What does ramen mean? Ramen soup. Classic recipes for ramen noodles at home in Japanese and Korean. Ramen with pork - recipe

Hearty Ramen noodles make a complete lunch meal. In Japan, this is an inexpensive fast food that can be purchased at any street food outlet. Usually the treat is served directly in a rich broth with a variety of delicious additives. For example, with meat, herbs, vegetables, eggs.

The word “Ramen” refers not only to the popular Japanese dish, but also to the noodles themselves, which form its basis. Today you can try the treat in cafes and restaurants or buy ready-made instant noodles in a package. All you have to do is pour boiling water over it and add spices.

Of course, the true taste of the original dish under discussion can only be felt if it is freshly prepared. But today his recipe is easy to repeat in any country, even at home.

For proper Ramen, the noodles must be prepared with your own hands from the highest quality, fresh ingredients.

  1. First, the dough is thoroughly kneaded.
  2. Then, it is cut into strips and stretched.
  3. Next, it folds in half again and stretches out again.
  4. The process is repeated until the cook has a sufficient amount of noodles in front of him.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value

You can often hear the phrase “Korean Ramen noodles.” It is no different from Japanese. It’s just that this dish is considered traditional for the cuisine of several Asian countries. And China turned out to be the birthplace of noodles.

As noted above, the basis of the treat is a strong, aromatic broth, which can be made from chicken, fish or meat, as well as homemade noodles.

Interestingly, according to the original recipe, the latter is prepared with water obtained from the lakes of Mongolia. It is believed that this liquid has a composition that is ideal for noodles. As a result, the dough acquires the desired consistency and shade (yellowish). Instead of this very water, you can use ordinary mineral water.

In addition to liquid, the noodles contain flour, salt and eggs. True, over time, the classic recipe has been greatly transformed and today you can also find vegetable oils and other components in it. You can complement the dish with boiled/fried eggs, pekin, spinach, pickles and pickled vegetables/mushrooms, as well as seaweed.

If we talk specifically about the dry quick version of such noodles without additional additives, then its calorie content is 337 kcal per 100 g of product. It also contains a lot of carbohydrates - 69.7 g. The product contains proteins - 10.4 g and fats - 1.1 g.

Of course, when using additional ingredients (broth, meat pieces, fried eggs), the calorie content of the dish will increase significantly.

How to make Ramen noodles at home

You can prepare the basis for this original Asian dish yourself at home. The traditional recipe has been conveniently adapted for domestic housewives.


  • whole eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • egg yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • first-grade flour – 350 g;
  • sesame oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Combine all parts of raw eggs specified in the recipe.
  2. Add oil and salt.
  3. Pour flour into the mixture through a fine sieve.
  4. Thoroughly knead the products with your hands and collect them into a ball. Leave it like this for an hour without putting it in the cold.
  5. Knead the mixture until smooth. Cut into 2 parts.
  6. Pull each one at least 10 times through a special machine or simply stretch it with your hands. After the next stretch, fold the layer 2-3 times and repeat the procedure.

Stretch the dough out very thinly one last time (about 1.5 mm thick). Cut into strips of desired size. Sprinkle with flour.

How can you replace noodles in cooking?

If you don’t have time to cook Ramen noodles, you can replace them with other products in the chosen dish. For example, regular spaghetti. But it's better to take instant noodles.

If you want to give up any pasta, but prepare the soup according to the Ramen principle, you can use white/brown rice as its base. It will also make the soup more filling.

Pork and Japanese noodle soup


  • meat with fatty layers – 350 g;
  • Shiitake mushrooms – 250 g;
  • noodles – 200 g;
  • chili – 1 small pod;
  • chopped ginger root – 1 teaspoon;
  • soy sauce – 2 dessert spoons;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Cut the washed and dried fatty pork into strips.
  2. Pour water over the meat and cook for 12 - 14 minutes under the lid.
  3. Add small pieces of pepper (without seeds), ginger, mushrooms (cut each into 4 parts).
  4. Pour in soy sauce and add noodles.
  5. After 8 - 9 minutes, taste the dish and add salt if necessary.

Pour the treat into plates and garnish with sesame seeds.

