Lingonberries twisted with sugar proportions. A tasty and healthy preparation for the winter: pureed lingonberries with sugar. Lingonberry preparations for the winter: how to preserve vitamins

Lingonberries taste like cranberries, but are less sour and have a bitter-tart taste. First of all, lingonberries are valuable for their medicinal properties. The fruits and leaves are successfully used in traditional medicine, homeopathy and cosmetology...


From personal experience, a couple of spoons of ground lingonberries with sugar and a glass of boiling water effectively relieve cold symptoms and help cope with elevated temperatures, especially at the initial stage of the disease. Therefore, keep a couple of jars of ground lingonberries, they will become a useful addition to cold remedies.

In cooking, lingonberries are used in the preparation of drinks, syrups, sauces for meat dishes, jam, marmalade, and added to baked goods. You can grind it with sugar or just freeze it. Uncooked lingonberries retain the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Actually, the recipe itself for lingonberries with sugar:

Wash the berries thoroughly and remove any debris.

Place on a cloth or paper towel to dry.

Then chop the lingonberries in a way convenient for you. For this, an ordinary meat grinder, blender, food processor is suitable, or crush the berries with a masher in a suitable container.

Mix with granulated sugar in a ratio of 1 to 1. The ratio of ingredients may be different; usually they use from a kilogram to one and a half sugar per 1 kg of berries.

Leave for several hours for the sugar to dissolve more completely. Place in sterile jars and close with sterilized lids.

In our family, lingonberries have always been loved and are held in high esteem. This small red berry, in addition to containing many vitamins, organic acids, and microelements, is considered one of the main natural healers of kidney diseases. Every year I make medicinal preparations from it. And children like lingonberries ground with sugar without cooking, simply because they are very tasty.

Today I will share an easy and quick photo recipe for this lingonberry preparation.

For this recipe we will need:

lingonberries - 2 l;

sugar - from 0.5 l to 2 l;

How to cook lingonberries with sugar without cooking.

We separate the berries from the twigs, pine needles, and leaves.

Rinse with plenty of water and let the water drain. Dry on napkins or fabric that absorbs water well.

Grind in a meat grinder with a fine strainer.

Add sugar

and stir until we see that the sugar is completely dissolved.

Usually, I take as much sugar as there is lingonberry puree. But its quantity can be changed. Who likes it: more sweet, or more sour.

While we are trying to dissolve the sugar, I am preparing the jars and lids.

Then, put the sweet mass into jars and close with tight, sterile lids.

Place the lingonberry preparations in the refrigerator for preservation. If there is not enough space there, then simply sterilize the jars for 7 minutes and roll them up. This way they can be preserved, even at room temperature. Another way to preserve the product is to freeze lingonberries, ground with sugar, in small plastic boxes. In this case, the kids eat it like berry ice cream.

I add lingonberries prepared according to this recipe to fruit drinks, tea, and serve with pancakes and pancakes.

It’s not for nothing that lingonberries are called the “berry of health.” It contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements. If you save these berries for the winter, you can always nourish your body with valuable substances, strengthening and healing it. Lingonberries are rich in organic acids, antioxidants and tannins; they contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, PP, as well as C and E and manganese. Even those on a diet can enjoy these berries; their nutritional value is 46 Kcal per 100 grams. Lingonberries are prepared for the winter in many ways., in the article we will talk about the simplest and most popular ones, so that everyone who gets this berry wealth can choose the best option for themselves.

Not only the fruits, but also the leaves of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. Herbal raw materials are harvested during flowering, because then the leaves turn brown and gradually dry out. Whole, undamaged leaves are picked and dried in a dark, well-ventilated place. As for berries, they are useful to eat raw or canned.

The period from August to September is the time of “quiet hunting”, when most forest berries ripen. Among them, lingonberry deserves special attention - a small, bright red berry, the benefits of which for humans are difficult to overestimate. It is most useful when eaten fresh, but some of its valuable vitamins and microelements can be preserved when preserved. The berries are rich in natural antiseptics, which allows them to stay fresh for a long time.

