Traditional soups of Russian national cuisine. “Proper nutrition is the key to health.” Where did onion soup come from?

Everyone knows what soup is. At least in Russia, no lunch is possible without soup. And that’s why it’s not for nothing that soup is called the first course in our country, the first both in order and in meaning. Usually soups are prepared by chefs of higher qualifications than those who prepare second courses, even in portions. Only sauce creators are higher in culinary rank.

It has long been noted that the strongest families are those where they eat soup every day, eat with the whole family at a large dining table covered with a tablecloth, pouring thick, aromatic, hot liquid onto plates or, conversely, cold, if the soup is summer and prepared as a cold dish. from a beautiful porcelain tureen with a lid.

They say that there are countries, quite civilized ones at that, where they either don’t eat soup at all or eat it extremely rarely. But what do we care about them, we live in Russia, where the spoon appeared in everyday life much earlier than the fork. It turns out that not so long ago the then governor of Nizhny Novgorod, Ivan Sklyarov, issued a special decree on the solemn celebration of the millennium of the spoon in Rus' as part of the famous Nizhny Novgorod fair.

There are different types of soups: hot and cold, thick (they are also called “puree soups”) and liquid (these, in the French manner, are called “consommé soups”). In addition, soups can be meat and fish, vegetable and fruit, mushroom, cereal or dough. Soups are prepared with water, milk, kefir, kvass, beer, fruit and vegetable juices and decoctions, and even new wine. You can even cook the soup in a steam bath without adding any liquid to it initially.

All these soups, of course, differ from each other in appearance, taste, consistency and aroma. There is only one thing that unites them: the main thing in each of these soups is the broth or liquid component. It is this that is valued by most gourmets, although, however, there are lovers of thick soup (though there are noticeably fewer of them), it is they who vehemently convince everyone that in real cabbage soup (real borscht or kharcho soup, real rassolnik or beetroot soup, real solyanka, okroshka, etc.) the spoon must definitely stand. Well, yes, as the famous Russian proverb says: “There are no comrades according to taste.”

Today's cooking lesson will be dedicated to hot soups. There are many of them in Russian cuisine, and each one deserves a separate story. But, keeping in mind that “you cannot embrace the immensity,” today we will talk about three, perhaps, the most famous Russian hot soups: cabbage soup, fish soup and mushroom soup.

And let's start, of course, with the Russians cabbage soup Any Russian, without hesitation, will tell you that the favorite hot soup of our people is cabbage soup - and it is not for nothing that this soup, like the father-master, has been called “you” in Rus' from time immemorial. Some, however, may also mention borscht here, but this would be more likely to be a Little Russian influence in domestic cooking. This word itself - “cabbage soup” - cannot be accurately translated into any language. In English, sometimes, however, they are called “cabbage soup” - “cabbage soup”, but you and I know very well that, firstly, cabbage soup can also be made from sorrel, nettle, spinach, watercress and any other greens, and secondly, cabbage soup is something much more serious than just “cabbage soup.”

Despite its apparent simplicity, cooking good cabbage soup is not so easy, because it is a troublesome task. However, the trick here is certainly worth the trouble: in former times, cabbage soup was sometimes a whole meal in the diet of Russian people. However, we note with regret that in many homes, where, it would seem, issues of family nutrition are taken seriously and even reverently (and rightly so: nothing brings people together like a shared meal), the prestige of cabbage soup has fallen.

But not so long ago in the city of Boston, the eastern intellectual capital of the United States of America, a seminar was held on economic relations between Western countries and present-day Russia, in which the most famous businessmen, politicians and economists from all over the world took part. And then, in the fashionable reception hall of this intellectual capital of America, a ceremonial dinner was given in the “Russian style”. The lunch menu was as follows: cabbage soup and pearl barley porridge with fried fish (salmon).

So, real cabbage soup is prepared in parts. First you need to prepare the meat broth. Let's put the marrow bones in the pan and certainly a piece of good beef, and for richness and tenderness you can also add a couple of pork ribs. Let's pour cold water over the meat from which we are going to cook the broth, and we will try to calculate it so that during the cooking process we don't have to add or remove water. You need to cook cabbage soup either in a ceramic or cast iron pot, or, at worst, in an enamel pan. We also put a large onion in the pot (or pan), preferably slightly sprouted. Let's cook the broth until half cooked, that is, let it just boil, and then reduce the heat to the minimum possible and close the pot (cast iron or saucepan). Of course, by this time the foam from the broth should be completely removed with a slotted spoon, and the edges of the pot (saucepan, cast iron) should be thoroughly wiped with a napkin, and the onion should be discarded.

Now take another pot (or small saucepan), put the cabbage there, pour a small amount of boiling water over it and add a couple of tablespoons of butter. If your cabbage is fresh or instead of cabbage there is sorrel, spinach or young nettles, they need to be chopped into thin “noodles”, but if it is pickled, then you need to scald it, although squeezing it won’t hurt. Place a pot of cabbage (sorrel, nettle, etc.), covered with a ceramic or dough lid, in the oven over low heat and keep it there until the cabbage (sorrel, nettle, etc.) becomes soft . This will give our future cabbage soup a pleasant stewed taste. Of course, a real rustic Russian stove would be better for this, but where can you get one in an urban environment?

Then, in a saucepan with broth, combine all the parts of the future cabbage soup together with the water in which they were boiled and the juice they gave, add finely chopped onions, carrots, turnips, parsley root, add salt and put on a good fire for about 15 minutes. 20. 2-3 minutes before turning off the heat, add a tablespoon of crushed garlic to the cabbage soup.

After this, the cabbage soup needs to be “brought to taste.” To do this, add 2-3 coarsely chopped salted milk mushrooms, a few peas of black pepper, pre-crushed pepper, parsley and celery, a teaspoon of basil, marjoram, cilantro or tarragon (it is sometimes also called tarragon in our country), a few bay leaves.

After turning off the heat, wrap the pan with cabbage soup tightly and let our creation brew for half an hour: the cabbage soup “must rest.”

