Viscous rice porridge with milk preparation technology. Rice milk porridge. What to serve and season rice porridge with

Rice porridge is tasty and healthy. Both children and adults will eat it with pleasure, but only if it is tasty cooked. And, of course, not on the water. Real porridge can only be made with milk. How to cook delicious rice porridge with milk?

How to cook classic rice porridge with milk?


  • Rice - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp
  • Milk - 4 tbsp.
  • Sugar, butter - optional and to taste


  1. Wash the rice very thoroughly until the water is completely transparent. Bring the water to a boil, add rice to it and cook until fully cooked.
  2. When the rice is ready, pour hot milk over it, add sugar and butter. Continue cooking the porridge over low heat until it reaches the desired consistency.
  3. On average this time is about 25 minutes.

How to cook crumbly sweet rice porridge with milk?


  • Rice - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
  • Butter - 4 tbsp.


  1. Bring the water to a boil, add the washed rice, cover with a tight lid and cook over high heat for 10 minutes.
  2. After the specified time has passed, reduce the heat and cook for another 5 minutes. When the specified time is up, without opening the lid, wrap the rice for 20 minutes.
  3. When the rice has steeped, transfer it to another pan, fill it with hot milk, and wrap it again so that the milk is absorbed into the cereal. We don't use gas!
  4. When the milk has been absorbed into the rice, add butter and sugar to the porridge and cook the porridge until cooked in the oven or in a water bath for 3-4 minutes.

How to cook crumbly rice porridge with milk?

  1. To make the rice porridge crumbly, be sure to use a thick-bottomed container for cooking it. The thicker it is, the more crumbly the porridge will be.
  2. Rice should be thoroughly washed. If the water is cloudy, the rice will stick together.
  3. Before cooking rice, rinse it thoroughly and in hot water. This will prevent it from sticking together during cooking.
  4. Be sure to add butter to rice porridge. The more it is, the less likely it is that the porridge will stick together. In addition, it is known that porridge cannot be spoiled with oil.
  5. Do not add large amounts of water to cook fluffy rice porridge. The ideal proportion of rice and water for crumbly porridge is 1:1.5.

How to cook sticky rice porridge with milk?

  1. You cannot cook rice porridge with milk alone. This cereal does not absorb it well and will remain raw, therefore, for viscous porridge, you must cook the rice in water or diluted milk.
  2. For viscous porridge, you should take more water than for crumbly porridge.
  3. Butter is also necessary, as for crumbly rice porridge with milk.

How to cook liquid rice porridge with milk?

  • To cook liquid rice porridge, you should cook the cereal in a mixture of milk and water. Water and milk are mixed in a ratio of 3:2.
  • For a more liquid consistency, honey, butter and even jam are added to the porridge!
  • The amount of liquid in which liquid porridge is cooked should be greater than for cooking viscous porridge and much more than for cooking crumbly porridge.

Secrets of cooking rice porridge with milk

  • Under no circumstances should you cook milk rice porridge over high heat, otherwise the rice will definitely burn, ruining the entire dish.
  • Don't forget to stir the porridge constantly. Even a few grains of rice stuck to the bottom of the pan can burn and give the whole porridge a burning smell.
  • If the porridge is not ready yet, but all the liquid has already evaporated, you can add a little hot water to it. But, under no circumstances, milk! Otherwise, the rice will burn immediately.
  • An enamel pan is most suitable for cooking rice milk porridge.
  • Very tasty rice porridge with milk is prepared in a thick-walled deep frying pan. Be sure to try cooking it this way!
  • Round rice is best suited for rice porridge. Long-grain varieties take longer to cook and often remain crumbly, which is not entirely suitable for porridge.
  • During the cooking process, rice porridge can be covered with a lid, but not tightly. There should be at least a small gap.
  • Add butter to rice porridge before you infuse it. In this case, the oil will be absorbed very well into the cereal and give the porridge a creamy aroma.

