List of things to cook with oatmeal. Garnets oat flour - “all about the beneficial properties of oat flour! what can you cook from it? A step-by-step recipe for making healthy pancakes that won't harm your figure!!! how to make oat flour yourself

Oatmeal appeared on store shelves not long ago, but almost immediately gained universal recognition. Various desserts and snacks are prepared on its basis. The composition is distinguished by its effect on the human body, it is very useful and at the same time not too high in calories. In terms of value, this product is compared to buckwheat flour. Let's look at the most important characteristics so that you can please yourself and your family with delicious dishes.

Product Features

  1. Often, during the production process, flour is deprived of those valuable properties endowed with the raw materials from which it is made. However, this does not apply to the product under discussion. The oat composition is ideally absorbed by the body, retains its benefits, and can be made with your own hands. In the UK, almost all baked goods are prepared using this raw material. It is added even to the most inexpensive bread.
  2. Our compatriots fry pancakes, pancakes and other snacks of this type from it. Flour also takes part in the production of dumplings, dumplings, cheesecakes, pies, pancakes and, of course, bread. There are quite a lot of variations in making cupcakes and other baked goods, but we will talk about them below. Now you need to figure out what types of raw materials are present.
  3. The first type is oatmeal. There is also another variation - fine grinding. In the case of oatmeal, everything is clear, but grinding deserves special attention. The grains are germinated, soaked and steamed. Then they are dried, slightly fried and cleaned. Only then are they ground, which produces our product. In the future, this composition is used to prepare jelly or porridge.
  4. If you need to make baked goods, then it makes sense to turn to crushed, fully ripened grains. It is enough to pass the oatmeal porridge through a coffee grinder or mash the composition with your hands. Very often, such products are used in the field of healthy nutrition and various diets. When a dish is made from this flour, it acquires airiness and becomes extremely healthy and nutritious.
  5. If we consider the two types of composition from the point of view of usefulness, then oatmeal wins. Almost whole grains contain many essential substances that enter the body along with cooked dishes. But it is more difficult to work with such products, so for homemade preparations, cooks advise using fine grinding.

Preparation and storage of flour

  1. There is no need to purchase the composition if you cannot find it, for example, in your city. It is enough to spend 10 minutes of your time to create a blank at home. Stock up on oatmeal in the amount from which you later want to make flour. Place the raw materials in a blender or coffee grinder, swirl several times and pour into an airtight container. This is the simplest method. But you should use raw oats or high-quality rolled oats.
  2. If you want to make very healthy flour from whole oats, then it will take a little more time. Soak natural grains in water for several hours. If possible, leave them in the liquid overnight. Next, steam and dry, grind using any available method. Typically a potato pestle or mortar is used. It will also be a plus to have a blender, it will simplify the task. To give the product a special taste, heat the grains in a frying pan (about 3 minutes) before grinding.
  3. After harvesting, learn everything about how to keep the product intact so that it does not spoil, is not eaten by bugs, and does not become damp. The most convenient variation is the use of clean, preferably sterilized glass jars with lids. Plastic containers and any other containers of this kind are also suitable. Subsequently, the product is placed in a dry and dark place.

Benefits, harms and calories

  1. The raw materials presented are based on dietary fiber, which is responsible for the correct functioning of the digestive system. Fiber removes all toxic substances and waste, acting as a kind of panicle.
  2. It is useful for diabetics to know that this type of product is acceptable for nutrition with this disease, since it has a low GI and reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood. At the same time, the flour is low-calorie, which prevents weight gain.
  3. Due to the inclusion of B-group vitamins, products made from this flour will have a positive effect on the activity of the central nervous system. A therapeutic effect is also observed for the liver, it is freed from decay products and restores its functions.
  4. With systematic consumption of the product, blood pressure stabilizes, the gaps in the cavity of the blood channels increase, and the likelihood of developing problems with the heart muscle decreases.
  5. Flour, as well as oats themselves, helps a person replenish energy reserves. Products from it are consumed for breakfast to awaken the body and energize it for the rest of the day. It will be useful for athletes to know that raw materials are mixed into cocktails.
  6. The presented raw materials mean products with a lot of positive qualities and a fully formed composition of chemicals. It is easily digestible, damage to the body can only be caused if intolerance is identified. However, it contains gluten, which is prohibited for categories of people with celiac disease.
  7. The calorie content of the product cannot be called excessively low; it is equal to 368 units per 0.1 kg. However, categories of dieters practically do not take this fact into account, because the raw materials have much more beneficial qualities.

Suitable recipes

If you already have the basis for preparing dishes, then you should not hesitate. Choose one or more variations presented below and act. The main positive aspects are the splendor and tenderness of the final product.


  1. The recipe is designed for breakfast or a snack between main meals. The pancakes turn out very tasty; they are based on bananas (2 pcs.). You will also need to take about 1/3 cup of high-fat milk, an egg, granulated sugar to your taste, and 80 ml of butter. and a glass of flour.
  2. Now let's describe the process itself. Remove the peel from the fruits in the quantities according to the recipe and chop into thin slices. Pass the flour through a sieve a couple of times so that it is enriched with oxygen and makes the final products fluffy.
  3. Puree the fruit using any method you like. Then combine the gruel with the egg, add milk and granulated sugar. Start adding flour in portions, stirring. Heat the oil and spoon the dough into the pan. Bake until done.


