Protein omelet recipes with photos. PP omelette for breakfast: dietary recipes with photos

Dietary steamed protein omelette is an original and tasty dish that can be an excellent addition to a diet that requires the exclusion of foods rich in cholesterol. By including it in the list of breakfast dishes, you can saturate your body with essential nutrients and replenish energy reserves. If you choose the right cooking method, you can spend a minimum of time creating a delicious dish. For example, you can easily entrust its creation to a double boiler or multicooker. But even in a frying pan and in the oven, it is possible to minimize the calorie content of the product and make it light and airy.

History of the dish: national preferences

For the first time, a dish of eggs beaten with additional ingredients was mentioned in ancient Roman chronicles, where it was considered as a dessert and was generously flavored with honey. But most peoples of the world have their own culinary traditions, and dishes based on whipped egg-milk mixtures here have their own names.

  1. French omelette. The classic solution includes a mixture of spicy Provençal herbs, ginger root, egg yolks and whites, milk or cream.
  2. Spanish tortilla. Here, the additional ingredients are onions and potatoes, fried in oil and covered with beaten eggs.
  3. Italian frittata. Vegetable, meat, and cheese fillings are added to the dish, and traditional spices and herbs are used.
  4. Russian fight. In this case, a mixture of eggs and milk was supplemented with caviar, creating a unique and very nutritious delicacy.

Eating diet and low-cholesterol foods is often associated with the need to adhere to a special diet as recommended by doctors. In this case, it is the low-calorie protein omelet that comes in handy.

Secrets of preparing a diet omelet

Protein omelet is often mentioned as dietary element No. 5. It is prescribed for cholelithiasis, improves the secretion of bile, and stimulates liver function. The main feature of the diet is the almost complete exclusion of fats. Proteins and carbohydrates are consumed in normal amounts.

Food is prepared steamed or boiled. Accordingly, its calorie content remains minimal.

To prepare a steam omelette correctly, you should consider the following important points.

  1. Freshness of ingredients. To create a high-quality, tasty and healthy dish, it is worth taking ingredients that will be safe for both children and adults with disabilities.
  2. Purity. Since eggs can be a source of dangerous infections, in particular salmonellosis, before separating the yolks and whites, you need to thoroughly rinse the shell with running water.
  3. Proportions. When combining egg whites with milk, you must make sure that the volumes of all products used are equal. Only precise adherence to proportions ensures the excellent taste of the dish.
  4. Consistency. It is worth paying attention to the thoroughness of mixing proteins and milk.

If you are preparing a dietary dish, it is better to do without the use of additional components. But when you include a protein omelet in your diet just to diversify your diet, it is quite possible to flavor it with fillers - vegetables, cheese, and your favorite spices.

Following a number of culinary tricks is of great importance.

  • The amount of salt used should be minimized. It is added almost before the completion of heat treatment.
  • It is recommended to avoid any fatty additives - mayonnaise, cream, as well as flour and cereals. Semolina and flour make the consistency denser, but increase the calorie content. Potato starch is suitable for improving texture.
  • Thoroughly whisking all ingredients helps to achieve maximum fluffiness.

The mass of milk and proteins will be fluffy and homogeneous only with due diligence.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Even the most dietary product has a certain calorie content, which should be taken into account during the preparation process. 100 grams of this dish contains 195.4 kcal. It also cannot be done without fats; their content reaches 17 g with 8.9 g of protein. The product contains calcium, iron, vitamins C, B1, B2. If you cook without oil, steam or in a water bath, you can reduce the nutritional value to 72-76 kcal.

The dietary status of the dish involves the use of low-calorie foods. For example, milk can be replaced with plain water or a low-fat equivalent. For a diet that ensures compliance with medical prescriptions, the use of fats is excluded.

In all other cases, you can use oil to coat the molds and containers used in cooking.

Best Recipes

Today, the best recipes for all occasions are offered not only by classic cookbooks. Even manufacturers of modern household appliances are ready to offer their own methods of preparing dietary dishes. Multi-cookers, double boilers and even microwave ovens greatly facilitate the cooking process. But even if you only have an oven or a water bath, you can prepare a tasty and healthy dish with minimal time.


