Technological diagram for preparing gingerbread dough. Preparing gingerbread dough. Sugar-honey gingerbread dough

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher professional education

"South Ural State University"


Department of Equipment and Technologies of Food Production

Direction 260100. “Food products from plant materials”


In the discipline "Introduction to food technology"

On the topic “Gingerbread production technology”

Head (senior teacher)

Student of group ETT-472-z

Vetchinova A.S.

Chelyabinsk 2015



4.2 Control methods




raw gingerbread dough


Gingerbread is one of the most ancient types of confectionery among many countries and peoples. Even when opening Egyptian tombs, archaeologists found fossilized flour products made from honey. And during excavations in Italy, clay molds for making ancient gingerbread - honey cakes - were discovered. They began to be called gingerbread much later, when various spices appeared. The first records of gingerbread appeared in 350 BC. Gingerbread cookies in the form we know were first made in Belgium in the city of Dinan, and later were borrowed by the people from the city of Aachen (Germany). Aachen gingerbread is a traditional German rectangular gingerbread studded with various nuts, candied fruits, as well as spices and marzipan. They come from a small town called Aachen with a population of about 250 thousand people.

Gingerbread is probably one of the very first delicacies. They have long been considered an exquisite dessert; just remember the famous Tula gingerbreads, “printed” gingerbreads, and so on. In Rus', gingerbread has always been held in high esteem, both in simple families and on the royal table.

Gingerbread as a type of dessert is very popular in Russia, this is confirmed by the fact that the production and sales volumes of this product in various forms exceed the volumes of all types of currently produced butter and shortbread cookies taken together by almost twice. The population's great demand applies to all types of gingerbread, regardless of whether they are filled or not, which is the reason for the increased demand of confectionery manufacturers for gingerbread manufacturing technology in order to expand the existing range and attract more customers.

In Russia, about 700 thousand tons of flour confectionery products are consumed annually. Due to the high content of carbohydrates and fats, these products are very high in calories. Flour products - crackers, dried cakes, gingerbreads, cookies and waffles on the national market are mainly represented by Russian products. In the regions, residents prefer inexpensive flour confectionery products from local producers, and in large cities - brands from well-known national companies. Growth in sales of flour confectionery products mainly in the regions. Priorities are given to sweet cookies (60%), gingerbread (19%), and waffle products (18%). At the same time, salted cookies, biscuits and crackers occupy a small niche (3%) in the market of flour confectionery products.

The production of gingerbread cookies is an advantageous condition due to the low cost of raw materials. It is profitable for confectionery enterprises to produce this type of product.

Gingerbread has been made in our country since ancient times. They differ from cookies in their high sugar content (up to 61%) and the use of rye-wheat flour in addition to wheat. The name “gingerbread” comes from the word “spice”, since a mandatory addition to the gingerbread dough is “dry perfume” - a mixture of ground cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, star anise, allspice and black pepper, ginger, vanillin (in percentage 60%:12%:12%:4%:4%:8%). Chemical raising agents, molasses, honey, whey, raisins, nuts, candied fruits, dyes, enzymes, and flavorings are also used.

Gingerbread cookies are in high demand due to their pleasant spicy-sweet taste and aroma. Gingerbread cookies are characterized by significant calorie content - 1389-1406 kJ per 100 g.

Relevance of this work: Currently, a process engineer must be a specialist with a broad scientific and technical outlook and a good understanding of the essence of real processes for processing raw materials and semi-finished products into finished flour confectionery products.

The purpose of the course: “Technology of flour confectionery products” - (gingerbread) - to study technologies for producing high-quality products, taking into account the various properties of raw materials, modern technologies and advanced equipment. With such an integrated approach, a link between general and special courses is achieved, the horizons expand, as a result of which we become more prepared for the production of flour confectionery products in small and large enterprises.

Task to study:

Technologies of flour confectionery products, namely gingerbread;

Properties of main and additional raw materials, semi-finished products, gingerbread production and methods for its evaluation;

Main types of gingerbread;

Traditional and new technologies for preparing gingerbread;

Methods for quality control of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products


In Russia there are many types of gingerbread, which can be roughly classified:

by production technology (raw, beaten, brewed);

by appearance (written, curly, printed);

by composition and filling (mint, honey, almond, raspberry, molasses).

Most often, gingerbreads were distinguished by place of origin: Tula, Moscow, Vyazma, Rzhev, Gorodets. Although gingerbread had much in common (they all contained honey and rye flour), each locality used traditional flavorings. Gingerbread cookies from different regions could also be distinguished by their appearance: shape, printing and glaze.

Beaten were called gingerbread cookies made from pieces of dough that were so large (a pound or more) that there was no way to knead it with your hands. The dough was beaten by several people with special sticks or bats.

Printed gingerbread cookies, as the name suggests, were decorated with a seal imprint on the front before being placed in the oven. These are the famous Tula gingerbread cookies. The seal usually depicted fairy-tale characters or ornamental designs. Sometimes the city's coat of arms or other symbols could be found on the seals.

Figured - baked especially for children: in the shape of birds, cockerels, fish, bunnies, in the form of letters for children who were learning to read and write.

Chelyabinsk OJSC "First Bread Factory" produces 14 types of this product: (see Appendix A)

However, there are “veterans” of gingerbread production, such as Tula gingerbread, Arkhangelsk roe, and pink Siberian gingerbread. The most famous type of Russian gingerbread is, of course, Tula. This famous delicacy was first mentioned in a scribe’s book of 1685. Gingerbread was destined to glorify the Tula region.

A special regional variety of Russian gingerbread is kozuli. Such gingerbread cookies are very popular in the Arkhangelsk region and are considered one of the symbols of Pomerania. Based on the method of making roe, at least modern ones, they can be classified as cut-out gingerbread cookies. Today, traditional roe deer are baked in the Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions and the Urals. Recipes for roe deer dough are varied and are often kept in families for decades. A characteristic component of this dough is “zhzhenka” - sugar syrup caramelized to an amber-brown color. Almost always, roe deer are richly decorated - painted with whipped protein mass with the addition of various dyes.

It is no secret that the success of any manufacturing enterprise is largely determined by the product range. The wider the range, the closer the success. The assortment of gingerbread cookies can be significantly increased by using various types of additives, glazing, and fillings. Gingerbread products belong to flour confectionery products, which are characterized by a high content of sugar, eggs, and fat. Gingerbread products include gingerbread and gingerbread. A distinctive feature of gingerbread from other flour confectionery products is the use of “dry perfume” in their recipe.

Yolks were added to gingerbread dough made from wheat flour, and often a color dye, mainly carotene or betanin, to give them an appetizing yellow-brown color. Modern technology uses natural caramel color "Carmel". These gingerbread cookies were sprinkled with crushed almonds and candied fruits, and then kept in the oven after the bread. Chocolate gingerbread cookies were coated on top and bottom with a mass of grated chocolate and sugar. In Siberia, gingerbreads made from pink dough, small gingerbreads made with dry raspberries, etc. are known. GOST 15810-96 applies to gingerbread products. Gingerbread products are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to recipes and technological instructions, in compliance with current sanitary standards and rules approved in the established manner.

Gingerbread products are divided into:

according to the method of dough production - into custard (with flour brewing) and raw (without flour brewing);

by type of flour - products made from premium, 1st and 2nd grade wheat flour from a mixture of rye flour and 1st and 2nd grade wheat flour;

by surface finishing -- glazed and unglazed glazing is mainly done with sugar syrup, and glaze is about 15%.;

without filling, with filling (fruit filling is added to a layer of dough, into cut baked gingerbread cookies, some types of small gingerbread cookies are glued together with filling), fruit filling is used - from applesauce or a mixture of apple and fruit and berry puree, fruit filling from jam or fruit poaching, the filling makes up 10... 17% of the gingerbread mass;

in shape and size - small (of various shapes with the number of pieces per 1 kg from 30 or more), large (of various shapes with the number of pieces per 1 kg less than 30), souvenir loaves, gingerbread (in the form of whole rectangular layers or cut into pieces ).

The thickness of gingerbread products must be at least:

18 mm - for gingerbread without filling;

14 mm - for gingerbreads such as Children's, Vyazemsky, Tula, figured and prepared with artificial honey using rye flour;

20 mm - for gingerbread like custard;

30 mm - for gingerbread in each layer.

To finish the surface of gingerbread products, glaze with sugar syrup, sprinkle with granulated sugar, poppy seeds, nut kernels, and grease with egg.

Raw gingerbreads are usually produced in white color, glazed or unglazed. Unglazed gingerbreads of small sizes are produced from premium flour with the addition of various flavors - Mint, Vanilla, Lemon, Children's (glazed, with filling and a pattern on the surface);

made from 1st grade flour - glazed gingerbreads in the shape of fish, horses, birds, as well as with fruit filling - Vyazemskie, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Osennye (with the addition of soy flour), Lvovskie (with margarine, poppy seeds), Piquant and Surprise (based on cheese whey),

from 2nd grade flour - Dneprovskie (glazed), Yuzhnye (unglazed).