How to cook with beef


  • beef – 200 g;
  • ready noodles – 200 g;
  • salt;
  • fresh garlic – 2 cloves;
  • beef broth - 1 tbsp.


  1. It is necessary to cook aromatic strong beef broth on the bone in advance. During the process, you can add your favorite spices, bay leaves, vegetables (onions, carrots), and roots. Strain the prepared broth.
  2. Cut the prepared meat into thin slices and fry in any fat until golden brown. Add salt and mix with mashed garlic.
  3. Separately, cook the noodles in salted water until tender. Or simply pour boiling water over the instant product.
  4. Place noodles into serving bowls. Pour in broth.

Scatter pieces of fried meat on top. Mix everything.

Cooking with squid


  • already cooked ready-made noodles – 400 g;
  • squid carcass – 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • purified water – 2 l.;
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp.;
  • soy sauce – 100 ml;
  • rice vinegar – 50 ml;
  • sesame oil – 40 ml;
  • ground ginger – 2 pinches;
  • sriracha sauce – 50 ml;
  • fresh herbs – 1 bunch;
  • roasted sesame seeds – 1 handful;
  • miso paste – 100 g;
  • sugar – 30 g;
  • salt - to taste;


  1. Pour water over the peeled onions and carrots. Add all the greens, ginger and garlic (2 cloves). Cook for 40 - 45 minutes, skimming foam from the surface.
  2. Strain the finished broth. Pour in soy sauce (80 ml) and add miso paste. Mix the ingredients well.
  3. Combine mayonnaise with sriracha sauce, butter (half), the remaining mashed garlic and soy sauce.
  4. Cut the cucumber into thin slices. Pour in a mixture of vinegar, salt and sugar. Leave for 25 minutes.
  5. Clean the squid from all excess. Cut into rings. Pour boiling water over for half a minute.
  6. Place the prepared noodles on the bottom of serving bowls. Pour broth over everything. Distribute seafood rings on top.
  7. Add pickled cucumber pieces, hot sauce, and remaining oil.

Garnish the dish with toasted sesame seeds. You can also use leftover greens for this purpose.

Tori Ramen soup with chicken


  • ready-made (already cooked) noodles – half a kilo;
  • chicken bones – half a kilo;
  • chicken wings – 300 g;
  • soy sauce – ½ tbsp.;
  • ginger – 20 g;
  • salt and herbs.


  1. Cook the chicken carcass parts for half an hour.
  2. Strain the resulting broth. Pour soy sauce into it, add finely grated ginger. Add salt if necessary.
  3. Place the finished noodles on plates. Pour in broth.
  4. Add some of the chicken meat removed from the bones to each serving.

Garnish the treat with fresh herbs.

You can prepare original Japanese soup from inexpensive instant noodles. Packs of it can be found in every supermarket. You just need to pour any hot broth over the noodles, add boiled/fried meat, eggs and herbs. Of course, such a recipe will be far from the original, but you will be able to quickly and easily treat yourself to an almost restaurant lunch.

Original Ramen soup is a tasty and satisfying dish of Japanese cuisine, which is especially popular in Korea and China. It consists of thin noodles with the addition of meat, eggs, vegetables, sauce and aromatic spices. Thanks to well-chosen ingredients, the treat has an unforgettable aroma, exquisite taste, appetizing appearance and can be prepared at home.

An oriental dish cooked in a classic way is the basis for other varieties of Ramen soup.

All ingredients for it must be prepared separately, following a certain sequence, and then placed on plates and poured with hot broth.

Required Products:

  • wheat noodles – 0.2 kg;
  • two eggs;
  • pork – 0.28 kg;
  • chicken – 0.35 kg;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • soy sauce, herbs, hot pepper - to your taste;
  • celery – 3 stalks;
  • ginger – 23 g.


