Instant yeast how. Which yeast is better? How to choose good yeast

Beer, wine or kvass cannot be made without yeast. Their shape changes, new species appear, but they still remain in demand by humans, just as they were thousands of years ago.

What is dry yeast? Their composition

Yeast in dry form is a single-celled microorganism that is dormant, but at the same time retains the ability to start fermentation processes. They can be stored for a long time, and under certain favorable conditions they enter the active stage.

Dry yeast contains proteins (about 50%), fats (21%) and carbohydrates (18%). In addition, they are rich in B vitamins, as well as amino acids necessary for the body.

Active and rapid acting yeast

In addition to traditional pressed yeast, they have recently begun to be sold in dry form. Such yeast is active and fast-acting (instant). In the first case, they look like small granules of different diameters. Their shelf life ranges from 12 to 24 months and depends on the specific manufacturer. To transfer dry yeast from a dormant state to an active phase, it needs to be “awakened”. To do this, pour a certain amount of yeast into a liquid (water or milk), the temperature of which is about 40 degrees. You don’t have to stir the mixture, but simply set it aside for 15 minutes. After the specified time, the yeast will “wake up”, and then it can continue to be used for its intended purpose.

Rapid-acting yeast, scientifically called instant yeast, is a new generation of single-celled microorganisms. They are smaller in size than active ones, but the dough using them rises one and a half, or even two times faster. Their main advantage is that they do not need to be pre-dissolved in warm water, but can be added directly to the flour.

Weight measure for dry yeast

As a rule, manufacturers produce dry yeast packaged in sealed bags weighing from 7 to 12 grams. They are designed for half a kilo or one kilogram of flour. Packages weighing up to one hundred grams are also available for sale. In this case, to determine how much dry yeast to add to the dough, use improvised means at home.

One teaspoon contains 4 grams of dry yeast. But sometimes the recipe only specifies the amount of fresh compressed yeast. For this purpose, a special formula has been developed, thanks to which you can easily use dry yeast for baking. The ratio between active and compressed yeast is 1:2 ½. That is, for 1 gram of dry product there are 2.5 grams of fresh product. For instant yeast the formula is slightly different. In this case, 1 gram of such a product corresponds to 3 grams of pressed ones.

Yeast for the body: benefit or harm

Yeast can provide the greatest benefit to the body when eaten fresh. They make good masks for the face and body, thanks to them the skin becomes clean and healthy. However, as the ambient temperature rises, the beneficial properties of yeast end. At temperatures above 45 degrees they die.

Excessive consumption of foods containing yeast is harmful to the body. Accumulating in excess quantities, they contribute to the fact that the body’s protective functions are weakened, and the immune system can no longer cope with the tasks assigned to it.

The peculiarity of yeast is that it multiplies rapidly, destroying on its way all the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby allowing the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the digestive organs.

Where is dry yeast used?

The main area of ​​application for dry yeast is, of course, baking. With their help, you can prepare aromatic and airy butter dough, and from it - baked pies, buns, rolls, Easter cakes. Recipes with dry yeast are not at all inferior to those with pressed yeast.

At home, dry yeast produces delicious kvass. They are used to start the fermentation process when making wine. Dry yeast is a good remedy for treating problem skin. Masks based on them are among the most effective in cosmetology.

After opening the package, dry yeast reacts with air, gains moisture and loses its quality. To slow down a possible reaction after use, they should be stored in the refrigerator.

How to make butter dough with dry yeast?

Yeast is most often used in baking. To prepare traditional pastry for pies with dry yeast, you need the following ingredients:

  • 250 ml milk;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon dry yeast;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar or vanillin;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 600 g flour.

It is advisable to remove all ingredients from the refrigerator a couple of hours before starting cooking so that they are at room temperature.
The test formation process consists of several stages.