Custard gingerbreads are dark in color, more aromatic, they are produced mainly glazed, they are prepared:

from premium wheat flour mint - Lyubitelskie, Nevskie (with the addition of 23% margarine), Novost (with the addition of margarine and eggs), etc.,

from 1st grade wheat flour - Voronezhskie (with the addition of margarine and vegetable oil), Leningradskie (with the addition of honey, margarine, vegetable oil and cocoa powder), Dorozhnye, Zagorskie, Cranberry, Komsomolskie, Crimean, Honey (they do not contain honey less than 20%), Quiet Don (with the addition of apple powder), etc.;

from 2nd grade flour - Karelian (with vegetable oil and nuts), Caramel (with caramel crumbs), Yuzhnaya gingerbread (with filling) and Mostovaya (without filling), etc. From a mixture of rye and wheat flour 1st and 2nd gingerbread varieties are produced: Fragrant, Druzhba, Soyuznye, Sportivnye, Tea, etc.

from a mixture of rye and wheat flour - Fragrant, Friendship, Union, Sports, Tea. The assortment of gingerbreads is constantly changing and expanding through the use of new additives, dyes, and the development of new recipes.


Gingerbreads are flour confectionery products of various shapes and thicknesses with a convex surface, which contain a large amount of sugary substances (molasses, honey, sugar) and necessarily spices.

Depending on the cooking technology, gingerbread can be raw or custard. Based on the method of forming the dough, gingerbread cookies are divided into gingerbread cookies and gingerbread cookies. Gingerbreads are layers of gingerbread dough of various shapes, most often layered with fruit filling, mostly rectangular and round. Gingerbread cookies and gingerbread cookies should have a non-blurry shape, well-developed porosity without voids in the crumb. The surface of gingerbread cookies and gingerbread cookies should be smooth, without swelling or depressions, and the crumb should be homogeneous, without traces of unkneading. Gingerbread cookies and gingerbread cookies are produced without filling and with filling.

Technological diagram for the production of custard gingerbreads and gingerbreads

* preparation of raw materials for production;

* preparation of sugar-honey or sugar-treacle syrup;

* brewing flour with syrup;

* cooling the choux pastry;

* kneading dough;

* molding dough pieces;

* baking gingerbread;

* glazing (replication) of gingerbread cookies;

* cooling gingerbread;

* packaging and packing.

The production line includes several mandatory sections - a raw material preparation section, a dough preparation section, a molding section, and a baking section. In addition to the required ones, the line may include a number of additional sections, depending on production volumes and the capabilities of the manufacturer.

The main raw materials for making gingerbread are wheat flour (45-55% in the recipe), sugar-containing raw materials (sugar, honey, molasses) up to 60% by weight of flour, fats (3-6% in the recipe), spices, raising salts. To improve the taste, you can add dairy products, egg products, raisins, nuts, and jam to the recipe.

Before being used in production, all raw materials undergo special training, which is carried out in accordance with the current “Instructions for preventing the ingress of foreign objects into products at enterprises of the confectionery industry and in cooperatives” and the current “Sanitary Rules for Enterprises of the Confectionery Industry”.

Preparation of raw materials for production includes the following operations: * releasing raw materials from containers;

* cleaning raw materials from foreign mechanical, metal and ferromagnetic impurities by sifting, straining or wiping, depending on the type of raw materials;

* dissolution of raw materials (chemical disintegrants, salt);

* preparation of semi-finished products (syrups, fillings);

* tempering of raw materials (fats, glazes);

* weighing, volumetric dosing of raw materials, supply to production.

For the production of gingerbread, it is recommended to use wheat flour of the highest, first or second grade with an amount of raw gluten of 25-30%, for raw gingerbread - medium and weak in quality (65-90 IDK units), for custard gingerbread - weak in quality (80- 100 units of IDK device). Flour moisture content should not exceed 15%. To increase the freshness period and reduce drying out of especially raw gingerbreads, it is possible to replace up to 50% of wheat flour with rye flour.

Sugar in the production of gingerbread is most often used in the form of sugar, invert or sugar-honey, sugar-treacle syrups. Molasses, honey, and invert syrup are used in the production of gingerbread to increase the hygroscopicity of products, which helps extend their shelf life and prevents the products from quickly becoming stale.

In the production of gingerbread, margarine (fat content of at least 82%), butter, and confectionery fats with a melting point of 34-37ºC are used.

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) 0.15% by weight of flour and ammonium carbonate 0.4% by weight of flour are used as leavening agents.

The recipe for most gingerbreads includes a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, allspice, black pepper, cardamom, ginger, the so-called “dry perfume”.

Depending on the technology for preparing the dough, gingerbreads are divided into custard and raw. Each of these types can be produced with or without filling.

2.2 Preparation of gingerbread dough

To knead raw gingerbread dough, sugar syrup is first prepared by boiling sugar, honey and molasses with water. The syrup is cooled to 20-22°C, the density of the syrup should be 1.31-1.32 g/cm3. The dough can be prepared without first dissolving the sugar, but in this case the kneading will be longer. Gingerbread dough is kneaded in kneading machines with a stationary vat. The raw materials are loaded into the kneading vat in the following order: sugar or sugar syrup, water, honey, molasses, melange, dry perfume. All ingredients are mixed for 3-4 minutes, then flour and chemical leavening agents are added and kneading continues for another 10-15 minutes. The humidity of the raw dough is 24-26%, the temperature is 20-22oC. Elevated temperatures and prolonged cutting of raw dough can cause it to tighten due to significant swelling of the gluten. Gingerbread cookies made from overdone dough or from dough with insufficient moisture are compressed and have low porosity; When the humidity of the dough is high, the products become blurry. To prevent overcooking, the raw dough is prepared in small portions, which are cut in 15-20 minutes.

During storage, raw gingerbreads become stale very quickly. By using invert syrup instead of sugar or preparing the dough with warm syrup at a temperature of 38-40°C, you can improve the quality of raw gingerbread cookies and somewhat delay their staleness. The duration of cutting a portion of dough mixed with warm syrup is reduced to 7-8 minutes, otherwise it will take longer. You can also prepare raw gingerbread according to the recipe for custard varieties. The dough for Vyazma and Tula gingerbreads is kneaded with sugar syrup, cooled to 30-35oC. Kneading the dough for Tula gingerbread lasts 30-40 minutes, and for Vyazma gingerbread - 7-8 minutes. The final dough temperature for Vyazma and Tula gingerbread is 27-28 ° C, the dough humidity is 18-20%.

Chouxed gingerbread dough is prepared in 3 stages: syrup - brewing - dough. To obtain syrup, a mixture of honey, sugar, molasses and margarine is heated with water to 80-100°C. The density of the syrup is 1.31-1.32 g/cm3. By mixing flour with hot syrup in a machine, you get tea leaves. In most cases, the temperature of the syrup before mixing it with flour is in the range of 65-75°C, and the brewing temperature is 48-55°C. When using hotter syrup, the flour starch swells more fully, which improves the quality of the gingerbread. However, when using hot syrup, the cooling of the brew slows down, the temperature of which should be 29-30°C before mixing with other raw materials.

Previously, gingerbread brew was kept in a cold room from four weeks to one year, it was believed that with prolonged storage the quality of the product improved. Such resting complicated the preparation of gingerbread and interfered with the organization of continuous production. Research in recent years has shown that resting does not significantly affect the quality of products; the composition of the tea leaves practically does not change during long-term resting.

Currently, in a number of enterprises, the tea leaves are cooled in chests or baking trays, where the dough is placed in layers and greased with vegetable oil or sprinkled with crumbs so that a monolithic mass does not form. Cooling duration is from 1 to 6 days. However, it is more rational from the point of view of organizing production to cool the tea leaves by using a kneading machine with a water jacket to knead it. To speed up the preparation of choux pastry, syrup at a temperature of 50-55 ° C is sometimes used, the brewing temperature in this case is 38-40 ° C, it cools relatively quickly, after which it is mixed with the rest of the raw materials (flavors and chemical leavening agents).

Kneading choux pastry cooled in a kneading machine lasts 25-30 minutes, and with colder syrup - only 5-8 minutes, dough temperature 29-30 ° C, humidity - 20-22%.

2.3 Shaping, baking and printing (glazing)

During molding, in addition to giving the dough a certain shape, for some types of gingerbread a drawing or inscription is applied to the surface. The bulk of gingerbreads are formed on the FPL machine. The dough to be formed enters the receiving funnel. At the bottom of the funnel, two pressure rollers, rotating one towards the other, press the dough through the dies. The matrices have holes of various shapes. The dough, in the form of ropes, is cut into separate pieces by a moving string. The molded blanks fall onto stencils moving along a special conveyor. When baking not on stencils, but on a steel belt, a similar machine is used, which deposits molded dough pieces directly onto the steel belt of the oven. For the mechanized production of molded gingerbread dough pieces with filling, a special automatic machine is used. This machine can also mold dough pieces for gingerbread without filling. At the same time, the productivity of the machine increases.

Some types of gingerbread are formed using various molds (metal and wood). Gingerbread cookies molded into wooden molds are called printed ones. These gingerbread cookies are mainly intended for children, so the shapes have the outlines of birds, fish and various animals. When forming such gingerbread cookies, the dough is pressed manually or using special wooden blocks into a wooden mold, which is a board with an engraved design or inscription. The resulting dough piece is removed from the mold, placed on a metal sheet and sent for baking. When making gingerbread with filling, wooden molds consisting of two parts are used. One part of the mold, on which a design or inscription is engraved, molds the upper part of the gingerbread, and the other part of the mold without a design or inscription molds the lower part of the gingerbread.

