What is a chocolate face mask good for? A chocolate face mask is the perfect skin tonic. Rejuvenating mask with chocolate, olive oil and yolk

How difficult it is to deny yourself such a pleasure as chocolate, but consuming it leaves your skin covered with imperfections and your figure heavier. At the same time, chocolate can have a reverse effect on both the face and the contours of the body if it is not consumed internally, but used as a cosmetic product.

The original use of this aromatic delicacy will appeal to every representative of the fair sex, because, in addition to its excellent rejuvenating and firming properties, chocolate during the procedure brings a lot of incomparable pleasure.

Magic cocoa beans guard your beauty!

The main active ingredient in chocolate is, so it is worth considering in detail exactly its effect on the skin of the face and body.

Cocoa is one of the foods that is especially rich in antioxidants, which in turn neutralize free radicals and improve blood circulation in skin cells. Regular use of chocolate face masks helps improve complexion and create a healthy glow. In addition, cocoa beans saturate cells with minerals and vitamins, due to which the tone and turgor of the skin increase, and facial contours become clearer.

Not every candy can rejuvenate you: we recommend using chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa.

15 minutes of pleasure: chocolate face mask at home

Before applying a chocolate face mask to the surface of the skin, we recommend conducting an allergy test. As you know, chocolate is a strong allergenic product that can manifest its undesirable properties not only when ingested, but also during a beauty procedure. Agree that skin itching, redness and rash are not at all the results you should strive for.

Now let's begin the process of preparing a chocolate face mask. We will need a bowl, a flat synthetic bristle brush, ground coffee (or facial peeling) and follow the rules below:

  1. select the main active component of the mask. Give preference to chocolate that contains more than 75% cocoa;
  2. prepare your facial skin for the procedure. Apply a scrub of ground coffee beans to the surface of the skin and gently massage in circular movements over the face;
  3. melt the chocolate. One face mask requires half a bar of chocolate or two tablespoons of cocoa powder. Following the recipe, add all the necessary ingredients and mix the mass thoroughly;
  4. Apply the composition along the massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth;
  5. keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Clean your face with wet wipes or warm running water;
  6. complete the procedure with a cream for your skin type.

Melted chocolate will benefit from adding different ingredients to it: a lot depends on the problem that you want to solve with the help of a face mask. In most cases, chocolate or cocoa is mixed with oils, fruit pulp, clay, as well as honey and dairy products.

Dark chocolate mask

With this mask you can restore cell membranes and speed up blood circulation. It is especially useful to do it in the cold season, because a dark chocolate mask improves the protective properties of the dermis.

  • Dark chocolate – 25 g
  • Green coffee oil – 8 ml
  • Starch - 7 g

Melt the chocolate in a water bath until it becomes paste-like, add butter and starch. Distribute the mask over the cleansed face towards the lymph nodes. After 25 minutes, wash off the mask with a contrast wash.

Chocolate mask for normal skin

Protects against negative environmental factors, maintains optimal acid-base balance, supplies the skin with useful substances, and improves appearance.

  • Dark chocolate – 50 g
  • Melon, apricot, pear or peach pulp - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mix melted chocolate with fruit pulp and apply to the skin in an even layer for 15-20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Chocolate mask for oily or combination skin

Eliminates oily shine, tightens pores, normalizes cellular metabolism, and actively affects the sweat and sebaceous glands.

  • Melted chocolate - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Orange juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix chocolate with juice and apply to cleansed skin. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Cocoa powder mask

Cocoa will help rejuvenate the dermis, improve complexion, smooth out scars and folds.

  • Cocoa – 16 g
  • Dark chocolate – 18 g
  • Avocado pulp

Peel the avocado, remove the pit and grind in a blender. Add cocoa to the melted chocolate and mix thoroughly. Add avocado. Pre-steam your facial skin, then apply the mask in a thick layer for half an hour. Rinse with warm water (preferably mineral water) with the addition of coconut oil.

Milk chocolate mask

  • Milk chocolate – 18 g
  • Cottage cheese – 15 g
  • Cinnamon
  • Patchouli essential oil

Grind the cottage cheese and chocolate in a blender, add a little tea for a more plastic consistency. Add some essential oil and cinnamon. Apply the mask for 18 minutes, rinse with water or herbal decoction of thyme and chamomile.

