Tea with fresh mint beneficial properties. The benefits of mint tea. Useful properties and contraindications of mint tea

Tea has been known on our planet since ancient times; the popularity of this drink is only growing every year. People like to drink tea for various reasons - to warm up, calm down, lower blood pressure, normalize digestion or sleep. Very often used with regular black or green tea. various additives from leaves, berries or flowers medicinal plants to enhance the healing properties and get additional effect from the drink. Traditionally, mint tea is considered beneficial. This plant belongs to the medicinal group, so it should be used with caution and in moderation. What is the benefit of mint tea, how much can you drink it, is there any harm from this drink - questions that need to be answered.

About the drink

In ancient times, this plant was considered sacred and was called the herb of longevity.

Today, mint is widely used in official pharmacology for the manufacture medicines and in folk medicine as a preventive and therapeutic agent.

The abundance of essential oils gives this plant a strong, lasting aroma, which is used in herbal medicine. Doctors have long used the antidepressant properties of the leaves to treat anxiety and insomnia. In addition, it has the properties to suppress the growth of bacteria, relieve pain, reduce high acidity, and improve mood. Mint can be added to ready meals as a spice, and also brew mint tea, which will never be superfluous in the diet. Tea with mint will warm you up from the cold in winter, and in the summer heat it will help you refresh and quench your thirst. In addition, herbal tea is used as an additional remedy for the treatment of many diseases. The specific benefits of tea depend on the type of mint and the combination with other herbs. Of the many types of mint, the following are often used for brewing tea:

  • pepper – contains a lot of menthol, is widely used in medical practice;
  • field or wild, more used in cooking;
  • lemon balm or lemon.

Peppermint tea has healing properties due to the rich composition of this plant. In addition to essential oil, it contains vitamins (A, C, B12, rutin), carotene, menthol, resins, acids and tannins. The benefits and harms of tea are actively discussed on the Internet, but it still remains a popular and favorite drink among adults and children that can be drunk at any time.

About the benefits

The effect of regular tea leaves and mint leaves is summed up, as a result, the beneficial properties of the drink are enhanced - antiseptic, choleretic, analgesic, sedative, stimulating the functioning of the brain and the activity of the digestive glands. The healing properties of tea can be presented as follows:

  • helps in the treatment of colds, viral and infectious diseases (the effect is greater when adding raspberry and currant leaves to tea with mint and combining them with honey and lemon);
  • reduces gastric secretion, increases bile secretion, which promotes better digestion of fats;
  • relieves cramping abdominal pain, which often occurs during menstruation in women;
  • normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, gives a slight hypotensive and calming effect (especially in combination with tea and honey);
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, in particular the intestines - mint tea has an antibacterial effect, relieves spasms, treats diarrhea and bloating;
  • improves skin condition, in women – reduces the growth of unwanted hair;
  • promotes fat burning - dulls the feeling of hunger and increases bile secretion; when using this product for weight loss, you should follow a drinking regime, because mint has a diuretic effect;
  • removes headache and increased intracranial pressure, including established positive effect for migraines;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, gives a calming effect, improves falling asleep, promotes normal night sleep (if you drink mint tea regularly);
  • lowers the level of male sex hormones - which is important for women during menopause;
  • helps cope with toxicosis in pregnant women (gives relief from nausea, dizziness).

About the harm

The negative properties of mint and tea can be seen in people with individual intolerance to this plant (this does not happen so often), with an excessive passion for mint drinks, especially in young children. It is not recommended for children under 5 years of age to drink mint tea due to the risk of developing allergies, hypotension (herbal tea lowers blood pressure) and other undesirable reactions. Before use, it is better to consult a pediatrician. This tea reduces the level of male sex hormones and increases female hormones, which is why mint tea is so beneficial for women and undesirable for men. Although this statement will be fair if a man drinks mint tea several times a day. Any man can drink one cup of mint leaf tea with lemon or honey, especially if he is worried about blood pressure or insomnia.