  1. Rinse the chicken and pork thoroughly, then place in a pan of boiling water and cook together.
  2. After a quarter of an hour, add chopped garlic, several rings of hot pepper, celery, some fresh herbs and a piece of ginger to the broth.
  3. Continue cooking over low heat for about 45 minutes until the meat is tender.
  4. Pass the finished broth through a sieve, and transfer the meat to a separate plate. Then add soy sauce to the hot liquid and stir.
  5. Hard-boil the eggs, then cool, peel and brush with soy sauce until they turn light brown.
  6. Boil the noodles until half cooked, then cut the pork into slices and chop the herbs.
  7. Now put an equal amount of noodles in deep plates, add several pieces of meat to each of them, an egg cut into two parts, herbs and pour hot broth.

Japanese Ramen soup is ready. It should be served warm with special chopsticks. It is advisable to offer it with sliced ​​ripe cucumbers and tomatoes.

With pork and Japanese noodles

The recipe for this dish is quite simple, so even a novice cook can master it. For the pork soup, you will need Japanese Soba or Somen noodles: both varieties look beautiful when cooked and have an amazing taste.

Required Products:

  • pork meat – 1.2 kg;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • ginger – 25 g;
  • Japanese noodles – 0.7 kg;
  • salt – 18 g;
  • granulated sugar – 15 g;
  • cilantro, parsley – 5 sprigs;
  • soy sauce – 0.2 l.


  1. Chop the pork meat into square pieces, wash thoroughly and place in a container with water. Then boil the meat for half an hour, then remove and transfer to another container, and add salt to the broth.
  2. Add ginger to the pan with boiled meat, add cinnamon and pour in a little broth.
  3. Then place on the stove, boil, add sugar and soy sauce, then continue cooking in a sealed container for about three hours.
  4. Now fill a heatproof bowl with water, bring it to a boil and add the noodles. After five minutes, drain all the liquid, remove the noodles, divide them into portions and place them in plates.
  5. After this, fill the pan with water (1 liter) again, and when it boils, pour in the remaining broth. Then add a piece of pork fat, boil for three minutes and turn off the oven.

Pour the aromatic broth into bowls with noodles, then add slices of chopped meat and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Pork soup is recommended to be consumed fresh and hot.

How to cook with beef

Beef Ramen will take a little time to prepare, since it does not require boiling the broth separately. The aromatic broth in which the egg noodles were prepared will be used as a filling.

Required Products:

  • beef – 0.3 kg;
  • water – 1.2 l;
  • three eggs;
  • egg noodles – 0.32 kg;
  • two garlic cloves;
  • ginger – 23 g;
  • nori – 12 g;
  • soy sauce – 75 ml;
  • salt, green onions, hot spices - as needed.


  1. Wash the beef meat and cut into small cubes. Then put them in a frying pan with oil and fry for an hour. At the end, add salt, season with spices and add nori.
  2. Boil the eggs, then remove the shells and cut into circles.
  3. Boil water in a saucepan, then pour soy sauce into it, add ginger and chopped garlic. Then add the noodles and boil for five minutes.

The Japanese soup should be served in portions, placing pieces of fried beef, egg slices and coarsely chopped green onions in bowls with noodles. A wonderful treat will lift your spirits and fill you up perfectly during your lunch break.

Tori Ramen soup with chicken

Another simple recipe for Ramen soup with chicken, which can be prepared in just ten minutes. This dish will help you quickly feed your family when you don’t have time for long cooking.

Required products (per serving):

  • boiled chicken – 120 g;
  • soy sauce – 20 g;
  • Ramen noodles – 170 g;
  • carrot;
  • chicken broth – 0.4 l;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • sea ​​salt – 2 g;
  • two feathers of green onions;
  • bell pepper – 40 g;
  • half a boiled egg.


  1. Wash the peppers, carrots and garlic under running water, then chop them into long and narrow strips. Cut the chicken into large cubes.
  2. Place the chopped meat into the boiling broth, add the chopped vegetables, pour in the sauce, add salt and cook for four minutes, then set aside.
  3. The noodles must be cooked separately, then placed on a plate and seasoned with broth.

It is recommended to decorate the finished dish with green onion rings and add an egg cut in half. Tori Ramen soup with chicken turns out to be nutritious, appetizing and can be an excellent alternative to boring first courses.

Cooking with squid

A Japanese dish with squid will help you surprise your family and friends during dinner. It usually contains different types of seafood, and the treat is served with a specially prepared sauce.

