That they put the Koran on the table ashy. Festive table for Eid al-Adha: dishes and customs. Holiday sweets and desserts among Muslim peoples

Ash is a kind of feast among the Tatars, at which Muslim prayers are read, then guests are treated to delicious dishes. Each locality has its own. I'll tell you about ours.

They prepare in advance: preparations are made (baking, cutting noodles, etc.), tables are set based on the number of guests. When guests arrive, this should be what they should expect:

Must be on the table
such as chopped fresh fruits, dried fruits, fresh and/or pickled vegetables, homemade katyk (nowadays more often purchased), homemade baked goods: pies, baursak, chak-chak, cash-tel (tipa, brushwood) - this depends on the possibility and organizational skills (only women cook). Like that:

Of course, a hundred years ago there were no salads and fish slices with sweets on the tables, but the main thing is the same, judging by the stories of grandmothers.

Guests arrive, sit down at the table, and after the official part, the hostess and her assistants (relatives are always invited, or, if there are no suitable ones, neighbors or friends, since there are usually more than a dozen guests - there were about 70 here with children) hand out soup with noodles:

Usually - chicken with homemade noodles, often a little potatoes, onions (well, this is a must), and finely grated carrots are added to the soup. Top with fresh chopped herbs.

Then the belesh with rice and dried fruits is brought out, this is a very traditional dish, it is so necessary that if the hostess, in her troubles, decides not to cook, the guests will not understand, although there is already so much food:

It’s prepared in about the same way as the one shown here, the filling is different, of course, I’ll cook it someday, I’ll tell you in more detail :)

And only after it are brought out plates with potatoes (usually mashed potatoes), on top of stewed or boiled beef and poultry: here goose, duck, and tuturgan tauk: chicken stuffed with an egg mixture with cream - one of the most delicious dishes of Tatar cuisine, believe me)). Don’t pay too much attention to the table, everything needs to be done quickly there: guests, usually elderly, don’t like to wait, so I only managed to click the last two, and there were 15 of them):

The guests also ate meat, don’t ask why it comes after rice with dried fruits - it’s a tradition. I record everything in a clear sequence. After you have had your fill of the offered dishes + salads (they are at the request and preference of the hostess, not at all obligatory), tea is served.

Oh, what a great shot that would be! Out of 56 cups... but the author of this post at that moment quickly poured tea into cups with her sister and 4 more were instantly served to the guests. So all you have to do is take your word for it, there was definitely tea :))

As for drinks, juices and compotes are often put on the table; in the meantime (as it’s going now, I’ll write more) water is a must. Additions - depending on the wishes of the hosts and their financial capabilities, however, many guests themselves bring to the tables: some - sweets, some - katyk, pies, cookies, maybe gubadia (layer cake with rice, raisins, eggs, boiled cottage cheese (court )) bring. Differently. Perhaps in other regions of the republic there is something different. I know that in Cheremshansky they make belesh with buckwheat and raisins, but ours didn’t appreciate it)) - everyone has their own traditions and I’m writing only for my region and city. In many houses I helped on Asha - everywhere it’s about the same :)

Now the poll. Should I write briefly about the official and religious part (there won’t be a photo - it’s impossible). I’ll write a lock under the *eye* anyway, because... All the entries here are for me personally and perhaps they will be useful to me in the future, so for now the impressions are fresh.

point - I’m afraid: I’m reading negative posts about Islam from people who don’t understand this at all, but apparently, yes, they are afraid and are absurdly panicking.

Concept "Majlis" means any meeting of people when they talk, communicate, remember Allah, and share their knowledge. In the post-Soviet space, “majlis” is the name given to traditional feasts for a given area, when guests are gathered, the table is set, food is served, surahs and verses from the Koran are read, a invited mullah reads a sermon (vagaz), and duas are made. Recitation of the Quran and certain dua prayers are the most important core part of the congregation. However, in the presence of people who have only a superficial knowledge of Islam, vagaz (sermon) is of great importance, since today almost the only place where non-practicing Muslims can hear the truth about Islam is the Majlis.

