Easy to prepare cherry cake. Cherry cake with sour cream. Biscuit ingredients

Egg and pasta casserole is a great afternoon snack for everyone in the family. This can be done in different ways. Some people cook it with sausage and cheese, while others prefer to eat a sweet casserole, which can serve as a hearty and nutritious breakfast.

Delicious pasta casserole (cooking)

All housewives should know the recipes for its use. After all, such dishes are made very quickly, but they turn out incredibly satisfying and tasty.

So, a classic egg and pasta casserole requires the following products:

  • large fresh eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - about 125 g;
  • pasta (it is better to take “feathers”) from durum wheat - approximately 150 g;
  • coarse salt, black pepper, green onion - use to taste;
  • fresh, non-rancid oil - approximately 70 g;
  • boiled sausage - about 100 g.

Food preparation

The casserole from the culinary recipes we are considering turns out to be very tasty and aromatic. This dish is liked not only by adults, but also by small children. It can be prepared using completely different ingredients. We decided to additionally use boiled sausage. It should first be freed from the shell and then cut into very thin strips.

As for pasta, they need to be poured into salted boiling water and cooked for 5-9 minutes. Next, you need to discard them in a colander, rinse and shake thoroughly.

Preparing the egg filling

If you follow all the recipe requirements, you will definitely get a very tasty casserole. Pasta, sausage, eggs, cheese and butter are a classic set of ingredients that are necessary to prepare the presented dish. We described above how some of them are processed. Now I would like to tell you how to do the filling. To do this, break the eggs into a bowl and beat thoroughly (use a mixer), adding pepper and salt to taste, as well as finely chopped onions (it is better to use green ones). As for the cheese, you should simply grate it on a large grater.

Forming a pasta casserole

Egg and pasta casserole is quite easy to form. To do this, add shredded sausage to the boiled products and mix everything thoroughly. Next, the resulting mixture is laid out in a deep form, generously greased with oil. Finally, all ingredients are poured with beaten eggs and covered with grated cheese.

Bake the dish in the oven

Egg and pasta casserole doesn't take very long to cook in the oven. But this is only if it was placed in a preheated cabinet (up to 250 degrees). The dish is considered fully prepared when it has set well and is covered with an appetizing and slightly browned cheese cap. For this you may need about half an hour of free time.

How to properly present it to the dinner table?

After the pasta casserole is ready, it should be removed and cooled slightly right in the pan. Next, the dish needs to be cut into small pieces (preferably square or rectangular), placed on flat plates and served to family members along with a drink such as jelly or dried fruit compote. Enjoy your meal!

Making a sweet pasta casserole

What is the most delicious pasta casserole: with egg, cheese or milk? Both dishes turn out to be very satisfying and nutritious. But if you adhere to a vegetarian diet, then only the second option is suitable for you. After all, it does not include such a product as sausage. It should also be noted that due to the use of granulated sugar, the presented casserole turns out to be sweetish, and it can be safely presented to the table as an original dessert. But first things first.

So, to prepare this dish we will need:

  • from durum wheat (it is advisable to use spaghetti) - about 100 g;
  • fresh chicken egg - about 2 pcs.;
  • store-bought low-fat milk - about 100 ml;
  • sand-sugar - 2 full large spoons;
  • medium-sized salt - use to taste;
  • cold tap water - 1.6 l;
  • breadcrumbs - several handfuls;
  • fresh butter - used for greasing dishes;
  • powdered sugar - a few spoons (use for sprinkling the finished dish).

Preparing Ingredients

How to make pasta with egg? Vegetarian dishes are always easy to prepare. To please your loved ones with a delicious breakfast, you will only need 50 minutes of free time.

First, boil the pasta in slightly salted water. Next, you need to discard them in a colander, rinse and shake vigorously.

Making the fill

Any pasta casserole requires the use of egg wash. After all, it is thanks to it that your dish will set, become tasty and very satisfying. To make this filling, you should vigorously beat chicken eggs along with store-bought milk and granulated sugar. As a result, you should get a liquid and sweet cream-colored mass.

Forming the dish

Making a vegetarian dish is quite easy. It is necessary to take a deep form, and then generously grease it with cooking oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Next, you need to put the pre-boiled spaghetti into the bowl and pour the sweet egg-milk mixture over it. At the end, the entire dish should be sprinkled with breadcrumbs again.

How to bake correctly?