The molding process is carried out as follows. The filling is placed on the molded dough without a pattern and inscription and covered with the molded dough with a pattern and inscription, and then the edges of the two halves of the gingerbread are squeezed together. so that the filling does not leak out. When producing gingerbread cookies with “Tula” type filling, molding with wooden stencils is used. The rolled dough, 5-6 mm thick, should have dimensions twice the length of the stencil. Half of the layer is spread with an even layer of filling and covered with the other half of the layer, then the edges are squeezed with your fingers so that they stick together. A stencil is a wooden board of a certain size, with various designs engraved along the edges and the name of the gingerbread in the middle. The dough layer with the filling is placed on the engraved surface of the stencil, which is lightly greased with vegetable oil, and pressed in with your hand and a wooden block. After this, lightly hitting the stencil on the table releases the molded dough from the mold. The dough for the gingerbread is formed by rolling it into a layer. The thickness of the gingerbread blank is 11-13 mm. The rolled out layer is cut into strips, placed on sheets and sent for baking.

Continuous conveyor ovens are most often used for baking gingerbread. Baking is done on stencils, steel tape or mesh. Heating is used gas or electric. Before baking, the surface of some types of gingerbread is greased with eggs and a pattern is applied. The surface of the gingerbread is lubricated with cold water and pierced in several places to prevent the top crust from swelling. Baking mode for raw gingerbreads is 7-12 minutes at a temperature of 220-240C. However, deviations are allowed for some types of raw gingerbread. For example, “Mint” gingerbread cookies are baked at a lower temperature (190-210° C). This mode was adopted in order to avoid the appearance of a dark color on their Surface. Gingerbread cookies of the “Autumn” type are baked at a higher temperature (250° C) and for a longer time. For “Tula” type gingerbreads, an even higher baking temperature (265-270° C) is recommended, but the baking time is reduced to 5-6 minutes. Custard gingerbreads are baked for 7-12 minutes at a temperature of 210-220°C, gingerbread cookies - for 25-40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200C.

When baking gingerbread, basically the same processes occur as when baking cookies. The significant increase in duration and relatively low baking temperatures compared to the baking temperatures of sugar cookies are associated with the increased thickness of the dough pieces used in the manufacture of gingerbread cookies. The baking time can be changed depending on the moisture content of the dough pieces, the temperature of the oven and the degree of filling.

The baking process can be divided into three periods. During the first period, lasting approximately 1 min, moisture is not removed from the sample. The surface temperature of the layer reaches 60° C. and the temperature of the central layers increases by only 2-3° C. The second baking period is characterized by a variable rate of moisture transfer. During this period, dehydration of the surface of the layers occurs. The moisture flow is directed into the sample. The third baking period is a period of constant moisture transfer rate. The moisture content of the central layers does not change, and dehydration occurs from the surface layers. By the end of baking, the temperature of the surface layer reaches 175° C, and the central layers - slightly above 100° C.

After baking, the gingerbreads are cooled for 20-22 minutes to a temperature of 40-45C. When baking on steel meshes or belts, cooling is carried out without removal, directly on these surfaces. Removal occurs only when the products are easily separated from the mesh or steel belt. When baking on stencil sheets (after leaving the oven), they are placed together with the products on shelves or fixed racks. After such pre-cooling, the products are easily removed and sent for final cooling. As the gingerbreads cool, their moisture content decreases significantly. This process slows down as the temperature decreases.

Most types of gingerbread need to be finished. Gingerbread finishing refers to covering the surface with a layer of glaze. As a result, the surface of the gingerbread is covered with a glossy, marble-like crust of crystallized sugar. The layer of sugar helps maintain freshness and inhibits staling; in addition, after glazing, the taste of the gingerbread improves. Up to 20 kg of chilled gingerbread are immersed in a panning kettle and filled with sugar syrup having a temperature of 85-95 C, which is prepared as a solution of sugar (100 parts) in water (40 parts) with heating to 110-114 C. Processing in a panning kettle is carried out for 1 -2 minutes. Then the gingerbread cookies are unloaded and dried at a temperature of about 60 C. Drying duration is 9-10 minutes. After this, it is further cooled by blowing air. At mechanized enterprises, gingerbread glazing is carried out in continuous units. This unit is a drum rotating on a horizontal axis, into which gingerbread cookies and syrup with a temperature of 90-95 ° C are continuously supplied. When the drum rotates, gingerbread cookies doused with sugar syrup move inside the drum to the inlet. The duration of the process is up to 50 s.

2.4 Filling, packaging and storage of gingerbread

Gingerbread products are packaged in boxes made of cardboard, packs of cardboard or paper for packaging products in vending machines, bags of cellophane or polymer films approved for use by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, with a net weight of up to 1 kg.

The bottom and top row of boxes are lined with materials approved for use by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

Boxes, bags and packs with gingerbread products are placed in wooden boxes, reusable boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of no more than 15 kg, and woven veneer boxes with a net weight of no more than 9 kg.

For intracity transportation, it is allowed to pack packaged gingerbread products in bread trays in one row and metal container equipment, and boxes with gingerbread products - in two layers of wrapping paper tied with twine with a net weight of no more than 10 kg.

Weighted gingerbread products are placed in rows on edge or in bulk, piece gingerbread products are placed in rows in corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of no more than 12 kg, wood boxes, reusable boxes with a net weight of up to 20 kg, boxes made of woven veneer according to current regulations with a net weight of up to 9 kg.

The inside of the boxes is lined with materials approved for use by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, so that the material covers the top row of products. The same materials line the rows of products.

During intracity transportation, it is allowed to pack gingerbread products by weight, with the exception of gingerbread products with filling and gingerbreads of the “Children’s” type, which are placed in rows, in bulk, in boxes-trays, boxes made of polymer materials, approved for use by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities, with a net weight of not more than 15kg.

Free gaps in the boxes left after placing packaged and weighed gingerbread products are filled with paper.

It is allowed to pack packaged and weighed gingerbread products in returnable containers. In this case, the container must be clean and before placing the products, it must be lined on all sides with materials approved for use by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

Gingerbread products are stored in dry, well-ventilated areas that are free of foreign odors and not infested with barn pests. Most products are stored at a temperature of 18°C ​​(without sharp fluctuations) and relative air humidity of 70-75%.

Boxes with confectionery products should be installed on racks in stacks no more than 2 m high, passages of at least 0.7 m should be left between the stacks and the wall, the distance from the heat source and sewer pipes should be at least 1 m.

When storing confectionery products, as a rule, they should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The shelf life of gingerbread products under the specified storage and transportation conditions from the date of manufacture is established, in days, no more than:

20 - for raw unglazed (except mint) gingerbread and gingerbread;

10 - for raw and custard gingerbreads such as mint ones in winter;

15 - for raw and custard gingerbreads such as mint ones in winter;

20 - for raw glazed gingerbread cookies and gingerbread cookies;

20 - for custard gingerbread in the summer;

30 - for custard gingerbread in winter;

20 - for custard cakes;

15 - for gingerbreads containing more than 11% fat.

Quality indicators of gingerbread confectionery products according to GOST 15810-96

Humidity, % 10.0-15.0

Alkalinity, degrees, no more than 2.0

Mass fraction of fat, % 1.5-7.0

in terms of dry matter, % 19.0-36.0


Substances that determine the taste and aroma of gingerbread products begin to form already when kneading the dough. The formation of dough during kneading occurs as a result of a number of processes, the most important of which are: physicochemical, (mechanical), colloidal and biochemical. All these processes occur simultaneously and depend on the duration of kneading, temperature and the quality and quantity of raw materials used when kneading the dough.

Physical and mechanical processes occur during kneading under the influence of a kneading organ, which mixes flour particles, water, and raw material solutions, ensuring the interaction of all the components of the recipe. Physical changes in the dough are associated, on the one hand, with the mechanical impact of the working parts of the machines on it, and on the other hand, they are the result of those processes that occur in the dough during its loosening by carbon dioxide, changes in the temperature of the dough, temperature and humidity of the environment and etc.).

Colloidal processes occur most actively during mixing. This is how all the components of flour (proteins, starch, mucus, sugar, etc.) begin to interact with water. Everything that can dissolve (sugars, mineral salts, water-soluble proteins) goes into solution and, along with free water, forms the liquid phase of the dough. By its nature, the dough is a complex, highly hydrated colloidal system. The main feature of this system is the unity of hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, which determine the nature of colloidal processes such as hydration, swelling, structure formation, and peptization in the dough.