To prepare the correct steam omelette in a dietary version, you will need to use two egg whites. Before whipping, add 120 ml of milk and a little salt to taste. The mixture is whipped into a fluffy foam using a blender or whisk, then poured into a mold and placed inside a double boiler for 10 minutes.

In a slow cooker

A protein omelet in a slow cooker is interesting, first of all, because it allows you to add flavor diversity to the dish. Instead of milk, you can use sour cream as a filler, add other ingredients - cheese, chicken breast, vegetables.

To prepare the dish you will need the whites of 6 eggs, 150 ml of milk, a spoon of vegetable or butter, half a bell pepper, finely chopped chicken fillet, parsley. The step-by-step cooking process will look like this:

  • the fillet is cut and placed in a greased multicooker bowl;
  • half a bell pepper and fresh herbs are chopped on a board;
  • In a bowl, mix milk with egg whites and a pinch of salt;
  • pepper and herbs are added to the whipped base;
  • the homogeneous mixture is poured into the bowl;
  • The time is set - 15 minutes until ready.

The finished omelette is laid out in portions and served to the table.

In the oven

In baking dishes you can easily prepare a delicious steam omelet in the oven. This way the dish will get not only a rosy appearance, but also a tender crust. Usually, for the oven, the dish is flavored with vegetables - cauliflower or broccoli, the inflorescences of which are pre-boiled and chopped.

To prepare the dish you need to take three egg whites, 100 ml of milk, flour (10 g). If you replace milk with sour cream, you will have to add two tablespoons. The molds are greased with oil, all ingredients are mixed and whipped until fluffy.

Salt and spices or fresh herbs are added to taste. Cocotte makers or muffin tins are convenient for portion serving. The omelet is poured into containers and placed in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 20 minutes.

In a water bath

If you don’t have a multicooker or steamer at home, you can resort to a simple and understandable method of preparing a dish in a water bath. To create the appropriate conditions, you will need two containers: one larger, the other smaller. Water is poured into the first, and the omelette mixture into the second. After the liquid boils over the fire, place a covered frying pan with a protein-milk mixture on top of it. Cooking time depends on temperature.

After boiling, reduce the heat and maintain it at this level. Cooking in a water bath significantly reduces labor costs and helps make the omelet quite fluffy and completely dietary. The recipe for the dish will be the simplest: for each protein you will need about 60 ml of milk or other liquid. Salt is added to taste. The mixture is thoroughly beaten and immediately after pouring into the mold it is sent to a water bath.

Note to the hostess

Separating the yolks from the whites is the main step in preparing egg dishes. In the case of a dietary omelet, this issue turns out to be quite acute. An incorrectly separated egg white that contains even a drop of yolk will be almost impossible to beat. But with some skill, the separation of the component parts of the egg can be carried out without additional effort and newfangled devices.

  • You can simply make holes of different widths from the blunt and sharp ends of the shell, and pour out the protein.
  • The classic method is not too complicated. It is enough just to carefully break the egg, dividing it into two halves, and then, pouring the contents over a bowl from one part to the other, achieve the separation of the yolk. It can be placed in a special container and stored or used to prepare other dishes.
  • If you don’t want to do it manually, you can use useful cooking utensils. If you have a funnel, you can simply break the contents of the shell into it and wait for the white to drain.
  • Using a plastic bottle, separating an egg into its components is also easy. The empty container is squeezed tightly, after breaking the egg onto a flat plate. The neck is brought to the convex yolk, the compression is released, and the unnecessary ingredient is trapped inside, keeping the white clean.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of ready-made culinary devices that make the life of every housewife much easier. But even in their absence, you can easily cope with the task and achieve the desired result at home.

You can find out more about how to prepare a protein omelette with steamed vegetables.

Omelette is a traditional “morning” dish and a source of easily digestible protein. It is universal, because you can serve it for both breakfast and dinner. Steam omelette is especially good. It is healthier than fried in oil, and also has a surprisingly delicate texture and special taste. It is no coincidence that this version of the egg-milk dish is included in the therapeutic and dietary nutrition plan, as well as in the diet of young children.