White chocolate and honey mask

The mask is perfect for combination and normal skin. Well tones and moisturizes. However, it may not be suitable for allergy sufferers. Therefore, it is better to test it before applying.

  • White chocolate – 25 g
  • Honey – 8 g
  • Perga (bee pollen) – 2 g

Melt honey and chocolate in a water bath, mix thoroughly and add bee bread. Apply the mask to cleansed skin. After complete drying, the mask can be removed.

Chocolate mask with olive oil and calendula

Suitable for dehydrated dermis. Tightens and improves skin turgor, restores lipid metabolism of cells and removes toxins.

  • Chocolate – 18 g
  • Olive oil – 7 ml
  • Calendula flowers – 3 g

Grind dried calendula flowers in a coffee grinder and combine them with olive oil and melted chocolate. Steam your facial skin, apply the mask and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm green tea.

Chocolate mask with strawberries

Suitable for oily skin. Helps tighten pores, even out tone, reduces subcutaneous sebum production and gives skin a healthier appearance.

  • Dark chocolate – 18 g
  • Strawberries - 5 medium berries
  • Rye flour - 7 g

Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and grind in a mortar along with strawberries, add flour. Apply the mask to pre-steamed skin for 10-12 minutes. Rinse with warm water at room temperature and tangerine essential oil.

Mask with chocolate and mint

Suitable for problem skin. Reduces pigmentation, activates blood circulation, stops the spread of infection.

  • Milk chocolate – 14 g
  • Mint - 5-6 leaves
  • Cosmetic clay – 16 g
  • Peppermint essential oil

Crush the chocolate in a mortar with mint leaves, add clay and oil. If required, dilute with mineral water to achieve the desired consistency. Wipe the skin with the herbal infusion and spread the mask for 7-8 minutes. After removing the mask, apply zinc ointment to existing inflammations.

Orange-chocolate mask

Used for acne, redness and pimples.

  • Chocolate – 8 g
  • Sour cream (10%) – 15 g
  • Lemongrass or sandalwood essential oil

Whisk the sour cream, add melted chocolate and essential oil. Clean your face with cosmetic milk and apply the mask in circular movements for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask with chocolate and cream

Prevents the appearance of uneven pigmentation, prevents the appearance of wrinkles from the action of ultraviolet rays. Helps restore skin's moisture balance and elasticity.

  • Dark chocolate – 20 g
  • Cream - 15 ml
  • Spirulina – 1 tablet

Crush the spirulina and pour in warm cream. Add warm chocolate. Stir thoroughly. Use white clay to cleanse your face. Apply the mask from the chin to the cheekbones, then to the forehead. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse off.

Chocolate anti-wrinkle mask

The name of the mask speaks for itself. The effect is noticeable after the first use. The mask deeply nourishes the skin and prevents the formation of new wrinkles.

  • Dark chocolate – 24 g
  • Laminaria – 18 g
  • Almond oil – 6 ml

Pour dry seaweed powder into warm milk. After an hour, add melted chocolate and butter. Apply the mask along the massage lines for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturize the skin with coconut oil.

Dessert for hair

No less popular is the chocolate mask, which activates blood circulation in the scalp, thereby restoring strength and thickness to the hair. It is enough to use a chocolate hair mask once a week to subsequently become the owner of a chic head of hair.

Below is an easy and easy mask recipe that is suitable for any hair type: melt 100 grams of dark chocolate in a water bath, add a blended banana, a couple of tablespoons of honey and milk. Apply the composition to the scalp and hair, wrap with cling film and wrap with a towel. Keep the mask on for an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Chocolate baths and wraps for the elite

If you have been struggling for a long time and unsuccessfully with extra centimeters on your waist and “orange peel” on your hips, then it’s time to resort to a chocolate body mask. By using a dark chocolate mask for wraps and baths, you will trigger collagen synthesis, fill your skin with nutrients and enjoy the relaxing effect of the cosmetic procedure.

