How to cook cherry pie in the oven recipe. Cherry pie is simple and very tasty. A set of necessary products

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman have a dream:

See Lucid Dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a dream in a dream means:

Sleeping on a fresh, clean bed means complete understanding with family;
fall asleep in a place that is not suitable for this - you are in danger of illness;
sleep next to a small child - your love will be mutual and you will create a wonderful family;
sleeping people - you will try to win someone’s favor by any means;
sleeping next to someone who is unpleasant to you - you will quickly become disappointed in the person you fell in love with;
for a girl - to sleep next to her lover - you should not be too compliant, otherwise you will turn into a weak-willed victim of passions.
Also see Bed, Child, Incoherent Dreams.

Esoteric dream book

A dream with a dream in the dream book is interpreted as:

If the sleeper is aware that he is sleeping and dreaming, then he must try to consolidate this state and learn to “order” dreams. That is, before falling asleep, you need to tell yourself what question you would like to receive an answer to in images that you understand. Dreaming in a dream means your readiness to work with dreams and to practically use the information obtained in this way.

Slavic dream book

Sleep with a dream means:

Seeing very clear dreams is a quick fulfillment of something; being sleepy is an obstacle.

Small dream book

Meaning of sleep dream:

If you dreamed that you were trying to find an explanation for your dream, then real life poses a lot of questions to you, the answers to which you are not yet able to find. If in a dream you tell someone about your dream, then in reality you will need the help and support of an influential person.

Dream book alphabetically

What does it mean if a woman has a dream:

A dream in which you dozed off while sitting in an easy chair after a hard day at work foreshadows the betrayal of a loved one precisely when you have gained boundless trust in him. If you suddenly wake up and cannot immediately figure out where you are, this portends the return of lost hope. If you were rudely awakened, it means that in reality you will finally get a decent job after a long ordeal at the labor exchange.

If you see yourself sleeping on a roof, this is a sign of rapid success that will take you to unattainable heights. If in a dream you spend the night in the open air, in real life you will go on a trip that promises to be not only fun, but also extremely useful.

Sleeping on a long-distance train on the top bunk only on a mattress without other bedding means that you are satisfied with your situation and do not pretend to be more.

If you have a chaotic dream, the content of which you still cannot understand, this portends an encounter with something mysterious and inexplicable in real life.

If you have nightmares in which you are chased by some kind of fantastic monsters and vampires, something completely terrible will happen in reality.

Seeing yourself sleeping in a completely renovated, remodeled and newly furnished bedroom portends happy changes in your destiny.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

What the dream might mean:

Seeing yourself sleeping means a lingering illness.

Disability cannot be ruled out.

An unclear dream, the plot of which is completely forgotten, heralds your predisposition to diseases of internal organs and systems.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Dream, in a dream means:

If you dreamed that you were sleeping, very soon you will meet a person who will fall in love with you. To make the love mutual, eat a raw chicken heart.

If you dreamed that you were being disturbed from your sleep, then in the near future you will be tormented by insomnia or nightmares. To avoid this, place a pot near your bed and plant a coffee bean in it.

Miller's Dream Book

If a girl has a dream, it means:

If you have an unclear dream, the content of which eludes you, this portends either infidelity in friendship or dubious undertakings in business life.

Family dream book

Why does a woman have a dream:

If we have an unclear dream, the content of which eludes you, take it as a warning. Be prepared for betrayal by a friend and do not enter into dubious undertakings in business life.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why do you dream:

A dream, the plot of which is completely forgotten, heralds your predisposition to diseases of internal organs and systems.
Seeing yourself sleeping means a lingering illness; disability cannot be excluded.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why do you dream:

To dream that they cannot wake you up means a serious, long-term illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Why do you dream:

Restless sleep - oneself in a dream sleeping towards death.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why do you dream:

To see in a dream how you are sleeping and cannot wake up in any way - your body requires rest, which you cannot afford.

Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream:

If the sleeper is aware that he is sleeping and dreaming, he must try to consolidate this state and learn to “order” dreams. That is, before falling asleep, you need to tell yourself what question you would like to receive an answer to in images that you understand.
A dream in a dream means your readiness to work with dreams, to practically use the information obtained in this way.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream:

Clear dreams - quick fulfillment.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream:

Seeing yourself sleeping and dreaming means that in reality you are playing a double game in relation to a good person and doubt the correctness of your actions.
If someone tells you about their dream, your relatives will have problems and they will turn to you for help.
Seeing a nightmare means a favorable resolution to a difficult situation.
A bright, joyful dream seen in a dream promises disappointment in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream:

Dream - You see yourself sleeping in a dream - you are actually forced to submit to circumstances and play a double game in relation to the person you respect; you will be tormented by the thought that this person will find out more than you would like and will not understand your forced situation. Dream Interpretation dream - It’s as if someone is telling you their dream - close relatives will tell you about their problems, ask for advice, ask for help. It’s as if you are sleeping in a place where it is impossible to sleep - your illness will make impossible much of what you were planning to bring to life in the near future. It’s as if a person is sleeping next to you who is unpleasant or even disgusting to you - you, on your own initiative, will part with the person whom you have long considered loved.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Why do you dream:

Going to bed in a dream is a deception.
Seeing yourself sleeping is a great surprise.
Seeing another sleeping is a call for vigilance.
Seeing the villain sleeping means don’t wake up the beast in the family.
Seeing someone sleeping in a dream is a call for caution.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Why do you dream:

Sleep paralysis - too frequent manifestation of sleep paralysis (prolonged fixation in a drowsy state) is one of the signs of practicing practical black magic.

Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Why do you dream:

If the dream can be described with the word pure, this means good events.

Christian dream book

Why do you dream:

Sleep (sleep in a dream) - You can sleep through an important event. Imagine waking up and immediately getting active.

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Why do you dream:

Seeing yourself sleepy is an obstacle.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Why do you dream:

Good meaning If you dreamed that you were sleeping, very soon you will meet a person who will fall in love with you. To make the love mutual, eat a raw chicken heart.
Bad meaning: If you dreamed that your sleep was being disturbed, then in the near future you will be tormented by insomnia or nightmares. To avoid this, place a pot near your bed and plant a coffee bean in it.

Dream book of catchphrases

Why do you dream:

SLEEP, SLEEP - “oversleep” - be late, miss an important event, event. “To fall asleep forever” is death. “Sleep and see...” - desire strongly; “go to sleep” - step away from business; “sleep in a deep, uninterrupted sleep” - insensitivity, unconsciousness; “wake up” - “awaken to a new life.”

Dream book Meneghetti

Why do you dream:

Reflects an even more real situation than happens in an ordinary dream.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Why do you dream:

A dream within a dream (when we dream that we are dreaming) is a situation that occurs more often than it sometimes seems. This image reflects our need for delay, correspondence when solving any problem.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream:

“Oversleep” - be late, miss an important event or event; “fall asleep forever” - death; “to sleep and see...” - to desire strongly; “go to sleep” - step away from business; “sleep in a deep, uninterrupted sleep” - insensitivity, unconsciousness; “wake up” - awaken to a new life.
To dream that they cannot wake you up in any way means a serious, long-term illness.

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Why do you dream:

Sleeping in a dream is a situation that occurs much more often than one might assume; this image reflects the need for respite, respite, pause when solving any problems.

American dream book

Why do you dream:

Seeing yourself sleeping in a dream means that you are most likely traveling in the astral plane and seeing your body from the outside. May symbolize your reluctance to change. Stagnation. No movement. No change.
If you dream that you are dreaming, it is most likely a lucid dream.

Imperial dream book

Why do you dream:

A clear dream is a sign that the consciousness and soul are unclouded by emotions and patterns of perception of the day. This is a symbol of inner freedom and power over your emotions.
An ordinary dream is an unconscious perception of the information received: it is good if approximately 15-20% of the information of the Cosmos is not too distorted by the remaining 80% of earthly and daytime perception. In this case, the world of reality and the world of sleep are united in a dream, because this is what nature and the Cosmos, who created man, want.
A lucid dream is a sign of personal transfer of control over what is happening into the dream: the dreamer simultaneously and consciously lives in two worlds. He consciously, in reality, recognizes the existence of the invisible world, and in his perception, the information of both worlds is equal and controls each other. Such lucid dreams about dreams are mostly dreamed by enlightened and exalted people.
A clear idea in a dream that you are seeing a dream - to sleep and see yourself sleeping, while simultaneously seeing your dream and the like: the harmonious movement of yin and yang without distortion.
A clear awareness in a dream that you are seeing a dream is a sign of complete understanding and control of the daytime situation of events. In this case, everything you dreamed has a real, practical meaning; you only need to translate the dream symbols into reality, which is usually not difficult for such a dreamer.
The state of lucid sleep is favorable: physically it promises health, success, and the speedy fulfillment of pleasant predictions in reality. If the dreamed events are unfavorable, then, having the necessary information and understanding of the situation, the dreamer in reality has every chance of turning everything to his advantage.
A chaotic, plotless accumulation of heterogeneous elements in a dream, with the organization repeated in different ways on other nights, is a reflection of the dreamer’s complete inadequacy of perception of the world and his place in it.

There is no adequacy, even if during the day your own worldview seems harmonious and justified: in a dream, everything secret becomes clear.

Imperial dream book

Why do you dream:

Dream - seeing oneself in a dream. Death. Some aspects of the personality, the individual, for example, conscience or faith, must be awakened.
The other, visible to the sleeping person, is a symbolic destruction of the other, the desire to avoid his influence.
Everyone around is sleeping - the stage of individuation and personalization. What I see in my dreams happens.
Proscopic dreams - may actually be due to the fact that the individual, when something happens, believes that he has already seen it in a dream, although in fact this dream either did not happen, or it could be interpreted differently. This means the unconscious desire and desirability of events occurring in the future. In this case, the individual himself can influence the events of the future in such a way that they go exactly in the direction he desires.
Trying to convince yourself that something pleasant or unpleasant is just a dream. A dream within a dream can be interpreted as the fulfillment of the desires of the unconscious part of the ego or superego, while the desires of an ordinary dream are associated with the id. Dreams nested within one another can reflect the stages of the ontogenesis of the Self.

Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream:

It often happens that we dream that we are dreaming. But this, in fact, is the real state of the body when we dream about something. However, in a dream, sleeping and resting do not always mean the same thing.
The state of sleep is one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are defenseless in the face of anxiety: the ability to defend ourselves is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others. Dreams of this kind tend to evoke either a feeling of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Important elements in interpreting such a dream are answering questions about how you wake up and who wakes you up.
There are two types of dreams that fall under this category - joint and coincident. In each case, two or more people dream about similar characters and actions. The difference between them lies in the way in which these dreams are dreamed. When dreaming together, dreamers deliberately develop the desire to experience a common dream through incubation. In contrast, with matching dreams, the dreamers had no idea when they went to bed that their dreams would be similar.
Sharing a dream is an intentional action aimed at influencing its content. This training allows dreamers to create psychic meeting places to develop subconscious knowledge about each other. This can help discover new facets in relationships (from ordinary to sensual). It can be quite interesting to get together with your friends (friends) based on a shared dream and compare impressions. The best way to do this is to write down everything you dreamed about and then exchange sketches.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Why do you dream:

Sleep is the need to “wake up”, to be more aware. Need for rest.

The dream book “What do you dream about...” includes interpretations of dreams on more than 4,500 different topics, and each of them is additionally interpreted by generally recognized authorities: at your service are the dream books of the famous French astrologer and soothsayer Nostradamus, the American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller, the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga , Russian astrologer and occultist Evgeniy Tsvetkov, American psychologist David Loff, Russian medium "Madame Josse", Italian philosopher and psychologist Antonio Meneghetti, Russian mystic and philosopher Elena Anopova, Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, as well as interpretations in English, Assyrian, Gypsy and even the so-called “Modern Dream Book.”

For your convenience, dream interpretations are systematized by topic in the form of a dream catalog. To find the section you need, use the alphabetical index or search the site...

Dream Search:

The total number of interpretations of dreams in this dream book reaches 100,000. It would probably be a mistake on our part to pay too close attention to night dreams and always take what we see in a dream as a guide to action, but it still happens that our consciousness tries to warn us during sleep about something very important...