Before serving, it is advisable to pour the cabbage soup from the pan into a porcelain tureen with a lid (the cabbage soup will ripen better there), then pour into plates, adding a spoonful of sour cream to each of them.

Another masterpiece of Russian cuisine is ear. This is a kind of legendary soup, because stories, proverbs, sayings and entertaining stories are dedicated to it. In ancient, pre-Petrine times, fish soup in Rus' was the name given to any rich broth, including meat broth. Here I immediately remember “Prince Silver” by A. K. Tolstoy: “They brought different stews and three types of fish soup: white chicken, black chicken and saffron chicken.” Now, however, the ear has no other interpretations, but respect and even awe are certainly there. However, this is understandable, because fish soup is our national treasure, because they can truly cook it only in Russia, and best of all directly from fishing, that is, practically from live fish, or at least from the freshest fish, which is not only It didn’t have time to sit, but it didn’t even really dry out.

The first stock includes, first of all, perches and ruffs and all available small fish, as well as the heads, tails and fins of fish from the second and third stages. There is no need to clean small fish, it is advisable only to gut it - mainly in order to remove gall bladders from the fish’s liver, which will give the broth unnecessary bitterness, and also to remove the gills, because when they are cooked, they will make the broth cloudy; In addition, fish usually contain all the nasty stuff in their gills. However, if in the first batch you only have perches and ruffs, you don’t have to gut the fish - these fish have a small gall bladder, and the bile itself is not too “evil”. The fish from the first batch must be boiled over high heat until it completely falls apart, and then mercilessly thrown away. After this, be sure to strain the broth. After the first addition, put our clear broth on low heat and add onions, celery, peppercorns, small carrots and salt. All this, of course, is to taste.

In the second tab we will put fillet pieces of “black” fish: pike perch, bream, pike, burbot, ide, etc. It is not advisable to cook fish soup only from swamp crucian carp and tench - your fish soup will then taste like mud. These fish are most often fried or baked. When cutting our fish, both the second and, especially, the third set, we will try to carefully collect their intestinal fat and remove the liver, carefully cutting out the gall bladder, as well as milt and caviar.

The second load of fish should be removed from the pot, and the broth should be strained again. Sad gourmets, corrupted by the abundance of fish, throw away this stash (especially in the North, where fish is plentiful), but we would recommend putting pieces of “black” fillet in a separate bowl, and then pouring the rest of the fish soup (if, of course, you have there will be something left in the pot). The next morning you will receive wonderful fish jellied meat.

The third tab contains only fillets of sturgeon or whitefish: sterlet, sturgeon, beluga, thorn, kaluya, omul, grayling, whitefish, muksun, broad whitefish, nelma, etc. First, let's collect the intestinal fat extracted from all our fish into a cup, grind it thoroughly and add fish livers, milt or caviar. At the same time, we will carefully ensure that among the livers there is not a single one painted the poisonous yellow color of crushed bile. And don’t try to wash this liver, you won’t succeed anyway. At the very end of cooking, pour the same fish oil with mashed giblets into the boiling fish soup from a cup. The fish soup will immediately raise a large white head of foam, after which the pan should be immediately removed from the heat, add saffron pre-brewed in fish broth, which will make the soup not only more aromatic, but also golden, a few bay leaves, then throw in a piece of butter and let it brew within a few minutes.

Now we will literally tell you in a few words about several exotic types of fish soup. These primarily include: Ostyatskaya, Bishop’s and Bulk.

About "Ostyak" ear, that is, the same one that is prepared from cleaned but not gutted fish (that is, fish soup cooked with intestinal lard), we have already briefly talked about. But what is “bishop’s ear”? Place the strained chicken broth over high heat, and when the broth boils, reduce the heat and put large pieces of sturgeon fillets (sterlet, sturgeon, beluga, kaluga, thorn, etc.) into the pan. No other fish is absolutely suitable for “bishop’s” fish soup. As soon as the fish is cooked, add a glass of dry champagne to the fish soup and bring it to a boil again. Then remove the fish soup from the heat, garnish with fresh herbs (finely chopped dill, parsley, green onions) and let it brew. All!

“Pour” your ear They are prepared from small (no more than a kilogram in weight) sterlet, and only at the end of winter or early spring, when the intestines of the fish are almost empty. Live fish (cleaning and gutting them are strictly forbidden!) are placed in an empty cauldron and poured with boiling water, after which they are brought to a boil. And as soon as the broth rises to a head of foam, remove the fish soup from the heat, add finely chopped herbs (dill, green onions, parsley, etc.), salt and pepper to taste, cover with a lid and let it brew for at least half an hour.

And now it's time mushroom soup. It is almost impossible to spoil mushroom soup (unless you over-salt it). First, chop fresh mushrooms (preferably, of course, white mushrooms, but in a pinch, good champignons will do) and boil them in milk. Then we take the mushrooms out of there, cool them and put them through a meat grinder. Let's cook a strong chicken broth and season it with a mash of flour and egg yolk, beaten with warm (but not hot!) milk - the same one in which our mushrooms were boiled. To do this, dilute two tablespoons of good wheat flour in half a cup of cold boiled water and then add egg yolk beaten with milk. Let's beat it all well again. Add our milk-egg-flour mash to the hot but not boiling broth and bring it to a boil.

Mix the boiled chicken meat, separated from the bones and cartilage, with the previously prepared mushroom mince, make meatballs (balls) from this mixture and throw them into the boiling broth. Bring the soup to a boil again, then add spices: dry basil, cilantro, dill, bay leaf (however, all this is at the discretion of the cook) and immediately remove from heat. Let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes, then serve.

That's it, actually. That's all. Bon appetit!

Galya Noskova
Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group “Where the table came from”

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group

« Where did the table come from?» .

Target: Tell the students about it. That any thing was created by the labor of many people.


Reinforce the concept "furniture" and the material from which the furniture is made. To introduce the process of making furniture, clarifying and expanding children’s ideas about professions.

Develop the ability to compose and solve riddles

Continue to work on teaching the skills of calmly fully answering questions, and improve the expressiveness of speech.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, hand motor skills.

To cultivate a desire to treat furniture with care towards nature. Fostering activity, creativity, and the ability to play together.

