How to make delicious juicy cherry jam. Cherry jam with pits: recipes for thick cherry jam with whole berries for the winter. A simple and delicious recipe in a slow cooker

Cherry jam has a tart aftertaste and an indescribable aroma. In addition to the obvious characteristics, cherries contain large amounts of potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, vitamins of various groups (A, C, B1, PP, etc.). Thanks to this, the delicacy is very popular in many families. The jam is used to make pies and desserts with filling, and is also consumed as a stand-alone snack for tea. Experienced housewives have developed delicious recipes in which cherries are combined with raspberries, apples, cranberries and even chocolate.

Cherry jam with cranberries

  • raspberry syrup - 135 ml.
  • cherry - 950 gr.
  • cranberries (fresh/frozen) - 375 gr.
  • lemon juice - 60 ml.
  • drinking water - 270 ml.
  • granulated sugar (preferably cane) - 1.4 kg.
  1. Fill a bowl with cold water, dip the cranberries in it (if the berries are fresh). Wash the fruits, remove spoiled and rotten ones. If you are using a frozen product, pour the berries into a colander and rinse under the tap.
  2. Regardless of the type of cranberry, it must be partially dried before making jam. Once the berries are ready, grind them in a meat grinder, blender or food processor (an alternative is a potato pestle).
  3. Rinse the cherries, cut the fruits in half, and remove the pits. Mix with lemon juice and raspberry syrup, pour the mixture over the cranberries. Transfer the contents to a cauldron or saucepan with thick walls, pour in water.
  4. Cover the dish with a lid, place on the stove, and simmer on low power for 25-35 minutes. Ultimately, the berries should release juice and become very soft. When this happens, add granulated sugar and stir.
  5. Continue to simmer the mixture until the granules melt, then boil the mixture for another 7-10 minutes. Next, remove the container from the heat and remove the foam. Wait 15 minutes for the treat to cool slightly.
  6. Boil and dry the container, pour the jam into hot jars. Roll it up using a kitchen key, turn it over, wait until it cools. Transfer to the cold (cellar, basement, refrigerator, etc.).

Cherry jam without seeds

  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • fresh cherries - 850 gr.
  • drinking water - 550 ml.
  1. Rinse the cherries, pour them into a colander, and leave the liquid to drain. Remove the seeds using a toothpick or pin/needle. Chop the cherries in half or leave them whole. Sprinkle 400 gr. granulated sugar, stir until smooth, leave for 2 hours.
  2. While the berries are releasing juice, cook syrup from 800 g. sugar and 550 ml. filtered water. Simmer over low heat until the granules dissolve, then turn off the burner and cool the mixture.
  3. Pour syrup over the cherries and leave for 5 hours. During this period, the berries will be soaked, the jam will turn out sweet and sour. After the allotted time has passed, place the container on the fire and cook in one step for half an hour.
  4. Rinse the container and pour boiling water over it, do the same with the lids. While the containers are hot, pour out the treat, roll it up with a key, and turn it over. Cool the jam and transfer to the refrigerator.

  • granulated sugar - 870 gr.
  • fresh cherries - 850 gr.
  • gelatin - 15 gr.
  1. Place the cherries in a sieve, rinse, and leave for half an hour to drain. Remove seeds with a needle or special device. Sprinkle with sugar, put on the stove, cook for half an hour, stir occasionally.
  2. Dilute the gelatin according to the instructions, leave until it swells. After the allotted time for cooking the cherries, add gelatin. Mix the contents thoroughly again, reduce the power to minimum.
  3. Simmer the jam for a quarter of an hour. To make the jam thicker, you can take a break of 5 hours between boiling the cherries and pouring in the swollen gelatin (optional).
  4. Sterilize containers and lids, dry the dishes, and pour the finished product into containers. Seal each jar, turn the neck down, and leave for 11 hours. Place in the cold for storage.

Thick cherry jam

  • drinking water - 850 ml.
  • fresh cherries - 900 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  1. To prepare a thick composition, you need to take certain varieties of cherries. These include Vladimir and Zakharyevsky. Wash the berries and remove the seeds in a convenient way.
  2. Sprinkle the fruits with granulated sugar and let stand for 4 hours until the liquid (juice) comes out. After the specified time has passed, place the pan with the contents on the stove and simmer for 10 minutes. Next, turn off the burner and cool the jam.
  3. Stir the jam constantly so that it does not stick to the walls. Repeat the manipulations (cooking and cooling) 3 times, then package the finished product in clean jars. You can roll up the jam with a key or cover it with plastic lids (optional).

