How to Add Purple Basil to Chicken. Chicken baked with tomatoes and basil. Spicy chicken with basil

Colon cleansing is a very useful procedure, both for people with various gastrointestinal diseases and for absolutely healthy people. Therefore, today we will talk about how to prepare intestinal scrubs and what effect can be achieved with their help. It should be mentioned that today in the pharmacy you can find many products that help cleanse the intestines. These are Fortrans, Duphalac, many teas for weight loss and special cleansing mixtures based on laxative herbs. But oatmeal is an excellent alternative, and is also a gentler option. It’s also very tasty, so your morning will be much more pleasant.


We really need intestinal scrubs; they help remove toxins, which have a very adverse effect on the body’s condition, promote the accumulation of fat, as well as the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. At the same time, you will not need a fantastic effort of will to use it. Believe me, unlike an enema or taking laxatives, this is a very pleasant procedure. Oatmeal is the most balanced, healthy and inexpensive cereal. It contains iron and calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium, fluorine, sodium, iodine, calcium, zinc, manganese and copper. Why take expensive supplements when there is such a pantry of health? In addition, oatmeal contains B vitamins and many others. Wonderful intestinal scrubs help not only enrich the body with useful substances, but also significantly improve its health. At the same time, the tummy disappears, the condition of hair and nails improves, and a healthy glow appears. Overall, it's worth a try.

Cold scrub

Such intestinal scrubs are prepared in the evening, judging by the reviews of doctors, they are the most useful. To prepare one serving you will need 3 tablespoons of rolled oats, which should be filled with cold water or milk. Leave to swell overnight. In the morning you can add a little honey for taste and a few nuts. If you have an allergy, you do not need to use flavoring additives. The porridge should be chewed thoroughly and not washed down. This cleansing breakfast is consumed 3 hours before the main one. A cold scrub perfectly removes cholesterol and quickly normalizes weight, and you can take it for one month. So, without any effort, you are guaranteed to lose weight.

Hot scrub

This oatmeal intestinal scrub is prepared on the basis of crushed flakes. For 3 tablespoons of such flour you will need 1 glass of hot milk. In 15 minutes your porridge will be ready. If you need to have breakfast very quickly, you will need to put the mixture on the fire and after 5 minutes you can start breakfast. You can add nuts and dried fruits, berries, dried apricots or raisins to the finished porridge. This hot and tasty porridge will replace your usual sandwiches and give you energy and health.

Cleansing diet

Oatmeal is quite high in calories, but is digested very quickly. An intestinal scrub made from oatmeal helps remove waste and toxins from the body, as well as cleanse the epithelium of excess mucus. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and prevents flatulence. Regular consumption of oatmeal facilitates the absorption of fats from incoming food. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, it will help prevent constipation. By regularly eating oatmeal, you thoroughly cleanse your intestines, but you don’t have to starve. That is, you lose weight, get prettier, and without any effort.

Intestinal scrub: minus 11 kg guaranteed!

It is very easy to prepare, just pour boiling water over the oatmeal in the evening and cover with a lid (20 g of cereal per glass of boiling water). In the morning you can add a tablespoon of honey, half a grated apple and 2 walnuts. Now the most important thing: you should eat the porridge slowly, chewing thoroughly and without consuming any liquid. You will be able to drink your usual coffee only after three hours, after which you can follow your usual diet.

What to do if you forgot to make cereal the night before? It's okay, in the morning just pour boiling water over them and leave for 30 minutes. There is an alternative that can be used from time to time. To do this, rolled oats are poured with cold apple juice in the evening. The course of admission is 1 month. You will immediately notice that your skin becomes smoother and cleaner, and your waist will take on a nice shape. It should be borne in mind that you can lose 11 kg in a month only if you are very overweight. In addition, the result will be much better if you stick to a reasonable diet for the rest of the day and add physical activity. However, in any case, you will quickly notice that your general condition has improved, there is vigor, a surge of energy in the morning and comfort in the intestines. In addition, in a couple of weeks you yourself will not be able to look at your usual sandwiches, because your body will persistently ask for your favorite porridge. When the course is over, you can switch to regular oatmeal, cooked in milk or water. You shouldn’t have it for breakfast every day, but including it in your diet 1-2 times a week will be very useful.

