How does a modern moonshine still work? Moonshine still: device, types, characteristics, drawings. How to choose a moonshine still

Humanity has been interested in the peculiarities of making homemade alcohol for quite a long time. Even though there is a wide selection of alcoholic beverages in stores, many people prefer to make alcohol themselves, using moonshine stills for this purpose. These devices are equipped with elements that allow not only to obtain a strong drink from the appropriate raw materials, but also to thoroughly clean and refine it. Every person who decides to make their own alcohol should learn how a moonshine still works.

The principle of operation of the moonshine still

What is a moonshine still?

A moonshine still, or distiller, is equipment that, in the process of its operation, distills mash into raw alcohol, which is possible due to different boiling temperatures of the components of the raw materials for distilling moonshine. The distillation process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Heating the mash and bringing it to a boil. For reference: mash begins to boil at a temperature of 78 degrees Celsius, since it contains components with a low boiling point. We are talking about wood alcohol, aldehyde, acetone and other substances that should be disposed of first when distilling moonshine. The thing is that the use of such substances threatens a person with mortal danger! In total, the raw materials contain 8-10% of such components, while the remaining 90% are ethyl alcohol and fusel oils.
  2. The boiling point of ethyl alcohol is 80-85 degrees, and its part in the mash is 80%. When the heating temperature of the mash exceeds 85 degrees, fusel oils begin to evaporate at this stage.
  3. What happens to the vapors emanating from the boiling mash? The vapors are directed from the container in which the mash is boiling to another element of the unit, and a sharp cooling of the vapors occurs in it. This process is called condensation. The distillate condensate accumulates in a certain container of the apparatus, after which it freely flows down into another container.

The operating principle of the distiller is described from the point of view of the properties of the components of the raw materials for the production of moonshine. The process of distilling moonshine itself depends on the design of the apparatus. To find out how a moonshine still works, you should consider its component elements.

What does a distiller consist of?

On sale you can find a wide selection of moonshine stills of various configurations. Nevertheless, even the most primitive, from a design point of view, unit must have the following mandatory components:

  1. A distillation cube, or hawk-moth: is a capacious container into which mash is poured, prepared for further distillation. Stills are made of stainless steel, although copper and glass containers are also available. The volume of the distillation cube determines the amount of moonshine obtained during the distillation process. Hawkmoth has fairly thin walls (1-2 millimeters), which allow you to quickly heat the raw material and at the same time avoid burning it.
  2. Coil: It is a spiral-shaped tube, also made of stainless steel. The vapors generated during the boiling process of the mash pass through the coil. The vapor passes through the coil to the next element of the distiller - the refrigerator.
  3. Refrigerator: This is where the steam turns into condensation. In flow-type devices (connected to a water supply), the vapors are cooled due to the continuous supply of cold water. In still-flow distillers, the vapor is cooled with water manually poured into the refrigerator container.
  4. Steam steamer: its presence is desirable in the design of a moonshine still, although units without this component can be found on sale. A dry steamer is a glass or metal tank that carries out intermediate purification of the distillate from fusel oils, the presence of which in alcohol can lead to spoilage of its smell and taste. The steamer also allows you to color and flavor alcohol. To do this, spices, herbs and other additives are placed in such a container, when combined with which the steam is saturated with a certain aroma or color. There can be several steam chambers in the design of a moonshine still.

The design of a moonshine still also implies the presence of a thermometer, without which it is impossible to imagine the process of controlling the temperature regime of heating the raw materials. The distiller can also be equipped with an alcohol meter, which allows you to control the strength of the moonshine.

Another type of equipment for distilling moonshine is a distillation column. This unit differs from the classic moonshine still in that it performs rectification of raw materials, that is, its division into fractions: “heads”, “body”, “tails”. “Heads” are deadly impurities in the form of methyl alcohol, acetone, etc. “Tails” are fusel oils. The “body” is ethyl alcohol, for which moonshine is distilled. The rectification column thoroughly cleans the moonshine from harmful impurities, while the strength of the resulting product does not exceed 90 degrees.

However, the distillation column has one drawback - its productivity is lower compared to a classic moonshine still.

The distillation column can be installed on a traditional distiller if its design is compatible with such a device.

