The perfect treat for any holiday: learn how to make delicious cupcakes. Orange cupcakes with custard enchanting Aksamit Cupcakes with protein custard recipe

1. Necessary products.

2. Let's start preparing the cupcake dough. We remove the zest from the orange using a special device or simply grate it on a fine grater, trying not to touch the white, bitter part. No orange pulp is required.

3. Divide chicken eggs into white and yolk. The yolk will go into the dough, and the white will be needed to prepare the protein custard.

4. Take a bowl, pour granulated sugar into it and add egg yolks.

5. Grind until white with a fork or whisk; a mixer will be unnecessary.

6. Add sour cream, previously melted butter and orange zest. Mix.

7. Now add baking powder, add a pinch of salt and sift the wheat flour.

8. The result is a very aromatic dough, slightly thicker than sour cream.

9. Take special molds for baking muffins and cupcakes. It’s better to take silicone ones; they don’t need to be lubricated, and the baked goods come out easily. But, if you have paper cupcake liners, it’s better to still use them. Place 2/3 of the prepared dough into each mold. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

10. Remove the finished cupcakes from the oven and cool to room temperature.

11. Using a knife and a teaspoon, remove the center of the cupcakes.

12. Fill the cavity with citrus curd.

Culinary advice

Citrus curd is a kind of custard citrus cream on yolks. If you don't have one, that's okay... Fill the cupcakes with citrus jam or preserves.

13. Now prepare the protein custard. To do this, take a small iron saucepan, pour a small amount of water and half the required granulated sugar into it. Place the pan on low heat and cook the syrup. It will take about 5 minutes.

14. Beat the rest of the granulated sugar with the egg whites.

15. Then pour hot sugar syrup into the whipped whites and beat them together for 6-7 minutes. A very dense, thick protein-custard cream is ready. You can already start decorating cupcakes, but I made it more interesting...

16. Divide the finished cream into three parts. Leave one part white, and add dyes to the other two parts. I chose orange and yellow colors.

17. Transfer the cream into a special pastry bag with a nozzle and decorate the cupcakes.

18. You can decorate the finished cupcakes with orange slices and sprinkle with orange zest. Enjoy a great dessert!

Small cupcakes the size of a coffee cup quickly conquered the whole world, but if a novice housewife can make sponge dough, then cream for cupcakes is a more difficult task. What should it be and what options, according to professionals, are the most successful?

How to make cupcake cream

The correct mixture for decorating cupcakes should be dense - otherwise it will saturate the baked goods and make them wet. The fastest cream is regular whipped cream in a can, which retains its shape after cooling. However, they are not always available, and the composition of a store-bought product makes you think twice about it. Professionals recommend making your own cupcake cream by choosing one of the traditional recipes. All of the options discussed below require refrigeration before serving. In some cases, it is not the cream itself that is sent to the refrigerator, but the dessert already decorated with it.


An ideal option for connoisseurs of American cuisine: cream cheese for cupcakes can also be used as a cheesecake filling if desired. After 5-6 hours after placing in the refrigerator, it becomes dense and holds its given shape perfectly. Cream cheese, which is the main ingredient, is difficult to replace - except for the classic Philadelphia, nothing will give the traditional taste. If you don’t have it, it’s better to find another recipe for cupcake cream.

  • Philadelphia cheese – 185 g;
  • powdered sugar – 110 g;
  • butter – 45 g;
  • vanilla essence – 1/4 tsp.


  1. Remove the Philadelphia from the refrigerator and warm to room temperature to make the beating process easier and faster.
  2. The mixer attachments are plastic paddles: they will not clog the mixture, but will leave it airy. At medium speed, beat the cheese and soft butter, add vanilla essence, and carefully add powdered sugar.
  3. Once the consistency is smooth, cool and place in a piping bag to pipe onto cupcakes.


If you put this cream in a hot oven for a few minutes, you will get meringues or meringues - airy, crispy cakes. It is rarely used in its unheated form, since the base of the cream is raw egg whites. In order to reduce the likelihood of salmonella contamination, professionals recommend heating the mass during the beating process. This will give you a custard protein cream.

