Trembling red saf moment dosage. The best yeast for moonshine: saf moment, turbo or alcohol. How to know when the fermentation process is complete

Everyone knows that to make moonshine you need mash. Braga, in turn, is obtained as a result of the vital activity of microscopic fungi - yeast. During the fermentation process (yeast activity), yeast absorbs sugar and releases the ethanol we are looking for, carbon dioxide and some other by-products. The finished mash is subject to distillation in a moonshine still. And the quality of the resulting moonshine directly depends on the quality of the mash. In turn, the quality of the mash directly depends on the yeast used. Let's talk about them.

Dry yeast itself differs from compressed yeast only in that it lacks a significant portion of moisture. In general, it is best to use alcoholic yeast for making mash. However, they can be difficult to obtain. The easiest places to find on sale are dry active yeast “Saf-Levure” (pack of 100 grams) and dry instant yeast “Saf-moment” (pack of 11 grams), which are also suitable for drinks. What is the difference?

Active yeast is “hidden” in a shell of inactive yeast cells, while instant yeast is live yeast cells that are kept active by being vacuum sealed. Thus, before use, saf-levure must first be dissolved in water - to “wash off” the inactive shell, and the saf-moment yeast is immediately ready “for battle.”

The disadvantage of active yeast is that it causes a lot of foaming, so for a mash recipe with dry yeast it is better to use a mixture of saf-levure and saf-moment yeasts.

The second important component of mash is water.

There is an opinion that the quality of moonshine depends 60% on the quality of water. It’s hard to argue with this, especially if our moonshine has a strength of 40 degrees. Therefore, it is best to use clean spring, bottled or filtered water without foreign odors and impurities. The hardness of the water is also important, and the lower it is, the softer the taste. Boiled water should not be used under any circumstances, since it is devoid of dissolved oxygen. And yeast also needs something to breathe.

So, the recipe for mash made with Saffle-levure yeast and sugar

Sugar mash is most often used in.

Ingredients per 1 kg of granulated sugar:

  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • Water at room temperature - 4.5 liters;
  • Dry yeast Saf-levure - 15-20 grams.

In this recipe for mash with yeast, Saf-moment is used as a defoamer at the rate of 3 packages per 1 package of Saf-levure yeast.

Ingredients based on a standard flask (38 liters):

  • Granulated sugar - 8 kg;
  • Water at room temperature - 30 liters;
  • Dry yeast Saf-levure - 150 grams;
  • Dry yeast Saf-moment - 1 package.

Making mash:

  1. Pour about three-quarters of water into the fermentation container.
  2. Gradually add sugar and dissolve it thoroughly: it should all dissolve.
  3. Pour dry yeast Saf-levure into a separate container, dilute with water at a temperature of 25-30°C and leave for an hour.
  4. After an hour, add the yeast solution to the fermentation container
  5. Add the remaining water to the container to such a level that there is room for foam.
  6. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and put it in a warm place.

Avoid tightly closing the container with future mash, since there is active gas formation and, as a result, an increase in pressure under a tightly closed lid. A good option is to use a water seal.

For the first two to three hours, monitor the foaming process: if it is too active, it’s the turn of the yeast. Saf-moment: sprinkle it on the foam. Dry yeast Saf-moment will extinguish it. The fermentation process has started, now all that remains is to wait.

How long should we wait?

Approximately 7 to 14 days. The fermentation time of the mash depends on the temperature maintained, the quality of the yeast and mixing. The temperature must be maintained in the range from 18 to 30°C. Lower temperatures reduce yeast activity, while higher temperatures cause them to die. When stirring the mash, the fermentation process accelerates, but this must be done carefully and with a clean object to avoid foaming and souring of the mash.

How do you know when the fermentation process is complete?

The mash does not hiss, does not bubble, and has a sour-bitter taste. The latter indicates that the yeast has processed all the sugar. If it doesn’t sizzle or bubble, but the taste is sweet, then not all of the sugar has been “eaten.” This could be due to bad yeast, too much sugar or not enough water. After the mash is ready, it is removed from the sediment and clarified.

You can watch the detailed technology for carrying out these stages in the video:

Clarified mash can be distilled. If you are just starting out as a distiller, it would be best (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand).

Saf-levure and Saf-moment yeasts produce an average quality product, as they are still baker's yeasts. For drinks, it is recommended to use alcohol yeast.

Let us remind you that the quality of the resulting moonshine primarily depends on the quality of the mash. We recommend using only high-quality products in our products.

