How to make chocolate at home recipe. A simple recipe for making homemade chocolate. With added mint

Chocolate at home: as it turns out, nothing is simpler! Basic, affordable ingredients, 5 minutes of your attention and a couple of hours in the freezer. And you get dark chocolate (with any filling you like), but without hardeners, dyes, preservatives, etc. Below are several recipes for homemade chocolate, as well as ideas on how to decorate the delicacy so that it can be served at the holiday table.

Comrades and friends!!!))))
If you are looking for REAL chocolate (using cocoa liquor and cocoa butter) - this is not the place for you.
The article contains recipes for those who want to make themselves a tasty and healthy sweet without leaving home, from what they have on hand!!!

There are several recipes for chocolate at home on the Internet, but essentially they are the same, and after a couple of experiments you will most likely invent your favorite version of chocolate.

Recipe No. 1.It couldn't be simpler

This is how I make chocolate and the disadvantage (or advantage?) of this recipe is that there is a lot of variation. Others will be more specific.

  • butter
  • cocoa powder
  • sugar (honey)

Take butter (the amount is an eyeball; in fact, the more butter, the more chocolate there will be), you can cut it into pieces (it will melt faster and more evenly) and put it in a saucepan on the fire. When the oil boils, add sugar and cocoa to it. Sugar - to taste, as you like. Cocoa - by eye, pour with one hand, stir with the other. We stop adding cocoa when the consistency of the mass is from thick sour cream to when it is no longer easy to mix with a spoon (but it is better not to bring it to this extreme state). Then cook for another minute or two, stirring. Remove from heat, leave to cool, and into the freezer (if desired, you can pour it from the pan into something, more on this below).
The more cocoa, the bitterer and harder the chocolate will be.

Recipe No. 2. Add milk

  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • milk - 2 tablespoons
  • cocoa - 4 tablespoons
  • butter - 50 grams
  1. melt the butter
  2. mix sugar with milk and cocoa
  3. mix everything with butter
  4. bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 1-2 minutes
  5. All! Can be placed in the refrigerator or freezer

Recipe No. 3. still the same + flour

Why flour is needed, I personally don’t really understand, and, to be honest, I haven’t tried this recipe (in addition to flour, there is more milk and sugar... in general, who will like what better).

  • milk - 5 tablespoons
  • butter - 50 grams
  • sugar - 6-8 tablespoons
  • cocoa - 5 tablespoons
  • flour - 1 teaspoon
  1. mix milk, cocoa, sugar and bring to a boil
  2. add oil
  3. When the butter has melted, stirring all the time, gradually add flour
  4. bring to a boil
  5. When the flour has completely dissolved, you can remove it from the heat.
  6. pour into molds and into the refrigerator
Notes along the way :
  • If you put chocolate in the freezer, it will be harder; if you put it in the refrigerator, it will be softer.
  • milk can be replaced with water
  • Can you add vanilla to chocolate?
  • If you use honey instead of sugar (chocolate will turn out to be a very healthy product!), then it cannot be heated to more than 40 degrees (otherwise the honey will turn out to be poisonous, worse than sugar). Then you can do this: when the chocolate is ready, removed from the heat, let it cool to a temperature where you can hold your finger, add honey and stir everything in a blender

Now about the shape and filling!


  • For home use, I simply place the chocolate in a bowl in the freezer. Then it is picked out with a knife and eaten (it is eaten very quickly, by the way :)). In principle, you can also cut it into strips-squares in this version and, beautifully, chaotically laying it out on a dish, serve it to the table.
  • more elegantly, pour the chocolate (while it is still hot and pouring) into molds. Whatever you have, for example, ice trays. Cover the mold with foil, it will be easier to remove the chocolate, and there will be less to clean.
Filling :

Any filling is suitable nuts And dried fruits, for lovers - waffle crumbs. You can grind them, add them to hot chocolate, stir them and then pour them into molds. And so that the filling is “inside” the chocolate bar, add it in layers at the stage of pouring into the molds: a layer of chocolate, then the filling (you can stuff a whole prune in this way...), then chocolate again. I also already wrote that you can add vanilla, for smell.

