How to quickly and beautifully cut fruit. How to beautifully cut and serve fruit. How to choose fruits for a fruit basket or decoration

It is worth noting that the cause of gas in the abdominal cavity is not always poisoning or consumption of low-quality products. During pregnancy, unexpected reactions of the body to any food that was previously absorbed perfectly are possible.

Causes of bloating in early pregnancy

During the first trimester, the fetus develops vital organs and the spine. At this time, taking even the safest medications can be harmful. In addition, eating unhealthy foods can negatively affect your baby's health.

Causes of bloating in early pregnancy:

  • Changes in hormonal levels. It is worth noting that before the second trimester, a huge amount of progesterone is released into the blood. This hormone relaxes the muscles, which prevents the separation of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterus. But at the same time, the intestines also relax. Feces stagnate in it, which leads to bloating.
  • Poor nutrition. It is worth limiting the consumption of foods that can cause increased gas formation. These include legumes, baked goods and potatoes. It is not advisable to drink whole cow's milk. All these products, when broken down and fermented in the stomach, contribute to the formation of large amounts of gas.
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments. Many diseases begin to bother a pregnant woman for the first time. The fact is that in an interesting situation, many ailments aggravate, which the woman did not even know about. Stomach ulcers or gastritis may occur, which can lead to bloating.
  • Stress. An interesting position is often associated with nervous tension. This is quite normal, but it has a negative impact on the woman’s condition. Stress leads to bloating and pain.

Why do pregnant women experience bloating in the later stages?

Large gas production is not the only cause of bloating in late pregnancy. The most interesting thing is that the feeling of distension and fullness in the intestines may have nothing to do with the functioning of the digestive system.

Causes of bloating during late pregnancy:

  1. Active growth of the uterus. As the uterus and the fetus inside it enlarge, some parts of the intestine may be compressed. Accordingly, “traffic jams” appear in the path of feces movement. Constipation becomes more frequent, which leads to bloating.
  2. Decreased physical activity. In the third trimester, many women find it difficult to move around. Therefore, pregnant women limit physical activity. This is what leads to gas formation and bloating.
  3. Eating junk food. Lack of fiber in the body often causes constipation and bloating. Waste leaves the organs very slowly, provoking fermentation processes. Consuming large quantities of rich baked goods increases gas formation.
  4. Microflora disturbance. In late pregnancy, you should be careful with the intake of whole milk and fermented milk products. The number of enzymes that can break down lactose decreases, and fermentation processes intensify.

Symptoms of bloating during pregnancy

In fact, bloating during pregnancy is not always associated with flatulence and increased gas production. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to the state of the body and respond to any changes in its functioning.

List of symptoms of bloating during pregnancy:

  1. Stool disorders. Both constipation and diarrhea may occur. Although most often due to muscle relaxation, fecal excretion worsens.
  2. The appearance of bad breath. This indicates putrefactive or fermentation processes in the intestines.
  3. Nausea. If you feel sick in the early stages of pregnancy, then most likely it is toxicosis. You should pay special attention to nausea in the third trimester. It can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  4. Constant gas formation. At the same time, the pregnant woman often passes gas. This symptom allows you to quickly diagnose bloating and alleviate the patient’s condition.
  5. Cramping pain. When palpating the uterus, no tension is felt. Accordingly, the cause of contractions is bloating.

What to do if you have bloating during pregnancy

There are many ways to treat bloating, but due to pregnancy, most medications are contraindicated. In an interesting situation, medications are prescribed that have a minimal list of contraindications.

What can pregnant women do with bloating using medications?

In most cases, with increased gas formation, silicone-based drugs are prescribed. They change the number of gas bubbles, promoting their destruction. Gas molecules released as a result of the destruction of bubbles are eliminated by the intestinal walls.