It is recommended to prepare such a sweet dish in a preheated cabinet (up to 250 degrees). This may take up about half an hour of your free time. During the specified period, the egg mass will set well, making the casserole tasty and satisfying. The surface of the dish should brown slightly.

How should it be served?

Unlike the casserole that is prepared using sausage, it is recommended to serve the sweet dish only when it has cooled down. This is the only way you can appreciate the unsurpassed taste of this dessert.

After the casserole is ready, it must be removed and left in the bowl for a while. When it has cooled and set properly, it should be sprinkled with powder and cut into pieces. Next, you need to distribute it on plates and serve it for breakfast along with hot chocolate or any other drink. Bon appetit!

Let's sum it up

Today there are many options for preparing casseroles. Eggs and pasta are always its main components. But if you wish, you can add completely different ingredients to this dish. So, to get a hearty dish, it is recommended to additionally use boiled or ham, sausages or even minced meat.

If you decide to enjoy a sweet casserole, then serve it to invited guests along with jam, preserves, honey or condensed milk. In any case, such a dish turns out to be very tasty, and it is simply impossible to refuse it. To verify this, we suggest using one of the above recipes.

Good day. I usually don’t write comments on websites, but this time I wanted to say thank you very much for the casserole recipe. Following all the cooking recommendations, my macaroni and cheese casserole came out fluffy and very tender. I have tried many recipes, but this one, in my opinion, is the most successful. I will definitely use it more than once. I recommend to everyone.

Several years ago, I flew to Italy, where I ate an unusually delicious pasta casserole in a cafe near the sea. I will never forget this taste. I love to cook and have tried many casserole recipes, but none of them exceeded my expectations. Yesterday I decided to make a casserole from your site. To my surprise, I again felt that wonderful taste that I associate with Italy and pasta. However, I also added some coriander and oregano to it. The taste is amazing! Thank you for posting really good recipes.

Good afternoon. I am writing to you to express my gratitude. Your site is a real find for me. I recommended it to all my friends who also use recipes for various dishes. It’s very convenient that you shoot videos that clearly show all the step-by-step preparation steps. Yesterday my grandson came to visit me from Germany for the summer, and I decided to treat him to something special. He really loves pasta. Without thinking for a long time, I decided that I would cook such a wonderful and satisfying dish as macaroni and cheese casserole. My grandson ate half the casserole at once and praised my culinary talents, which I was very happy about. So thank you very much. I'm looking forward to new dishes.

Hello dear grandmother Emma. I often cook dishes based on your recipes. My family really loved pasta casserole. However, when I prepared it for the first time, I didn’t really like the combination of the delicate cheese filling and breading. This is my subjective opinion. Next time I did not add breadcrumbs and got an unusually refined taste. But this is a matter of taste. Anyway, thanks for the good recipe!

Good afternoon, dear chefs! My name is Andrey, I am raising a 6-year-old son myself. I don’t always have time to prepare him various delicacies and goodies. Also I don't have any special skills. I recently came across your site by chance and was pleasantly surprised, since each recipe has a video where everything is explained in detail. My son loves pasta and I decided I needed something new. And so I made pasta casserole. I was amazed at how easy and quick it was to prepare. My son really liked Grandma Emma's macaroni and cheese casserole. He said it was the most delicious casserole he had ever eaten.

Hello. I would like to thank you for such a variety of recipes for every taste. I regularly visit your site and look for recipes with which I pleasantly surprise my whole family and friends. I want to highlight a recipe for macaroni and cheese casserole that I really liked. This is an amazing combination of cheese sauce and pasta. The casserole melts in your mouth. I haven't eaten anything like this for a long time! Thank you again.

Pasta casserole is a simple and satisfying dish. It is perfect for thrifty housewives, as it can be prepared from yesterday’s pasta. The taste of the dish will not deteriorate at all. And if you add vegetables and cheese to the pasta, the casserole will become not only tasty, but also healthy.

Macaroni and cheese casserole

Macaroni and cheese casserole - simple and delicious

The traditional recipe is very simple. Even a novice housewife can cope with preparing this dish. You will need:

Boiled pasta (you can use yesterday’s pasta – 300 g); - butter (1 tbsp.); - cheese (200 g); - eggs (3 pcs.); - salt (to taste).