Required Products:

  • sea ​​scallops, shrimp, mussels, squid – 0.32 kg;
  • Ramen noodles – 0.3 kg;
  • small zucchini;
  • carrots, sweet peppers – 45 g each;
  • leeks, cilantro – 50 g;
  • soy sauce, rice wine - 60 ml each;
  • sesame, ginger, garlic - at your discretion.


  1. Place the seafood in a frying pan with olive oil, add ground ginger and chopped garlic and fry for five minutes.
  2. Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Combine rice wine with soy seasoning, then add finely chopped herbs and stir.
  4. Pour the resulting sauce over the noodles laid out on plates and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Spicy Ramen soup with seafood is ready.

It is advisable to consume it immediately, since the cooled treat loses its aroma and will not be as tasty.

Japanese first course with fish

Fish lovers will really like this soup. It contains many vegetables that harmonize wonderfully with a delicate broth of cod, carp or trout.

Required Products:

  • onions, broccoli, carrots - 50 g each;
  • corn – 180 g;
  • fish (any) – 0.32 kg;
  • eggs (boiled) – 2 pcs.;
  • Japanese noodles – 55 g;
  • soy sauce – 25 ml;
  • ground pepper, sea salt - to your taste.


  1. Gut the fish, wash and cook. Remove the finished meat, separate the fillet from the bones and cut into square pieces. Strain the broth and pour it back into the pan.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse under running water and cut into small rectangles. Chop the cabbage into thin strips.
  3. Place the chopped vegetables along with the corn in a frying pan and fry in fat until golden brown.
  4. Then boil the noodles and place them in serving bowls.
  5. Boil the fish broth, add salt, sauce and other spices. Boil for about a minute, then turn off the burner.
  6. Now cover each portion of noodles with stewed vegetables, put in a few pieces of fish, pour over the broth and garnish with egg halves.

Place the Japanese Ramen soup with fish on the table and offer it to everyone present to try. It should be served with wooden chopsticks.

Asian soup Kimchi Ramen

The recipe for this treat involves the use of spicy kimchi cabbage, which is added to the dish to give it a distinctive, pleasantly spicy taste. The Asian soup does not contain meat, so it is suitable for a vegetarian diet.

Required Products:

  • Ramen noodles – 0.43 kg;
  • kimchi cabbage – 200 g;
  • champignons – 130 g;
  • nori – 60 g;
  • water – 2.6 l;
  • tofu cheese – 0.4 kg;
  • hot seasonings, green onions, coarse salt - to taste.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, then boil it, add salt and add noodles.
  2. After a minute, add tofu, sliced ​​mushrooms, add spices and cook for another four minutes.
  3. After this, place the soup in large bowls, top with kimchi, nori and chopped herbs.

Asian soup Kimchi Ramen can also be prepared with meat broth from veal or pork, then add boiled eggs to the dish - it will also turn out very tasty. Bon appetit!

Japanese ramen soup has long enjoyed stable popularity among gourmets from Southeast Asian countries, in particular Korea and China. The recipe for ramen is quite simple.

Its price is very low, the dish is extremely satisfying and has an incomparable taste. This soup is prepared on the basis of instant noodles using a variety of additives, including cabbage, meat, eggs, pickles, and vegetables.

Many people think that this is a Korean or Chinese soup, but this is not entirely true. The cooking recipe was created by residents of the Japanese state, and not mainland China, as was commonly believed. The reason for this was the very aggressive aggressive policy of the Japanese, and it is not surprising that the recipe for the soup ended up in their hands. Therefore, we can say that the soup has a Japanese character.

The name of the dish is derived from two Chinese words: “pull” and “noodle”. In the homeland of the dish, two recipes for its preparation were common: Central Asian and Dungan. But the Japanese went even further and developed their own recipe, calling it Japanese lamyan. When the dish began to sell, it immediately attracted interest from lovers of various culinary innovations.

At first, the dish was sold through a network of small cafes, but over time, special vending machines similar to coffee machines became the place of sale. Today, many different options for preparing this favorite dish have already been developed.

