DIY children's cakes for boys. How to prepare and decorate a cake for a child’s birthday: girls, boys. Delicious, simple and original recipes. How to beautifully decorate a children's cake for graduation in kindergarten or elementary school: ideas, photos

What is a holiday without guests, gifts and cake? Boring! What a holiday is all about is having fun, socializing, dancing and pampering yourself with all sorts of goodies! If you know how to bake cakes and make delicious creams, that’s already half the success. How can you decorate a cake at home?

You can decorate the cake at home using cream. To prepare it, you can use condensed milk or powdered sugar.

How to decorate a cake at home?

First of all, you need to understand the question of which cream is ideal for decorating confectionery products. There are not many of them:

  • oil;
  • protein;
  • creamy.

The base of the butter cream is butter, with a fat content of at least 82%. You can also use condensed milk or powdered sugar to prepare the cream. As for the proportions, when preparing butter cream with condensed milk, it is necessary to take into account the consistency of the milk. Very often, experienced confectioners use boiled condensed milk; it is denser and ensures the stability of the cream. To give the decor the required shade, it is more advisable to use liquid food coloring.

You can also add cocoa powder or chocolate melted in a water bath to the butter cream. This technology is ideal for decorating chocolate biscuits and cupcakes.

Protein cream is one of the capricious ones. Its preparation will require patience and endurance from you. To decorate cakes, custard protein cream is used, the preparation of which occurs in three stages:

  • Pour ¼ cup of clean water into the pan and add 6 tablespoons of sugar. Place on the fire and cook the syrup for 3-5 minutes after boiling (checking the readiness is quite easy - dip a spoon into the syrup and lift it so that the finished syrup flows down - if the thread is thick and continuous, your syrup is ready);
  • put cold 3 egg whites in a clean and dry bowl and beat with a mixer until thick white foam (to obtain stable peaks, you can add 3-4 drops of lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid);
  • Continuing to beat, pour the prepared sugar syrup into the whites in a thin stream and beat the resulting mass for another 1-2 minutes. At this stage, you can add the necessary flavors and colorings to the cream.

The finished cream is also applied to the cake using a pastry syringe and nozzles. Please note that overcooked or undercooked sugar syrup will cause the flowers and patterns from the cream to very quickly lose their shape. And overcooked syrup will add bitterness to the cream. To thicken the protein cream, you can use agar-agar (this is a natural product, safe for children and adults).

To prepare the buttercream you will need heavy confectionery cream (at least 32% fat) and powdered sugar. Cream is also a rather capricious ingredient. Before whipping, you need to cool not only them, but also the container in which you will beat the cream, as well as the mixer whisks. Taking time when whipping the cream also plays an important role; a common mistake made by novice cooks is over-whipping the cream. Cold cream is whipped with powdered sugar until stable peaks are obtained. If you doubt that the cream will not lose its shape within 12-24 hours, you can add a special thickener to it, which is sold in almost any supermarket. Buttercream can also be given any color, but the classic option for decorating cakes with cream is the white color of the cream.

How to decorate a cake at home using mastic

Today, confectionery products decorated with mastic figures are very popular. It is also worth clarifying here that there are two options for preparing mastic:

  • sugar;
  • marshmallow.

The first option is more labor-intensive, but it guarantees the stability and strength of your figures and flowers. By the way, almost every one of us has come across such figures and flowers - they are sold as decoration for Easter cakes. Sugar and marshmallow mastic are sold ready-made, but you can make them yourself.

To prepare sugar mastic you will need:

  • 80 ml water;
  • 7 g instant gelatin;
  • 15-20 g soft butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of glucose (fructose);
  • 1 kg of powdered sugar.

How to cook

Gelatin must be prepared in advance.

To do this, fill it with cold water and set aside for 30-40 minutes, then heat the mass until the gelatin is completely dissolved (but do not boil!).

Add butter and glucose to hot gelatin, stir until smooth and cool.

If you want to give the mastic any shade, then the dye must be added to the hot gelatin.

Powdered sugar is added to the mass only after complete cooling. You need to knead the mastic like dough for dumplings (sprinkle the table with powdered sugar and knead the mixture until the mastic stops absorbing the powder).

To prepare marshmallow mastic, you will need chewing marshmallows (marshmallows), powdered sugar, and a little butter. The marshmallows must be heated in the microwave or in a water bath until they increase in size by 1.5-2 times (a piece of butter must be added to the container with the marshmallows before heating). Stir the enlarged candies, add dyes and, adding powdered sugar, knead the mass to a consistency similar to plasticine. This mastic is used to cover cakes and create various figures.

Decorating the cake with shavings

Even novice pastry chefs can easily master this option for decorating a cake. To get shavings, we need to take a bar of milk chocolate and keep it in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.

Working with gloves and using a knife, we cut the shavings that curl during the work. Place the chocolate “curls” in the refrigerator until completely hardened, and then place them on the cake in any order. This decoration looks unusual and appetizing.

Stencils for decorating a cake at home

If you have an artist in your soul, then you can make a great cake decoration using a homemade stencil.

You need to take a sheet of paper with a diameter slightly larger than the cake itself, use your imagination and draw any ornament or inscription that you want to see on the confectionery product.

