How to make sweet rolls, step-by-step recipe with photos. How to make your own sweet fruit rolls

About sushi and rolls.

The most popular dish of Japanese cuisine in our country is without a doubt sushi. Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish of rice and seafood. Their diversity and abundance is shocking. In an ordinary sushi bar we can find dozens, or even hundreds, of types of sushi and rolls - classic, with chicken, vegetarian, spicy, non-spicy, cold, hot and even sweet. Yes, you were right - sweet ones. Fruit sushi and rolls for dessert are delicacies that, once you try them, you will never be able to exclude from your diet.

Types of fruit rolls and sushi.

There are a lot of options for sweet sushi and rolls; it’s worth noting a few of the most original and delicious ones.

To prepare, you should prepare rice paper, sweet cream cheese, half a banana, and a handful of strawberries. The best addition is chocolate sauce, and a sprig of mint is used for decoration.
Dip the rice paper in warm water for a few minutes or hold it over running warm water to make it soft and workable. Spread some cream cheese on it and alternate banana and strawberry slices. Wrap and cut into pieces already on a plate, for an even better taste, pour in chocolate sauce and add a mint leaf.
2. Sweet sushi with cheese mascarpone and canned pineapple.
To prepare you will need: several sheets of rice paper, canned pineapples, sweet mascarpone cheese, rice.
Pre-mix the cheese with powdered sugar, boil the rice a little longer than usual and in sweet water. Take an already wet sheet of paper and spread a thin layer of cheese so that it lightly covers the area. Then lay out the rice and spread the cheese again, but now with a coarser layer.
Grind the pineapples into a paste and spread on top. Wrap and cut, pour generously with condensed milk.
3. Chocolate pancakes rolls .
Ingredients: one teaspoon of cocoa, two teaspoons of starch, two teaspoons of sugar, two eggs, chocolate, butter, milk, peanuts.
Mix eggs, starch, sugar and cocoa from the resulting mass and fry thin pancakes.
In a separate pot, melt the butter, chocolate and add a few tablespoons of milk. Spread the pancakes with the mixture and sprinkle with finely chopped peanuts, again pour the chocolate mixture over them several times. Wrap and place in the refrigerator for several hours.
4. Rolls with coconut and chocolate.
You will need the same rice paper, coconut, chocolate bar, cottage cheese, cream, sugar, a scoop of ice cream.
Mix cottage cheese, sugar, cream, coconut flakes and mix thoroughly, at low speed, in a mixer or blender. Apply the resulting mixture onto rice sheets and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Wrap and place in the microwave for two minutes. Serve hot with a scoop of ice cream next to it.

Take nectarine, kiwi, carrots, honey, plums, nori (seaweed sheets), sugar. Melt the honey in a frying pan over low heat and fry the peeled carrots, cut into fine pieces. Chop the nectarine and kiwi as well and mix with the carrots. Place the resulting mixture on the nori and wrap it up.
To prepare the sauce, take three plums, water and two tablespoons of sugar, cook over low heat, stirring constantly. The sauce should reduce greatly and become thick. After cooking, sit through a sieve and pour over the sushi.

Useful properties of fruit sushi and dessert rolls.

Fruit sushi and rolls are a wonderful dessert. They are low-calorie, contain many healthy ingredients: fruits, citrus fruits, honey, nuts and everything else your soul desires to supplement them with. They are also great for those who are on a diet and cannot afford cake or sweets.

Every girl knows that feeling when you want something sweet, and the only foods containing sugar are fruits, which you get tired of on the third day. In such cases, sushi is a great way out and you will pamper yourself and add variety to your diet. Young children are another fan of this dessert, and this is only to the benefit of mothers, because you can easily not only pamper your child in this way at home, but also cook it as a healthy snack at school. Agree that fruit is much better than unhealthy sandwiches.
Summarizing all the information we know about fruit sushi and dessert rolls, we can conclude that this dish deserves to be in our holiday and everyday diet. Pamper yourself and your family!


Cottage cheese – 200 g
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Fructose - 2 tsp.
Sesame - 2 tbsp. l.
Banana - 1 pc.
Kiwi - 1 pc.
Milk chocolate – 1 bar
Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Add a tablespoon of sour cream and two teaspoons of fructose (powdered sugar is possible). Mix well.
2. Roll out the mat and place cling film on it. Sprinkle the film with sesame seeds.
3. Pour in the curd mass and smooth with a spoon. To prevent the cottage cheese from sticking to the spoon, moisten it with water.
4. Place fruit on cottage cheese.
5. Carefully roll the roll and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
6. Cut with a wet knife. Decorate each slice with a nut, sprinkle with grated chocolate and powdered sugar. It will be very tasty with coffee or cocoa.