Connoisseurs of this oriental dish make numerous attempts to classify and describe the taste of numerous varieties, which leads to the emergence of more and more new cooking options.

But, despite the abundance of options, in Russia it is rare to find a dish prepared in accordance with Japanese recipes. As a rule, proper Japanese soup is most often found in restaurants of national cuisine. Nevertheless, having the necessary ingredients for preparing soup and having learned the correct algorithm for preparing it, it is easy to prepare this tasty and satisfying dish at home.

Classic cooking method

The main component in any method of preparing this dish is ramen noodles.

Various versions of the soup are obtained by including a number of additional ingredients in the classic recipe. If you want to continue experimenting with making soup, you need to clearly understand the algorithm for preparing the classic recipe.

The recipe used to prepare the soup in its homeland is extremely difficult to replicate. The dish takes a long time to prepare, and the ingredients for it are very difficult to get on sale. For the original recipe, each of the components of the soup is prepared in strict accordance with the recipe and in a strictly observed sequence.

Considering this, ramen noodles with pork at home are offered according to a simpler recipe.

  • ramen noodles - 700 g;
  • boneless pork - 1 kg;
  • rendered pork fat - 30 g;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • soy sauce - 200 g;
  • ginger - 30 g;
  • salt, sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • cinnamon - 1 g.

The pork needs to be cut into medium-sized cubes, thoroughly rinsed to remove any remaining blood, placed in a large saucepan and cooked for about 30 minutes, removing any film that forms from the surface. After removing the meat from the broth, set the broth itself aside, adding a pinch of salt to it. Let the broth stand and after 15 minutes strain it into another pan of sufficient capacity.

Place ginger and cinnamon on the bottom of the pan, place the cooked meat on top of them and pour in a small amount of strained broth. Boil all these ingredients, add sugar and pour in soy sauce. Press down the container with meat as a pressure with a lid of a smaller diameter, add a weight on top. The meat in the pan should be completely immersed in the broth. In this state, it needs to be cooked for another 4 hours.

To prepare noodles, you need to take a clean pan, pour water into it, boil it and pour the noodles into it. Cook for no more than 5 minutes. After cooking, pour out the water and divide the noodles into 5 equal portions.

Take the pan again, pour one liter of water into it, and boil. After the boil begins, pour in the remaining broth from cooking the meat. Boil for 5 minutes. After some time, add the pork fat to the pan and, bringing to a boil, cook for one minute. After turning off, pour the contents of the pan into plates, into which ramen noodles and pork are added. Before serving, garnish with fresh herbs.

Tori Ramen Soup

The main difference between Tori ramen soup is the addition of chicken when preparing the dish and the use of chicken broth. This dish is not as widespread among gourmet circles as its version with pork. Tori Ramen was born out of a desire to reduce the fat content of the dish. But Koreans consider this feature negative, since they consider ramen with chicken not very nutritious.

This version of ramen differs significantly from the traditional recipe. It is easier and faster to prepare, the beneficial substances contained in chicken meat have a more beneficial effect on the human body, and the smell and taste of chicken gives the soup an incomparable taste and aroma that does not interfere with other components giving their taste to the dish.

To prepare 4 servings of soup, the following ingredients are required:

  • chicken wings - 300 g;
  • ramen noodles -500 g;
  • chicken bones - 500 g;
  • grated ginger -20 g;
  • thick soy sauce - 100 g;
  • fresh or dried herbs - 1 bunch;
  • salt - to taste.

Place chicken wings and bones in a saucepan and add boiled clean water. Leave to simmer over low heat for half an hour. After this, remove the meat from the broth and divide it into 4 equal containers. Strain the remaining broth to remove impurities, pour in soy sauce, chopped ginger and salt and leave over very low heat.

The ramen noodles are cooked for about 5 minutes, drained in a colander and placed in bowls with the meat. Pour the remaining broth over the meat and noodles and sprinkle with finely chopped onion when serving. Ramen with chicken is ready.

Japanese ramen soup is a very popular dish among Chinese and Korean gourmets. It is inexpensive, despite the fact that it is very filling, and its taste is simply unforgettable. The soup is instant noodles containing various additives, the main ones being: meat, vegetables, pickles, eggs, cabbage.

