Adjika from berries. How to properly prepare spicy adjika for the winter: secrets of experienced housewives. TOP best recipes for spicy adjika for the winter. Spicy adjika for the winter

Many people are interested how to pound meat correctly. When you hear the word “chop,” your imagination immediately conjures up juicy pork chops, lamb chops on the bone, Wiener schnitzel, krucheniki, steak, escalope, beef stroganoff, Kiev cutlets, chicken chops and rolls, meat rolls with prunes or mushrooms. To prepare all these dishes, we need a meat hammer, which is probably found in every kitchen.

The meat is beaten in order to separate and soften the muscle fibers so that the meat remains soft when cooked. Beating also gives a piece of meat a larger area, so that it is convenient to make rolls.

You can beat meat from various parts. To prepare the classic ones, a loin is used (with or without the bone), you can also beat the flesh of the neck or hind leg (ham), and somewhat less often a shoulder (mostly pork) is used.

  • For beating, fresh meat that has not been frozen is best suited (such meat will be juicier, since it will not lose juice when defrosted) or completely thawed meat: frozen meat contains frozen water, and when beating it will simply tear into pieces. Therefore, first leave the frozen meat to defrost so that as much water as possible can drain out of it. The meat must be young, not stringy and not too lean.
  • If you rinse the meat, be sure to dry it before frying so that the chops do not turn out dry.
  • Do not salt or pepper the meat before beating; it is better to salt the meat during frying, when a crust forms, or immediately before it. If you salt the meat long before frying, it will release juice and lose tenderness. If you cook meat in batter or sauce, salt the batter or sauce itself, so the spices will only emphasize the taste of juicy meat.
  • When beating the meat, wrap it in cling film. This is very convenient to avoid splashes and keep the walls and table clean. This way you can even very carefully beat off the liver.
  • Beat the meat evenly on both sides, paying special attention to the edges. When frying, the fibers contract, and evenly pounded meat will increase in thickness equally.
  • Larger teeth of a hammer are used if a thick piece of meat needs to be beaten thinner, or if it is a bit tough. Small teeth are convenient for beating off the edges of meat. This is done so that the chops do not shrink or become deformed when frying.
  • You need to beat the meat carefully to make it soft, but not to put holes in it.
  • Do not pound the meat too thin, otherwise it will become too dry after frying.
  • To get delicious chops, you need to fry them in a very hot frying pan. In 2-3 minutes. The meat should be covered with a golden brown crust, which will prevent the juice from flowing out.
  • To avoid making noise throughout the house, place a kitchen towel under the cutting board.

How to beat meat without a hammer

If you don't have a hammer at hand, you can beat the meat with a rolling pin or the handle of a knife. A potato masher will also work. Another option is to beat the meat with the bottom or neck of a bottle.

How to beat chicken fillet

To prepare some dishes (for example, chops, Kiev cutlets or rolls), we need beaten chicken fillet. This task may seem simple at first glance, but a novice cook can, due to inexperience, beat tender chicken meat to holes. Look at step-by-step photos on how to beat chicken meat.
To make a thin slice, make a cut and unfold the chicken breast in the shape of a heart.
It is better to beat chicken meat with a wooden mallet, not a metal one, and better on the side so that there are no cuts that easily damage the tender chicken meat. If you use a hammer with metal notches, beat the fillet carefully so that it remains intact.
The beaten meat can be breaded or filled with filling and rolled up.

There’s nothing better than tender and juicy meat for breakfast (well, that’s still in question), lunch and dinner, isn’t it? For example, nutritious pork and preferably in the form of a chop. But it’s not always possible to prepare the perfect dish yourself, worthy of the highest praise; how can you not turn the desired food into a hard, rubber “sole”?

We will please you - you don’t need to know any sacred secrets of existence for this, and you don’t even have to be an experienced cook. Just look at all our recipes, choose the one that you like the most and get started. And if you have questions, you can open the secret veil of culinary art for yourself by reading the secrets and tips from the last paragraph of our article. If this doesn’t help, don’t be afraid to ask questions in the comments, we will be very happy to help you!

How to cook tender and juicy pork chops in a frying pan

Of course, the most common, familiar and fastest way to cook pork chops is to fry them in a frying pan. It’s very difficult to call this dish dietary, but its taste, believe me, is worth a slight break from the diet.