  1. It would be nice to enjoy cottage cheese muffins made with oatmeal. They will be a great addition to breakfast or just tea. To prepare such a delicious delicacy, you should start preparing the base. Keep in mind that the cupcakes will be made in several layers.
  2. Mix 150 gr. oatmeal with a chicken egg. Add 40 gr. Sahara. Knead the mixture and distribute into the molds. Distribute the dough along the bottom and walls of the mold. Bake the workpiece for 10 minutes at 170 degrees in the oven.
  3. At the same time, grate the apple on a fine grater. Place the pulp into the preparation and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Mix 100 gr. cottage cheese with 60 gr. Sahara. Place the mixture on top of the apples. Place the cupcakes in the oven for a third of an hour.


  1. Muffins can be considered a favorite treat for many people. Don't waste your time, consider how you can prepare them yourself. Use a thick-bottomed saucepan. It will come in handy in the process.
  2. Peel and chop into pieces 250 g. pumpkin pulp and 1 apple. Place in a fireproof container. Pour in the required amount of water and simmer until completely softened. Set the minimum fire power. Finished products should be pureed using a blender.
  3. At the same time, in a separate container, beat 2 raw eggs and 100 g. granulated sugar. Add to the previously prepared mixture. Add 40 grams there. flower honey. Carefully add 250 gr. flour. Knead the dough using a blender.
  4. Separately, chop 5 peeled walnuts. Mix the prepared mixture into the dough. You should also add a pinch of cinnamon and the same amount of ground ginger. Mix the base thoroughly again. Grease a baking dish with olive oil and place the dough in it. Cook the muffins for half an hour in the oven at 180 degrees.


  1. Oatmeal makes a very tasty, healthy and satisfying jelly. You don't need any culinary skills to cook it. Mix 0.5 kg in a cup. flour and 1.5 l. purified water. Add a third of a teaspoon of quick yeast.
  2. Whisk the ingredients thoroughly. Make sure that there are no lumps left. Send the container with the contents to a warm place for several hours. You will see that over a certain time the mass will be divided into 3 layers. The top two should be poured into a separate container.
  3. Vanillin, cinnamon, berries and a small amount of sugar should be added to this liquid to taste. Boil the workpiece for a few minutes over low heat. After it cools down, you can try it.
  4. By the way, you can make a delicious soufflé from the bottom layer. All you need to do is add sugar, pieces of fruit and berries to this mixture. Place the dough into baking pans. Simmer in the oven for a third of an hour at 170 degrees.


  1. Not many people know that oatmeal makes quite tasty bread. You can prepare it yourself without any effort. To do this, thoroughly beat 2 raw egg whites. Add 100 ml to them. milk. It is recommended to warm it up in advance.
  2. Pour 170 g into this mixture. flour. Knead the mass. Stir in a small amount of salt, sesame seeds and seasonings. Mix everything thoroughly. Place your hands in cold water. Next, you should form the dough into a loaf pan.
  3. Place the loaf on baking paper. Bake this preparation for about 50 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees. You will see the bread begin to brown. If you suddenly feel burning, cover the loaf with parchment paper.

Oatmeal has become very popular lately. It is used not only for confectionery purposes, but also in preparing a healthy diet. This product has a lot of useful qualities. Not only tasty, but also healthy dishes are made from flour. If you prepare various delicacies correctly, you don’t have to worry about gaining excess weight. It is worth replacing sugar with something else.

Video: how to make oatmeal

0.5 cups wheat flour
0.5 cups oat flour
1 egg
0.75 cups kefir
0.5 cups warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
This is an incredibly tasty and easy to prepare dish.
Mix all ingredients in the above order and bake in a hot pan.

Oat pancakes

oat flour 300-400 g
milk 2 cups
fresh yeast 10 g
egg yolk 6 pcs.
egg white 4 pcs.
butter 2 tbsp. l.
sugar 2 tsp, salt
Sift the flour, heat the milk to 35-37 °C.
Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of milk and let stand for 10 minutes.
Mix the flour with the remaining milk, add the yeast, place in a warm place and let rise for 30 minutes.
Add the yolks, mashed with sugar and salt, and melted butter.
Knead again. Add the whipped whites into a fluffy foam, carefully and quickly mixing them with the dough with a wooden or silicone spatula.
Bake in a pancake pan, grease it with oil, remembering that oat pancakes are more brittle than wheat pancakes (use a wide spatula for turning)

Oatmeal bread with almonds for bread machine

1 5/8 cups fresh milk
3 5/16 cups bread flour
5/16 cup oat flour
5/16 cups oat bran
1 1/2 tsp. salt
3 tbsp. l. brown sugar
2 tbsp. l. butter
1 1/2 tsp. dry yeast
5/8 cup roasted almonds.
Cup 240 ml
1) fry the oat bran in a frying pan at 160* until lightly browned (about 10 minutes), then cool before further use.
2) add almonds while kneading the dough, after the beep.
Oats are one of the fattest grains; oats do not contain gluten, and to bake bread, their flour is mixed with wheat flour or eggs are added to it
Baking mode - regular bread 4.10. Do not use timer

Oatmeal rye bread

1 cup rye flour
1 cup oat flour
1/2 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup oat bran
310 ml water
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons dry quick yeast
pinch of sesame seed
Add everything in the usual order for your bread machine. Sprinkle with sesame seeds (optional) before baking.
Program 4 hours.