List of medications for the treatment of bloating in pregnant women:

  • Espumisan. This is a drug based on simethicone, a complex silicone compound. It is worth noting that the medicine does not enter into any chemical reactions; its action is associated with the physical properties of the simethicone molecule, which reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles. The drug can be prescribed in the form of capsules or syrup. It has virtually no side effects, since it is excreted from the body unchanged.
  • Iberogast. A very effective herbal product. It contains no chemical components, so the medicine can be considered safe. It is worth noting that some of its components can cause uterine tone. Accordingly, the medicine is not prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage. The drug is produced in the form of drops, which have a relatively pleasant taste. Used to treat gastritis and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Metiospasm. This is a combination drug based on simethicone and alverine citrate. Usually the medicine is well tolerated and does not cause side effects. Recommended during pregnancy and lactation, since simethicone molecules do not enter into chemical reactions with the body’s amino acids.
  • Sub Simplex. The medicine is made on the basis of simethicone. It is not absorbed in the intestinal walls. The drug destroys gas bubbles by reducing their surface tension. Accordingly, bloating and pain due to gases disappear.
  • Ecoflor. This is a combined drug based on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In addition, the medicine contains enterosrbent, which absorbs decay products formed during the process of decay or fermentation. Helps restore normal microflora in the intestines. Made in such a way that probiotics are not destroyed in the acidic environment of the stomach and are maximum effective.
  • Trilact. This is a liquid extract of lactic acid bacteria, which reduces the production of gas bubbles. This occurs due to the normalization of microflora in the intestines. The drug is safe, as it is similar to the natural microflora in the intestines. Used to treat dysbacteriosis.
  • Linux. This drug is also a mixture of lactobacilli. These substances normalize the state of microflora in the intestines and help reduce gas formation. Over time, bloating goes away precisely due to a decrease in the number of gas bubbles that form as a result of rotting or fermentation processes.

What can pregnant women drink for bloating from folk remedies?

In most cases, traditional medicine recipes are quite safe. They help improve the passage of gases. But it is worth noting that some herbs can cause premature birth. Therefore, before using any folk remedy, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Traditional medicine recipes for bloating during pregnancy:

  1. Dill. Dill water is often prescribed to reduce bloating; it reduces the amount of gas. The product can be purchased at a pharmacy. This is very convenient, since the fennel seeds are already crushed and packaged in filter bags. But if desired, dill water can be prepared from uncrushed seeds. To do this, pour 500 ml of boiling water into a tablespoon of the product and let it stand for 20 minutes. After this, the tincture is filtered and taken 150-170 ml before each meal.
  2. Parsley root. Peel the root and wash it under running water. Grind in a meat grinder or cut with a knife. Place the shavings in a bowl and add 250 ml of cold water. It is best to use peeled. After the root has stood for 20 minutes, place the mixture on low heat and heat. There is no need to boil the product. Strain the liquid and take a sip every 60 minutes. This product actively reduces gas formation.
  3. Dandelion root. Dandelion roots contain a lot of bitterness, which improves liver function and helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Grind the dandelion root using a grater. You can grind the raw materials in a blender. Pour in 240 ml of cold water. Leave it for a day and then strain. Take 40-50 ml every two hours. This remedy stimulates the functioning of the stomach and internal organs.
  4. Collection of herbs. To prepare a decoction, mix 2 tablespoons of peppermint and one spoon each of fennel and valerian. Mix the ingredients and pour a teaspoon of raw materials into 230 ml of boiling water. Simmer the herbs for 2-3 minutes over low heat and cool. Strain the mixture and take 120 ml in the morning and before bed. Valerian soothes, and fennel reduces gas.
  5. Ginger. This root has recently been actively used in the preparation of drinks and baked goods. But it can also help improve digestion. This is due to the antibacterial properties of the plant. Do you need to suck it after eating? teaspoon dry ginger. You can add fresh root shavings to tea.
  6. Potato. Potato juice has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. It is necessary to peel the root vegetables and rinse in cold water. Grind the potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Take 120 ml of potato juice in the morning and before bed. It is advisable to do this before eating. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
  7. Caraway. You need to pour a handful of cumin seeds into 550 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes on low heat. Leave to infuse for 2 hours and strain. Take 70 ml every 60 minutes. The product reduces gas formation and has antibacterial properties.
  8. Mint. Pour a handful of dry herbs into the teapot and pour boiling water over it. Wrap the container with a towel and leave for 2 hours. Take instead of regular tea. You can add lemon and sugar to improve the taste.
  9. Bran. Oat bran does an excellent job of removing feces from the intestines. Having regular bowel movements reduces the risk of bloating. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons per day of crushed oat bran. They can be filled with yogurt or kefir.
  10. Chamomile. You need to pour two tablespoons of chamomile flowers with boiling water and let stand for 3 hours. After this, the broth is filtered. It is enough to take 50 ml before each meal. This will reduce bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines.
How to treat bloating - watch the video:

An “interesting position” or simply pregnancy is a truly wonderful state that brings a lot of positive aspects. But besides them, unpleasant sensations in the form of bloating during pregnancy may also occur. This problem can be eliminated (or discomfort reduced) if you follow some simple rules.