  • sugar - 2.7 kg.
  • cherry - 900 gr.
  • currants (black/red) - 850 gr.
  • raspberries - 850 gr.
  1. Pour cold water into a basin, pour currants into the container. Stir the berries with your hands to remove any excess debris. Drain the liquid and place the fruits in a sieve to dry. Do the same with raspberries.
  2. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, leave for 10 minutes to drain the liquid. Mix with the rest of the berries, add granulated sugar to the fruits. Wait 4 hours, during which time the juice will come out.
  3. When the specified period has expired, transfer the berries to a cauldron or other heat-resistant container and cook on low power for 8 minutes. Next, turn off the burner and leave the jam to cool for 5 hours.
  4. Boil the berries again for 10 minutes, cool for 4 hours. Repeat the manipulations 1-2 more times, then package the finished treat into jars. Seal and store refrigerated after cooling.

Cherry jam with strawberries

  • cherry - 650 gr.
  • sugar - 1.2-1.3 kg.
  • strawberries - 600 gr.
  1. Fill a bowl with cold (if possible ice-cold) water and add the strawberries inside. Stir the contents with your hands and drain the dirty liquid. Place the berries on a cotton towel, wait until partially dry, then remove the sepals.
  2. Rinse the cherries, leave them on the sieve to evaporate the moisture, and then remove the seeds. Combine 2 types of berries with each other, mix with granulated sugar, leave in a saucepan for 5 hours.
  3. Now turn on the burner to the minimum mark and cook the fruits for 15 minutes. Don't forget to remove any foam that forms using a slotted spoon. After a quarter of an hour, turn off the stove and let the jam stand until it cools.
  4. Repeat cooking 1 more time (duration - 10 minutes), then pour the contents into containers. Seal with lids (plastic or tin) and cool.

Cherry jam with chocolate

  • lemon juice - 25 ml.
  • cherry - 480-500 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 190 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 80 gr.
  • cognac/whiskey (optional) - 60 ml.
  • drinking water - 45 ml.
  1. Wash and rinse the cherries, remove the pits. Pour into a heat-resistant bowl, pour in lemon juice, water, add sugar. Send to the fire, cook for 25 minutes. If desired, add alcohol after simmering for 10 minutes.
  2. Stir the mixture constantly. After a quarter of an hour, add the grated chocolate and wait until it dissolves. Cool the jam and pour into a resealable jar.

  • lemon zest (fresh) - 35 gr.
  • frozen cherries (pitted) - 1.4 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.15 kg.
  • pectin - 115 gr.
  • lemon juice - 60 ml.
  1. Make a device for defrosting cherries: place a colander in a bowl, throw the cherries into the mesh cavity. This move will preserve the juice. After defrosting, combine the berries with juice, add pectin and grated lemon peel.
  2. Place the container on the fire, after 15 minutes add granulated sugar and lemon juice. Constantly stir the contents so that they do not stick to the walls of the dish. When the granules dissolve and the mixture becomes homogeneous, turn off the heat.
  3. Boil the container for twisting, dry it, and do the same with the lids. Package the berry mixture, seal immediately, and let cool. Store cherry jam refrigerated; shelf life is 10 months.

Cherry jam with raspberries

  • cane sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • cherry - 900 gr.
  • raspberries - 370 gr.
  • drinking water - 230 gr.
  1. Sort through the fruits, eliminating spoiled, bruised, or worm-eaten fruits. Wash the cherries, remove the seeds, rinse the raspberries.
  2. Prepare a suitable heat-resistant container, add granulated sugar and pour in water. Set the burner to minimum, prepare the syrup (heat treatment lasts 10-12 minutes).
  3. After this time, add the prepared fruits, turn off the stove, cover with a lid, and leave the mixture to steep for 5 hours. After this, cook the mixture for another half hour. The longer you cook the mixture, the thicker the jam will be.
  4. Clean the jam container in advance. Pour the finished product, twist it with a key, turn it over and cool.

  • clean water - 180 ml.
  • cherry - 900 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 850 gr.
  1. Wash the cherries and remove the pits. In a multicooker container, combine water and granulated sugar, stir until the grains are soaked. Set the “Keep Warm” function and cook the syrup for 20 minutes. Open the lid periodically and stir.
  2. Combine the syrup with the berries, turn on the timer for a third of an hour, change the program to “Soup”. Do not close the multicooker to be able to monitor the process.
  3. Stir the jam constantly, skim off the foam with a slotted spoon. Prepare glass containers in advance and keep them warm. When the delicacy is cooked, pack it into containers.
  4. Screw on the lid and key, wrap it in a warm cloth, and leave it in the kitchen until it cools down. Transfer to the pantry for long-term storage.