Oatmeal Mess

100 g medium or coarse oat flour
1 liter of water
salt to taste
Pour oatmeal into boiling water in small portions.
Stir it all the time with a wooden spoon to avoid the formation of lumps.
As soon as the porridge boils, cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

200 g wheat
100 g oat flour
60 g sugar syrup
50 g butter
2 eggs beaten
mix 200 g wheat flour, 100 g oat flour, 60 g sugar syrup and salt.
Melt 50 g butter, combine with 2 beaten eggs
Add the prepared flour and knead into a thick dough.
Roll it out on a floured board.
Cut into circles with a glass.
Place them on a greased baking sheet and bake over medium heat for 20 minutes.


100 g butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup liquid honey
1/2 cup sour cream
1 egg
1 tsp soda
1.5 cups oatmeal
100 grams of butter, 1/2 cup of sugar - grind, add 1/2 cup of liquid honey, 1/2 cup of sour cream, 1 egg, 1 tsp. soda, 1.5 cups oatmeal
then put flour on the “eye” so that the dough turns out so thick that you can roll it out and cut out cookies with molds... about 0.5 cm thick...bake at a temperature of 220 degrees and the top/grill is on until it fits and becomes ruddy

Oatmeal jelly

2 cups oat flour
2 tablespoons honey
8 glasses of water
salt to taste
Pour oatmeal into a saucepan
Pour in warm water and stir well so that there are no lumps.
You will get the so-called chatterbox.
Let it swell for 6 - 8 hours (can be left overnight).
Then strain through a sieve.
Add honey.
Add salt to taste and cook, stirring, until thickened.
Pour hot jelly into molds or plates, let it harden and cut into portions with a knife.
You can serve cold milk with oatmeal jelly. Makes a great dish for breakfast and dinner.

Recipes for pies with oatmeal and oatmeal are more beneficial, because oats are healthier than wheat. Pies with oatmeal can be baked both in the oven and in a multicooker of any model that has a “Baking” option.

Oatmeal pie in the oven

The recipe for oatmeal pie with raisins and honey will take its rightful place on your sweet table. Don't be alarmed by the expression "oatmeal"; it's just oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder.

The dough also contains wheat flour, but oatmeal is still the leader, and therefore a pie according to this recipe will be healthier than a pie made simply from wheat flour.

What you need for an oatmeal pie

1 cup of sugar

2 tables. spoons of honey

100 g steamed raisins

3 cups oatmeal

200 g wheat flour

200 g melted butter

1 teaspoon/baking soda

1 glass of kefir

How to bake a cake with oatmeal

The pie dough is prepared quite quickly. The process will go even faster if you have a mixer, which makes whipping products a pleasure.

First, let's prepare the oatmeal.

How to make oatmeal at home?

A coffee grinder will help with this. In it you need to grind three glasses of oat flakes to a powder. The coffee grinder grinds oatmeal very easily.

Now let's start kneading the dough for the oatmeal pie.

Place sugar and eggs in a deep plate.

Beat until foamy.

Pour in melted butter, honey, kefir + soda.

Beat again.

Add oatmeal, beat.

Throw in the steamed raisins, stir and add the sifted wheat flour.

Stir thoroughly.

If the dough sits for additional time, it will become thicker due to the fact that the oatmeal will begin to swell in the liquid.

All that remains is to pour our oatmeal dough into a silicone mold.

Place on the middle rack in the oven and bake for 50 minutes, selecting 150-180 degrees.

The top of the pie will brown and cracks may appear.

Remove the finished oatmeal pie from the oven and release it from the mold.

The oatmeal pie turns out crumbly, with a honey aroma, and very tasty.

Pie in a slow cooker with oatmeal

For this recipe, it is best to take oatmeal that does not require cooking, that is, quick cooking, this will make it easier for them to absorb the remaining ingredients when kneading the dough. You can use any raisins, but Afghan brown ones are best, but large black ones are best used for other baked goods.

What you need for oatmeal pie

Half a glass of raisins

2 large eggs (grade 1)

1 cup each of oatmeal and wheat flour

¾ cup sugar

135 g butter or spread

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

How to bake oatmeal pie in a slow cooker

First you need to prepare the dough for the pie.

The beginning will be traditional: mix eggs with sugar in a deep bowl until smooth.

Pour in melted butter + flour with baking powder.

Stir and add oatmeal. Lastly, add pure raisins and stir them into the dough.

Place the finished dough into the greased multicooker bowl. Bake on the “baking” mode of the same name, setting it to 40 or 45 minutes.

Remove the finished oatmeal pie from the bowl using the same steaming basket, turning it upside down. Oatmeal pie in a slow cooker is ready.

Charlotte with oatmeal in the oven

Charlotte with apples can also be prepared with oatmeal instead of wheat flour. Oatmeal will be needed in crushed form. It is better to take sweet red apples.

What you need for charlotte with oatmeal

1.5 cups ground oatmeal

3 or 4 medium sized apples

125 g sugar

One teaspoon/spoon of baking powder

How to bake charlotte with apples and oatmeal in the oven

Prepare the apples. Wash and cut into thin strips, removing membranes and seeds.

Sprinkle the prepared apples with a few tablespoons of granulated sugar while the dough is being prepared; the apples will release juice under the influence of sugar.

We divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Then beat the whites with the remaining sugar into a stiff foam.

Carefully combine the whites and yolks. Add baking powder to them.