Causes of bloating during pregnancy

Discomfort in the intestines often occurs in expectant mothers. Bloating during pregnancy is just the tip of the iceberg. Additional troubles that can haunt a woman are:

  • belching;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • constipation;
  • feeling of overeating;
  • heartburn;
  • spasms and other “delights” of digestive disorders.

Bloating is the fermentation of food that causes bubbles to form. They represent air, which, when accumulated in large quantities, leads to pressure on the intestinal walls. This results in severe gas formation and bloating during pregnancy.

The reasons, in part, are hormonal changes in the body that pregnancy causes. They entail the following consequences:

  1. Lack of pancreatic enzymes. She cannot cope with digesting food, which becomes more abundant, since hormonal changes in a pregnant woman increase appetite. If you do not control your own nutrition, the pancreas will not cope with the volume of incoming food and undesirable symptoms will arise in the form of bloating, frequent belching, and heartburn of varying intensity.
  2. Increased progesterone. There is a jump in levels both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later stages. This female hormone reduces the overall muscle tone of almost all internal organs. This leads to stagnation of food in the organs involved in digestion, which results in gas formation. Additional unpleasant sensations include constipation, abdominal pain, belching, bloating, and accumulation of gases in the rectum. An increase in progesterone also causes toxicosis, which can last about a month and a half.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Existing digestive problems, which may not have bothered you for a long time, appear during pregnancy. This could be: gastritis and pancreatitis (of different stages of development), cholecystitis, peptic ulcer (all forms) and others.
  4. Growing uterus. As the fetus grows inside the womb, the uterus grows throughout the 9 months of pregnancy. Its volume puts pressure on the intestines (observed in later stages), which prevents the normal movement of food through it.
  5. Medicines. To avoid anemia, obstetricians-gynecologists observing a pregnant woman before birth prescribe medications with a high iron content. This method of increasing hemoglobin in the blood entails additional gas formation.

The first week of pregnancy can present the expectant mother with many surprises, including gas in the abdomen (bloating) and pain in the intestines. Throughout the rest of the period, this is also observed, and the causes of occurrence may change or combine.

Why is bloating dangerous during pregnancy?

The formation of gases in the intestines is a signal that the food consumed by the expectant mother is not fully digested. The prenatal period of the baby requires high-quality nutrition from the mother so that the baby can develop. Insufficient trace elements and nutrients can affect (negatively) the baby’s weight at birth, subsequent growth and adaptation to the outside world.

In addition, the air in the intestines puts pressure on the uterus. Counter pressure is created on it and the tone of the uterus is formed, which seriously affects the gestation of the fetus as a whole. With frequent tone, a miscarriage may occur.

The “pregnant” period requires the expectant mother to be careful in everything that concerns the baby. This condition, when the stomach is seething and gases are coming out, is extremely undesirable.

Products that cause gas in pregnant women

It is not so easy to distinguish a dangerous product from a safe one. Especially if the list is so long that only a small part of what you can eat remains. Here is a list of foods that can cause gas:

Gestation involves the consumption of almost all foods that can be beneficial for the health of both mother and baby. Those that cause gas formation can be eaten, but in limited quantities. A strict diet when bearing a child is not needed if there are no existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and it was not prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

The causes of intestinal flatulence in women can be different and, as a rule, appear with the onset of pregnancy and disappear after childbirth.

How to remove gases from the intestines?

If diarrhea does occur to the expectant mother, it can be eliminated. Remove gases from the body using folk remedies and conventional medications.

There are cautions regarding the use of drugs at different stages of pregnancy.

First trimester

It is characterized by the fact that along its length all internal organs are formed, the neural tube of the fetus and the cardiovascular system develop. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to use any medications at this stage. Here folk remedies will come to the rescue, eliminating colic even in newborns.

This is dill water (1 teaspoon of dill seeds (or dried stems) is poured with a glass of boiling water, can be consumed after natural cooling). Can be replaced with fennel. To relieve discomfort when gas passes, the expectant mother should drink half a glass of this water 3 times a day, half an hour after meals. Since the 1st trimester is dangerous due to miscarriage, it is not recommended to use unfamiliar herbs for infusion, and it is also not advisable to take any medicine.

