How to check if cottage cheese casserole is ready. Taste from childhood: rules for preparing cottage cheese casserole in the oven. With the addition of apples

Many of us remember our kindergarten childhood for a wonderful cottage cheese casserole. How cooks in kindergartens cast their spells, what they put into the curd mass, what secret they hold - this is a mystery shrouded in darkness. More than one housewife has spent a lot of time trying to replicate a kindergarten culinary masterpiece, but not everyone has been able to accurately reproduce that very taste of childhood. Well, okay! The good thing about cottage cheese casserole is that you can experiment with its taste to your heart’s content.

The cuisine of any nation has its own recipes for cottage cheese casseroles, but they all have one thing in common: in order to get a cottage cheese casserole, no matter whether it is an American cheesecake or an Italian cassata, choose only a high-quality starting product - cottage cheese. No “curd products” or “ready-made curd masses”, only real fresh cottage cheese, crumbly and not too greasy, otherwise your casserole will float. All other ingredients must also be fresh.

There are no strict recipes for cottage cheese casserole - there are only variations on the theme “cottage cheese + eggs + semolina/flour + filling (dried fruits, fruits, berries, etc.)”, as well as recipes for casseroles with the addition of pasta or noodles, rice or millet, pumpkin or vegetables (unsweetened casserole option). To make the cottage cheese casserole tender, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, but under no circumstances put it through a meat grinder, the cottage cheese will be sticky and heavy. For a fluffy casserole, make the curd mass thinner (add sour cream, kefir or natural yogurt) and add a little baking soda or baking powder. For a low-calorie casserole, there are recipes without flour or eggs; such a casserole, especially unsweetened, is perfect for a hearty breakfast. In general, the result depends only on your imagination, and our site only gives a few examples of what kind of casseroles with cottage cheese you can invent.

1 kg homemade cottage cheese,
½ cup semolina,
2-3 eggs,
1 stack Sahara,
½ cup sour cream,
½ cup milk,
1 cup raisins,
a pinch of salt,
vanillin - to taste.

Pour milk over the semolina and let stand for 30-50 minutes until it swells. Beat eggs with sugar. Add semolina, beaten eggs, washed and scalded raisins and other ingredients to the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve. Grease a baking dish with butter, sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs, lay out the dough and smooth it out. Brush the top with sour cream mixed with raw yolk and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 50-60 minutes.

500 g cottage cheese,
3 eggs,
5 tbsp. semolina,
1 tbsp. baking powder,
1 packet of vanillin,
dried cranberries, dried cherries, raisins - to taste.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them with a pinch of salt until fluffy. Mix the remaining ingredients, carefully fold in the beaten egg whites and place the resulting mass into a greased pan. Place in the oven, preheated to 180-200° C, for 40-45 minutes, until the top of the casserole is browned.

500 g cottage cheese,
200 g sour cream,
400 g semolina,
300 g sugar,
6 eggs
2 tsp baking powder,
1 stack raisins

Grind the eggs with sugar until fluffy. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with sour cream. Combine the cottage cheese with the egg mixture, add semolina mixed with baking powder, and washed and dried raisins. Mix well. Pour the resulting mass into a mold greased with butter and place the mold in the oven, heated to 180-200° C, for 40-45 minutes.

600 g cottage cheese,
250 ml milk,
100-150 g sugar,
50 g starch,
2 eggs,
100 g mixture of nuts and candied fruits,
1 packet of vanillin,
a pinch of salt.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with cottage cheese, add milk, sugar, vanillin and chopped candied fruits and nuts. Mix well. Beat the whites into a strong foam with salt, add to the curd dough and mix. Line a baking dish with baking paper and grease it with butter. Pour the dough and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 1 hour.