Previous work: Educational games “Call it in one word”, “What is the extra object here?”.

Target: Remember what items belong to furniture, name them.

Materials: Simulated cards for solving riddles, Sheets of paper for manual labor, pictures "Furniture", a sketchy drawing of an apartment, a toy or a drawing of Winnie the Pooh.

Educational activity:

To visit us Winnie the Pooh has arrived, his friends built him a new house and for some reason he is very bored in it. Look at the house (showing a picture inside the house there is no furniture) Why do you think he is bored in his new home?

Let's help him furnish his apartment. Where can I get furniture?

We will go to an unusual store, here you need to guess the item you want to buy.

Modeling puzzles: made of wood. Four legs under one roof (chair); Rectangular in shape, comes in different colors, with handles, wooden, has shelves (closet); soft, with a back, there are hand rests (armchair); long, rectangular, soft, delicate, very comfortable, dreams are made there (sofa or bed). INSERT PHOTO

Everyone bought and furnished the house. But for some reason Winnie the Pooh is still not happy. Guys, look carefully, maybe you and I missed something and forgot some of the furniture. Let me help you a little, tell you a riddle, and you guess it. “Made of wood, but not a stool, white, but not a ceiling, round, but not a ball, legs, but not a person, smooth, but not glass, located at home, but not a sofa, can be covered, but not a bed, can put dishes , but not a buffet" (table) .(Large SCHEME).

That's right table. Guys, do you know where did the table come from? (children's answers)

And here I am table came and wants to tell about himself (the child takes the puppet in his hands table or a hat with a drawing table) and conducts a dialogue with the teacher. (The text is given to this student in advance).

You tell me, tell us table, table, You where did he come to us from??

I came from the forest.

What were you like in the dense forest?

I was a creaking tree, the wind played with the leaves, I rocked the birds on the branches.

How did you swing birds on branches?

This way and that way I rocked the birds

(shows movements)

How are you became a table?

Lumberjacks came in and cut me down with a saw.

How did they cut you with a saw?

This way and that way they sawed me with a saw (shows)

What happened to you then?

Then a timber truck arrived and took it to the factory.

How did he take you?

So he took it to the factory like this (shows)

What happened to you then?

And then, and then I became beautiful table.

Where did you end up from the factory?

He began to live in houses and serve people.

So that's how you turned out?

Our Winnie the Pooh invites you to his house, now you will live with him.

Fizminutka "Furniture"

Let's go to the store in the morning, (walking in place)

I bought furniture there m:

Tall cabinet (stand on tiptoes, stretch arms up)

And a stool (squats)

Bed - we will sleep on it softly (place folded palms under left cheek)

Let's buy a chair (a bent left palm is attached to the straight right palm to create a "chair")

AND large table(spread arms to the sides)

And we'll take you home (turn the steering wheel)

Educator: guys, let's go visit Vinny.

Receive guests, master we brought you table. now you have everything. Let's list what's in Winnie the Pooh's house? How can we put this in one word? Let's tell Little Bear how to make furniture?

To make our table, what should you do first?

Child: The tree needs to be cut down.

Child: you need to cut boards from a log.

Educator: There are boards, but they are uneven. Who do we need?

Child: We need carpenter.

Educator: What is he doing carpenter?


The carpenter took the plane in his hands

And suddenly the plane rustled: shhh…. Shh...

Cooking a little at a time, first the lid, then the leg.

Educator: Who should we call now?

Child: you need to call a collector. Tok-tok-tok-tok

A hammer hits the hat

Often not rarely, not by, but accurately.

That's the table is ready.

Let's ask a riddle about Winnie the Pooh's furniture together. What furniture does the bear cub not already have in his house?

What is it made of? (made of plastic)

What shape? (like a cube)

What colour? (blue)

What height? (short)

How much weight (lightweight, convenient. Helps to get something from the closet)

What is this? (stool)

Well done Vinnie, he guessed it, and you are wonderful writers of riddles.

Let's play a game with Mishka "Find and keep silent"(one child hides toy table, and the rest are looking with their eyes).

Guys tables Now craftsmen can make it from different materials, not just wood, but also plastic and glass. And we can make Winnie the Pooh for friends paper tables. (explanation of production paper table, independent work).


Kids, why was Winnie the Pooh sad at the beginning. How did we help him? What do you think, how did ours and you do? tables? Let's list what professions helped transform from wood to table?

Publications on the topic:

Topic: “Where did the bread come from?” Project type: educational and research. Participants: group and parents Implementation period: long-term.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Where the bread came to us from” Objectives: Educational: introduce children to the path bread takes before reaching the table, consolidate children’s knowledge of what bread is.

Summary of the lexical and grammatical lesson in the preparatory group (ONG) “Where did the bread come from?” Program objectives: Correctional and educational: teach to form and use relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group “How bread got on the table” Direct educational activity on the topic: “How bread got to the table” Goal: to enrich children’s knowledge about bread as one of the greatest.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group “Birds” State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 36 of the compensating type of the compensating type of the Primorsky district.

Step-by-step preparation of onion soup, tips and tricks. Many people think of onion soup as a thick and unappetizing stew or thin lean broth with an abundance of onion mixture. But in fact, both options are wrong, because this is a real French delicacy, which can only be prepared if special technology and quantities of ingredients are observed. The onion soup recipes offered in this article are good because they make the dish not only healthy, but also extremely appetizing. Believe me, after preparing this dish, your opinion about it will change dramatically.

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Photo gallery: Appetizing onion soup: the best recipes

Where did onion soup come from?

This recipe perfectly saturates a weakened body with useful substances, vitamins and microelements. According to one version, this soup was invented by the famous Louis XV: after a hunt, not finding any nourishing food, he decided to fry finely chopped onions, after which he poured a delicious alcoholic drink over the frying. In addition to all the excellent qualities of this dish, it is also a wonderful aphrodisiac that evokes tender feelings in your partner. In addition, in some diets, onion soup is an indispensable part of the diet. But moving away from the facts, let's get down to the list of ingredients itself, and then to the preparation.