People have long known about the benefits of oats. Healthy nutrition experts say that oatmeal in any form should be present in the diet, and adherents of proper nutrition cannot imagine their morning without a plate of oatmeal. Oat products, and especially porridge, have a beneficial effect on human health and help maintain a healthy weight. Thus, oatmeal is considered one of the most popular and effective products for normalizing weight.

The benefits of oat porridge for weight loss

Oat flakes are a valuable storehouse of proteins, fiber, vitamins, iodine, fluorine, folic acid, biotins, calcium, magnesium and potassium, amino acids and other trace elements that the body requires for normal functioning.

The benefits of cereal for weight loss cannot be overestimated:

  • Cleanses the intestines and stomach;
  • Activate the body's protective processes;
  • Reduce cholesterol levels;
  • Reduce the risk of developing heart disease and thrombosis;
  • Remove harmful substances from the body;
  • Gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Varieties of oatmeal diets

Diet based on oat porridge with fruits

The diet lasts 5-7 days. During the day, you need to eat 3 servings of oatmeal, 250 g each, in the morning, afternoon and evening, and replace other meals with fruit to taste. You need to eat every 3 hours.

“Four-day” diet with oatmeal porridge

The first day

  • Breakfast : ½ cup oat flakes, boiled in water.
  • Snack : several nuts, unsweetened green tea.
  • Dinner : oatmeal steamed with boiling water, you can add 1 tsp. honey
  • Snack : Light salad of sliced ​​cucumbers and radishes.
  • Dinner: oat porridge with water and a handful of berries.

Second day

  • Breakfast : oat porridge cooked in water.
  • Snack : 200 ml kefir.
  • Dinner : oatmeal steamed with boiling water, you can add 1 tsp. honey
  • Snack : half a grapefruit and green tea.
  • Dinner : flakes boiled in water, several pieces of prunes and dried apricots, as well as 1 fig.

Day three

  • Breakfast : Hercules on the water.
  • Snack : low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner : rolled oats, steamed with boiling water, seasoned with 1 tsp. honey
  • Snack : 1 small orange, unsweetened green tea.
  • Dinner : oatmeal steamed with boiling water, a handful of raisins.

Day four

  • Breakfast : oatmeal porridge with water.
  • Snack : 200 ml kefir.
  • Dinner : rolled oats, steamed with boiling water, seasoned with 1 tsp. honey
  • Snack : 1 small orange, lettuce.
  • Dinner : oatmeal, steamed with boiling water, 1 pear.

Strict oatmeal diet

Lasts one week. For the first three days of the diet, you should only consume oat porridge, cooked according to the instructions on the package. No added flavors or seasonings are allowed. Porridge can be washed down with green tea or clean water, as well as herbal infusion. On the following days, 1 green apple is added to the porridge.

Fasting day on Hercules

Divide 1 glass of rolled oats into 5 equal portions. They must be consumed during the day, and the last portion should be eaten no later than 18:00. As for liquids, you can drink green tea without sugar and water.

Oatmeal porridge recipes for weight loss

Whole grain oat porridge

Will be needed:

  • whole oat grains – 200 g;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Rinse the grains;
  2. Boil water and add oat grains to it. Add salt to taste. Cook for 40 minutes over low heat;
  3. Let the flakes sit in a warm place for about half an hour.

Healthy and low-calorie porridge is ready!

Hercules with apples for weight loss

Will be needed:

  • rolled oats – 250 g;
  • apple juice – glass;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • green apple – 1 piece;
  • water - glass;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.


  1. Rinse the raisins, add boiling water, leave for 18-20 minutes;
  2. Grind the apple;
  3. Pour rolled oats into a saucepan, add water and juice. Boil. After boiling, cook for 13-15 minutes;
  4. Serve with cinnamon and apple.

Oatmeal without cooking for weight loss

Will be needed:

  • cereal – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 150 g;
  • dried apricots and raisins - 1 tbsp each;
  • honey – ½ tsp;
  • candied fruits – 1 tsp;
  • coconut flakes - a pinch;
  • green apple – 1 pc.


  1. Pour rolled oats, raisins and dried apricots into a plate;
  2. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid or plate and leave overnight;
  3. In the morning, add grated apple and remaining ingredients.

Prepare the porridge in the evening.

Will be needed:

  • oat flakes – 250 g;
  • pumpkin – 150 g;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • skim milk – 400 ml;
  • cinnamon.


  1. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan and add water, after boiling, cook for 18-20 minutes;
  2. Puree the pumpkin in a blender;
  3. Place the flakes in a saucepan and add milk. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling;
  4. Let it brew for half an hour;
  5. Add pureed pumpkin and cinnamon.