Nowadays, grill pans are very popular, which will allow you to fry meat without or with a minimum amount of oil and will give the dish a refined and appetizing “mesh”, just like something cooked over a fire. But even with the most ordinary one, you can cook everything very tasty and even almost without adding oil - if you know all the secrets.

For example, chops are usually dredged in flour before frying to help develop a crispy crust and prevent juices from leaking out. But if you want to minimize the fat content of the dish, just don't use flour - it sticks to a dry pan. Then the meat itself will form a ruddy “shell” and the coveted juice will remain inside.

We don't need many ingredients for chops:

herbs, spices, salt

lemon juice
vegetable oil for frying

How to cook?

Step 1: First, remove the meat from the refrigerator or freezer. If the meat is frozen, it must be defrosted and cut into portions shortly before complete thawing - this will make it easier to get an even, neat shape. But it’s still better to use fresh, chilled meat - it always turns out juicier and retains more nutrients. The pork must come to room temperature! Otherwise, the crust will not form well and the meat inside will remain raw. Alas, cooking does not tolerate unnecessary haste.

Step 2. Contrary to popular belief, washing meat is not only not necessary, but also undesirable. You still won’t wash the fibers, but with heat treatment all the harmful substances will go away. However, if this seems crazy to you and you still decide to wash it, wash it, but then wipe it dry with a kitchen towel. It is very important.
In order not to damage the structure of the meat fibers when beating, it is recommended to wrap each piece with thick cling film and only then beat. Of course, there is no need to be very zealous - save your strength and the nerves of your neighbors.

Step 3. Now, it's time to lightly marinate our products. Of course, you can skip this step if you are in a hurry or if you are so confident in the quality of the meat, but the marinade always adds tenderness and gives a unique taste and aroma to the dish. There is nothing complicated about it, you need to mix your favorite herbs and spices with salt in a small bowl, pour lemon juice and olive oil into it. The mixture should not be too watery; it will turn out something like a liquid paste. Rub the chops on each side with this paste, cover with something and leave for at least half an hour.

Step 4. The marinated products should be lightly dried with a kitchen towel or thick napkin. We will roll them in flour and if this is not done, the layer will turn out to be thick. If this doesn’t bother you, don’t dry it. Place a mound of flour on a flat plate, cutting board or work surface and dredge each piece individually.
Again, you can skip this step. In this case, there is no need to dry the meat; the olive oil contained in the marinade will greatly help in the formation of a crust.

Step 5. When it's time to fry, take a large, heavy-bottomed frying pan (or grill grate) and heat it well. Don’t be afraid to burn the dish, the chops fry quite quickly and the rapid formation of a strong crust is important to us.
When you are sure the pan is ready, lightly spray it with oil. The pork fat will begin to melt and the meat will not stick unless you turn it over ahead of time, so you only need a drop of butter. Place chops in skillet. Under no circumstances put too much or too tightly, the temperature of the pan will quickly drop and nothing good will come of it.

Take your time and fry 2, maximum 3 pieces at a time.
The meat will fry for about 5 minutes on each side. Do not touch it ahead of time, you can only slightly lift it with a spatula to make sure that it does not burn. If the pan is too hot and the meat begins to burn ahead of time, fry twice on each side, for 2.5 - 3 minutes.

Step 6. Place the finished chops in food foil or place in a container with a tight-fitting lid. The meat will need to “cook” for 10 minutes and should not be allowed to cool. At this time, the meat juice will be distributed evenly throughout the piece and will cook a little, if it did not have time to do so on the stove. There is no need to touch it at this time; it is better to wash the dishes or fry the next batch. 

Your gorgeous dish is ready! These chops go well with baked vegetables or potatoes, although they turn out great without a side dish. Chops go well with a variety of sauces, we'll give you some ideas below in the 'tips and secrets'.

Bon appetit!

How to cook tender and juicy pork chops in the oven

Not everyone likes fried meat, so they often prefer to bake it in the oven. This cooking method has several advantages. For example, minimal use of fat - you just need to lightly grease the parchment and that’s enough, and if you cook in a sleeve, nothing is required at all. Or saving time, because significantly more than three pieces of meat can be placed on a baking sheet, so you can cook for a large family or company in just one go, besides, you don’t need to watch it too closely, and it’s easier to set the ideal temperature.