That's all the cooking secrets homemade chocolate!

Very interested to hear about your chocolate experiments! And I wish you bon appetit and a sweet mood!

It would be hard to find a person who has never tried chocolate. But it’s much easier to find someone who doesn’t know the chocolate recipe. But the time has come to increase the number of people who know how to prepare this delicacy.

Chocolate. When thinking about this sweetness, many people remember the most famous brands that produce it in whole batches. It will not be difficult for anyone to name at least some of them. And all because everyone has long been accustomed to buying bars from leading manufacturers, and making delicious chocolate that would be no worse than in the store has long become something impossible.

Surely there are those who have at least once tried to surprise friends or family with this cocoa product. And, for sure, not everyone (to be precise, a minority) succeeded immediately. Is the chocolate recipe really that complicated? In no case! The whole secret lies in the correctly selected components and technology. That's all.

You should also consider your financial capabilities. Mainly for the reason that preparing real chocolate, which is no different from store-bought chocolate, will cost more than the process of making delicacies from ordinary products that are always on hand. Accordingly, the result may differ. Below are two recipes that can be used to make both dark and milk chocolate. It's time to get started!

Delicious, easy and fast

The chocolate, the recipe for which is given here, can truly be called homemade. The very appearance of the finished product brings a special atmosphere and warmth into the house. And even if its taste cannot be called restaurant-quality, you still have a desire to try it and plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of childhood, joy and comfort. And nothing can replace this. In addition, its simplicity does not give even the slightest chance to pass by and not try to create such a miracle in your kitchen.

To prepare it you will need products that can be found in every kitchen, namely:

  • cocoa powder - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • sugar (it is better to use powdered sugar, as it dissolves faster) - 2 tablespoons (can be adjusted according to your taste);
  • milk - half a glass, that is, approximately 125 milliliters (the more it is, the milkier the chocolate will be, and vice versa);
  • butter - 50 grams.

You also need to stock up on molds (it’s very convenient to use silicone ones). You can take absolutely any shape. Even an ice tray can come in handy.

Preparation is no more complicated than the ingredients that are needed for it. Once you have collected all the ingredients, you can start cooking:

  1. Melt the butter. You can do this directly in a vessel placed on a tile, or you can do it in a water bath. The second option is safer, since the steamed oil will not burn, which cannot be said about the first method. For a water bath, you need to put a small saucepan or bowl (enamel or any other suitable) with water on the fire and bring to a boil. Such a vessel should be placed on top so that it holds steadily, but does not touch the surface of the water. You need to put a small piece of butter in it and wait until it is completely melted.
  2. Place 4 heaped tablespoons of cocoa powder in a container. It is important to remember that the more it is added, the harder the chocolate will be. In this case, the end result will be dark chocolate.
  3. Immediately pour 4 tablespoons of milk into the container and begin stirring the mixture. Pour in all the sugar (it’s better, of course, to grind it first in a blender). While stirring the resulting mass, you need to add a little more milk (but not all). The mass should become smoother.
  4. Add more milk, constantly stirring the resulting mixture. All this is done on the stove.
  5. If desired, you can also add sugar and milk to create milk chocolate. This needs to be adjusted based on the color of the mixture. You can carefully try it to understand what needs to be changed in it.
  6. When the consistency of the chocolate mass becomes liquid (but not too much), smooth and shiny, it should be brought to a boil and removed from the heat.
  7. Next, you need to pour it into pre-prepared molds. Add a little to each so that the chocolate hardens well. If desired, you can add some fillers to it, but it is better to do this as you gain experience, and not for the first time.
  8. Place the pieces in the freezer for 2 hours. If you put the molds in the refrigerator, the mass may not thicken very well, but if you wish, you can use this option.
  9. Remove the finished chocolate from the molds. Ready!

The result, as mentioned above, may differ from regular chocolate. For example, small milky stains may appear on the surface. This is normal, since regular butter was used, which was released during the freezing process. But this will in no way affect the taste, so there is no need to be afraid. In addition, such chocolate will not last long in the refrigerator. And it’s not about the expiration date, but about the family, who will immediately eat every last piece.