500 g cottage cheese,
1 stack kefir,
½ cup semolina,
4 eggs,
¾ stack. Sahara,
1 tsp baking powder,
¼ tsp. salt,
½ cup raisins, currants or candied fruits,

Using a mixer, beat eggs with sugar into a fluffy foam, add grated cottage cheese, kefir, semolina, salt, vanillin, baking powder and raisins. Pour the resulting dough into the oiled multicooker bowl and close the lid. Set the “Bake” mode for 45 minutes. After the end signal, leave the multicooker in the “Warming” mode for 10 minutes, then remove the casserole using the steamer basket.

200 g low-fat cottage cheese,
100-150 g pumpkin,
1 egg,
½ cup raisins,
sugar, cinnamon, vanillin - to taste.

Stir the cottage cheese with the egg, add the pumpkin cut into small cubes, raisins, spices and mix. Place in a ceramic pot and simmer in the oven at medium heat for 1-1.5 hours.

1 stack round rice,
450 g cottage cheese,
100 g sugar,
2.5 stacks water,
3 eggs,
1 packet of vanillin,
150 g raisins,
1.5 stack. milk,
a pinch of salt.

Pour the washed rice with water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook under the lid until the liquid has completely evaporated for 30-35 minutes. The rice will be sticky. Meanwhile, beat eggs with sugar. Combine all ingredients, adding rice last. Pour into a greased mold and bake at 180° C for 40-45 minutes.

500 g cottage cheese,
100 g butter,
200 g sugar,
3 tbsp. starch,
5-6 tbsp. semolina,
1 egg,
2-3 oranges.

Grind the peeled and pitted oranges in a blender until smooth. Add 100 g sugar and 2 tbsp. starch and stir. Set aside for now and combine all other ingredients until smooth in a separate bowl. It is better to first rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Line a baking dish with baking paper, lay out the curd mass, smooth it out and lay out the orange mass. Place the pan in the oven preheated to 180°C for 50 minutes, then turn off the oven and leave to cool for 15-20 minutes.

500 g millet,
250 g cottage cheese,
1 liter of water,
10 eggs,
100 g sugar,
500 ml milk,
vanillin, salt, breadcrumbs.

Sort the millet, rinse well, scald with boiling water and drain. Pour into boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, then pour in boiling milk, add salt and cook the porridge until tender. Cool. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and combine with millet porridge. Beat the eggs with sugar into a fluffy foam and add along with vanilla to the porridge with cottage cheese. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Spread the resulting mass, smooth it out, brush with a beaten egg mixed with sour cream, and bake until golden brown in an oven preheated to 180-200° C.

Curd dessert with coconut

750 g cottage cheese,
150 g butter,
4 eggs,
½ cup semolina,
150 g sugar,
1 bag of coconut flakes (not colored!),
1 packet of vanilla sugar,
½ cup poppy,
100 ml milk.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with cottage cheese, semolina, sugar, juice and vanilla sugar until smooth. Then add softened butter and mix well. Separately, beat the whites with a pinch of salt until stiff foam and carefully fold into the curd mass. Divide the mixture into two parts, add poppy seeds to one and coconut flakes to the other. In a mold lined with baking paper, place the curd mass, alternating, using a tablespoon, in two layers. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180°C for 1 hour, then turn off the oven and bake the casserole for another 15 minutes without opening the door.

Pasta casserole with cottage cheese

150 g pasta,
400 g cottage cheese,
2 tbsp. oils,
4 eggs,
4 tbsp. Sahara,
1 stack nuts,
raisins, lemon zest - to taste.

Boil the pasta in salted water and place in a sieve. Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with cottage cheese, sugar, butter and lemon zest, combine with pasta, nuts and raisins. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt into a strong foam and combine with the curd mass. Place in a greased pan and bake in a hot oven for 20-25 minutes.

400 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
2 apples,
3 tbsp. butter,
1-3 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. cinnamon,
breadcrumbs, powdered sugar.