Add the slowly ground oats that have been turned into oatmeal. Stir clockwise with a spoon until smooth.

Prepare a baking dish by greasing it with butter and sprinkling with crushed breadcrumbs.

Place apples on the bottom. And pour the dough on top.

Place on medium level and bake at 180 degrees. Time approximately 30 minutes.

Remove the finished oatmeal charlotte from the mold and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Oatmeal pie with kefir in a slow cooker

An excellent quality pie with oatmeal can be baked in a slow cooker by adding kefir to the dough. It should be remembered that this dough must be allowed to stand for time so that the oatmeal swells, then the pie in the slow cooker will turn out fluffy and baked.

What you need for oatmeal pie with kefir

200 ml kefir 1-2.5% fat content

2 cups oatmeal

110 g plums. oils

100 g sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder

A pinch of vanillin

handful of raisins

How to bake an oatmeal pie in a slow cooker

Beat eggs and sugar until strong snow-white foam.

Melt the butter in the microwave.

Pour oil into the eggs, add vanilla and soda. Pour in kefir.

Now add oatmeal, raisins and flour. Knead the dough thoroughly and let it sit for about 30 minutes.

Hi all!!!

Hoping to lose weight before the holidays, I got rid of (ate) all the sweets and starchy foods that were in the house. I didn’t have enough for long, and already on the third day I wanted something tasty... I climbed through the kitchen drawers and...... found something I had forgotten O V hay flour from Garnets.

How does oat flour differ from the usual wheat flour?

Oat flour contains more coarse dietary fiber and less starch and gluten, which makes it healthier than wheat flour.

About oatmeal:

Oatmeal contains a unique set of vitamins and microelements. The proportions of fats, carbohydrates, salts, amino acids, enzymes and essential oils contained in this flour are considered ideal for absorption by the body.

Vitamin composition of flour:



Useful facts about oatmeal:

  1. Oats contain more silicon than any other grain.
  2. In its composition, oats contain a mucous element, which is so beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. In addition to being used in cooking, oatmeal is also used in cosmetology. As, for example, homemade face masks.

And a little more about the benefits of oats and its derivatives:

It regulates fat metabolism, rids the body of toxins and lowers blood sugar levels, which is very important for diabetics and overweight people.

For those who have liver problems, this is generally the number one product.

Useful for athletes. It helps build muscle mass due to its fairly high protein content.

About Garnets oatmeal:

Manufacturer: LLC "Garnets", Russia, Vladimirov region.

Weight: 500 gr

Price: 75 rubles

Information about flour is presented on the packaging (composition, BJU, storage conditions):

There is a recipe (haven't tried it):

Flour is much darker in color than white wheat:

You will need:

- milk 250 ml

- egg 1 piece

- oat flour 35 gr

- corn flour 20 gr

- sugar substitute

- salt

- sunflower oil

This amount of dough is designed for 6 thin pancakes (just for breakfast).

Let's get started!

Pour milk:

Add the egg and mix:

Carefully add oatmeal. Stir occasionally, breaking up lumps:

Add corn flour. I add it to dilute the taste and color of oatmeal (cornmeal is yellow, and its consistency is more like starch than flour).

Add a tiny pinch of salt and just a little sugar substitute so that the pancakes don’t turn out bland.

Use this sweetener I do not recommend, There’s just no other one yet. The most suitable sugar substitute for baking, in my opinion, is Fitparad (I'm out of stock at the moment).

Add a drop of sunflower oil (it’s better, of course, to add olive oil) so that the pancakes come off the pan easier.

Mix thoroughly, leaving no lumps.

The consistency of the dough should be the same as that of regular pancake dough. If it doesn’t work, adjust the ingredients (if it’s thick, dilute it with milk, if it’s thin, add oatmeal).

We bake pancakes in a frying pan without oil:

Remove the pancakes from the frying pan with caution - after all, oatmeal, as I wrote above, has less “grip” of the dough due to its low gluten content.

To be honest, these are not quite our usual pancakes. Oatmeal pancakes are darker, denser, and taste like oatmeal (you can see why). I wouldn’t eat them for pleasure, but during a diet the most “just” thing is healthy and will not add extra pounds(of course, if eaten in moderation).

Also, the pancakes according to this recipe are not sweet, and it’s more pleasant to eat them with something, for example, with honey or roll light hard cheese into them and melt them in the microwave - very tasty!

What other dietary foods can you make from oatmeal?

Oatmeal is most often used by people following PN. They make healthy baked goods from it - pies, cookies, pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes (very tasty), energy bars, casseroles and more. (type in “recipes for PP with oatmeal” into a search engine and lose weight with pleasure!)

P.S.: Oatmeal is easy to make at home - just grind the oatmeal in a blender!

Thank you for your attention!

How to prepare a recipe for pancakes from oatmeal - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Most of us love to eat tasty and satisfying food. In pursuit of a slim figure, many people give up various delicacies, for example, pancakes. The traditional Russian dish is usually prepared not only for Maslenitsa. And here many people are concerned with the question of how to enjoy delicious pancakes and not gain excess weight? It turns out that nothing is impossible, including in cooking. Lovers of healthy eating have long come up with recipes for diet pancakes that you can safely eat without worrying about your figure.

Nowadays, most modern people have begun to give preference to healthy and proper nutrition. Due to this eating different delicacies became unacceptable to them. Not everyone can resist the temptation and constantly deny themselves sweets and flour products.

