Whole grain pancakes with kefir. Fluffy pancakes made with kefir and whole grain flour. The best recipes for diet pancakes

Pancakes made from whole grain flour and even without sugar are an excellent option for those followers of pp who love home-baked goods and want to control their weight. They are lower in calories, and the calories are not “empty”, since the carbohydrates in the composition are slow, healthy.

The taste of these pancakes is more pronounced. Sometimes it is called nut, sometimes honey. This is because Whole grain flour retains many useful grain shells. The taste depends on the type of grain and the degree of grinding. The taste is most pronounced in the beans of the first, coarsest, grind. They are the most useful and are indicated for proper nutrition.

The best recipes for diet pancakes

Whole grain flour contains a lot of fiber necessary for the intestines, improves digestion, and is lower in calories than regular flour. It fits into almost all diets. Eating products made from whole grain flour causes less harm to the figure, which, by the way, is more than compensated by the benefits of crushed grain for the digestive system, skin, hair, and nails. The reduced gluten content makes whole grain products less allergenic and suitable even for small children.

Recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

Whole grain flour pancakes with kefir they turn out very airy if you heat the kefir.

When cut, the pancake will be a little dark - this is precisely because of the type of flour.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 190
  2. Proteins: 11
  3. Fats 5
  4. Carbohydrates: 26


  • Whole grain flour – 150 g and corn flour – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Kefir – 150 ml,
  • Egg – 1 pc.,
  • Stevia powder – 1 tsp.
  • Baking powder – 1/2 tsp.
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a narrow knife.


  1. Beat the egg and kefir with stevia, add flour in small portions, add vanillin and baking powder. The dough turns out runny, but not pancake-like. If necessary, you need to change the amount of flour, since the quality of the dough depends on how liquid the kefir is and how sticky the flour is. Whole grain flour generally has extremely low stickiness, so products made from it are not as fluffy and white as those made from fine white premium flour.
  2. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan with a non-stick coating, lightly greased with refined vegetable oil.
  3. But the best option is to preheat the oven to 180 degrees, line a baking sheet with greased paper, spoon out the pancakes, leaving space between them, and bake for 20 minutes.

Whole grain flour pancakes with milk

Pancakes made from whole grain flour with milk turn out very tasty and aromatic if honey is present in the recipe.

It gives the dough a subtle aroma and delicate sweetness.

With each new type of honey, the taste and aroma of pancakes changes.


  • Milk (can be soy) – 200 ml,
  • Whole grain flour – 200 g and flaxseed flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Natural honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.


Dissolve honey in hot milk, stir in egg and butter. Add flour, baking powder and knead into a liquid dough. It is best to bake pancakes in the oven.

Secrets of delicious diet pancakes

  1. The taste of pancakes may vary depending on the baking. Pripek is a filling that is evenly distributed throughout the text and “baked” together. An excellent option for baking sweet pancakes is grated apple, grated carrots, pumpkin, banana. For savory ones, zucchini is suitable.
  2. You can add steamed dried fruits to the pancakes - dried apricots, raisins, figs, prunes. It is important to take into account that dried fruits can burn and ruin the taste, so the products should be thick so that the pieces are not mixed into the dough, but “sunk” in it.
  3. Pancakes are very tasty to eat with sauce. Berry and fruit sauces are ideal for sweet ones, and garlic and cheese sauce for savory ones. You can even make a regular homemade one, add mashed banana to it and get an excellent diet sauce.

Leisurely breakfasts are my favorite time of day. Work obediently awaits its time in the middle of the day, so you can and should use the morning to its full potential. So today I cooked and took photographs for my own pleasure. And here it is, in fact, pleasure:

The set of ingredients for my pancakes today is quite traditional. With the possible exception of sour cream and whole grain flour. I resort to sour cream because kefir is a little difficult in my latitudes, but its low-fat version with a runny consistency helps a lot. Whole grain flour enriched the familiar taste with a nut-like tint, and the whole recipe also added fiber.

1. Let's start cooking. Although it is very difficult here to “discover America”, because many people know how to cook pancakes, as they say, in a dark room and blindfolded. And yet... First, break an egg into a cup and shake it well.

2. Then add sour cream and a little liquid (or melted but cooled) margarine.

3. Mix everything with a whisk until it becomes a homogeneous pale yellow mass.

4. Add baking powder, vanilla and cane sugar and salt to the liquid mixture. I suggest adding the last two ingredients depending on your taste. Regular sugar can be omitted altogether, since vanilla has enough sweetness.

5. Mix everything and finally add whole grain flour. It has an amazing texture due to the huge number of grain particles. Excellent and useful product. But people with acute gastrointestinal problems need to be careful with it. Mix all the ingredients until you get a thick dough.

Let the mixture sit for about ten minutes or until bubbles appear on its surface.
6. Meanwhile, prepare the frying pan. I use the one designed for baking pancakes - with a thin bottom and shallow sides.
I pre-lubricate it with liquid margarine. I don’t add it anymore - the frying pan will do its job on its own after the first round of baking.

7. When the dough has stood for a while, we begin baking. Everyone here probably has their own guidelines and techniques for turning over. For me it's a set, porous surface and a golden edge.

From the specified amount of ingredients the following stack is obtained:

For me alone, this was more than enough (I also took it to work). But if you are cooking for a large family and especially for children, then feel free to increase the number of ingredients.
Pancakes can be eaten with jam, honey, condensed milk... whatever you want.

And if you want to make a holiday for yourself for breakfast (as I did) or serve pancakes for dessert, then you can come up with these berry and cream sandwiches. But at the same time, the idea of ​​a healthy breakfast will be completely consigned to oblivion... Well, so be it!

Here are options with blackberries, blueberries and strawberries.

I am often asked what I feed our baby, do I cook specially for him, do I exclude any foods. Therefore, I decided to periodically share Timofey’s favorite dishes, maybe your kids will like them too :) But first of all, I want to say that Tim has been eating the same thing as us for a very long time. I don't prepare baby food separately. It seems to me that this can be justified in the case where a child has a food allergy, or when adults eat exclusively unhealthy food that cannot be offered to the baby. We don’t have any allergies or beer and chips, so I don’t have much trouble preparing food. As for spices, I do not exclude them, but on the contrary, I try to introduce the baby to a variety of tastes. We do not abuse salt and sugar, but I can treat my son with a small piece of good chocolate and, apparently, due to the fact that we do not make sweets a “forbidden fruit” or a reward, he does not have a passion for cakes, pastries and candies. But she loves apples, berries, cottage cheese, fish and natural yogurt. And one of Timosha’s favorite breakfasts is pancakes with apples made from whole grain rye flour. I add yogurt to the dough and they turn out very tender and fluffy.

2 eggs
120 g finely ground whole grain rye flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
160 g natural yoghurt
1/2 - 3/4 cup boiling water
1 large apple without peel
agave syrup and ground cinnamon to taste

1. In a small bowl, lightly beat the eggs with a fork.

2. Add flour, baking powder and salt mixed together. Mix. We should get a thick mass.

3. Gradually stir in the yogurt to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps.

4. Pour in boiling water and mix again, the dough should have the consistency of not very thick sour cream.

5. Add a coarsely grated apple to the dough.

6. Add a teaspoon of agave syrup and a couple of pinches of cinnamon. If the apple is sweet, then I do not add agave syrup.

7. Bake in a hot frying pan over medium heat until golden brown on both sides (~ 2 minutes). I usually wipe the pan at the very beginning with a napkin lightly soaked in vegetable oil, then bake without oil. I often use all sorts of molds to make the pancakes prettier.

Warm pancakes can be topped with agave syrup or honey.

Bon appetit!