Ingredients needed for onion soup

  • A small head of cabbage (about 500-700 g);
  • Medium bulbs – 6 pcs;
  • Bell pepper (sweet) – 2 pcs;
  • A cube of vegetable or meat broth;
  • Celery

How to cook correctly and quickly?

The cabbage must be finely chopped, the pepper and onion cut into rings. Celery also needs to be chopped. Fry the onion rings until they acquire a golden hue. Pour the remaining vegetables with cool water and place on low heat. They need to be brought to a boil until they become slightly soft. After this, add a cube of concentrated broth and celery. Add the onion itself to the vegetables and cook for about ten minutes. Ready!

Onion soup: recipe two

The recipe is not much different from the one that was invented several centuries ago. Besides the fact that this first dish will go perfectly with a crunchy addition. But more on that below.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Onion – 1 kg;
  • Butter – 30 gr.
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Dry white wine – 250 ml;
  • Meat or vegetable seasoning
  • Salt, sugar

Cooking process

First you need to melt the butter in a saucepan. Fry the onion until golden brown, then add a pinch of salt and sugar. Then, fill the roast with one liter of water and cover with a lid for ten minutes. After this time, pour the mixture into a pan with oil, add a bouillon cube. After the composition has reached a boil, pour in white wine and olive oil and wait for it to boil again. At the very end, add the squeezed garlic.

What can you prepare for onion soup?

In order to add completeness and sophistication to this dish, you can prepare delicious croutons from a French baguette with cheese spread. They must be fried in butter. After the bread has fried until it turns brownish, remove it from the pan. To prepare cheese paste you will need processed cheese, mayonnaise and a small clove of garlic. The cheese must be grated on a fine grater, then squeezed into it and mixed with a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

We hope this onion soup will be a pleasant discovery for you, and you will delight not only your family, but also your friends over a warm, cozy dinner. Enjoy your meal!

Products brought from different countries of the world played a key role in the emergence of our national cuisine. However, it was the experiments of Russian housewives and the best chefs of the master's table that brought our favorite soups from childhood, originally called “khlebov” or “pottage,” into world cooking.


The favorite soup of Empress Catherine the Great has been a favorite for several centuries not only in Russian national cuisine, but also on the menu of most Russian families. And with exactly the same duration of centuries, our neighbors, the Ukrainians, want to take credit for the original authorship of this soup. Perhaps that is why you can find “Ukrainian borscht” on the menu of some establishments. However, there are a great many interpretations of borscht in our country: cold, beetroot, lean, with beef, with mushrooms - these and other varieties of this soup are often found in Russia. But even with such a variety of possible ingredients, the constant basis of real Russian borscht is made up of three main vegetables - beets, cabbage and carrots.

Recipe: 400 g meat, 5 potatoes, 3 pcs. beets, 3 pcs. carrots, 1 head of cabbage, 1 large tomato, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, salt, dill, garlic - to taste.

Preparation: Let the meat cook. When the meat is cooked, add the peeled potatoes and after a couple of minutes the shredded cabbage. Cover the pan with a lid. Heat a frying pan and pour in vegetable oil. Place carrots and beets cut into strips, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Leave to simmer for 15 minutes. You can also add a few tablespoons of broth for juiciness. A few minutes before the vegetable mixture is ready. Add tomato to it. When the cabbage and potatoes are almost ready, add carrots and beets to them and stir. Leave to simmer over low heat until done. Sprinkle the finished borscht with dill and garlic, pour into plates and garnish with sour cream.


There is a humorous gastronomic rule among foreign tourists: in order not to die of hunger in Russia, it is enough to know one word - solyanka. Many centuries ago, when there weren’t even tomatoes in Russia, peasants cooked this soup as a snack for vodka. The solyanka necessarily contained brine, fatty meat and vegetables from the garden. Due to its richness and fat content, hodgepodge helped to get less drunk and perfectly satisfied hunger. However, this soup could not be found on the tables of the upper class, so the original name of the soup - selyanka - came from the word “village”. In our current everyday life, the phrase “hodgepodge” is firmly established, which is used not only in cooking, but also in other areas of life to describe the diversity of the composition of something.

Recipe: 400 g beef, 4 sausages, 200 g boiled sausage, 3 pickles, 200 g ham, 1 pc. onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 can of olives, 2 tbsp. tomato paste.

Preparation: Cook beef broth with bay leaf and black pepper. Finely chop the meat from the broth, sausages, sausage, ham, onions, cucumbers, parsley and simmer for 10 minutes with tomato paste. Transfer the finished mixture to the broth and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the meat, sausages, ham and sausage. Cook until boiling. Pour the olives into the soup along with the brine and bring to a boil.


Like solyanka, this soup was one of the oldest in Rus', and it was cooked long before the official appearance of liquid hot dishes in our country (17th century). Rassolnik was almost 100% prepared from cucumber brine with the addition of pickles, which is how it got its name. The remaining ingredients of the soup (pearl barley, carrots) were also accessible and simple, which made it a frequent guest on the tables of ordinary peasants. And, by the way, like solyanka, which in those days was called “hangover”, rassolnik was often used as a snack for alcohol or to relieve a hangover.

Recipe: 300 g of beef, 150 g of pearl barley, 2 potatoes, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 carrot, 3 pickled cucumbers, herbs, pepper, basil - to taste.

Preparation: Make beef broth. Fry finely chopped onions, garlic and carrots in vegetable oil with seasonings. Boil pearl barley until half cooked. Finely chop the potatoes and add them to the prepared broth along with frying, cereal and seasonings to taste. 10 minutes before readiness, add chopped cucumbers and herbs.


The name of this soup has long been a common noun (the word “ear” is a derivative of the Indo-European root jus - decoction, broth) and was used to refer to any soup - vegetable soup, meat soup, fish soup. But later, when other soups got their names, the name “ukha” was assigned to fresh fish soup. Interestingly, in Baltic cuisine the word from the same root means beef soup. Russian ukha is quite simple to prepare in terms of the number of ingredients: there are only three of them - fish, carrots and potatoes. However, it takes a long time to cook it, and you also need the right cooking container. You can cook fish soup only in special non-oxidizing dishes (enamel or clay), but under no circumstances in aluminum or cast iron. Another important difference between fish soup and ordinary fish soup is the use of fresh fish. You should also remember that you can’t cook it from just any fish. The most common types of fish used to prepare fish soup are carp, perch, crucian carp and pike perch. Ukha tastes best when cooked over an open fire without a lid.