Oatmeal breakfast recipes for weight loss

Hercules porridge classic

Will be needed:

  • oat flakes – 1 cup;
  • water – 500 ml.


  1. Boil water, add flakes to boiling water;
  2. Cook over high heat for a couple of minutes, stirring vigorously;
  3. Reduce gas and cover the porridge with a lid, cook until fully cooked.

The porridge can be supplemented with an apple, low-fat cottage cheese, a pinch of cinnamon, nuts or raisins.

Cold way to make oatmeal for breakfast

Will be needed:

  • rolled oats – 30-50 g;
  • skim milk – 200-300 ml.


  1. Pour cold milk over the cereal, let it brew for 15 minutes;
  2. Add dried fruits or nuts to taste.

Microwave porridge for breakfast

Will need:

  • rolled oats – 30-50 g;
  • skim milk or water – 200-300 ml.


  1. Pour milk or water over the cereal;
  2. Place in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

Hercules, prepared in the evening

Will need:

  • rolled oats – 30-50 g;
  • drinking yogurt without additives – 200-300 ml.


  1. Pour yogurt over the flakes;
  2. Leave overnight;
  3. Add dried fruits, apple, cinnamon to taste.

Oatmeal with milk for weight loss

There is a lot of controversy surrounding milk and its benefits for weight loss. Some people think that oatmeal cooked with milk does not help you lose weight, while others say it’s the opposite. Nutritionists recommend using skim milk or the lowest percentage of fat when cooking oatmeal. It is allowed to mix milk with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Oatmeal porridge with milk and dried fruits for weight loss

Will be needed:

  • rolled oats – 50 g;
  • milk – 320 g;
  • honey – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • dried fruits – 80 g.


  1. Boil the milk;
  2. Pour rolled oats into boiling milk and cook, stirring;
  3. After a few minutes, remove from heat;
  4. Leave in a warm place for about half an hour;
  5. Meanwhile, chop dried fruits;
  6. Heat a frying pan and add honey, add dried fruits, stir and remove from heat;
  7. Put the porridge back on the fire and add dried fruits and honey, heat for a few minutes.

Oatmeal with honey for weight loss

Honey is added to oatmeal for sweetness, replacing sugar. And, although honey contains quite a lot of calories, a very small amount of it will not only not harm you, but will also help you lose weight. If oatmeal is consumed for weight loss, it is not recommended to use more than 1 tablespoon of honey. Oatmeal with honey quickly cleanses the body of “deposits” of toxins and other harmful substances accumulated in the intestines and blood vessels.

Will be needed:

  • rolled oats – 100 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 200 ml.


  1. Boil water and add oatmeal to it;
  2. Cook until done;
  3. When serving, season with honey.

Oatmeal with water for weight loss

Steamed oatmeal

Will be needed:

  • oatmeal – 75-100 g;
  • water – 100-150 g;
  • honey, dried apricots - to taste.


  1. Pour boiling water over the flakes;
  2. Add honey and dried apricots;
  3. Cover with a lid and leave for about 10 minutes.

Oat milk

Will be needed:

  • coarse flakes – 100 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • honey – ½ tsp.


  1. To boil water;
  2. Pour water over the flakes, stir and let sit overnight;
  3. Add honey in the morning;
  4. Beat the mixture with a blender and then pass through cheesecloth.


Like any product, oatmeal has a number of contraindications. Oatmeal flakes are not recommended for daily consumption over a long period of time, as they contain phytic acid, which prevents the body from absorbing calcium and promotes its leaching.

The quality of oatmeal also needs to be approached with extreme caution - most unscrupulous manufacturers add starch to oatmeal flakes, which turns into ordinary sugar in our body.

Finally, oatmeal is contraindicated for people with gluten intolerance. Be careful and consult your doctor before choosing an oat diet.

Is it possible to lose weight on oatmeal?

Indeed, you can lose weight on oatmeal. This healthy and tasty porridge helps you regain normal weight and get started with proper nutrition. The results are different for everyone - depending on the characteristics of the body and the chosen diet. For example, some manage to lose up to 10 kg in the shortest possible time. The normal rate of weight loss per week on oatmeal is considered to be about 3.5-5 kg.

Video about the oat diet

Dr. Agapkin talks about the benefits of oatmeal and reveals the secrets of the oatmeal diet:

In the next article we will talk about others.