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. Place apples in a frying pan, add butter, sugar and cinnamon and simmer for 5-6 minutes. Cool. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, combine with apples and beaten eggs and stir until smooth. Place in the prepared pan and place in the oven, heated to 180-200° C, for 15-20 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese casserole with cauliflower

400 g cauliflower,
200 g cottage cheese,
200 g cheese,
4 eggs,
1-2 tbsp. butter,

Separate the cauliflower into florets and chop. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Combine cottage cheese, cheese, cauliflower and eggs and mix until smooth. Place the resulting mixture in a greased pan and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180°C.

Cottage cheese and potato casserole

1 kg potatoes,
200 g onions,
50 g vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. breadcrumbs,

500 g cottage cheese,
5 eggs
100 g parsley.

Boil the peeled potatoes until tender and rub through a sieve. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, add to the potatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites and mix with the potato mixture. For the filling, chop the greens, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with parsley and yolks, and add salt to taste. Grease a baking sheet with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place half of the potato mixture on a baking sheet, then place the filling of cottage cheese and herbs on it, then cover the top with the remaining potato mixture. Grease the top of the casserole with butter or sour cream and place in an oven preheated to 180-200° C for 20-30 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with sun-dried tomatoes

500 g low-fat cottage cheese,
3 eggs,
50 g hard cheese,
5 tbsp. semolina,
5-6 slices of sun-dried tomatoes,
1-2 cloves of garlic,
2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tsp baking powder,
1 bunch of greens,
flour, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, chop the herbs, cut the tomatoes into small cubes, and chop the garlic very finely. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites into a fluffy foam with a pinch of salt. Grind the yolks with cottage cheese, add semolina and baking powder and mix. Add vegetable oil, chopped herbs and garlic. Sprinkle the tomatoes with flour and stir until the tomato pieces are completely covered in flour. Add to the curd mass, stir and gradually gently fold in the whipped whites. Salt and pepper to taste. Grease the mold with oil and place the dough into it. Place in the oven, heated to 180°C, for 30-35 minutes. Then sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake for another 10 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with herbs

500 g cottage cheese,
200 g hard cheese,
4 eggs,
1 bunch of green onions,
2 cloves of garlic,
½ tsp. hot red pepper,
1 tsp ground paprika,
salt, herbs - to taste.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, chop the greens, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Beat the whites into a fluffy foam. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Grease the molds with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, add the curd mixture and bake at 200° C until golden brown.

500 g potatoes,
100-200 g cottage cheese,
½ cup sour cream,
1 onion,
1 tbsp. flour,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Peel the potatoes, boil and prepare mashed potatoes. Combine it with cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve, finely chopped onion and other ingredients. Place in a greased baking dish and place in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes.

Cottage cheese and mushroom casserole

400 g cottage cheese,
200 g cheese,
4 eggs,
5-6 tbsp. sour cream,
2 onions,
500 g mushrooms (fresh or frozen),
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Mix cottage cheese, finely grated cheese, eggs and sour cream until smooth. Cut the onion into cubes and fry together with mushrooms in vegetable oil. Cool and add to the curd mass. Place in a baking dish and bake at 180°C for 45 minutes.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Typically, recipes indicate how long to bake a particular product. But often different cooks have different cooking times! One person’s pie will bake in half an hour, while another’s will bake it in 15 minutes and it’s done! And it’s good that he, the cook, was alert, looked into the oven, saw that the baked goods were ready, and turned it off in time. This happens because all ovens are different and each has its own character. And therefore, for baking to be successful, we need to find a common language with our oven and, of course, be able to check the readiness of baked goods from various types of dough.

What is there to be able to do, you might think. If you turn red, it means you're ready! But don’t rush to take it out: if the fire is too high, it happens that the pie looks ready, but when you take it out, it will “sit down” and turn out to be a spit inside.
Now I will tell you how to find out if a pie, cupcake, or buns are ready.

First, pay attention to the appearance of the baked goods: is it suitable, has it acquired an appetizing golden-brown “tan”? Great! Now you need to check if the dough is baked.

A proven and best way to find out if the baked goods are ready is to try with a wooden stick (or a match, or a toothpick, but a kebab stick is best because it is longer). Pierce the cake in the thickest place: if there are no traces of dough left on the stick, it is dry, which means the cake is definitely ready!