When kneading the dough, a portion of the flour begins to quickly absorb water, swelling at the same time. The adhesion of swelling flour particles into a continuous mass, which occurs as a result of mechanical action on the mixed mass, leads to the formation of dough from flour, water and other raw materials. The main role in the formation of wheat dough with its inherent properties of elasticity, plasticity and viscosity belongs to the protein substances of flour. The water-insoluble protein substances of flour, which form gluten, bind water in the dough not only adsorption, but also osmotically. When kneading dough, swollen protein substances, as a result of mechanical influences, are “pulled out” from the flour fractions containing them in the form of films or flagella, which in turn are connected (as a result of adhesion, and partially the formation of chemical covalent and other substances that “crosslink” them) connections - bridges) with films and flagella of the swollen protein of adjacent flour particles. As a result of this, the swollen water-insoluble proteins form a three-dimensional spongy-mesh continuous structural basis in the dough, like a spongy frame (“skeleton”), which mainly determines the specific structural and mechanical properties of wheat dough - its elasticity and resilience.

This protein structural framework is often called gluten. In the dough, starch grains and particles of grain shells are interspersed into the protein frame. Protein substances that make up the base, when swollen, can osmotically absorb not only water, but also dissolved components of flour and dough, even peptized in the liquid phase. The structure of the protein in this framework is oxidatively influenced by the oxygen of air bubbles, mechanically captured during dough kneading. In the test, flour proteinase, located in the fraction of water-soluble proteins in its liquid phase, also acts on the protein of its framework.

Flour starch constitutes quantitatively the main part of the dough. From the point of view of binding in the water test, it is of great importance that part of the starch grains of the flour (usually 15%) are damaged during grinding. It has been established that if whole starch grains of flour can bind a maximum of 44% moisture on a dry matter basis, then damaged starch grains can absorb water up to 200%.

Starch grains, shell particles, and swollen water-insoluble proteins make up the “solid” phase of the dough. Starch grains and shell particles, unlike proteins, provide the dough with only plasticity properties. Along with the solid phase, the dough also contains a liquid phase. In the part of the water not bound by adsorption by starch, proteins and particles of grain shells, there are water-soluble substances of the dough - cultures (water-soluble proteins, dextrins, sugars, salts, etc.). In this phase, probably, there are also pentosans (mucus) of the flour, which swell very strongly. With an increase in temperature in an aqueous environment to 50 °C, starch swells well, at a temperature of 62 - 65 °C it gelatinizes and increases in volume. The gelatinization temperature of starch is increased by sodium chloride (table salt) and hard water. Fully gelatinized with hot water and cooled, starch jellies have an amorphous structure and may contain a significant amount of water.

Gelatinized starch grains are hydrolyzed by amylolytic enzymes faster than non-gelatinized starch grains. In this case, dextrins and sugars are formed. This occurs when preparing choux gingerbread dough.

The liquid phase of wheat dough includes the components listed above and may partially be in the form of a free gelatinous liquid surrounding the elements of the solid phase. However, in wheat dough, a significant part of the liquid phase, containing mainly relatively low molecular weight substances, can be osmotically absorbed by the swollen dough proteins.

Along with the solid and liquid phases, the dough has a gaseous phase. It is usually believed that the gaseous phase in the dough appears only as a result of the fermentation process in the form of bubbles of carbon dioxide released by the yeast. It was also found that during kneading a gaseous phase is formed in it. This occurs due to the capture and retention of air bubbles by the dough (occlusion). Part of the air is introduced into the flour mass and in very small quantities with water before kneading the dough. It is obvious that some of the air bubbles captured during kneading can be in the form of a gas emulsion in the liquid phase of the dough, and some can be in the form of gas bubbles included in the swollen dough proteins. Thus, the dough immediately after kneading can be considered as a dispersed system consisting of solid, liquid and gaseous phases.

Chemical processes include processes that are partly of a secondary nature, such as the neutralization of carbonates with acids, hydrolytic processes occurring under the influence of a hydrogen cation as a catalyst, etc.

Gingerbread confectionery products contain a lot of sugar and fat, so during their production the dough is prepared without yeast, but with chemical leavening agents. Chemical leavening agents, or baking powders, are chemical compounds that, when heated, release gases that leaven dough. When exposed to temperature, sodium bicarbonate decomposes into carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), water and sodium carbonate. Ammonium carbonate decomposes under the influence of temperature into carbon dioxide, ammonia and water. At the end of the dough preparation process, raising agents are added, combining them with the liquid, mixing with flour.

Simultaneously with colloidal processes, enzymatic processes occur in the dough, as a result of which some proteins (protease and peptase enzymes) and some fats (lipase enzymes) are hydrolyzed. Amylolytic enzymes in flour convert some of the starch into dextrins (amylase enzyme) and maltose, and then maltose into glucose (maltase enzyme). As a result, the amount of substances capable of passing into the liquid phase of the dough increases, which leads to a change in its rheological properties.

Biochemical processes include the transformation of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other dough components under the influence of flour enzymes and baking powder. These transformations mainly lead towards destruction, simplification, and dispersion of complex organic compounds.

Baking is the final stage of preparing flour confectionery products, which ultimately shapes the quality. During the baking process, biochemical, physical and colloidal processes simultaneously occur inside the dough piece. All changes and processes that transform the dough into a finished product occur as a result of heating the dough piece.

Baking products from various types of dough is carried out in confectionery ovens with gas or electric heating of continuous or periodic operation. In each individual case, a certain thermal regime is observed, sometimes the ovens are humidified. This is used to produce high quality products. As a rule, pastry cabinets and ovens are equipped with thermometers.

During baking, moisture is redistributed in the product, surface layers are dehydrated and a crust forms. It is necessary to select the correct baking temperature so that a crust appears only after the product has fully increased its volume.

Biochemical processes occurring during dough baking. During baking, starch, after going through the first stages of the gelatinization process, is partially hydrolyzed. As a result, the starch content in the baked dough piece decreases during baking. As long as dough amylases are not yet inactivated due to an increase in dough temperature, they cause starch hydrolysis. In the baked dough piece, the attack of starch by amylases increases. This is explained by the fact that starch, even in the initial stages of gelatinization, is much easier to hydrolyze by beta-amylases.

Baking time depends on the size of the products and their density: well-loose dough bakes faster than dense dough.

The change in volume of products depends on the gaseous substances formed as a result of the decomposition of chemical disintegrants. Soda and ammonium begin to decompose with the release of carbon dioxide at 60-80 °C.

As the temperature rises, the volume of gaseous products and their pressure on the dough increase. At 100 °C, water begins to evaporate rapidly.

If the chemical leavening agents are evenly distributed in the dough, the dough will not have large pores and will rise evenly during baking.

Proteins, starch, flour and other raw materials undergo chemical changes, which plays a major role in the formation of the structure of confectionery products. Starch gelatinizes and swells during baking, absorbing large amounts of water, including water released by coagulated proteins.

The change in color of the surface of products is due to the decomposition of many substances contained in the dough, especially starch, and the caramelization of sugars.

Dough proteins and gluten, when heated above 70 °C, lose their ability to swell; chemical changes occur in them, leading to denaturation and “coagulation,” i.e., loss of the ability to retain water. The moisture absorbed by the proteins when kneading the dough is released, and it is absorbed by the gelatinizing starch, i.e., a redistribution of liquid occurs. When the dough proteins coagulate, they become denser, and the products acquire a strong structure.

Due to the temperature difference between the crumb and the crust inside the product, moisture moves from the surface to the inner layers of the crumb, and the humidity increases by 1.5-2.0%.

In addition to these processes, a number of others occur in the dough during baking: the formation of new aromatic and flavoring substances, changes in fats, vitamins, etc.

Baked products after heat treatment, as a result of their loss of water during baking, have a smaller mass compared to their mass before baking. The ratio of the difference in the mass of the product before and after baking to the mass of the product before baking is called baking. It is expressed as a percentage. The baking percentage is calculated as follows: the difference between the weight of the product before baking and after baking is divided by the weight of the product before baking and multiplied by 100. The baking percentage is higher, the more moisture the product loses during baking.


4.1 Product quality and types of control

The quality of the finished product and its nutritional value at the first stage of production depend on the quality of raw materials and their safety.

Sanitary rules and regulations. SanPiN regulates hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products.

Each type of raw material supplied to enterprises for processing must comply with these requirements, as well as GOST standards for each type of raw material and semi-finished product. At the enterprise, technological control begins with assessment and quality control of raw materials and semi-finished products and continues during the storage of raw materials. Storage conditions and basic quality indicators are controlled.

Technochemical control involves monitoring the quality of auxiliary materials (labels, paper, cardboard, glue, etc.), water used in production and the boiler room, fuel and other materials. Based on the results of checking the quality of raw materials and materials, the laboratory makes a conclusion about their suitability.

Without the permission of the laboratory, not a single batch of raw materials and materials can be used in production. The laboratory establishes the order of use of individual batches of raw materials.

The precise dosing of individual prescription components (raw materials, semi-finished products) is monitored in accordance with the recipes.

During the technological process, technological parameters are regulated at individual stages and operations, such as temperature, duration, steam pressure, vacuum in vacuum chambers.

The quality of raw mixtures, syrups, confectionery masses and products is characterized by basic physical and chemical indicators, such as dry matter content, alkalinity, wettability, porosity, and density. The quality of the finished product is determined by organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators provided for by GOSTs. In the event of a violation of the technological process, the technical and chemical control service is involved in identifying the causes and eliminating them.