Nutritionists believe that properly prepared pancakes or pancakes are completely harmless to health. In some cases they can replace bread. They will not harm your figure if the right low-calorie foods are selected in the recipe.

Pancakes can turn out filling and low-fat if you use healthy ingredients according to the recipe. It's here not only in tasty and healthy filling, PP pancake dough it should also be light and gentle, most importantly, correct.

In order not to harm your figure, you need to make the right filling for PP pancakes, and also consume them at the right time. The best time to enjoy pancakes is in the morning, so it is advisable to eat them for breakfast.

Products for cooking

Dietary foods should be fried without oil, since it is better not to combine simple carbohydrates with fats. If not follow this rule It is difficult to get rid of fat deposits in a diet; they will only increase. To prepare PP pancakes, it is better to use a frying pan with a ceramic or Teflon coating.

You can use flour as a base for pancakes:

According to the recipe, you need to use whey or mineral water instead of milk. Milk with a minimum percentage of fat content or low-fat kefir are also suitable. Yolks cannot be used in preparing diet pancakes. You need to separate the whites to then add them to the dough. If you thoroughly beat the whites and then add them to the dough, it will turn out airy and light on the stomach.

Pancakes are usually eaten with sour cream, but it is better to replace it with natural yogurt. You can also eat sour cream, but only with a minimum percentage of fat content. Instead of the usual jam it is advisable to use berry or fruit fillings. Instead of sugar, you need to add natural honey or a sugar substitute to them. Suitable filling for savory pancakes:

  • low-fat cottage cheese with herbs;
  • fish with herbs and vegetables;
  • vegetable salad with boiled chicken breast;

There are many filling options for PP pancakes; you just need to choose the right ingredients and prepare the dish.

PP oatmeal pancakes

According to this simple and affordable recipe, the dish turns out very tasty and tender, almost like grandma’s recipe. The nutritional value and calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product will be:

The total number of calories is only 74 units. Cooking time takes approximately half an hour. Makes 12 servings in total. According to the recipe for pancakes you will need the following products:

  • oatmeal – 200 gr;
  • skim cow's milk – 350 g;
  • sugar substitute to taste;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower) - 2 teaspoons.

Everything is prepared very simply and quickly. The oatmeal is filled with water and blended very thoroughly in a blender. After this, the remaining products are added and the mixture is mixed again.

Pancakes should only be fried in a non-stick frying pan. so as not to add oil. This way, they will be able to fry with a beautiful golden crust. You can add filling to the finished pancakes if desired.

Oatmeal pancakes

This dish has a calorie content of 100 grams more than in the previous recipe - 154.4 kcal: proteins - 6.7, fats - 2.4, carbohydrates - 27.4 grams.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare 5 servings of the dish:

  • oatmeal – 3 tablespoons;
  • rye flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • egg white – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream 10% – 30 gr.

Oatmeal flour and all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. This can be done in a blender or using a whisk. Pancakes need to be fried over high heat without oil on both sides until golden brown.

These are the dietary pancakes you can prepare and pamper yourself by eating them for breakfast. They will not only be tasty, but also healthy. With the correct use of such PP pancakes, you can always stay in great shape and not worry about excess weight.

Umanets Bella Andreevna

Delicious oatmeal pancakes - recipes

Usually pancakes are baked from white wheat flour, since not everyone likes variations on the theme of cereals. But pancakes made from oatmeal, for example, turn out no worse than wheat ones. In addition, they are low-calorie and are an excellent alternative to flour products for those who adhere to healthy eating rules, are on a diet or have contraindications to eating gluten-containing products.

You can buy oatmeal in the store, but if you don’t have it, you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to grind the most common oatmeal in a coffee grinder or grind it in a blender. To get rid of large particles, after grinding the flour should be sifted through a fine sieve. The advantage of oatmeal is that you can bake pancakes from it in its pure form, without mixing it with wheat.

There are many recipes for oat pancakes. You can make them sweet or savory, with or without filling. Any product will do for the filling: fish, minced meat, fruit, cottage cheese, mushrooms, caviar, hard and soft cheeses, chicken, etc. You can serve them as a dessert, snack or main course with sour cream, yogurt, butter, honey, condensed milk, fruit sauces, jam, etc.

Classic oat pancakes

An absolutely simple recipe with a traditional pancake set of ingredients. The only difference is that oat flour is used instead of wheat flour.

  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.

Milk Oat flour Eggs

  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Sugar - 3 tsp.
  • Salt.
  • Oat pancakes - video

    Lightly grease the finished rosy pancakes with butter and place them in a stack on a plate.

    Lacy pancakes made from oatmeal and kefir

    Using a kefir base from oatmeal, you can make amazingly delicious dietary pancakes with honey. An ideal option for those with a sweet tooth who are forced to abstain from sweets.

    • Oatmeal - 2 cups.
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.
    • Kefir - 1 l.
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Natural honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt.
  • Sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Kefir is a healthy, dietary product that helps improve digestion and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. In combination with honey and oatmeal, the beneficial properties of the fermented milk product become more pronounced. Kefir is also good because it makes dietary pancakes soft, fluffy, and porous. In addition, the taste of the dish will not be so bland.

    To make oat pancakes with kefir low-calorie, it is recommended to use olive oil instead of sunflower oil. This will not affect the taste of the dish in any way, and the calorie content will decrease.