Then, using small scissors, carefully cut out the design along the contour. The stencil is ready! Now, holding it above the surface of the cake, sprinkle with powder, sifted cocoa or colored sprinkles, making a decoration.

You can decorate the cake with fresh or canned fruits, grated chocolate, and coconut.

Children love their birthday to be a joyful, colorful, bright and, most importantly, memorable event. Therefore, it is necessary to decorate everything brightly and beautifully, this also applies to the menu. Much attention should be paid to dessert. If a girl is planning a birthday, then it’s worth coming up with an original cake design. Of course, it can be ordered from experienced confectioners. But sometimes you can do it yourself and quite beautifully.

Birthday cake for a girl: the most interesting ideas

A cake for a girl’s birthday is considered the most important component of the holiday table. After all, children simply adore sweets, including cakes. But it is important not only that the cake is tasty and aromatic, but it must be beautifully decorated.

You can prepare the cake yourself, the main thing is to do everything correctly. If this process seems complicated to you, then you should turn to master confectioners who can prepare a real masterpiece.

They offer a wide variety of designs for these baked goods - various animals, cartoon characters, Barbie, fairies, Elsa from the cartoon "Frozen", Rapunzel, various palaces with towers, various attributes of girls - bows, hearts, cakes in the shape of berries or flowers.

But in order to make it easier to choose the appropriate option, you definitely need to look at the photo; it is best to find out in advance about your child’s wishes. What kind of cake would she like, with what characters and in what color.


Cake doll “Pink Princess”

Ingredients Quantity
for cakes: -
milk - 160 ml
eggs - 4 things.
cocoa powder - 2 large spoons
butter - 250 grams
flour - 1.5 cups
baking powder - 2.5 small spoons
granulated sugar - partial glass
for impregnation: -
cherry syrup - 4 large spoons
grapefruit juice - ½ cup
for cream: -
cream with fat content 33% - 300 ml
condensed milk - 180 ml
peaches - 2 pcs.
for cream under mastic: -
butter - 180 grams
condensed milk - 180 grams
for registration: -
food mastics - 600 grams
dye - 2 grams
confectionery beads - 50 grams
Cooking time: 300 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 280 Kcal

How we will cook:

  1. First you need to prepare a biscuit base for the future cake;
  2. Remove butter, eggs, milk from the refrigerator in advance;
  3. Place the softened butter in a bowl, add granulated sugar, and rub everything well until smooth;
  4. Next, beat in a chicken egg one at a time and mix everything vigorously, it is best to use a mixer, with it you can make an airy, perfectly mixed base;
  5. The milk should be heated until warm;
  6. Sift the flour and combine with cocoa powder and baking powder;
  7. Next, add half of the flour mixture and knead;
  8. After flour, add milk and mix well again;
  9. At the end, pour in the rest of the flour and knead the dough intensively again;
  10. For cooking, you should use two molds of different diameters - 12 cm and 20 cm;
  11. Grease the surface of the molds with oil and spread the dough;
  12. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and remove the forms with dough there;
  13. Bake everything for 1 hour;
  14. After everything is baked, remove from the oven, remove the finished cakes from the molds and leave to stand at room temperature for 8 hours;
  15. Next, cut the small cake lengthwise into three parts, and the large one into 4;
  16. Mix the juice with cherry syrup, this mixture will be needed for impregnation;
  17. We will use peaches for the layer; they should be washed and cut into thin pieces;
  18. For the cream we will use condensed milk and cream;
  19. Whip the cream with condensed milk until stable foam;
  20. Then we begin assembling the doll's skirt. We collect everything like a pyramid;
  21. Start with a large cake layer, grease it with impregnation, then with cream and lay out pieces of peaches;
  22. Then cakes of slightly smaller diameter are laid out, the edges can be slightly cut off and also greased;
  23. After the wide part is assembled, we also make the smaller upper part;
  24. A leveling cream should be made from the remaining scraps of biscuit, condensed milk, and butter;
  25. Place pieces of biscuit into a blender and grind it thoroughly;
  26. Pour the crumbs into a cup;
  27. Place the butter in a blender and also pour condensed milk into it;
  28. Beat all ingredients again until fluffy;
  29. Place biscuit crumbs into half the cream and stir;
  30. Using this mixture, level the cake on all sides;
  31. Next, grease everything with the remaining cream without the biscuit;
  32. Place the cake in a cool place for several hours;
  33. In the meantime, take the doll out of the box, wash it, wipe it with alcohol and rinse again. Wrap in cling film;
  34. The mastic should be painted in the desired shade;
  35. It is advisable to prepare various flowers from mastic and confectionery beads a day before and give them time to dry;
  36. Next, we make a bodice from decor and mastic and put it on the doll so that it sticks; the doll can be moistened with water;
  37. Next, take out the cake, make a hole in the middle with a knife and insert the doll there;
  38. Then we make an underskirt from mastic. You can make the bottom edge from white mastic, and the rest from a different color;
  39. You can also make the beginning of a skirt from white mastic at the top;
  40. Additionally, we decorate the edges of the skirt and the middle with flowers;
  41. We decorate and design the dress at our discretion and taste;
  42. Once everything is ready, the cake can be put in the refrigerator for another 1 hour.