The importance of sleep for a person, in terms of his physiology, can hardly be overestimated. People sleep about a third of their biological time. In terms of a year, if you take the average duration of night rest, you get 365 days x 8 hours = 2920 hours of sleep. The hours spent sleeping serve for rest, restoration of strength, and “recharging” of all human organs and mainly the brain. But during sleep, a person does not “switch off” from life - our mental activity does not stop at night, although it proceeds differently, differently than during the day, mostly “unconsciously.”

Dreams have always evoked awe; they were considered a divine gift sent to man for guidance and help in life. But the world of dreams, so different from the usual, earthly one, not only attracts, but also frightens with its unusual pictures. In a dream, space has no boundaries. Time behaves differently there, it is as if it does not exist, in any case, it has no power over us: in a short moment we see so many events in a dream that in reality they would last for several hours, days or even years. In a dream, we receive and perceive a huge amount of information, and at a speed incredible for other times - when we are awake.

It may very well be that in a dream some mysterious doors open before us, connecting the physical world with other, non-material worlds. A dream puts us in a state where we can enter these doors and find ourselves in another world, which is perceived as a dream. Thus, any person at the level of the unconscious has access to any plane of existence of our multidimensional Universe, which once again testifies to the involvement of each of us in everything, the unity of everything with everything.

Dreams are signs sent to us by life. They come in the form of symbolic images, inexplicably arising in the depths of the subconscious and developing according to some of their own laws. Some of them disappear without a trace, while others float to the surface of consciousness, remaining in memory and requiring decoding in order to serve us well. But whatever the nature of the dream, the fact remains: sometimes through dreams we receive unique messages that, if we understand them, lift the veil of the future, help us take a fresh look at many life situations and even change what previously seemed inevitable.

Dreams allow us to penetrate into our inner world and better understand ourselves, help us find answers to the most difficult questions or solve pressing problems. Dreams can become our allies if we try to understand what they are trying to convey to our consciousness. But dreams are a little-studied, although extremely interesting, area of ​​the human psyche. It is quite natural that people have long tried to combine fragmentary knowledge about the “Kingdom of Morpheus” in dream books - collections of dream interpretations.

The earliest known to science, and also one of the most famous dream books, was written in the 2nd century AD by the ancient Greek philosopher Artemidorus. Numerous subsequent books on dreams were based on it in one way or another. The second most famous dream book, perhaps, should be considered Sigmund Freud’s book “The Interpretation of Dreams,” which was published at the beginning of the 20th century. In it, the author made the first attempt to explain dreams from a scientific point of view.

Sleeping in a dream symbolizes a person’s mental and moral state, his readiness for change and moving forward. To figure out what such a dream means, you should carefully analyze what you saw, remember the dream in detail, and turn to the dream book for a hint.

In Hasse's dream book, the meaning of sleep is to sleep in the fresh air, and is interpreted as a quick trip or an upcoming journey. Dozing in transport means carrying out trade affairs and connections, in church - you need to be wary of slander and intrigue from ill-wishers, with relatives - staying in a state of peace and security. Resting on the balcony speaks of the fulfillment of the dreamer’s hopes and dreams; in the estate is one of the cherished desires to come true.

Medey's dream book interprets such a dream as a sign that a person is drowning out his own intuition with the voice of reason. You need to learn to trust and listen to your inner voice, because in the near future, with the help of intuition, a person can achieve a lot.

The need for a respite, a delay or a pause in solving any issues and problems, this is what it means to sleep in a dream, according to the theory of psychologist Megetti.

I dreamed that I was sleeping

Why do you dream about going to bed? This vision characterizes a missed moment in real life, a desire to step away from business, to relieve oneself of burdensome duties and responsibilities. Also, such an image can be deciphered by the dream book as deception and insidious intrigues, which a sleeping person can “fall for”. , For a girl, seeing herself sleeping in a dream means the occurrence of extraordinary events that can affect both the personal and business spheres. The young lady should devote more time to rest, since fatigue can be one of the reasons for deterioration in productivity at work.