Special osmotolerant yeast that is ideal for high sugar recipes. Can be used for preparing frozen semi-finished products with short shelf life.

Vacuum bag made of multilayer film, 500g. Quantity in a corrugated box – 20 pcs.

Application area

Saf-Instant® Red Label Dry Instant Yeast is ideal for making baked goods with a sugar content of up to 10% by weight of flour.

Application benefits

Dry instant yeast Saf-Instant® with a red label is the standard of quality among instant yeasts. Using this product, you get guaranteed high, stable quality.


Depending on the sugar content, flour quality, recipe, dough making method and production conditions:

  • 0.2 -3.0% by weight of flour;
  • 0.2-0.5% sponge dough method;
  • 0.6-1.5% straight dough method;
  • 1.5-3.0% for the production of frozen dough semi-finished products and highly recipe baked goods.

Mode of application

Mix Saf-Instant® Red Label Instant Dry Yeast with flour before kneading or add to dough at the beginning of kneading. Do not allow Saf-Instant® Red Label Dry Yeast to come into direct contact with cold water or ice. It is possible to pre-dissolve dry instant yeast Saf-Instant® with a red label in warm water (35-38°C) with a short kneading. When used in the production technology of frozen semi-finished products, it is recommended to add yeast 5-7 minutes before the end of kneading.

Storage period and conditions

2 years in a cool, dry place at temperatures up to +25°C. After opening the package, yeast must be used within 48 hours. or store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks in a tightly sealed container.

It is, in principle, impossible to make good mash without yeast. After all, mash is a product of the metabolism of fungi, which convert food into alcohol. The waste product of their vital activity is alcohol itself. Yeast is responsible for the quality of the final result, so choosing the right yeast is a guarantee of good moonshine.

What types of yeast are there:

People have been using fungi since ancient times. Their selection has not stopped to this day, the product is constantly being improved, new stamps and forms are being developed. Yeast is very affordable and can be purchased at any grocery store. Their prices differ slightly from each other, and some contain additives. As a rule, they are presented in several forms:

There is an opinion that it is impossible to make good mash with dry yeast, but this is absolutely not true. Lack of moisture in the product does not interfere with fermentation at all. The nature of fungi is such that they do not die either in human gastric juice, or in alcohol, or in alkali. When dry fungi are bred in water, they instantly come to life and become active.

Dry yeast for moonshine

In their production, the same technologies are used as in the production of wet mushrooms, but with only one difference - they are subsequently subjected to dehydrogenation.

The quality of dry pressed yeast is undoubtedly higher than that of wet yeast. When making a wet product, manufacturers often add various types of microorganisms. Among them there are those that are capable of producing harmful substances. While in the production of dry products such cases are excluded. Due to wet yeast, it turns out that moonshine contains a lot of fusel components, which spoil not only the taste and smell of alcohol, but are also harmful to health.

Even freezing and storage at temperatures below 1 degree do not kill harmful microorganisms.

How to make mash with dry yeast

For preparation you will need fresh dry mushrooms in 0.1 kg bags. To make mash from eight kilograms of sugar you will need one bag. The powder is diluted in water at a temperature of thirty degrees. Usually half a liter of liquid is required. Stir until completely dissolved, for which the yeast is allowed to stand for about ten minutes.

The first day the raw mash may not ferment. This phenomenon sometimes happens with dry yeast. Most often, moonshiners complain about too vigorous fermentation with the formation of abundant foam. In such cases, vegetable oil is added to the liquid. Sometimes the oil needs to be added again. Under no circumstances should you cover such a mash with a lid.

A week later, the wort will be ready. Taste it. A good product should be slightly bitter, if you feel sweetness, add a quarter of water and let the contents stand for three days.

Saf-Levure for mash

French yeast Saf-Levure is excellent for making mash. They are sold in almost every store. They are used both for making baked goods and for moonshine. Given the tendency of dry yeast to form foam, prepare a defoamer in advance. This could be vegetable oil, cookies or crackers. The resulting foam must not be stirred.

As a remedy against foam formation Saf-Moment fungi may appear. To do this, take three packages of Saf-Moment for one package of Saf-Levure. The contents of the sachets are poured into warm water and, stirring, kept in it until completely dissolved.

How many grams of powder are required for preparation?