Steamed omelette is delicious both on its own and in combination with other ingredients. Those who are not afraid of extra calories can cook it with ham, cheese, and bacon. Children and people in need of low-calorie dietary nutrition should learn how to prepare a steam omelet with vegetables, herbs, cottage cheese, bran, sour cream, flour, and green peas.

Steam omelette - general principles of cooking

For a classic omelet, the correct combination of proportions is very important. Ideally, the mass of eggs and milk should be the same. Before breaking the shell, the egg should be thoroughly washed with cold running water to prevent particles of dirt and feathers from entering.

When mixing eggs and milk, it is important to achieve a perfectly homogeneous consistency. In this case, you will get that most delicate dish that small children and people suffering from stomach ailments adore.

Instead of chicken eggs, you can use quail eggs. In this case, four quail eggs will replace one regular chicken egg. If the dish is being prepared for a child, it is important to make sure that the child is not allergic to egg whites.

To steam an omelet, it is convenient to use a double boiler or multicooker with the appropriate function. If there are no such devices in the kitchen, then a water bath can successfully replace them.

Classic steam omelette in a double boiler

To prepare two servings of a traditional steamed omelet, you can use four to five eggs. Using a steamer is easy to prepare. You don’t have to watch the process, nothing will burn.


Five eggs of grade C1 (medium-large);

A glass of milk;

Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the eggs and carefully break them into a bowl.

Stir with a fork.

Gradually pour in the milk in a thin stream, not whisking, but mixing the ingredients.

Add salt and mix again.

Pour the egg-milk mixture into the steamer container.

Turn on the device for twenty minutes.

Place the finished omelette on plates and serve.

Steam omelette in a water bath

A simple and convenient way to steam an omelette without a steamer is to use a container of boiling water. There are two ways to prepare the dish, you can choose the most convenient one.


Four eggs;

Partial glass of milk;

A little salt.

Cooking method:

For the first method, you will need a colander with a flat bottom. You need to choose a pan of such a diameter that you can firmly install it.

Pour water into the pan so that it does not reach the bottom of the colander.

Prepare the omelette mixture as described in the previous recipe.

Place the container with the mixture in a colander and cover the structure tightly with a lid.

Steam the omelette until done. The mixture will thicken in ten to fifteen minutes.

The second method is even simpler. You need to pour water into the pan so that it reaches half of the container in which the omelet will be cooked. All that remains is to close the pan with a lid and cook the mixture over low heat until done.

Protein steam omelet “Dietary”

An omelet made only from proteins has special dietary value. It is prescribed for stomach diseases, intestinal disorders and is prepared with water or skim milk. This egg dish can be consumed if you have high cholesterol levels. The amount of ingredients is indicated per serving.


Three egg whites;

A glass of cold water or low-fat milk;

A teaspoon of butter for the pan;

Cooking method:

Dry well-washed eggs with a clean napkin.

Separate the whites.

Beat them with a pinch of salt.

Carefully add water or skim milk and beat again.

Grease the omelette pan with oil.

Pour in the milk-protein mixture.

Cook in a double boiler or steam in a saucepan until the mixture thickens (about fifteen minutes).

Steam omelette “Flour chopped”

An omelet prepared in this way is denser than a classic one. Flour allows eggs beaten with milk to better hold their shape. The dish can be included in a nutrition plan for stomach diseases.


Four eggs (for two servings);

160 ml milk;

Two tablespoons of white flour;

A teaspoon of butter.

Cooking method:

Combine eggs, salt and half the milk.

Prepare a classic steam omelette as described above.

Cool the omelette and chop with a knife.

Combine the remaining milk with flour, break up the lumps.

Place on low heat and cook the sauce.

When it thickens slightly, add butter and omelette strips.

Serve immediately.

Steam omelette in a slow cooker

The recipe will be useful if the multicooker has a double boiler function. This steamed omelette is very quick and easy to prepare.


Five eggs;

Two hundred milliliters of milk;

A teaspoon of butter;

A little salt.

Cooking method:

Beat well-washed eggs with a hand whisk or mixer.

