How to bake whole garlic in the oven. Baked garlic benefits and harm Recipe for roasting garlic

Today we will tell you how to bake whole garlic in the oven, it’s so easy! They can replace sharp, raw cloves in dishes, giving them a new, more subtle and slightly smoky flavor.

I really like garlic, its pungent taste and aroma, but for some time now I can’t eat it raw. Even a small amount "split" bulbs added to salad cause unpleasant sensations inside...

If you fry or bake fragrant cloves, you will not feel any discomfort; high temperatures change the chemical composition of the product and it is easier to digest.

Wow! It turned out to be amazingly delicious! Squeeze a warm clove onto a piece of French toast with goat cheese, or add it to pasta... And I began to replace raw garlic with baked garlic everywhere in my dishes and they acquired a softer and more subtle taste.

If you're as sensitive as I am to raw cloves of this onion, just try roasted garlic!

See also:

How to bake garlic in the oven


  1. One or more heads of garlic.
  2. Olive oil.

Optional equipment:

  1. Aluminium foil
  2. Baking pan (optional)

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven

  • Preheat oven to 205°C. If you have a toaster oven, you can roast the garlic in it.

Prepare the garlic for roasting

  • Remove the top layer of husk from the garlic bulb, without touching the skin on the cloves themselves.

  • Using a sharp knife, cut a 3-5 mm crown from the top of each clove, exposing the bulbous flesh.

Place the heads in a baking dish

  • Place the peeled and trimmed garlic bulbs in a muffin tin and drizzle each head with a teaspoon of olive oil, using your fingers to rub it into the cut sides of the cloves.

  • Or simply pack each onion, after rubbing the cut sides with olive oil, in aluminum foil.

Roast the garlic in the oven

  • Place in the oven and bake at 205°C for 30-35 minutes until the cloves are soft.
  • After 35 minutes, remove the pan from the oven and let cool for a few minutes to avoid being burned by the hot steam when unwrapping.
  • Remove the garlic from the foil and use your fingers or a fork to press the fragrant flesh out of each clove.

  • You can mash the fragrant, lightly caramelized garlic pulp with a fork and spread it on warm French toast or an English muffin. Or mix with a little sour cream and serve with baked potatoes.

Bon appetit!

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If you eat baked garlic, the health benefits will not be much less than in the case of raw spicy vegetable. What exactly does it consist of and how to bake garlic in the oven so that it remains healthy for the body, not to mention good taste?

But first, a few words about its culinary merits and cooking in the oven. Baked garlic has a completely different taste and aroma compared to fresh garlic - more delicate. The cloves are much softer and can be eaten immediately after baking or added to sauces or other dishes. We will like baked garlic with all its “companions” - even just crushed over an ordinary piece of bread.

How to bake garlic in the oven?

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Using a sharp knife, cut off about 1 cm of the head to “open” the cloves. Place it on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil (you can drizzle it with olive oil). Bake for about 30 minutes until the garlic is soft and turns brown. After this time, leave it to cool. Baked garlic, the benefits and taste of which are equally worthy of attention, is ready to eat. In this form, we should not have any problems freeing the cloves from the husk.

How to bake whole garlic in the oven to preserve its benefits?

This is not an idle question, because as a result, for example, of boiling, garlic loses its bactericidal properties, retaining only its antifungal properties. It is also not recommended to fry it, because the healing effect is weakened. How to preserve the important properties of heat-treated garlic?

In order for baked garlic to bring health benefits, before inserting the future delicacy into the oven, you need to mash it a little and leave for 10 minutes.

Heating garlic immediately after cutting destroys allinase before it has a chance to combine with allin. Without this enzyme, vegetable cloves do not have such a positive effect on health. Waiting a few minutes between kneading and cooking allows these components to combine before the allinase is neutralized by the heat. Then it will survive not only baking, but also boiling garlic and frying.

Baked garlic: benefits and effects on the body

According to what the Newsner editors report, after eating just 6 cloves of baked garlic, you can notice positive changes in the body. To support them, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water within 24 hours after consumption. It's also a good idea to eat foods that help digestion (such as vegetables) during this time, and avoid processed foods, red meat, and refined sugar. This treatment can be carried out once a month.

Within an hour after consumption 6 cloves the body will absorb the valuable nutrients that it receives: allicin, B vitamins and manganese. In addition, bowel function will be improved. This is due to the presence of fiber in garlic, which helps cleanse the intestines of excess metabolic products.

Baked garlic - benefits after 2-4 hours. During this time, the antioxidants present in the cloves can enter the bloodstream. With the help of the blood, they enter the body's cells, which as a result will be protected from the negative effects of free radicals and oxidative stress.

After another two hours the nutrients contained in garlic begin to have a positive effect on the course of metabolic processes. As a result, accumulated fluid is removed (they support kidney function). Tissue swelling decreases. In addition, fat burning begins.

Benefits of roasted garlic after 7 hours from the moment of use? 6 cloves of the delicacy from the oven will strengthen the immune defense. This is where antibacterial properties come into play. The benefit of baked garlic is that the number of antibodies that fight bacteria responsible for the development of diseases increases.