The ratio of ingredients for preparing mash is calculated as follows: for 1 kg of sugar, five liters of clean water and fifty grams of dry Saf-Levure are required. Cooking technology:

  • Heated water is poured into the prepared container. A little water should be left.
  • Thoroughly stir the sugar in the water.
  • Dilute 0.05 kg of yeast and pour into a container.
  • Cover slightly with a lid. You cannot cover it tightly, as it can simply be torn off during fermentation.
  • Now we monitor the formation of foam and, as abundant foam appears, we extinguish it with the help of crackers.
  • We cover the container with a water seal and run the hose towards the open window so that the smell of mash spreads throughout the house as little as possible.

Stirring the composition is allowed only if fermentation process it goes very slowly. It should be noted that when stirring a lot of foam is formed, so if fermentation is proceeding normally, it is better not to disturb the mash. Mix only with a clean spoon.

The peculiarity of French dry mushrooms is that they form too much foam. Sometimes it is very difficult to deal with it. It is recommended to take a container as large as possible and pour less liquid. In this case, you can protect yourself from foam emission.

Saf-Levure and Saf-Moment are very similar, but have significant differences. So, Saf-Moment is a yeast milk that has gone through a dehydrogenation process, while Saf-Levyur is live fungi in a shell.

Pakmaya yeast

In addition to Saf-Levur, Turkish yeast – pakmaya – has also become popular recently. They are sold in bags weighing one hundred grams. There is a special brand Pakmaya-Crystal for preparing alcoholic beverages. This dry alcoholic yeast has a short fermentation period. Thanks to them, the process takes only four days.

Benefits of Pakmaya:

How to use Pakmaya to make good moonshine

Pour a pack of Pakmaya powder into water heated to thirty-five degrees. Under no circumstances should the water contain chlorine. Chlorine kills fungus, which means fermentation may not occur in such water. Boiled water is also not suitable; it will not contain microorganisms with which the fungus comes into contact. It’s good if the water is spring, but you can also buy store-bought water in bottles.

Experienced moonshiners advise feed the pressed yeast and before putting in the mash. To do this, add a handful of dried fruits, bread or crushed dry peas to a container with dissolved yeast and sugar. You can add fresh fruit juice or malt, but the amount should not be too large. So, for twenty-five liters of liquid, half a liter of freshly squeezed grape or apple juice is allowed.

For good fermentation, place the container in a dark place and provide the mash with a temperature of at least twenty-seven degrees. The temperature should not rise higher, otherwise the fungi may die. If the temperature is low, the fungus will not be able to develop. Usually the container is covered with something to preserve heat. For example, they wrap it in paper or a blanket.

In order to start or activate the fermentation process, the composition is stirred with a slotted spoon. So, oxygen enters the mixture and the fungi come to life.

After four days the alcohol should be ready. It is heated to fifty degrees and sent to the cube near the moonshine still. If it turns out to be sweet, then it is first diluted with a small amount of water.

Sometimes inexperienced winemakers they make a mistake and put in fewer packages than required; in such cases, fermentation cannot occur despite constant stirring. The mash is heated to thirty degrees and an additional portion of yeast is added.

If more was added than required, the taste and smell of alcohol may deteriorate significantly. The fact is that fungi consider sugar and additives as food, and if they are not enough, they begin to eat themselves or die.

Attention, TODAY only!

The basis for any brew is two components - yeast and sugar. And, if there are no unique requirements for sugar, yeast must be selected carefully. One of the best brands of yeast that can be used to create mash is dry yeast from the Saf-Moment variety or models from the Saf-Levure variety.


To understand exactly how the degree of strength and the alcohol itself appear in the future drink, you should remember courses in biology and organic chemistry. Yeast is one of the striking examples of independent microorganisms, cellular fungi, and it is yeast that causes fermentation processes in the drink.

Fungi consume ordinary sugar as food, breathe ordinary air and during their life emit alcohol and carbon dioxide, and it is through these processes that the properties and basic principles of mash are developed.

Colonies of these same fungi must be treated with the utmost care and the temperature and proportions must be observed correctly. Otherwise, the fungi will die, which will automatically lead to spoilage of the drink. Is it acceptable to use several yeast variants together to create the same drink?

Recipe for mash with Saf-Levure yeast

There is no big difference between pressed and standard yeast, and that is why the recipes for creating mash based on Saf-Moment yeast and Saf-Levure yeast are similar in almost everything. But there are some differences. For example, Saf-Moment is dried yeast milk, and Saf-Levure is already living fungal elements, externally covered with a shell consisting of dry yeast and cultures.