A more adventurous solution

The word "adventure" is often associated with adventure. But this does not mean that the second “Chocolate” recipe will be like an experiment in the kitchen. There is no need to reinvent the wheel: it has already been done in advance. In this case, an adventure is the preparation of chocolate, which will be no worse, if not better, than purchased or made by a chocolate master. At the same time, it will be more expensive than such chocolate, since all its components are absolutely natural.

Below is a recipe for making real chocolate. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • cocoa butter - 50 grams;
  • grated cocoa (this is not cocoa powder, but hand-grated lump cocoa, which is less common) - 100 grams;
  • powdered sugar (regular sugar may not dissolve and may crunch unpleasantly on the teeth, since this recipe hardly uses heat treatment) - 4 tablespoons (you can take a little more or a little less);
  • vanillin (for taste) - 1 sachet;
  • any of the suggested fillings: raisins, dried apricots (chopped), nuts (crushed into crumbs), cinnamon, ginger, coconut flakes (optional).

Products such as cocoa butter or cocoa bars made from cocoa beans are quite expensive, but the result that can be obtained in the end exceeds all expectations. As with the previous recipe, you will need molds.

To prepare chocolate according to this recipe, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Melt the cocoa butter. To do this, it is convenient to use both a water bath and a microwave oven (turned on at the lowest setting). When it melts, you need to add grated cocoa to it and mix it thoroughly with the butter.
  2. Add powdered sugar to the same container. To make the chocolate milky, you can add a little more milk or replace the sugar with condensed milk. The quantity is adjusted depending on taste preferences. The whole mass should be mixed well so that there are no lumps in it.
  3. Add the required amount of vanillin and stir until smooth. There is no need to be afraid if the mixture seems too runny. Thanks to the cocoa butter, it will harden well.
  4. Now it’s time to pour it into the molds, a little bit into each. You can sprinkle nuts, dried fruits, coconut flakes and so on on top. Using a spoon, you can easily dip this filling into the chocolate mixture.
  5. Place the molds in the freezer until completely frozen. This may take about two hours or more.
  6. Take out the frozen product. Ready!

Buying real chocolate today is quite difficult. Many companies use numerous additives and substitutes, flavor enhancers, which, of course, makes the production of the product cheaper, but at the same time the taste deteriorates. But many people remember the taste of chocolate that they enjoyed in childhood. Of course, I want to give it to my children and enjoy it myself.

There is nothing difficult in preparing such sweets. There are many recipes you can use to make real chocolate. But, when choosing theirs among them, many housewives focus on those products that are necessary for cooking. Most recommendations for preparing this sweet contain butter or cocoa butter as the main ingredients. But is it really that important? In our article we will talk about how to make delicious chocolate without butter and cocoa butter and at the same time get a delicious treat for yourself and your loved ones.

Ingredients for making chocolate without butter

Many chefs say that making real chocolate at home is not so easy. We can agree with them.

The basis of each recipe is cocoa butter. But getting this product in the country’s supermarkets is not so easy, one might say, almost impossible. Many people replace it with butter.

But with a little imagination, the right approach and patience - and even without this important ingredient, you can make an unsurpassed chocolate dessert, which in taste will not be inferior to bars bought in stores. In addition, homemade chocolate without butter is one of the recipes that is ideal for those who are watching their figure, but at the same time love sweets. It has much lower calorie content, so these recipes are ideal for losing weight.

Another important ingredient for making chocolate is cocoa powder. This component can be found on the shelves of any store, and real housewives always have it in their kitchen. When choosing this component, it is important to pay attention to its quality. A truly high-quality product is rich in vitamins and minerals that can enrich our body. The color of cocoa powder should be dark brown. The product has a well-defined aroma. If you see a powder with other scents (vanilla, cinnamon), then it is better to refuse the purchase.

The structure of high-quality cocoa powder is a fine powder form, without visible grains or lumps.

Next, pay attention to the packaging and information placed on it. The fat content should be at least 10%, a great option if you find 20%. The taste of your chocolate without cocoa butter, prepared at home, depends on this indicator.