To achieve smooth, beautiful and silky body skin, you will need at least 5-7 sessions of chocolate wraps. The following chocolate body mask is especially effective and useful: mix 250 grams of cocoa with a bag of dried ginger, olive oil and a couple of tablespoons of white or blue clay. Keep the resulting mixture on problem areas of the body for 15 minutes, then rinse it off.

And finally: the above recipes for chocolate masks for the face, hair and body are simple to implement, but very effective - you can see the effect of them in the mirror the very next day, and regular use will only strengthen and consolidate the previously achieved result.

Chocolate. Our reliable savior from depression and sad mood. Our experienced partner when watching TV series. We will not now reveal the greatest secret of the Cosmos, how a woman with one hundred grams of this joy can gain two kilos. We will reveal another secret of chocolate - its ability in facial care at home.

The benefits of masks

This delicacy can help the skin restore cell membranes, tighten it, remove fine wrinkles and simply turn it into a dream!

  • Moisten dry as much as possible
  • Return flabby to a full life
  • Give a boost of energy to the tired
  • Gently calm the problematic

Chocolate will be a great friend to normal and... But a chocolate face mask for oily skin additionally requires some ingredients that will help remove excess shine and dry it out.

You know that this sweetness is a powerful barrier to free radicals that undermine our body from the inside. A chocolate face mask can slow down the aging process and has anti-stress properties. Filled with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, skin simply radiates freshness and radiance. After all, it contains not only cocoa beans.

Healthy Ingredients

Vitamins(riboflavin, thiamine, niacin). Small wrinkles disappear, the face becomes fresh, clean, toned.

Caffeine. A well-deserved antioxidant and natural energy booster, it fulfills the dream of eternal youth. Prevents swelling, stimulates fat breakdown, normalizes lymph flow.

Amino acids(tryptophan, phenylalanine). Guardians of the face, they protect it from the effects of adverse external factors. Enrich the skin with oxygen and improve blood flow.

Tannins. Little doctors who, without rest, treat the skin, heal microcracks, and restore texture.

Lecithin. Awakens the natural protective qualities of the body, which sometimes sleep.

Pectin. With characteristic pedantry, it cleanses the skin in the deepest layers, at the cellular level.

Anandamide. Loves peace and relaxation. Willingly pass on his skills to the epidermis of the face.

Glucose and vanilla. The sweet couple will invite skin cells into the world of tenderness, youth and purity.

Microelements(iron, magnesium, copper). Alarm ions activate lazy vitamins, monitor their work and complete it only when the entire skin begins to function normally.

We are in danger! But only if you know that you have such a sin as a tendency to allergic reactions to chocolate. This sweetness can act as a dangerous allergen.

Cooking at home

We should have a bowl for the mask, a brush or cotton pads, and ground coffee beans (for peeling) on ​​hand. You also need to find within yourself faith in magic and anticipation of a miracle.

  1. Choosing chocolate. Usually a face mask is prepared from dark chocolate (where cocoa content is above 50%). If you want, try natural cocoa butter or powder (exceptionally pure, without additives).
  2. Preparing your face. Before the procedure, we will thoroughly clean it. If you are lazy, you may be in for a surprise in the form of uneven spots after the mask.
  3. Melting chocolate in a water bath. Inhaling the wonderful aroma, we prepare for the upcoming procedure. One chocolate face mask requires about 50-60 grams (half a bar) or 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder (diluted with hot water). Add the necessary ingredients (according to the recipe) and mix.
  4. We apply. Gently, along the massage lines, touching the décolleté area. But we don’t touch the area of ​​the eyes and mouth. A dark chocolate mask retains heat well, be sure to cool it to a comfortable temperature.
  5. We hold. And we eat, but not from the face, of course. In general, you need to eat chocolate more often. The mask time is 20-25 minutes. Then we clean our face with warm water or wet wipes. Let's complete the procedure by applying a nourishing cream.
  6. We admire. Clear skin with a light tan. With your face shining with tenderness, touch it, feel the velvety of the skin. Indeed, there is no more sincere love in the world than the love of chocolate.

Best Recipes

For combination skin

  • Vitamin. Add 1 tbsp to melted chocolate. a spoonful of fruit pulp (watermelon, kiwi, melon, pear, raspberry and strawberry are especially good).
  • With clay. Add a small amount and 1 teaspoon of natural lemon juice into the chocolate mass.