Add salt and beat again.

Pour in milk and beat for 15-20 seconds.

Coat the container for preparing steam omelette with a piece of butter.

Pour water into the multicooker bowl.

Place the container with the omelette on the grill and cook on the double boiler mode for twenty minutes.

If the omelette has not thickened, turn on the appliance for another ten minutes.

Omelette muffins with cheese

If the housewife has some egg whites left, they can be used to make delicious and very filling muffins with cheese. Steam omelet in molds turns out not only tasty, but also unusual, which means children will definitely like it.


Three egg whites;

Three tablespoons of milk;

A pinch of salt;

A piece of butter for the mold;

Twenty grams of cheese.

Cooking method:

Beat the whites with salt and milk.

Grease muffin tins with oil.

Pour the omelette into the molds.

Place the future “muffins” on the steamer shelf.

Let the omelette steam for twenty minutes.

While the mixture thickens, grate the cheese.

Remove the omelet from the molds.

Sprinkle with cheese crumbles.

Steamed omelette with broccoli and sour cream

Healthy vegetables go well with omelettes. If a child doesn’t want to eat broccoli, you can offer him an unusual and very tasty combination of soft cabbage and a tender steam omelet. You will need portioned baking pans.


Three large broccoli florets;

Two eggs;

A tablespoon of white flour;

Two tablespoons of sour cream;

A little paprika, pepper and salt.

Cooking method

Beat eggs with salt until air bubbles appear.

Add sour cream and flour, mix thoroughly. If it turns out too thick, you can dilute it with 2-3 tablespoons of milk or water.

Add salt, pepper, paprika and other spices to taste.

Divide the broccoli florets into small pieces and pour boiling water over them.

After five minutes, drain the boiling water and chop the cabbage with a knife as finely as possible.

Place cabbage on the bottom of the serving molds.

Pour in the egg-flour mixture, filling two-thirds of the volume.

Steam the omelette in a double boiler for fifteen minutes.

Steam omelette with mushrooms

To diversify your morning menu, you can prepare a hearty steam omelette with mushrooms. A fragrant, tasty dish will lift your spirits and give you energy for the whole day. In addition, it can easily replace dinner.


Three eggs;

A tablespoon of corn flour;

Three champignons;

Three spoons of green peas;

A tablespoon of soy sauce;

Half a glass of water;

Small carrots.

Cooking method

Wash the mushrooms and chop finely.

Peel the carrots and cut into very small cubes.

Place the mushrooms and carrots in a steamer or sieve over boiling water for ten minutes.

Beat eggs and water, add soy sauce and corn flour, beat everything again.

Transfer the mushrooms and carrots into an omelet form, add green peas.

Pour the egg mixture over everything.

Steam the omelette for half an hour.

Steam omelette with tomatoes and cheese

A juicy, spicy dish - steamed omelette with tomatoes. It can help out when following low-calorie diets. A little high-calorie cheese won't hurt your figure.


Two eggs;

A third of a glass of milk;

One tomato;

A piece of cheese.

Cooking method

Cut fresh, washed and well-dried tomatoes into slices.

Grate a piece of cheese on a fine grater.

Beat eggs with milk and salt until smooth.

Place the tomatoes in a cooking container and pour in the egg-milk mixture.

Cook for twenty minutes in a double boiler or steam for half an hour in a pan.

Serve, sprinkled with fresh finely chopped herbs if desired.

To get the classic combination of eggs and milk for an omelet, you can use half a shell as a measuring stick. The proportions are easy to remember: for one egg, take two halves filled with milk.

You can’t beat eggs with milk and leave them for later. The omelette will not turn out fluffy. Therefore, you need to prepare it immediately after beating the egg mixture.

If you add too many additives (mushrooms, ham, etc.) to the omelette, it will not turn out fluffy.

To prevent the omelette from falling off, it is important to follow the rule: do not open the lid until the mixture thickens, and for another five minutes after cooking. A sharp change in temperature causes the fall to occur.

If you are lactose intolerant, the omelet can be cooked in water.