These are basically all the important ingredients for chocolate recipes. All other components can be added to a greater extent to diversify the taste of the resulting product at home.

Let's look at 5 of the most interesting chocolate recipes without using cocoa butter.

How to make dark chocolate without cocoa butter at home

The following basic components should be prepared:

  • cocoa powder – 10 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – 1 tsp.

These ingredients are calculated per serving, but if desired, in this recipe for dark chocolate without cocoa butter, you can increase the number of components, but the main thing is to maintain proportionality.

To begin, melt the indicated amount of butter in a shallow bowl. Do this over low heat, and to avoid burning the product, it is better to use a water bath. When the butter is melted, add all the other ingredients specified in the recipe. Stir well. You need to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream by keeping it on the fire (water bath) for no more than 2 minutes after boiling. Remove and let cool without placing the mixture in the refrigerator. After hardening, pour the mixture into molds. Place them in the freezer or refrigerator until completely frozen.

Milk chocolate recipe without butter

The recipe for milk chocolate without cocoa butter at home is not much different in its ingredients from the previous one. But to make it milky, you should add nothing more than milk. The proportions of the two important ingredients greatly influence the final taste you get. The less powder you put in, the less pronounced bitter taste you will get. The classic recipe gives the following proportion: for 100 g of cocoa, 2 tbsp. l. milk.

The preparation itself will proceed as follows:

  1. Melt the butter.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix cocoa powder and sugar. Add the required amount of milk to the dry mixture.
  3. Combine both components and boil for 2 minutes in a water bath, stirring.

Further steps are the same as in the previous recipe.

Recipe for making white chocolate without cocoa butter

There are not many recipes for white chocolate without cocoa butter, but, as it turns out, it can be made at home. The basis of the recipe is 150 g of dry infant formula. Next you will need:

  • milk – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

For taste, you can add sesame seeds and vanilla sugar to the recipe. First, mix all the dry ingredients. Next, add butter and milk and mix everything until smooth. White chocolate without cocoa butter is ready, all you have to do is cool it in the refrigerator.

Chocolate recipe with cocoa powder and flour without cocoa butter

This is a rather unusual recipe, which results in a chocolate dessert that is interesting in its taste. It will require the following components:

  • milk – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 1 tsp.

Combine cocoa, sugar and milk, achieve a consistency without lumps, and put the resulting mixture on low heat. Bring to a boil and add butter and the flour required for the recipe. One or two minutes after boiling - and you can remove it from the heat. This chocolate made from cocoa powder is delicious, the recipe without cocoa bean butter makes it simple and affordable. Try it and see for yourself! It turns out especially delicious if you add nuts, candied fruits or other favorite ingredients to taste into the molds where the product will be poured.

Recipe for making delicious chocolate without butter

There are other recipes for chocolate without butter. Its caloric content will be low, but at the same time the taste qualities will be quite high. Prepare:

  • cocoa – 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - half a glass;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.

If desired, you can add oatmeal, candied fruits, and honey in small quantities to this homemade chocolate without butter.

After preparation (using the technology described above), you get a fairly liquid chocolate product. It will not harden and will become little like a bar or candy. It is oatmeal that contributes to the appearance of that same thickness. They must be added while still boiled. Candied or dried fruits slightly hide the bitterness.

That's all - now you know how to make chocolate without butter and cocoa butter. Try this dessert - it will please all gourmets.

Since its inception, the chocolate industry has excited the consciousness of most people on Earth. At its origins - at least 2000 years ago - among the Aztecs it was known as "chocolatl" (choco - "foam" and latl - "water"). The drink has undergone many metamorphoses over the centuries, acquired a solid consistency, acquired many names given by its creators, and continues to delight us with its diversity.

And today, we also have the opportunity to make it ourselves. Just imagine: just some 20 years ago it was almost unthinkable to make professional chocolate at home. The processes of its manufacture were handled exclusively by large corporations. But now the cost of artisan chocolate has dropped significantly. It’s no wonder that many people now make chocolate at home: all you need to do is acquire one.