There are so many ways to bake pork chops in the oven, it’s mind boggling. You can bake it in foil, in sauce, in breading, in an omelette... Let's look at a couple of options - in foil and in sauce. The cooking principle changes little, so let’s look at only the main points.

Pork baked in foil

good, fresh pork – 200 g per serving
herbs, spices, salt
olive oil (for marinade)
lemon juice
cling film and hammer for beating

How to cook?

Step 1. Prepare and marinate the meat in the same way as in the first recipe, but add a little more olive oil to the marinade - then you won’t need it at all when baking.

Step 2. For each chop, tear off a piece of foil large enough to fit the meat in the center and fold the edges over to completely cover it. Place foil on a baking sheet or wire rack.

Step 3. Heat a heavy-bottomed frying pan very hot. The meat will need to be fried on each side for literally 1-2 minutes to form a crust. While frying the meat, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Step 4. Place the fried chops in foil, fold the edges so that the meat is completely covered. Place the pan in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chop.

Serve with sauce or side dish, bon appetit!

Pork baked in creamy garlic sauce

good, fresh pork – 200 g per serving
herbs, spices, salt
2 cloves of garlic
sour cream
cling film and hammer for beating

How to cook?

Step 1. Cut the pork into portions and bring the meat to room temperature. Because we cook in sauce, the process is greatly simplified and the meat does not need to be dried or marinated. However, still rub it with spices, salt and herbs and then beat it off.

Step 2. Finely grate or chop the garlic and mix with a glass of sour cream. The fat content is at your discretion. If desired, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of mustard or a tablespoon of soy sauce. This will give an interesting taste and a more delicate texture to the dish.

Step 3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil and place the meat on it. This time you don’t need to worry about density; the pieces can fit next to each other. Now pour the sour cream sauce over the meat, spread it over the meat, if desired, you can turn the pieces over so that they are better saturated with the sauce on each side.

Bake for 30 minutes.

Bon appetit!

How to cook soft and juicy pork chops in batter

This is probably one of my favorite interpretations of pork chops. Well, who doesn’t love crispy golden batter, which hides juicy and tender meat? Everyone loves it, of course everyone loves it. And such chops are prepared quickly and simply, although we must admit that the dish is quite fatty.
Also, the pieces can be made thin and long and then you get a snack - a kind of meat sticks. Try it!

It is also very important that it is in this recipe that you should use tenderloin, because bones are in no way appropriate among the batter.

Good, fresh pork (fillet) - 600 grams
3 chicken eggs
2 cloves garlic
Spices, salt
10-12 tablespoons flour
Milk or sour cream – 4 tablespoons
Vegetable oil for frying
Cling film and hammer for beating
How to cook?
Step 1. Cut the meat into even, uniform pieces about 1.5-2 centimeters thick. Beat the pieces of pork with a mallet, wrapping each piece of meat in a thick film. Leave the meat in the film and bring it to room temperature.

Step 2. To prepare the batter, you need to break the eggs into a deep bowl, add spices and salt, finely grated garlic and milk or sour cream. Whisk the mixture thoroughly. Without stopping, slowly add flour, beat the mixture until smooth, there should be no lumps. To make the meat more tender, you can replace 2 tablespoons of flour with potato or corn starch.

Step 3. Now, put the frying pan on the fire, add a few tablespoons of oil and heat the dishes. Meanwhile, place flour on a plate or work surface. Each piece of meat will need to be first rolled in flour, then dipped in the dough, and rolled in flour again. Place the product in a frying pan, fry on each side for 6 minutes, a golden, appetizing shell should form. Then cover the dish with a lid and remove from heat for 15 minutes.

These chops go great with the sauce and serve hot.

Bon appetit!

How to cook soft and juicy pork chops with tomatoes and cheese

And this is a real holiday dish, loved by everyone and it’s quite simple to prepare. In fact, you can replace tomatoes with any other vegetable or fruit - zucchini, pineapple, bell pepper, apple or potato. Everything will be very tasty and beautiful. Well, the most important thing, of course, is that they are simply prepared.