Wanting to sleep in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the physical and moral fatigue of a sleeping person. This is the first bell that warns the dreamer that if he continues to neglect his health, something irreparable may happen. Only a normal approach to work, and the alternation of rest and work, will ensure prosperity and a decent financial position for a person.

The place where the dreamer sleeps

Sleeping on the street, in the open air in a dream, is interpreted by the dream book as impending trips or travels. For business people, this vision speaks of possible business trips going abroad, for travelers - the opportunity to go on an exciting trip.

Some dream books ambiguously interpret what it means to dream of sleeping on the ground. On the one hand, the vision presupposes respect from superiors and honor among colleagues, and on the other hand, it means that through his carelessness, the sleeping person will allow into his inner circle a person who can deliberately bring harm and trouble to the dreamer’s home.

Sleeping on the floor is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious search for protection and stability. A dirty floor represents the neglect of a sleeping person’s affairs, which he cannot sort out without outside help. Also, this dream may concern the home environment and relationships between household members; in order not to miss anything important, the dreamer should devote more time to his loved ones.

Most dream books negatively interpret what it means to dream of sleeping in a bed. Having your own bed portends a long-term illness or deterioration in the general condition of the body. To avoid this, you should devote more time to rest and recovery, without pushing yourself to the extreme.

For people who had to sleep in water in a dream, the dream book advises them to give themselves emotional release, since nerves, strained to the limit, can shoot out at the most inopportune moment. Extreme sports and active pastime are well suited for this.

Sleeping on a table, according to the dream book, means that a person strives to stay as far away from noisy companies as possible, preferring to be alone with himself. Fun parties do not evoke positive emotions in the dreamer, but, on the contrary, depress him.

A dream in which I had to sleep in a cemetery in a dream has a negative interpretation. This picture indicates that a person should pay close attention to his health. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and do all the necessary tests. However, you shouldn’t beat yourself up ahead of time, most likely the disease will turn out to be harmless and easily curable.

People who happened to sleep on a grave in a dream should not worry or worry about this. In most cases, the dream indicates severe physical fatigue and moral devastation. To improve your vitality, you should relax a little and spend a few weekends in nature.

If a person who has health problems in reality had to sleep in a coffin in a dream, then, as the dream book states, one should not be careless about one’s illness, since it can cause great consequences and affect future well-being.

Dozing with someone in a dream

Despite the terrible sight and some confusion after what he saw, sleeping with a dead person in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a rather favorable sign, which is deciphered as a healthy and long life for the sleeping person.

For a woman, sleeping with her deceased husband in a dream, according to the dream book, means troubles that will affect the dreamer’s personal and business sphere. If the young lady has already married for the second time, it means that in real life, the girl will have a small disagreement with her current husband.

For a young girl to sleep with a man in a dream, the dream book foreshadows the threat of being deceived. The man with whom the young lady has a love relationship will not be able to live up to the dreamer’s hopes in real life. A married woman in bed with an unfamiliar man foretells a pleasant surprise from her husband.

If a young lady has recently quarreled with her chosen one, there is no doubt why she dreams of sleeping with her beloved. The dream book indicates a quick reconciliation, a renewed feeling of love and romance between partners.

Sleeping with a guy in a dream may be a sign for a young lady not to focus on the joint problems that affected the couple, but to pay attention to the relationship between her and her chosen one.

The inability to forget or forgive your ex-boyfriend, unanswered questions and unfinished business between former lovers is what dreams of sleeping with your ex-boyfriend mean.

For a man sleeping with a woman, the dream book foretells a dubious or precarious position at work, problems with finances or with mutual understanding between family members.

Putting a child to bed in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s fatigue from minor troubles and problems. A woman in reality should take a break from her household duties, a man should devote more attention to his family and children.

A dream in which the dreamer has to sleep “jack” with some person speaks of the opposing aspirations of people. For a woman dozing in this position with her own husband, the dream book indicates the existence of a misunderstanding between the spouses, a struggle of characters and different goals. Until the spouses come to a common denominator, one should not hope for the fulfillment of desires and aspirations.

A positive interpretation has a vision in which people in love happened to sleep in an embrace. The dream book speaks of harmony and mutual understanding in a couple, acting in unison and striving for the same goal.