Let's try to figure out how we can melangeur will come in handy, if we wish to make chocolate ourselves. To do this, take into account that the basis of chocolate is cocoa beans and sugar. Firstly, the cocoa beans themselves must be heavily crushed(no more than 0.001 mm in diameter of each particle). Second point: conching chocolate mass. This is the process by which the chocolate moves, interacts with air, gets rid of unnecessary moisture and is generally refined. So, the melangeur copes with both tasks excellently - especially a model like this.

So, we have figured out what we should use to cook with. All that remains is to understand how. When making homemade chocolate with your own hands, you can experiment a lot, but we will, of course, provide a few recipes to create a starting point.

Recipe #1: classic homemade dark chocolate


♦ Venezuela Porcelana cocoa beans;

♦ cane sugar.

Cooking method:

In this case we are talking about 70% chocolate, so we take cocoa beans and cane sugar in a ratio of 7 to 3, respectively. We wash the cocoa beans and crush them using a blender (a powerful blender, such as one, will help you do this quickly and efficiently). Pour the resulting cocoa nibs into the melangeur. We do this gradually: turn it on, then pour out 50 grams approximately every two minutes until we have poured everything out. Then we leave it for about three hours (there is no one definite rule on how to properly make this type of chocolate: the time may vary depending on the quality and quantity of beans). The result will be almost real professional chocolate!

Recipe #2: classic homemade chocolate 70% cocoa Nacional


♦ Nacional cocoa beans;

♦ cane sugar.

Cooking procedure the same as in the previous recipe: grind the beans in a way convenient for us, immerse them in melanger along with sugar and leave it to work for several hours. Again, the operating time of the melanger will determine the taste and consistency of the resulting product. In any case, the flavor will be different from the case with Venezuela Porcelana beans. Since we prepare chocolate at home, we should take care of the melangeur and not overload it. Do not pour in too many cocoa beans at once to avoid jamming the burrs. It is better to pour 50 grams of cocoa beans into the melangeur in two to three minutes.

Recipe #3: homemade milk chocolate 52% cocoa (from Nacional beans)

Unlike classic artisan chocolate, milk chocolate is more sweet than bitter. However, there are no fundamental differences in the recipe, except for the quantity ingredients:

♦ 52% Nacional cocoa beans;

♦ 18% cocoa butter;

♦ 20% cane sugar;

♦ 10% milk powder.

This chocolate will be ready after 3-4 hours of melanger operation. Depending on how the chocolate is made, the recipe may require longer processing (for maximum conching efficiency). When we make chocolate ourselves, we need to be able to control this process. Melanger can work continuously throughout the day, but we still recommend taking breaks every 3-4 hours. Cocoa beans, as with other recipes, are recommended to be loaded into the melangeur in portions, not all at once. This recommendation is also present in the official instructions from the manufacturers. If you always follow it, you can significantly extend the life of the device.

Recipe #4: Homemade White Chocolate


♦ cocoa butter (100 grams);

♦ powdered sugar (100 grams);

♦ milk powder (100 grams);

♦ vanilla (optional. To add flavor).

We have, in fact, already discussed how to properly make chocolate of this type in previous recipes: the preparation process will be similar. Maintain a moderate load on the melangeur, take breaks from its operation.

Recipe #5: Light White Chocolate


♦ milk powder (150 grams);

♦ arbitrary amount of sugar - to taste;

♦ vanillin (approximately 100 grams).

This recipe is intended for those who do not have cocoa butter on hand. In fact, the difference between this and the previous recipe will be minimal. We recommend trying it in any case, especially if you are interested in how to make chocolate with your own hands in various variations.

Recipe #6: Homemade chocolate with nuts and raspberries


♦ liquid coconut oil (180 ml);

♦ thick coconut oil (200 grams);

♦ cocoa beans (50 grams);

♦ maple syrup (120 ml);

♦ sea or Himalayan salt (one pinch);

♦ almonds (30 grams);

♦ cocoa nibs (20 grams).

How to make professional chocolate with nuts and raspberries:

We prepare a container (mold) for chocolate (since we are already making chocolate ourselves, the shape of the container can be arbitrary).