Lingonberries are consumed raw, as well as steamed and soaked. These berries are pickled, salted and even dried. Pickled lingonberries are a delicious addition to meat or fish dishes. If you grind it with sugar, you can prepare teas, compotes, fruit drinks and other sweet drinks.

Lingonberries and cranberries are used to make a sauce used to season second courses. As for desserts, there are so many lingonberry delicacies that you can’t count them all: jams, preserves, fruit drinks, compotes and even jellies.

To preserve the maximum amount of useful substances, it is best not to heat-treat raw berries. Such preparation options are simpler than long-term, sometimes multi-stage heat treatment.

There are many recipes based on lingonberries, and no less than those where they are only one of the components. It can be combined with cranberries, blueberries, and other berries. If you have frozen currants, raspberries or gooseberries, you can prepare a wonderful berry dessert at any time by adding lingonberries.

From the following video you will learn about the beneficial properties of lingonberries and their use in everyday life, says Ethnoherbalist M.B. Fadeev

Lingonberries for the winter: recipes without cooking

Lingonberries grow over a fairly large area, so many people use them for medicinal and culinary purposes. Moreover, our distant ancestors knew about its benefits and pleasant taste, so from ancient times to the present there have been many recipes for preparing it. Especially useful are those that exclude cooking.


Lingonberries can be frozen. Pre-washed and sorted berries are placed in bags or plastic containers and then placed in the freezer. Their shelf life reaches 2 years.

Dried lingonberries

This is one of the simplest ways. Everything about lingonberries is healthy - the berries and the leaves. It is believed that the leaves have even greater medicinal properties than the berries. Therefore, for drying you need to collect the berries along with the leaves. It is best to dry sorted and washed berries in an electric dryer or dehydrator at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees. If dried at a higher temperature, the berry may burst, and the vitamins and nutrients will be significantly reduced. Store dried lingonberries in a closed container.

Lingonberries with sugar

The easiest way is to candy the berries. For 1 kilogram of raw materials you will need the same amount of sugar. You need to thoroughly rinse and sort the lingonberries, removing rotten, damaged or dried berries. The rest are placed in clean, sterilized jars in a layer approximately 1-1.5 centimeters thick. Each berry ball is sprinkled with sugar. The top of the workpiece is also necessarily covered with sugar. As the container fills, you need to shake it a little to compact the contents. But there is no need to compact the layers with a spoon - this will damage the berries.

After filling the jar up to the neck, it is closed with a lid and placed in a cold place - on the balcony or in the refrigerator. Such a preparation can be stored for up to six months. It is good to use in tea and compote, as well as for making jelly, drinks and other dishes.

Berry puree

A thick substance similar in consistency to sour cream is lingonberry puree. It is good to spread on a bun or cookies, or pour it over ice cream and casseroles. And many people add sweetness to tea or use it as a snack. To prepare the delicacy you need 1 kilogram of berries and 1.2 kilograms of sugar. As in the previous version of the preparation, the lingonberries are washed and sorted. Then it is poured into a deep container and sugar is added there. Everything is pureed in a blender. If there is none, you need to mash the berries in a mortar and then mix them with sugar. Let the mixture sit for several hours until the sugar crystals dissolve. After this, it can be poured into pre-washed and sterilized jars, closed with a lid and stored in a cool place.

Soaked lingonberries

Lovers of exquisitely spicy dishes will appreciate soaked lingonberries for the winter. This is an excellent addition to meat and some vegetable dishes. It is easy to prepare, and canned berries can be stored for at least a year. They retain many useful elements.

For 1 kilogram of freshly washed and carefully sorted berries, you need to take 2 tablespoons of sugar, a similar portion of salt, several cinnamon sticks, as well as vanilla, cinnamon and peppercorns to taste. It is advisable to take vanilla in pods, and not in confectionery, which is in the form of powder.

First, the brine is prepared. 1 liter of water is poured into an enamel container. Salt and sugar are poured into it, everything is heated, and then, after they are dissolved, the liquid is removed from the heat and the rest of the spices are added to it. When the brine has cooled, pour it over the lingonberries. After this, it is advisable to tie the top of the vessel with gauze and put the product in a cool place for 3-5 days. The lower the temperature, the longer the berries will soak. After this, the soaked lingonberries should be placed in pre-washed and sterilized jars, covered with lids and stored in a cool place.