Proper preparation of ramen soup is quite rare in our country. Often, only in restaurants of the appropriate cuisine. However, if you master the technique of preparing it, purchase the necessary ingredients and know some important features of the kitchen, then you can easily learn how to cook ramen noodle soup at home. In the article you will find interesting variations of ramen soup recipes.

Classic soup recipe

Varieties of soup are created by adding a number of ingredients to classic ramen soup. Accordingly, in order for you to have the opportunity to experiment with this dish in the future, you need to know the basic version of its preparation.

Making real ramen is very difficult. It differs not only in the duration of preparation, but also in the difficulty of accessing the necessary products. All components of the soup are prepared separately and always in a certain sequence. Try making homemade ramen soup with pork using this recipe.

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • 1 kg pork
  • 700 g ramen noodles
  • 20 g salt and sugar
  • 200 g soy sauce
  • 30 g rendered pork fat
  • 30 g ginger
  • 1 g cinnamon
  • 10 g greens

Cut the purchased pork into small pieces, rinse thoroughly to remove any blood, place in a large saucepan and boil for 30 minutes, periodically skimming off any foam that forms. Then remove the meat without draining the broth, which must be salted. Let the broth settle and get rid of impurities. Pour the purified broth into another pan.

Place cinnamon and ginger on the bottom of a clean pan, place pork on top and add a little broth. Then boil, sweeten, and pour in soy sauce. Close the pan with meat tightly with a smaller lid so that it presses firmly on the meat. A weight is suitable for weighting, thanks to which the pork meat was completely in the broth. Cook in this form for another 4 hours.

Prepare a new, clean noodle pot. Pour water into it, bring to a boil and add ramen noodles. 5 minutes will be enough for readiness. Drain all the water from the pan, remove the noodles and divide into 5 servings.

Take the pan again, pour a liter of water into it, which needs to be boiled again. After the water boils, pour out the remaining broth. A couple of minutes will be enough to boil. At the very end, add pork fat and boil again for about a minute. Finally, pour the contents of the pan into plates that already contain noodles. Put the pork in there too. Decorate the resulting dish with herbs.

Although the Japanese soup has a rather complicated recipe, it is quite possible to prepare it. Not always and not everyone succeeds perfectly the first time. In this case, you don’t need to waste your time on soup, just try to cook it again and you will definitely get the most authentic ramen!

Tori ramen soup with chicken

A distinctive feature of Tori ramen soup is the use of chicken meat and, accordingly, chicken broth. Tori has not achieved the same level of mainstream fame as pork ramen. This is due to the fact that chicken contains several times less fat than pork. Koreans consider this a big drawback, since they don’t always get enough of it.

Unlike the classic one, the chicken ramen recipe has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is easier to prepare and does not take much time; secondly, chicken has beneficial properties and contains more cartilage and skin, which has a positive effect on the broth; thirdly, the incredibly pleasant smell of chicken not only stimulates appetite, but also does not cover the smell of other ingredients.

To prepare it for 4 servings you will need:

  • 500 g ramen noodles
  • 500 g chicken bones
  • 300 g chicken wings
  • 10 g salt
  • 100 g soy sauce
  • 20 g ginger
  • 10 g greens

  1. Place chicken wings and bones in a saucepan and add hot boiled water.
  2. Let it cook for half an hour.
  3. Remove the finished meat and place it in small containers.
  4. Strain the resulting broth, add soy sauce, salt, ginger and let it heat up.
  5. Boil ramen noodles for 5 minutes.
  6. You need to divide it into 4 portions, and then evenly divide the heated broth.
  7. Chop green onions for garnish and sprinkle over servings.

Chicken ramen soup is ready!

If you want to surprise your guests with an extraordinary dish, then ramen will do the job perfectly; you don’t have to be a fan of Japanese cuisine.

Ramen is the name of Asian noodles and the dish of the same name. It consists of two main components - noodles and broth. In addition, various additives (toppings) are added to the dish. They eat ramen with chopsticks and a special spoon (with chopsticks it’s convenient to take noodles and toppings, and with a spoon you can scoop out broth). This is a tasty, aromatic and satisfying dish. It is extremely popular not only in Southeast Asia, but also far beyond its borders.