Recipe: 400 g salmon fillet, 500 g potatoes, 150 g onions, 200 g carrots, 1 clove garlic, 3 tbsp. tomato paste, bay leaf, salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Preparation: Cut the fish and potatoes into small pieces and place in a pan of boiling water along with the spices. Cook over medium heat for 25 minutes. Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan along with carrots and tomato paste. Add the roast to the soup, cook for a few more minutes, sprinkle with herbs and serve.


This soup is perhaps the only one in Russian cuisine that does not require cooking. Initially, okroshka was served to the table in the summer as a cold appetizer, which was a crumble (finely chopped pieces) of radish, turnips and onions, supplemented with a glass of homemade bread kvass. The idea of ​​“filling” chopped vegetables with kvass came later, then okroshka became a full-fledged summer soup, and its composition was slightly diversified with meat and other vegetables. By the way, potatoes are the youngest ingredient in okroshka, which appeared in Russia only in the 19th century. Today, okroshka is seasoned not only with kvass, but also with kefir, and sometimes fish is added to it, which, surprisingly, goes well with the latter.

Recipe: 1.5 liters of kvass, 500 g of potatoes, 300 g of boiled sausage, 3 chicken eggs, 200 g of radishes, 300 g of cucumbers, 500 g of sour cream, herbs, salt - to taste.

Preparation: Chop boiled potatoes, sausage, boiled eggs, radishes, cucumbers and herbs. Mix everything together. Season with salt and pepper and place on plates. Pour in kvass, sprinkle with herbs and garnish with sour cream.

Mushroom soup

This soup became known in Russia with the emergence of forest gathering and quickly took one of the first positions in Russian national cuisine. For those who are fasting, mushroom soup will come in handy. It is quite nutritious due to mushrooms, which in terms of their nutritional and energy value can replace meat without being inferior to it in taste. Other ingredients that can be found in traditional mushroom soup are pearl barley, potatoes and carrots. It’s easy to prepare and, most importantly, you can use any mushrooms (except fly agarics and toadstools, of course). Today, many borrowed interpretations of mushroom soup have appeared, including cream soup that came to us from France. Preparing cream soup differs from regular soup in that all ingredients are ground in a blender with the addition of cream. By the way, cream of mushroom soup goes well with shrimp.

Recipe: 250 g fresh mushrooms, 2 pcs. potatoes, 1.5 liters of water, 1 onion, 1.5 tbsp. olive oil, 1 carrot, salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Preparation: Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, add salt and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, covered, over medium heat. Finely chop the onion and carrots and fry with butter in a frying pan over low heat until tender. When the mushrooms are cooked, remove them from the pan and chop them finely. Place the chopped potatoes into the pan, add the mushrooms to the vegetables, and fry everything together for 10 minutes. When the potatoes are cooked, place the potatoes into the pan. Add salt and pepper to the soup and cook it for another 10 minutes over low heat, covered. Sprinkle with herbs.

Cabbage soup

This soup with a record short name is considered almost the progenitor of all Russian national cuisine, since it appeared back in the 9th century, in fact, along with cabbage, which was brought to us from Byzantium. There are several interpretations of its name. The most famous of them: origin from the ancient Russian word “s’to” (food) or from the name of the ingredient of one of the types of cabbage soup - sorrel. This word and especially its derivatives (schanoy, shchets), as you understand, cause the greatest difficulties among foreigners. From the moment of its appearance, cabbage soup gained enormous popularity in Rus' and served as a certain sign of equality between simple peasants and wealthy boyars, since both of them prepared them, only, of course, based on their gastronomic capabilities. As a rule, “rich” cabbage soup was made from sauerkraut, with fatty pieces of meat and an abundance of vegetables. And simple or “empty” cabbage soup was cooked from fresh cabbage and everything that grew in the garden. Since borscht appeared in Russian cuisine much later, its name was obtained by combining the word “shchi” with the noun “buryak” (in ancient Russian beets), that is, the word “borscht” meant beet or beet soup.

Recipe: 4 things. potatoes, 1.5 kg cabbage, 2 onions, 4 tomatoes, 2 pcs. carrots, 100 g sour cream, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, bay leaf, salt, pepper - to taste.

Preparation: Bring water to a boil, add salt and reduce heat. Add finely chopped cabbage and potatoes to the water. Fry chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan with oil. Add the chopped tomatoes and simmer with a little water for a few minutes. Transfer the vegetables to the broth, add bay leaf, salt and pepper. Before serving, garnish with sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Lesson No. 2

« Sweet tooth»

Program content: Reinforce the concept that proper nutrition is the key to health. To form in children the general concept of “Sweet tooth”, the ability to choose food correctly, and to know their nutritional properties. To develop children's flexibility of thinking, imagination, research and search activities. Cultivate a desire to take care of your health.

Equipment: Sound letter - cassette, tape recorder for listening, cubes, 2 glasses: Pepsi - Cola, water, 2 coins of five kopecks. Pictures depicting healthy and unhealthy foods, foods containing various vitamins, trucks loaded with different products.

Vocabulary work: Sweet tooth, laboratory, soluble and insoluble vitamins, menu.

Preliminary work: learning poems, looking at illustrations of food production.


Educator: Guys, today I received a message from Carlson and his girlfriend Bun. He offers to listen to it. The message says how Carlson and Bun argued about what was tastier and healthier and asked the guys to judge.

Educator: Shall we help Carlson and Bun? But in order to give the right advice to our heroes, you and I must understand this situation and think a little. Do you agree?

I suggest you say the magic words:

I can think

I can reason.

What is good for health

I know how to choose. Well done!

Educator: I see you are ready for serious work.

Educator: Now we will play a game called

Game “Where did the food come to our table from?”

With the help of children, trucks loaded with various food products are brought in.