Seeing someone dozing

Watching a child sleep in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a certain shyness and naivety of the dreamer, personifying a person’s helplessness in front of the world around him. A baby’s anxious sleep speaks of impending problems that will undermine a person’s mental and moral state.

If a baby sleeps peacefully, snoring peacefully through his nose, it means that in real life all important matters will go smoothly, and his undertakings will be successful. If a mother admires a dozing baby in a dream, then harmony, peace and tranquility will come in the young lady’s life.

For a mother, a sleeping daughter in a dream, the dream book promises pleasant changes in life, profit, prosperity and well-being. For a father, such a picture portends calmness and tranquility, the ability to concentrate on work.

If you dream that your husband is sleeping in someone else’s bed, then you should prepare for a surprise that will be unpleasant. In some cases, the dream book speaks of the betrayal of the faithful, or his reluctance to have offspring.

If a stranger sleeps in the dreamer’s house, then you should prepare for the unexpected arrival of uninvited guests.

To see a mother sleeping in a dream, the dream book predicts peace, harmony and tranquility in the family. To find out more about what such a vision means in a dream, you should pay attention to the posture of the mother. If mom is dozing on her stomach, then fun and happiness will illuminate the dreamer’s house. If on the back there are unforeseen circumstances that a person can quickly cope with.

If a guy dreams of a sleeping girl, it means that there will be harmony and peace in the relationship between lovers. For a young man to see a sleeping woman, previously unfamiliar, in a dream, speaks of pleasant acquaintances in reality, which can positively affect a person’s career.

If in a girl’s dream, an unfamiliar man sleeps in her husband’s place, then, according to the dream book, the dreamer will experience unexpected joy or a pleasant surprise that the chosen one will present in reality.

The need to pay close attention to your health and well-being is what you see in a dream in which a dead person sleeps on a person’s bed.

Why do you dream about a sleeping girlfriend? The dream speaks of dramatic changes in the life of a friend, which will entail changes in the life of the dreamer.

Why do you dream of a sleeping cat? A person’s awareness of the emergence of difficulties, but the inability to influence or warn him. If a pet is dozing in a dream, then such a picture indicates peace and well-being in the house.

Seeing a cat sleeping in a relaxed state, basking in the sun in the yard, is a sign that ill-wishers have relaxed their vigilance and will not bother the dreamer with treachery in the near future.

It is useful to know what a sleeping rat means in a dream. This image means that a person will get rid of remorse and feelings of guilt that have tormented him lately. The vision also indicates getting rid of embitterment, feelings of hostility towards someone.

If a young lady dreams of a sleeping dog, it means that in reality the person is tormented by a feeling of uncertainty, and also indicates the unpredictability of the partner in the relationship.

If a young lady dreamed of a sleeping snake, it means that soon the dreamer will have a chance to spend time with her children and enjoy their company.

The opportunity to go on vacation, to fully relax from the boring bustle and household chores, this is why you dream about a bear sleeping. Seeing a bear in hibernation foreshadows a temporary lull in the confrontation with an opponent.

Cherry pie with a mesh of pastry on top is an American classic. There are similar pies in other cuisines of the world, but nowhere have they gained such popularity as in America. Juicy filling with berry sourness and crispy dough. What could be more seductive? I polished the classic version of cherry pie using regular shortcrust pastry, made it tastier and crispier, and seasoned the filling with ground cinnamon, which brings out the taste and aroma of cherries so well.

Shortbread dough with the addition of almonds is very tasty and really crumbly. But he is not easy to work with. It breaks and is difficult to form into a good pie shell. I am writing this not to dissuade you, but to prepare you mentally that the dough will tear and sometimes you will need to stick it together by hand. But the result is worth it!!! It turns out very tasty and retains its crunch even after the cake has cooled. And the bottom of the cherry pie made from this dough does not get soggy on the second day or even on the third. But this is a merit not only of the dough, but also of working with the filling.

Since cherries release a lot of juice, I advise you to remove the pits from the cherries a day before baking the pie. Place them in a sieve and refrigerate to drain excess juice. Just don’t forget to place the sieve in a bowl, otherwise you’ll need to clean out the refrigerator the next day :-). Cherries from which drain excess juice and do not soak the base of the pie and hold their shape very well.

