive or any cold-pressed oil (without oil is also possible)

Beat everything with a blender.

Green sauce

avocado 1pc

lemon juice 2 tbsp. Roughly, go according to your taste

2 cloves garlic

spinach 1 bunch (instead of spinach you can put lettuce, dill or green basil, or all types of greens)

2 tbsp. cold pressed vegetable oil

salt, pepper to taste

Beat everything with a blender.

Peanut sauce

This type of sauce is the most delicious of all that we have tried. And in the end, I cook zucchini spaghetti with this sauce. But the peculiarity of this sauce is the seasoning “Adjika Ulyapskaya”, this is a mixture of various dry herbs, which gives any dishes prepared with it an amazing taste and smell. It is important to note that it is not spicy at all, but spicy and aromatic. You can purchase it, as well as other spices, on our Internet. Or at the address in Kurgan, Burova Street - Petrova 60, section 15 “BlagaDar”. "Ellegia Supermarket" store.

2 -3 medium tomatoes

1 handful of pine nuts

2 cloves of garlic large

1 sheet of dry nori, finely trimmed

3 tbsp. raw oil

Adjika Ulyapskaya dry 1 tbsp.

Lemon juice 2 tbsp.

1 tsp paprika

Zira 1\4 tsp.

Beat everything in a blender until smooth. This sauce is suitable for other raw food and even non-raw food dishes! Our guests ate this sauce with a raw salad and they also really liked it.

Now you know how to cook raw zucchini spaghetti with different types of sauces and you can invite even raw foodists to visit!))) Also, such spaghetti will be a worthy dish for the New Year's table, or for any other holiday! Bon appetit!

The topic of the day is zucchini in a raw food diet. Its high fiber content makes it a favorite product of those who closely and tirelessly monitor their health and regulate weight. Modest in appearance, the zucchini is nevertheless capable of real feats. Binds toxins, prevents the absorption of cholesterol, removes excess, and is effective in treating problems with blood vessels. What a hero! And it brings the greatest benefit when consumed raw. The gums, teeth, stomach and esophagus benefit from its use.

An amazing dish is zucchini spaghetti that does not require cooking. The replacement for traditional spaghetti is a worthy one - tasty, quick, easy. You can eat them without restrictions, because they do not make you gain weight. Not pasta, but a dream!

Result: 2 servings. Cooking time: 10 minutes.


  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 champignon;
  • dill.


  1. Peel the zucchini. If the fruit is young, with a thin, delicate peel, then it is not necessary to peel it, just wash it thoroughly.
  2. Take a Korean carrot grater. Rub the squash with long spaghetti-like noodles.
  3. Place on a plate in beautiful rings, garnish with champignon slices, sprinkle with dill.

With the addition of green Pesto sauce and pieces of champignons, this dish becomes worthy of a festive table.

Cute vitamin rolls are prepared quickly and deserve the highest praise. A successful combination of vegetables and nuts, seasoned with lemon juice, will make the dish a highlight of the table.


  • 1 young zucchini;
  • 1 stk. peeled walnuts;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • lemon;
  • salt.


  1. Soak the nuts in water for 1 hour. Then drain the water and rinse the nuts again.
  2. Cut the peeled carrots into small pieces.
  3. Place all ingredients in a food processor, add crushed garlic and lemon juice. Grind everything into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Cut the zucchini into thin strips. A mandoline grater copes well with this task, but if it is not available, a knife can easily replace it.
  5. Take a teaspoon of filling and wrap it in a zucchini strip. The “seams” can be secured with toothpicks.

The rolls are ready!

Raw food recipes caprese zucchini.

Result: 2 servings. Cooking time: 1 hour.

A symphony of taste – that’s what Italian caprese is. Let's try to experiment a little with the recipe, believe me, it will turn out great. By replacing just one ingredient, we get a new taste - perfect, rich.


  • Zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil;
  • basil;
  • pesto.


  1. Cut tomatoes and zucchini into large pieces and place them beautifully on a plate.
  2. Top with basil leaves, salt and olive oil.
  3. Leave the prepared food for an hour, let it soak in the aroma of basil and tomato juice.

Once you try this salad, you will never forget its wonderful taste!

There are many different variations of recipes for zucchini dishes. The same salad with the addition of a new ingredient is completely changed, turning into a new product. Zucchini is an unpretentious vegetable; it combines well in recipes, adding a fresh flavor to the dish.