Lingonberry compote

Lingonberry compote is not just tasty, but also healthy. It perfectly helps to cope with the first signs of a cold. To prepare it you need 1 kilogram of berries, 800 grams of sugar and 8 liters of water.

The lingonberries must be carefully sorted and then washed. Water is mixed with sugar and boiled until the latter is completely dissolved. After this, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum, pour the berries into the container where the compote is being cooked and, stirring, hold for 6-8 minutes. As soon as small bubbles begin to form on the surface, the compote is poured into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

Lingonberries in syrup

For dessert lovers, lingonberries in syrup will be a true delight. Its preparation does not take much time and effort. You need to take 1 kilogram of berries, wash and sort them. Then they are placed in washed and sterilized jars. You will also need the zest of 1 lemon, 300-350 grams of sugar and 2 glasses of water. All ingredients are mixed and the syrup is boiled. They need to pour the berries and roll up the jars.

Storing lingonberries with heat treatment

And those who like jams and preserves can traditionally cook lingonberries; there are plenty of options here too.

Pear-lingonberry jam

This jam can be not only an independent dessert, but also a filling for pies, pies and other baked goods. To prepare, you will need 1 kilogram of lingonberries and pears, 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 3 glasses of water. The lingonberries are washed and sorted, the pears are cleared of stems, skins and seeds, and then cut into slices.

Separately, water is mixed with sugar, and syrup is made from them. They need to pour in the berry-fruit mixture, stir and bring to a boil over low heat. Immediately after this, remove the jam from the heat. The manipulation is repeated at least after 2-3 hours, and preferably the next day. When the jam has boiled for 10 minutes, it should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

Make lingonberry and apple jam in the same way. It is advisable to take a sweet variety, since the berries contain quite a lot of fruit acids.

Lingonberry jam “Bystroe”

For 1 kilogram of berry raw materials, take 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 1 glass of water. The berries are sorted and washed, after which they are placed in a deep container. There they are blanched with water for about 3 minutes. After this, the liquid is drained and the lingonberries are filled with cold water. You can pour the berries into a colander and dip them in boiling water for 3 minutes.

Sugar syrup is made from the water where the berries were blanched. Berries are poured into it, and everything boils over high heat for about 10 minutes. You need to stir the jam until it is homogeneous. After boiling for another 15 minutes, it is poured into jars and rolled up.

By the way, lingonberries prepared in this way for the winter are served not only with tea or sweets, but also with meat dishes.

Lingonberry jelly

Lingonberry jelly is liked even by those who are not enthusiastic about too sour, raw berries. It has a pleasant appearance and delicate texture. Since lingonberries are rich in pectin, there is no need to add gelatin; the dessert itself has the desired consistency.

For 1 kilo of berries you need to take the same amount of sugar. The lingonberries are washed and sorted, then placed in a pan. It is advisable that the vessel have a thick bottom. The raw berries are slightly crumpled with a spoon; if the lingonberries are not too juicy, then you can pour in 1 glass of water. Everything is boiled for 10 minutes, then strained. The berries need to be squeezed out to obtain the maximum useful liquid. After this, sugar is added to the lingonberry juice and, stirring, cook over low heat until the volume is reduced by 1/3. After this, as the product cools, the lingonberry jelly will harden. If this does not happen, then you can heat the composition by adding gelatin. For each liter take 40 grams. After cooling, the jelly will have the appropriate consistency with a pleasant, sweet and sour taste.


Lingonberries are prepared for the winter in many ways. Those that do not involve heat treatment are simpler and also allow you to preserve more nutrients. However, preserves, jams and other lingonberry desserts have certain positive properties. The choice of recipe is a matter of taste and desire.

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Lingonberries are among the leaders in vitamin content, so they are often used not only for culinary purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. Berries that have not undergone heat treatment are especially useful. Lingonberries pureed with sugar are made for the winter for two reasons: firstly, it is very tasty, since sugar neutralizes the bitter taste of this berry, and secondly, it is healthy, because all the valuable properties of lingonberries are preserved in this delicacy. It will be easy to store if you follow the preparation technology and storage rules.