An oatmeal diet will be useful not only for those who are trying to lose extra pounds, but also for those who want to improve the general condition of their body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Rave reviews and recommendations from doctors speak only in favor of oatmeal. Try it too, perhaps oatmeal is your weight loss product.

Meat We are pleased to present you a step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish “Chicken cutlets with cabbage in tomato”. It's really worth a try. Minced chicken 350 g. Egg 1 pc. Salt to taste Ground black pepper to taste Semolina 2 tbsp. Onion 1.5 pcs. Water 250 ml. Garlic 2 teeth. Flour to taste Cabbage 80 g. Loaf 3 slices Spices to taste Sugar to taste Tomato 2 pcs. Shred the cabbage thinly, then chop, add a little salt and mash with your hands. Add cabbage to the minced meat. Salt, sprinkle with spices and pepper. Mix the minced meat well, add the egg. Also add semolina to the minced meat and a loaf soaked in milk or water and squeezed out. Mix the minced meat thoroughly again. Form cutlets with wet hands and roll them in flour. Fry the cutlets in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides, over medium heat. Next, the cutlets should be stewed in tomato. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, add chopped onions. Fry. Add tomatoes cut into pieces, tomato paste, salt, add a little spices, add a little sugar and pour in water. Bring the sauce to a boil. Also add chopped garlic and bay leaf to the sauce. Place the cutlets in the sauce and simmer for 15 minutes. The recipe used a slow cooker for stewing. Serve ready-made, delicious minced chicken cutlets with cabbage with any side dish of your choice. Bon appetit!
  • 20min 1hour.min Meat A detailed step-by-step guide on how to prepare Polenta with Tomato Sauce and Basil. We highly recommend trying it. Pinch of salt)"> to taste Water 200 ml Corn flour for polenta 200 g. Sun-dried tomatoes 50 g. Garlic 2 teeth. Tomatoes 3 pcs. Basil 1 bunch. Fresh thyme 1 bunch. Olive oil to taste Capers 4 tbsp. First we prepare the polenta. To do this, pour corn grits into boiling salted water in a thin stream and cook it, stirring constantly, for 10–15 minutes. At the end, add the diced sun-dried tomatoes. We form small cutlets from polenta and fry them until a crust appears. Prepare the sauce: cut fresh, peeled tomatoes into large cubes, lightly fry them in olive oil with chopped garlic and thyme, add chopped herbs and capers. Serve the polenta and sauce separately or together, garnishing the dish with a fresh basil floret.
  • 20min 25min Meat A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the dish "Meat balls with basil and spaghetti." Be sure to try it Green onions 3 pcs. Ground beef 500 g. Garlic 1 tooth. Basil 65 ml Olive oil 15 ml Grated Parmesan cheese 75 g. Spaghetti sauce 400 ml Spaghetti to taste Mix minced meat with finely chopped onion, chopped garlic, basil and grated Parmesan. Sprinkle with spices and roll into 16 balls. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the balls for 15 minutes, turning constantly. Pour in the sauce and simmer for 5 minutes or more. Serve with spaghetti and grated Parmesan.
  • 20min 1hour.min Meat A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the dish “Chicken with capers, anchovies, garlic and olives in tomato sauce.” Be sure to try it Lemons 1 pc. Chicken 1 kg. Greens 1 bunch. Rosemary 1 tsp. Anchovies 3 pcs. Capers 2 tbsp. Olives 50 g. Tomato paste 3 tbsp. Garlic 2 teeth. Olive oil 6 tbsp. Salt to taste White wine 150 ml Ground black pepper to taste Cut the prepared chicken into pieces and marinate. For the marinade, mix the oil with rosemary and chopped garlic, grated lemon zest, salt and pepper. Leave the chicken for 30 minutes. Fry the chicken, add tomato paste, wine and simmer for 20 minutes. Add chopped anchovies, olives and capers. Leave for a few more minutes. Sprinkle the finished chicken with chopped herbs.
  • 20min 1hour.min Meat A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the “Chicken in Tomatoes with Chickpeas” dish. Be sure to try it Chicken legs 1 kg. Chickpeas 1 cup. Tomatoes in their own juice 400 g. Greens 1 bunch. Olive oil 3 tbsp. Salt to taste Italian herbs to taste Soak the chickpeas overnight for 10–12 hours. Boil the swollen chickpeas for 60–90 minutes with the addition of bay leaf and black peppercorns. Place chopped legs in a baking dish, season with oil and spices. In a deep bowl, mix boiled chickpeas, tomatoes, herbs, add a little more spices and a spoonful of oil, stir. Pour the chickpea-vegetable mixture over chicken legs and thighs, season with salt and pepper to taste, bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until the chicken is cooked. It is better to cover the form with foil to prevent drying out.