  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs;
  • clean drinking water – 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • citric acid – 1/4 tsp;
  • butter – 155 g;
  • fruit puree – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Crack the eggs and separate the whites into a cold, dry bowl and place it in a large bowl of water. Beat with a mixer until thick foam, when the water under the whites heats up.
  2. Gradually add sugar and citric acid while continuing to mix. Add soft butter there in pieces, pour in water and do not beat, but stir.
  3. When the sugar has dissolved, remove the bowl from the stove. Cool the mixture and whisk gently to obtain a thick and perfectly smooth mass. Add the fruit puree, mix again and decorate the cupcakes.


If a traditional whipped cream topping is your favorite, you can make your own. The only drawback of such a cream is its inability to hold a given shape, so you will have to eat them very quickly. It is not advisable to store cupcakes with whipped cream frosting for more than a day, even in the refrigerator: they will become wet and quickly spoil.

  • heavy (33-35%) fresh cream – 300 ml;
  • vanillin – 1/4 tsp;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid food coloring – 1 tsp.


  1. Cool the cream before whipping. Do the same with the bowl, but it is advisable to place it in the freezer.
  2. With a mixer on medium speed, beat the cream with powdered sugar and vanilla until it begins to thicken.
  3. Add food coloring, which can easily be replaced with berry juice in the same volume, mix the creamy mixture with a spatula, and begin placing it on the cupcakes.

With mascarpone

Cream cheese, which is the main ingredient of the famous Italian dessert Tiramisu, gives a very delicate taste that does not require sweeteners and a dense consistency. In the classic version, mascarpone cream for cupcakes consists of only the cream cheese and heavy cream. In order to reduce calories, use cottage cheese instead of mascarpone. For a more interesting taste, you can add amaretto or any liqueur to the mixture.

  • mascarpone cheese – 280 g;
  • cream 33% – 210 ml;
  • amaretto or cream liqueur – 1 tsp.


  1. It is recommended to beat the cream with a whisk, not a mixer. Place the mascarpone in a large bowl and stir with a spatula until it forms a soft, creamy mass.
  2. Combine the cheese and cream, using a mixer at the lowest speed until they thicken, pour in the amaretto in the process. If you don't want to use alcohol, use vanilla essence or add a pinch of vanilla sugar.
  3. You can decorate the cupcakes with the resulting cream immediately, but after that you need to put them in the refrigerator so that the elegant cap hardens.

Chocolate filling for cupcakes

The mass prepared according to this recipe is multifunctional: it can be used as a classic external cream and as a filler. In the latter case, it will remain soft even after cooling, and a little more milk is allowed in its composition - in the volume indicated below. If you want to cover the cakes with the prepared mixture rather than fill them, reduce the proportion of milk by 30-35%. Chocolate cream for cupcakes can be prepared with cocoa in the same amount, but for the filling it is better to use pure chocolate.

  • fresh milk – 95 ml;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • dark chocolate – 110 g.


  1. Chop the chocolate with a knife, pour into a large bowl and place it in a water bath.
  2. Pour in the milk and add soft butter. Heat the mixture and stir gently - you should get a homogeneous, not too thick consistency.
  3. Cool it to 40 degrees and fill the cupcakes through the hole on the side: this is most conveniently done with a regular 3-cube medical syringe.

Lemon cream

Delicious fresh sourness and amazing aroma are the main reasons for the popularity of this cream. If desired, it can be added not only to cupcakes, but also to any other baked goods: for example, pancakes. The product is stored well in the refrigerator if placed in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid, but professionals still recommend preparing lemon cream for one use only. The ingredients below are for 10 cupcakes.

  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.


  • Collect the zest from the lemons and combine it with liquid honey. Drain the juice obtained from their pulp there.
  • After an hour, strain the liquid, add a beaten egg and butter, and cook until the mixture begins to thicken.

Cupcakes with custard

One of the most complex recipes, the result of which can also be used as a filling for cupcakes, and not just a top coating. The finished mass will be dense, tender, very fatty, oily. Napoleon cake and eclairs are prepared with it, but it requires special care and precision. However, this cupcake frosting recipe requires special care and precision.