Ramen noodles(Japanese: ラーメン, rH. Ramen, Chinese: 拉面, pinyin: Lamian, Korean: 라면) is a very common type of noodle in Southeast Asia. Extremely popular in China, Japan and Korea. Her homeland is China. Externally, these are thin flat noodles of light yellow color. Most noodles contain four ingredients - wheat flour, salt, water and alkaline mineral water (called kammizu in Japan). It is thanks to this specific liquid that it has its own taste and culinary properties. It is because of kammizu that the noodles have their yellow color and dense structure, which does not allow them to boil in the broth. Chicken eggs are often added to the noodle dough.

Ramen noodles vary in width and thickness, and the most popular types are called:

  • thin noodles (Japanese 細麺, rH. Hosomen);
  • medium thin noodles (Japanese: 中細麺, rH. Chu hosomen);
  • medium thick noodles (Japanese: 中太麺, rH. Chubutomen);
  • thick noodles (Japanese 太麺, rH. Futomen).

Whose quality standards are considered reference, there is a clear classification of all types of noodles, which indicates their parameters (width and thickness) and names. All types of noodles are numbered from 1 to 30, the higher the number, the thinner the noodles.

The thickest Ramen noodles have the number 12. It is called Kitakata ramen (Japanese: 喜多方ラーメン, rH. Kitakata ramen) - after the name of the city in which it is made. Its width is 2.5 mm and thickness 1.88 mm.

Noodle No. 14 is called Sano ramen (Japanese: さのラーメン, rH. Sano ramen), its width is 2.14 mm and its thickness is 1.61 mm.

Noodle No. 16 is called Shirakawa ramen (Japanese: しらかわラーメン, rH. Shirakawa ramen), its width is 1.88 mm and its thickness is 1.41 mm.

Noodle No. 20 has no name - just ramen, its width is 1.5 mm and thickness 1.13 mm.

Noodle No. 22 is called medium thick noodles or Sapporo ramen (さっぽろラーメン, rH. Sapporo ramen), its width is 1.36 mm and its thickness is 1.02 mm.

Noodle No. 24 is called medium thin noodles or Tokyo ramen (Japanese: とうきょうラーメン, rH. Tokio Ramen), its width is 1.36 mm and thickness is 0.94 mm.

Noodle No. 26 is called thin noodles or Hakata ramen (Japanese: はかたラーメン, rH. Hakata ramen), its width is 1.15 mm and its thickness is 0.87 mm.


Japan is a country of traditions. Ramen soup bases (or simply broths) are divided into 4 main types. In fact, there are more of them, but the traditions are still in force.

    (Japanese: しょうゆ, rH. Shoyu) or “soy sauce”. The oldest version of the broth for Ramen soups. This is a clear brown broth that is boiled with chicken or vegetables, and less often with fish or beef. Soy sauce is generously added to it; it is this that gives the color and salt level to the broth. Soups with this broth usually use curly noodles, although this is not a dogma. Pickled bamboo shoots, green onions, kamaboko (something like crab sticks), nori, boiled eggs, bean sprouts or mung bean are used as toppings. Sometimes hot chili oil is added to the soup. Several thin slices of boiled beef or pork Cha Shao (Chinese barbecue) are placed in the broth. The noodles are usually of medium thickness.

    (Japanese しお, rH. Shio) or “salt”.
    This broth is clear, slightly yellowish, and salt is generously added to it. It is prepared using chicken, vegetables, fish and seaweed. Moreover, the combination of components and proportions are at the request of the cook. Less commonly, the broth is boiled with pork bones, but not for long, so that it does not turn out greasy. Most often, thinly sliced ​​Cha Shao pork is added to the soup, but options are also possible, for example, low-fat chicken meatballs. Pickled Japanese plums and kamaboko are most often used as toppings. For such soups, regular noodles are used - straight and thin.