Spaghetti can also be used to make a casserole. But it is better to cut long pasta into several parts, otherwise the casserole will turn out too dense

Melt the butter and mix with eggs and salt. You can beat the mixture a little with a mixer, then the casserole will be more fluffy. Grate the cheese and add half to the mixture. Place boiled pasta (it is better to take products made from durum wheat - they hold their shape well, the casserole will turn out fluffy) in a form with high sides, pour in beaten eggs and cheese. Place in the oven preheated to 180°C for 15 minutes. After this time, open the oven door and sprinkle the casserole with the remaining cheese. Leave for 2-3 minutes. The dish is ready. Cheese casserole is a wonderful stand-alone dish that can be served for breakfast or used as a second dish for lunch.

Macaroni casserole with cheese and vegetables - tasty and healthy

For the cheese and vegetable casserole you will need:

Tomatoes (200 g); - eggplants (200 g); - zucchini (200 g); - carrots (100 g); - onion (1 medium onion); - olive oil (1 tbsp.); - boiled pasta (300 g); - butter (1 tbsp.); - hard cheese (200 g); - eggs (3 pcs.); - salt (to taste).

This type of casserole can be confidently classified as a “fast” as well as economical dish. Sometimes they are made from what is left over from yesterday's dinner. The rational use of products has not been canceled! Layer the boiled pasta, add spices, pour in egg sauce with sour cream or cream, sprinkle the prepared dish with grated cheese and put it all in the oven. Ready!

The main advantage of this dish can be considered the ability to combine almost any set of products you have. What kind of casseroles do our housewives come up with using pasta! Judge for yourself: pasta casserole with minced meat in the oven, pasta casserole in the oven with cheese, pasta casserole with sausage in the oven, pasta casserole with eggs in the oven, etc. A separate topic is pasta casserole with meat in the oven. A wide variety of options are also possible here. In addition to minced meat, you can use finely chopped boiled meat, any kind: beef, pork, poultry. The most preferable can be considered a pasta casserole with chicken in the oven, due to its tenderness, mild taste and pronounced dietary qualities. You can also safely combine ingredients, which results in a variety of flavors and aromatic sensations. For example, a casserole with sausage and cheese pasta in the oven is simple and quick to make, but it turns out tasty and satisfying.

In general, one of the features of pasta casseroles is their slow absorption by the body, which for a long time prevents the feeling of hunger from returning and demanding an additional sandwich from you. This is explained by the fact that pasta is very energy-intensive, and at the same time, contrary to popular belief, low in calories.

Another independent trend is a sweet pasta casserole in the oven. It is prepared with the addition of fruits, berries, jam, made using cottage cheese, and served, of course, for dessert.

If you are a thrifty housewife and care that your products are used efficiently and optimally, your dish is pasta casserole in the oven. Recipes are available in sufficient quantities. Study and cook regularly. We also recommend taking a look at the photographs of these dishes. They can tell you a lot, tell you how to properly prepare and serve pasta casserole in the oven. The photo demonstrates the final result and suggests ways to solve some of the nuances.

And for the initial study, we recommend taking the most common pasta casserole with minced meat in the oven; you will like the recipe right away. Your next dish is pasta casserole with chicken in the oven, its recipe is also simple, and the result is just as excellent. Your loved ones will be happy!

Here are some tips on how to cook pasta casserole in the oven:

When buying pasta, pay attention to the type of flour and its appearance. For casseroles, it is better to use durum wheat pasta;

The packaging should not contain foreign small objects, specks, or crumbs;

The color of the pasta should be uniform; they can have colored shades, which are made using natural vegetable dyes;

Pasta should be stored in sealed glass jars to prevent moisture and annoying insects from getting into it;

Pasta will not stick together when cooked if you put just a little vegetable oil in the pan;

Experimentation is encouraged when making pasta casserole. Try the following products or combinations thereof along with pasta: cheese, feta cheese, ham, sausage, pieces of any boiled meat, liver, apples, various vegetables. Then suggest yourself...

Many chefs undeservedly ignore pasta, preferring meat dishes, side dishes, and salads. We dare to say that after trying a pasta casserole prepared according to one of our recipes, they will reconsider their opinion. A well-baked casserole with a golden crust that hides delicate, unique flavors will not leave any gourmet indifferent. Here are a few cooking techniques and useful tips, thanks to which you can choose a recipe for pasta casserole in the oven exactly in accordance with your culinary preferences.

One of the simplest recipes, also notable for its cheap ingredients and quick preparation, is made from pasta in the oven and eggs beaten with sugar. To prepare this dish we will need:

First, boil the pasta over low heat in 1 liter of salted water and rinse thoroughly. After making sure that all the water has drained, place the pasta in a deep baking tray, distributing small pieces of butter among them.