It is customary to talk about tea in general terms. However, mint can be consumed with green or black tea - depending on how you are used to, but the healing properties that this drink provides are different. It should be borne in mind that the green drink contains more caffeine; it is not recommended for people with hypertension and pregnant women, as well as for varicose veins. But, it is more suitable for those who want to lose excess weight.

People who have low blood pressure, reflux esophagitis (mint increases gastroesophageal sphincter insufficiency and can cause heartburn), varicose veins, should be careful not to think about mint tea. serious illnesses internal illnesses.

This drink will be useful for those who are attentive to their health and take everything into account. possible contraindications And adverse reactions when choosing one or the other medicinal product. Anyway moderate consumption This drink is unlikely to harm the human body, but in everything you should observe moderation and take care of yourself.

From the video you will learn the recipe mint tea:

Bad breath is a consequence of parasites!

Head of the Institute of Parasitology German Shaevich Gandelman: Diseases caused by parasites The frequency of manifestations is second only to colds. Only a thorough cleaning will help remove all the nasty stuff. Drink it quickly...

Peppermint tea is a refreshing drink that relaxes and gives strength at the same time. Thanks to mint, which is a medicinal plant, this tea has a lot of healing properties and therefore it has found its use in folk medicine.

Beneficial properties of mint tea

Mint, which is the basis of tea, has an analgesic, soothing, antiseptic and choleretic effect, stimulates brain function, and improves appetite. Menthol contained in mint has antibacterial properties, so tea is very useful for infectious and colds.

The healing properties of mint tea are manifested as follows:

  • Treats colds, flu, runny nose and related diseases;
  • Reduces stomach acidity;
  • Relieves pain and eases menstruation;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Normalizes work gastrointestinal tract– relieves spasms and destroys infections;
  • Relieves pain from migraines and muscle pain;
  • Has a calming effect and helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Treats external skin diseases: eliminates rawness and itching, reduces inflammation;
  • Improves metabolic processes;
  • Normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Peppermint tea can be called “women’s” tea, since it not only helps get rid of cramps and pain during menopause, but also regulates the menstrual cycle and eases the unpleasant manifestations of menopause. Due to the fact that mint tea reduces the level of male hormones in the body, hair growth in women, accordingly, decreases in unwanted places. For pregnant women, mint tea will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis, relieve dizziness and nausea.

How to make mint tea

The mint herb itself is very tasty and aromatic, so mint tea can be prepared as an independent herbal infusion or add mint to green or black tea, as well as to herbal teas:

  • To prepare traditional mint tea, take dry mint leaves (1 tablespoon) and pour boiling water (200 ml). Then let the tea brew a little (literally 7-10 minutes) and you can drink it either warm or chilled - as desired.
  • For colds– Brew tea using the above method, add a slice of lemon and honey and drink half a glass warm 3-4 times a day. With the cooled infusion, you can rinse your nasal passages when you have a runny nose and gargle.
  • In case of intoxication of the body, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mint leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about a couple of hours, then strain and drink 1 tbsp with meals 2-3 times a day. spoon.
  • For bloating, toxicosis, nausea– 2 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of mint, leave for about half an hour, then strain and drink ½ cup twice a day before meals.
  • During menopause e – 2 teaspoons of dry leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water, bring the infusion to a boil, then cool and strain and drink 2-3 times during the day, like tea.
  • For migraines, severe muscle pain– pour dry mint leaves (1 teaspoon) with boiling water (200 ml), add 2 teaspoons of lemon zest and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink ½ glass of the drink 2-3 times a day instead of tea.
  • At skin diseases – brew 1 teaspoon of mint in 150 ml of boiling water, let it brew a little, strain and rub the tea on problem areas of the skin several times a day.

Despite the simplicity of brewing mint tea, there are several rules for preparing mint tea that must be followed:

  1. For a child, the concentration of mint in the drink should be reduced exactly by half (for example, 1 tablespoon per 500 ml of water).
  2. Brew fresh mint like this: pour boiling water over 4 mint leaves, after 2 minutes, drain the water and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let the drink brew for 4-6 minutes and you can drink it.
  3. Brew mint tea only in porcelain or glass to preserve its beneficial properties.
  4. If you want to mix mint with green or black tea, be sure to maintain a 1:1 ratio of mint and tea.
  5. For prevention and general wellness You can drink ½ glass of mint tea three times a day.
  6. Mint tea is only useful when freshly brewed.
  7. During pregnancy, you should not drink more than 2 glasses of mint tea per day.