— Majlises are held on various occasions, here are some of them:

Majlis regarding nikah (tagam ul imlyak); 2. Majlis regarding circumcision (igzar); 3. Majlis about expecting a child (khur-sun); 4. Majlis regarding a successful long-distance trip (nakyiga); 5. Majlis regarding the completion of memorization of the Quran (khatm ul-Quran); 6. Majlis, which is arranged for those whose loved one has died; 7. Majlis regarding the completion of the construction of a house (vaqir), housewarming; 8. Majlis on the occasion of the birth of a child (akyka); 9. Majlis regarding the arrival of guests (kyira); 10. Majlis after nikah (valima) and others...

To the greatest regret, ethnic Muslims for the most part perceive religion as a set of doga (prayers), when an invited mullah reads “marhumnarge” (dead) prayers if a deceased relative was dreamed of, if 3, 7, 40 days have passed or the anniversary of the day has passed. death of one of the relatives, and sadaka is distributed to everyone present. That is, the Koran is strongly associated among the overwhelming majority of ethnic Muslims with death and the dead.

In other words, they killed the living Teachings of Allah. The Almighty said that The Koran was revealed for living people! Allah in the 69th-70th verses of Surah Yasin tells us: “We did not teach him (Muhammad) poetry. And this is not appropriate for him. His Words (wahiyy) are nothing more than a reminder (dhikr) and a clear Quran. They (were sent down) for the purposeto warn those who are alive! And so that the Word (of Allah) may be fulfilled regarding the disbelievers.” These verses of Surah Yasin (the irony is that it is most often read to the dead) are proof that Allah sent down the Qur'an as a warning alive! Naturally, when a dua is made, we remember our deceased relatives and loved ones with a kind word.

If we want the Majlis to benefit its organizers, invited guests and those for whom dua is made to receive a reward from the Almighty, we must adhere to certain rules that Islam prescribes for us.

1. The first thing should be right intention. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, deeds are judged by their intentions.” Organizers of the Majlis and guests must understand that!

2. Invitations to the Majlis should be made personally, i.e. each person individually, or each family, or group of people, so that everyone who is invited can understand that he is the one being invited to visit. According to the unanimous opinion of scholars, if you are invited to the Majlis, you cannot refuse. Valid reasons for refusing the Majlis are illness, severe fatigue (after a long journey, hard work). If you are invited, then you must go, however, as for food, whether to eat or not is a personal matter for everyone, but it would be better to try the treat (even if you are fasting) in order to show respect for the hosts. If you do not want to break your fast, you must announce the reason for your refusal of the treat, so as not to offend the hosts. If, upon coming to the Majlis, a Muslim discovers the presence of the forbidden, then he must try to correct the situation, that is, to keep people from using the forbidden; if this is impossible, then he must leave such a “Majlis”. According to the madhhab of Abu Hanifa You can’t go to the Majlis: a) If you are invited to visit a wicked person (fasik, that is, a Muslim who commits sins), who commits sins openly, without hesitation, and everyone sees it. b) If it is known that most of the property of the inviter was earned through prohibited means. V) If it is known that there will be alcohol at this Majlis.

3. There should be only lawful (halal) and clean (taib) food on the table. The Almighty Creator commands first and addresses all humanity with the words: “O people! Eat on this earth what is lawful (Halal) and pure (Tayb) and do not follow in the footsteps of the Shaitan, truly, he is a clear enemy for you.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 168). The 3rd verse of Surah Al-Maida says: “For you are prohibited carrion, blood, the meat of pigs and that on which the name of Allah was not pronounced (or that was not slaughtered for the sake of Allah, or was strangled, or beaten to death, or died in a fall, or was stabbed by horns, or pierced by a predator, unless you have time to kill it, and that which is slaughtered on stone altars (or for idols), as well as divination by arrows.” Halal meat- this is the meat of an animal over which, during slaughter, the name of Allah was pronounced and the maximum amount of blood was released. All fish are halal (permissible). Clean (tibe) - this is food that was not obtained through deception, abuse, etc.