The technical and chemical control service also participates in the development of new types of products, improvement of technological processes aimed at reducing losses, increasing the yield of semi-finished and finished products.

At confectionery factories, technical and chemical control is carried out by the central (production) laboratory and workshops. The functions performed by laboratories vary.

The central laboratory carries out quality control of raw materials, water, auxiliary materials, and containers. It issues a conclusion on the compliance of raw materials with standards and the possibility of their use, carries out periodic monitoring of the quality of raw materials, materials stored for a long time in the warehouse, and selectively checks the quality control of semi-finished products and finished products. The central laboratory monitors compliance with recipes and technological instructions to prevent foreign inclusions from entering products, participates in the preparation of a report on the consumption of raw materials, materials, and the development of measures to reduce losses and waste. The central laboratory supervises the work of the workshops and checks their work.

Shop laboratories control raw materials only by organoleptic methods, assessing their taste, smell, appearance and color, and the absence of foreign impurities. They check the correctness of dosing and adherence to the recipe, monitor the progress of technological processes, as well as the quality of finished products and semi-finished products produced by the workshop. For each batch of products produced by the workshop, the workshop laboratory issues an analysis result. She also monitors the implementation of instructions to prevent the entry of foreign objects into the workshop warehouses and at all production areas. In the absence of workshop laboratories at enterprises, its functions are performed by the central laboratory.

The work carried out by laboratories is recorded in journals. Records are kept in ink clearly and legibly. Erasing is not permitted. All magazines must be numbered, laced, the number of pages is recorded with the signature of the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him. The signature is sealed with the seal of the enterprise. This requires laboratory staff to be professional and accurate in their work.

The work of the laboratory consists of the following stages:

Quality control of raw materials;

Production and technological work;

Quality control of finished products.

4.2 Technochemical control of finished gingerbread products

To assess the quality of gingerbread cookies produced by the enterprise, standard methods are used (GOST 14849). Table No. 1 shows methods for quality control of semi-finished products (see Appendix A - Table No. 1)

Table No. 1 - Technochemical quality control of finished gingerbread cookies

For the production of each type of product, production areas, research objects, frequency and control methods are established.

Test methods must comply with GOSTs, for example: methods for determining moisture and dry matter content in confectionery products - GOST 5900-73;

Methods for determining fat content in confectionery products - GOST 5899-63;

Methods for determining the content of sugars and fiber in confectionery products - GOST 5903-68.

Technochemical control needs to be improved. Basically, it should focus on instrumental assessment methods. Currently, in a number of industries, sensory or organoleptic assessment methods predominate and much depends on the ability of the inspector to assess the quality of the product.

More specific tasks of the production laboratory for the implementation of technochemical and microbiological control of production are:

Monitoring compliance with established recipes, technological instructions and sanitary rules at all stages of product manufacturing;

Analysis of the causes of defects, participation in the development of proposals and measures to eliminate deficiencies in production and improve product quality;

Control over the quality of raw materials, materials, containers supplied to the enterprise;

Monitoring compliance with current instructions for storing raw materials, materials and finished products in workshops and warehouses of the enterprise;

Microbiological control of production at all stages of the technological process, as well as microbiological control of the purity of air, water, and equipment.

Monitoring the sanitary condition of production, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of workers, implementation of instructions for sanitary and technical control of production and for preventing the entry of foreign matter into products;

Analysis of consumption and losses of raw materials and materials in production, participation in the development of measures to reduce losses and waste;

Organization of organoleptic evaluation (tasting) of manufactured products.

4.3 Control methods

To control finished products, the testing methods for confectionery products provided for by GOSTs are used, and for the analysis of raw materials, the methods provided for by GOSTs for each type of raw material are used.

Three groups of methods can be used for control: organoleptic, measuring, and registration.

Organoleptic methods are methods for determining the values ​​of quality indicators using human senses. Depending on the sensory organs used and the indicators being determined, the following subgroups of organoleptic methods are distinguished:

visual method - to determine, using the organs of vision, the appearance and color, internal structure and other indicators of products;

gustatory method - to determine the taste of products using taste points on the tongue and palate;

olfactory method - to determine the smell (aroma, bouquet) of products using the sense of smell;

tactile method - to determine the consistency of products using the sense of touch;

auditory method - to determine the consistency of products using hearing (rarely used).

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The technological scheme for the production of any type of gingerbread product includes a sequence of individual technological stages and operations, the implementation of which allows us to obtain products of the best quality.

The technological process of making gingerbread consists of the following stages:

preparation of raw materials

preparation of semi-finished products from flour (dough)

dough formation

baking and cooling gingerbread

replication (glazing) of gingerbread

The technological scheme for the production of custard gingerbreads includes the stages of preparing raw materials, preparing and cooling the tea leaves, kneading the dough, molding, baking, cooling products, finishing and packaging, and in the technological scheme for the production of raw gingerbreads there are no stages of preparing and cooling the tea leaves.

Preparation of raw materials. Raw materials for the production of gingerbread must comply with the requirements of current standards and technical instructions. The preparation of raw materials must be carried out in compliance with the technology requirements for public catering establishments.

The technology for producing raw gingerbread is simpler than custard gingerbread. During their production, the operation of making welding is eliminated. All raw materials provided for in the recipe, except flour, are loaded into a kneading machine and mixed. Then add flour and knead the dough. The operations of molding and baking are not fundamentally different from the same operations in the production of custard gingerbread. Many varieties of raw gingerbread are produced without glazing. After baking, they are cooled and immediately packed into containers. The dough for raw gingerbread is prepared in kneading machines of various designs: drum kneaders with U-shaped blades mounted on a shaft, or universal kneaders with Z-shaped blades rotating towards one another. All raw materials specified in the recipe are weighed and loaded into the kneading machine in the following sequence: sugar, water, honey, molasses, invert syrup, melange, essence, dry perfume, baking powder and, lastly, flour. If sugar is introduced in the form of sugar syrup prepared in advance, then the kneading process is carried out in two stages. First, load all the raw materials without flour and baking powder and mix for 1-2 minutes, and then after adding baking powder and flour, mix for another 5-12 minutes.

The duration of the kneading is adjusted depending on the air temperature in the workshop, water temperature, rotation speed and capacity of the kneader. At elevated temperatures of air and water in the workshop, as well as with an increase in the rotation speed of the kneading elements, the duration of the kneading is reduced. With an increase in the capacity of the kneading machine and, accordingly, the mass of the load, the duration of the kneading is increased. Kneading is stopped when the mass becomes homogeneous with an even distribution of all raw materials. Disintegrants are administered in the form of an aqueous solution, which is prepared in advance. Semi-finished products, the preparation of which involves heating (sugar, sugar and invert syrup, burnt syrup), before being introduced into the kneading machine, are cooled to a temperature of no higher than 20° C. The water should also not have a temperature higher than 20° C. In all cases, the temperature of the finished dough is not should exceed 20--22° C, and humidity should be within 23.5--25.5%. Elevated dough temperature leads to dough tightening, a process in which the gluten in flour interacts with water to give the dough its elastic properties. As a result, the shape of the products is disrupted. When making dough for “Tula” and “Vyazemskie” gingerbreads, first prepare sugar-honey syrup, then cool it to 30--35 ° C, knead all the raw materials, including flour, for 30--40 minutes. The final dough temperature should be 27-28° C, and its humidity should be 18-20%. To increase the shelf life of raw gingerbread, invert syrup or artificial honey is used instead of sugar and 50% of wheat flour is replaced with rye flour. When kneading dough, flour is introduced before the rest of the raw materials and chemical leavening agents. The total kneading time is more than 1 hour, the dough moisture content is 15-16%. The process of kneading dough for custard gingerbread is divided into three stages: brewing the flour, cooling the tea leaves and kneading the tea leaves with all the components. The flour is brewed as follows. Sugary components are loaded into the digester: sugar, molasses, honey and water in the amount necessary to obtain a brew of a certain humidity (19-20%). The calculation is carried out according to formula (8-1), taking A equal to 20. When all the sugar has dissolved, the syrup is loaded into a kneading machine with a water jacket, cooled to a temperature of at least 68 ° C and gradually, while stirring, part of the flour intended for making tea leaves is introduced. After 10-15 minutes the brew is ready. It should not contain lumps or traces of unmixing. The brew is cooled in two ways. If the kneading machine has a water jacket and there is enough kneading capacity in the workshop, then cooling is carried out without unloading the brew from the machine, while cold water circulates in the water jacket. Another method is to unload the tea leaves from the kneading machine into special chests or boxes. The brew is unloaded in layers, the layer is sprinkled with crumbs or lubricated with vegetable oil and cooled in a room at an air temperature of 10--15 ° C. The first method has a number of advantages: cooling occurs much faster, there is no need to move the brew from the kneading machine into special containers and have a separate cooling room. When cooling in boxes or chests, this takes a long time.