You can add lemon or honey to mint tea to taste, but it is better to avoid sugar, as it reduces the beneficial properties of mint.


Mint tea, the beneficial properties of which are undeniable, nevertheless has a number of warnings for use:

  • Peppermint tea is not recommended for nursing mothers, as it can reduce lactation;
  • Peppermint tea is not recommended for men - it has an effect on reducing testosterone levels in the blood and lowers libido;
  • You should not drink tea if you have inflammation of the liver or kidneys;
  • You should not drink mint tea if you have low blood pressure, as mint helps lower blood pressure.

Peppermint tea has positive influence on the body and, if you use all the rules and precautions for use, brings only benefits to a person.


Summer is coming, and the topic of today’s article, dear readers, seemed relevant to me, it is in the summer that you can make the most of the power of nature, you just need to not be lazy to brew for yourself and your family herbal teas. Peppermint tea is a wonderful summer refreshing drink that has many beneficial properties. Of all the teas, I always stand out for its extraordinary aroma. And today I want to talk on the blog about the benefits and harms of mint tea, which we all need to know.

There are more than 20 types of mint, the most popular among them are peppermint, field or wild mint and longleaf mint. I have already written about the beneficial properties of peppermint; it is a medicinal plant recognized by official medicine; other types of mint are also used in cooking, cosmetology, and folk medicine, because they contain menthol. It is menthol that gives this unique aroma and is part of many cosmetics and medications. Mint tea is not only aroma, taste and freshness, the drink will bring undoubted benefit for good health.

Tea with mint. Benefit for health

Best for tea fresh mint, you can brew it yourself, you can mix it with other herbs, you can add it to green or black tea. Peppermint grows in our dacha, so we always have fresh mint in the summer, but for tea drink Dried mint will also work.

Tea with mint is very pleasant to the taste, it has a refreshing, tonic effect, and the content of menthol, vitamin C, carotene, tannins, essential oils, and organic acids in its leaves and stems turns mint tea into healing drink.

Mint has analgesic, bactericidal, mild choleretic, diuretic and vasodilating effects. Mint tea relieves stress and calms you down nervous system, relieves spasms and pain in the gastrointestinal tract and pelvis, therefore it is very useful for various female problems, both at a young age and during the difficult period of menopause. What are the benefits of mint tea for our health?

Mint tea is beneficial

  • for colds, diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • for insomnia, irritability, nervous agitation, headache;
  • with loss of strength;
  • for nausea, heartburn, flatulence;
  • for colitis;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • in case of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • for stomach diseases with low acidity of gastric juice;
  • for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys.

How to make mint tea. Recipes

Mint sprigs brewed with boiling water give off a very pleasant aroma, the drink turns out delicious, so mint can be brewed without any additives. To do this, you need to pick mint leaves or sprigs, rinse thoroughly with running water, crush them a little with your hands or tear them into pieces. small pieces. Thus, the drink will get greatest number essential oils and other beneficial substances.

For tea, 3-5 fresh leaves per cup of boiling water is enough, it depends on the size of the mint leaves. I advise you to always start with small quantity any plants for herbal tea, over time, you yourself will understand how many tea leaves you need to pick to get a medium-rich drink. I always need about 3 leaves for a small teapot-mug; I don’t like very rich aromas.

Brew in the usual way boiling water, after rinsing the teapot with boiling water to warm the dishes. Leave for 3 – 5 minutes, strain and drink to your heart’s content. If you use dry raw materials for mint tea, then a teaspoon of crushed dry mint per cup is enough.

Black tea with mint

The most delicious drink is obtained if mint is brewed together with black tea; the taste of mint will not spoil the taste of even the most the best tea, but will only complement it. To prepare the drink, add a sprig of fresh mint or a teaspoon of dried mint to a teaspoon of black tea, brew with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a couple of minutes and strain. If desired, you can add honey or a slice of lemon.