Cherry jam with apples

  • almonds - 60 gr.
  • apple “Simirenko” - 480 gr.
  • cherry - 475 gr.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • gelatin - 25 gr.
  1. Rinse and dry the berries, remove the seeds. Mix gelatin with granulated sugar, sprinkle the mixture over the berries. Cover the container with a lid and leave for a day.
  2. Wash the apples, do not peel them, but remove the stems and core. Grind the fruits into puree using a grater, blender or meat grinder, and add to the infused cherries.
  3. Pour in lemon juice and add grated citrus zest if desired. Place on the stove and cook for 7 minutes. Next, fry the nuts in a dry frying pan, grind into powder or chop in half.
  4. Pour the almonds into the jam and immediately pack into containers. Seal with tin lids using a special sealing wrench.

Consider recipes for making cherry jam with the addition of raspberries, black or red currants, dark chocolate, cranberries, and apples. Cook the treat in a slow cooker, adjust the amount of sugar as you wish.

Video: how to make cherry jam

Many housewives are very upset when cherries in jam wrinkle and become dry and tough. Most often this happens if you want to make cherry jam with pits and the sugar is absorbed more slowly into the berries.

To prevent this from happening, eat so that the berries do not wrinkle and remain juicy and melt in your mouth. Let's try to make aromatic, sweet and tasty cherry jam for the winter, which will be saturated with syrup and will delight you with both its appearance and taste. Be sure that everything will work out.

1 way

To ensure that the cherries do not wrinkle in the jam, it must be cooked with triple heating. This is necessary so that all the syrup is absorbed into the cherries at the end of cooking. The point of making cherry jam for the winter in this way is that the first two times when heated, the berries will give up all their juice to sugar. And at this moment the cherry completely changes its appearance and wrinkles. During the third cycle, all the berries will absorb the juice back and become smooth and juicy again. If this does not happen, then you need to let the jam sit and bring it to a boil again. And then you will have a wonderful dessert for the winter with beautiful, smooth cherries. Read the full recipe below.

Recipe for cherry jam with beautiful berries


  • cherry - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • cold water - 200 ml.


Keep the cherries covered with sugar overnight in the refrigerator, add water in the morning and place on the stove. Once the sugar has dissolved and the jam has boiled, remove from heat and let cool for 5-6 hours. The third time, also bring to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes. Cook for the last time for 5 minutes, remembering to remove the foam. Cooled jam can be checked for readiness by dropping a drop on a saucer; it should not spread. Roll into jars or place cold in dry containers, covering with a nylon lid. The berries turn out juicy, and the syrup is not liquid.

Method 2

During the cooking of cherry jam with pits, the sugar penetrates the whole fruit more slowly. At the same time, you cannot cook cherries for a long time, as their color changes noticeably and brown tones appear. When boiled quickly, the fruits do not have time to be saturated with sugar, they shrink, become as if dried, and the jam is of unsatisfactory quality.

Therefore, cherry jam with pits is prepared as follows: 1 kg of chopped cherry fruits is placed in a basin and poured with hot low-strength sugar syrup (800 g of sugar per 2 glasses of water). The fruits are kept in syrup for 3-4 hours, then the basin is placed on the fire, brought to a boil and cooked for 8 minutes. After this, the syrup is separated from the cherries and boiled for another 10 minutes. The cherries are placed back into the syrup, another 400 g of sugar is added, dissolving the grains with stirring, and left for 5-6 hours. Then the jam is boiled until tender, as well as pitted cherries, and rolled into jars.

3 way

There is another way to combat wrinkling of berries. First, you need to blanch the cherries, that is, pour boiling water over them. Drain this water, dilute sugar in it, boil and pour the syrup over the blanched berries again. Let stand for 12 hours, then cook for five minutes after boiling and leave again for 12 hours. Then bring to a boil, remove from heat, add 500 g of sugar per 7 liters of jam and stir until the sugar dissolves. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up and wrap until cool.

As a result, the berries do not wrinkle, and the syrup turns out thick, like jelly. Also, a lot depends on the type of berry; small cherries have very thin skin and little pulp, so wrinkling cannot be avoided during cooking. For such cherries, you definitely need to boil sugar syrup and put the berries in it for further cooking.