The steam omelette contains many B vitamins, vitamins A and D, as well as very useful substances: selenium, calcium, potassium, lecithin, lutein, iron. If you regularly consume this dish, your hair and nails will always be in perfect condition, headaches will go away, and your nervous and immune system will be strengthened.

Step 1: Prepare the egg mass.

Using an egg separator, separate the whites from the yolks or use the remaining whites from cooking, such as shortcrust pastry. If you do not have a special device, then use a regular clean plastic bottle. Squeeze it lightly in your hands and pick up the yolk with the neck, unclench the bottle. After this simple step, the egg yolk will be inside the bottle, leaving only the white in the bowl. Important: Don't forget to wash your hands after handling eggshells to avoid salmonella contamination.
Pour milk into the whites, add ground black pepper and salt. Using a whisk, beat the mixture well to form a thin white foam.

Step 2: Prepare the omelet.

In a frying pan, chop the vegetable oil for frying and, reducing the heat to low, pour in the omelette mixture. Using a spatula, stir the eggs until they look like grainy cottage cheese. This usually takes 2 to 3 minutes.

Now shake the pan and use a spatula to spread the egg mixture evenly over the bottom of the entire pan. Continue cooking until the omelette is completely set. That is, there is still about 1 minutes.

There's just a little bit left to do, namely, it remains to correctly place the finished food on the dish. To do this, first tilt the pan slightly and wrap a third of the omelet inside. Then we gradually increase the angle of inclination so that the contents of the frying pan slowly slide onto the dish, but not all of it, but only half.

And at the end, we tuck the omelette with a spatula and place it completely on the plate so that it curls, as shown in the photo. Now everything is ready, proceed to serving and serving the dish to the table.

Step 3: Serve the omelette.

Decorate the finished egg omelet with fresh herbs or, for example, cheese. As a result, you get a very tasty, satisfying and dietary breakfast that you can enjoy in the morning, because preparing an omelet is not at all difficult.
Bon appetit!

If you want to add minced meat, chicken fillet, mushrooms and other products that require long-term heat treatment to the omelette, then first fully cook them, and then simply mix them with the protein mass.

In summer, an omelet can be served with a salad of fresh vegetables, and in winter it goes well with pickles and preparations.

If you are preparing an omelet with the expectation that children will eat it, then it is better to add less pepper, or not add it at all.

A protein omelet can also be made sweet by adding sugar and, for example, raisins or cottage cheese. This dish can be served with either fresh or canned fruit.

Something similar to the first omelet appeared in Ancient Rome. The Romans mixed eggs with milk and honey and then fried them. However, the word "omelet" is of French origin. The French prepared it from eggs, ginger and herbs. Other nations also have this dish. In Spain it is called “tortilla” and is made from eggs, potatoes and onions. In Italy - "fritatta". For the filling, Italians usually use meat, vegetables and cheese. In Russia, “drachena” has long been prepared. To prepare this dish, eggs were mixed with caviar.

Each country had its own recipe for making an omelet. Therefore, it is not possible to answer exactly who invented it. Wherever this dish was invented, it is ideal for children, pregnant women, athletes, and those who adhere to diet No. 5.

Diet No. 5

This diet is prescribed to improve bile secretion and normalize the function of the liver and gall bladder. Diet No. 5 involves consuming the usual amount of proteins and carbohydrates, but the consumption of fats must be reduced.

You need to eat five times a day, portions should be small. Food should be warm; hot and cold foods should be avoided. It is necessary to give up frying; dishes should be steamed, baked or boiled. In addition, you should not eat spicy, fatty, smoked foods. Unprocessed vegetables and fruits overload the gastrointestinal tract, so their consumption should be reduced.

You cannot eat while on a diet:

  • fresh bread;
  • canned food;
  • legumes;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • chocolate and ice cream;
  • meat broths;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • carbonated drinks.

Can be used:

  • vegetable and milk soups. Better pureed;
  • dried bread;
  • cereals, except millet;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • processed vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs without yolk.

Eggs are best consumed as a protein omelet. You can cook it in different ways, but the most airy and healthy is steamed. Here are the egg white omelet recipes.