With proper and sufficient cooling of the brew, high quality of the finished product is ensured. Insufficiently cooled tea leaves result in dense, irregularly shaped gingerbread cookies. The cooled brew should have a temperature of 25--27° C. If cooling is carried out directly in the kneading machine, then already at 28--30° C the rest of the raw materials are introduced into the brew. In this case, the duration of the kneading is minimal and is only 10 minutes. When using tea leaves that have not been cooled in a kneading machine, the duration of the kneading is significantly increased, and depending on the speed of rotation of the kneading shaft, it is 30-60 minutes. Gingerbread dough is formed on forming and depositing machines. Some types of gingerbread are molded using metal and wooden molds. Gingerbread cookies molded into wooden molds are called printed ones. These gingerbread cookies are mainly intended for children, so the shapes have the outlines of birds, fish and various animals. When forming such gingerbread cookies, the dough is pressed manually or using special wooden blocks into a wooden mold. The resulting dough piece is removed from the mold and placed on a metal sheet for baking.

When making gingerbread cookies with filling, some of the dough (about 50%) is rolled out into a layer with a rolling pin and spread with filling. A molded layer of dough removed from a wooden mold is placed on top of the filling. Without disturbing the pattern, both layers of dough are connected at the edges so that the filling is inside. The resulting puff pastry piece containing the filling inside is sent for baking. When molding some types of gingerbread, a blank consisting of two layers of rolled dough is placed in a wooden stencil mold, between which a layer of filling is previously placed. Wooden stencil forms are pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. This makes it easier to release the molded dough pieces from the molds. The dough for gingerbreads and loaves is formed by rolling into a layer. The thickness of the workpiece for gingerbreads is 11--13 mm, and for loaves 7--8 mm. The rolled out layer intended for loaves is cut into strips. The thickness of the dough pieces for custard gingerbread is maintained within 8-11 mm, and for raw gingerbread - 10-13 mm.

Round-shaped gingerbread cookies are molded on a FAK-1 brand jigger. On this machine, in addition to gingerbread cookies, sugar cookies of various varieties and shapes can be molded. The jigging mechanism works as follows. The dough to be formed enters the hopper and falls into the gap between two rollers. One roll not only rotates, but also moves. As it moves, the gap between the rollers decreases, and the dough is pumped and pressed out through a flexible hose and a forming die. The matrix can move in a horizontal plane and at the same time give the workpiece a different configuration. The FAK-1 depositor operates in different modes depending on the consistency of the dough. When forming the batter, it is deposited in separate doses. The rollers stop moving after approaching and pumping a dose of dough. When forming thick varieties, the dough comes out in the form of ropes. The cutting of the bundles into slices is carried out by a moving string. Water of a certain temperature circulates in the jacket of the walls of the hopper and the matrices, which makes it possible to maintain a given temperature of the dough while molding it. Gingerbread cookies are baked mainly in continuous conveyor ovens. Baking duration is 7-- 12 minutes at a temperature of about 200--240° C. Gingerbreads of the "Mint" type, which are not glazed, are baked at lower temperatures (190--210° C) in order to avoid the appearance of a dark color on them surfaces. “Tula” gingerbreads are baked at a higher temperature (265--270° C) for 5--6 minutes. The dough pieces pass through a humidification chamber before baking.

Gingerbreads and loaves are baked at a temperature of about 200 ° C (loaves for 12-15 minutes, gingerbreads for 25-40 minutes). When baking gingerbread, basically the same processes occur as when baking cookies. However, the significantly increased duration and relatively low baking temperatures of gingerbread cookies are associated with the increased thickness of the dough pieces used in their manufacture. After baking, the gingerbreads are cooled for 20--22 minutes to 40--45° C. When baking on steel grids or belts, the gingerbreads are cooled without removing them directly from these surfaces. The gingerbreads are removed only when they are easily separated from the mesh or steel belt. When baking on stencil sheets, when leaving the oven, they are placed together with the products on shelves or fixed racks. After such pre-cooling, the products are easily removed and sent for final cooling. During the cooling process, the moisture content of the gingerbread cookies decreases significantly as the temperature drops. Most varieties of gingerbread are processed. By finishing gingerbread we mean covering the surface with a layer of crystallized sugar. This operation is called glazing. As a result of this operation, the surface of the gingerbread is covered with a glossy, marble-like crust of crystallized sugar. Glazing is done as follows. Up to 20 kg of gingerbread are loaded into the dragee pot and filled with sugar syrup at a temperature of 85-95°C. Gingerbreads are processed in a dragee pan for 1-2 minutes, then they are unloaded and dried at a temperature of about 60°C. In this case, the speed of movement of the cooling air should be close to 4 m/s. After drying the gingerbread cookies for 9-10 minutes, they are additionally cooled by blowing air at the same speed, but at a temperature of 20-22°C. At mechanized enterprises, gingerbreads are glazed in continuous units. This unit is a drum rotating on a horizontal axis, into which gingerbread is continuously loaded and syrup is supplied. The duration of the process is reduced to 50-60 s. After cooling, the surface of the gingerbread becomes shiny from the sugar that has crystallized from the syrup. A layer of sugar helps maintain freshness and delays staling; in addition, after glazing, the taste of the gingerbread improves.

Gingerbread cookies are packed in corrugated cardboard, plywood or plank boxes. At the same time, small gingerbreads with a quantity of more than 30 pieces. 1 kg is packed in bulk, the rest are placed in boxes and crates. A certain amount of gingerbread is pre-packed in boxes.

Gingerbread is stored in well-ventilated, dry, clean warehouses that are not infested with barn pests. During storage, the temperature should not exceed 18°C, and the relative humidity should be 65-75%.

Under these conditions, the following storage periods are established for gingerbread cookies: for raw unglazed gingerbreads, except for mint ones, 20 days, like mint ones in the summer 10, and in winter 15 days, for raw glazed gingerbreads 30 days, for custard gingerbreads 45 days.

Depending on the technology for preparing the dough, gingerbreads are divided into custard and raw. Appendix B. Each of these types can be produced with or without filling. It is preferable to produce custard gingerbreads, because they have a more pleasant taste, aroma and have a longer shelf life. The dough is kneaded in dough mixers of various designs: drum mixers with U-shaped blades or universal ones with Z-shaped blades.

Gingerbread confectionery products are national Russian products with a pronounced sweet taste, the smell of spices and a soft consistency. They are very popular among consumers.

The assortment of gingerbread products is quite large and includes about 90 items. One of them is gingerbread - a baked semi-finished product layered with filling.

Depending on the cooking technology, gingerbread products are divided into custard (with flour infusion) and raw (without flour infusion).

The process of preparing custard gingerbread products is different in that when kneading the dough, the flour is brewed in sugar-honey or sugar-treacle syrup.

Due to differences in the recipe and dough production technology, raw and custard gingerbread products differ significantly in taste. Brewed ones have a more pleasant taste and aroma and retain freshness longer compared to raw products.

To increase the shelf life of raw gingerbread, half the recipe amount of wheat flour is replaced with rye flour, and part of the sugar is replaced with invert syrup and honey.

To improve the quality and shelf life of gingerbread products, enzyme preparations (amylorizin P10X), surfactants (churning paste) and fruit and berry powders are added to the recipe.

Gingerbread products are divided into gingerbread without filling, gingerbread with filling and gingerbread with or without filling. The filling used is fruit - from applesauce or a mixture of apple and fruit and berry puree, fruit filling from jam or fruit preserves. The filling makes up 10...17% of the gingerbread mass.

Gingerbread cookies can be glazed or unglazed. The glazing is done mainly with sugar syrup and the glaze is about 15%.

Gingerbread products can be of various shapes - mostly round and oval with a convex surface. According to size and shape, they are divided into small (round, oval and shaped) and gingerbread (rectangular).

The thickness of gingerbread products depends on their type and is about 14...30 mm.

In shape, color, taste and smell, surface condition, gingerbread products must correspond to their name, taking into account flavoring additives. They should not have any foreign smell or taste. When broken, they should present baked products without traces of unkneading, with uniform porosity.

According to physicochemical indicators, the mass fraction of moisture in gingerbread products is 13...22%, the mass fraction of fat is 1.5...7.0%, alkalinity is not more than 2, the mass fraction of ash is insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid acid - 0.1%.

In terms of microbiological indicators and the content of toxic elements, gingerbread products must comply with the required standards.

The raw materials for the production of gingerbread products are wheat, rye and soy flour, granulated sugar, honey, molasses, melange, fat, chemical leavening agents, flavorings, dyes, raisins, nuts, candied fruits, etc. (Table 6.9).

In the production of gingerbread products, wheat flour with medium and weak gluten quality is used.

The production of gingerbread products is carried out in a batch or continuous manner on mechanized flow lines, where the dough can be kneaded using an emulsion. Emulsions are prepared in the same way as in the production of sugar and puff pastry.

The gingerbread production technology consists of preparing raw materials for production, preparing dough, molding, baking, cooling, glazing (for glazed gingerbread) and packaging, transportation and storage.

The dough is prepared in dough mixing machines (MT-70), MT-100, GU-SHTL, TM-63) with U- and Z-shaped blades and consists of preparing the syrup and preparing the dough.

To prepare the syrup, pour hot water (70...80°C) into a temperature machine or into a steam-heated container, add granulated sugar, honey, molasses or invert syrup, and condensed milk. The mixture of raw materials is stirred until granulated sugar is completely dissolved and heated to 65... 70 °C. The finished syrup is cooled to 50...65°C when making custard gingerbreads and to 30...40°C for raw gingerbreads.