Based on materials from

Today we are making cherry jam. I offer 4 recipes that differ from each other in cooking technology. Cherry jam can be made with or without pits. You can add gelatin for thickness. And for an explosive taste, jam is made with chocolate. I think you will like these recipes and will keep them in your bookmarks.

Any cherry is not suitable for jam. The berries should be of medium ripeness, elastic and not rotten. So be sure to pick out the cherries.

Also, be sure to sterilize the jars and lids and dry them beforehand. You can sterilize the jars over steam for 10-15 minutes, or in the oven. If you do this in the oven, then place the jars in a cold oven, turn on the heat to 150 degrees and after heating, keep them there for 15 minutes.

This is an interesting recipe and quite quick. There is no need to let the jam sit for several hours; it cooks immediately. But the peculiarity of the cooking technology is that sugar is not added immediately, but gradually.


  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg (5 glasses of 250 ml)

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cherries, remove seeds. Place in a saucepan in which you will cook the jam. Place over medium heat and bring the berries to a boil. As they heat, they will release a lot of juice. Stir the cherries gently to avoid bruising them.

2.When the cherries boil, you need to add one glass of sugar. Stir gently, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Then add another glass of sugar, wait until it boils again and cook for 2 minutes. And do this 5 times.

For 1 kg of cherries you need to add 5 glasses of sugar in 5 approaches. If you take cherries of 2 or more kg, then sugar is also added 5 times. But in this case, for 2 kg you will need to add 2 cups at a time, for 3 kg - 3 cups, etc.

3.After adding sugar for the fifth time, boil the jam and cook for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally, but not too often to avoid damaging the berries. Remove foam as soon as it forms.

4.When the jam has been boiled for the last time for 10 minutes, reduce the heat to low and pour the jam into sterilized jars while boiling. Screw the lids on immediately.

5. Turn over all filled jars, wrap them in something warm and let them cool completely.

6. The jam will become thicker when it sits. This is a very tasty recipe, the cherries remain whole, the syrup is beautiful and transparent.

Cherry jam according to an old recipe from 1907.


  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • vodka - 10 gr.


1. Rinse the cherries and place in a sieve to drain. Remove the seeds. To do this, you can use a pin - it is very convenient. Simply insert the back of the closed pin into the cherry where the stem was attached and remove the pit. In this case, the berry remains intact and does not break.

3.Place half the cherries on a baking sheet and sprinkle lightly with vodka. It is convenient to do this if you insert a spray bottle into the bottle. Cover the berries with half the sugar. Place the remaining cherries on top, sprinkle with vodka again and add sugar.

4.Place the baking sheet with the preparation in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. The original source says: you need to put it on ice.

5.Pour the berries into the pan or basin where you will cook. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Stir the jam so that the sugar on the bottom does not burn.

6.After boiling, cook the jam for 5 minutes over medium heat. Be sure to skim off the foam.

7.Turn off the heat, cover the jam with a lid or towel and leave for 8 hours or overnight. If you covered it with a lid, condensation will appear on it. Remove the lid carefully and drain this water.

8. Boil the jam again and cook for 5 minutes. Cover and leave to steep for several hours.

9.And for the third time, bring the cherry jam to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and you can pour it into jars. Don’t forget to sterilize and dry the lids too. Close the lid immediately after pouring the jam.

10. That's all. Invert the jar to check if the lid is leaking. To make this jam, you need to spend a lot of time infusing the cherries in syrup. But the result will be worth it. In winter, you will be happy to eat this jam, remembering the warm summer days.

Cherry jam with pits.

Jam can be cooked with seeds. Although the seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, it is destroyed during cooking, and sugar is its antidote. Therefore, cherry jam with pits will not be poisonous. But you need to be careful, if such jam costs more than one year, then it is better not to eat it. Cherry liqueurs with pits should not be consumed; they can actually cause poisoning.


  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Making jam with seeds:

1. First you need to wash the cherries, remove spoiled berries and dry them on a sieve.

2.Pour the dry berries into the pan in which you will cook the jam. Add sugar to the cherries and stir so as not to overwhelm them.

3. Leave the berries in sugar overnight so that they release juice.

4.In the morning you can make jam. Place the pan over low heat so that the sugar at the bottom does not burn. Use a spatula to pry up the sugar and stir from bottom to top. The sugar will gradually dissolve.

5.When the sugar has dissolved, increase the heat to medium and wait until it boils. Skim off all foam.