Tea experts recommend lightly rinsing hot water tea leaves, whether black or green tea, drain the water and brew it for real infusion. It is recommended to brew tea not with boiling water, but with slightly cooled water to 95 degrees. This usually happens, the water boils, and while we are preparing the teapot and herbal tea, the water cools down a little.

Green tea with mint

A lighter combination of mint and green tea, this drink is best drunk cold, as it is remarkably refreshing and quenches thirst. There are many varieties of green tea, but no matter which one you choose, mint always improves the taste. For a cup of tea, take a teaspoon of green loose leaf tea and a sprig of mint, pour boiling water over it, strain after a few minutes. Lemon, honey - it's all at your discretion and your taste. I just want to say about honey once again - it’s better to drink tea with it as a bite and under no circumstances add it to hot tea.

Tea with mint and chamomile

A great combination for herbal tea is mint and, in this case we get a healing drink that can improve appetite, reduce stomach pain and relieve nausea. For tea, take a few mint leaves and add a full teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers. Pour boiling water over everything, leave for 10 minutes and drink. It turns out to be a surprisingly tasty healthy drink.

Tea with mint and lemon balm

If you want the calming effect of herbal tea or drink it in the evening, add a few lemon balm leaves to the mint leaves. Very tasty, one of my favorites herbal drinks it turns out. Such a wonderful aroma, such delicate taste, and, of course, benefits!

If the herbs are dried, then mix mint and lemon balm in equal quantities and take 1 - 2 teaspoons of the mixture per glass of boiling water. But I repeat, this is all individual, some people love more rich taste, but I prefer the lighter one.

Melissa will provide positive action and if there are problems with the stomach and intestines, it acts as a mild antispasmodic. Melissa is also useful for heart disease. -vascular diseases. However, keep in mind that lemon balm is contraindicated if there is a persistent decrease in blood pressure.

Tea with mint and currants

If you add black currant leaves to mint leaves, you get a completely different drink in taste, and I must say that black currant has a specific taste and smell, not everyone likes it. Personally, I really like it. And if you prepare everything at the dacha, carefully pick the leaves straight from the bush and add them to tea, how wonderful everything is!

This drink is very healthy, it is recommended to take it when you are overtired, with a weakened immune system, after illnesses and as a prophylactic during the cold season due to high content vitamin C in currant leaves, minerals and flavonoids.

Herbal tea for colds

If you have a cold or after a viral infection, herbal teas will help you cope with illness and restore strength. In this case, it is better to combine mint with other plants that complement the effect of mint. These can be linden flowers, oregano, ginger and many others.

Tea with mint and linden flowers

Tea with oregano and mint leaves

Another wonderful herb that goes well with mint is oregano; tea with mint and oregano helps with colds, coughs, sore throats, relieves headaches, soothes, and improves sleep. It is very simple to brew: oregano and mint are mixed in equal quantities and a teaspoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Oregano is contraindicated for people with serious problems of the cardiovascular system.

Freeze some mint tea cubes and rub it on your face in the morning. Freshness is evident! Along with the mood and mint aroma.

I myself, when returning from the dacha, always take the leaves with me and enjoy the taste at home all week until next weekend. I take breaks, of course, and drink a little, but what a pleasure it is to have tea with mint. I advise you to pay attention to it and brew it for health and beauty.

Mint tea during pregnancy

Can pregnant women drink mint tea? The contraindications (see below) say that it is not recommended to drink this tea during pregnancy. In any case, you should take all herbs and herbal teas discuss with your doctor.

Mint tea for children

At what age can you give mint tea to children? Official reference books say that children can be given this tea from the age of 3. And you should always remember that you need to be very careful about the health of children. And it’s also best to discuss everything with your pediatrician.

Now let’s talk about whether such tea is harmful and what you need to know about contraindications.