  1. Dissolve dry yeast in slightly warmed milk. Immediately add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 100 g of flour. Cover with a towel and set aside to allow the yeast to start playing. This will take approximately 30 minutes.
  2. While the dough is ripening, sift the flour, add sugar, salt, and vanillin. If you use dry instant yeast when preparing the dough, then you should mix it directly with the flour. In this case, you can skip the first step.
  3. When the dough is ready, add the egg and melted butter.
  4. Combine dry and wet ingredients together. Knead into a soft, non-stick dough. This will take about 10 minutes.
  5. Place the dough in a bowl lightly greased with vegetable oil, cover with a towel and leave to rise in a warm place for at least 1 hour.
  6. After the dough has risen, you can form the products. You should let them sit for another 30 minutes before putting them in the oven. Pies made with dry yeast always turn out soft and airy, with a pleasant vanilla aroma.

This dough is suitable not only for pies, but also for rolls, buns and even for Easter baking.

Pie dough with dry yeast and kefir

Buns and pies made with kefir are no less tasty and aromatic. Dry yeast is excellent for their preparation. Lactic acid bacteria enhance their effect. The dough rises well, and the finished baked goods do not have a pronounced yeast smell, as happens when they are used in a “wet” form.

To form yeast dough on kefir, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 60 g sugar;
  • 50 ml milk or water;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 1 tablespoon dry active yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 600-650 g flour.

The process of preparing dough for kefir pies is carried out in a certain sequence.

  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Dissolve yeast in warm water or milk.
  3. Mix sugar, salt, kefir and eggs. Add diluted yeast and butter.
  4. Gradually sift flour into the dough. Knead an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. It is important that it is not tight. Otherwise the dough will not rise.
  5. Place the dough in a clean bowl greased with vegetable oil and place in a warm place to rise. In an hour or an hour and a half it will triple in volume.
  6. Now you can form the pies. It’s important to remember to let them rise again before putting them in the oven. To ensure that the finished products have an attractive appearance, before baking you can grease them with yolk mixed with 1 tablespoon of milk.

Pies made from dough made from kefir are especially soft and remain so for quite a long time.

Which is better: dry or wet yeast?

Twenty years ago, only fresh compressed yeast was available for sale. They are, of course, still very convenient, since they are always in “full combat readiness.” The only significant disadvantage is the short shelf life.

The main advantage of dry yeast is its long shelf life. It is 24 months. This allows housewives not to run around looking for fresh yeast before baking, but to always have the necessary packet in the house.

In addition, fast-acting or instant dry yeast does not require preliminary preparation of the dough. They are mixed directly with flour, which significantly reduces dough preparation time. At the same time, it rises just as quickly as when using active or compressed yeast.

How to choose good yeast?

The main condition when purchasing dry yeast is to carefully read the labels on the package. This will help avoid unwanted results when baking products. It indicates how many grams of dry yeast are for a certain amount of flour. Perhaps, to prepare a large number of baked goods, you will need not one, but two bags.

When choosing yeast, it is important to pay attention to the shelf life. Despite the fact that it varies from 1 to 2 years for different manufacturers, it should be remembered that with each subsequent month their abilities decrease.

In addition, a certain type of yeast is more suitable for different baked goods. The quality of future products depends on this. For example, only compressed yeast is suitable for Easter cakes, since dry yeast will not withstand raising and lowering the dough three times. But for preparing traditional baked goods, it is good to use a fast-acting option. They help reduce baking time by at least 30 minutes.

Quite often in reviews of baked goods and bread, the following phrase appears: “I did everything according to the recipe. But the dough didn’t rise well.”

Many people are very surprised when they learn that not all dry yeast is the same.

Moreover, you need to be able to store them correctly.

What is the difference between dry and compressed yeast?
-Dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” and dry instant yeast “Saf-Moment” are yeast milk, from which ordinary pressed yeast, dried in a special way, is also prepared. Thus, dry yeast is the same compressed yeast, only a significant part of the moisture has been removed from it.

What is the difference between instant yeast and active dry yeast?
Both yeasts are produced by drying yeast milk, but in different ways. Thus, the differences between them are as follows:
Appearance: active dry yeast is granules of various diameters, that is, living yeast cells are covered with a shell of inactivated yeast cells;

Instant yeast is similar to small noodles and is a living yeast cell that is preserved in a unique vacuum seal.

Method of use:

dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” must be dissolved in warm water before use, and fast-acting yeast “Saf-Moment” must be immediately poured into flour in dry form.
What is the difference between the yeast “Saf-Moment” and “Saf-Moment for baking”, “Saf-Moment for pizza”?