  • 20min 30min Meat A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the “Chicken in Green Curry” dish. Be sure to try it Coconut cream 250 ml Green curry paste 4 tbsp. Chicken breast 4 pcs. Eggplants ½ pcs. Coconut milk 250 ml Brown sugar 2 tbsp. Fish sauce 2 tbsp. Lime leaves 4 pcs. Basil leaves 20 pcs. Red chili pepper 2 pcs. Heat a wok over low heat, add cream and bring to a boil. Add curry paste, simmer for 1 minute, then add chopped chicken. Cook the chicken until done, then add the milk and chopped eggplant. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until eggplant is tender. Add sugar, fish sauce, lime leaves and half the basil. Mix well. Sprinkle with the remaining basil, chopped chili and cream on top.
  • 20min 2hours 10min Meat A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the “Whole chicken in the oven” dish. Be sure to try it Chicken 1.5 kg. Garlic 4 teeth. Dried basil 1 tsp. Olive oil 2 tbsp. Salt 2 tsp. Ground black pepper ½ tsp. Ground paprika 2 tsp. Rinse and dry chicken with paper towels. Prepare the marinade: pass the garlic through a press and mix with basil, paprika, salt and pepper, pour in olive oil and stir. 2 tsp Use the marinade to rub the inside of the chicken. In a baking dish greased with vegetable oil, place the chicken breast side down, brush with marinade and turn it breast side up, rub the top with marinade as well. Let the chicken marinate for 1 hour. Then put the chicken in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 60-90 minutes until cooked and golden brown. For greater juiciness, it is better to periodically baste the chicken during cooking with the juice that is released.
  • 20min 1hour.min Meat A detailed step-by-step description of how to prepare the dish "Chicken with potatoes, baked with mayonnaise and basil." Be sure to try it Chicken thighs 6 pcs. Potatoes 600 g. Mayonnaise 100 ml Dried basil 2 tsp. Garlic 2 teeth. Salt to taste Ground black pepper to taste Vegetable oil 1 tsp. Peel the garlic, chop finely. In a deep bowl, mix garlic with mayonnaise, basil, salt and pepper. Rinse chicken thighs with water and dry with paper towels. Place in a bowl with the resulting marinade and mix well. Cut the peeled potatoes into strips. Grease the bottom of a deep baking tray with vegetable oil. Place a layer of potatoes and top with chicken thighs and marinade. Bake at 200 degrees in the oven for 40 minutes.
  • Ground black pepper to taste Lightly pound the chicken fillet and marinate in a mixture of yogurt, crushed garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. The marinade gives good results within an hour, but to be completely sure of success, it is better to wait three hours. Remove the chicken from the marinade and place a green basil leaf in the middle of each fillet, place a thin slice of Parma ham on top of the basil, and another basil leaf on top of the ham. Fold over the edges of the fillets to create something like an envelope and grill all the chicken envelopes on both sides. Be careful not to fry too much because the yogurt will certainly start to burn. Fry - only to impart a fried taste to the meat and achieve a pattern of black stripes on the surface of the fillet. For some reason these stripes add elegance to the food. After frying the chicken, place the entire dozen pieces on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for twenty minutes. Stuffed tomatoes can be a side dish for chicken. Flour 1 g. Tomato paste 2 g. Minced meat 400 g. Vegetable oil 2 g. Salt and pepper to taste Rice must be cooked in salted water in advance and cooled. Place it in a deep bowl, beat in the eggs. Mix thoroughly. Add minced meat (in this case a mix of beef and pork), pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. You can also add your favorite spices or dried herbs to the minced meat. Prepare a heat-resistant form, grease it with a little vegetable oil. With wet hands, form the meatballs and place them in the pan. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. In the meantime, you can make the sauce. Place some oil in a frying pan and heat it up. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Place them in a frying pan and fry for a couple of minutes. Then add flour and tomato (or tomato paste). Add salt and pepper to taste, add water and stir gently again. Remove the pan with meatballs from the oven. Carefully pour the sauce on top. 1 Place back in the oven and bake for another 15-20 minutes until done. Bon appetit!
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