6.Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Take a large saucepan, because the foam rises a lot when boiling and can “run away”.

7. Pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars. Pour carefully so that the jar does not crack. And roll it up. If you store it in the refrigerator, you can cover it with a clean nylon lid.

8. Cool the jam at room temperature and then store. Tasty, sweet, simple and quick.

Cherry jam with chocolate.

In addition to classic jam, which contains only cherries and sugar, you can make an unusual chocolate dessert that will be very tasty. And children are simply crazy about such jam. Try boiling cherries in chocolate and you won’t need to buy any candy. The composition also contains a little cognac, which is needed for a brighter aroma. All the alcohol will evaporate during cooking, so the jam will be non-alcoholic.


  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • cognac or brandy - 2 tbsp.
  • dark chocolate 75% - 90 gr.
  • gelling mixture - 40 gr.

How to make cherry jam with chocolate:

1. Wash and sort the cherries. Remove the seeds.

2.Pour the berries into the pan and place over medium heat. Stir and wait for the berries to release juice.

3.Add in the gelling mixture, stir and bring to a boil.

4.Add sugar, stir again, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 4 minutes.

5.Pour in lemon juice, cognac and grated chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and pour the jam into sterilized jars.

6. Roll up with sterile lids, turn over and cool. This is how you can quickly make thick cherry jam with chocolate. This is delicious!

As you can see, making cherry jam is not difficult. Just repeat the steps in these recipes. And get a tasty and sweet treat that creates home comfort on cold winter days.

Not many people make pitted cherry jam because not everyone likes the monotonous work of removing pits. But everyone likes to eat delicious pitted cherry jam. I remember as a child, this job of removing pits fell to me, but what to do until you sorted the cherries, they didn’t let you go for a walk.

Today, of course, science and progress have come a long way; cherry pits are taken out in the same way as 30 years ago. Science hasn’t made any progress on this issue, or I just don’t know something.

But if you are still planning to make delicious cherry jam, then I have for you some of the most delicious recipes on how to make cherry jam for the winter. Look and choose the recipes that you like best.

Five-minute pitted cherry jam for the winter

Of course, it doesn’t take 5 minutes to prepare, but it doesn’t take much longer. And it’s called that because it cooks for no more than 5 minutes, well, I think you’ll understand everything yourself.


  • 1 kg. Pitted cherries.
  • 1 kg. Sahara.

Cooking process.

Place the processed cherries in a saucepan and add sugar. Leave for 5-8 hours. During this time, the sugar will react with the cherries, and the latter will begin to release juice abundantly.

After 5-8 hours, the jam should be put on the stove and brought to a boil. As soon as a stable, even boil begins, reduce the heat and cook for exactly 5 minutes and turn off the heat. During cooking, foam will begin to rise profusely; it must be skimmed off.

How to make cherry jam with gelatin


  • Pitted cherries 1 kg.
  • Sugar 800 grams.
  • Gelatin 2 tablespoons.

Cooking process.

Rinse the whole cherries well, drain the water and remove the pits.

Pour sugar mixed with gelatin, mix well and leave for 8 hours.

Then put the pan on the stove and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. This jam should be cooked for no more than 5 minutes at moderate boiling. Don't forget to remove the foam.

After 5 minutes of cooking, you can distribute the mass into jars and close the lids.

When the jam has cooled it will be deliciously sweet and thick thanks to the added gelatin.

Cherry jam recipe from Grandma Emma

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Cherry jam, rolled with pits, has long and firmly won the tastes and preferences of many people in the world. This delicious dessert can be used in many dishes, bake pies from it, pour over ice cream, baked goods and other sweet desserts.

As many people probably know, it is safest to make pitted cherries, because after two years of storage in the rolled state, the seeds begin to release toxic substances that are harmful to health.

Keep in mind that the tastiest cherry jam with or without pits comes from southern berries. Experts also recommend using varieties such as Shubinka, Turgenevka and Zakharyevskaya cherry. If you don't know about varieties, use berries of a rich dark burgundy color, you can't go wrong.

Now we will tell you how to properly cook cherry jam with pits.

Before we begin listing the recipes, we note two important steps that must be done correctly before you start cooking cherry jam with or without pits.

Preparing the dishes

Take a deep enamel-coated pan of a suitable size. You can use a stainless steel container.

Why exactly this kind of dishes?

The main reason is that several hours will pass from the initial stage until the moment of rolling, and if you use a different type of cookware, the finished jam will have an unpleasant color.