When choosing a moonshine still, you should pay attention to such aspects as the desired amount of raw materials received, the presence of water supply in the house, etc. Regardless of the selection criteria, preference should be given to distillers manufactured at the factory, accompanied by the appropriate documentation.

Fusel oils give moonshine its characteristic aroma. In low concentrations they are completely safe for health, but getting rid of them is not so easy. The boiling point of the latter is higher than that of ethyl alcohol; accordingly, they are not separated during ordinary distillation. For high-quality cleaning you need a moonshine still with a steamer. It is here that, due to the temperature difference during distillation, about 80% of all fusel milk settles.

To obtain a strong drink, an experienced moonshiner uses not only a steamer, but also a bubbler. What is this and can you count on a good product without these devices - in our article.

Why do you need a steamer?

Moonshine brewing has always been popular in our country, and today with the advent of professional machines it has become even more in demand. Literally every third family makes different interesting drinks. And we must admit, this is not always the muddy fusel with which the word moonshine is associated among the ignorant.

The perfection of moonshine stills makes it possible to produce, for example, high-quality vodka, liqueurs and more elite drinks from available inexpensive products. But there is one more element - a steamer on this device - due to which the quality and strength of the finished product increases many times over.

A dry steam tank, also known as a sump tank, also known as a sump tank, is a sealed device where fusel oils settle due to temperature differences. This is a complex of substances of an oily consistency with an unpleasant odor, having a boiling point higher than ethyl alcohol and being a by-product of moonshine production.

If you use a moonshine still without a steamer, it is impossible to obtain a completely pure product free of third-party aromas. Some substances are not removed even during the purification and filtration process.

In order to understand exactly why steamers are needed and how to install a homemade product, let’s understand the basic concepts. Despite the fact that all the drawings of this device are more or less the same, there are differences in size, shape and price.

How to get moonshine

In general, the production of not only moonshine, but also alcohol, is divided into two main blocks:

  1. Preparation of mash, where ethyl alcohol is obtained due to the activity of fungi (yeast) during the fermentation process.
  2. Distillation of mash to obtain a concentrated alcohol-containing liquid, freed from by-products. It is at this stage that a dry steamer is required, with the help of which the concentration is further increased and the quality is enhanced.

Interesting! The need for a steamer on a moonshine still is a subject of dispute between two opposing sides. Some insist on preserving the fusel shade, that is, without a sump. Others, on the contrary, believe that the design of a moonshine still with the separation of fusel oils makes it possible to obtain a perfectly pure product.

VIDEO: Steamer: necessary or not?

A moonshine still works great without a steamer, but the final drink always has an unpleasant odor.

The alcohol is separated from the wort during the boiling process precisely due to the temperature difference. The process of division into fractions is clearly reflected in the table

Heating temperature, °C

What's happening

Where does it happen?

The mash heats up, but remains solid for now


The first vapors of alcohol with a high concentration of methanol begin to separate. Liquid dangerous to life and health. Capturing methanol molecules is one of the main tasks of a steam trap for a moonshine still

Separation of the alcohol fraction from water and wort. This is the purest drink obtained through the process of re-distillation.

Final decomposition of mash into fractions with separation of up to 80% fusel oils


Stopping the distillation process

Now it becomes clear why a steamer is needed in a moonshine still. As everyone remembers from a school physics course, the boiling point of water is 100°, but this is the limit at which intense seething begins and the transition to a gaseous state. But in fact, vapors begin to evaporate already at temperatures above 65°C, which mix with ethyl alcohol vapors. From the distillation cube, the mixture passes into the steam chamber, where the temperature is lower, and accordingly, heavy impurities immediately settle out. Next comes the cooler, where the temperature does not exceed 30°C, and here the water and alcohol vapors instantly separate, after which the water flows back and the moonshine drips into the storage tank.

The simplest sump design

It’s great when a moonshine still with a steamer is provided - in this case, the task is reduced only to preparing high-quality wort and controlling the moonshine process. But what if the original design does not contain this device? Nothing prevents you from assembling it, since you can make a steamer for a moonshine still even from simple glass jars with screw-on lids.