a) purchase meat and meat products only from Muslims in specialized halal butcher shops. It is undesirable to purchase meat products in general markets, where sellers, who, as a rule, are not Muslims, can deceive, where on the same counter there can be both so-called “halal” and non-halal meat, and pig meat, where one knife is used to cut meat , an ax and a common stump….

b) When purchasing poultry meat, semi-finished products and sausages made from it, we recommend choosing poultry farms where poultry is manually slaughtered - for example halal line poultry farm "Chelny Broiler" of the Republic of Tatarstan, etc. A chain of stores "Chelny Broiler" has been opened in Ufa, call this number 8-987-093-96-46 you can check the addresses and availability of halal products.

c) When purchasing sausages and stews with the Halal stamp, we recommend purchasing products from meat processing plants that specialize in the production of only! halal products. For example: LLC "Duslyk" - Pokhvistnevo, Samara region, LLC "Halal" Samara region, Pokhvistnevo district, village. Alkino, etc. In our microdistrict "Inors" of the Kalininsky district of Ufa, we recommend you a specialized butcher shop - in the TSK "Yashel" at the address: st. Glinka, 2. At the address: st. Ferina, 14 – Chelny Broiler products are sold. And also, you can dial on the Internet "Halal guide Ufa"(or some other locality) and find out the addresses of halal stores, cafes...

Just don’t turn the Majlis into wastefulness, trying to set a rich table with many expensive dishes, and diligently treating guests with food. We must not forget that the main goal of the Majlis is not to overeat with delicious dishes, not to observe external formal rules - “so that everything is as is customary among people,” not just a meeting of relatives, friends and acquaintances, and not just a wake for deceased relatives and loved ones. Let us remind you once again that all this is done for the sake of the pleasure of the Almighty and rewards from him! And Allah will then be pleased with the gathered people if they sincerely read and listen to the Qur'an, calming their hearts, at least temporarily stepping away from the bustle of the world, trying to understand what it says, and subsequently applying what they have learned in their lives. If the Majlis turns out to be an interesting sermon, an educational lecture on pressing topics, if people acquire useful knowledge about how to live correctly in this world and prepare for the eternal world.

“If guidance comes to you from Me, then those who follow My guidance will not know fear and will not grieve” (Sura “The Cow” verse 38). In modern language, the Koran is a program for life. By following it, a person could not make mistakes and be fully realized - become a creator and creator. In general, to live so that evil does not touch him. And then he would not have felt fear before God for what he had done, and would not have felt sadness from the losses that came in the form of Divine punishment, since he would have fulfilled his main purpose given to him by the Creator - achieving His satisfaction through the improvement of the mind (akyl).

— 3. You need to come to the Majlis ritually clean, i.e. take Taharat or Ghusl (full or small ablution).

— 4. Clothes. The most important aspect of clothing is covering the forbidden places (aurat), for both men and women. The Almighty orders women to cover their entire body, except the face, hands and feet, and men (at least) from the navel to the knees. Clothes should not fit tightly to the body, emphasize the figure, and should not be transparent. About those who dress in provocative, uncovered clothing, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Women dressed and at the same time naked, swaying while walking and thereby seducing men will not enter Paradise and will not even breathe in its fragrance!” Nowadays, the imam has to start the Majlis by reminding women to cover their bodies: half-naked shoulders, hips, neckline, and wear a headscarf. Unfortunately, some women show dissatisfaction by arguing with Hadhrat, and such behavior will only result in sin and punishment for them if they do not repent. Fear Allah! The prevalence of sin in our time does not make it any less significant!

— 5 . It is necessary to wash your hands before eating, and after eating - wash your hands and rinse your mouth.

6 . Ideally, men and women should sit separately at the Majlis. If this does not work, given the cramped conditions of our apartments, we need to try to separate men from women as much as possible. For example, men sit at the head of the table, next to the imam, and women sit at the end of the table, and close relatives - mahrams (husband-wife, brother-sister, etc.) should sit where the male half of the table touches the female half. .