Sterilize the jars into which you will put the cherry jam thoroughly so that the lids do not swell later. The fastest way to sterilize is to use a microwave. To do this, fill the container halfway and set to boil for three minutes. You can also use the oven (wash the jars and place them wet in a heated cabinet and sterilize with the door open).

Preparing the berries

First, wash all the berries thoroughly. Prick each cherry using a needle so that they are quickly soaked in syrup. As an alternative, you can blanch them for a minute at a temperature of ninety degrees.

Now, you are actually ready to cook cherry jam with pits.

Traditional recipe


  • One kilogram of berries.
  • Five hundred grams of sugar.
  • Eight hundred grams of water.

How to cook

  1. Prick each berry using a pin and place them in a metal bowl.
  2. Now prepare the syrup. Pour three hundred grams of sugar into water and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Next, pour this liquid over the cherries and leave them to soak for three to four hours.
  4. Once this time has passed, place the bowl on the fire and boil for seven to ten minutes.
  5. Remove the berries from the bowl and continue cooking for five minutes.
  6. Pour the cherries into the boiling liquid again, add two hundred grams of sugar and cook until fully cooked. To do this, wait several times until the liquid boils, and then immediately remove it.
  7. That's it, you can proceed directly to the process of rolling the jam into jars.


  • One kilogram of cherries.
  • One and a half kilograms of sugar.
  • One glass of water.

How to do

  1. To ultimately obtain a very thick product, it must be brewed from special varieties of cherries - Zakharyevsky or Vladimirsky are perfect.
  2. Pour the cherries into a metal bowl, cover with sugar and leave to steep for three hours.
  3. Place the bowl on low heat, add water and start cooking, stirring constantly.
  4. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, turn up the heat and wait until the jam boils. Turn the heat to low again, wait until the boil stops, and increase the temperature again. Repeat this operation three to four times.

In a slow cooker


  • Cherries - two kilograms.
  • Sugar – one kilogram.
  • Water - one glass.

How to cook

  1. First of all, make the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into the saucepan of the device, pour in water, and stir the liquid with a special silicone spatula until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Activate the “Steam cooking” mode and cook for fifteen minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, wash the berries and pour them into the multicooker bowl. Activate the “Soup” program and cook for sixty minutes, remembering to periodically stir and skim off the foam.
  4. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, roll it up and leave it to steep upside down. You can wrap the jars in a blanket - it won't hurt.

From cherries and cherries with citric acid


  • Six kilograms of cherries.
  • Three kilograms of cherries.
  • Five kilograms of sugar.
  • One hundred grams of citric acid.


  1. Wash the cherries, dry them and cover them with sugar, wait until they release their juice.
  2. Pour one hundred grams of citric acid and put the pan on the fire, bring the contents to a boil.
  3. As soon as the mixture gives a lot of juice, pour it without the cherries into another saucepan and cook for three to four hours.
  4. As soon as the juice has become thick, add back the cherries and cook for sixty minutes.
  5. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up.


  • A kilogram of cherries.
  • Six hundred milliliters of water.
  • Six grams of citric acid.
  • One kilogram two hundred grams of sugar.
  • Ten grams of vanilla sugar.


  1. This jam should be cooked in four batches, after each of which at least five hours should pass. When using this technique, the berries are well soaked in the syrup mass and do not lose their shape.
  2. Blanch the washed berries in water heated to ninety degrees for three minutes and let them cool.
  3. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, pour six hundred grams of sugar into six hundred milliliters of water, stir until the grains dissolve, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then pour this boiling water over the blanched cherries and leave to steep for five hours.
  4. Divide the remaining six hundred grams of sugar into four equal parts and add each of them to the jam before each new boiling period.
  5. After the jam has steeped for the first time for five hours, pour the syrup into another saucepan, add a quarter of the prepared amount of sugar, bring to a boil and pour the liquid over the berries.
  6. Boil again for two to three minutes and leave the jam alone for five hours.
  7. Repeat all these steps three times.
  8. To make the dessert aromatic, add vanillin at the very end of the last boiling at the rate of half a gram per kilogram of the finished product.
  9. And finally, add citric acid (six grams) - this will prevent sugaring.
  • Knowledgeable, experienced people advise not to cook cherries for a long time, because they will turn out wrinkled and covered with brown spots. Because of this, the jam will lose quality and taste.
  • Be sure to skim the foam throughout the boiling process to remove any coagulated proteins that can cause the product to quickly turn sour.

Well, that's basically all for today. Have a great day everyone and good luck with your jam making!

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