Tea with mint. Harm and contraindications

Like any other medicinal plants, mint has its contraindications. It is not recommended to take mint tea in large quantities if:

  • for low blood pressure
  • reduced heart rate.
  • mint is contraindicated for stomach diseases with high acidity of gastric juice.
  • Mint is not recommended for pregnant women and children under three years of age.

Many men are afraid of mint like fire, believing that it reduces male sexual function. Of course, if it is abused, then yes, such data were indeed published. But for men, mint is not prohibited, you just need to observe the measure, as, indeed, when taking any medications.

Peppermint tea can also be harmful if it is abused and drunk immoderately.

And for the soul we will listen today SILENZIUM Song from a Secret Garden A song from the group Secret Garden will be performed by a string group from Novosibirsk. The group was created in 2004 by former students of the Novosibirsk Conservatory.

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An excellent remedy for relaxation, mint tea is a must-have in every home. This tea is useful because after drinking it, a person relaxes after a hard day or after experiencing stress, and his sleep becomes sound.

This natural drink will help eliminate insomnia and improve the state of a weakened nervous system. It is perfectly capable of replacing drugs that have a sedative effect, which can negatively affect the body due to its chemical composition.

Mint is a completely natural gift from nature itself.

Benefits of mint tea

Mint tea has a pleasant cooling effect, which makes it especially relevant during the hot season. The leaves of this plant contain menthol. It is this component that can give mint such a characteristic aroma and taste.

  • Peppermint tea is used as an excellent sedative. It is also effective as a pain reliever in case of severe stimulation of the nervous system, in stressful situations when you need to calm down and return to normal.
  • This drink is used to relieve intestinal and stomach cramps, as mint tea is famous for its anti-inflammatory effect. It is also an excellent natural antispasmodic. If you add tea to mint, then such a drink can become a good helper for any diseases of cold etiology.
  • Tea with the addition of this miracle plant can eliminate headaches and migraines, and it also helps with hypertension and nausea.
  • Tea made from mint leaves has a strong effect on the human nervous system - it calms it. So for people who suffer from insomnia, this drink is simply irreplaceable.
  • It is recommended to use it with the addition of honey. But do not forget that you should add only to warm, but not to hot drink. Otherwise, all its beneficial properties will simply be lost.
  • This drink is good for eliminating a runny nose; mint makes nasal breathing much easier.
  • Nowadays, almost every person is exposed to stress every day, and to cope with it, it is very useful to drink at least a cup of delicious mint drink a day. It will help you relax and calm down. This is a medicine from Mother Nature herself.
  • It should be said that this tea can also be used to benefit the skin. Take a few leaves of this plant, pour boiling water over them, let it brew and cool. Next, place the resulting infusion into ice trays. Frozen cubes can be used to wipe the skin on the face. This will ensure improved blood circulation, the skin on the face will be soft and elastic. To refresh your face after sleep, you can simply wash your face with cool mint infusion.
  • Peppermint tea provokes the production of female hormones. This tea can improve hormonal background, when used, a woman can cope much easier with problems such as mood swings, which is especially important during menopause and the premenstrual period.
  • You can add a variety of components to such a drink, depending on your taste preferences, as well as the effect you want to get. So, for example, if you add to mint drink lemon or honey - then your immunity will be strengthened, adding ginger and cinnamon will provide energy during the day, adding chamomile will give you good calm, if you have a headache, you can drink a mint drink with lemon balm added to it.

Harm and contraindications

Although mint is a gift from nature, and it has many beneficial properties, there are still certain contraindications to its use.

  1. People who naturally have low blood pressure should avoid taking mint tea. After all, such a drink has a calming effect and can reduce blood pressure even more significantly.
  2. Regarding the use of such a drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to first consult a doctor. People who have an individual intolerance to menthol will have to refuse mint tea.
  3. It is not recommended to brew such tea for small children, at least until the age of five.
  4. WITH mint tea Men should be careful. After all, this drink has a calming effect not only on the nervous system, but on the entire body as a whole. Of course, this drink is not capable of causing impotence, but it can affect a decrease in libido.

Mint tea for weight loss

Mint tea in combination with green tea can give quite a good weight loss effect. Mint contains many essential oils that help dull the feeling of hunger.