The design includes:

  • glass container with a volume of 0.5 to 3 liters;
  • screw cap for tight screwing;
  • fittings - 2 pieces;
  • silicone washers - 2 pieces;
  • clamping nut and washer - 1 piece each;
  • silicone tube - 2 pieces.

Let us repeat, this is the simplest example of how to assemble a sufficiently effective and reliable sump from available materials.

The fittings on the lid are needed to connect tubes, one of which is incoming from the distillation cube, the other is outgoing to the refrigerator

Place the still on the moonshine still after the still and before the cooler. The boiling temperature is constantly monitored so that drops of mash do not splash out and clog the tubes.

Even during one distillation, the jar is periodically opened - simply unscrewed from the lid without breaking the sealed connection - rinsed and returned to its place. This is a mandatory procedure, since gradually the temperature becomes comparable to the cube and then the meaning of the steamer is completely lost.

How to use it correctly

To be completely precise, there is no way to use it separately. Moonshine stills with a built-in or home-made steamer completely cope with the assigned tasks.

If you doubt the advisability of such a device, try preparing the product using a sump and without it to feel both the process and the taste.

But there is a certain procedure - the first 50-70 ml that come out of the coil is drained, preventing its use for the purpose of treatment or with any others. The same applies to the liquid that collects in the steamer during the cooking process. It is dangerous to use even for external use, so it must be disposed of.

Next, get the drink as usual, monitoring the water in the refrigerator and not forgetting to periodically check the strength of the drink with an alcohol meter or the old-fashioned way - by setting it on fire in a spoon or on the table. As soon as it stops burning or ignites for a long time, stop the distillation.

During the second distillation, there is practically no fusel in the steamer, but drops of alcohol collect. It is recommended to pour these residues into the finished product to increase the strength and final quality.

Effective flavoring

When making a moonshine still with a steamer with your own hands, do not forget that it is not only a settling tank, but also a storage tank for aromatic herbs and spices. You can put lemon balm, anise, cloves, orange peels, etc. here. When passing through the jug, the alcohol has time to absorb the entire “bouquet” of aromas and the result is a pleasant taste.

We will not argue whether moonshine stills with a steamer are 100% necessary, but we know for sure that if you have one, the product will be clean, healthy and even useful to some extent. The strength after the second distillation will be at least 70°C, the transparency will be like a tear, there will be no aftertaste, and the organoleptic properties will be above average.

VIDEO: Diagram and purpose of the design of the device

Moonshine brewing is nothing more than a chemical distillation process. Those who studied well at school remember that, according to official information, distillation was invented by the Arabs, but other sources say that in ancient Greece, when no one had heard of the Arabs, essential substances and other easily evaporating liquids were isolated by distillation. The main thing is to clean the alcohol vapor from accompanying substances.

Distillation of essential oils

For the production of moonshine, the invention (discovery) of the alcohol fermentation process is more important. No one can attribute its authorship - it is a natural phenomenon that has long been used by many species of wild animals to improve their mood. For example, many species of monkeys specifically wait for fallen fruits to ferment in order to eat them and, in addition to the benefits, get some pleasure in the form of intoxication.

Be that as it may, the design of moonshine stills of different nations is strikingly similar. As one of the classics said, the laws of nature cannot be abolished by voting. The technology of separating alcohol from mash by distillation is the main method of producing alcohol.

Along with it, there are other methods - freezing, diffusion, rectification, centrifugal processing of raw materials, but distillation is still the main method of producing alcohol. If there are two communicating vessels, a steam line and a certain supply of firewood, anyone can make moonshine from available raw materials.

The essence of the process is that different substances evaporate at different temperatures. The difference can be from 1 to 100 or more degrees. The mash, the result of fermentation of sugar-containing products, contains up to 14% ethyl alcohol (the most desirable substance). The rest is ethers, aldehydes, methyl alcohol, fusel oils, water, molasses and other unappetizing impurities, including a number of acids, alkalis and resins.

When the raw material is heated in a cube (evaporator), different substances evaporate at different stages. For example, at a temperature of 63 - 65 C, the lowest boiling compounds begin to evaporate - acetone, aldehydes, phenols and methylates.