For the test:

Eggs - 4 pcs
flour - 500 g

Butter - 100 g
sugar - 100 g
salt - approximately 1 tsp. (not worth taking anymore)
vegetable oil - 50 ml
milk - 1 l
And now all the preparation itself.

Fruit rolls The yolks of the eggs are separated from the whites. After “separating,” the yolks are beaten with sugar, as well as salt (if you decide to add it). The flour is sifted, milk is added to the flour. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed. Then the yolks, previously beaten with sugar, are added to the mixed mass, and the butter (already melted) also “gets” here. Everything is mixed and very carefully (an important moment!) the whipped whites (of course, into foam) are introduced into the resulting mass. Well, everything is carefully mixed, vegetable oil is poured in. Now let's start baking. 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil is poured into the frying pan, the frying pan is heated, and the dough is poured. This is how very thin pancakes are baked.

Then the finished pancakes are cut into strips. At the same time, cottage cheese, previously mashed with sugar, is placed on the edge of the strip. If desired, you can add kiwi, bananas or mangoes cut into strips.

Making Japanese fruit rolls for children is as easy as shelling pears, and the idea itself is striking in its simplicity and accessibility. In the proposed recipe, an exquisite taste is created through the combination of fruits and special cheese, but in principle, some ingredients are completely replaceable. These fruit rolls can be prepared, as they say, in a hurry and at the same time impress guests with your culinary skills.

Japanese fruit rolls for children are made from the following ingredients:
. thin pancakes
. soft cheese "Philadelphia"
. powdered sugar
. pineapples
. kiwi
. strawberry
. for topping with jam or jam
. mint sprigs for garnish

Japanese fruit rolls for children are prepared as follows:
1. Add powdered sugar to the cheese to taste and mix thoroughly.
2. Cut the peeled fruit into strips.
3. Lay out the pancake, spread cheese evenly on one half and place a strip of slices of each type of fruit on top of it.
4. Then carefully roll the pancake into a tube, cut into six pieces (you don’t have to trim the edges) and place the rolls on a plate with the filling facing up.
5. Pour jam or marmalade over the rolls and garnish with a sprig of mint.
The material belongs to the site
Recipe author Olga Ryvkina


Thin pancakes


Pancakes: 2 eggs, baking powder, boiling water, tablespoon starch and flour. A little sugar so as not to be bland, and cocoa to taste (cocoa in this recipe), make the dough like for pancakes, bake thin pancakes in a frying pan and in butter.

Filling: I took mascarpone 250 g + vanilla curd mass 250 g.

You need to put the pancake on a strip of foil, then grease it with the filling, sprinkle it with coconut, and roll it like regular rolls, leaving it in the foil for at least 4 hours. You can add any filling.


Pancakes, the most ordinary ones.

Fruits (banana, pear, kiwi).

Philadelphia cheese".

Fruit jam.

First you need to prepare the cream for the rolls. Take Philadelphia cheese and add powdered sugar. All this must be mixed until smooth. After that, you need to peel the fruits and cut them into medium-sized cubes. The fruits need to be mixed together, after which the resulting fruit mass is mixed with the cream prepared in advance. Place the filling in the middle of the pancake and distribute evenly over the entire surface of the pancake. Then we wrap the pancake in a roll. When all the pancakes are ready, cut the rolls and place them on a plate. Pour fruit jam or syrup to taste on top and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


To begin, you need to prepare pancake dough. Milk, egg, flour, sugar and cocoa, all these ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. The dough should be dark; if necessary, add more chocolate or icing to give the dough the desired color.

After the filling is ready, spread the pancakes with mascarpone, curd filling is also ideal, lay the fruit in strips on the pancake and wrap it tightly in relics.

The finished rolls must be placed in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours or, if desired, in the freezer for 30 minutes.