— 7. One must beware of using dishes and cutlery made of gold and silver because it is prohibited. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Do not drink or eat from gold and silver utensils. Indeed, this is for the disbelievers in this world, and for you in the Hereafter.”

— 8 . Before eating, say “Bismilahi-Rahmani-Rahim” (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful).

Eat food only with your right hand, for the Prophet “peace and blessings be upon him” said that Shaitan eats with his left hand (there is also a psychological moment here: they wash themselves with their left hand (do istinja) after using the toilet)

— 9. Take from the table what is in front of you (do not reach to the other end of the table or to the far side of the plate if you eat from one large dish).

— 10. If there are different types of treats on the dishes, then you are allowed to take them from either side.

— 11. According to the sunnah, food that is eaten with the hands should be eaten by taking it with three fingers of the right hand.

— 12 . Do not lean your elbows on the table, do not blow on food (on shared plates).

— 13. You should not interrupt the imam during the wagaz (sermon), all questions should be asked after its completion. His task is to try to convey to people the truth about Monotheism (Tawhid) in a short time, to warn people from committing sins, to call people to repentance for sins and observance of the laws of Allah. We should remember the transience and frailty of worldly life, and that we will all be responsible to Allah for our deeds, for our way of life. If someone has questions, they should be asked with the intention of finding out the truth, in a respectful tone, and not for the purpose of self-affirmation in one’s own eyes. This will not be accepted by the Almighty.

— 14. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, never criticized food. If he liked it, then he ate it, but if he didn’t like it, then he left it.

— 15 . Show respect to guests. The Prophet Peace and Blessings upon him said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment, let him exalt the guest.”

— 16 . Beware of the most common sin at Majlises, and indeed in our lives in general - ghaibat - discussing the shortcomings of someone in his absence, gossip. At the table there is no need to compare mosques with each other, “which one is more beautiful, which hazrat is better, but so-and-so did this and that, and he himself is a Muslim...”, etc. “Isn’t Allah the most just of all Judges?” (Sura “The Fig Tree”, verse 8). The hadith (saying of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)) says: “If anyone of you speaks, let him speak good, or remain silent.”

— 17. Leave your plate clean at the end. Anyone who wants to act according to the Sunnah should clear the dishes after himself and help the owners clear the table.

— 18 . At the end of the meal, praise Allah Almighty and thank Him. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Whoever, after eating, says: “Praise be to Allah, Who fed me this food and endowed me with it, while I myself have neither strength nor power,” his food will be forgiven. past sins." At the end of the Majlis, you need to turn to Allah with a prayer for the owners of the house, everyone present, and all Muslims, asking Allah for good in this world and the hereafter, and for salvation from the torment of hellfire.

— 19. According to the Sunnah sadaka is given, firstly, secretly; secondly, to those in need!!!; thirdly, it is advisable to give what a person needs, and not what is “usually given” (soap, tea, towels, handkerchiefs); fourthly, there is no “tax” for voluntary alms - you give as much as you can; fifthly, in the Sunnah there is no “exchange of alms” (one gives soap, he gives him a towel in return, or you give him a pack of tea, and he gives you ten rubles - it’s just some kind of trade, not alms), sixthly, alms according to the sunnah they don’t require it, they say it’s not enough, we need to add...

In verse 177 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the Almighty commands us to distribute property (sadaqah): to relatives, orphans, the poor, travelers and those asking, to spend on freeing slaves. In verse 60 of Surah At-Tawbah it is said (this is more related to the payment of zakat): “Donations are intended for the poor and the poor, for those who collect and distribute them, and for those whose hearts they want to win (convert to Islam), for the ransom of slaves, for debtors, for expenses in the path of Allah and for travelers. This is the order of Allah. Verily Allah is Knowing, Wise.”

The best words are the words of Allah Almighty. The Qur'an is the words of Allah. And if so, then reading and understanding the Koran is an adornment of any Majlis. Could there be a better Majlis than one in which they remember Allah Almighty, read His Book, share knowledge with each other, tell hadiths, study the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and benefit from all this?