Classic steamed recipe (in a double boiler)

Steamed dishes are the healthiest. Products are not exposed to too high temperatures, so they retain many vitamins and microelements. Steam treatment prevents the formation of carcinogens that are harmful to health. In addition, such dishes are low in calories, since you don’t have to add oil to them when cooking.

This is a simple recipe for a protein omelet for diet No. 5. It is better to cook it in a double boiler. Be sure to take a fresh egg. It's easy to check its quality. Place it in the water: the fresh egg will lie on its side, at the bottom of the bowl. If it stands upright in the water or floats, it means that this product is no longer fresh.

You will need:

  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 120 g;
  • salt.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. If you can't separate the whites, first carefully crack the egg into a plate and then scoop out the yolk with a spoon.
  2. Add a little salt and milk to the whites.
  3. Beat well with a fork or blender.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a container and place in a double boiler.
  5. In ten minutes the dish will be ready.

You can cook this dish without a double boiler. Pour water into a large frying pan, and place a small frying pan with the egg mixture on top and close the lid on top. Cook over low heat. You will get the same omelet as in a double boiler.

This dish contains only the main ingredients - eggs and milk. However, you can change the protein steam omelette recipe at your discretion by adding herbs or vegetables. Bell peppers, cabbage, zucchini, green peas, spinach, celery, dill, parsley, basil, and cilantro are suitable. Choose ingredients according to your taste and add to the omelette. However, do not forget that you can only use those vegetables that are allowed in the diet.

Omelet recipes in a slow cooker

With chicken fillet

A steamed protein omelette in a slow cooker can be prepared not only with vegetables. You can add chicken or other meat, cheese, sour cream, seafood. Today we will prepare this dish with chicken fillet and bell pepper. Lean chicken is great for your diet, but if you don't like chicken, use any other lean meat. For example, rabbit, beef, veal, horse meat. This meat contains a minimum of fat.

You will need:

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • green bell pepper - ½ piece;
  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • greens, salt.


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.
  2. Cut the green pepper into strips. If you don't like long strips, you can cut the pepper into small cubes.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk them with milk and salt.
  4. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and place the chicken fillet there. Distribute it evenly throughout the bowl.
  5. Add herbs and bell pepper to the egg mixture and stir.
  6. Pour the mixture into the bowl and close the multicooker lid.
  7. After 15 minutes, the protein omelet in the slow cooker will be ready.

If you want to do without oil, you don’t have to grease the multicooker bowl. When serving, you can decorate the dish with herbs.

With zucchini

Zucchini is a dietary and healthy vegetable. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens the heart muscle. In addition, this vegetable can be consumed in diet No. 5. And here is a recipe for a steamed protein omelet with zucchini, which will be an excellent breakfast.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • zucchini - 200 g;
  • salt, oil, herbs.


  1. Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater. If you don't like zucchini, grate them on a fine grater. Then you won’t feel the taste of the vegetable, but your body will benefit.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat.
  3. Add milk, salt, finely chopped herbs to the whites and beat again.
  4. Add the zucchini to the egg mixture and stir everything together.
  5. Pour the mixture into a bowl.
  6. Cook the omelette for 15-20 minutes.

A steamed protein omelette in a slow cooker turns out very fluffy and beautiful, and it takes very little time to prepare.

Omelette with broccoli in the oven

How to cook a protein steam omelette in the oven? We offer a recipe with broccoli. This cabbage contains many vitamins and minerals. Broccoli fights cancer, strengthens blood vessels, removes toxins, and strengthens the immune system. Therefore, an omelet with such a vegetable will be very useful.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • flour - 3 teaspoons;
  • broccoli - 4 inflorescences;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, oil.


  1. Boil the broccoli florets for two minutes in salted water.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them.
  3. Add sour cream, salt, flour and beat well again.
  4. Grease muffin tins and add broccoli.
  5. Pour in the egg mixture.
  6. Place the molds in the oven and bake the omelette for twenty minutes at 190° degrees.

This dish will look very beautiful because of the bright green broccoli florets. You can also cook this omelet in the oven from just the whites, as in the slow cooker recipe.