At T = 68 – 70 C, ethyl alcohol appears in their composition and continues to evaporate to a temperature of 78 degrees. Further, the vapor composition is dominated by heavy-boiling oily substances - fusel.

When the temperature reaches 95 C, the composition of the vapor becomes excessively watery and the alcohol content in it decreases sharply. But heating and evaporation are only part of distillation. An equally, if not more important stage is cooling. After all, the reverse process of evaporation is condensation. Again, any C student from a comprehensive school can confirm this.

During condensation in the same mode, steam turns into liquid - first, easily evaporated compounds, then alcohol, then fusel, and at the end of distillation - distilled water.

The design of the moonshine still, despite its simplicity, allows you to regulate these complex physical and chemical processes and obtain different fractions of alcohol-containing liquids at the household level. But during distillation, it is necessary to maintain a certain thermal regime - if you simply heat the mash to a boil and wait until it condenses, the result will be the same mash, only cleared of mechanical sediment.

How does a moonshine still work?

The design of the distiller is not so important; it is more important to know how to use a moonshine still. There is nothing complicated in the moonshine brewing process. It is only important to understand the role of each component of the distillation cube.

Container for mash

It must have a volume of at least 10 liters (optimally 20-40 liters). Considering that one liter of mash yields about 250 grams of decent moonshine, then there’s no point in making a garden to get a bottle of vodka. The real productivity of the device is justified if you manage to get 3-5 liters of moonshine in one session. This amount will be enough until the next mash ripens.

Stainless steel is the most ideal material for a cube

Any container with a lid that can be sealed can be used for the cube. Aluminum milk flasks are very common. They are very convenient thanks to the hermetically sealed lid, equipped with a standard seal that can withstand high temperatures and is suitable for contact with food.

But there are a number of pitfalls here - many researchers say that the construction of a moonshine still using aluminum, be it tanks or pipelines, is unsafe for health. The bottom line is that ethyl alcohol interacts weakly with aluminum, but methyl alcohol and other components of mash and alcohol-containing vapors from a moonshine still form a number of rather dangerous compounds with this metal. If you have the opportunity to get a stainless steel or enameled tank, it’s better to forget about aluminum.

Aluminum can is the most popular cube container, but not the safest


So far, they haven’t come up with a better material for the coil and pipeline than stainless steel. You can use a tube with a diameter of 10 mm. Optimally - 15 – 25 mm. The peculiarity of stainless steel is that it welds well, can be threaded, and is very resistant to chemical influences, including alcohol fumes.

The length of the pipeline from the tank to the refrigerator must be at least 1 - 1.5 m. It is best if the vertical part of the L-shaped steam pipeline rises above the level of the lid by 0.5 - 0.7 m. This allows the tube to be used as a dephlegmator. The heat capacity of stainless steel is quite high and on the way to the refrigerator, some of the high-boiling fusel oils will certainly condense and flow back into the mash.

The design of moonshine stills provides that it is recommended to install a steamer on the way to the refrigerator. This is a simple design, but very effective filter for separating fusel milk. The principle of its operation is surprisingly simple (like everything ingenious). A container with a volume of 0.5 - 1 liter (regular glass jar) is equipped with an airtight lid with two pipes. The input one drops below the cut of the lid by 1.5 - 3 cm, the output one, spaced from it by 2/3 of the diameter, is 75% of the height of the jar.

The high-temperature mash vapors entering the inlet pipe are cooled in the volume of the jar, and fusel oils turn into liquid. The alcohol vapor moves further and is fed through a long tube into the refrigerator, where the moonshine condenses. The temperature on the steamer, for it to work effectively, must be at least 78 C. You can learn about measuring the temperature in a moonshine still on our website.

Moonshine still design


One of the most important parts of the device. Regardless of its design, it must provide cooling of vapors to room temperature. The maximum permissible limit is 30 C. This is in the case of the first distillation. For more complex processes of alcohol rectification, a different mode is required.

The best refrigerator design is a stainless steel coil in a water bath. Water can be running or standing. In the first case, it is necessary to ensure its counterflow in a volume of approximately 10 liters per 100 ml of the resulting product, in the second - 25 liters per 1 liter of mash, replacing 25% of the water every 30 minutes of the distillation process.