Fruits: apples, pears, oranges, lemons, dried fruits, pomegranate.

Vegetables: carrots, onions, beets, potatoes, garlic, a can of green peas, tomato paste in an iron can.

From the field: bread, cookies, cereals in bags (rice, buckwheat, rolled oats, millet).

Livestock products: stew, condensed milk, packaged sausages, sour cream, cheese.

Seafood: jars of canned fish, caviar, packaged fish products.

There are 5 tables in the group. On each table I lay out silhouettes (wood, brown, yellow, blue, green rectangles).

Educator: Here's a tree. You need to put food that grew on the tree on it.

Here is the bed (brown rectangle). For this table, choose products that have grown in the garden, in the garden.

This is the field (yellow rectangle). Here you can choose products that have grown in the field.

And this is the sea (blue rectangle). Put here the products that the sea gives us.

Green rectangle. Livestock products are displayed here.

After completion, the task is checked, the children name the products, and sit on chairs.

Educator: guys, I see that you know where the food came to our table, but I also suggest you play one game.

Game "Useful-Useful"

There are different food products on the table (a buffet with fake products: healthy and unhealthy (vegetables, fruits and confectionery), children are invited to choose their favorite product from them.

Educator: Why did you choose this product? What vitamins do you think are contained in this product? How can this product be useful for the body?

Educator: Tell me, who can be called a sweet tooth?

(I call the children who chose confectionery products have a sweet tooth).

Educator: That's right, this is a person who likes to eat a lot of sweets. Is it possible to eat a lot of sweets? And why? Let's remember why confectionery and bakery foods are harmful to human health?

That’s right, sweets spoil your teeth and then start to hurt a lot. To avoid this, I suggest you create a menu. But first, let's rest.

Physicalcultural minute:

And now, in order, let’s all stand together for exercises (Arms along the body).

The arms were bent to the side;

They raised it up and waved.

They hid them behind their backs,

We looked back: over our right shoulder, then over our left.

Everyone sat down together, their heels touched;

Rising on tiptoes (stretching arms up)

They put their hands down.

Game "Make a menu"

The game is played by 2 teams

Educator: To create a menu for one day, you need to select pictures of ready-made dishes that are on the tables. Menu discussion.

I see that almost all of you love sweets and confectionery just like Carlson and Bun. I think we are not ready to give advice to our friends yet. We need to correct ourselves, since these foods are harmful to health. One wise man said: “We eat in order to live. We don’t live to eat.” In order for a person to never get sick, one must eat right. And for this, two conditions must be met: moderation and variety. What do you think moderation means? That's right, you can't overeat, it's bad for your stomach.

What does food variety mean? No single food provides all the nutrients you need to maintain good health. Some foods give the body energy to move, think well, and not get tired.

(I list and show in the illustration honey, buckwheat, rolled oats, raisins, butter).

Others help build and make the body stronger and more resilient (cottage cheese, fish, meat, eggs, nuts).

And still others - fruits and vegetables - contain many vitamins and minerals that help our body grow and develop (Berries, greens, cabbage, carrots, bananas, etc.)

I suggest you go to our laboratory and conduct some experiments. Do you agree?

Physicalcultural minute:

Now let’s bring our shoulder blades together, check our posture and tiptoe into the laboratory, overcoming an obstacle course (walking like a snake around the cubes)

Attention, in front of you is a glass of clean water and Pepsi-Cola, 2 five-kopeck coins and a napkin.

We will check how harmful Pepsi-Cola is for our body, and coins will help us figure it out. I put one of them in a glass of clean water, and the other in a glass of Pepsi-Cola and let’s leave them for a few minutes and find out what happens to the coins.

While the coins are in the glasses, game "Good - bad"».

We make a beautiful circle, everyone quickly stood up around us. I will name a food product, and you will take turns explaining when this product benefits a person and when it does not (A piece of chocolate is good; a lot of chocolate is bad, a piece of cake is good; a few pieces of cake is bad...)

Now it's time to look at our coins. Please note: the coin that was in the glass of Pepsi-Cola became cleaner. (Consider, draw conclusions).

Guys, as you noticed, water and Pepsi-Cola played the role of washing powder today. And Pepsi-Cola coped with the task best. Would you like Pepsi-Cola to wash out your stomach? What do you think happens in the stomach when we drink Pepsi? Pepsi-Cola spoils the stomach, and this is very dangerous for human health and life. But water is very beneficial for our body. Therefore, when you are thirsty, it is better to drink boiled water or juices.

ANDgra “What is healthier?”

(the teacher reads out the names of the products, and the children choose only healthy products from them.)

Well done. I see that you are ready to give your friends advice, I suggest you record them as an audio letter. (children, if desired, recite memorized early poems into the microphone)

Dear Carlson and Bun, I think you know without a doubt that it is not what you eat that benefits you, but how much you eat.

Remember and explain to everyone very clearly:

You can't hurt your stomach needlessly.

He doesn't need cold food

And very hot is also harmful.

And various sweets and chips and cola.

The stomach is afraid of injections like the butt.

Large pieces should not be swallowed,

You need to chew the piece thoroughly.

And remember - my stomach didn’t hurt then,

Who understood and pitied him from childhood.

Everyone should be their own doctor.

Everyone needs to learn this one day.

Questions for children:

What rules did you remember today that help maintain our health?

What foods are best to eat?

Lesson No. 3

“All about the benefits of fish”

lesson notes in development

II Section “How to eat properly”

A cycle of educational activities aimed at developing

healthy lifestyle of preschool children

Lesson No. 1

“Proper nutrition is the key to health”

Program content: Tell children what role nutrition plays in a person’s life. To deepen children's understanding of how health depends on our nutrition.

Get to know the vitamins that are found in various foods.

To instill in children a desire to take care of their health.

Equipment: Vitamin alphabet diagram.

Individual tablets with a diagram of the vitamin alphabet.

Cards with images of food products.

Pencils and paper.

Activating the dictionary: vitamin alphabet, antioxidants, plant foods.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, why do you think a person should eat?