Hello Kitty Cake

Cake ingredients:

  • 8 eggs;
  • half a kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • flour – 2 cups;
  • 2 small spoons of baking powder;
  • 130 grams of butter;
  • 2 large glasses of powdered sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanilla powder – ½ teaspoon;
  • 100 ml heavy cream;
  • dark chocolate – 50 grams;
  • various food dyes – pink, yellow.

We will cook for 2 hours, calorie content – ​​320 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. First of all, we make the biscuit base. Break the eggs and separate the whites and egg whites;
  2. Divide granulated sugar into 2 parts;
  3. Add granulated sugar to the yolks and whites;
  4. Beat the yolks and whites separately with a mixer;
  5. After this, use a large spoon to combine both mixtures;
  6. The flour must be sifted several times, add baking powder to it and mix;
  7. Then slowly pour the flour and baking powder into the egg mixture;
  8. Knead the dough intensively until a uniform structure is formed;
  9. Grease baking dishes with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs;
  10. Place the dough in the molds, making 2 cakes in total;
  11. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the molds with the base there;
  12. Bake the cakes for 30 minutes;
  13. After this, remove, cool and remove the cake from the mold;
  14. From one cake layer you should cut out the head of the cat Hello Kitty;
  15. In order to cut it out, it is better to first print out a drawing in a larger format to fit the size of the cake, attach it and carefully cut it out with a knife;
  16. Next we start preparing the cream. Place softened butter in a cup and beat vigorously with a mixer;
  17. Add powdered sugar and beat again;
  18. After this, add vanillin, salt and pour in the cream. Beat everything until it has a uniform structure;
  19. Separate a third of the cream and paint it pink;
  20. Grease the first cake with cream. We decorate the edges; to do this, use a pastry syringe with an “open or closed star” nozzle;
  21. We fill the syringe with cream and apply the cream on the sides;
  22. Place the crust in the shape of a head and place it on top of the crust;
  23. Decorate the surface and sides of the top cake with cream from a syringe;
  24. Cut out a bow from paper and put it on the top side and apply pink cream to it;
  25. We also decorate the cake with pink cream on which the cat’s head lies;
  26. Next, melt the chocolate and make eyes, a mustache and a small circle for the nose out of it;
  27. As soon as the chocolate hardens, paint the nose yellow;
  28. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Mixed candy cake

For cooking you will need the following elements:

  • various sweets or chocolates;
  • yellow and orange paper napkins;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • scotch;
  • spoke;
  • stapler;
  • glue gun.

It will take us 1-2 hours to prepare.

How to do it:

  1. You should cut out two circles from cardboard with a diameter of your choice, 20 cm would be optimal. We also cut out a strip with a width of 7 cm and a length around the perimeter of the circle;
  2. We glue all the components together using tape;
  3. We glue square candies along the perimeter of the frame;
  4. Place an orange napkin on top of the frame;
  5. Next, we also make a second tier, only with a smaller diameter - 9 cm, the width of the strip should be 4 cm;
  6. We wrap the top tier with an orange napkin and glue it on top of the bottom tier right in the center;
  7. We glue double-sided tape around the top tier and glue candies onto it along the perimeter of the frame;
  8. Next, using a knitting needle, we make decorative elements for the lower tier. We take yellow napkins, twist them halfway with a knitting needle and get beautiful frills;
  9. We place several frills on the lower tier;
  10. Next, we make flowers from napkins. To do this, fold three napkins of different colors, cut out a circle and fasten them in the middle with a stapler;
  11. We lift the top layer of napkins and form a flower, we also lift the remaining layers and make a lush flower;
  12. We make 3 more of these flowers;
  13. Place the flowers on the top base and glue them with double-sided tape;
  14. We put candies in the flowers and our cake is ready.

How to beautifully decorate a baby cake for a girl

To make the cake beautiful and bright, you need to decorate it correctly; you can use a few tips for decoration:

  • figures made of mastic. Mastic is an excellent material from which you can make various figures; you can use it to make cartoon characters, various hearts, bows, flowers;
  • You can make an inscription on the surface of the cake using protein cream and dye. You can use a pastry syringe for this;
  • Additionally, you can add raspberries, strawberries, children really love this berry;
  • Don't forget to install candles, after all, this cake is used for a birthday.
  • if you make the cake yourself, be sure to follow everything strictly according to the recipe;
  • don’t forget to decorate the baked goods beautifully so that your child remembers them for a long time;
  • It is best to use springform pans for baking; you can easily remove the cakes from them without damaging them;
  • Be sure to first ask your child what kind of birthday cake she would like and how it should be decorated, this will make your task much easier.

What master pastry chefs offer

If you want to surprise your child and choose a beautiful, bright and colorful cake for the girl, then in this case you should use the baking options offered by experienced pastry chefs. Just in the photo below you can see varieties of such baked goods intended for girls:

A girl's birthday cake should be the centerpiece of the treat because children always look forward to it. Be sure to make every effort and prepare these pastries not only very tasty, but also beautiful. And our recipes will help you cope with this task!