Coil option in still water

What else you need to know about the moonshine still - the cube needs to be washed (thoroughly) after each session, the steam line also needs to be rinsed with clean water under pressure.

The structure of the moonshine still is described in detail in this video:

Do-it-yourself moonshine still is an original Russian, traditional creation of folk thought. Craftsmen manage to make installations that ensure the production of a final product that is not inferior in quality and purity to industrially produced strong drinks. With the right choice of design and careful manufacturing, you can get a fairly simple device for use that can meet your own needs for high-quality and cheap alcohol.

If you assemble the device according to the instructions below, you will be able to produce alcoholic drinks that are head and shoulders above the quality of store-bought counterparts.

At its core, any moonshine still is a home device for distilling raw materials with alcohol content into a high-strength alcoholic drink (moonshine). As a starting product, you can use any mixture that contains ethyl alcohol - this is mash, low-quality wine, alcohol with impurities (raw), etc.

The purpose of using a moonshine still is to produce an alcoholic drink with an ethyl alcohol content of at least 60-70%. At the same time, the final product must be free of impurities that are dangerous to humans, spoil the taste and impart an unpleasant odor.

The operating principle of a moonshine still is based on the fact that alcohol actively evaporates at temperatures at which water remains liquid. As is known, evaporation of water occurs when it boils, i.e. at a temperature of about 100 ºС, while alcohol begins to turn into steam already at a temperature of 55-60 ºС. The intensity of its vaporization increases with increasing temperature.

In the moonshine still, it is necessary to ensure a temperature above 55 ºС, but below 90 ºС.

  • Alcohol vapor must be removed from the surface of the water, and their transformation back into liquid is ensured by condensation, i.e. contact of hot steam with a cold surface.
  • The final stage consists of carefully collecting the resulting droplets of alcohol, after which it can be purified from harmful impurities.

The classic design of a moonshine still should include such basic parts as an evaporator and a condenser.

  • The evaporator is a container where the raw material is heated to the desired temperature.
  • A condenser is a container with a cooled surface on which condensation is released.

Additional but necessary parts in the design of the device include an element for removing alcohol vapor from the evaporator, a container for collecting condensate and control devices.

In addition, it is important to ensure proper heating of the raw material into the evaporators and constant cooling of the condensing element. Cleaning is ensured by filters and the addition of various sorbents.

What is taken into account when designing

According to the principle of operation, homemade moonshine stills are classified as distillation-type devices, i.e. use the mechanism described above, in contrast to the industrial production of alcohol, where distillation columns are used, based on the separation of raw materials into fractions. When designing a moonshine still, the following main characteristics are taken into account:

Structural elements

A homemade moonshine still can have different shapes and sizes. Its design can be very simple, made temporarily from improvised means, or quite complex, with process control. The device must include the following required elements:

Making an evaporator

How to make a moonshine still with your own hands? The solution to this problem begins with the creation of an evaporator, i.e. distillation cube. Most often, ready-made containers with a volume of 15-30 liters are used for this purpose.

Stainless steel

The best option is stainless steel intended for food purposes. You can successfully use ready-made household vessels made from this material. Homemade containers are made from stainless steel sheet 1-2 mm thick using welding. When forming a homemade tank, it should be remembered that during operation, in addition to high temperature, excess pressure is created in it, which can reach 0.5-0.7 atm, which requires particularly high-quality welds.

The manufacture of a distillation cube is carried out in the following order.

  1. A container of the required volume is taken ready-made or welded.
  2. An important condition is the presence of a flat bottom if it is installed on a tile or burner.
  3. A cover is installed on top, in which a hole is drilled to attach a coil or steamer.
  4. With an internal diameter of the coil tube of 11-13 mm, a hole with a diameter of 22 mm is drilled and a pipe thread (half an inch) is cut.
  5. The lid is installed on the tank with the joint sealed.

In the case of a collapsible structure, rubber gaskets are used, and in the manufacture of a stationary structure, sealing is ensured by silicone sealant.

During the distillation process, it is desirable to control the temperature that is provided in the evaporator. To install a thermometer, another hole is drilled in the lid of the distillation cube to insert a thermocouple or install a thermometer.