I think this method is known to everyone. But there are other nuances. There are many types of baked goods: muffins and biscuits; yeast baked goods and curd pastries; shortbread and choux pastry. And everyone has their own signs of readiness.

Is the cupcake ready?

It’s easiest with cupcakes - when the cupcake has risen and turned golden brown, check it using the above method. The stick comes out of the dough easily, is it dry? Ready! The baked cake is fluffy and has holes inside.

Are yeast baked goods ready?

Yeast baked pies, buns, pies are ready when:

  • The surface of the baked goods turns brown, and if you brush it with beaten egg, it acquires a beautiful shiny golden brown crust;
  • For large yeast pies, I read in an old book a sign of readiness - the bottom crust should be slightly browned and easily pull away from the baking sheet;
  • And small buns are ready when a clear, ringing sound is heard when you tap on the bottom crust.
  • And of course, when tasting the finished buns and pies, no dough remains on the wooden stick.

Ready-made yeast baked goods are fluffy, fluffy, and soft.

How to check if choux pastry products are ready

But custard baked goods should be checked differently. When the custard buns, rings, and tubes are ready, they:

  • increase in size;
  • the crust cracks slightly, becomes golden brown and hard, and if you knock on the product, you will hear a characteristic sound: the choux pastry is empty inside, which is why it can be filled with various creams and fillings.

How to determine the readiness of puff pastries

It’s easy to tell when the puff pastry is ready: the baked dough separates, acquires a golden color, and becomes light and dry. If the puff pastries are pale and soft, it means they are still raw and you need to turn up the temperature a little.
The finished products are golden, layered along the edges and in the cut.

Checking the readiness of the shortcrust pastry

And shortbread products do not need to be heavily browned, like a cake or yeast cake - then the shortbread can become hard and dry, difficult to bite. And they are supposed to be light golden, very crumbly, which is the main feature of shortcrust pastry. So, so as not to crumble it, we try it lightly with a stick: is the dough dry, golden in color? Ready!

Find out if the biscuit is ready

The finished biscuit is very fluffy, higher than the original volume. We check the readiness of the sponge cake with a thin wooden skewer, which should easily come out of the dough, remaining dry.

How to tell if cottage cheese is ready

Curd baked goods - casseroles, cheesecakes, curd muffins - are a separate company. Baking with cottage cheese takes the longest to bake on low heat. A sign that the casserole will soon be ready is that its center is no longer liquid. Shake the mold slightly and see. If the baked goods hold their shape, it’s time to turn up the heat so that the top browns. When the surface of the cottage cheese casserole or cupcake becomes golden brown, it is ready.

Maybe you know some other interesting ways to check the readiness of baked goods? I would be glad if you share them in the comments with me and other readers! Thank you :)

Of all the food that I was fed in kindergarten and school as a child, I only have pleasant memories of this one. cottage cheese casserole. I won’t say anything about the taste - everyone already knows it well. I’ll just add that homemade casserole is even tastier than catering. The recipe is taken from the classic book “On Tasty and Healthy Food.” This is exactly how our grandmothers and mothers prepared casserole.

Cottage cheese casserole

Total cooking time – 1 hour 25 minutes
Active cooking time – 25 minutes
average cost
Calorie content per 100 g – 246 kcal
Number of servings – 8

How to cook cottage cheese casserole


Cottage cheese – 1 kg.
Tip: I couldn’t make this casserole for a long time because I chose the wrong cottage cheese. Those sold in vacuum packs with a shelf life of more than two weeks are not suitable, as they are usually compressed and too dry for this recipe. Homemade cottage cheese will also not make a casserole, since it contains too much liquid and the casserole will not rise (the cottage cheese will be boiled rather than baked). To prepare the right cottage cheese casserole, it is optimal to use cottage cheese in rectangular packages like those in my photo: 200 g, fat content from 5 to 10%, shelf life - up to 1 week.
Egg – 2 pcs. If the eggs are small, then you can take 3 pieces.
Sour cream – 6 tbsp. Fat content from 20%
Sugar – 6 tbsp.
Semolina – 4 tbsp.
Raisins – 200 gr.(you can add other dried or candied fruits, nuts)
Butter – 6 tbsp.
Vanillin - to taste
Salt - to taste


Grease the baking dish with oil.
Mix together, carefully stirring with a wooden spatula, cottage cheese, butter, eggs, semolina, raisins, vanillin, salt.