Delicious summer salad: zucchini ribbons, pine nuts and lemon dressing. Citrus-based dressings are sometimes called citronettes. Refreshing and crunchy - a great snack for a light lunch. In general, zucchini tastes best in its raw form. You need to buy a very fresh and very small zucchini. And salt helps get rid of excess liquid, this takes 20 minutes. If you don't have time, [...]

Traditional Japanese Naruto rolls are usually made without rice, from fish and vegetables, which are wrapped in thinly sliced ​​cucumbers. This recipe is a raw, purely vegetable version of these rolls. The most difficult thing in preparing them is cutting the cucumbers so that you can wrap the filling in them like in sheets of nori. Mastery of this technique always inspires respect [...]

Tomatoes, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper, and dried in the sun or in a dehydrator, develop an incomparable flavor. They're so delicious that you can simply combine them with spaghetti squash and add some basil leaves to make a great lunch dish.

Reminiscent of Thai Pad Thai, this raw salad is made with shredded vegetables, mung bean sprouts and microgreens that pair perfectly with a tangy peanut sauce. It will never feel boring as each ingredient used adds its own unique texture and flavor.

This raw pizza crust is lighter and crunchier than your typical seed and nut crust because it's made with fresh, juicy vegetables. This base can be used only when removed from the dehydrator or stored in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container for a week. Slathered with a little raw pesto or other sauce, it goes well […]

This recipe is a lifesaver for those desperate to adapt regular hummus to a raw food diet using other products, from fermented sunflower seed cheese to cashews. Most raw hummus recipes include nuts or pea sprouts, while this version uses zucchini. Grinded in a blender, they give a very nice creamy […]

The star of this recipe is the luxurious, bright, sweet, earthy beets! This is a very versatile vegetable that is available almost all year round and is so delicious in desserts, salads, soups and other dishes! Here it is made into a beautiful, crisp pasta, served with classic Italian pesto sauce, which uses walnuts instead of the traditional pine nuts. The result is simply amazing! Beet […]

This is a great recipe for those who love to collect (or just eat!) wild forest mushrooms, which are finally in season. Time spent in nature is always time well spent! A walk through the forest and fresh air rich in the aromas of foliage, like nothing else, help maintain mental clarity. Besides, what could be more wonderful than a dinner prepared from your own […]

This spaghetti bowl has the potential to become one of the most favorite vegetable noodle dishes for many raw foodists. It's perfect for a weeknight lunch or dinner - it takes very little time and effort to make. At the same time, it produces the most real, serious food. Food that is satisfying and properly […]

Celery root is great for adding to soups and salads, but it also makes a surprisingly flavorful substitute for traditional pasta. Celery root paste is lightly crunchy and at the same time elastic and very pleasant to chew. She has all the qualities to rightfully occupy an honorable place on the raw food plate, in its very center. And although any […]

Tomatoes, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper, and dried in the sun or in a dehydrator, develop an incomparable flavor. They're so delicious that you can simply combine them with spaghetti squash and add some basil leaves to make a great lunch dish.

This recipe is great for showing how you can use up leftover ingredients, particularly dressing, that is sometimes left over from preparing for a holiday feast. Unused dressing makes an excellent sauce for raw noodles. The result is a simple and tasty dish. Here we take the Asian sesame ginger dressing as an example.

Zucchini is an amazing vegetable. They're very low in calories and fat, so a pasta like this one is perfect for those counting calories - it's super light and yet surprisingly filling. In addition to being low in calories and fat, zucchini is a source of […]

1. Zucchini and cucumber paste - delicious, called “Green Mood”.

Small zucchini - 1
Cucumber - 1
Lettuce leaves - several

Mayonnaise piquant sauce:
Raw cashews or almonds - 1 cup
Avocado - 1 ripe
Ginger - a piece to taste
Garlic - clove
Honey - 1 tbsp (optional)
Lemon juice - half a lemon
Freshly ground mustard - 1 teaspoon (or half)
Dry Provence herbs or a sprig of fresh basil - to taste
Chopped small green onion - to taste
Himalayan (sea salt) - to taste
Water - enough to obtain mayonnaise consistency

Peel the cucumber and zucchini and cut with a Korean carrot grater. Place on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with lemon =).
In a blender, blend the ingredients for the sauce (except the onion) until pleasantly tender. Chop the onion and add it there. Hold on as hard as you can and don't eat the sauce before the dish is served!
Place the sauce on the resulting pasta and that’s it :))))
Fill yourself with vitamins and microelements while listening to pleasant music.