A delicious and beautiful cake is the main character of a children's party. It is impossible to imagine a child's birthday without it. It is the appearance of the cake on the table that the little guests, and the birthday boy himself, look forward to. Therefore, the main sweet of the holiday should be appropriately decorated so that the children would be interested not only in trying it, but also in examining it. Dessert decoration plays a very important role for children. They are more willing to try a cake in the shape of their favorite cartoon character than a regular round cake with roses.

If you order a cake from a pastry chef, he will decorate it according to your wishes, but often mothers decide to bake the cake themselves to be sure of its quality and freshness. But in this case, the mother should think about how to decorate a cake for her child’s birthday at home.

The first thing you need to decide on in the process of creating a confectionery masterpiece is its shape. Will it be a regular round product or in the shape of a heart. Or perhaps you decide to make a dessert with several tiers. It is very easy to give different shapes to sponge cakes. The sponge cake is easy to cut, can be sealed with cream, and is light enough to be layered in two or three layers. You can cut any number or letter from a biscuit using a regular kitchen knife. Here are several options for forming cakes from sponge cakes.

Now let’s look at the simplest and most popular ways to decorate a cake for a child’s birthday.

Familiar to us since childhood. This is what our mothers used to decorate cakes with. But it is also widely used by modern confectioners, because it is easy to prepare, and with its help you can create real masterpieces.

Butter cream recipe:

  • ½ stick of butter (100 grams);
  • 5 or 6 tablespoons of condensed milk. You can take either regular condensed milk or boiled one.

The butter should be soft. Mix it thoroughly with a mixer with condensed milk until you get a homogeneous mass. In fact, the cream is already ready. If desired, it can be colored with food coloring. Apply the cream using a pastry bag. And if you don’t have one at hand, then a plastic bag with a corner cut off will do.

Here are some buttercream decorating ideas.

Chocolate glaze

It is prepared like this: take cocoa, sugar and milk - all ingredients are 2 tablespoons, and 30 grams of butter. First, mix the dry ingredients, then pour milk into them and dissolve over low heat. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove it from the stove and add a piece of butter, mix thoroughly. Use the glaze while it is hot.

You can make different figures from chocolate icing. To do this, we draw figures on parchment and let them harden, after which we remove them from the paper and decorate our product. Chocolate icing makes very delicate butterflies and curls.


A favorite material among confectioners for its versatility and ease of preparation. You can sculpt almost any figure from mastic or completely cover cakes with it. There are a lot of mastic recipes. Let's take a look at a simple recipe for marshmallow mastic, which can be used to easily decorate a children's birthday cake at home. For it you will need:

  • 250 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 100 grams marshmallows;
  • 90 grams of potato starch;
  • a little lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of butter.

Mix the dry ingredients and sift thoroughly. Melt the marshmallows in a water bath, stirring constantly. Then combine marshmallows with powder and starch, pour in lemon juice. Grease your hands with oil and knead the resulting mass thoroughly. Add dyes to the finished mastic, then mix thoroughly again. After all operations, the mastic should be allowed to lie in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

To cover the cake with mastic, it is first greased with chocolate ganache, otherwise the mastic may float.

To cover the cake, roll out the mastic in a thin layer, place it on top of the cake layers, press down and trim off any excess. After this, you can start decorating with mastic figures. Here everything depends only on your imagination and ability to handle mastic. If you don’t have the skill to sculpt the figures, you can buy ready-made decorations from mastic.

coconut flakes

A decoration that does not require special preparation. The shavings are sold in stores ready for use. It comes in different colors, so you can use it to create different pictures.

This is also a pretty simple way to decorate a cake. To do this, simply grate the chocolate or make shavings using a sharp knife. Let the shavings harden thoroughly in the refrigerator and sprinkle our confectionery masterpiece with it.

A tasty and healthy decoration. Just cut the fruit into thin slices and place it beautifully on the cakes. But to make the fruits look more appetizing and not lose their appearance, there is one little secret - cover them with jelly. Mix gelatin with water and melt it in a water bath. Make sure that the jelly does not turn out too liquid. It is better to take a little less water than required in the instructions. Then we take a brush and cover the fruit with the resulting mixture, let the jelly harden in the refrigerator. Fruits in jelly look very elegant, stay fresh longer and do not fall off the cake when cutting it.

A simple but quite effective way to decorate a dessert. It is suitable for those who have very little time to decorate. First coat the cake with glaze, mastic or buttercream, which we introduced above. After that, put the jelly candies on the cake. Children really like colorful jelly figures, so they will certainly appreciate this cake.


As you can see, there are many ways to decorate a children's cake at home. And many of them are very simple to implement. And your little birthday boy will appreciate your efforts, because it’s so nice when a mother makes such beauty for her own child. Be creative and make children happy!

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Every good housewife dreams of becoming a sorceress and performing a culinary miracle for her children, preparing a delicious cake and decorating it in an original way. The more interesting the dessert looks, the more joy and delight it causes.