We highly recommend using the boneless part in this recipe too. After all, the most important advantage of this dish is that you can cut it so easily and aesthetically with a knife and then put a neat, melting piece of meat into your mouth with a fork and feel true pleasure. The dish is completely complete, it doesn't need any sauce, nothing. Only a loving housewife. 

good, fresh pork (fillet) – 200 g per serving
herbs, spices, salt
ripe tomatoes
hard cheese
mayonnaise or full-fat sour cream
cling film and hammer for beating

How to cook?

Step 1. Cut the pork into even pieces of 1.5-2 centimeters. Wrap in cling film and pound the meat. Now you need to rub it with salt and spices and leave to marinate for a while.

Step 2. While the meat is marinating, wash the tomatoes and cut them into half-centimeter slices. The thicker the tomato slice, the juicier our chop will be.

Step 3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater into a deep bowl and add a few tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise and stir. You should end up with something like a thick cheese spread. This method will allow you to avoid hardening of the cheese during baking and the end result will be a very tender, rosy and stretchy “cap”.

Step 4. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment, lightly grease with oil and place the chops. Spread a thin layer of sour cream or mayonnaise on top; if desired, you can mix it with grated garlic in advance.

Top with tomato slices and then spread the cheese spread in an even layer. You don’t need to put too much cheese and distribute the mixture mainly in the center - it will spread a little when baking. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Pork chops in batter in a frying pan - step-by-step video recipe for juicy chops

How to Cook Tender and Juicy Pork Chops Secrets and Cooking Tips

Tip 1. Choose fresh and high-quality meat, preferably not frozen.
To quickly and easily prepare delicious chops, it is preferable to use certain parts of the animal's body. For example, neck, shoulder blade or thigh. The quality of meat can be determined by its color - it should be a pleasant, soft pink color, and by the presence of a fat layer. This is very important for obtaining the ideal taste and juiciness of the meat.

Tip 2: Don't cut the meat too thick or too thin. Ideal juiciness can be achieved by cutting the meat into “correct” pieces. They should be no thinner than 1.5 cm and no thicker than 2.5. After all, you will still fight him off. A piece that is too thick may not bake, but a piece that is too thin threatens to turn into a “sole”.

Tip 3. Room temperature rule.
In order for the meat to cook evenly inside and form a beautiful, crispy crust, it must be at room temperature. Otherwise, the shell will be ready, but the center will not be baked and all the work will seem in vain. Have pity on yourself, because after beating the meat warms up quite quickly, be patient.

Tip 4. The meat needs to be dried.
The main enemies of frying are low pan temperature and wet food. What we need is not extinguishing! Therefore, take the time to dry the meat with a towel or roll it in flour. No moisture.

Tip 5. Actually, frying.
It is incredibly important that the pan is as hot as possible before frying, otherwise the meat will immediately release its juices and you will not get a crispy crust or juicy flesh.

Tip 6. Marinade.
When we beat meat, the structure of the fibers is disrupted and due to this it turns out much more tender. But still, there is no such thing as too much tenderness, so don’t neglect the half-hour marinade. Sour fruit juice, soy sauce, mayonnaise and apple cider vinegar soften very well. In addition to spices and salt, add 1-2 tablespoons of any of these products to the marinade and the result will not disappoint you!

Tip 7: Don't fry in olive oil.
Olive oil is great for salad dressings and marinades, but should never be used for frying. When heated, it immediately begins to burn and instead of benefiting, you will extract the maximum of carcinogens from it. If you really don’t like sunflower, melt a cube of butter right before frying - this will give the meat a pleasant taste of baked milk.

Tip 8: Don't store chops.
Of course, this dish is very tasty and I would like to save it for tomorrow’s lunch or even take it with me to work. But alas, this is not a dish that can withstand storage; all the juiciness and tenderness will disappear somewhere and only an ordinary, slightly dry piece of meat will remain. The only exception is the chop with tomato and cheese. The juiciness of the vegetable allows you to compensate for moisture loss in the meat.

Secret 1. In winter, in order for the meat to reach room temperature faster, you can wrap it in film, wrap it in a damp towel and place it on the radiator. In just 10 minutes the meat will warm up, maintaining freshness.