That’s right, nutrition is a critical component of health and wellness. For good performance, all the main types of nutrients must enter our body with food - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber and the main source of life - water (a number of pictures are displayed during the conversation).

Foods such as bread, pasta, and cereals are rich in carbohydrates.

The body takes fat from butter and vegetable oil, cheese, and milk.

Please tell me what is needed to build a house?

(children's answers)

So, proteins are the building material for our body. They are found in meat, fish, eggs, and beans.

In our kindergarten, the chefs try to prepare a wide variety of dishes for you.

Name the dishes that you like best.

(children's answers)

Physical education minute

We put on an apron,

We put on the cap.

We wash potatoes

Thinly slice the zucchini.

Add tomatoes

And carrots and onions.

Let's put everything on to cook now,

For a happy light.

Our dish smells delicious

Everyone should like it.

Whoever tries it will say

This is very good!

Vitamins and minerals also help in building our body. With their help, our nervous system is strengthened, hair, nails, skin, bones and muscles are nourished. There are a lot of vitamins that we consume with food, a whole alphabet.

Guys, let's make a vitamin alphabet using a diagram and tablets.

And so - vitamin A.

Liver, eggs, milk, and butter are rich in this vitamin. By consuming these products, we take care of our vision, and the body develops resistance to various diseases.

Vitamin C - ascorbic acid, increases the body's resistance to colds. Helps strengthen blood vessels. Sources of vitamin C are: cabbage, onions, sorrel, currants, rowan, rose hips, cranberries, lingonberries, gooseberries, citrus fruits.

Vitamin D is necessary in large quantities for the growth of the body and especially for bones and teeth. There is a lot of vitamin D in fish, butter, eggs, and fresh herbs. Vitamin D is also produced in our body when we walk or sunbathe in the sun.

Vitamin E – increases resistance to diseases and is a means of removing harmful substances (antioxidants) from the body. Vitamin E is found in plant foods: seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils.

B vitamins are protectors of our nervous system and are found in meat, cereals, mushrooms, and fruits.

Look what a wonderful vitamin alphabet we have created.

Game “One, two, three, collect vitamins”

Five hoops are laid out on the floor. Cards with pictures of different food products are laid out. On command, children place the cards into hoops marked with vitamin letters. At the end of the game, the children explain why they added these particular foods to this vitamin.

Game for attention

Divide into two teams, settling on 1st, 2nd. The game is that for vitamin “A” children raise their hands up, and for vitamin “B” they lower their hands down.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables.

In front of you is a sheet of paper and colored pencils.

Please draw a diagram of the foods you like most. Our vitamin alphabet will help you.

At the end, the teacher interviews the children.

You all drew a variety of food products and this is very important in human nutrition. The more different foods we have on our table, the more beneficial substances will enter the body.

Guys, what new did you learn today?

Guys, let’s make a book from your drawings: “Proper Nutrition”, and in the future we will supplement it with your drawings.

Lesson No. 2

“Fast food or healthy eating, what to choose?”

Program content: Introduce children to the principles of healthy eating; form the habit of eating right and following a diet.

Develop skills in using the right foods and creating a daily diet from them.

Develop a negative attitude towards unhealthy foods. Foster a culture of preserving and improving one’s own health.

Equipment: poster diagram “Healthy Eating Pyramid”, cards with images of healthy foods.

Vocabulary work: fast food, pathogenic microbes and viruses, flavoring additive,

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, before announcing the topic of our lesson, I will ask you a few questions, and you will answer them: Do you like to get sick? Why is being sick bad?

So it's better to be healthy. Tell me, please, what is health in general? How do you understand this? Why do we need health?

How can you determine whether you are healthy or not? What signs of health can you name?

Slimness, good mood, activity, good appetite, good looking skin, hair, nails, etc.

What do you think our health depends on? Let's determine the factors affecting our health.

So, we found out that the main factors of good health are the environment, lifestyle, work and sleep patterns, sports, diet and food. And what do you think. Which of the following most strongly affects the general condition of the body, its health?

This means that we can conclude that food has the greatest impact on our health. We will talk about healthy eating today.

Educator: Do you think you are eating right? By what principle do you choose what to eat? Do you know which foods are healthy and which are harmful?

Game "Good and bad"?

What should we choose for breakfast – a hamburger and Coca-Cola or porridge and freshly squeezed juice? For lunch - cabbage soup with meat and compote or French fries with sauce and lemonade?

For an afternoon snack - cottage cheese, banana, milk or chips and Snickers with Fanta?

For dinner - fish with vegetable salad, tea or instant noodles, grilled chicken and a tea drink?

Fans of all kinds of preservatives, flavoring additives, sweeteners, hot seasonings and canned food should know that fast food, which came to us from the West with the beautiful name “Fast Food”, is not just very harmful for our body, but is catastrophically dangerous and poses a serious threat our health.

Despite the dubious advantages of fast food - quick preparation, special taste - it has a number of very serious disadvantages.

Our stomach and intestines are simply not accustomed to such foods, fatty and heavy, which contain many calories and do not contain any useful substances.

It is easier and healthier for our body to eat what our ancestors ate for centuries - porridge from various cereals, first courses for lunch and a lot of vegetables and fruits; these products practically do not cause allergies.

In food outlets called McDonald's, literally all fried products - sandwiches, hamburgers, French fries and grilled chicken - contain oxidized cholesterol, which contributes to the occurrence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, frequent consumption of fast food causes diseases such as allergies, obesity, diabetes, stomach and liver disorders.

It is not for nothing that most of the US population suffers from obesity, because fast food has long become a part of their daily life and is so familiar that it is considered the same complete food as home-cooked food.

Thus, guys, not only our health, but also our appearance directly depends on what and in what quantities you eat.

So how should you eat to be healthy and slim?

Food should be varied, and of course, age, national traditions, and place of residence must be taken into account.

Physical education minute.

Masha walked along the path,

Masha found a berry.

Once - bent down, picked it up,

So that you understand what is healthy, let's get acquainted with the healthy eating pyramid. Looking at the poster “Healthy Eating Pyramid”

On first level the healthiest foods are bread, grains and pasta. Since ancient times, bread and grains have been one of the main human foods.