Cake decorations

There are many options for how to decorate a children's cake with your own hands. Simple recommendations will help you not to get confused and choose the best one:

  • It is necessary to carefully consider what the dessert will be, its composition, and appearance. You can decorate the cake with magical patterns, fabulous flowers, funny cartoon characters. With the help of edible decorative elements, you can easily turn a simple dessert into a real castle, a racing car or a sleeping dragon. When choosing the appropriate option, you need to take into account the wishes of the child.
  • It is important to assess the complexity of the project and your own strengths. It is better to try unusual ingredients, unfamiliar presentation methods, and new recipes in advance so as not to be disappointed in the taste and appearance of the finished dish.
  • You need to calculate the time required to decorate the dessert. Decorating the cake can take from 15-20 minutes to 2-3 days. The easiest and fastest way to decorate a dish is with powdered sugar, ready-made sprinkles, and grated chocolate. The most difficult and time-consuming is the design with icing.
  • It is worth considering the quantity and cost of ingredients. To create a culinary masterpiece, expensive products are often required. To decorate the dish, they use berries, fruits, nuts, jam, jelly, cream, cream, glaze, ready-made powders, cocoa, icing, powdered sugar, marzipan, mastic, marshmallows, chocolate, candies and much more. It is also better to find out in advance whether guests are allergic to any foods.
  • When choosing ingredients for decoration, it is advisable to take into account their compatibility with the cakes:
    • For biscuits, whipped cream, creams, especially butter and fruit and berry creams, boiled condensed milk and chocolate icing are good;
    • for cottage cheese and yogurt cakes, it is better to choose fresh berries, fruits and nuts, and whipped cream;
    • shortbread cake can be supplemented with protein or butter cream, jam, boiled condensed milk;
    • Puff and honey cakes are combined with boiled condensed milk and nuts.

There is no need to rush or worry when registering. Self-confidence and imagination will help you prepare a real children's cake.

Mastic, marzipan, marshmallow

Mastic, marzipan, and marshmallows are perfect for decorating a children's cake. You can sculpt from them like plasticine. The finished figures and objects are bright, realistic and children like them.

It’s easy to prepare the modeling mixture. The most labor-intensive stage of work is the creation of objects and figures. The more small details, the more subtle and complex the housewife’s work.


The base of the mastic is sifted powdered sugar. The main disadvantage of the mass is that it hardens when it dries, so ready-made decorations are more suitable for decoration than for food. In order to enjoy them, you have to chew them.

Most often, two types of mastic are used: milk and gelatin.

Dairy is easier to work with, dries slower, but has a yellowish color. To prepare, you need to take powdered sugar, powdered milk and condensed milk with sugar in equal parts. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous, plasticine-like mass is obtained. If colored mastic is needed, then the finished mass is divided into parts. Add different food coloring to each piece and knead until a uniform color is obtained.

Gelatin mastic is more difficult to prepare, but has a white color. Based on it, you can make a lot of pastel colors, such as light pink or blue. Soak 10 g of gelatin in 10 tablespoons of water for 40 minutes, then heat the swollen mass in a water bath and cool. Add 900 g of powdered sugar in small portions to the cooled gelatin and stir until smooth. If necessary, tint the mastic with dyes.

It is better to decorate the cake before serving, since during storage in the refrigerator the decorations may become saturated with moisture and fall off. Mastic is afraid of water and melts, so it needs to be placed on an additional layer-cushion of butter cream, chocolate glaze, boiled condensed milk or marzipan. This way the mass lies more evenly, dries, but remains soft.

To create jewelry, you need to roll out the mastic into a layer and sprinkle it with powder, and then cut out the necessary elements. Convenient to use stencils. If the mixture sticks to your hands, add a little powdered sugar. In order to make a three-dimensional figure, you need to tear off a piece of the required volume and sculpt it, as if from plasticine. If the decoration consists of several parts, glue the parts together by moistening them with water. Dry the finished figurine and store it in a dry place, preferably in a tightly closed box.

The picture shows how to make a rose. You can make other flowers in the same way.

If you need to cover the cake completely, then the mastic must be rolled out into a thin layer about 5 mm thick. The diameter of the workpiece is calculated by the formula: cake diameter + 2 cake heights + 5 cm spare. Cover the cake with the prepared layer, carefully smooth out first the top and then the sides of the product. Under its own weight, the mastic will stretch and the layer will become thinner. If folds appear, lift the edge of the workpiece and lower it, ironing the side surface from top to bottom. Trim the edges of the layer, trim them with a knife or scissors.

To make the mastic shine, you can cover it with a mixture of honey and vodka, taken in a 1:1 ratio.

Wrap the remaining mastic in film or parchment paper so that it does not harden. It should be stored in the freezer for no more than 2 months or in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

Video tutorial on how to decorate a cake with fondant:


Working with mastic made from marshmallows, airy marshmallows or soufflé is easier than with regular mastic. To prepare, you need to take 100 g of airy marshmallows, preferably white, add 2 tablespoons of water, heat the mass in the microwave, stirring 2-3 times. The marshmallow should increase in volume several times, but it should not be overheated and leave lumps. Remove the homogeneous mass from the oven, add 200–250 g of powdered sugar in parts and mix. It is important not to overdo it with powder so that the jewelry does not crack. It's better to add a little later. When the mastic becomes like a dense dough, wrap it in film and leave in the cold for 2 hours.