2. Raw food pasta “Italiano”
You can add a lot - onions, olives, mushrooms, different peppers and tomatoes of different sizes. Here: pieces of carrots, sweet peppers, and small tomatoes.

2 zucchini or zucchini
1 carrot
1 sweet pepper
1 cup small cherry tomatoes
basil leaves for decoration

Cut the zucchini into thin strips using a special grater (like for Korean carrots) and place in a large bowl. Cut carrots and peppers into medium-sized pieces and add to bowls along with small tomatoes (which can be cut in half if desired). Pour tomato sauce over everything and mix. When serving, garnish with basil leaves.

Simple tomato sauce
1 tsp hot pepper, finely chopped
1 small red bell pepper
2-3 small tomatoes, preferably less watery, such as Roma (cream)
1/2 cup dried tomatoes
2 tsp oregano (oregano), finely chopped
1/2 cup fresh basil
1 clove of garlic
2 tsp olive oil
salt to taste
Grind everything in a blender to a thick consistency.

3. Raw Spaghetti with Carrot Sauce

This recipe is also good because it does not require any exotic ingredients. Carrots, zucchini, walnuts, and garlic are all you need. Be sure to try this recipe!

Carrots, 250 gr.
Walnuts, 50-60 gr.
garlic, 1-2 cloves (or to taste)
water, 150 ml.
salt to taste
lemon juice, optional
For Spaghetti:
Zucchini or zucchini

Soak the walnuts in water for 2 hours (if you don’t have time, you can skip this step).
Then drain the water, rinse, and transfer to a blender. Add carrots, cut into small pieces, as well as garlic and salt to taste.
Pour water over carrots and nuts and chop until smooth.
Our pesto sauce is ready!

Now we “cut” spaghetti from zucchini or zucchini (whichever you prefer) using a spiral cutter.
If you don’t have a spiral cutter, you can grate the zucchini using a “Korean carrot” grater, or a regular coarse grater. Season the spaghetti with sauce and voila, our lunch is ready! If desired, you can sprinkle with lemon juice. Delicious both with and without it.

4. Raw spaghetti with hot sauce.

To prepare you will need:

1/2 teaspoon Paprika
2 Pomodoros
500 g. Zucchini
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 Avocado
1 clove of garlic
1/2 teaspoon Curry
3 tablespoon Lemon juice
30 g. Pine nuts

Cooking method:

Are you missing delicious spaghetti with hot sauce? We invite you to try making a raw food replacement for this great delicacy. We will use young fresh zucchini as paste. One such serving contains a daily supply of vitamins and microelements. This dish will appeal not only to raw foodists!

We take a blender bowl and put all the ingredients there (except for the zucchini), then beat until smooth and pour our sauce into a separate bowl. Take a fine grater and grate the zucchini. Now fill our raw spaghetti with sauce and enjoy the amazing taste.
The dish is designed for 1 serving.
Total cooking time is approximately 15 minutes

5. Carrot fettuccine a la marinara.


Carrots – 1 pc.
-avocado – 1 pc.
- lettuce leaves – 1/3 bunch
- Marinara sauce - 4 tbsp.
- flax seeds – 1 tbsp.
- parsley - for decoration

Cooking method:

Wash the carrots, dry with a napkin, peel with a vegetable peeler and continue to “peel” the carrots, removing thin ribbons about 1 cm wide, similar to Italian fettuccine pasta. In the “Fettuccine with Champignons” recipe, we made zucchini pasta. Now it’s the carrot’s turn. You can, of course, just grate the carrots using a Korean carrot grater, but carrot fettuccine looks much more impressive.

Transfer the finished carrot ribbons to a salad bowl, add 3 tbsp. marinara sauce and stir.
Peel and pit the avocado. Cut into large slices, add to carrots and mix gently.
Wash parsley leaves and lettuce leaves and dry with a napkin.
Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder.

That’s all, actually, the vegetable pasta “Fettuccine Marinara” is ready. All that remains is to decorate the finished dish before serving.

Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands and place in a ring on a flat plate. Place carrot fettuccine with sauce in the center. Place 1 tbsp on top. Marinara sauce. Sprinkle the dish with ground flax seed, garnish with parsley leaves and serve.