  • fresh milk – 400 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 110 g;
  • butter – 55 g;
  • egg yolks – 1 pc.;
  • potato starch – 35 g.


  1. Combine the yolks, sugar and starch in a bowl, mix gently without whisking, start heating in a water bath. Burner power is medium.
  2. Pour in tablespoons of milk: the success of the entire operation will depend on the freshness of this product. If it starts to curl, it is better to stop trying to prepare the cream.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and bubbles appear on the surface. Count 120 seconds, then remove the bowl from the heat.
  4. Add soft butter, stir and cool the cream. Decorating cupcakes with it is very simple: transfer the mixture into a pastry bag or bag with a cut corner, squeeze it onto the cupcake, giving it any shape.

Video: butter-free cupcake cream

Cupcake is a small-sized cake or cupcake that is intended to be eaten by one person. This pastry was first prepared in America. Small cupcakes with cream have become very popular in a short period of time. Today they are prepared with different fillings and additives, and numerous decorations are used, which makes it possible to obtain a real culinary masterpiece. You can find small cakes at almost any wedding, buffet and other celebrations.

How to make strawberry cupcakes?

One of the popular variants of this baking, since the cream tastes good and has a slight sourness. This treat is often chosen for weddings and birthdays. In this recipe, instead of strawberries, you can use other berries and fruits, for example, blueberries, oranges, etc.

Prepare the dough is made from the following ingredients: pairs of eggs, 110 g granulated sugar, 75 g flour, 55 g starch, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 60 ml vegetable oil and 150 g strawberries. To make the cream, you need to take the following products: 200 ml of cream 22%, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar and 125 g of strawberries.

Cooking steps:

  • We will start with the dough, for which prepare the berries: wash, remove the stems and cut into small cubes. Combine flour, starch and baking powder, and then mix everything. In a separate container, beat the eggs with granulated sugar to form a fluffy white foam. Carefully add the bulk ingredients to the eggs and add strawberries;
  • Take special molds and grease them thoroughly with oil, and then dust them with a small amount of flour. Pour in the dough, filling the containers only halfway. Within 15 min. cook in the oven at 180 degrees;
  • At this time, make cream. Using a blender, puree the berries until pureed. Add powder and mix well. Separately, whip the cream until a thick foam forms, and then combine it with the puree. Mix everything;
  • Decorate the cooled cupcakes with cream, for example, using a pastry bag. You can serve it right after this.

How to make chocolate cupcakes?

If you want to surprise your loved ones and guests, then be sure to use this recipe. The chocolate dough turns out very tasty, tender and airy. The dessert is made for adults, since we will use wine.

For this recipe for making cupcakes, you should take the following list of products:: 85 butter, 190 g brown and 65 g white sugar, egg, yolk, 185 ml dry red wine, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 250 ml flour, 0.5 tbsp. cocoa, a pinch of soda, as well as 0.5 teaspoon of baking powder and a quarter spoon of salt and cinnamon. It is important that the ingredients are at room temperature, so remove them from the refrigerator first.

Cooking steps:

  • Combine two types of sugar and add soft butter. Beat everything with a mixer for a few minutes. Place the egg and yolk there and continue beating to obtain a homogeneous consistency;
  • Combine all bulk ingredients, which include wheat flour, salt, cocoa powder, soda, and baking powder. Sift and add to the previously prepared mass. Mix everything with a spatula, and then slowly pour in the wine and essence. It is important to knead everything thoroughly and move only in one direction;
  • Grease the molds with oil and place the dough, filling only 2/3 of the volume. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Be sure to check readiness with a dry toothpick;
  • Do not remove the cupcakes from the molds immediately, but leave them for a few minutes. The cupcakes turn out very tasty, but you can make ganache or any other cream.

How to make coconut cupcakes with cream?

Exotic pastries that give real heavenly pleasure. Prepare mini cakes for a home tea party or for any occasion. We are sure that everyone will like such baked goods.

To prepare the dough you should take the following list of products: 125 g butter, 200 g powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons chopped lemon zest, 3 eggs, 50 g coconut flakes, 4 tbsp. spoons of wheat and 3 tbsp. spoons of flour with baking powder, and another 95 g of natural yogurt without additives. To make the cream you need to prepare: 100 g softened butter, 1.5 tbsp. powdered sugar, 0.5 tbsp. coconut milk and 1 tbsp. spoon of lime or lemon juice.