10 hours later after taking garlic, it begins to affect the cells of the body, preventing the processes of premature aging. Thus, the vegetable prevents the formation of wrinkles. This is thanks to vitamins, mineral salts and sulfur compounds, which prevent oxidation and increase the supply of oxygen to individual cells.

What happens in the body after 24 hours after consuming the product from the oven? Active compounds initiate processes that positively affect the general condition. The benefits of baked garlic include, in particular:

  • reducing the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood,
    improving bowel function,
  • regulation of blood pressure and protection against diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • reducing fatigue,
  • strengthening bones and joints,
  • improving tolerance to physical activity and performance.

Cooking baked garlic in the oven is easy, and the benefits will be considerable. This method should be adopted by people who, for some reason, are not recommended to “make friends” with a raw spicy vegetable.

Today we have baked garlic on our agenda. Its benefits and harms are an ambiguous question. Let's try to figure it out.

Baked garlic: health benefits and harms

Such a familiar vegetable to us as garlic has a rich history. Even the ancient Egyptians and Romans used it in the preparation of many dishes. Mentions of garlic can even be found in the Bible. Why did our distant ancestors love him so much?

The secret of garlic is in its amazing composition, namely allicin, which is synthesized during the destruction of the vegetable segment. This component, in combination with other beneficial substances, is a real “healer” for our body.

Attention! To make the baked vegetable truly healthy, before placing it in the oven, mash it a little and leave it for ten minutes. This is how allicin is synthesized.

Useful qualities of garlic:

  • promotes blood thinning;
  • relieves blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol, which prevents obesity and atherosclerosis;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • “breaks” atherosclerotic plaques;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes slag “pollution”;
  • acts as a natural antibiotic;
  • restores liver health after a course of chemical therapy;
  • kills malignant cells.

Garlic is also rich in phytoncides, which destroy microbial and bacterial microorganisms not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

Attention! Baked garlic loses its sharp, specific smell, but all the “benefits” in it are practically preserved.

Baked and fried garlic is used in different world cuisines. Moreover, it acts not only as a seasoning, but also as a separate snack. It is the baked vegetable that is allowed for gastritis and the development of hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that it does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

A baked vegetable contains fewer calories than a fried one, so it can be eaten (in moderation, of course) by people who are struggling with extra pounds. It can be baked with other vegetables to make a filling, low-calorie dinner.

On a note! There are five products that do not lose their beneficial qualities during heat treatment. One of them is garlic.

What happens to our body after we eat baked garlic? During the first hour, the vegetable is digested like any other regular product. After two to three hours, the active components begin to fight cancer cells and free-type radicals. By the sixth hour, metabolic processes begin, excess fluid begins to be removed and fats are burned.

During the sixth and seventh hours, microbes and bacterial microorganisms “die”. By the tenth hour, work is underway against acidification of our body. And from the tenth to the 24th hour, its deep cleansing occurs.

On a note! If you eat baked garlic regularly (but in moderation!), you will use this vegetable to improve your intestinal microflora, get rid of extra pounds and remove all the “harm” from the liver.

Do you see how much benefit roasted garlic brings to us in the oven? What is the harm in this dish? Of course, there are certain contraindications to its use. So, it contains a substance that can affect clear thinking, as well as cause drowsiness and some lethargy. Perhaps that’s all, unless, of course, you have an individual intolerance to the product.

This dish does not require special culinary skills. And its incomparable aroma and pleasant taste will amaze even the most capricious gourmet! This garlic is an ideal addition to soups and side dishes. Or you can simply crush it and use it as a sandwich spread.


  • garlic head - one piece;
  • unflavored vegetable oil - one table. spoon.


With a side dish of potatoes, fish or chicken, you can serve a spicy and incredibly aromatic sauce based on baked garlic. Try it and you will definitely like it!


  • large garlic head;
  • unflavored vegetable oil - three and a half tablespoons. spoons;
  • sifted flour - three tablespoons. spoons;
  • broth (preferably vegetable) – 250 ml;
  • cream – 125 ml;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground pepper.


Garlic is a plant from the onion family, native to Southeast Asia. Pythagoras called garlic the “king of spices.” Garlic is used in fresh dried and canned form as a seasoning for preparing tasty and healthy dishes.

Baked garlic recipe

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • garlic;
  • salt pepper;
  • olive oil.

How to bake garlic in the oven?

  1. To begin with, before baking, buy garlic, make sure it is fresh and not rotten.
  2. Remove the peel from the garlic, which is easily removed, leave the rest, cut off the top.
  3. Drizzle the garlic with oil (we use olive oil) before baking and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  4. Place the garlic, wrapped in foil, in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. It needs to be baked for about 45 minutes until the garlic softens.
  5. Remove the garlic from the oven and let it cool slightly. Remove the foil and squeeze out the softened garlic.
  6. In addition to salt and pepper, you can sprinkle the garlic with dried basil before baking. This garlic paste can be easily spread on bread or added to pasta. It is better not to use garlic with green shoots, otherwise it will be bitter after baking.