Which clergyman should read the Holy Quran in the home of a believer? After all, it is known that in a house in which Muslims live, the Koran should be read at least once a year. There is an assumption that this should be done by a mullah or muezzin. Do religious leaders and ulema agree with this?


It is not entirely appropriate here to say that in the homes of those professing Islam it is customary to read the Koran once a year. This is not true. It would be more correct to say that in a Muslim home the Book should be read at least two or four times. Since if the Koran is not read in a house even once, then there can be no talk of Muslims living in this home!

The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) said: “ Allah Ta'ala presents the house in which the Qur'an is recited to the heavenly creatures as openly and clearly as you see the clear and cloudless sky on a sunny day" It follows from this that the more often the suras of the Holy Quran are heard in a home, the brighter and more radiant this house becomes (like the Moon, the Sun and the stars). If in this house it is a rule to read the Koran once a year, for God’s sake, as they say, thank you for that. However, you should remember that if you want peace and prosperity to reign in your home, to be comfortable and well-behaved, you cannot be content with just reading the Book just once.

Who should read the Koran?

First of all, it should be noted that everyone should read the Quran! In many houses, as a rule, the current imam is invited to such interdlis, alhamdulillah! This is done, by the way, not only here, but throughout the Muslim world. In the event that the imam is not able to personally attend the meeting, he usually entrusts this to the muezzin or one of the religious figures. However, this does not mean at all that only they have the right to read the Koran in the homes of parishioners. There is nothing sinful if you invite someone else to read the Book. Since this is a nafil act and you can invite whoever you consider necessary. There should be one requirement for this person - correct, error-free reading of the Holy Quran in accordance with all the requirements of the Tajwid rules for reading the Book.

And in general, it is necessary to strive to read the Koran correctly, because reading it with errors is sinful. Anyone who realizes that he makes mistakes when reading only aggravates his guilt. If the reader makes a mistake out of ignorance, inshae Allah, there will be no sin for him. Since in 286 verse of Surah al-Baqarah said: " Our Lord! Don't punish us if we forget or make a mistake" After all, anyone who realizes that he is reading the Book with errors, and nevertheless continues to do so, is one of those who treats the Holy Quran superficially.

Gabdulhak hazrat Samatov. “Shariah: wa’az, khukmas, fatwas, answers to questions, recommendations”

Ash is a kind of feast among the Tatars, at which Muslim prayers are read, then guests are treated to delicious dishes. Each locality has its own. I'll tell you about ours.

They prepare in advance: preparations are made (baking, cutting noodles, etc.), tables are set based on the number of guests. When guests arrive, this should be what they should expect:

Must be on the table
such as chopped fresh fruits, dried fruits, fresh and (or) pickled vegetables, homemade katyk (nowadays more often purchased), homemade baked goods: pies, baursak, chak-chak, cash-tel (such as brushwood) - this depends on the possibility and organizing skills (only women cook). Like that:

Of course, a hundred years ago there were no salads and fish slices with sweets on the tables, but the main thing is the same, judging by the stories of grandmothers.

Guests arrive, sit down at the table, and after the official part, the hostess and her assistants (relatives are always invited, or, if there are no suitable ones, neighbors or friends, since there are usually more than a dozen guests - there were about 70 here with children) hand out soup with noodles:

Usually - chicken with homemade noodles, often a little potatoes, onions (well, this is a must), and finely grated carrots are added to the soup. Top with fresh chopped herbs.

Then the belesh with rice and dried fruits is brought out, this is a very traditional dish, it is so necessary that if the hostess, in her troubles, decides not to cook, the guests will not understand, although there is already so much food:

It is prepared in approximately the same way as the one shown here the filling is, of course, different, someday I’ll prepare it, I’ll tell you in more detail :)

And only after it are brought out plates with potatoes (usually mashed potatoes), on top of stewed or boiled beef and poultry: here goose, duck, and tuturgan tauk: chicken stuffed with an egg mixture with cream - one of the most delicious dishes of Tatar cuisine, believe me)). Don’t pay too much attention to the table, everything needs to be done quickly there: guests, usually elderly, don’t like to wait, so I only managed to click the last two, and there were 15 of them):

The guests also ate meat, don’t ask why it comes after rice with dried fruits - it’s a tradition. I record everything in a clear sequence. After you have had your fill of the offered dishes + salads (they are at the request and preference of the hostess, not at all obligatory), tea is served.