Cooking steps:

  • First, combine the butter, sugar and coconut, and then, using a mixer, beat everything until smooth. Beat the eggs into the resulting mixture, one at a time, without stopping stirring. All that remains is to add yogurt and two types of flour. Prepare a smooth dough;
  • Take the molds and place the dough in them, not reaching the edges by about 1.5 cm. Place in the oven, which needs to be preheated to 180 degrees, and cook for 20-25 minutes;
  • Let's move on to the cream, for which beat the butter and powder with a mixer. After this, add milk and lime juice. Using a pastry bag, decorate the cooled cupcakes with the finished mixture. Sprinkle coconut flakes over everything.

Making cupcakes with custard at home

The pink cream that decorates the mini-cakes makes the dessert very delicate. This recipe is ideal for a romantic date or for a holiday. In addition, the baked goods come with a surprise - with custard mixture inside. The amount of ingredients is designed for 10-12 servings.

To make cupcakes you need to take the following products::

  • For muffins: 175 g flour, 0.5 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon salt, a couple of eggs, 155 g granulated sugar, 100 g butter, 85 g natural yogurt, 35 ml milk and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla extract;
  • For custard: 3 yolks, 65 g granulated sugar, 150 ml milk, 35 ml high fat cream, 15 g starch and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rose extract;
  • For meringue: 3 egg whites, 180 g granulated sugar and 2.5 drops of pink coloring.

Cooking steps:

  • First, prepare the muffins, for which you need to beat soft butter with granulated sugar until a fluffy mass is formed. At medium speed, continue beating and add eggs one at a time;
  • Combine sifted flour, baking powder and salt. Mix yogurt and milk separately. Using a spatula, stir first the dry ingredients into the butter mixture, and then the liquid ones. The dough should ultimately be homogeneous;
  • Fill the prepared molds 2/3 full. Within 15-20 minutes. cook at 170 degrees. After this, cool and remove from the molds;
  • Let's move on to the custard recipe, for which you need to thoroughly beat the yolks with sugar and starch. The result should be a fluffy, light mass. Pour milk and cream into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then, in a thin stream, add the mixture to the yolks, while continuing to beat. Pour everything back into the saucepan and cook on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. The result should be a thick cream that needs to be refrigerated;
  • All that remains is to figure out how to prepare the meringue. Take a deep container and mix the whites and sugar in it. Place it in a water bath and start beating with a mixer. It is necessary to heat the mass to 50-60 degrees. Then, remove the container from the bath, continue stirring until a dense foam forms and until it cools completely. Add coloring and whisk again;
  • Using a teaspoon, make a well in the top of each muffin, scooping out some of the pulp. Place a little custard in it, and decorate everything with meringue on top using a pastry bag. That's all, the most delicate dessert is ready.

Now you know several simple recipes for making delicious cupcakes at home. Prepare original desserts to please your relatives and surprise your guests. Experiment with the filling, getting new and original options.

DOUGH. Remove the zest from the orange and grind it into fine crumbs. Squeeze 100 ml of juice from the citrus and set aside. Sift flour and baking powder into a suitable container. Add granulated sugar, softened butter, orange zest and 3 drops of orange flavoring, stir the mixture with a spatula. Beat in the egg and pour in warm cream (~t=40-50C), beat with a mixer until smooth. Fill paper baking capsules 1/2 full with dough. Bake the products in an oven preheated to t=160C for 25-30 minutes (readiness - dry splinter + light golden hue of the dough).

CUSTOM ORANGE CREAM. In a suitable bowl, grind the yolks with sugar. Sift flour and starch into the egg mixture, stir until smooth and pour into a thick-bottomed saucepan. Set aside. In a saucepan, combine the cream and orange juice (the cream will curdle slightly, don't let that bother you). Place the saucepan over low heat, stirring, and bring the contents to a boil. Remove the boiled cream from the heat and pour it into the egg mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming. Place the saucepan over low heat, stirring continuously, and bring to a boil. Cook the cream for 30 seconds without stopping stirring. Cover the surface of the cream with cling film, allowing it to stick to the cream (this is necessary so that a crust does not form on the surface). Cool the cream to room temperature. Beat the softened butter until fluffy. Add the butter to the cooled custard and whisk until smooth. Fill a pastry syringe with a serrated tip with cream. Pipe the cream onto the surface of the cupcakes.