After that, we take out the ready-made rolls and cut them into portions into pieces, after which we water them with syrup.


egg omelet
Philadelphia cheese"
powdered sugar
half a kiwi
1/10 part pineapple
various berries
Cooking method

Place all the ingredients on the table in front of you.
Everything is at hand
Place the egg omelet on the mat to prepare the rolls.
Omelette on makisa
On the omelette, in turn, place Philadelphia cream cheese.
Cheese stacking
The cheese must be aligned in one line.
Intermediate stage
Sprinkle the cheese with powdered sugar to your liking. Check how much of a sweet tooth you have.
Let's add sweetness
You can’t resist and sprinkle some powder on the egg omelet too :)

There is no limit to sweets
Cut the fruits - peeled pineapple and kiwi - into cubes (it is better not to use the pineapple core), cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds from them.
Fruit preparation
Place the sliced ​​fruit on both sides next to the Philadelphia cheese on both the omelette and the cheese.
Fruit stacking
Wrap the omelette using a mat.
Iron the roll on all sides.
Form the roll using a block.
Preliminary result of our work.
Roll is almost ready
Using the sharpest knife in the house, cut the rolls into portions. After each cut, wipe the knife with a clean cloth soaked in water so that the cheese does not spread across the end surface of the roll.
One more step closer to the finale
Place the rolls on a plate with their ends up.
A little bit more
Decorate the rolls with berries and the plate with syrup.


For one serving of sweet Yuki-No sushi you will need:

2-3 tablespoons white short grain rice
half a glass of cream
half a glass of milk
teaspoon vanilla
tablespoon sugar
sheet of rice paper
mango slice
half a medium banana
quarter kiwi
2 tablespoons coconut flakes

Bowl with warm water
sharp knife
mat (bamboo mat - makisu) + cling film

First, pour the milk and cream into one saucepan or bowl, place on the heat and bring to a boil. When your milk mass begins to boil, add pre-washed rice in water. Cook the rice for 10-15 minutes until cooked. The rice should be soft and not have individual crumbly grains; you should end up with something similar to our rice porridge. A minute before the rice is ready, add a tablespoon of sugar, and when the rice is completely ready, add vanillin and stir the resulting mass thoroughly. Next, let the rice cool.

While the rice is cooling, you need to cut the fruit into strips. Mangoes need to be peeled and pitted. For one sweet roll you will need a quarter or even less of the whole fruit (depending on the size of the mango). Cut the mango slice into strips. We do the same with kiwi - separate from the peel and cut half of the fruit into strips. Peel the banana and cut one half in half and also into strips.

Before placing rice on rice paper, lightly moisten it with water to soften and make the paper more elastic. Otherwise it will break, as it is very fragile. Next, place a sushi mat on the table, having previously wrapped it in cling film, and place one sheet of rice paper on it. Place the cooled rice on rice paper in a thin layer so that the paper is slightly visible through the rice. Also leave a 1-1.5 cm border on the paper for further rolling of the roll. Afterwards, turn everything over with the rice facing down and place the chopped pieces of fruit in the middle. Next, we roll the sushi into rolls using a mat. Before cutting sweet sushi, you need to roll the roll in coconut flakes. Finally, cut the roll into eight equal pieces.

Important! When you start slicing, always wet your knife with water. This will help the knife slide along the roll and prevent the rice from sticking to the blade itself.

So, cut the resulting roll into eight parts: cut the roll in half, then the halves in half again, and all the halves in half again. You should have 8 even pieces.

Sweet rolls can be served with vanilla sauce or simply garnished with a sprig of mint. Bon appetit!

Recipe from

Yummy! Be sure to try it!


● Milk – 500 ml;
● Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l;
● Egg – 2 pcs;
● Sugar – 2 tbsp. l (in dough);
● Salt – a pinch;
● Flour – 8-9 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
● Cottage cheese – 400 gr;
● Sour cream – 7-8 tbsp. l;
● Sugar for curd filling - to taste;
● Fruits, to your taste, I have apples, kiwi, tangerines, bananas)

To prepare the pancake dough, pour the milk into a bowl and mix with the eggs. Add sifted flour, sugar and salt. Stir the dough with a whisk or beat with a mixer until smooth. In terms of thickness, it will be like regular pancake dough - not very thick, but not entirely liquid either. Pour vegetable oil into the dough and stir. The pancake batter needs to sit for about 10 minutes, then you can start frying the pancakes.
Under the first pancake, coat the frying pan with oil. We take the required amount of dough into a ladle (for a thin pancake), pour it into the frying pan and twist it in different directions so that the dough spreads in a thin layer along the bottom. Wash, peel and cut the fruits into strips.

When all the pancakes are ready, make the curd filling for pancake rolls with fruit. Mix the cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar until a homogeneous viscous mass. Leave it for a while to let the sugar melt, then taste it. If the fruits are sour, make the curd mass sweet; if the fruits are sweet (canned peaches, for example), then it is better to leave the cottage cheese sour. Place the cooled pancakes on a board or table. We cut off the edges on both sides so that the cut of the pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit is even. Coat about half of the pancake with a layer of curd mass. Place a strip of fruit in the middle. Roll the pancake into a tight roll and place it on a separate plate.