Saf-Moment fast-acting yeast is considered classic, does not contain additives and is suitable for making all types of baked goods. In particular, fast-acting yeast is ideal for automatic bread makers, especially when using the “delayed baking” mode, since it does not require prior activation.
Yeast "Saf-Moment for baking" contains confectionery vanillin, natural beta - carotene (provitamin A) and special yeast for butter dough. Yeast gives baked goods a subtle vanilla aroma and a golden color to the crumb.
Saf-Moment Pizza Yeast contains natural onion powder made from onion juice and special yeast for pizza. The baked goods acquire a spicy onion aroma.

If you open a packet of dry yeast, use it completely, since dry yeast cannot be stored if opened; it loses its activity.

Salt neutralizes the action of yeast, so it should not be mixed with yeast or added to the yeast solution. Salt should be added at the very end of kneading the dough, when all other ingredients have already been added. —High sugar content also slows down yeast fermentation.

There should be enough water in the kneaded dough, this makes the action of the yeast more active, in this case, when the dough “fits,” its pores become larger and the dough increases in volume well.

When purchasing yeast, pay attention to the recommended amount of yeast per kilogram of flour. If you increase the recommended amount of yeast per kilogram of flour, this will not speed up the “rise” of the dough, but may impart an unpleasant taste to the finished product.

Never use an oven or microwave to increase dough fermentation. This can negatively affect the finished product and it may lose flavor and shape. The dough takes at least 2.5-3 hours to rise and the most suitable temperature for “rising” the dough is +27 degrees.

Do not forget that yeast is living organisms and cold and heat are contraindicated for them. Yeast dies at a temperature of +45 - +50 degrees, and if it is frozen and thawed several times, it loses its properties.

And now a little about my personal experience: I accidentally came across packaged instant yeast “Pakmaya” on a supermarket shelf.

I noticed the word “instant” on the packaging, decided to Google it and found a very important discovery for myself.

Many housewives try to get rid of the yeast taste in the dough, some start using less yeast, some change the brand of yeast, but in the end, the yeast taste is still present in the product, but as it turns out, everything is much simpler. Instant yeast must be used to prepare the dough. They are the ones who will not spoil all your and my pies with this taste. This yeast rises the dough perfectly, mine rose in about an hour, it holds together flawlessly along the edges of the pies, the filling does not fall out or leak out. And after half an hour, we were eating the most delicious pies with different fillings.

I have made yeast dough so many times, but this dough made me incredibly happy. No yeast taste whatsoever.

As they say, live and learn.

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Yes, a little about yeast. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a topic that deserves... :)

You yourself understand that yeast is important. That is, for baking from yeast dough to be successful, you need at least good yeast.

With good old fresh yeast, most likely, there will be no catch, because it is customary to first dissolve it in water (milk) with sugar and let it work, and then add it. That is, you will at least be sure that they are “working”.

With dry granular ones it’s not so clear. No, dry “quick” yeast is good, you can make almost any dough with it, and I myself mainly use it because it’s convenient. But, reading the feed in the most popular topic here, “Quick dough for pies,” where the reviews are mostly encouraging (thank you for them!), no, no, and you come across someone’s disappointment. Well, of course, it’s a shame when you cook and it doesn’t work out.

My dears, you understand that magic and mysticism do not happen in the kitchen (well, mostly! :) If everyone succeeds normally, but someone does not, then there was a problem that can be caught and sorted out. It's okay, it happens to everyone. If “good” and “not expired!” the yeast does not rise the dough, which means it is bad yeast, no options! Well, unless, of course, they were filled with too hot water (milk) or something like that.

Many recipes indicate time, it's just convenient. But you need to understand, especially for yeast dough, that time is a guideline, and not the main thing in the recipe. If time has passed and no movement is observed in the bowl with the dough, that is, for example, the dough does not “work” - the dough has failed. Most likely, the yeast failed.

It sometimes happens that all the deadlines have passed, there is no hope left, and suddenly it turns out that the dough still rises. This means that the yeast is spoiled, but not completely...

How to get along with dry granulated yeast and cook without disappointment?