DECOR. Make decor from dark and orange chocolate. Chop the chocolate with a knife and pour into plastic bags or disposable pastry bags. Tie knots on the bags and place them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes (or melt the chocolate in the microwave). Trim the corners of the bags and apply a pattern to the cream. Refrigerate cupcakes for 1 hour.

STORAGE. Store in the refrigerator.

A complex recipe for orange cupcakes with custard Charming Aksamit home cooking step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 30 minutes. Contains only 283 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Calorie Amount: 283 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 14 servings
  • Complexity: Complicated recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Dough products

Ingredients for fourteen servings

  • For cupcakes:
  • 130 g flour
  • 180 g sugar
  • 80 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 130 ml 10% cream (or milk)
  • zest of 1 large orange
  • 1 tsp. spoon of baking powder
  • 3 drops orange flavor (optional)
  • For the orange custard:
  • 100 ml 10% cream
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 2 yolks
  • 70 g softened butter
  • 1.5 table. spoons of flour (level spoons)
  • 1.5 table. spoons of corn starch or potato (level spoons)
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • For decoration:
  • 30 g dark chocolate
  • 30 grams of orange chocolate (can be replaced with white)
  • Besides:
  • paper rosettes for baking (wall height 2.5 cm, d=5 cm)
  • cling film

Step-by-step preparation

  1. set of ingredients for dough: flour, sugar, butter, 10% cream, egg, orange (you will need zest), baking powder, orange flavoring.
  2. Remove the zest from the orange and grind it into fine crumbs. Squeeze 100 ml of juice from the citrus and set aside.
  3. Sift flour and baking powder into a suitable container.
  4. Add granulated sugar, softened butter, orange zest and 3 drops of orange flavoring, stir the mixture with a spatula.
  5. Beat in the egg and pour in warm cream (~t=40-50 C), beat with a mixer until smooth.
  6. Fill paper baking capsules 1/1 full with dough. Bake the products in an oven preheated to t = 160 C for 25-30 minutes (readiness - dry splinter + light golden hue of the dough).
  7. set of ingredients for orange custard: 10% cream, freshly squeezed orange juice, 2 eggs (you only need yolks), sugar, flour, cornstarch (butter not included).
  8. In a suitable bowl, grind the yolks with 3 tablespoons of sugar.
  9. Sift flour and starch into the egg mixture, stir until smooth and pour into a thick-bottomed saucepan. Set aside.
  10. In a saucepan, combine the cream and orange juice (the cream will curdle slightly, don't let that bother you). Place the saucepan over low heat, stirring, and bring the contents to a boil.
  11. Remove the boiled cream from the heat and pour it into the egg mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming.
  12. Place the saucepan over low heat, stirring continuously, and bring to a boil. Cook the cream for 30 seconds without stopping stirring.
  13. Cover the surface of the cream with cling film, allowing it to stick to the cream (this is necessary so that a crust does not form on the surface). Cool the cream to room temperature.
  14. Beat the softened butter until fluffy. Add the butter to the cooled custard and whisk until smooth.
  15. Fill a pastry syringe with a serrated tip with cream. Pipe the cream onto the surface of the cupcakes.
  16. Make decor from dark and orange chocolate. Chop the chocolate with a knife and pour into plastic bags or disposable pastry bags. Tie knots on the bags and place them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes (or melt the chocolate in the microwave). Trim the corners of the bags and apply a pattern to the cream.
  17. Refrigerate cupcakes for 1 hour.
  18. Store in the refrigerator.

Insanely delicious cupcakes with a rich orange aroma and the most delicate cream. You can omit the orange flavoring; without it, the cupcakes will not lose their taste. The cream in the dough can be replaced with milk. The pictures show the eighth flower from my son (online registration).