Oh, what a great shot that would be! Out of 56 cups... but the author of this post at that moment quickly poured tea into cups with her sister and 4 more were instantly served to the guests. So all you have to do is take your word for it, there was definitely tea :))

As for drinks, juices and compotes are often put on the table; in the meantime (as it’s going now, I’ll write more) water is a must. Additions - depending on the wishes of the hosts and their financial capabilities, however, many guests themselves bring to the tables: some - sweets, some - katyk, pies, cookies, maybe gubadia (layer cake with rice, raisins, eggs, boiled cottage cheese (court )) bring. Differently. Perhaps in other regions of the republic there is something different. I know that in Cheremshansky they make belesh with buckwheat and raisins, but ours didn’t appreciate it)) - everyone has their own traditions and I’m writing only for my region and city. In many houses I helped on Asha - everywhere it’s about the same :)

Now the poll. Should I write briefly about the official and religious part (there won’t be a photo - it’s impossible). I’ll write a lock under the *eye* anyway, because... All the entries here are for me personally and perhaps they will be useful to me in the future, so for now the impressions are fresh.

point - I’m afraid: I’m reading negative posts about Islam from people who don’t understand this at all, but apparently, yes, they are afraid and are absurdly panicking.

Badly Great

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!

The Koran is a holy book sent to us by Allah through the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). Therefore, we need to treat it with awe and reverence. There are external and internal rules of conduct when reading the Koran. External ones are the purity of the reader, the environment around and the behavior itself when reading.Internal - this is a person’s mood when reading, the state of his soul.

External rules when reading the Quran:

It is imperative to be in a state of ritual purity. “Verily, this is the noble Qur’an, found in the Preserved Scripture, touched only by the purified.”(Surah al-Waqia 77-79). That is, it is strictly forbidden for men and women to touch and read the Koran after intimate intimacy before performing ghusl - complete ablution, and for men also after janabah (emission). It is also forbidden for women to touch the Quran with their hands during menstruation and postpartum bleeding, but they can recite it by heart if they are afraid of forgetting what they know from the Quran or as dhikr. If the reader has already done ghusul, then he must do taharat (minor ablution, wudu), that is, only those who have purified themselves with taharat can touch the Koran. And most scientists agreed on this. However, if there is a ghusl, but no taharat, they can recite the Quran from memory without touching it. Abu Salam said: “I was told by someone who saw the Prophet (PBUH) once read something from the Quran after urinating before touching the water (to perform ablution).”. (Ahmad 4/237. Hafiz Ibn Hajar called this hadith authentic. See “Nataij al-afkar” 1/213), another confirmation: Imam an-Nawawi said: “ Muslims are unanimous that it is permissible to read the Quran in the absence of ablution, although it is better to have ablution for this. Imam al-Haramain and al-Ghazali said: “We do not say that reading the Qur’an without a small ablution is condemned, since it is reliably known from the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) that he read the Qur’an without a small ablution!”” (See “al-Majmoo’” 2/82). As for translations of the Quran or an electronic version on a computer or mobile phone, you can read and listen to the Quran without ablution. It is still better to have a ghusl out of respect for the words of Allah.

It is advisable to brush your teeth with miswak. (Miswak are sticks used to clean teeth made from Salvadora Persian wood or arak). As the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Truly your mouths are the ways of the Quran, so cleanse it with miswak."(Suyuti, Fathul Kabir: 1/293).

Next is clothing. The clothing of the person who reads the Koran must comply with the requirements of Sharia. You must dress as you would during prayer, observing the aura (for men, the part from the navel to the knees is covered, for women, everything except the face and hands is covered), and of course, the clothes must be clean.

You need to sit down with respect, with wudu (taharat) facing the qibla. Although it is not forbidden to go in any direction. Take your time in reading, read with tartil (arrangement) and tajweed. That is, you need to read with reverence and respect, observing the rules of pronunciation and reading.