Benefits of garlic

  1. Garlic contains fiber, a large amount of vitamins and microelements, which have healing properties on the human body. The specific aroma of garlic is due to the content of sulfur-containing substances in it, which, in addition to the aroma, reduce the level of bad cholesterol.
  2. Did you know that garlic in Korea and Japan is fermented at high temperatures? The resulting product is called "black garlic" and has a sweet taste.
  3. In the northern Mediterranean, a very popular sauce consisting of garlic, olive oil and egg white, called Aioli. In medicine, garlic tincture and alcohol extract are used, which help the intestinal microflora develop normally.
  4. Garlic prevents rotting processes in the body and poisoning from low-quality products. Among the Bulgarians, garlic is a divine plant, and among the northern peoples it is a plant of the devil.
  5. Since 1998, there has been an annual garlic festival in the United States of America; proceeds from the garlic festival are donated to children with mental disorders. Despite all the beneficial properties of garlic, there are also contraindications - garlic should not be eaten by people with anemia, if there are stomach and intestinal ulcers and with diseases of the genitourinary system. Be careful!
  6. Fish with garlic goes very well with a salad of fresh vegetables. Can be served with any side dish. Fish can also be a separate dish. Now you know how to bake garlic.


The benefits of garlic have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, however, not everyone can afford to regularly include this healing product in their menu.

The reason lies not only in the specific smell of breath, which is quite problematic to get rid of after a meal, but also in some health restrictions. For example, fresh garlic is contraindicated in cases of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, epilepsy, certain heart pathologies, pancreatitis, and pregnancy.

Have you ever tried cooked garlic?

For example, in pilaf. Many people throw out the head of garlic from a dish, thinking that all the taste and aroma has already gone into the rice, and not suspecting that it is a storehouse of biologically active substances. So, thanks to the removal of essential oils and most of the irritating substances during long-term cooking, baked garlic has virtually no contraindications.

Why eat baked garlic?

Experienced traditional healers strongly recommend systematically consuming baked or fried garlic. This product does not have a strong smell or taste, does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and is capable of working real miracles in the body. The high nutritional value of the product eliminates the problem of chronic fatigue and weakness of the body.

Despite the fact that during culinary processing some of the beneficial substances in the bulbs are destroyed, the remainder is quite sufficient for the healing of all organs and systems. Even after 24 hours, the biologically active compounds of garlic continue to work actively, subsequently being completely absorbed by the cells.

Benefits of baked garlic

Since garlic is a natural antibiotic, regularly including it in the diet cleanses the body of bacteria. Completely natural product

Baked garlic has undoubted benefits for the liver. ,

helping this organ quickly remove waste, toxins, toxic compounds and carcinogens. Eating garlic stimulates metabolism, which allows you to effectively get rid of extra pounds.

According to reviews from people who regularly consume baked garlic,

already 2-3 weeks after the start of using this technique, endurance increases and performance improves.

During this period, the body is rebuilt and cleansed of accumulated toxins, as well as pathogens.

How to eat garlic correctly?

improvement of well-being, activation of vitality, normalization of blood pressure,

reducing the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood (low-density lipoprotein), stabilizing the condition of diabetes mellitus -

6 baked (fried) cloves once every three days.

To activate all types of metabolism and safe weight loss the number of doses is increased and eaten

6 heat-treated slices every two days.

Consume garlic in the morning before breakfast.

Garlic puree has a pleasant sweetish taste. If desired, it can be spread on a slice of whole grain bread.

How to cook garlic?

The easiest way to prepare a portion of the medicine is to bake it in the oven. You will need 1 head of garlic per person.

(this is about 6 large slices).

The unpeeled onion is washed under running cold water, dried with a kitchen towel, the top of the head is cut off with a sharp knife (the very top so that the cloves are exposed), sprinkled with corn oil, placed on a baking sheet and baked in the oven at medium temperature (about 180°C) until soft.

You can check the state of readiness using a match or a wooden toothpick. Depending on your oven, garlic cooking time may vary, but is approximately 60 minutes. The pulp of the finished garlic should be soft and easily squeezed out of the outer shells.

For those who, for some reason, do not have the opportunity to bake garlic, there is an alternative method - frying in oil. As a vegetable fat, it is best to use unrefined homemade corn oil, which is most resistant to high temperatures and does not emit carcinogens.6 cloves of garlic are dipped in hot oil and fried until completely softened, cooled and consumed once every three days before breakfast.

While taking garlic, do not forget to follow the drinking regime,

drinking at least 8 glasses of clean water per day.

Since the body is powerfully cleansed of accumulated metabolites and toxic substances, increased doses of water help eliminate them naturally (through urine, sweat and feces).

Regular use of this technique can replace many pharmaceutical drugs of synthetic origin and even cure chronic ailments. If you want to rejuvenate and improve your quality of life, then make it a rule to eat 6 baked cloves of garlic every three days.Be healthy!