If you need colored mastic, it is better to use liquid dyes and add them at the end of the batch. Dry dye can be diluted in 2-3 drops of water and added to the mixture.

To make jewelry, the mastic must be taken out of the refrigerator, kneaded again, and added powder or starch if necessary.

Making a funny marshmallow animal is easy.


Marzipan is a mass of almonds. It is flexible, but dries quickly. In order to keep the marzipan soft, just cover it with a damp cloth or film.

You can make the mass yourself. To prepare, you need to pass one glass of peeled almonds through a meat grinder. Boil the syrup by taking 1 cup of sugar and ½ cup of water. Readiness is determined simply: if you put a little boiling syrup in cold water, it will curl into a hard ball. Mix ground almonds and syrup. Place the mixture on a table or cutting board, greased with oil, and knead with a wooden spatula until smooth. Allow the marzipan to cool and pass through a meat grinder using a fine wire rack. The mass is ready.

If the marzipan is too dry or brittle, add water and knead. If, on the contrary, it is liquid, add a little powdered sugar. To prepare the colored mass, food coloring is used.

You can roll out the marzipan into a layer and cover the cake with it. However, more often figures and objects are sculpted from the mass. The parts do not need to be glued; they stick to each other perfectly. It is recommended to place large decorations on toothpicks or skewers.

With a little patience, even a novice craftswoman can make kittens like these:

Cream and cream

Cream and cream are the most common materials for decorating a cake. They allow you to mask the joints and unevenness of the cakes, and make flat and small voluminous decorations. In addition, cream is often used to decorate shaped confectionery products. The more complex the decor, the more patience, accuracy and precision of movements are required.

The main disadvantage of such decorations is their short shelf life.


There are many different creams. Most often, oil and protein are used for decoration.

The butter cream is dense, holds its shape well, but is greasy and heavy. The main ingredient is butter. You can add sugar, powder, plain or condensed milk with sugar, eggs, and flavorings.

The easiest recipe: heat the butter to room temperature, add powdered sugar in small portions, beat the mixture until fluffy. For 50 g of oil you need to take 2 tablespoons of powder. You can add dyes. The finished mass should be cooled.

Butter cream is used to level the surface, process the sides of the cake, create edgings, flowers, and ornaments. To work, you must have a pastry syringe or bag and nozzles. The more attachments, the more complex and interesting the decorations can be made.

Protein cream is airy and plastic, but during storage it quickly settles. The main ingredient is egg white. For 2 whites you need to take 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and 3 drops of diluted citric acid. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks, pour the whites into a saucepan set on ice and beat until stiff foam is obtained. Continuing to stir, add 1/3 of all the powder in small portions. After 3 minutes the mass is ready. You need to put the remaining powder and citric acid, dyes into it, and beat.

Protein cream is often used for painting pictures, creating inscriptions, figurines of animals and birds.

From a type of protein cream, icing, you can make magical airy decorations, lace butterflies, openwork balls, magnificent crowns and much more.

The icing recipe is shown in the video:


Whipped cream is a delicious, creamy ingredient, but it quickly loses its fluffiness. As a rule, 35% fat cream is used to decorate the cake. Less fatty ones can only be used with gelatin. The cream must be heated to 80 °C and simmered for 25 minutes. Then cool to 4 °C and leave in the cold for a day. Beat the prepared cream until fluffy, increasing the speed. The temperature of the dishes, whisk, cream, and surroundings should be as low as possible. At 10 °C and above, cream does not whip well. Without stopping beating, gradually add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Cool the finished mass. For ½ cup of cream you need ½ teaspoon of powder and 1 g of vanilla sugar.

The cream will be stored longer and will not settle if you add gelatin to it. For 1 ½ cups of cream, 1 ½ tablespoons of powdered sugar and ½ teaspoon of gelatin are required. Dilute gelatin in ½ cup of cream and leave for 2 hours. Heat until the gelatin dissolves, and then cool to 40˚C. Whip the cream with powder, pour in the prepared gelatin solution, and beat again. The cream can be tinted.

It is better to apply whipped cream using a pastry syringe or envelope onto the prepared base. The cakes must first be coated with jam, chocolate or other thicker cream.

Buttercream goes well with berries and fruits.

Berries, fruits and jelly

Berries and fruits are not only beautiful, but also useful decorations. Jelly, nuts, mint leaves, etc. are often added to them.

When choosing berries and fruits, it is advisable to:

  • Take into account the child's opinion. A cake with your favorite berries and fruits will be doubly pleasant.
  • Choose fresh ingredients. They are brighter, juicier and more flavorful than frozen and canned ones.
  • Use seedless fruits.
  • Decorate the children's cake before serving. Berries and fruits are wet and release juice, so the cakes may become soggy.

In order to fix the berries and fruits, to protect the cakes from juice and moisture, the surface of the cake is often filled with jelly. The dessert looks neater and does not settle.

Making good jelly is not easy. It is necessary to rinse the granulated gelatin in cold water, strain, add non-hot water again and leave for 2 hours. Then add sugar and citric acid. Put gelatin on the fire, boil, skim off the foam. Cook, stirring, over low heat for about 5 minutes. Cool to 50˚C. If necessary, add dyes and flavors.