A convenient option for a distillation cube is a pressure cooker. It has one important drawback associated with its small volume, but for your own needs it is quite suitable. The main advantage of this design is the presence of good tightness. Modification is required only in the part of drilling the hole in the cover. A completely ideal option is a multicooker, which provides heating and maintaining the temperature in a given mode.

Making a capacitor

A do-it-yourself condenser or refrigerator for a moonshine still includes 2 main parts - a coil and a cooling source (cooling compartment). The quantity and strength of the final product depends on the correct functioning of the refrigerator.

The coil can be made of non-ferrous metals, stainless steel or glass.

The dimensions of the tube for the coil are selected according to the following parameters:

  1. Inner diameter. Increasing it leads to an expansion of the contact area with steam, which increases the productivity of the device, but affects its dimensions and significantly complicates manufacturing. The recommended inner diameter of the tube is 9-13 mm.
  2. total length. Here again there is an alternative. A longer length increases the condenser area, but at the same time the resistance to flow increases, which slows down the speed of the process. It has been practically established that the optimal length is in the range of 1.6-2.2 m.
  3. Wall thickness. The smaller this parameter, the easier it is to cool the system, but the strength of the element decreases. The use of a tube with a thickness of 1-1.2 mm is considered normal.

The cooling compartment must ensure that heat is removed from the coil in a constant manner. In principle, cooling can be provided by ice, air or water flow. The most commonly used is water.

There are 2 options for submitting it. Is it a closed or open system.

  • In the first case, the container is filled with cold water. Cooling occurs until it warms up, after which the coolant is replaced with a new portion.
  • The second option is considered more effective, because cooling is provided by running water.

Step by step

The manufacture of the refrigerator is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. A metal tube of the optimal size is filled with sand to prevent deformation and is wound in the form of a spiral onto a cylinder with a diameter of about 30-36 mm with a turn pitch of 11-14 mm.
  2. The sand is poured out and the spiral is washed under running water.
  3. Next, the cooling compartment body is made from a metal or plastic pipe with a diameter of 76-82 mm. Connections for supplying tap water are installed on the compartment body.
  4. Then part of the coil is passed inside the compartment, the ends of which are hermetically sealed.

Both ends of the coil remain free, one for connection to the distillation cube or steamer, the other for discharging the finished product.

Every novice moonshiner should know the design of a moonshine still, as well as its functions and operating principle. Without knowing all the intricacies of the distillation system, a beginner will not be able to prepare a drink that his guests will appreciate. Therefore, let's look at the operating features and types of moonshine stills in more detail.

1 What does a moonshine brewing apparatus consist of?

A system for distilling and purifying homemade drinks is needed in every family whose members care about their health. After all, with the help of a moonshine still it is possible to produce not only high-quality homemade gin or cognac, but also such popular medicinal drinks as viburnum tincture with moonshine or. With their help, the treatment and rehabilitation process after illness will be faster and more effective.

As the demand for moonshine stills grows, so does the supply from their manufacturers. Trying to surprise their customers, companies equip their systems with the latest technical innovations, making them more powerful and productive. We will look at the design of a conventional moonshine unit, after studying which you will be able to understand all other, more advanced devices.

Typically, a home alcohol distillation system consists of a refrigerator connected to a still. Aluminum milk cans are often used as distillation containers at home. They are quite convenient for this work, as they have sealed lids. To turn ordinary cans into stills, you just need to drill small holes in their lids. Other products made of copper or galvanized steel will also work for this task.

A typical refrigerator for a moonshine still is a copper tube with a diameter of no more than 1 mm. The tube must be twisted and in the shape of a spiral. The refrigerator design can be air or water cooled. It is worth noting that the second cooling method is more effective for the operation of the entire system. That is why most new models of moonshine units are equipped with cooling with running water, which circulates through channels specially designed for this.

Alcohol in such systems quite quickly turns from vapor into a finished liquid. Thanks to the high speed of operation of water-cooled moonshine structures, their owners have the opportunity to produce up to 4 liters of drink per hour. Another important part of a moonshine unit is a steam chamber or reflux condenser. The element is designed to reduce or completely eliminate fusel oils and other impurities that are hazardous to human health. Their presence in the drink leads to severe poisoning, which makes it a prerequisite for the production of a high-quality homemade drink.