When preparing raw dough with syrup, it is mixed with other types of raw materials, and last of all, chemical leavening agents and wheat flour are introduced. The process of dough formation is 7... 12 minutes.

When preparing raw dough without syrup, you should strictly observe the order of loading raw materials into the dough mixing machine: granulated sugar, water at a temperature of 20 ° C, honey, molasses, melange, flavorings, chemical leavening agents and wheat flour.

All raw materials without flour and chemical raising agents are mixed for 2... 10 minutes, and then chemical raising agents and flour are introduced. The kneading is carried out within 4... 12 minutes. The duration of dough kneading depends on the air temperature in the workshop, the temperature of the water during kneading, the rotation of the working parts and the volume of the dough mixing machine.

The dough is considered ready when the mass becomes homogeneous with an even distribution of all raw materials. Ready temperature

1st grade wheat flour 1st grade wheat flour (for dusting) Premium wheat flour

name of raw materials

Mass fraction of dry

R^j ST* | Oh oh

Unglazed with filling “Vyazemskie” (raw) No. 45

Wheat flour 1st grade I

Glazed “Sugar” (custard) No. 36

Glazed with a high content of honey “Russian” (custard) No. 55

Glazed gingerbread with filling “Lyubitelskaya” with raisins (custard) No. 86

Glazed gingerbread “Honey” without filling (custard) No. 90

Unglazed “Vanilla” (raw) No. 56

Premium flour

Glazed “Creamy” (custard) No. 65

Glazed with filling “Moscow” (raw) No. 68

Glazed with filling and a high content of honey “Lipetsky” (custard) No. 76

Glazed gingerbread with filling No. 91

Glazed “Russian Souvenir” (custard) No. 78

A mixture of 1st grade wheat flour and rye flour

Gingerbread "Minskaya" with raisins (custard) No. 92

Continuation of the table. 6.9

Wheat flour

Naya higher

Varieties (on

Granulated sugar

Natural honey


Fruit filling

Commodity and berry


Drinking soda


Baby from


Cream butter


Dry perfume




Milk goal

Noah condensed

With sugar


Fruit filling

Commodity and berry

According to recipe No. 7

Black jam


Trimmings from torus

Tov and cakes

Rye flour

Ripped off

Rye flour

Humidity, %

The dough should not be higher than 20 ... 22 ° C, since an increase in temperature leads to its tightening and subsequently deformation of the products is observed.

The humidity of raw dough is about 23.5... 25.5%.

When preparing choux pastry, the stages of preparing the tea leaves and cooling them are additionally introduced. The prepared syrup at a temperature of 50...65°C is fed into a dough mixing machine with a steam jacket. While the machine is running, flour is gradually introduced in the amount specified in the recipe. The duration of brewing kneading depends on the number of revolutions of the blades per minute and averages 5... 15 minutes. Welding temperature - 48...53 °C, humidity - 19...20%.

The brew can be cooled in the dough mixing machine itself with a water jacket to a temperature of 28...35 °C or in special chests in the workshop to a temperature of 25...27 °C. Correct and sufficient cooling of the brew ensures high quality products. Insufficiently cooled tea leaves result in gingerbreads that are denser and irregular in shape.

To prepare the dough, chilled tea leaves and all other raw materials provided for in the recipe are loaded into the dough mixing machine. The dough is kneaded for 30...60 minutes and depends on the method of cooling the brew, its maturation, the number of revolutions of the blades of the dough mixing machine, as well as the temperature of the cooled brew. If the brew is cooled in a dough mixing machine, the raw materials specified in the recipe are added, and the kneading lasts only 10 minutes.

The temperature of the finished dough should be about 28... 36 ° C, humidity, depending on the variety, should be 18... 23%.

The formation of round-shaped gingerbreads is carried out on FPL, A2-ShFZ forming and depositing machines with laying dough pieces on baking sheets or A2-ShFZ-01 for laying dough pieces directly on the belt under the confectionery oven.

The dough loaded into the hopper of the head of the forming machine is fed by grooved rollers to the dies and pressed through the hole in the form of a rope. Using a wire cutter, dough ropes are cut into individual pieces and placed on baking sheets or an oven conveyor belt.

When molding, products are given a certain shape, and some are marked with a drawing or inscription.

Gingerbread dough is also formed on stamping machines, where products of a certain size and shape are cut out of a dough strip.

Gingerbread dough can be shaped by hand. A rolled out layer of dough 8...11 mm thick is formed with a metal recess of a certain shape by pressing the recess onto the dough layer. To apply a pattern to the surface, the dough layer is rolled with a serrated rolling pin.

To apply certain designs to the surface of gingerbread products, a wooden mold in the form of a board with an engraved design or inscription is used. Gingerbread cookies molded into wooden molds are called printed ones. They have the shape of birds, fish, animals.

Gingerbread products with filling are formed using metal grooves and wooden carved molds. Some of the dough is rolled out into a layer and spread with filling. A layer of tssta with a pattern removed from a wooden mold is placed on top of the filling. Both layers of dough are connected at the edges so that the filling is inside. The resulting three-layer dough piece (two layers of dough and filling) is sent for baking.

In the mechanized method of forming dough with filling, it is loaded into the hopper of a machine consisting of a nozzle presented in the form of a “pipe in a pipe” and a stamping drum. The dough comes out as a dough tube with the filling inside. Next, the test tow with the filling goes under the stamping drum, where blanks of a certain shape are cut out.

For gingerbread, the dough is formed into a sheet according to the size of a metal baking sheet.

Before baking, the surface of some gingerbread cookies and gingerbreads is greased with melange, sprinkled with granulated sugar, nuts, candied fruits, etc.

Baking of dough pieces is carried out in rotary ovens, in three-stage baking cabinets and in continuous tunnel or conveyor ovens. Before baking, the dough pieces go through a humidification chamber.

Gingerbread cookies are baked for 7...12 minutes at a temperature of 190...240°C. The baking temperature is reduced to 190...210°C when making unglazed gingerbread cookies to avoid the appearance of a darker color. The gingerbread is baked at a temperature of about 200°C for 25...40 minutes.

Cooling. Unglazed gingerbreads are cooled to a temperature of 25...35°C for 20...22 minutes, and glazed gingerbreads are cooled to a temperature of 45...50°C for 5...10 minutes.

When baking in continuous ovens, gingerbreads are cooled when moving directly on the grid inside the cooling device due to cold air (10... 12°C). The cooling device is installed directly after the furnace.

Gingerbread cookies are removed after cooling only if they are completely separated from the mesh tape or sheet.

Glazing of gingerbread cookies with sugar syrup is done to decorate the surface and preserve the freshness of the products. Glazing of gingerbread includes the stages of preparing syrup, glazing, drying and standing of glazed products.

Syrup for glazing with a ratio of granulated sugar and water of 100: 40 is boiled to a dry matter content of 77... 78% and a density of 1340... 1400 kg/m3.

The finished syrup is fed into a heated tank to maintain its temperature at about 90... 95 °C and is fed for plasma treatment.

Glazing of gingerbread is carried out in a small pot by thoroughly mixing, then they are taken out with a fork and laid out on grids. Glazing of gingerbread cookies can be done in pans.

Drum-type machines (A2-TK2-JI) are used for continuous glazing of gingerbread. When the drum, along the inner surface of which a spiral is welded, rotates, the gingerbread cookies are glazed and moved to the outlet.

After glazing, gingerbread cookies are placed on mesh cassettes or conveyor in one row with the convex side up and sent for drying in special chambers, first at a temperature of 60 ° C for 5 minutes (air speed 4 m/s), and then at a temperature of 20 ... 22 °C for 3 min.

After drying, the gingerbreads are left to stand for 2 hours in the workshop and sent for packaging, packing, and storage.

Shelf life of gingerbread products from the date of manufacture (in days):

Raw unglazed (except mint) gingerbread and gingerbread cookies - 20;

Raw and custard gingerbreads such as mint ones in winter - 15;

Raw and custard gingerbreads such as mint ones in the summer - 10;

Raw and glazed gingerbread and gingerbread cookies in the summer - 20;

Custard gingerbreads in the summer - 20;

Custard gingerbreads winter time - 30;

Custard cakes - 20;

Gingerbread with a fat content of more than 11% - 15.

Gingerbread production on a mechanized line. Wheat flour is fed into the burat for sifting and then transferred by auger to the flour bunker. Using an auger, the flour is transferred to a weighing machine (Fig. 13).

To prepare the dough, the necessary raw material components are loaded into a dough mixing machine, where flour and chemical leavening agents are the last to arrive.

The prepared dough is fed using a trolley for molding to a forming and depositing machine. Molded dough

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Rice. 13. Technological scheme for the production of gingerbread: 1.4- flour machines; 2 - flour burat; 3 - auger; 5 - bunker; 6- truck scales; 7- kneading machine; 8 - trolley; 9-forming and depositing machine; Yu-conveyor oven; II - cooling cabinet; 12 - transfer conveyor; 13 - ejector; 14 - tank for syrup with a steam jacket; 15 - apparatus for glazing gingerbread; 16- conveyor for cooling products; 17 - drying cabinet; 18-laying conveyor; 19- stacking of products

The finished products are fed into a conveyor oven for baking and then into a cooling cabinet. After cooling in the cabinet, the gingerbreads are additionally cooled on a conveyor in the workshop. After this, the dumper is sent to the glazing apparatus, where sugar syrup is continuously supplied from a heated tank. The glazed gingerbreads are transferred to a cooling cabinet for drying, followed by standing and placing on conveyors.