Second trimester

Starting from the 2nd semester (14 weeks of gestation), it is possible to use drugs that do not penetrate the placenta. A safe remedy for such a period is Smecta. The sorbing properties of the drug provide treatment for bloating during pregnancy, destroying “bad” gas-forming bacteria. An additional solution may be Espumisan, Pepsan-r. If you are bloated, you should take medications after eating food.

Third trimester

There comes a period when the fetus is almost formed and is actively growing. In the 3rd trimester, the use of other drugs (as prescribed by a doctor) is allowed, which can reduce the feeling of bloating and dyspeptic syndrome. In the third trimester, a pregnant woman often experiences heartburn, which is associated with upward pressure in the stomach. During acute conditions, it is recommended not to endure discomfort, but to get rid of it with various medications.

It is recommended to take medications to eliminate the causes if bloating is observed during an existing pregnancy only after consultation with your gynecologist and gastroenterologist.

What helps with bloating during pregnancy?

There is no specific “magic” pill that will eliminate all the unpleasant sensations from gas formation. There are recommendations that, if followed, can alleviate the unpleasant condition.

For a pregnant woman, the belly is the most precious miracle that should be protected and not endangered. If you have any digestive problems that cannot be eliminated by simple methods (diet, dill water), you should consult a doctor.

When childbirth takes place, such a problem as bloating during pregnancy will go away on its own. She can stay only if her mother had her before the onset of the “interesting situation.”

A beautifully decorated table immediately lifts your spirits and makes you want to quickly sit down and start eating.

Spectacular cutting of fruit plays an important role in this; it favorably emphasizes and complements the sophistication of the celebration. A fruit plate is served with alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea, and also as a separate dessert.

On a note! The artistic cutting of fruits, which has become so popular lately, is called carving.

But to create beautiful fruit slices at home, it is not at all necessary to learn carving skills. It is enough to have fruits, a sharp knife, various beautiful molds and plates, as well as skewers and toothpicks on hand.

And, of course, a little inspiration for creating a real fruit masterpiece will definitely not hurt us.

Preparing to create a fruit creation

  1. When choosing berries and fruits for the table, be careful and picky. Since the fruit will lie on the table for at least several hours, it should remain beautiful. Therefore, it is necessary to choose fruits that are not damaged and always fresh. They should be dense and elastic.
  2. Prepare the fruit plate just before the celebration so that it is exposed to the air as little as possible. Prepare lemon to drizzle over slices.
  3. For slicing, you need a sharp knife so that the slices are thin and even.
  4. Before you start working magic on fruits and berries, wash them thoroughly.
  5. Fruits that produce juice should be placed in a separate container.

Rules for decorating the table with fruit slices

When designing fruit slices, it is important to adhere to certain rules. Famous restaurateurs have revealed some of their secrets.

  1. Place apples and pears so that their pulp has minimal contact with air, otherwise it will darken. You can sprinkle the slices with lemon juice.
  2. Place the melon and watermelon with the peel, but in small and thin pieces. And if possible, remove all the seeds from the fruit.
  3. Sliced ​​citrus fruits can be served either in slices or in circles. But the last option should be with peel.
  4. Peel the kiwi and mango and cut into thin slices. Before peeling kiwis, you will need to wash them well. Since they do not darken from the air, they can be used to decorate apples.
  5. Serve small plums and apricots whole. If the fruits are large, cut them in half and place them on a plate, flesh side down.
  6. Serve grapes only in bunches. You can give it a casual look by hanging part of the branch from the plate.
  7. Place cherries and cherries on a plate with a sprig, and strawberries with a “tail”.
  8. Cut off the prickly skin of the pineapple and remove the core. Cut into columns or small semicircular plates.

How to serve fruit beautifully

Decorating fruits and berries for the holiday has its own nuances. There are a lot of children at almost every celebration, and they shouldn’t get their hands dirty, otherwise their clothes and everything around will be covered in fruit pulp and juice.

Therefore, the right solution would be to serve the goodies on skewers, in cones, or in baskets.

Advice! If you are decorating berries and fruits in the form of a picture, then place bright skewers nearby so that it is convenient for guests to string fruit pieces without getting their hands dirty.

Spectacular canapés are obtained by using contrasting berries and fruits.