Taste: if there is not enough sugar, you can add more (I usually add another tablespoon). Place the curd mass in a baking dish, smooth it out and spread sour cream on top.

Remember, far back in childhood, each of us had a favorite culinary dish that was prepared for us at school or at home, and perhaps both mother and grandmother delighted you with it. For some reason I associate cottage cheese casserole with this moment. And no matter how much time has passed, I still remember the taste of that casserole I knew from childhood. In this article I will tell you how to prepare cottage cheese casserole.

Healthy and nutritious cottage cheese casserole

In fact, cottage cheese is one of the healthiest foods. It is very nutritious and valuable because it contains a large amount of vitamins needed by the body. It is useful for both adults and children. True, children are not very eager to eat some healthy cottage cheese. Nowadays preference is given to all kinds of cottage cheese desserts that are sold in stores. However, they are of no use. But you are guaranteed a bunch of dyes and preservatives. And not everyone will be delighted after trying such a product. The most optimal nutrition is considered to be cottage cheese casserole. It is very tasty, which is what attracts children, and they eat it with pleasure, since it also has a very appetizing and beautiful appearance, especially if it is sweetened on top with jam or condensed milk. There are a lot of options.

The curd casserole prepared for children in kindergarten is very similar in recipe to the cheesecakes that we prepare at home. However, the taste of such a creation made from cottage cheese is much more delicate, and it is much easier to prepare, so preparation will not be difficult.

Here is an easy recipe for making cottage cheese casserole for your consideration. It turns out very tasty and always successful. By preparing this recipe, you will get a very fluffy, tender and airy casserole.

Cottage cheese casserole, recipe

First prepare 500 gr. cottage cheese, 100 gr. semolina cereals, 100 gr. granulated sugar, 50 gr. milk. In addition, we will need 50 grams. butter and 2 chicken eggs. Anyone who wants it is not prohibited from adding cinnamon or vanillin to taste. Who loves what?

It’s better to take cottage cheese with medium fat content, usually nine percent is good. But fattier options are also possible. Low-calorie curd products are not suitable for casserole, as it is possible that the casserole will turn out a little dry. And when making a choice in the store, give preference to the cottage cheese that is sold in a weight bag, rather than the one that is in special packs.

Compliance with the proportions of ingredients plays a very important role in this casserole recipe. If you overdo it with the amount of semolina, you can end up with a Ukrainian “babka” pie. Our dish will not be too juicy if we add less milk than required.

We sorted out the ingredients and took into account the basic recommendations. So let's start looking at how to make cottage cheese casserole. Let's prepare a large-capacity bowl. We will make the dough in it. Through a sieve, grind the cottage cheese that we prepared in advance. Soft or cheesy types of cottage cheese do not require this procedure.

So, the cottage cheese is placed in a bowl. Add sugar, eggs and mix everything. To simplify the process, you can do this using a mixer. If it is not there, then beat it by hand. Everything in this cooking procedure depends on tastes and wishes. For example, if you prefer a casserole with a loose structure, with pieces of cottage cheese, then it is better to mix the cottage cheese mixture with a fork. If you like a porous version of the casserole, then beat the curd mass with a mixer. And in this case, instead of sugar, add powdered sugar. Soften the butter. And then we add it to the mixture. And again we begin to mix the mass of cottage cheese.