For dry skin

  • Smetannaya. Mix sour cream (1 tablespoon) and chicken egg yolk into liquid chocolate (this mask requires milk).
  • Olive. Mix the chocolate mass with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

For shiny, oily skin

  • Oatmeal. Make a base of cocoa powder, add 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal and dilute the mixture with kefir or yogurt.
  • Fruity. Mix melted chocolate with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the pulp of sour fruits or berries (cherries, apples, cranberries, red currants are suitable).

For normal skin

  • With clay. Add 2 teaspoons of oatmeal flakes and white clay to liquid chocolate. Dilute a little with green tea.
  • Apple. Finely grate the sweet apple and 1 tbsp. Add a spoonful of apple mixture to the chocolate mixture.

For aging skin

  • Honey. Mix the base for the mask with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tbsp. spoon of aloe juice.
  • Oatmeal. Add 1 tbsp to melted chocolate. spoon of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of honey. Dilute the mixture a little with milk or cream.

We hope that a chocolate mask at home will not only turn your face into a tender fairy tale, but will also turn you into those people, “ in which even the black and white stripes of life are made of chocolate“, as one of our compatriots said. Sweet treatments!

Many of us love sweets. Despite the fact that they are very high in calories, such products can also bring benefits. A chocolate face mask is a great way to preserve your youth and protect your skin from premature aging. Women all over the world choose this delicacy, as a few pieces of chocolate a day will relieve stress and lift their spirits.

Chocolate mask is a procedure that most beauty salons offer their clients. But you can make it at home.


This face mask is completely natural. It is widely popular due to its many advantages:

  • easy to prepare;
  • helps strengthen blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • has a tonic effect.


The chocolate mask consists of antioxidants that are easily absorbed by our body, vitamins A, B, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, caffeine. They strengthen bones and teeth. Chocolate has a positive effect on brain function.

Chocolate masks are not only delicious - they make the skin better, normalize the body's metabolism, and rejuvenate its cells. This is the first aid to relieve the effects of fatigue and stressful situations on the face.

Such compositions are used to smooth and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

High quality tiles contain tannins, which kill bacteria in the oral cavity and prevent plaque from forming.

The stearic acids included in the composition will cleanse blood vessels, phenols will strengthen the body's circulatory system, reduce the risk of vasoconstriction and blood clotting in the heart.

Choose bars with a high cocoa content, they will increase your body's ability to absorb sugar, improve mental abilities and memory.

A dark chocolate mask is an excellent remedy for preventing colds.


Making such a mask is not difficult at home. This way, you will be able to moisturize your skin, keep it velvety, firm and elastic, without spending as much money as if you went to a beauty salon.

The main advantage of the mask is that you are always sure that you are using a natural, environmentally friendly product.

Remember that when creating and using such compositions, you must first make sure that they will not cause you allergic reactions.

Not every tile is suitable for making a mask. When purchasing, you must choose a product that does not contain sugar, flavors, or preservatives. It should contain a high percentage of cocoa - the main component of homemade cosmetics.

Chocolate masks can be used for every skin type. Any composition begins by melting a bar of good dark chocolate in a water bath, stirring the mixture constantly and preventing it from overheating. When it is completely melted, add the ingredients according to the chosen recipe. Mix everything thoroughly and for a long time and apply a mask cooled to 25 ° C on the face, neck, and décolleté. The movements should be massage. The skin is pre-cleaned, otherwise it will not be able to absorb all the beneficial microelements and vitamins.

Whatever composition the mask has, it must be removed with cool mineral water after 15-20 minutes.

You can adjust the amount of a particular ingredient yourself, taking into account its effect on your skin.

We offer proven recipes for masks prepared at home.

Normal skin


  • main ingredient – ​​30 g;
  • natural honey – 10 g;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice – 15 ml.

Melt the first two components together in a water bath. Add juice to them, mix everything thoroughly.


  • melted tiles – 50 g;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.


  • melted chocolate – 30 g;
  • raspberries – 20 g.

Mash the last ingredient with a spoon. Mix all.


  • melon – 20 g (grate);
  • main ingredient – ​​30 g (heat in a water bath);
  • almond oil – 5-6 drops.