Pour the jelly into molds or plates; its thickness should be about 1 cm. Cut the frozen jelly into pieces and decorate the cake with them.

If you need one large layer for decoration, then the jelly should be poured into the mold in which the cakes were baked. It must first be covered with cling film. The thickness of the jelly should be about 3 mm. Remove the frozen layer along with the film, which should then be removed, and the jelly should be placed on the cake.

Chocolate and candy

It is impossible to describe all the children's cakes decorated with mastic, cream, fruit, etc. However, one cannot help but highlight desserts decorated with chocolate and other sweets.

For decoration, chocolate, sweets, most often dragees, special powders, marmalade, and cookies are used. You can lay out intricate patterns and designs, sprinkle the top, and cover the sides of the dessert. Do not use hard ingredients, with nuts inside, candies, or grilled meats.

Chocolate decorations look interesting. You can use whole small chocolate bars, wedges, grate bars, make shavings, hot chocolate designs such as lettering, swirls, waves, flowers, butterflies and more.

To prepare hot chocolate, you need to break the bar into pieces and melt it in a non-boiling water bath. Pour the finished mixture into an envelope or syringe. The smaller the hole in the nozzle, the thinner and airier the decoration will be.

Find a suitable drawing, cover it with film, tracing paper or parchment. Carefully trace the contours of the picture with chocolate. Leave the drawing in a cool place. Remove the cooled decoration from the film and decorate the cake.

In the video you can see how to make a butterfly from chocolate:

Interesting lesson on making chocolate leaves:

You can choose an easier way to create jewelry. To do this, you need to pour hot chocolate onto a plate (layer thickness no more than 3 mm) and cut out the necessary figures using molds.

Cake is an important part of any children's party. If you choose a homemade dessert, you also ensure your own quality control of ingredients and freshness. To make the holiday a success, you need to think about how to decorate a children's cake so that it looks tempting, appetizing and interesting for kids.

For a little or big princess, a cake is a dream of a fairy tale, and each has her own.

  • Your little one will be delighted with a bright dessert with characters from her favorite cartoons, with a flower and berry theme, or an elegantly airy design made of sweet lace and beads.
  • A cake with a real doll will make an unforgettable impression. A luxurious crinoline dress is made from several sponge cakes and multi-colored cream. The doll will need "underwear" made of cling film in order to fit it into the hole in the sponge without any problems. A beautiful children's cake and a doll as a gift are double joy for the birthday girl.
  • An older girl may have interesting hobbies that need to be explored when decorating the dessert. For example, sculpt your favorite guitar or sports cups for a champion out of mastic.

Dessert decoration for a boy's birthday

A cake for your son would not be complete without cars, a sports theme, pirates or dinosaurs.

  • It is important to take into account the interests and hobbies of the child; this is not a problem for a loving and attentive mother. A child's hobby is the best theme for decorating a cake.
  • Cartoon characters drawn or made from mastic are received with a bang.
  • Restless boys are always happy to see a colorful candy bar. You can treat yourself to a treat on the go without interrupting the game. Small cupcakes that can be eaten without getting dirty decorate just as effectively as a large cake.

How to decorate a children's New Year's cake

A New Year's cake should be not only tasty, not just beautiful, but also magically amazing.

In fairy tales, things often seem different from what they really are. Therefore, the cake can be turned into a Christmas tree, pine cone, snowman, gift box and so on.

  • You can “build” an ice palace with biscuit towers, decorate it with a thin web of frost from icing and snowdrifts of whipped cream.
  • The simplest round cake will be transformed by festive attributes made from mastic or cream: Christmas tree branches, toys, red caps of Christmas gnomes, decorative socks for gifts, etc.
  • The “ice pattern” technique will fit well into the New Year’s theme. You can draw individual snowflakes, or wrap the entire cake in a snow web of icing.

Decorating a cake for a child with your own hands is not difficult, especially if you do it together. Children will be happy to create their own fantasy characters for the holiday dessert.

Using cream

The most traditional way to decorate a cake. The cream is deposited from a pastry bag with various attachments that regulate the width and shape of the “sausage” of cream. By moving the nozzle, this “sausage” can be flattened into petals and leaves, created waves or frequent teeth, and so on. The thinnest nozzle is used to make inscriptions.

The success of everything is determined by the quality of the cream. It should be the perfect consistency so that it does not spread or fall out of the nozzle in lumps.

The most convenient way to work:

  • butter cream – butter and boiled condensed milk (2:1), vanilla extract;
  • whipped cream with cocoa, vanilla, cream cheese and so on;
  • protein cream - whipped egg whites and hot sugar syrup with lemon juice;
  • ganache – chocolate and butter (2:1).

Creams can be combined. For example, chocolate ganache will serve as an excellent background for inscriptions and flower arrangements made from any other cream.

Pastry tricks:

  1. You can apply light markings to the cake using a pastry stack so you don't make any mistakes when creating the pattern.
  2. The cold cream pattern is clearer and more durable.
  3. Elements made from warm cream acquire a slight gloss.
  4. When completing the line, make a sharp movement with the nozzle in the opposite direction to remove the elongated “tongue” of the cream.