Bread made from wholemeal flour is healthier - “Borodinsky”, “Doctorsky” - they contain a lot of protein, vitamins and fiber, which helps the intestines work.

All people must have porridge in their daily diet at least once a day. Rice goes well with many foods - meat, poultry, fish, vegetables and is very beneficial for the human body.

On second level- fruits and vegetables. On average, an adult should eat 180 kg per year. vegetables and fruits. But according to statistics, Russians eat only about 85 kg. in a year. We should eat at least 600 grams of raw plant foods per day - salads from fresh vegetables and fruits.

Berries are a real storehouse of vitamins. Raspberries can be used as natural aspirin. Blueberries, lingonberries and cranberries are like antibiotics that kill pathogens and viruses. Sea buckthorn, gooseberries, chokeberries and red rowan contain succinic acid, which is necessary to maintain immunity.

Vegetable and fruit juices are good for everyone.

Meat, fish, poultry and dairy products occupy third place in the pyramid.

Meat is a living protein; for better absorption, you need to consume it 2-3 times a week with plenty of vegetables and herbs.

But sausages, frankfurters, sausages contain various artificial food additives, preservatives, fillers and are unlikely to be beneficial.

Fish is another matter - it contains acids and various minerals - iodine, fluorine, copper and zinc - necessary to strengthen blood vessels and the heart, contribute to the body's resistance to infections, improve vision, metabolism - therefore fish is necessary for our body.

Milk is a balanced product - therefore ideal for a growing body.

The least useful are sugar, salt and sweets, so they take the last place. fourth place in the healthy eating pyramid. How little space is given to them! There should also be little of them in the diet. Excessive salt consumption leads to obesity and vascular disease.

Sugar lovers get – metabolic disorders, diabetes, caries. Instead of sugar, cakes, sweets, it is better to eat jams and fruits.

Children's bodies are growing rapidly, so it is important to watch what you eat and stick to your diet throughout the day.

Now let's create an approximate diet for one day. Divide into groups and choose the ones you need from the cards offered to you, so that you get a menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tell us what you chose and why?

Questions for children:

Please tell me what conclusions you made?

What food do you prefer?

How should you eat properly?

Lesson No. 3

“It’s a bad lunch if there’s no bread”

Program content: Clarify and consolidate children's ideas about growing bread. Develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary. To cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, respect for the work of the people involved in its cultivation and production. Develop a negative attitude towards unhealthy foods. Develop the habit of taking care of your own health.

Equipment: Spikelets of rye, wheat, oats, bread on a tray, bread dough, ready-made baked goods.

Vocabulary work: thresh, grind, grind, grain growers, mill, miller, baker, baker.

Preliminary work: Reading the Ukrainian fairy tale "Spikelet", didactic game "What first, what then."

Progress of the lesson:

Educatorreads a poem:

Rye bowed her heavy head,

Thank you, sun and gentle rain!

Thank you earth for being my home

And to strong hands, my old friends!

I remember the hands working hard

To sow amber grains into the ground.

And now they are saving the harvest.

Thank you, hands, for your good work!

I lay in the ground for a long winter,

Huddled under the snow, shivering from the cold,

But the sun warmed me up long ago,

And I brought the golden grain.

If anyone wants, try some rye bread.

And if you sow me again,

I'll find my way again under the snow

And I will become an ear of corn, and I will come to people.

Educator: What do you think we will talk about in class today? Today we will talk about bread. I suggest you consider rye and wheat ears.

The children look at them, take out the grains, compare them and learn that black and white breads are baked from different grains, and if the grains are mixed, you get gray bread.

Educator: Guys, do you know where bread came to our table from? Bread is baked in bakeries and delivered to stores every morning. Before he gets there, many people work for a long time.

First, grains of grain are sown in the ground, and ears of corn grow from them. Who are grain growers? Then the ears are collected, threshed and grains are obtained; the grains are ground in a mill, crushed and flour is obtained. Who works at the mill? (miller) And they bake bread from flour.

Educator: What are the people who bake bread called? (baker, bakers)

I suggest you consider several types of bread. Please note that bread varies in color, size, and shape. During the conversation, children can be given a small piece of bread to try. After this, the children conclude that bread tastes different.

Educator: What do you think, “Why does a person need bread? Can he do without bread? “Bread is very necessary for the life of people - big and small. They buy it in a store or bake it at home, they eat bread every day: with soups, with meat, make sandwiches, etc. People say: “It’s a bad lunch if there’s no bread.” How do you understand this proverb?

The teacher offers to wash the children's hands, at this time he takes out a piece of bread dough and invites the children to determine what it smells, feels, looks like, and colors.

Educator: This is our bread dough, our cook Irina Vyacheslavovna gave it to me, she bakes buns for you, and she shared the dough with us so that we could get to know the dough better and help her prepare buns. Let's help her? We will put love and kindness into every bun. The teacher and the children form buns, place them on a baking sheet, and invite the teacher’s assistant to take them to the kitchen for baking.

Physical education minute:

Seeds warmed themselves in winter

Under the feather bed of snow,

Far from frosty storms

They drank the sweet juice of the earth.

And one day the seeds

They hear: “Spring is coming to us.”

The grains got out of bed,

Put on two wings

And - on the road to the sun, to the light,

On the long road to spring and summer!

Game "Four Wheel"

The teacher offers cards showing bread products, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc. Children must name the 4th extra product.

Educator: invites children to remember and repeat proverbs and sayings about bread:

Bread is the mother of all foods.

No bread, no lunch.

Without a stove it’s cold, and without bread you’re hungry.

On the road, bread is not a hindrance.

Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

Word game “Where did the bread come from?”

Where did the bread come from? - (from the shop);

How did you get to the store? - (from the bakery);

What do they do in the bakery? - (baking bread);

Of what? - (from flour);

What is flour made of? - (from grain);

Where does the grain come from? - (from an ear of wheat);

Where does the wheat come from? - (grew up in the field);

Who sowed? - (grain growers).

Questions for children:

Where did the bread come to our table from?

What new did the children learn about bread?

What kind of labor and love does bread get?

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