There are a great many omelet recipes. You can constantly experiment with ingredients and choose exactly what you like. And at the same time, the dish will always bring only benefits to your body. In addition, if you are watching your weight, you have nothing to fear, because the calorie content of this dish without additives is only 118 kcal per 100 g. And the vegetable ingredients will not add so many calories. Therefore, you can safely eat this healthy dish and not be afraid to gain weight!

Protein omelet is one of the main dishes in a healthy diet. Omelette is popular among those who monitor their health and figure, as well as among people who are professionally involved in sports.

This dish is universal - you can make an omelette with any fillings: herbs, vegetables, cheese, cottage cheese, bran or oatmeal and then you won’t get tired of this breakfast.

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods and a source of biologically active components. They contain complete protein and essential amino acids. In addition, it is a source of vitamins A, B and B6, D and E, as well as useful substances: potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper and calcium. All these substances are completely absorbed - this is what distinguishes eggs from any other food.

100 grams of eggs contain 9 grams of protein, 3.5 grams of fat and 1.7 grams of carbohydrates. Calorie content is 73.2 Kcal.

Protein omelet - cooking principles

The basis of the classic egg white omelet is milk and eggs.

The first step is to wash the egg, and then, after breaking it, separate the white from the yolk. There are several ways to separate the white from the yolk:

  1. We split the egg in the middle (by eye) and transfer the yolk from one shell to another (hooking it with the edge of the shell). Pour the white into the prepared cup.
  2. You can use a funnel made of thick paper to separate the whites from the yolk. You need to insert a funnel into a glass and break an egg into it - the yolk will remain inside it, and the white will flow out.
  3. You can use a special separator to separate the yolks - you can buy it in the store.

Omelette can be prepared in different ways: in the oven, in a frying pan, in a slow cooker or a double boiler. But it should be noted that a dish cooked in a frying pan is less healthy and higher in calories.

Recipe 1. Protein diet omelet with herbs

If your goals include toning your figure and losing extra pounds, then this omelet would be an excellent breakfast option. It is better to cook it in a slow cooker or double boiler (not in a frying pan). The preparation of the dish is simple, but it is healthy and low in calories.

For a dietary omelet we need:

  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Milk (low fat) - 1 cup
  • Greens (parsley, dill, lettuce) - 1-2 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Add milk to the whites and beat the mixture until foam forms.
  2. Salt and pepper to your taste and beat again.
  3. Chop the greens and add them to the omelette mixture, stir.
  4. Grease the bowl in which we will prepare the omelette with oil and pour in the whipped mixture.
  5. Cook the omelet in a slow cooker or double boiler for 10 minutes.

Our omelet is ready, enjoy your breakfast!

Recipe 2. Protein omelet with cottage cheese and tomatoes

What to add to an omelette to make it not only tastier, but also healthier? Add low-fat cottage cheese and tomatoes to it. You can add both regular large tomatoes and cherry tomatoes. It makes a wonderful hearty breakfast.

We will need:

  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 grams
  • Tomatoes – 1 medium or 4 cherry tomatoes
  • Greens - to taste
  • Olive oil or butter - grease the bottom of the dish
  • Salt, pepper and seasonings to taste

Prepare a protein omelet with cottage cheese and tomatoes:

  1. Pour the whites separated from the yolks into a bowl, add salt and pepper to taste, and beat well.
  2. Add soft cottage cheese to the whites and mix well.
  3. Lubricate the bottom of the dish in which you will cook with olive oil and heat it up.
  4. Place the tomatoes in a slow cooker, steamer or frying pan and fry them for 1-2 minutes, pour the omelet and curd mixture on top.
  5. Close the lid and cook for 8-10 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can sprinkle the omelette with cheese.

Recipe 3. Protein omelet with cheese

One of the most delicious options for preparing an omelet is with the addition of cheese. You can use any cheese according to your taste. These can be hard or semi-hard varieties, salted or slightly salty - it all depends on your preferences.