Mint tea regular use helps to establish metabolism in the body and removes various poisons from it. When consuming mint, all disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be eliminated. The aroma of mint helps stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and the release of mica, which ensures normal digestion.

If you decide to drink a soap drink in order to get rid of extra pounds, then it should be noted that you definitely need to drink enough water a day, since mint has a powerful diuretic effect. You should also know that when drinking mint tea for weight loss, you should drink this drink without added sugar.

Can pregnant women drink mint tea?

It is known that doctors advise not to use any medications while expecting a baby, and medicinal herbs, including mint, are also a medicine, only of natural origin. And mint also has its contraindications. Opinions regarding use of this plant pregnant women separate.

However, most experts still believe that you should give up mint and tea with its addition during pregnancy. Everything is explained by the fact that the plant contains a large number of estrogens, which can provoke the onset of premature birth.

But still, sometimes mint is recommended as a remedy that eliminates certain ailments. It helps get rid of nausea, heartburn, and bloating. The most important thing is not to exceed the daily recommended dose - do not drink more than 3 cups per day. As you can see, there is no clear answer. But experts 100% prohibit the use of peppermint essential oil while pregnant.

Many “pregnant women” claim that mint tea brings them great pleasure. They claim that tea prepared with these fresh leaves, is able to eliminate toxicosis well - a faithful companion of pregnancy.

Concerning breastfeeding, then during this period there is no need to use this drink, as it can suppress milk production.

Can children have mint tea?

As you already understand, mint is a strong sedative that has a positive effect on the nervous system, but this all applies to adults human body. The effect of this plant is still not fully studied on the body of children. Moreover, most often it is mint that provokes allergic reactions nutritional nature in very young children. Therefore, before you start giving your child a mint drink, you should first consult a doctor.

How to brew mint tea correctly?

Very simple. Take a small sprig of mint in fresh, pour boiling water (250 ml) into it, let it brew for a while (about 10 minutes). After the drink has cooled, you can optionally add a spoonful of honey to it.

You can also add mint to green tea. You can drink this tea at any time.

Mint can also be used in dried form. Usually they take a crushed potion (1 tbsp) and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Again, let it brew for a while and add honey if desired (you can drink it without it).

Can not imagine winter evening without a mug of hot mint tea. Mint also has an excellent rejuvenating effect; it is included in many tonics and day creams for the face and body.

Varieties of mint

mint photo

Mint is a wonderful plant that everyone knows.
Exist different kinds mint, which differ in the composition of essential oils and properties.

  1. Peppermint is the most famous. It is a hybrid of watermint and garden mint. Peppermint leaves contain a lot of menthol. Thanks to high content menthol Peppermint is widely used in medicine - menthol helps to get rid of many diseases: allergies, rheumatism, respiratory diseases, etc.
  2. Field mint or meadow mint is also widely known. It contains less menthol than peppermint, but it is also used in medicine and cooking. This type of mint is also called wild mint - it does not require any care. You can find such mint in Russia, Asia, India, and Nepal.
  3. Mint is fragrant. This type of mint is often used in cooking. It has a strong aroma. It is added to alcoholic beverages. A tincture of fragrant mint will wonderfully warm you up on a winter evening and delight you with a wonderful aroma.

In addition, watermint, Asian, Canadian and Dahurian mint are distinguished.

There is also a type of mint called lemon balm. But, in essence, it is not mint. Lemon balm is lemon balm. Melissa belongs to the same genus of plants as mint - Lamiaceae, but is not a type of mint.
Catnip also belongs to the genus Lamiaceae, however, just like lemon balm, it is not a type of mint. This is catnip. Its name is associated with the stimulating effect that its smell has on cats.
Indoor mint is an exclusively ornamental plant. However, you can grow peppermint, meadow mint, or allspice mint at home. It is quite enough to make tea or add to homemade muffins.

Benefits and harms

Mint should not be given to children without consulting a doctor.

A unique mint plant: beneficial properties and contraindications are individual for all people. Peppermint is used most often - contraindications for the use of mint are generally associated with it.