    Lean oat pancakes without eggs

    This recipe should definitely be taken into account by those who, for one reason or another, must limit themselves to eating dishes with eggs. Eggless pancakes made from oatmeal turn out delicate, thin, with pleasantly crunchy edges.

    • Oatmeal - 2.5 cups.
    • Milk - 1 l.

    Butter Sugar

  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 70 g.
  • If some salty product is used for the filling, the amount of sugar in the dough can be reduced.

    The finished oat milk pancakes are stacked on a plate. Due to the butter added to the dough, they turn out to be quite fatty, so there is no point in lubricating them additionally.

    Serve with sour cream, jam, honey. As a sweet filling you can take cottage cheese, sliced ​​fruits, berries, raisins, custard, condensed milk. Salty filling - feta cheese, suluguni, lightly salted salmon fillet, caviar, ham, suluguni, homemade soft cheese with herbs.

    Banana-oat pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese

    Bananas, cut into pieces, are usually used as a filling for sweet pancakes or to decorate a plate with a finished dish with pieces of fruit before serving. But you can just as easily make pancake batter with banana. It turns out unusual, fresh and very tasty.

    • Oatmeal - 2 cups.
    • Egg - 4 pcs.

    Bananas Vanilla sugar

  • Milk - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Banana - 2 fruits.
  • Butter - 4 tbsp. l.
  • A packet of vanilla sugar.
  • A little salt.
  • For the curd filling you need to take:

    • Homemade cottage cheese of any fat content - 250–400 g.

    Cottage cheese Dried fruits Sour cream

  • Sour cream or thick yogurt - 2–4 tbsp. l.
  • Raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes - to choose from.
  • Add sugar as desired.
  • To begin with, dried fruits need to be washed and doused with boiling water. Cut into small pieces. Combine all ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous mixture.

    Spread the finished filling with cottage cheese over the entire surface of the oat pancakes and roll them into a tube. Serve in portions with sour cream sauce, hot chocolate, and fruit salad.

    Apple oatmeal pancakes

    Everyone knows how to fry fluffy pancakes with apples, but not everyone has tried adding this healthy, juicy fruit to pancake batter. And in vain, because with this additional component, pancakes, especially those made with oatmeal, turn out magical!

    Ingredients for oatmeal pancakes with apples:

    • Oatmeal - 3 cups.
    • Egg - 2 pcs.

    If desired, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon to this dough, with which apples go perfectly. You can also diversify the recipe a little and bake oat pancakes with cocoa. The results are incredibly delicious chocolate pancakes - tender, aromatic, melting in your mouth.

    It is better to treat your family or guests to this culinary miracle while the pancakes are still warm. Serve, according to tradition, with sour cream, jam, and honey. You can, for variety, sprinkle grated chocolate, coconut flakes, and ground nuts on top.

    Secrets of baking delicious oatmeal pancakes

    Oat flour, which is slightly heavier than wheat flour, usually produces dense pancakes. But this can be dealt with.

    • So, if you need to bake small fluffy pancakes, similar to American pancakes, add a little soda to the dough. During frying, the dough will bubble and increase in volume. The result will be pancakes that are not as tall as pancakes, but airy and porous.
    • When it is necessary for the pancakes to turn out thin, neither baking powder nor soda are added to the dough. Usually, large pancakes are wrapped with some kind of filling, so it is necessary that after frying the pancake remains sufficiently dense (but not thick!) and elastic.
    • The fluffiness of pancakes comes from sifting the flour before mixing it with the rest of the ingredients. This way it is enriched with oxygen and the dough turns out light.
    • To avoid the hassle of greasing the pan every time, it is better to add vegetable or melted butter directly to the pancake dough.
    • As the pancakes fry, the pan becomes hotter and hotter. Thanks to this, the baking time for pancakes is gradually reduced.
    • If you need to bake a lot of pancakes at once or make pancakes from different types of dough, you can bake them in several pans at once. It may seem difficult at first, but with practice the process will become fun.

    It’s not my family’s fault that I organized a slimming marathon for myself. Maslenitsa week is gaining momentum and I decided to please my household with oatmeal pancakes. Oatmeal regulates fat metabolism in the body, helps with gastrointestinal diseases, restores strength during nervous stress, helps restore bones and tissues after injuries and produces serotonin, which gives a state of happiness and joy. In general, I got pancakes of happiness.

    – oatmeal 200 gr.
    – water 600 ml.
    – chicken egg 2 pcs.
    – olive oil 10 gr.
    – sweetener fitrparad 2 sachets
    - a pinch of salt

    How to prepare:
    Don't forget that oat flour is different from wheat flour. You need to heat the water a little and mix it with flour. Don't be alarmed that the dough is liquid. Flour needs time to swell. Leave the dough to simmer for 30 minutes. While the dough begins to make friends with water, beat two eggs with salt and sweetener. In due time, combine the dough with the eggs and mix everything thoroughly. Heat a frying pan, grease it with olive oil using a silicone brush and fry the pancakes. Don't forget that pancakes made from oat flour behave differently in a frying pan than those made from wheat. They are more fragile. Therefore, carefully turn them over during frying. I recommend covering the finished pancakes with a lid to prevent them from drying out. Yes, and don’t forget that despite all the usefulness of flour, pancakes are a very high-calorie dish :)

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    How to make pancakes from oatmeal

    For the opportunity to enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner, you often have to pay not only with your figure, but often with your health. In order not to deny yourself all earthly pleasures and not drag out a joyless existence, you can introduce homemade delicious oatmeal pancakes into your diet. They are so useful that they can be used as medicine and for prophylactic purposes, and the most delicate taste of the products is a discovery for gourmets.