Therefore, before creating a drink, it is best to study all the features thoroughly, and only then use yeast to create the drink. Otherwise, differences between yeasts in recipes may not result in the most pleasant result for the creator.

Regardless of the recipe for mash based on dry yeast “Saf-Moment”, it is important to correctly adjust the ratio in percentage compared to ordinary live yeast. When using classical recommendations and proportions, it is necessary to take the ratio 1:5 or 1:6 as a basis. In other words, you can take 500 grams. compressed yeast or 100 grams of dry yeast.

  1. A special feature of Saf-Levure is strong foaming, and it is so strong that it is difficult to fight with it. Therefore, it is not recommended to remove the foam by stirring - this will cause even more foam. And if the mash is oversaturated with oxygen, this can cause the release of foam;
  2. To ensure maximum safety, it is necessary to take a larger container (about 1/3). This is important so that no foam comes out or flows out in a minimal amount. However, this cannot guarantee the safety of the recipe and preparation;
  3. Crumbled cookies or bread crumbs sprinkled on top can also work great;
  4. Those moonshiners who have experience recommend using Saf-Moment, since such yeast can suppress the formation of foam. Some small amount of this yeast needs to be sprinkled on the surface. The foam will not disappear, but there will be no more of it. It is enough to take 11 grams of yeast, and this is enough to extinguish the foam.

Many beginners and experienced moonshiners, among other things, sometimes use chemical defoamers. These could be chemicals, medications, or even baby shampoos. However, such methods are strictly not recommended for use. In addition to the fact that this will not reduce the foam, there is also the possibility of poisoning from moonshine that contains such unsafe components.

A high-quality mash based on Saf-Levure, but not Saf-Moment, has an excellent ability, and it must be taken into account, otherwise a high-quality result will not work. The peculiarity lies in the technology of the activation process of this component.

Experienced professional moonshiners call this process “fermentation.” It's simple, you just need to take warm water (500 milliliters) and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

First you need to pour water into a jar, and then add yeast mash into the same container. The composition is stirred with a spoon until there is no precipitation in the jar. After this, the jar should be placed in a warm place for an hour. The only question is how many components are needed?


  • 30 liters of purified and warm water (no need to boil the water);
  • 6 kg. sand;
  • Yeast of the “Saf-Levure” type for mash - 4 g each. for 1 liter of water. That is approximately 150 grams;
  • If we are talking about “Saf-Moment”, then you need to take 11 grams. for 30 l., but in the form of powder to localize the formation of foam.

You can take Saf-Moment only in those proportions according to the recipe that are in the package, and then the mash will be prepared faster, and the formation of foam will be minimally acceptable.

The first thing you need to take is clean dishes. This will be a can, tank or other container. Only then do you need to proceed with the following steps:

  1. Add warm water to the bowl, and then add granulated sugar there. In this case, it will be important to stir the composition until the moment when there are no substances at the bottom, otherwise the fermentation processes will proceed incorrectly, and there will be no sufficient nutrition for the yeast. Then there will be only one effect - fermentation will either slow down greatly or stop;
  2. After this, the solution of water and sugar must be supplemented with activated yeast. And only then do you need to add the remaining water there;
  3. The solution must be mixed again, and at this step it is important to monitor the sediment and ensure that it does not exist;
  4. The container is placed in a warm room or covered for 9 days. This is what is needed to complete the fermentation.

At the same time, it is not important to cover the lid too tightly, because such an action can cause a mini-explosion if strong foam forms. However, we should not forget that it is easy to get rid of foam - this was mentioned at the beginning of the article.

A few important points

There is no need to install a water seal on the container, however, there are cases in which this not the most obligatory point is still mandatory. For example, if a mash already filled with a future alcoholic drink is located in the house or apartment in which there are people for whom the smell may cause a problem. In such cases, a water seal will be useful, especially if you put it into the ventilation or into an ordinary window.

After creating the mash according to the recipe and placing it in the room, you need to monitor the processes and characteristics of foam formation for the first 2-3 days, because collecting foam on the floor is not the most pleasant task.

Another important point is that you should choose the right temperature mode in which the mash will stand. Normal temperature is 17-30 degrees Celsius. It is clear that the higher the temperature, the faster the drink will be prepared, but too high temperatures will cause the death of fungi in the mash.

The preparation of moonshine involves the use of special ingredients and adherence to technology. The main components are all the components, but yeast is the basis, without which the initial process will not start.