Place both types of coconut oil in a bowl and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Add almonds, salt, raspberries, maple syrup to the melangeur (however, it’s up to you to decide how to make chocolate with your own hands: the list of some ingredients may vary). The volume of ingredients indicated in the list should be immersed once every 2-3 minutes so as not to exceed the load on the melangeur. Turn it on for about 4 hours.

Place the resulting chocolate mixture into a mold and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe #7: Hot chocolate with orange

Required ingredients:

♦ coconut milk (400 ml);

♦ cocoa beans (25 grams);

♦ cane sugar (25 grams);

♦ vanilla extract (half a teaspoon).

♦ orange juice (half an orange is enough, but the amount may vary).

Cooking method:

First, grind the cocoa beans in a blender, then place them in the melangeur in portions - 50 grams every 2-3 minutes. Then add sugar, vanilla and leave the device on for 4 hours.

We begin to pour crushed cocoa nibs into the melangeur - 50 grams every two to three minutes, until we load it all.

We are monitoring the process. As soon as the grains release oil, add cocoa butter.

After about an hour and a half, add grape sugar.

After 3-4 hours have passed since the start of operation, turn off the melangeur. The chocolate is ready.

If you want to learn more about how professionals make chocolate correctly, you can read the corresponding article on our website.

We hope that these recipes will help you figure out how to make homemade chocolate with your own hands. It will be great if you experiment with existing recipes and create your own. But, if you prepare chocolate at home, do not forget to control the load on the melangeur. It is always better to put products into it in small portions and take breaks. In this case, it will serve you for a long time. That's all you need to know to understand how chocolate is made. There are many recipes, and even more combinations. We prepare chocolate at home, delight ourselves and our loved ones. We also recommend that you pay attention to our others for additional guidance.

What housewife doesn’t want to surprise her loved ones with something tasty, original and healthy? Surely no one will refuse the favorite delicacy of many - chocolate, especially if it is prepared with love and from high-quality and natural ingredients! And what an indescribable aroma fills the kitchen when you make homemade chocolate! You can pour it over any baked goods (while it's still hot). You can make it in reserve. It keeps well in the refrigerator. If necessary, you can simply melt it in a water bath. Create your own unique shades of chocolate by varying the amount of cocoa. Real homemade chocolate is made only from natural products!

To make chocolate at home, you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons each of cocoa powder and milk;
  • 6-8 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 1 tsp flour;
  • ice mold (you can use molds from boxes of candy).

1. To make chocolate at home, pour cocoa, sugar, milk into a small saucepan and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat.

2. Then add butter.

3. When the mixture boils a second time, stirring continuously, add flour.

4. Once the flour has dissolved, remove the mixture from the heat and cool.

5. Then pour the liquid chocolate into ice molds and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

This is a traditional recipe for making homemade chocolate. You can experiment if you want!

For example, if you like dark chocolate, you can increase the amount of cocoa and proportionally reduce the portion of sugar.

If, on the contrary, you prefer a more delicate, milky taste, then you need to reduce the amount of cocoa and add milk powder.

Depending on the amount of cocoa, the color of the chocolate will also change; in theory, all of it can be replaced with milk powder - you should get white chocolate, but I haven’t tried it myself, I don’t know.

You can also add a few drops of cognac, rum or liqueur to the chocolate - you get a great taste!

You can replace 1 spoon of regular sugar with vanilla and add a little cinnamon. You will get spicy vanilla chocolate.

You can use various fillings. For example, chopped nuts (walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts), or pitted cherries, raisins, candied fruits, dried apricots, lemon zest.

You can also add wafer crumbs and coconut flakes to the chocolate. It will be very tasty and original if you pierce some fresh fruit with a toothpick (a slice of orange, tangerine, apple, banana) or dip dried fruit in liquid chocolate, then put it on foil or parchment paper and let it harden in the refrigerator.

If the chocolate does not harden for a very long time, then next time increase the amount of flour - each type absorbs moisture differently.

Homemade chocolate is a field for pleasant experiments. So give joy to both children and adults! It's so simple!