    Such a concentration of minerals and vitamins, as much as they are contained in homemade oatmeal pancakes made by yourself, as well as quickly digestible carbohydrates, is not found in any dish of “pancake” origin. So you can eat them completely without fear even under the most restrictive diet.

    Despite the rather high calorie content for a dietary treat (more than 200 kcal for a traditional 100 g of product), it is easily digested, cleansing the body, and leaves absolutely no marks on the thighs.

    Delicious oatmeal pancakes: classic recipe

    How to make pancakes step by step from healthy oat flour

    It would seem that pancakes and weight loss are incompatible, but if they are made from incredibly healthy oatmeal, everything is possible. The main thing is not to forget about moderation!

    1. First we will make the egg scramble, sweetening and adding salt to it while beating.
    2. Sow the flour and add it to the egg along with baking soda, mix well to avoid lumpiness.
    3. At the last stage of mixing, pour in the milk and, of course, shake everything again.
    4. Frying homemade oatmeal pancakes with your own hands is done as usual: thoroughly heat a frying pan with a thick bottom, grease it with vegetable oil.

    Instead of sunflower oil, you can use any vegetable oil or a piece of fresh lard for lubrication, as our wise grandmothers did.

  • Pour in the dough and smooth it out with your hands in a circular motion so that it spreads over the entire area of ​​the pan bottom.

    It is better to take a frying pan with a small or medium diameter - it is easier to turn pancakes on this pan.

    Place the finished pancakes on a heated flat plate. A wooden pizza stand, for example, would work well. As the pancake “mountain” grows, it needs to be turned upside down from time to time so that the lower pancakes do not cool down and the upper ones do not burn.

    How to flavor healthy flatbreads is a matter of taste. Anything goes with them - sour cream and homemade condensed milk. and jams. Or you can simply coat them with hot butter from homemade cream and sprinkle with sugar. An unforgettable treat straight from childhood!

    The best oatmeal pancakes: homemade recipe without flour

    If you don’t have oat flour in the house, but you really want pancakes, you can get the product you are looking for by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. In this case, the treat will be no less appetizing and healthy.

    If desired, you can add a quarter cup of the finished wheat product to the dough, although the pancakes will turn out excellent without the flour component.

    • Oat flakes – 2 cups;
    • Powdered sugar - ¼ cup;
    • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
    • Milk – 1 cup;
    • Baking soda – ¼ tsp;
    • Olive oil – 1 tbsp.

    Homemade oatmeal pancakes

    • First, you need to grind the flakes using a coffee grinder.

    If you decide to make pancakes with flour, add it and powder, mix everything dry. For this recipe, 5-6 tbsp will be enough.

    • Now it’s time for milk and eggs: add and stir. The best way is mechanically, that is, in a chopper or using a mixer.
    • All that remains is to lightly foam the dough with soda. Having added it and oil, you need to give the resulting mass time to brew and become saturated with healthy gluten, which is abundant in oats.

    Frying pancakes from homemade oatmeal according to this recipe has a special feature. Since the thickness of the dough mass is higher than usual, it will need to be distributed manually over a heated frying pan surface. Another option is to thin it out with a couple of extra spoons of milk.

    You only need to grease the pancake maker (before frying, wipe it with salt, remove grains and heat the surface) only before the first cakes - then the process will go like clockwork!

    Original semolina-oat pancakes without flour

    Flour from oat grains is not a frequent “guest” in every home. But even without it you can make wonderful pancakes - if only you had oatmeal and semolina. Even if the kids don’t really like these porridges, they will eat them with pleasure in the pancake version!

    • Semolina (cereals) – 1 glass;
    • Oat flakes – 1 cup;
    • Kefir (any fat content) – 3 cups;
    • Sugar – 3-4 tbsp;
    • Eggs – 3 pcs. (average);
    • Salt – 0.5 tsp;
    • Baking soda – 0.5 tsp;
    • Sunflower oil (unflavored) – 3 tbsp.

    How to make semolina-oat pancakes without flour

    1. Mix the cereals, pour in kefir and leave alone for two hours.
    2. Next, add everything except eggs and fat to the mixture and stir.
    3. We turn the eggs into a light foam using a mixer or a whisk and into a common “cauldron”.
    4. The final touch, that is, the product, is oil. If the dough refuses to spread over the pan area, you can add a couple more spoons of kefir.

    We bake pancakes as usual, greasing the hot surface only once - under the first flatbread.

    Diet oatmeal pancakes with mineral water

    The last recipe is a gift to everyone who is losing weight. The resulting flatbreads contain a minimum of calories and a maximum usefulness indicator.

    • Mineral soda – 600 ml;
    • Oat flour – 200 g;
    • 1 egg (can be replaced with 2 whites);
    • Salt - a pinch;
    • Sunflower or olive oil – 2 tbsp.

    Baking delicious diet pancakes with oat flour and mineral water

    • We need warm water. Heat it slightly and mix with flour. The mass that you received must infuse.
    • Add the eggs, beat until foamy, and add to the dough.
    • Pour into a hot frying pan in portions, remembering to grease it with oil each time (just a little).
    • The growing stack of pancakes needs to be turned over from time to time so that the cakes do not cool down.