The base of the mini sandwich should be firm. An apple or a piece of cheese is perfect for this role.

Salty and blue cheeses go perfectly with sweet fruits.

Plot presentation
This type of serving involves creating real pictures or figures from pieces of fruit. They come flat, that is, the fruit is laid out in slices on a plate. Or bulk ones, using skewers, which is a more labor-intensive process.

You can place a bright palm tree on a plate, making it from banana, kiwi and tangerines.

You can also cut out figures or funny faces using cookie cutters. For small children you can make a hedgehog, Winnie the Pooh, Cheburashka, or a peacock.

This presentation option will make you remember cartoons, funny pictures, or come up with something of your own. In addition, the plot may be related to the occasion of the celebration, for example, a multi-colored Christmas tree for the New Year.

Mini kebabs

The convenient portion method is suitable for both children's and adult parties. Place the fruit on a large plate or tray. It will be the basis. Melon, pineapple, large pear or grapefruit are perfect. In addition, you can use: bananas, kiwi, grapes, apples, peaches, berries. They need to be washed and cut into portions.

Next, the fruit can be strung on skewers. Stick delicious kebabs into the base and serve to guests in this form.

The advantage of slicing in the form of kebabs is that you can use canned berries and fruits, and not just fresh ones.

Serving mini-kebabs without a base is also good. Simply arrange beautifully on a tray and pour over melted chocolate or condensed milk. Ideal to present fruit skewers with scoops of ice cream.

Cutting mini-kebabs in the form of a semicircle looks bright. If you make sure that the colors of the fruit on each skewer match in layers, you will get a cheerful rainbow.

On a note! You can add pieces of cheese to the kebab; it goes well with fruit.

Baking baskets
Fruit baskets look great on the table. Try making a fruit salad with yogurt or whipped cream, then spoon the salad into tartlets. Fruit jelly in baskets looks unusual.

Instead of tartlets, baskets made of puff pastry or shortcrust pastry are perfect.

In addition, you can cut a basket from a melon or watermelon and fill the citrus peel with fruit. You will get interesting boats. It all depends on your imagination.

It is interesting to decorate the top of the baskets with grated chocolate, coconut or chopped walnuts. You can mix the fruit with ice cream pieces, but then store them in the freezer before serving.

Instead of baskets, you can use a waffle cone, first fill it with whipped cream or sour cream. And then place the berries with pieces of fruit into the airy white mass. This appetizer flies off the table at breakneck speed.

On the plate
Try thinly slicing oranges, kiwis, apples, pears using a slicer and beautifully arrange them on a plate in the form of various patterns or shapes. The plate can be decorated with mint leaves or fresh flowers.

Use atypical cuts, your guests will be delighted. And for convenience, insert colored skewers into the slices.
Fruit in fruit
These can be individual baskets, for example from an orange. Or there may be baskets for general serving; melon or watermelon will do.

Fruits can be cut and seasoned with honey, cream, syrup and in this form sent to the basket. Or you can, if they are not large, leave them whole.

Serving berries in a pineapple basket looks very impressive. It is necessary to cut off the top of the pineapple and remove the pulp. Place cherries, grapes, strawberries in the cavity.

You can also cut out the pulp and fill the apple with small berries. Sprinkle the top of the apple basket with cinnamon or cut out a heart from the core of the apple and stick it on a skewer into the basket.

How to decorate fruit slices

At celebrations, it is customary to beautifully decorate all dishes, cuts, and desserts. For this we use:

  • Powdered sugar;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Coconut flakes;
  • Natural flowers;
  • Flower petals;
  • Fresh mint leaves;
  • Marmalade;
  • Marmelshaw;
  • Oriental sweets;
  • Candied fruit;
  • Nuts;
  • Coffee, cocoa.

Powdered sugar and cinnamon are used to powder any fruit slices. They add a fresh accent and well mask the air-darkened flesh of pears and apples.

Coconut shavings also look impressive when serving fruit as a theme.

Pieces of marshmallow or marmalade go well with melon and strawberries, they can be put on skewers and served with sweet fruit.

Fresh flowers and mint leaves are inserted into fruit slices at your own discretion. And the plate is sprinkled with rose petals.

Pomegranate seeds help create contrasts; add them to sliced ​​kiwi or banana.

Marmalade, candied fruits and oriental sweets are laid out on a tray with fruit in random order. Create colorful shades, don't be afraid!