Ingredients for egg white omelette with cheese:

  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Cheese (your choice) - 30-40 grams
  • Milk - 1/3 cup
  • Olive oil or butter - grease the bottom of the dish
  • Salt, pepper and seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the cheese piece on a fine grater.
  2. Salt the egg whites, add pepper and a little seasoning, and beat with a whisk.
  3. Pour in the milk and mix the omelette base again.
  4. Grease the bottom of the frying pan with oil and heat it over medium heat.
  5. Pour the milk-protein mixture into a frying pan and sprinkle cheese crumbles on top.
  6. Cover the omelette and cook, reducing heat to low, for seven to ten minutes.

Recipe 4. Protein omelet with chicken in a slow cooker

Another option for a dietary and at the same time nutritious protein omelet. This breakfast will give you strength and energy, and will also keep you from getting hungry until lunch. This omelet recipe is especially relevant for those who play sports - protein is good for building muscles.

It is not necessary to use chicken breast (breast meat is quite dry), you can use a softer part, then the omelet will turn out soft and airy.

To prepare 2 servings of chicken omelette we need:

  • Egg whites - 6 pieces
  • Milk - 1/2 cup
  • Boiled chicken meat - 200 grams
  • Bell pepper - 1/2 piece
  • Butter - 1 tsp.
  • Salt, pepper to taste


  1. Boil the chicken meat and cut it into small pieces.
  2. We clean the bell pepper from seeds and pulp, cut into thin strips.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites. Pour the whites into a cup, add milk, salt and beat thoroughly.
  4. Add chopped bell pepper to the resulting mixture.
  5. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter and place pieces of chicken meat in it, then pour the omelette mixture on top.
  6. Close the lid and cook the omelette using the baking or multi-cook mode for 15 minutes.

Recipe 5. Sweet protein omelette with jam in the oven

If you have a sweet tooth or are looking for an omelet recipe that the kids might like, then try making a sweet omelet. The dish will turn out not only healthy, but also with a pleasant sweet taste, and, even with a small amount of jam, this dish easily fits into the framework of proper nutrition. You can add pieces of dried apricots to this omelette. This omelet goes well with both tea and a cup of strong coffee.

Ingredients for sweet omelet:

  • Egg whites - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 1 tsp.
  • Apricot or strawberry jam - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar (preferably cane) - 1-2 tablespoons


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat the whites vigorously with a mixer until foam appears.
  2. Add sugar and jam to the whites (you can choose any to your taste).
  3. Take a small omelette baking dish (silicone or glass) and grease it with butter.
  4. Place the omelet-jam mixture in the mold and place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  5. At the end of the cooking time, take out the mold and divide the omelette into parts.
  6. You can serve the dish with fruit yoghurt, fruit; this omelet can be combined with warm milk, tea or coffee.

Recipe 6. Protein omelet with corn in a double boiler or slow cooker

A light and tasty omelette with corn is a healthy dish that can be prepared in a double boiler or slow cooker. The dish is low-fat and perfect for those who follow a healthy diet. By preparing such a breakfast, you don’t have to worry about extra pounds.

For the corn omelette you need:

  • Egg whites - 2 pieces
  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Flour - 1 tbsp
  • Canned corn - 3-5 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Greenery

How to cook:

  1. If you cook in a double boiler, choose an omelette mold (for example, silicone) and grease it with butter. If you cook in a slow cooker, grease the bottom of the bowl with butter.
  2. After we separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites, then add milk, salt and add a spoonful of flour. Mix.
  3. Pour the mixture into the mold or into the multicooker bowl. First pour the corn into a colander, when the liquid has drained, add it to the omelette mixture.
  4. Cook the omelette in a double boiler for 20-25 minutes, in a slow cooker for 15 minutes.
  5. When serving, decorate with fresh herbs and serve with vegetables and lettuce.
  • The yolks left over from preparing the omelette can be poured into a plastic container and frozen - they will not spoil or lose their nutritional properties. Once defrosted, they can be used for various sauces or dough.
  • Instead of part of the milk, you can add sour cream - then the omelet will have a more delicate consistency.
  • A protein omelet can be combined with completely different ingredients - so you can add pieces of vegetables, herbs, fruits or dried fruits.