  1. The most important contraindication to consuming mint is individual intolerance or allergy.
  2. It is not recommended to use mint for people with low blood pressure– mint can reduce it even further. This is not a strict prohibition. There is no need to eliminate mint from your diet at all. You just need to consult your doctor about the amount of its consumption.
  3. It is also not recommended to use mint for people with varicose veins.
  4. Frequent consumption of peppermint can lead to heartburn. But this happens quite rarely. More often than not, mint “calms” heartburn. However, it is better not to abuse it, as already mentioned.
  5. Children should absolutely not use mint. Pediatricians argue about what age: up to 3 or up to 5 years. In any case, if you want to introduce your child to mint, it is best to consult a doctor.

However, it is not without reason that mint is so popular - its beneficial properties are known all over the world. Mint has been used since ancient times as one of the main medicinal plants. Medicinal properties mint is recognized by absolutely all doctors in the world. Moreover, mint is included in many medicines.

Useful properties of mint

mint drinks have wide range actions

  1. Mint is a wonderful diuretic. Regular tea with mint will help remove stagnant water from the body. People who consume a lot of salt should constantly drink mint tea - the benefits of tea will compensate for the harm caused to the body big amount salt. Mint is also used for weight loss - in the form of teas. However, you should not overdo it. Otherwise, dehydration may occur.
  2. Mint also has a choleretic effect.
  3. If you mix a few drops of mint juice and a little pomegranate juice, this will save you from a sudden attack of nausea and vomiting.
  4. The main benefit of mint is that it is a good sedative. In any stressful situation, to calm down, just drink a mug of mint tea. Brewing it is quite simple: you need to choose tea to taste - black or green (you need to take tea without impurities and additives) and a few sprigs of mint or mint leaves. Place a teaspoon of tea and a sprig of mint on the infuser, pour boiling water over it, and infuse for 10 minutes. You can drink tea.
  5. Mint also has a fairly strong anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is included in various ointments. However, only peppermint oil has this effect (wild mint has a lesser anti-inflammatory effect).
  6. The properties of field mint are also difficult to overestimate - it is an excellent analgesic, expectorant and astringent. Wild mint has long been used for various diseases stomach. It is also used to treat tuberculosis and rheumatism.
  7. Peppermint tincture will help get rid of severe headaches. This is worth remembering for those people who often suffer from migraines.
  8. Mint will help get rid of flatulence.
  9. Peppermint essential oil is widely used for hair. It helps hair grow faster. Mint decoction for hair is prepared quite simply: 300 g. mint leaves are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes. Then the broth should brew for another half hour. Rinse clean, dry hair with the broth and then dry it thoroughly with a towel. Peppermint oil for hair is also used against split ends.

Mint for pregnant women

During pregnancy, mint should be consumed under the supervision of a doctor.

During pregnancy, as is known, you can take any medicine only under the supervision of a doctor and only with his permission. Mint, like any other herbs, is also a medicinal product. But can pregnant women eat mint? There is no strict ban on consuming mint during pregnancy. However, each woman is individual, which is why mint during pregnancy should be used only after consultation with your doctor.
Drinking mint tea during pregnancy will help get rid of heartburn, which affects most pregnant women. Brewing it is quite simple: put two sprigs of mint in a teapot and pour two glasses of boiling water. You need to wait until the water cools down a little and stir the mint in the kettle. This tea should be drunk immediately after the onset of a heartburn attack. However, you should not drink it too much - pregnant women should not consume a lot of liquid.
In addition to heartburn, mint will help get rid of bloating and nausea in pregnant women, which is especially important in the first trimester. If you don't always have access to brew tea, it's best to always carry mint candies or mint chocolate with you.
Mint is not recommended for all mothers during breastfeeding. Once you consume peppermint essential oil (in peppermint tea or mint ice cream, etc.), your milk supply will increase. However, with constant intake of mint, the amount of milk decreases.
Peppermint oil, which is found in spearmint (mint or ginger mint), stimulates lactation in women. This is achieved thanks to the chemical substance carvone, which is abundant in essential oil mint To enhance lactation, you can use dill along with mint.