Sprinkle lemon slices over coffee and serve with strong alcoholic drinks.

To decorate the table, beautiful molds, tableware, skewers, and dessert plates will be useful. But choose them so that they match in style.

For inspiration and the emergence of new ideas, take a look at the Internet; sites are filled with various illustrations about carving and colorful buffets.

On a note! Bake your own fluffy waffles. Take the finished waffle and decorate it with slices of figs, bananas, and kiwi. Drizzle chocolate or maple syrup over the fruit and cover with a second wafer. Add whipped cream to waffles. This dessert will go away in no time.

A wide selection of berries and fruits in supermarkets allows you to turn any ideas and fantasies into reality and make fruit slices an important part of the holiday table.

A beautifully set table immediately lifts your mood. And fruits play an important role in it. But in general, serving them is not very convenient and not at all economical.

Therefore, fruit slices always occupy a worthy place on the holiday table. You can see the design with a photo of a beautiful fruit layout in this article on our website.

Basics of creating fruit slices for the table

First, let’s clarify which fruits are usually included in the list for making this dessert dish. This:

  • apples
  • oranges
  • pears
  • tangerines
  • bananas
  • grape
  • a pineapple
  • lemon
  • berries

It’s great if you have a special device that knows how to cut fruit beautifully, quickly and accurately cuts everything into perfectly even slices. But if you don’t have a slicer in your household, you will have to arm yourself with an ordinary, but very sharp knife.

But even the easiest cutting of fruit with a simple knife can look great if the finished slices are then effectively arranged.

This is the main topic of our article today, in which you can see photos of options for decorating a fruit plate with a description.

Methods for cutting fruit for the holiday table

Oranges are cut into circles or semi-circles; you can cut the circle halfway and place it on a plate like a lemon wedge for fish. Alternatively, in segments. Or maybe you would like to make an orange rose in the center of the fruit plate?

Kiwis are cut into thin slices without peeling. Simple decorations can be kiwi flowers, cut out in a zigzag with the tip of a knife; the skin does not need to be peeled, you can bend it back like petals.

We do the same with tangerine skins, and now they look completely different.

Another simple technique on how to cut fruit beautifully is used in the step-by-step creation of a swan from an apple. If you wish, you can place it on the dish if you have extra time.

And look how cute and simple the dolphin figurines are made from banana pieces.

The pineapple is cut into cubes, which are placed in a row and moved from the center in different directions.

You can lay out ready-made pieces and slices in a circle, semicircle, segments, separating them with other fruits or leaving them as is.

Don’t forget about the game of contrasts; you shouldn’t put a green apple next to a kiwi, just like tangerines and oranges. Bright strawberries, cherries, raspberries and blackberries will complement the color scheme favorably.

The decoration of fruit slices for the buffet table can be done in the form of “kebabs”, placing the pieces on skewers in the form of an assortment of different types. This is very convenient than just taking slices from a common dish with your hands or picking them up yourself with skewers.

And on a wedding table or Valentine's Day, a beautiful cut of fruit can be placed in the shape of a heart if desired.

For children it is possible, the kids will like the idea.

When placing any fruit on the table, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar through a strainer. Looks very romantic.

And a small bonus. Very often, a fruit platter is combined with a cheese plate, which all the French go crazy for. What cheese goes with fruit slices? These are edam, gouda, mozzarella, camembert, brie, maasdam, emmental, parmesan, gruyere, pecorino, dor blue. There are no strict rules, but still...

Soft and blue cheeses go best with grapes, orange loves soft cheeses with a moldy rind, crispy apples like tender brie, pears can be accompanied by both soft and aged hard cheeses, kiwis, cherries and pineapples like to see hard cheeses next to them. varieties.

The art of cutting fruit is accessible to absolutely everyone, and if your own imagination sometimes lets you down, you can use ready-made solutions from the Internet. Bon appetit!

Sliced ​​fruit is a dish that is suitable for any holiday, be it a birthday or New Year. If you haven’t yet learned how to beautifully decorate fruit for serving, let’s look at how you can do it.

Kids need only healthy food, but they often refuse it for a variety of reasons. To avoid this, the child should be interested in something beautiful and interesting. Sliced ​​fruit for a children's party is an excellent solution in this case.


Required Products:

  • half a banana and a lemon;
  • pear;
  • orange;
  • strawberry;
  • kiwi;
  • one highlight;
  • physalis.