Try to cry, and even force yourself. The Koran says: “They fall on their faces, touching the ground with their chins and sobbing. And this increases their humility". (Surah Al-Isra 109). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “ The Qur'an was revealed with sorrow, and you weep while reading it. If you can't cry, at least pretend to cry" People asked one alim: “Why don’t we cry when reading the Qur’an just like the Sahaba cried (radiyallahu anhum)?” He replied: “Yes, simply because when the Sahaba read about the inhabitants of hell, they were afraid that they were among them and cried, and we always think that it is someone is there, but by no means us. And when the companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) read in the Koran about the inhabitants of paradise, they said: how far we are from them and after them, they cried, and we, reading about the people of paradise, already imagine ourselves among them.”

Give due credit to the verses on mercy and punishment as mentioned above. That is, if in some surah it is written about the Day of Judgment or hellfire, the reader of the Quran should realize the importance of what is written and fear with all his heart and rejoice when reading the verses that describe the mercy of Allah Almighty.

Chant, because in many hadiths there are instructions for chanting the Qur'an. One hadith says " Allah does not listen to anything as much as He listens to a prophet with a beautiful voice who recites the Koran out loud." (Al-Maqdisi, al-adab ash-shariya, vol. 1, p. 741). The Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Anyone who does not recite the Koran is not one of us.” (Abu Daoud).

Internal rules determined by Mashaikhs (Sheikhs)

“Keep in your heart the Greatness of the Koran, how sublime these words are.

Hold in your heart the Majesty, Sublimity, Power of Allah Ta'ala, whose words are the Quran.

Clear your heart of waswas (doubts) and fears.

Reflect on the meaning and read with pleasure. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once spent the night reading the following verse again and again: “If You punish them, then they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them, then You are the Great, the Wise.” (surah Meal: 118). One night, Hazrat Sa'id ibn Jubair (radiallahu anhu) read the following verse before morning: “Separate yourself today, you sinners.” (Sura Yasin: 59)

Submit your heart to the verse you are reading. For example, if the language is a verse about mercy, then the heart should be filled with joy, and if the verse is about punishment, then the heart should tremble.

Make the ear so attentive, as if Allah Ta’ala himself is speaking, and the reader is listening to Him. May Allah Ta’ala, with His Kindness and Mercy, give you and me the opportunity to read the Quran with all these rules.”

Adabs in relation to the Holy Quran.

The Arabic word “adab” translated into Russian means “ethics”, “correct behavior”, “good attitude”. Adabs are rules of etiquette for Muslims. In this case, adabs are given in relation to the Koran. They also include the rules listed above.

What cannot and is not advisable to do in relation to the Koran

The Quran should not be placed on the floor; it is better to place it on a stand or pillow.

Don't let your finger slobber while turning the pages.

You cannot throw the Quran when passing it to another person.

Do not place it on your feet or under your head or lean on it.

You cannot take the Koran or any texts that contain verses from the Koran into the toilet. You should also not recite verses of the Koran in the toilet.

You should not eat or drink while reading the Qur'an.

You cannot read the Koran in noisy places, in markets and bazaars, or where people are having fun and drinking alcohol.

You should not yawn while reading the Qur'an. Also if you suffer from belching. It is better to stop and continue when the yawning or burping passes.

You cannot freely retell and translate the Koran. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “ Those who interpret the Koran according to their own understanding, let them prepare for themselves a place in the fire of Hell"(At-Tirmidhi, Abu Daud and an-Nasai).

The Quran should not be read for the purpose of obtaining worldly benefits or in order to stand out among other Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: After reading from the Koran, ask for the goodness of Allah, ask for Paradise! Do not ask for worldly rewards (money, property). There will come a time when people will read the Qur'an in order to get closer to people (to solve their worldly problems)."

You cannot talk about worldly things or laugh while reading the Koran.