Use only freshly purchased ones! Do not buy yeast in large bags unless you have a bakery business and produce baked goods in large volumes! Ridiculous savings of a few rubles are inappropriate here. If an opened package of yeast has been sitting in the cupboard for a couple of months, do not forget to at least check it before adding it (dilute it in sweetened milk or water and let it foam). Don't let the expiration date fool you in this case :)

Well, it’s optimal to buy yeast in small packages “for one time” (11 grams, as a rule). And not dozens of little bags, so that they, again, lie somewhere in a closet for a year. What is the need if this product is now sold in almost any store?

Why is that? Don't forget that yeast, even granulated yeast, is a living organism. The manufacturer, of course, guarantees their stability under certain conditions, but... do you guarantee these conditions on the top shelf of your closet?

Otherwise, alas, I cannot explain why someone cannot make dough with good, unexpired yeast :).

That's all. Happy pies!

The dough turns out better with eggs and also faster!
sachet (10-11g) dry yeast
1.5 cups warm milk
4 (or 2) tablespoons sugar
6 tablespoons +3-4 cups flour
2 eggs
a pinch of salt
2/3 cup (two thirds cup, or approximately 140 ml) sunflower oil

(this quantity of products makes about 20 pies) I think there will be those here who contemptuously reject dry yeast, so I’ll make a reservation especially for them. Instead of dry yeast, you can take 50 g of fresh yeast. The cooking process will increase by only 30 minutes - nothing for yeast dough, right? ;)

First we prepare the dough (don’t be alarmed, everything is elementary). For the dough, mix yeast, milk, sugar, 6 tablespoons of flour. We do this: slightly heat the milk (to “steam” temperature), mix flour, sugar and dry yeast in a bowl, slowly add milk and stir, you will get a dough without lumps, like liquid sour cream. This is our dough.

If the yeast is fresh, dilute it in milk and add everything else mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Let the dough sit in a warm, draft-free place for 15 minutes (or 30 minutes for fresh yeast).

Time has passed, the dough has foamed. Now all that remains is to knead the dough. I will knead with a mixer. But, of course, you can do it with your hands.

But first, beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt in a separate bowl - not to a stable foam, as for a sponge cake, for example, but simply to a light, homogeneous mass. Add eggs to the dough and mix. Add 3 cups of flour, start kneading, gradually adding vegetable oil (2/3 cup). You need to knead a dough that is not stiff (not like dumplings!!), but elastic and does not stick to your hands, leaving the sides of the bowl and kneaded into one lump; it will take 5-6-7 minutes of working with a mixer. If you knead by hand, trust your feelings, the dough should not stick to your hands. The dough will definitely take three glasses of flour, the fourth is additional, you can add a little from it if it seems necessary.

Is the dough ready? If it has fresh yeast, cover it and leave it on the board for 15 minutes. If you use dry ones, you can immediately make pies and place them on a baking sheet.

The following point is important here: we try not to weigh down the dough with flour anymore. That is, lightly dust the board and hands with flour, it should not stick (we kneaded it well :)) Or this method: grease the table and hands with vegetable oil, and sculpt like this, the dough is guaranteed not to stick either to your hands or to the table.

So, light the oven, let it heat up to 180-220 degrees, and let the baking sheet with pies stand for 20-30 minutes in a warm place. When the pies are ready to bake, brush the tops with a lightly beaten egg for a nice color. And - into the oven!

By the way, this quick pie dough is not only quick to prepare, it also bakes quickly, 20, 25, maximum 30 minutes.

I hope you will find this recipe for quick yeast dough for pies useful more than once;)

By the way, it is also great for buns and large pies.

How to work with dry yeast

Housewives are increasingly using dry yeast in their work. This is very convenient, because you can buy them in reserve, store them for several months and use them as needed. But often housewives do not pay attention to the fact that not all dry yeast is the same.

Every housewife, before starting work, must carefully read the information that the manufacturer places on top of the bag of dry yeast. It may say “Dry Active Yeast” and “Dry Instant Yeast.” What's the difference between them?

The fact is that you need to work with them in completely different ways. Dry active yeast must be activated before use, but dry instant yeast is ready for use without special activation, because it is living yeast cells that retain their properties thanks to special vacuum packaging. Our advice will help you figure out how to work with dry instant yeast.