Cooking features

Lingonberries contain a natural preservative - benzoic acid, due to which they are stored for a long time, even if they are not subjected to heat treatment and do not add salt, sugar, vinegar and other preservatives to them. However, it can also go bad if you don’t follow some rules.

  • Before preparing lingonberries, mashed with sugar, for the winter, you need to sort them thoroughly, removing every single spoiled berry. If they get into cold jam, they will ruin it.
  • Wash the berries by dipping them in a colander repeatedly into water and letting it drain. This allows you to maintain the shape of the berries and not damage them when washing.
  • It is important to thoroughly dry the berries before mashing them. This increases the safety of the finished jam.
  • Only sterilized jars should be used. It’s up to you to decide what kind of lids to cover them with, metal or nylon, the main thing is not to forget to boil them.
  • You can store lingonberries mashed with sugar only at low temperatures, that is, in the refrigerator or cellar. If it is necessary to keep it at a higher temperature, for example in an unheated pantry, the jam should be heated to 95 degrees, but not boiled, and only then put into jars. In this case, the jars must be sealed with metal lids. Lingonberries that have undergone this treatment can be stored in the refrigerator for two years, just in a cool room (up to 16 degrees) - up to two months.

Recipes may call for different amounts of sugar. In fact, if the dessert does not include other berries or fruits (the exception is shadberry), the amount of sugar will not affect its preservation. In this case, you need to focus only on your taste: the less sugar, the more noticeable the bitterness characteristic of lingonberries will be. In this regard, usually less than 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries is not used, but there is no point in adding more than 2 kg of granulated sugar per 1 kg of lingonberries.

Classic recipe for lingonberries pureed with sugar

  • lingonberries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - from 1 to 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort through the berries, simultaneously clearing them of forest debris and stuck leaves.
  • Rinse the lingonberries and dry them on a cloth napkin or kitchen towel.
  • Grind the lingonberries in the way that you find most convenient: using a blender, a meat grinder, or by hand, pressing the berries through a metal sieve with a wooden spoon. The easiest way is to crush the berries with a wooden masher, which is usually used for making mashed potatoes.
  • Sprinkle the mashed lingonberries with sugar.
  • Cover the container with lingonberries with a thin cloth to prevent insects from getting into it and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, sterilize small jars.
  • Stir the lingonberries and place them in prepared containers, seal and refrigerate for winter storage.

Recipe for the occasion::

This option for preparing lingonberries pureed with sugar is the most common, but there is another way, even simpler.

A simple recipe for preparing pureed lingonberries for the winter

  • lingonberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1–2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sterilize jars and lids.
  • Rinse the lingonberries, first clearing them of debris and discarding all spoiled berries.
  • Place the lingonberries on a towel to drain the water and wait until the berries are completely dry.
  • Scroll the lingonberries through a meat grinder or chop in any other way.
  • Pour a couple of tablespoons of sugar into the bottom of each jar, then lingonberries. The berry layer should not exceed 2 cm.
  • Sprinkle the berries with sugar and add a second layer. Continue filling the jar, alternating layers of berries and granulated sugar. The last layer should be a layer of sugar.
  • Close the jars and put them in a cool place for the winter.

This technology allows you to prepare lingonberries quickly, but it has a drawback: cold jam prepared according to this recipe can become sugary.

Lingonberries pureed with sugar and orange

  • lingonberries – 1 kg;
  • oranges – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the lingonberries by sorting them, washing them and drying them.
  • Wash the oranges, cut them into pieces and remove the seeds.
  • Grind lingonberries and oranges through a meat grinder (without peeling). In this case, it is better to alternate berries and oranges: a handful of berries - several orange slices.
  • Pour sugar over the fruit and berry mixture and leave for two to three hours, remembering to cover the container with jam with gauze.
  • Place healthy treats in sterilized jars. Close them and put them in the refrigerator.

This dessert is especially useful for preventing colds. In addition, it has a unique taste - even children will not refuse it.

Lingonberries, pureed with sugar, can be used to prepare fruit drinks and desserts. You can also eat it spread on a sandwich, or just spoon it with tea.

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