Dry skin

  • Grate the tile (20 g). Add a chicken egg (1 pc.), lavender oil (6-7 drops). Mix the mask thoroughly.
  • Or another recipe: melt 50 g of chocolate, add 5-6 drops of olive and lavender oils.
  • Melted chocolate mixed with oatmeal and a few drops of almond oil will also help to moisturize such skin.
  • Chocolate (20 g) in combination with strawberries (10 g) and sour cream (10 g) will also transform you.

For oily skin

Or melted tiles (20 g) are mixed with white clay (it can be purchased at a cosmetic store or pharmacy), a small amount of milk and 1 drop of olive oil are added.

A mask containing chamomile infusion and a small amount of orange juice will help remove oily shine.

A chocolate mask will only give results if you do it regularly and in accordance with the recommendations for use. In this case, within a few weeks your skin will be completely transformed, regaining its firmness and elasticity.

Cosmetics prepared by yourself will bring you a lot of positivity and change your idea of ​​truly healthy self-care.

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By secret

Face younger in just 11 days!

Even at 40 you can look 21 if you put it on your face at night...

Beauties and fashionistas have long realized that chocolate is good for the skin. The leader in the content of vitamins and microelements that easily penetrate the skin is dark dark chocolate. With it you can significantly transform your skin even at home.

Today's site website will share wonderful recipes for chocolate masks.

The magic of chocolate masks for skin

Dark chocolate consists of grated cocoa beans, cocoa butter and contains more than 300 different valuable substances that are beneficial to our body, including the skin:

  • Amino acids;
  • Minerals (Magnesium, iron, calcium);
  • Tannin;
  • Specific tonic substances, for example dopamine, serotonin;
  • Organic acids;
  • Caffeine;
  • Lecithin;

It is known that skin cells and nerve cells have a strong relationship. Therefore, lecithin, which is beneficial for the nervous system and is part of chocolate, is also beneficial for the skin. This substance is heavily consumed by the body in moments of emotional overload. Chocolate masks can compensate for its deficiency.

The toning and skin-healthy composition makes it possible to successfully use chocolate in cosmetology. Cocoa butter restores radiance and velvety smoothness to the skin. In addition, chocolate has a healing effect on small wounds and suppresses inflammatory processes in the skin.

How to choose chocolate for beauty

If you choose chocolate for beauty and health, then you need to take dark dark chocolate. It contains a lot of grated cocoa and a minimal amount of sugar. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, it is worth reading the composition; bars that contain anything else instead of cocoa butter are not chocolate. Replacing cocoa butter with other confectionery oils makes the product cheaper. But, like a real product, it will not melt either in the mouth or in a water bath. Even if you have checked the expiration date of the product, sometimes you can come across chocolate with a white coating. He speaks of a violation of the temperature regime for storing the product. This type of chocolate is also not recommended for use.

Pay attention to the cocoa content, it should be as high as possible, at least 65%, ideally 99%. Also in making masks, good chocolate can be seen with cocoa powder.

Rules for chocolate masks

  1. You can use melted pure chocolate in masks without adding any additional ingredients. But, you can also enrich the composition with other useful ingredients, depending on your skin type and its condition.
  2. Masks are applied to thoroughly cleansed skin; there is no need to apply them before leaving the house in bright sunlight.
  3. The masks are kept on the skin for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water and a moisturizer is applied to the skin.
  4. The mask is applied along massage lines, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  5. If you are using cocoa powder, add hot water until creamy.

How to make a chocolate face mask

  • For a mask, 60 g is enough. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  • Before use, melted chocolate is allowed to cool slightly to a warm state that is pleasant to the skin.
  • The remaining ingredients specified in the recipe are added to the slightly cooled chocolate, or the chocolate is applied in its pure form.
  • The mixture is mixed until smooth and applied to the face, ignoring the skin around the mouth and eyes. Application takes place along massage lines.

Chocolate mask recipes

Chocolate mask – freshness of the skin

Skin types: dry or sensitive.

  • Bitter dark chocolate melted in a water bath - 30 gr.
  • Natural honey - 1 teaspoon.
  • Coconut milk - 1 tablespoon.