How to decorate a children's cake with fondant

Sweet multi-colored modeling mass will allow you to realize all artistic ideas, but will require accuracy and practice. To evenly cover the cake and decorate it with filigree flowers, you will have to practice a little on simple elements.


  • 160 g powdered sugar;
  • 200 ml condensed milk;
  • 160 g milk powder;
  • gel dyes.

The mastic is kneaded like regular dough, plastic and pliable. To make it soft, add a few drops of lemon juice.

For work, a special iron and a regular rolling pin are used. Small parts can be flattened with a small smooth object of a convenient shape. Dust the table surface when working with powdered sugar or starch.

  1. The base of the cake is collected in a ring and carefully leveled with cream. Butter creams or chocolate ganache are suitable for this purpose, regardless of what kind of cream the cakes are layered with.
  2. To cover it, roll out a round sheet corresponding to the diameter of the cake plus two of its heights.
  3. The mastic cake is wrapped around a rolling pin and transferred to the cake. Smoothing begins from the center of the top cake to the edges and to the bottom. The excess is cut off or decorated in the form of a frill.
  4. The figures are molded as if from plasticine. To attach small parts, recesses are made under them using a toothpick, and the parts themselves are sculpted with a “leg” that is inserted into the recess.
  5. To create flowers, a large number of petals are cut out from a template. For realism, you can apply relief to them, thin and curve the edges, and so on.

Puffed meringues for decoration

The cake is effectively decorated with egg white meringues. Weightless crispy delicacies can be painted in bright colors or use the usual white version, turning the dessert into an airy “cloud”.


  • three proteins;
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 10 g vanilla extract;
  • 5 g citric acid.

For children's desserts, you need to choose safe, high-quality, proven food colors.

Gel and powder mix with protein equally well, but with the former, the meringues turn out a little sticky.

  1. Beat the whites in a mixer first with citric acid and salt, gradually add all the powder.
  2. Add vanilla extract and beat for at least 3 more minutes until peaks are sharp, stiff and shiny.
  3. Divide the mixture into portions and add coloring.
  4. Mix thoroughly and transfer to pastry bags.
  5. You can experiment with attachments to get meringues with different textures.
  6. Place the mixture in small portions at a distance from each other on baking parchment.
  7. Dry at 90 ºС from an hour to an hour and a half, depending on the size.

Do not overheat the meringues - a dark crust may appear on the bottom. In addition, at high temperatures the dye is destroyed. Remove portions from the baking sheet when completely cooled.

Using icing

A voluminous “ice pattern” of frozen sugar and protein mass turns the dessert into a lacy miracle. Using this technique, you can create plates of elegant ornaments in any style, individual 2D and 3D elements, and three-dimensional figures practically drawn in the air.

Ingredients for the “magic” mixture:

  • white of one egg;
  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

The main issue is related to the safety of the mixture for children's menus. Egg whites do not undergo heat treatment and are used almost raw.

To prevent possible problems, a fresh egg is dipped in a concentrated soda solution for half an hour.

After this, the shell is wiped dry and broken, preventing fragments from getting into the protein.

  1. Gently whisking the egg whites, sift the powder into it. Achieve a uniform viscous consistency.
  2. Lemon juice is added for a pleasant taste. In addition, if food coloring is added to the icing, the acid will help blend the tones evenly.
  3. The paste must be beaten with a mixer for at least five minutes so that it acquires the necessary elasticity and begins to stretch into soft threads.
  4. Icing should not come into contact with air so as not to dry out prematurely. The mixture is immediately transferred to a cornet and used or stored for storage, covered “in contact” with cling film.
  5. The patterns are applied to a flat surface covered with cling film and dried. On a convex base, you can draw 3D fragments, for example, a butterfly with curved wings, a crown, etc. Three-dimensional figures, such as a carriage or an umbrella, are created gradually, tier by tier. To form openwork balloons, the protein mass is applied to the surface of the balloon.

Fruit decoration

The brightest and most useful decoration is fruit. For decoration, use fresh, canned and stewed fruit slices and berries in syrup.

Secrets of a successful “still life”:

  1. Fruits must be perfectly beautiful, ripe, without seeds.
  2. The decorative parts should be dry: the syrup and juice should be drained if possible, and the fruits themselves should be lightly powdered with starch.
  3. Fruits can be beautifully cut, dipped in melted chocolate, sprinkled with powdered sugar or cinnamon.
  4. You can make roses from apple and orange slices poached in syrup.
  5. Multi-colored fruit slices are used as a mosaic, creating wonderful figures and pictures. For strength, they can be filled with colorless jelly.
  6. You can add candies, small cupcakes, Whoopie Pie cakes, nuts, mint leaves, etc. to the berries and fruits.

It is not advisable to store a cake decorated with fruit for more than two days.

In the pre-holiday bustle, creating castles in the air from icing or multi-component panoramas and still lifes from mastic can require an inordinate amount of time. It is necessary to correctly calculate your strength. All decorative details must be impeccably neat and harmoniously selected. The approximate design and some elements of cake decoration, such as chocolate figures, need to be prepared in advance to speed up the assembly stage at least a little.