To make it easier to form a net on the pie, it is better to weave it on a wide plate, and then carefully turn it over from the plate onto the pie. That's exactly what I did.

If desired, you can replace the almonds with walnuts or hazelnuts for this cherry pie. And the cherries can be frozen. The main thing is to defrost them completely before baking and squeeze out excess juices.

1 cherry pie 24 cm in diameter

For the test:

  • 240 grams flour
  • 80 grams of almonds
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 225 grams cold butter, cut into cubes


  • 1 kg cherries, pits removed
  • 3 tbsp.
  • starch
  • 100 grams of sugar

1/2 tsp.

  • ground cinnamon
  • Besides:
  • 1 egg

30 ml water

1 tbsp.


1) Place almonds, flour and sugar in a blender bowl and beat everything together almost until smooth.

2) Add butter and beat until the dough begins to form lumps.

3) Remove the dough to a work surface, knead it together and wrap in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

4) Remove the rested dough from the refrigerator onto a floured work surface. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cut off about 2/5 of the dough. Roll out most of the dough thinly.

5) Roll the dough onto a rolling pin and line a 24cm diameter pie tin with the dough.

6) Place the cherries for the filling in a deep bowl, add starch, sugar and cinnamon. Mix well.

7) Place the prepared cherry filling on the dough in the form. Flatten.

This cherry pie is a favorite in my family. I discovered it this summer, when I was pleased with the cherry harvest and needed to come up with options for using it, besides freezing and. As a result of the experiments, we got a simple and amazingly tasty pie with sour cream filling, which became our favorite!

Another cherry pie that I like and is very easy to make is this recipe.

Cherry pie

  • Compound:
  • shape – Ø 25 cm
  • Dough:
  • 100 g butter
  • 100 ml sour cream
  • 50 g sugar

200 g flour

  • 2/3 teaspoon baking powder
  • pinch of salt (optional)
  • Filling:
  • 600 g cherries (or 400-450 g frozen, pitted)
  • 150 ml sour cream

100 g sugar

1.5-2 tbsp. tablespoons potato starch (or 2 heaped tablespoons of premium wheat flour)

  1. 1 packet vanilla sugar (optional)

    Cherry pie video recipe:

  2. Cherry pie - preparation:

    Leave the butter in a warm place until it becomes soft. Get the rest of the products we need.

  3. Products

    Wash the cherries and remove the pits (I do this with the back of a teaspoon).

  4. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass. Add flour mixed with baking powder and knead into a soft dough.

    Mixing the dough for cherry pie

  5. Grease a pie pan with a piece of butter and sprinkle with flour.

    Preparing the form

  6. Now you need to spread the dough over the bottom of the mold with your hands and form the sides.

    Distributing the dough

  7. Mix all ingredients for filling except cherries. This will be the fill.

    Advice: If you prepare the filling with 1.5 tbsp. spoons of starch, after baking it will drain a little. Therefore, if you want to get a denser pie consistency (as in the photo), then you need to put 2 tbsp. spoons of starch. But we prefer the option when the filling is slightly liquid, it turns out like a cream. Lately I’ve been making it with flour (I add 2 tbsp), then it’s even more tender.

    You can also use half and half sour cream with cream, as in the recipe.

    Making the cherry pie filling

  8. Place the cherries on the dough, and it’s best to take them by hand, piece by piece, so that the juice remains in the plate (you can just drink it, we won’t need it).

    Lay out the cherries

  9. Pour the filling on top, spreading it out with a spoon.

    Fill with sour cream filling

  10. Place in a hot oven and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180-200 degrees. If you are using a glass pan, place it in a preheated oven but on a cool rack.

    Cherry pie from the oven

The finished cherry pie should be cut into pieces after it has cooled so that the filling can set better.


Before serving, you can sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Delicious cherry pie

I also make this pie with homemade frozen cherries (before freezing, I take out the pits and drain the juice) without defrosting them. But if the cherries are juicy, then it is better to defrost them first and drain the juice (or you can roll them in starch).

Bon appetit!

P.S. so you don't miss anything delicious!

Julia author of the recipe