    We eat them with what our diet allows and our own taste dictates.

    You can prepare the main Maslenitsa treat not only from ground wheat grains, but also from other types of flour. It turns out that not only healthy porridge is made from oats and flour, but also wonderful pancakes made with water, milk or kefir, the recipes for which we offered today.

    You can create your own signature pancakes based on oatmeal, feel free to experiment and then share your own culinary discoveries!

    Diet oatmeal pancakes

    Treats can be not only tasty, but also healthy. One such option is dietary pancakes made from oatmeal at home. This is an excellent low-calorie dessert for adults and children.

    • Oatmeal 300 grams
    • Egg 2 pieces
    • Milk 250 Milliliters
    • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Baking powder 1 teaspoon
    • Sugar 1 teaspoon

    Description of preparation:

    1. If you don’t have oatmeal on hand, it doesn’t matter. It’s quite easy to make it yourself from the most ordinary flakes. To do this, just put them in a blender bowl and grind. 2. Place the eggs in a small bowl and beat them a little with sugar. If desired, sugar, like salt, can be eliminated by supplementing dietary oatmeal pancakes at home with sauce or fruit syrup, for example, before serving. 3. Add baking powder and milk. Mix everything properly. 4. Gradually add flour, kneading the dough. 5. Add a little vegetable oil. 6. If lumps form in the dough, leave it for 15 minutes and then mix vigorously again. 7. The frying pan needs to be warmed up properly, and only then pour in a small amount of dough. 8. You can also add a pinch of vanillin or cinnamon to the recipe for making dietary pancakes from oatmeal. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Ready-made pancakes can be served with low-calorie natural yogurt, fresh berries or fruits.

    Similar video recipe "Diet oatmeal pancakes"

    Important! The video may differ from the text version of the recipe!

    Diet pancakes made from oatmeal: a delicious breakfast or snack

  • Oatmeal pancakes are a good option for a healthy and healthy breakfast or snack in the morning. There are many ways to prepare dietary pancakes from oatmeal, and I think it wouldn’t hurt for every follower of the recipe to have 1-2 proven recipes in stock. After all, even if you’re on a healthy diet, you want to enjoy baked goods.

    How to cook pp pancakes

    Oatmeal is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, contains antioxidants and vitamins E, PP and B.

    It is very tasty to eat such baked goods with honey or maple syrup.

    It should be noted right away that the kneaded dough has a strange and even repulsive color, but the finished product looks quite appetizing.

    The only one disadvantage - baked goods must be eaten immediately, because for some reason they change the smell .

    That is, frying oat pancakes in the evening for tomorrow morning is not a good idea.

    By the way, there is no need to confuse pancakes made from flour with oatmeal pancakes, and especially with the famous oatmeal pancake - the products are different.

    Any pp pancakes made from oatmeal are a fairly simple recipe. The proportions in it are not strict, so the ratio of several types of flour and the amount of sweetener can be changed at your discretion.

    The cooking method differs little from the method of preparing any other pancakes.. All liquid products are combined, bulk ingredients are gradually added to them, the dough is constantly stirred so that lumps do not form. The recipe for dietary oatmeal pancakes involves frying in a non-stick pan.

    A very good option is cooking in the microwave – it’s quick, convenient and doesn’t burn. They then turn out thin, tender, but pale, which is easily masked with cherry or maple syrup. The pancake is baked on a flat plate without turning over for 50-60 seconds.

    Baking delicious treats from oatmeal and kefir is not difficult and anyone can do it, the main thing is that the frying pan is good.

    The reaction of kefir and soda gives them fluffiness and appetizing sponginess.

    By changing additional ingredients, you can get new tastes every time.

    Oat pancakes made with kefir can be cooked with seasoning. add grated apples, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, and coconut to the dough.

    Only then will they no longer be thin.

    • kefir – 1 l
    • oat flour – 300 g
    • whole grain flour – 200 g
    • corn starch – 1 tbsp. l.
    • egg whites – 2 pcs.
    • fructose – 1 tbsp. l.
    • baking soda – 1 tsp. incomplete,
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
    1. Quench soda in kefir.
    2. Sift all types of flour several times and mix with starch.
    3. Beat the whites with fructose.
    4. Beat kefir, butter and egg whites together, add dry ingredients, and knead the dough.
    5. Fry in a dry Teflon frying pan.

    Recipe for thin pp pancakes with milk

    This recipe for oatmeal pancakes can be based on milk or whey.

    By the way, it turns out more tender and tasty with whey.

    • milk/whey – 500 ml,
    • oatmeal – 200 g,
    • whole grain flour – 100 g,
    • corn flour – 100 g,
    • eggs – 2 pcs.,
    • stevia - to taste
    • baking powder.
    1. Beat eggs with fructose and warm milk.
    2. Mix flour - all three types - with baking powder and sift.
    3. Knead the dough and bake thin pancakes in the microwave on a flat plate.

    No matter how healthy and delicious baked goods are, they are not light food. Therefore, you can eat oatmeal pancakes only in the first half of the day, and if you are still losing weight, then only a little and strictly before 12 o’clock. An ideal addition to it is kefir, fermented baked milk or other fermented milk product.

    Also good as a sauce:

    • puree of fresh berries prepared in a blender - strawberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, cherries, mulberries;
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