Secret 2. Multifunctional breading.
If you think that batter or breading is just a matter of appearance, then you are deeply mistaken. Firstly, dense breading makes it possible to COMPLETELY avoid the loss of precious juice, due to which the juiciness increases significantly, and secondly, it is known that combinations of eggs and flour or starch soften the structure of meat.

Secret 3. Ideal with sauce.
Fried chop, especially in batter, goes well with various sauces. For example, with mustard. To do this, you need to dilute 1/3 teaspoon of dry mustard with a few drops of lemon juice and mix this paste with mayonnaise, yogurt or sour cream. You will be surprised how harmoniously this simple sauce complements our usual dish.

Secret 4: What if it's too thin?
No problem. If you cut the meat too thin, feel free to pound it even thinner and fold it in half, putting a piece of cheese between the layers. Then you need to coat the piece in batter and fry it in the same way as other chops. Instead of cheese, you can prepare the filling from mushrooms, pineapples, prunes or, for example, pumpkin. It will turn out very tasty and unusual - a great way to surprise your guests!

Secret 5. Fast and a lot.
If you are cooking for a holiday and you really need a lot of chops, it is better to choose a recipe that requires cooking in the oven. The fact is that in the oven you can simultaneously bake 3 baking sheets filled with meat - this will not affect the quality, but will save you a lot of time and effort.

Happy cooking and success in the kitchen! Share your experience in the comments.

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Typically, pork chops are made from the pork chops. The best option is neck or loin. This dish always turns out juicy, tender and incredibly tasty. It is suitable for a gala lunch as a hot dish, and for a regular family dinner, because... It is prepared quickly and easily, especially in the simple version.

Pork is soft, tender, juicy meat, so preparing delicious chops from it is much easier than a similar dish from beef or poultry. Many chefs like to specially prepare and marinate meat; the chops turn out incredibly fluffy; there are a lot of marinating options.

The technique for preparing this dish allows for the use of different kitchen utensils. Along with the traditional skillet pork chop, the oven-baked pork chop is also great. It fries less and steams better. If you have a piece of pork, and unexpected guests are on the doorstep, cook pork chops; there are plenty of recipes for this simple and very tasty dish. Pork chop in a frying pan, the recipe is simple and straightforward. Pork chop in the oven, the recipe requires a little more cooking time, but the quality of the dish is worth it. In fact, the recipe for a pork chop in the oven does not differ in the preparation of the meat, the difference is in the method of heat treatment. In both versions, the “pork chop with cheese” dish has proven itself to be excellent, since these products combine perfectly and complement each other.

When preparing to cook a chop, it is advisable to carefully study not only the recipes themselves, but also the photographs of the pork chop. The photo is very helpful for novice cooks, giving tips and advice. Therefore, don’t wait for guests to come to you, already learn the intricacies of preparing a pork chop, recipes with photos of which are on the website. Just look at the properly cooked and beautifully decorated pork chops in a frying pan; the recipes with photos of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cooking pork chops means giving yourself and your loved ones pleasure, and eating them at the holiday table in good company is double the pleasure!

For real chops, you need to use only fresh, never frozen meat. Shoulder, ham, brisket, loin are suitable;

T-bone loin chops look beautiful and festive; this option is recommended for dinner parties and celebrations;

The following products go well with the taste of pork: honey, prunes, various sweet and sour sauces, cheese, mustard, white wine;

Cover the meat with cling film to pound it;

To make the meat juicy, sprinkle it with cold water before beating, and make cuts in the layers of fat. This will prevent the meat from shrinking during cooking;

You need to place the meat on a hot frying pan so that it is “sealed” and does not release juice. If you cook in the oven, you can also pre-fry the meat a little in a frying pan;

Try a marinade for chops made with a mixture of ketchup and honey;

You can further add tenderness to the meat if, at the end of frying, pour dry white wine over the meat and simmer for several minutes;

For the same purposes, you can mix vegetable oil with butter and rub the meat with spices before beating for better penetration of the marinade into the meat.