Let's find out the features of dry yeast for mash, consider moonshine recipes, how fermentation will occur and how many ingredients are used.

About dry yeast

Dry yeast is produced by many manufacturers, but most often retail outlets offer products from the SAF (moment and levure) brands from the French company Lesaffre, as well as pakmaya and Bekmaya. A special place among dry yeast strains is occupied by “Turbo 24” (England) - a product of high quality and high fermentation speed.

SAF moment

True French quality for the Russian consumer is produced by the Saf-Neva company, part of the Lesaffre group (France). Contains yeast and sorbitan emulsifier. According to the company's strategy, products are offered for each national market that meet cooking traditions and taste preferences. On sale you can find saf moment for bread, confectionery, pizza.

SAF levure

Everything is also manufactured by the Saf-Neva company according to the technological maps of the French manufacturer. Unlike saf-moment, inactivated yeast with a shell of glutathione is added to the composition of levure.


Pakmaya produced in Turkey has excellent properties and is used for making bread and confectionery. Pakmaya Crystal yeast is the best for homemade vodka or moonshine from sugar (we recommend that you familiarize yourself with).


The product has a high fermentation rate (designed specifically for kvass), has good alcohol resistance, does not foam and does not give off an odor during fermentation. The sediment is dense and in small quantities. The product is considered an excellent option for making sugar mash.

Turbo 24

Turbo yeast for moonshine is not distinguished as a separate type, although there is still a difference. These are different strains of yeast fungus with nutrients, micro and macroelements, amino acids and vitamins, all this is usually called feeding, making fermentation more stable and faster. They are used for home brewing when it is necessary to obtain the final product quickly.

Recipe for mash with dry yeast Saf Levure

Without high-quality mash, it is impossible to obtain high-quality moonshine, since this is the basis of moonshine brewing. The classic ingredients for mash are sugar, water and yeast. Compliance with the proportions of the added ingredients and technology allows you to obtain a high-quality product.

Let's look at the classic recipe for mash with dry yeast Saf Levure in the proportion of 1 to 4 per 10 liters of mash, you can calculate it for any volume for yourself.


  • 8 l. water
  • 2 kg. Sahara
  • 30 – 40 grams Saf Levure
  1. Before adding saf levure yeast for mash, it is recommended to ferment it. To do this, take a liter jar, pour half a liter of water heated to + 30 degrees, add 100 grams of sugar and yeast, mix well and leave for half an hour until the foam cap rises
  2. Take a fermentation container of suitable volume and completely dissolve all the sugar in water at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees
  3. Add the already risen yeast
  4. Close the container with a lid and install a water seal
  5. If the foam rises strongly during the fermentation process, you need to sprinkle cookie crumbs or bread crumbs on the surface of the mash, read more about that.

    Take 1 gram per kilogram of saf momenta sugar as a defoamer for mash; surprisingly, it is true that excessive foaming will be calmed down!

  6. Leave to ferment in a dark place for 6-8 days
  7. Saf Levure in mash has been tested and does not give off a strong odor and has a pleasant taste

Recipe for mash with Saf moment yeast

Saf moment are good for mash, do not produce excessive foaming and play smoothly. Let's consider the recipe for mash using dry yeast Saf Moment in proportion to 20 liters of mash.

  • 16 l. water
  • 4 kg. Sahara
  • 80 grams saf moment

This recipe is no different from the previous one except for the yeast used in it, repeat it exactly the same point by point.

Mash recipe with turbo yeast

Turbo yeast is a special mixture of yeast and many useful elements, the so-called top dressing, with their help you can get moonshine in 4 days. To prepare mash for moonshine with turbo yeast, you need the same ingredients as for previous recipes; consider a recipe for 30 liters of mash.

  • 24 l. water
  • 6 kg sugar
  • 120 grams of turbo yeast (calculating 20 grams per 1 kg of sugar, each type requires its own dosage, read how much is needed on the package)

This recipe is no different from the previous ones; read how to put the mash in the first two recipes. Fermentation can begin very strongly. Be prepared for the fact that you will definitely have to extinguish the foam.

If you are pursuing the goal of making sugar mash with dry yeast within 24 hours, increase the dose by 1.5 - 2 times and reduce the sugar concentration by 2 times.


Dry yeast for moonshine is an excellent raw material; moonshine made with dry yeast is of excellent quality, and if you follow the technology, you get excellent alcohol that you shouldn’t be ashamed to treat your guests to.