The cooled homogeneous mass is applied to clean skin and left for 20 minutes. As a result of use, red, inflamed areas of the skin fade, the face gains radiance and smoothness.

Mask – rejuvenation

Skin types: dry, combination.

  • Melted chocolate 40g.
  • Oatmeal from flakes, ground in a coffee grinder - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon.

Apply to the face, neck and décolleté area using massage movements. Keep for 20 minutes. As a result, the skin regains its elasticity, the main effect of the mask is to increase tone.

Mask – chocolate cleansing

Skin types: problematic, oily.

  • Cocoa powder teaspoon.
  • Turmeric ½ teaspoon.
  • Cinnamon ½ teaspoon.
  • Peach oil teaspoon.

To apply, you need to give the mixture a creamy state. Apply with massaging movements. Keep for 15 minutes. Spices accelerate blood circulation, and, consequently, the flow of nutrients into the skin.

Universal composition

Skin type: combination, normal.

  • 60 gr. melted chocolate in a water bath.
  • Peach or sesame, sesame or olive, sunflower or apricot oil - a teaspoon.

Apply for 10 minutes, gives the skin radiance.

Cocoa powder mask

Skin type: any.

A tablespoon of cocoa and boiled water are combined into a creamy mass. Keep on skin for ten minutes. A regenerating and toning effect is achieved.

Video recipe

Have you tried making chocolate face masks at home? Share in the comments!

Recipes for chocolate face masks with various ingredients, as well as what effect you can get.

Many women prefer not to buy face masks, but to make them themselves from regular food products. A chocolate face mask is considered popular; it is very easy and quick to prepare at home. The effectiveness of such masks is colossal!

Benefits of a chocolate face mask

Chocolate contains a large amount - this determines its value in facial skin care. Thanks to chocolate masks, the structure of the skin improves, cells become stronger, elasticity appears, and signs of aging become less pronounced. The risk of skin diseases is significantly reduced and the ability to recover is increased. Work is activated, toxins are quickly removed and cleansed. Metabolism improves. Proper use allows the components to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles.

The benefits of chocolate masks have been determined:

  • bactericidal effect;
  • enrichment with vitamins and minerals of natural origin;
  • Thanks to the substances that make up chocolate, cells receive energy, muscles relax, which allows the skin to rest;
  • resistance to damage increases.

Constant application of such products allows you to tighten the skin, give it a natural shade, and a rejuvenation effect occurs.

Note! Chocolate is often replaced with cocoa powder, but the effectiveness of such products is slightly lower than using dark chocolate.

Mask recipes

When deciding to prepare a restorative, cleansing product at home, it is important to follow the preparation rules. Use exclusively fresh ingredients, and apply masks no more often than recommended. It is necessary to determine the structure of the facial skin and prepare only “recommended” masks. The main indications for use are: signs of aging, sagging skin, unhealthy complexion, swelling, inflammation, dryness.

Dark chocolate mask

In winter, dark chocolate masks with 70% (or higher) cocoa bean content can increase the protective functions of the dermis. Take about 50 grams of the main ingredient (dark chocolate) and melt the product in a water bath. Add 16 ml of green coffee oil, 14 g of potato starch. After cleaning the face of impurities and wiping it well, apply a thin layer of the resulting product. Leave for no more than 25 minutes, rinse with warm water. For ease of application, use a soft brush.

Rejuvenating mask with chocolate, olive oil and yolk

To prepare an anti-aging product, combine a tablespoon of dark chocolate melted in a water bath, a teaspoon of olive oil (warm), a teaspoon of honey and a chicken egg yolk. Mix everything well and apply to a clean face. Leave for no more than 10 minutes and wash off.

Milk chocolate mask for rosacea

With age, it often begins to appear on the face. The reason is hidden in the disruption of blood microcirculation, which is provoked by the fragility and expansion of small vessels, high sensitivity. Using masks made with milk chocolate, this phenomenon can be easily eliminated without any special treatment.

Combine 36 g of milk chocolate with 30 g of cottage cheese, grind using a blender as best as possible. Add literally a teaspoon of strongly brewed tea to make the mass more uniform and soft. Add a pinch of cinnamon and a teaspoon of patchouli oil. Apply this product for no more than 20 minutes, after which it is removed. The product will help get rid of uneven pigmentation, nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, reduces sensitivity and the risk of the occurrence and further spread of rosacea.