Desirable actions in relation to the Qur'an

It is considered sunnah to begin reading the Quran by saying the phrase: “ A'uzu billahi mina-shaytani-rrajim» (I seek the help of Allah against the wiles of the damned shaitan!), and then « Bismillahi-rrahmani-rrahim "(In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful).

It is considered sunnah to perform judgment (prostration) if you have reached the verse with the symbol of judgment (i.e., the verse of prostration).

At the end of reading the Quran, even if the entire Quran has not been read, but only a part, you need to say the dua: “ Sadakallahul-'azim va ballaga rasulyukhul-karim. Allahumma-nfa'na bikhi wa barik lana fihi wal-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamina wa astaghfirullahal-hayyal-qayyuma " (“The truth was spoken by the Great Allah and the noble Prophet brought it to the people. O Allah, grant us the benefit and grace of reading the Qur’an. All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and to You I turn to ask for forgiveness of sins, O Ever-Living and Remaining forever!")

It is considered sunnah to make a dua after finishing reading the Quran. Any. Allah accepts such a prayer and answers it.

The Quran should be kept above other books and no other books should be placed on it.

« When the Koran is recited, listen to it and remain silent, perhaps you will be pardoned"(Surah al-Araf 204).

It is advisable to repeat those verses of the Koran that affected you. Once the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), who knows the entire Quran, spent the whole night repeating the same verse: “If You punish them, then they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, then You are Great, Wise!(Surah al-Maida (Meal): 118)

It is advisable to read the Quran at the time indicated by Allah: “ Perform namaz from noon until darkness sets in and read the Qur'an at dawn. Indeed, at dawn the Koran is read in front of witnesses. "(Surah al-Isra:78) Because at dawn the angels are replaced: those who were with you at night are replaced by the angels of the morning. The reverse shift occurs in the late afternoon, after the afternoon Asr prayer. And they also witness the recitation of the Quran.

Read the Quran slowly, pausing between verses. Meditate if you know the meanings of the verses, or read at the same time the translation of the meanings of the Koran. It is not recommended to read the Qur'an quickly. It is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “ The one who read it in less than three days did not understand the Koran.".(Tirizi, Quran: 13; Abu Dawud, Ramadan: 8-9; Ibni Majah, Iqamat: 178; Darimi, Salat: 173; Ahmad bin Hanbal: 2/164, 165, 189, 193, 195) That is, the one who read did not will be able to think about the verses, but will not be able to understand, since he will be monitoring the speed of reading.

It is correct to read the letters, because for each letter of the Quran there is a tenfold reward. " If someone reads one letter from the Koran, they write him one reward, and then increase this reward ten times more"(At-Tirmidhi).

Even if reading the Koran is bad, do not give up, but continue further, for the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “ Experts in the Koran will be next to the saints, the most worthy angels. And those who find it difficult to read the Koran, but still read it, will receive a double reward.”. (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai). But this does not mean that you do not need to learn to pronounce and read the Koran correctly.

Do not leave the Quran open after finishing reading.

It is permissible to say “al-hamdu lillah” if you yourself sneezed and “yarhamukallah” if someone else sneezed. It is also allowed to stand up while reading the Koran if an older, respected and well-behaved person has entered.

It is not prohibited to read the Qur'an while lying down.

Reading the Koran at graves is not prohibited, since there are hadiths talking about the benefits of this reading for the deceased: “ You read Surah Yasin over the dead"(Ahmad, Abu Daoud, Hakim).

The principles of ethics of veneration of the Holy Quran given here are taken from the books: An-Nawawi. "At-Tibyan"; Az-Zabidi. “Ithaf”, Imam al-Qurtubi “Tafsir al-Qurtubi”.

In conclusion, several hadiths about the benefits of reading the Qur'an

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “ The Koran is an intercessor before Allah and justifies the reader before Him, and the one who is guided by it (the Koran) will lead to Paradise, and the one who is not guided by it will be dragged into the fire of hell"(al-Haytham, at-Tabarani).

« You read the Koran, on the Day of Judgment he will come and become an intercessor for you."(Muslim).

“Whoever recites ten verses in one night, on that night his name will not be recorded among careless people distracted from Allah"(Hakim).