Let's summarize: the design of the distillation system consists of a distillation cube and a refrigerator, between which a steamer is built in. All three elements are interconnected by channels through which alcohol obtained from mash passes. In addition, additional tubes are connected to the system’s refrigerator, through which cold running water flows.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!

2 On what principle does the alcohol distillation system work?

The operating principle of the moonshine still is very simple. However, not all distillation systems work the same. The more technologically advanced the device itself, the more difficult it is to use. To understand how to prepare a homemade drink, you need to start with mash. It is a low-alcohol drink with a cloudy tint, which can be obtained as a result of fermentation of yeast, water and sugar.

This mixture cannot be consumed due to the large amount of fusel oils and other substances formed as a result of their combination with alcohols. This is where we need a moonshine still, all of whose actions are aimed at separating alcohol from harmful fractions and their residues.

The operation of the moonshine unit is based on simple distillation. With the help of this chemical process we obtain a high-quality and safe drink. First, mash is placed in the distillation cube, which gradually enters the steam chamber. There it is cleared of impurities, after which it goes into the refrigerator. In this part of the moonshine still, moonshine vapor is converted into liquid. This is exactly how the process of preparing a natural drink occurs.

Only by knowing about the actions of each of the elements of the distillation system can you and I understand how to use a moonshine still. But do not forget that this is only the most primitive method of preparing natural alcohol. As the number of parts in the design of the distillation system increases, the method of making moonshine also becomes more complex.

In the circles of experienced moonshiners, there are several important rules that should be followed when preparing alcoholic beverages at home. These include:

  1. It is not recommended to use the so-called “pervach” - a product formed after heating the mash to 65 ˚C;
  2. Drinkable alcohol is formed when the mash is heated to 78˚C;
  3. It is strictly not recommended to heat the moonshine still above 85˚C, otherwise poisonous fusel oils will begin to evaporate along with the alcohols;
  4. If you notice that alcohol has begun to drip from the coil, then the preparation of moonshine can be stopped.

Each of these rules should be learned by heart and always adhere to them. Otherwise, there will be a risk of being poisoned by your own product, which can lead to irreparable consequences.

3 Types of distillation systems

Due to the desire of manufacturers to interest a potential buyer in every possible way, each of them tries to create a device that would be radically different from the products of competing companies. That is why more and more different moonshine stills are appearing on the market, which are usually classified separately.

The first factor by which systems for making moonshine are divided is their cost. Everything here is very, very simple - the more expensive the material for the unit, the higher the price of the structure itself. Therefore, experts classify distillation units into cheap, mid-price and luxury devices. The latter include systems made of noble materials, the price of which starts from 80 thousand rubles. Devices for making homemade alcohol costing from 20 to 80 thousand rubles. belong to mid-priced devices. All moonshine stills at a lower cost are among the cheap designs.

The next factor by which moonshine stills are divided is their capabilities. Thus, on the market you can find conventional systems that are intended exclusively for creating homemade drinks, as well as “3 in 1” type units ". The latter include systems in which you can produce homemade beer or use them to ferment the components of future moonshine. Such designs include the distillation system, which is well known to the domestic buyer." Japan".

In addition to these devices, mini distilleries have also appeared on the market. The main feature of such designs is the ease of preparing the drink. To get started, just place the mash in the tank of the device, connect the system to running water and plug it into a power outlet. The system will do all the rest of the work to control the temperature and other parameters. At the end of work, the mini-distillery automatically turns off.

And a little about secrets...

Russian scientists from the Department of Biotechnology have created a drug that can help treat alcoholism in just 1 month. The main difference of the drug is ITS 100% NATURAL, which means it is effective and safe for life:
  • Eliminates psychological cravings
  • Eliminates breakdowns and depression
  • Protects liver cells from damage
  • Helps you recover from heavy drinking in 24 HOURS
  • COMPLETE RIDGE from alcoholism, regardless of stage!
  • Very affordable price.. only 990 rubles!
A COURSE RECEPTION IN JUST 30 DAYS PROVIDES A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM WITH ALCOHOL. The unique complex ALCOBARRIER is by far the most effective in the fight against alcohol addiction.