Cooking process:

  1. The pear must be cut into equal slices and placed on a dish in the form of a fan closer to the edge of the plate. Be sure to coat them with lemon juice so that they do not change color.
  2. We make slits on the orange skin on all sides, but do not cut the fruit completely, but cut it into rings. Place circles along the edges of the pear slices to form a peacock's tail.
  3. On top of the orange are circles of peeled kiwi.
  4. Cut off the thin top of half a banana and place it in front of the tail - this will be the neck.
  5. We cut the edge of the strawberry sideways and place it on a banana, and insert physalis into the cut at the back as a tuft.
  6. Make wings from two more pieces of sliced ​​orange, placing them next to the neck, and eyes from raisins and two kiwi seeds.

Beautiful design of fruit slices: ideas

A beautiful fruit slice can become the main dish on the table if it is decorated correctly. After all, using these useful ingredients, it is possible to get a real masterpiece.

  1. The simplest option is to chop the fruit into circles, squares, slices and arrange them beautifully on a plate.
  2. Try grouping fruits by color or making something look like a rainbow. The result will be a very bright presentation.
  3. Don’t be afraid to experiment; in addition to fruits, add berries, twigs, you can even use fresh flowers, and sprinkle the top with powdered sugar, which will give the dish an even more unusual look.
  4. Another very original way is a basket. The required shape is cut out of a whole watermelon, the pulp is removed, and various chopped fruits and berries are placed inside.
  5. A fruit bouquet will not only decorate any table, but is also quite suitable as a small gift.

Fruit canapés on skewers for the festive table

Probably the most convenient serving, since the fruit is juicy, sticky and can splash the clothes of guests. But if you place them on skewers, then the incident will no longer happen, and this is done very simply.

  1. First, decide on berries and fruits, take the most favorite and delicious ones.
  2. Cut them into identical pieces, slices using a knife or special tools.
  3. Place them on the skewers in the same order. You can use long skewers and get something like fruit skewers, and arrange them in the shape of a rainbow or simply. In any case, such a layout in itself turns out to be original.

How to make a bouquet of fruits at home

A bouquet of fruits is an excellent alternative to fresh flowers. This composition can be put on the table, given to your boss or your girlfriend. Despite the fact that everything seems very complicated in appearance, it is quite possible to make a bouquet at home.

What you will need:

  • beautiful, smooth fruits and vegetables without any damage or black spots;
  • you can add candy, cookies, cinnamon sticks and whatever you want;
  • base - jar, vase, hard cardboard box;
  • various decorative elements - foil, bows, ribbons;
  • tightly kneaded dough and long skewers.

Build process:

  1. Place a piece of dough into the chosen base. Please note that it must be very tight.
  2. You can use whole fruits, or cut them beautifully and then place them on skewers in any order. Add berries, chocolate, candies and other elements there to your liking.
  3. Stick the prepared skewers firmly into the dough, and sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice so that they do not lose their appearance.
  4. Use decor to decorate the base: you can wrap it with ribbons, paint it and draw something, decorate it with stones, beads, etc.
  5. If desired, the entire bouquet can be covered with coconut flakes, glaze or other powder.

Decorating and serving a fruit plate for beginners

Among the serving options, there are many professional ones that are difficult for a beginner to handle, but you can also find simpler methods suitable for beginners.

Design rules:

  • be sure to wash the fruits, choose only ripe and beautiful ones;
  • use very sharp knives - this is the key to even cutting;
  • To prevent the fruits from losing their appearance, they need to be coated with transparent jelly or sprinkled with lemon juice;
  • You can make the dish more attractive with the help of berries and pomegranate seeds;
  • Chop apples and bananas last, as they begin to darken the fastest.

As for serving, the best option for beginners is to place various fruits on a large dish, but at the same time cut them not as usual, but in interesting shapes.

  1. You can make cuts on the top of the orange at equal distances from each other, open them slightly and eventually get a flower.
  2. Cut off the top of the apple, remove the insides with a spoon and put berries and other pieces of fruit there, you will get something like a basket.
  3. Draw a line on the watermelon that will be considered the beginning of the basket.
  4. Cut the sides of the watermelon so that there remains a strip for the handle and if you have a curly one, then carefully cut it out.
  5. Remove the pulp from the inside of the berry, the edges can be shaped into teeth or ovals and fill the resulting basket with anything you like.