Fill all your pancakes this way. If the edges unroll, coat them with curd mass or sour cream. Cover the pancakes with film and put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Cut the cooled pancakes into pieces of the same size and place them on a plate vertically (cut side up). For sweet rolls, you can prepare fruit syrup or whip cream with sugar, sprinkle pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit with chocolate or powdered sugar, or serve with jam syrup.


● 100 g sushi rice
● 300 g plums
● 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 100 ml 20% cream
● 2 tbsp. spoons of rice vinegar
● Vanilla
For 2 rolls.

1. Boil rice as for sushi. Spread in a thin layer on a mat covered with cling film.
2. Cut the plums in half, remove the seeds, pour the pulp with cream and simmer over low heat until the plums become soft. Grind the mixture in a blender, add sugar and vanilla to taste.
3. Place half of the sauce on the rice, roll up the rolls and cut into 6 pieces.
4. Pour the remaining sauce onto a plate, place the rolls on top and serve

Instead of plums, you can use apples, pears, blackberries or strawberries. If you don’t have time to prepare the sauce, you can use any fruit jam or marmalade to your liking.


● 1 glass of milk
● 1 tbsp. spoon cocoa
● 2 eggs
● 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 1 -2 tbsp. spoons of flour
● 2 tbsp. spoons of butter
● Vegetable oil for frying
● 1 cup cooked sweet rice
● 250 g mascarpone cheese
● 2 tbsp. spoons of honey
● 1/2 cup sugar
● 15 g gelatin
● 1 mango
● 2 peaches
● 5-6 strawberries
For 6-8 rolls

1. Grind eggs with sugar and cocoa, add melted butter, milk and flour, knead the batter. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat it well, and bake thin pancakes.
2. Soak gelatin in 1/2 cup of water, leave for 20-30 minutes to swell, then dissolve in a water bath. Warm the honey, add sugar and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool, add mascarpone and gelatin, beat with a mixer.
3. Peel mangoes and peaches, cut in half, remove seeds, cut the pulp into thin strips. Wash the berries, dry them, cut into slices.
4. Grease the pancakes with cheese cream, place 1-2 tbsp on 1/2 of each pancake with wet hands. spoons of rice, smooth. Place slices of berries, strips of fruit in the middle, and spread with cheese cream.
5. Roll into rolls using a mat. Place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. After the rolls, cut diagonally into 4-6 pieces. Place on a plate and serve with fruit syrup.


For rice:
● Orange 80 g
● Cinnamon sticks 1 stick
● Milk 500 ml
● Short grain rice 150 g
● Sugar 80 g
● Salt 0.7 tsp.

For rolls:
● Canned pineapple 80 g
● Orange 1 pc.
● Bananas 1 pc.
● Coconut flakes 4 tbsp. l.
● Mango 1 pc.
● Almond crumbs 1 tbsp. l.
● Fresh mint

1. Divide the rice in half and color one half with a teaspoon of beet juice. I grind the beets with a blender and squeeze them through a cotton cloth.
2. On a makis wrapped in film, lay out the rice in diagonal stripes of white and pink so that you end up with a square.
3. Cut a 1 cm thick block from a banana and place it on the rice. Using makisa, roll the roll.
4. Transfer the roll onto coconut shredded into fine crumbs with a blender and roll until the roll is no longer sticky.
5. Cut off the edges with a knife to even out the roll. Each time we wet the knife and remove the stuck rice with a wet napkin, cut the roll into pieces 4 cm wide. From this amount of rice I got 2 large rolls, cut into 8 portions.


● 100 g cooked sweet rice
● 100 g Camembert cheese
● 4-5 strawberries
● 2 sheets of nori
For 2 rolls

1. Cut Camembert into strips. Wash the strawberries, dry them, cut into slices. Place rice on 2/3 of the nori sheet with wet hands.
2. Place camembert strips and strawberry slices in the middle. Roll the rolls using a mat and cut diagonally into 4 pieces.
3. Serve with vanilla ice cream, garnished with strawberry leaves.

To get thin rolls (hosomaki), place cheese and strawberries in one row. For thick rolls (futomaki), place the products in 2-3 rows.
Instead of camembert cheese, you can use feta or dor blue.
Strawberries can be replaced with blackberries, wild strawberries, and raspberries.