Gingerbread cookies, flour confectionery products made from special dough, are a favorite delicacy of many. They can be prepared with or without filling, and have different shapes and designs. Therefore, the business of gingerbread production is a highly sought-after area of ​​entrepreneurial activity.

Types of gingerbread

Gingerbread got its name because the dough from which they are made contains various kinds of spices. According to the method of preparing the dough, gingerbreads are divided into raw and custard. And the entire diversity of the assortment is achieved due to their production in different shapes, with different fillings, based on different recipes.

Among all the variety in the country, the most popular are considered to be the following gingerbreads, on which it is quite possible to build a business:

  • classic;
  • stuffed;
  • decorated;
  • Tula;
  • glazed.

As a filling you can use:

  • white, black, milk chocolate;
  • fruit jam or marmalade;
  • berry jam or marmalade.

Finished products are decorated with poppy seeds, nut kernels, sugar sprinkles, chocolate glaze, etc.

Raw materials

You can understand how to build a gingerbread business by going a little deeper into the process of making them. So, for the production of these sweets you will need raw materials such as sugar (sand), wheat flour of at least second grade. How additional ingredients are used:

  • candied fruit;
  • rye or soy flour;
  • dyes;
  • confiture;
  • raisin;
  • flavorings;
  • syrup;
  • fats;

The main component that distinguishes gingerbread from other confectionery products is “dry perfume”. This is a mixture in certain proportions of black and allspice, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom. Using honey instead of sugar allows you to increase the shelf life of the product, while improving its taste.

Production premises

You need to look for a room for a workshop with a size of at least 70 square meters. m. You will also need a separate area for storage. Both of these premises must comply with all sanitary and fire safety standards that apply to workshops and warehouses where food is produced and stored.

For example, they must be dry, without access to various barn pests. In warehouses where finished products will be stored, humidity should not exceed 75%, and the air temperature should not exceed a threshold of 18°C. Unglazed raw gingerbread can be stored for no more than 20 days, glazed - 30 days, mint - no more than 15 days in winter and no more than 10 days in summer. For a custard product, the shelf life is no more than 45 days.

Production technology

Regardless of what type of product you decide to build your business on, the gingerbread production technology will go through approximately the same stages. First of all, you need to prepare the flour for the manufacturing process by measuring and sifting it. Then you need to melt the fat, prepare a saline solution, batch syrup and sugar syrup. Only after this the dough is kneaded, molded and actually baked. Next, the gingerbreads are replicated, cooled and packaged. All these processes are carried out on special equipment.


The main equipment for making gingerbread is:

  • utensils for preparing filling and syrup;
  • dough mixer;
  • digester;
  • bake;
  • jig;
  • glazing machine;
  • coating drum;
  • packaging line.

In addition, the business will require the purchase of additional equipment, which includes various small equipment, rack carts, scales, production tables, vehicles and a ventilation system.

As for the funds that the business will require, a huge part of the investment will go to equipment. For example, a molding machine will cost approximately 330-650 thousand rubles. depending on performance. Such equipment produces 100-250 kg of products per hour. If you are planning to organize a large-scale business, you can buy devices with a capacity of up to 1000 kg, but they will cost significantly more. Also, such a machine will require special matrices. One piece costs approximately 20 thousand rubles.

Equipment can be purchased separately, or you can purchase a ready-made line right away. Such a line produces an average of 120 kg of product per hour, consumes 63 kW/hour and is serviced by four workers.

Sales of products

When organizing a business, you cannot miss such a moment as selling products. It can be sold through dealers or directly to retail outlets, including retail chains. From retail outlets, choose those that specialize in the sale of food products in general or a more narrow specialization. Let's say those that sell bakery products.

A beautifully made and decorated gingerbread is regarded as an original souvenir product. Therefore, such sweets are often sold to souvenir shops, sold to shops at monasteries, and so on.

A good way to sell a product is to create an online store. Although you can cooperate with various sites that also sell souvenirs. You can also offer customized products on message boards. For example, for themed holidays, corporate events, etc. You can offer such services directly to companies or advertising agencies.

Business organization

It is not difficult to guess that the business is organized as a confectionery shop. As for the legal form of its organization, everything depends on the scale of production. If you plan to make handmade gingerbread cookies as souvenirs, all you need to do is register as an individual entrepreneur. If your goal is large-scale production, you will probably have to cooperate with large companies. Then it makes sense to register an LLC.

Another important point for starting a business is the gingerbread recipe. You can find some suitable recipe on the Internet, or you can invite a technologist to develop your unique recipe. It all depends on the goals of your business. But in any case, before releasing large-scale batches of your gingerbread cookies, it’s worth trying out the recipe on several test batches and distributing them among friends and acquaintances.

Business costs

According to various expert estimates, the business will require investments of at least three million rubles. Most of these funds will be spent on the following tasks:

  • business registration;
  • renovation of premises;
  • acquisition of basic and additional equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • office equipment;
  • recruitment;
  • payment for the services of technologists and lawyers.

On average, such investments make it possible to purchase equipment for the production of about 500 kg of gingerbread in one work shift. It should be borne in mind that gingerbreads are most popular in May-September, during the summer season. In winter they are not very readily bought. Accordingly, it is necessary to regulate production capacity and take the data into account when calculating payback. Under such conditions, the profitability of the business remains at the level of 20%, and the payback period is approximately a year or two.

To knead raw gingerbread dough, sugar syrup is first prepared by boiling sugar, honey and molasses with water. The syrup is cooled to 20-22°C, the density of the syrup should be 1.31-1.32 g/cm3. The dough can be prepared without first dissolving the sugar, but in this case the kneading will be longer. Gingerbread dough is kneaded in kneading machines with a stationary vat. The raw materials are loaded into the kneading vat in the following order: sugar or sugar syrup, water, honey, molasses, melange, dry perfume. All ingredients are mixed for 3-4 minutes, then flour and chemical leavening agents are added and kneading continues for another 10-15 minutes. The humidity of the raw dough is 24-26%, the temperature is 20-22oC. Elevated temperatures and prolonged cutting of raw dough can cause it to tighten due to significant swelling of the gluten. Gingerbread cookies made from overdone dough or from dough with insufficient moisture are compressed and have low porosity; When the humidity of the dough is high, the products become blurry. To prevent overcooking, the raw dough is prepared in small portions, which are cut in 15-20 minutes.

During storage, raw gingerbreads become stale very quickly. By using invert syrup instead of sugar or preparing the dough with warm syrup at a temperature of 38-40°C, you can improve the quality of raw gingerbread cookies and somewhat delay their staleness. The duration of cutting a portion of dough mixed with warm syrup is reduced to 7-8 minutes, otherwise it will take longer. You can also prepare raw gingerbread according to the recipe for custard varieties. The dough for Vyazma and Tula gingerbreads is kneaded with sugar syrup, cooled to 30-35oC. Kneading the dough for Tula gingerbread lasts 30-40 minutes, and for Vyazma gingerbread - 7-8 minutes. The final dough temperature for Vyazma and Tula gingerbread is 27-28 ° C, the dough humidity is 18-20%.

Chouxed gingerbread dough is prepared in 3 stages: syrup - brewing - dough. To obtain syrup, a mixture of honey, sugar, molasses and margarine is heated with water to 80-100°C. The density of the syrup is 1.31-1.32 g/cm3. By mixing flour with hot syrup in a machine, you get tea leaves. In most cases, the temperature of the syrup before mixing it with flour is in the range of 65-75°C, and the brewing temperature is 48-55°C. When using hotter syrup, the flour starch swells more fully, which improves the quality of the gingerbread. However, when using hot syrup, the cooling of the brew slows down, the temperature of which should be 29-30°C before mixing with other raw materials.

Previously, gingerbread brew was kept in a cold room from four weeks to one year, it was believed that with prolonged storage the quality of the product improved. Such resting complicated the preparation of gingerbread and interfered with the organization of continuous production. Research in recent years has shown that resting does not significantly affect the quality of products; the composition of the tea leaves practically does not change during long-term resting.

Currently, in a number of enterprises, the tea leaves are cooled in chests or baking trays, where the dough is placed in layers and greased with vegetable oil or sprinkled with crumbs so that a monolithic mass does not form. Cooling duration is from 1 to 6 days. However, it is more rational from the point of view of organizing production to cool the tea leaves by using a kneading machine with a water jacket to knead it. To speed up the preparation of choux pastry, syrup at a temperature of 50-55 ° C is sometimes used, the brewing temperature in this case is 38-40 ° C, it cools relatively quickly, after which it is mixed with the rest of the raw materials (flavors and chemical leavening agents).

Kneading choux pastry cooled in a kneading machine lasts 25-30 minutes, and with colder syrup - only 5-8 minutes, dough temperature 29-30 ° C, humidity - 20-22%.