With chocolate and olive oil, for dry skin

Chocolate oil with olive oil helps improve the condition of dry skin. Add 14 g of olive oil to 36 g of melted chocolate mass and stir. In principle, the care product is ready, but if desired, you can add 6 grams of crushed flowers.

The product is applied to steamed skin, for example, after a bath. They try not to treat the eyelid area. A quarter of an hour after application, wash off with warm green tea. Even the field of the first procedure changes will be clearly visible.

With chocolate and honey for combination skin

For normal and combination types, it is advisable to use chocolate masks made with the addition of honey (any kind). The product tones, nourishes, restores, and moisturizes.

Melt 50 grams of white chocolate, add a tablespoon of honey and 5 g of bee pollen. Having combined all the ingredients, the composition is heated to 40 degrees. Only when warm, apply to a steamed face using a brush. The process is considered complete only after the composition is completely dry. Wash off and apply nourishing cream.

Cleansing face mask with chocolate, cocoa, orange juice and oatmeal

A good cleansing product is considered to be a composition prepared as follows: combine a tablespoon of melted dark chocolate, cocoa powder and oatmeal. Additionally, add a teaspoon of fresh orange juice, squeezed directly from the fruit.

It is not recommended to treat dry dermis with such compositions. After the procedure, the pores will open, most of the toxins will come out, you can additionally wipe with a cleansing lotion.

Important! Before treating your facial skin, you need to conduct a sensitivity test. Often chocolate and natural ingredients provoke an allergic reaction.

Mask with chocolate and white clay for oily skin

If your facial skin is highly oily, it can be quite a hassle. The best way to eliminate this problem is a mask prepared with the addition of white clay. You can also use blue clay, but it is more suitable for the combined type.

Combine equal proportions of dark chocolate, white clay, and oatmeal. It is enough to take a tablespoon of each ingredient. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath until it becomes warm and viscous. Apply a thin layer, wash off after 20 minutes with warm green tea.

Chocolate scrub

A chocolate facial scrub, which, by the way, is quite suitable for cleansing the entire body, allows you to even out the skin texture and cleanse the pores. Combine 1/3 of a bar of dark chocolate with a teaspoon of fresh light cream and stir. Add ½ tablespoon of ground coffee (real coffee beans).

Stir and clean as with a regular commercial scrub. The area around the lips and eyes is not treated. Upon completion of the procedure, the face is washed with warm green tea, nutritional compositions and creams are applied.

It is not recommended to perform such procedures more than twice a week. It is convenient to cleanse your face while taking water procedures - baths, baths. The product, if there is a lot of it, can easily be stored in the refrigerator for four days without losing its positive effect. Instead of coffee, you can add crushed grape and peach seeds, the main thing is that the mass contains grains, which actually perform the function of cleansing and removing impurities from the pores.

What effect can you get?

In fact, few cosmetic products are as effective as chocolate-based formulations. The main thing is to combine the components correctly, use exclusively fresh products and maintain the compositions only for the recommended time interval. Otherwise, you may not only not achieve a positive result, but even harm your face.
If you do everything right, after just a couple of procedures you can see real changes for the better:

  • complexion will become much better;
  • the skin will become more elastic, tender, soft;
  • dryness, flabbiness, oiliness will disappear;
  • the relief will level out, pigment spots will begin to disappear;
  • inflammation, swelling will go away;
  • there will be less acne (in the case of this problem), the rash and peeling will disappear;
  • with rosacea, microtraumas of blood vessels will not be visible, their elasticity will increase;
  • the skin will tighten, wrinkles and signs of aging will become much smaller.

In general, such compositions really have a positive effect on the epidermis layer. Women who systematically perform such procedures look much younger than their years, their faces seem healthier, and they themselves are younger!

How often should you make masks?

Given the high degree of impact on the epidermis layer, chocolate masks are not recommended to be used too often. Cosmetologists advise performing no more than three procedures per week, but with oily skin types even less - no more than once. Every 3 - 4 months it is advisable to take a break for about a couple of weeks. As soon as the desired result is visible, the frequency of application can be significantly reduced.