● 150 g cooked sweet rice
● 3 sheets of nori 10×18 cm
● 100 g cottage cheese
● 1 canned peach
● 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 2-3 tbsp. spoons of blueberry jam
● Colored coconut flakes
For 3 rolls

1. Grind the peach in a blender, add cottage cheese and sugar, beat for 2-3 minutes.
2. Wrap the mat in cling film for convenience. Place a sheet of nori and spread the rice over the entire surface with wet hands. Then carefully turn the nori over so that the rice is on the bottom.
3. Place curd cream and jam in the center. Using a mat, roll up. Roll in coconut, cut into 6 pieces and serve.

You can add a little vanilla sugar or cinnamon to the peach-curd cream for flavor.
Instead of canned peaches, you can use canned apricots or pears.

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We all love desserts, but often we want not just something sweet, but something interesting, tasty, and most importantly, something that doesn’t affect your figure. We offer you a recipe for sweet sushi, which is easy to prepare and, most importantly, dietary.

Like any rolls, sweet sushi comes in different varieties and has different recipes. We offer you sweet rolls made with sweet rice, which makes the dessert tasty, dietary and nutritious. They are easy to prepare and are prepared like regular sushi.

Place the rice on a sheet of special paper, fill it with filling, roll it into rolls and cut it.

For these rolls we will need rice paper, which is made from rice flour and water. This is a thinly rolled rice dough, which when dry is very fragile and brittle. Since this paper is made mainly from rice, it is also a dietary product.

To prepare we will need:

  • coarse grain rice - 2-3 tablespoons
  • cream - ½ cup
  • milk - ½ cup
  • vanillin - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. (can be replaced with honey)
  • rice paper - 1 sheet


  • mango - 1 piece
  • strawberries - 2 berries
  • kiwi - 1 piece
  • coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. l.

You can take fruits that you like or that you have at home, you can experiment with the ingredients.

First stage
Cooking rice. Pour milk and cream into one pan and bring to a boil. Place the previously soaked rice in water into the boiling milk mixture. Cook until done for 10-15 minutes. The rice should be soft and not have any loose grains; the consistency should be similar to rice porridge. A minute before it’s ready, add a spoonful of sugar, and when the rice is ready, add vanillin and stir thoroughly. Let the rice cool.

Second phase
While the rice is cooling, we cut the fruit. Mangoes need to be peeled, pitted and cut into strips. You also need to peel the kiwi and cut it, like strawberries.

Third stage
Before putting rice on paper, you need to moisten it with water so that it becomes elastic. Otherwise, the paper will simply break when twisting the rolls. If you want to add color to the rice paper, soak it in warm water and cherry syrup. Next, we place a sheet of rice paper on a bamboo mat - makisu, and spread cold rice on it in a thin layer over the entire sheet, only leaving a strip 1-1.5 cm wide at the bottom in order to roll the roll. Place the fruit cut into strips in the middle and wrap the sushi. Before cutting the sushi, you need to roll it in coconut flakes. Next, wet the knife in water and cut the sushi.

Bon appetit!

To prepare pancakes for rolls, you can use any recipe you are familiar with or use the one I suggested. I long ago found a recipe for pancakes that I liked the most. According to this recipe, the pancakes are airy, thin and delicate. Attention! I only needed 5 pieces for the rolls! Therefore, if you are making them only for rolls, take at least half as many ingredients.
You can also use any fruit you like. I took kiwi and canned peaches.

Let's prepare pancakes.
To do this, break the eggs into a container, add sugar and salt. Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. If you like sweet pancakes, add 4-5 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Mix everything until smooth, no need to beat.

Pour in about 200 ml of milk. Mix.
Add flour, mix again. From this step I beat everything with a mixer. This way it turns out faster and without lumps. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

Pour in the remaining milk and beat a little more. The dough should now be liquid and pourable easily. If it seems thick, add a little more milk, and for delicacy you can add a little water.
Pour in vegetable oil. Mix.

Make some chocolate pancakes. To do this, I took 4 ladles of dough from the total mass and added 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. Mix everything well (beat with a mixer). Leave the dough to stand for 15-20 minutes.

Fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan, greasing it with oil each time. Cool the finished pancakes completely.

Let's prepare the rolls.
Mix cream cheese with powdered sugar.

Peel the kiwi. Cut into thin strips. Also cut the peaches into strips and blot them on a napkin to get rid of excess moisture.

Trim the edges of the pancakes to give them a square shape.

Spread a little cheese on the pancake. Place fruit on top.

Spread a little more cheese on top of the fruit. Roll into a roll.

These are the rolls I got. As I wrote, five pieces came out. Cut them into three or four pieces, as you prefer. I got 16 rolls.

This is so delicious. Peaches and cheese give the rolls a delicate taste, and kiwi adds a slight sourness. When serving, you can drizzle with chocolate or honey.
Bon appetit!