Adjika is a spicy seasoning in the form of a paste sauce, which is prepared from hot pepper, garlic, salt and spices. It is traditional for Abkhazian cuisine. In Georgian, Armenian, Russian cuisine it is prepared with various variations - with the addition of vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, apples). It can be red or green: the first is made from red pepper, the second, respectively, from green. Below we will present you two traditional adjika recipes - Abkhazian and Georgian.

Adjika in Abkhazian: recipe

Adjika in Abkhazian style is prepared without much difficulty, like all traditional dishes of the Abkhaz people. The culinary experts of Abkhazia have long adopted the motto: simple, natural, tasty.

Adjika, which is of great importance among the Abkhazians, has a piquant taste and excellent aroma, and increases appetite. However, of course, it is not suitable for those who do not like spicy dishes.

Important! Adjika is contraindicated for use by people with gastritis, high stomach acidity, kidney and liver problems, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children.

The nutritional value of the seasoning is 59 kcal per 100 grams of product. It has 1 gram of protein, 3.7 grams of fat and 5.8 grams of carbohydrates. The seasoning is recommended to be added to fish, meat and vegetable dishes, and used in dietary nutrition.

“Correct” adjika does not involve adding sugar to it. This is exactly what you can prepare using our step-by-step instructions.

Kitchen tools

To prepare the spicy seasoning you will need:

  • pan;
  • plate;
  • spoon;
  • coffee grinder;
  • meat grinder;
  • garlic press;
  • immersion blender.


The following components are added to adjika in Abkhazian style:

  • hot red or green pepper (fresh or dried) - 1 kg (it is better to keep fresh pepper for seven days on the balcony so that it wilts);
  • whole seeds - 100 g;
  • - 100 g;
  • - one head;
  • fresh cilantro - one bunch;
  • salt - two tablespoons.

Important! To avoid burning the skin on your hands, operations with pepper should be done with gloves. You should also protect your face. Hands that have come into contact with the spice should not touch the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, or nose. And if adjika causes a strong burning sensation when it gets into your mouth, then under no circumstances should you drink it with water - it will be even worse. A small piece of butter, cream, yogurt or milk will help put out the “fire” in your mouth.

How to do

Preparation of traditional Abkhazian seasoning can be divided into 13 steps:

  1. Heat the frying pan and, stirring from time to time, fry the coriander until the spice changes color and a pleasant aroma appears.

  2. Remove the coriander from the stove and pour it onto a separate plate.
  3. Roast the fenugreek.
  4. Remove it from the heat and mix with coriander.
  5. Grind the roasted spices in a coffee grinder.
  6. Wash the peppers and remove the stems. (For a less spicy, milder seasoning of peppers, remove the entire inside along with the seeds).

  7. Pass the garlic through a garlic press.

  8. Wash and chop the cilantro.
  9. Pass the cilantro, pepper and garlic through a meat grinder.

  10. Then beat the mixture with a blender.

  11. Add salt, ground spices, and squeezed garlic to the mixture. Mix well.

  12. Beat the mixture with a blender until it becomes a homogeneous paste.
  13. Place the seasoning in small glass jars.

  14. Adjika in Caucasian style: recipe

    The second recipe is also quite simple. Adjika is spicy and aromatic; it is made from two types of pepper with the addition of , which give it a milder taste.

    Using the quantities of ingredients described below, you will end up with 920 g of finished adjika. It goes well with vegetables, fish, and meat. If you mix half a teaspoon with sour cream, you will get a delicious barbecue sauce.

    Did you know? Since ancient times, Abkhaz healers have recommended adjika as a remedy for diseases of the digestive system. The valuable substances it contains improve metabolism and blood circulation, and also increase the body's defenses against viral diseases.

    Kitchen tools

    To prepare Caucasian seasoning you will need:

  • pan;
  • blender.


The following products should be prepared:

  • - 185 g (dried for a week);
  • regular hot pepper (red, green) - 225 g;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • walnuts - 150 g;
  • coriander - 50 g;
  • utskho-suneli (blue fenugreek) - 25 g;
  • ground red pepper - 75 g;
  • salt (preferably sea salt) - 150 g.

How to do

Step-by-step instructions for preparing adjika in Caucasian style are as follows:

What else can you add to spice it up?

For piquancy, cooks sometimes add greens:,. To reduce the pungency, tomatoes are also used among the ingredients.