    (Japanese: みそ, rH. Miso) or “miso”.
    This type of broth is relatively “young” - it reached its popularity in the mid-twentieth century. The birthplace of this version of soup is the island of Hokkaido. The broth is made with chicken or fish, or less often with pork bones, and is generously seasoned with miso soybean paste. The result is a strong, rich broth, with the characteristic taste of miso paste, slightly sweet and aromatic. It goes well with spicy bean pastes such as tobajiang. Or, alternatively, with hot chili oil. Canned corn, leeks cut into thin strips, green onions, bean sprouts (or mung beans), and finely shredded white cabbage are used as toppings. Fried minced pork is added to these soups. Season with ground white pepper, white sesame seeds and crushed garlic. The noodles usually used are curly and thick.

    (Japanese: カレ, rH. Kare) or “curry”.
    About the same age as miso broths, moreover, they are also fellow countrymen (Hokkaido island). The broth is boiled with pork bones and vegetables to make it rich and thick. Curry is used as a flavor note. This seasoning is very popular in Japan. The soup is served with thinly sliced ​​Cha Shao pork, nori seaweed, bean sprouts or mung bean. Curly and thick noodles are also used.


Many people know what the term “topping” means. These are some additional ingredients that are not included in the standard set, and they are added to the dish as desired. Most often, simply laying it on top of the dish.

In various versions of Ramen soups, a wide variety of toppings are readily used. Sometimes there are up to ten of them in one serving.

Popular toppings for Ramen soups in Japan:

  • Chashu (Japanese: チャーシュー, rH. Chāshū) is a Japanese version of the Chinese barbecue pork Cha Shao; thin slices of meat are added to the soup.
  • Wakegi (Japanese: ワケギ, rH. Wakegi) – green onions, cut into rings.
  • Nitamago (Japanese 煮玉子, rH. Nitamago) - Ramen eggs. Boiled and then marinated in a mixture of soy sauce and mirin.
  • Mamemoyashi (Japanese: まめもやし, rH. Mame moyashi) - or.
  • Memma (Japanese: メンマ, rH. Menma) – fermented.
  • Kakuni (Japanese: 角煮, rH. Kakuni) – stewed pork cubes, the method of preparation is close to the Chinese dish “Dungpo Pork”.
  • (Japanese 海苔, rH. Nori) – dried seaweed, often used in sushi.
  • Naturo-maki (Japanese: しょうゆ, rH. Naruto-maki) is a fish roll, ours are relatives of this Japanese snack.
  • Tomorokoshi (Japanese: トウモロコシ, rH. Tomorokoshi) – canned corn kernels.
  • Bata (Japanese: バター, rH. Bata) – butter.
  • (Japanese: ワカメ, rH. Wakame) – dried seaweed.
  • Beijing dakku (Japanese: 北京ダック, rH. Pekin dakku) – thin slices of Peking duck.


Ramen soups are popular and loved everywhere in Japan (and not only in Japan). There are three generally recognized regional varieties of Ramen noodles in the Land of the Rising Sun, three samurai, so to speak - Kitakata Ramen, Sapporo Ramen and Hakata Ramen.

    Ramen (Japanese: 喜多方ラーメン, rH. Kitakata ramen) - boiled noodles are poured with clear pork bone broth, flavored with soy sauce to taste, three slices of boiled lean pork, cut into strips of canned bamboo, sprinkled with green onion rings are placed in a bowl.

    Ramen (Japanese: さっぽろラーメン, rH.) is probably the most satisfying and delicious version of ramen soup. The noodles are poured with broth with the addition of miso paste, cooked on a meat or fish base. The broth turns out rich and strong. Miso paste gives the soup a recognizable taste and aroma. You can add hot seasonings to the soup, such as tobyajian bean paste or hot chili oil. Toppings are generously used - leeks, corn, nori, green onions, sesame seeds, bean sprouts, ramen boiled eggs, minced pork. In general, it’s a hearty dish, and it looks very appetizing and colorful.

    Ramen (Japanese: はかたラーメン, rH. Hakata ramen) - this soup is characterized by its fatty broth made from pork bones. Crushed garlic, pickled ginger (as for sushi), sesame seeds, pickled mustard leaves, and green onion rings are used as toppings. Several thin slices of boiled pork are added to the soup.