After this, pour milk into the mixture and pour semolina into it. And again our mass is thoroughly mixed. Then cover with a warm towel. And let it brew for an hour. This is necessary so that the semolina swells slightly, which will give the dish a lighter and airier consistency.

Baking a casserole

Prepare a baking pan and lightly grease it with butter. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs first. An alternative could be semolina. And spread the curd mass on it. Wrap the split bottom in foil to make cleaning the oven easier later. Many people use silicone molds for greater convenience. They are a good option as they provide excellent protection against burning.

Let's pre-prepare the oven. Heat it to 200 degrees. Place the cottage cheese casserole laid out on a baking dish in the oven and bake. Keep in the oven until a golden crust appears. It is advisable that you do not open the oven while cooking. This can cause the casserole to sink and not be fluffy. To understand whether our dish is ready or not, you can use a toothpick. Try piercing the casserole right in the middle. And if the toothpick is dry when you pull it out, then the dish is ready and you can take it out.

Cut the pre-cooled casserole into portions. Place a piece on a plate and decorate with jam or syrup. That's all, the cottage cheese casserole is ready! The dish is ready to eat.

Cottage cheese casserole: simple and delicious! Cottage cheese casserole is familiar to many from childhood. A delicious cottage cheese casserole is prepared much faster than any cake, while a delicious cottage cheese casserole is much healthier. A mixer or blender will greatly simplify the preparation of cottage cheese casserole; with it, it is much easier to prepare cottage cheese casserole. Cottage cheese casserole recipe It is found in one form or another in various national cuisines, so the answer to the question of how to make cottage cheese casserole cannot be unambiguous. If you ask an Italian how to make a ricotta casserole, he will tell you a cassata recipe or a ricotta casserole recipe. The Frenchman will tell you how to prepare cottage cheese casserole in the French style. Caucasian - how to make cottage cheese casserole Kluban. American - how to cook cottage cheese casserole.

You shouldn’t be scared by questions like how to bake cottage cheese casserole, how to cook cottage cheese casserole, etc. Making cottage cheese casserole is perhaps the easiest way to prepare a delicious dessert. But not only the recipe for a delicious cottage cheese casserole is important. In order for you to get an airy cottage cheese casserole, the quality of the cottage cheese is of great importance. Cottage cheese for casserole must be natural, fresh, not too fatty, otherwise it may float.

Now about how to bake cottage cheese casserole. The cottage cheese casserole is prepared quickly. Mix cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, flour or semolina, fruits or dried fruits, coat the top with sour cream and bake. This can be done in the oven or slow cooker. Cottage cheese casserole is usually prepared in a frying pan in the oven. Cottage cheese casserole is also prepared in a special form. The recipe is simple but delicious. In addition to the ingredients described above, you can use some pasta to make the cottage cheese casserole more satisfying. It could be a cottage cheese casserole with pasta, a cottage cheese casserole with noodles. But if you are interested in a simple cottage cheese casserole, cottage cheese, sugar and eggs will be enough.

Cottage cheese casserole with fruits has an amazing taste: cottage cheese casserole with pear, with apples, cottage cheese casserole with raspberries, cottage cheese casserole with strawberries. But even more often, cottage cheese casserole is prepared with raisins or other dried fruits, which are always in stock. Your children will like this curd casserole more than simple cottage cheese.

Lush cottage cheese casserole is prepared simply: you need to make the casserole dough more liquid, beat it thoroughly with a mixer, you can add a little soda or baking powder. 40 minutes in the oven and the tender cottage cheese casserole is ready. If you are on a diet, you will need a dietary cottage cheese casserole - the recipe for cottage cheese casserole without flour is just right for you. It is lower in calories than cottage cheese casserole with flour. The recipe for cottage cheese casserole without eggs has even lower calorie content.

We hope you will find with us a suitable recipe for making cottage cheese casserole and you will learn how to make cottage cheese casserole. And if you still have any questions about how to make cottage cheese casserole, our recipe for cottage cheese casserole with photo (curd casserole with photo) and user comments will answer them.