If you prepare rice porridge with milk, following the recommendations and rules, according to one of the recipes in this article, you will receive incomparable pleasure from the porridge!

Enjoy your meal!

Hello, hostesses. Here I offer recipes for preparing various porridges from rice or buckwheat. I sorted the recipes by cereal name. In the article “How to cook porridge with milk or water,” I described the general rules for preparing porridge, and also gave approximate amounts of water and salt for cooking porridge.
” has been separated into a separate article, since there is too much information for one article. I think that lovers of healthy eating will be interested, and lovers of Russian antiquity will be interested.

How to cook rice porridge

Let me remind you that the general rules are written in the article “How to cook porridge correctly.” Now I want to add a few tips regarding rice specifically.

Rice, like no other grain, loves water and, interestingly, different varieties absorb water differently. Therefore, Asian peoples, as a rule, first buy a small portion of rice, cook some dish to try and, if they like the quality of the rice, then buy a bag, or even more, from the same seller. And until the rice runs out, they firmly know the required ratio of rice and water.

Therefore, I will remind you again: the norms for rice and water are approximate. Try starting with the ratio: one part rice to two parts water. And one more thing: rice, depending on the variety, cooks for about 20-25 minutes.

If you want to so that the rice is white then during cooking add a few drops of lemon juice.

If you cook crumbly rice porridge for a side dish, the rice will be tastier if cooked in meat broth.

Rice porridge on water.


  • rice - 345 gr. (faceted (before the marks) - 180 g, respectively),
  • water - 725 ml,
  • butter - 35 gr.,
  • salt.


1. Pour salt into the water, boil it and add rice. Add oil and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.

2. We wait for the grains to swell, then cover the dish with a lid and cook the porridge for about 30-40 minutes.

Rice porridge milk (viscous).

Products (yield - 1 kg):

  • p rice - 220 gr.,
  • p water - 490 ml,
  • p milk - 330 ml,
  • r sugar - 30 gr.


1. Boil water and heat milk separately.

2. Put salt and sugar into boiling water, stir, add rice and cook, stirring lightly, for 20 minutes.

3. After this, pour hot milk and continue cooking, stirring occasionally, at a low boil for 30-40 minutes.

How to cook buckwheat porridge

The basic proportion of products: 1 part buckwheat + 2 parts water. Do not forget about the table indicated in the article ““. Pay attention to the last column. It indicates the quantity of the finished portion. Multiply foods by the required number of servings. Below I offer several porridge recipes.


  • buckwheat grain,
  • meat (150-200g pulp per 1 serving),
  • water,
  • carrot,
  • onion,
  • vegetable oil and butter,
  • pepper,
  • salt, bay leaf.


Cut the meat into pieces, finely chop the carrots and onions. Sort the grains and wash them.

Heat the oil in a casserole and fry the meat until slightly crusty. Then add carrots and onions, fry everything together until browned (about 5 minutes).

Place the buckwheat in pots, add salt (0.5 teaspoon per serving) and pepper, don’t forget 1 bay leaf, pour in water. Place a serving of meat and vegetables on top. Cover the pots with lids and, please note, place them in a cold oven. The pots will warm up gradually. Do not close the lids tightly: it is necessary to allow steam to escape and water not to leak out. When the pots begin to bubble, reduce the gas to 180-200 o C. After 40 minutes, the pots can be removed.


  • buckwheat - 200 g (1 cup),
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 large onion,
  • 300 g mushrooms (can be champignons or oyster mushrooms),
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil.


Wash and finely chop the vegetables, slice the mushrooms, sort and rinse the buckwheat. Prepare either a thick-bottomed saucepan or a casserole and a frying pan.

Fry the vegetables in a frying pan until golden brown, then add the mushrooms and fry everything together for 5 minutes.

Take a pan, pour the cereal into it, add water, add a pinch of salt and the fried mixture from the frying pan. Boil.

Now reduce the heat, do not forget to cover with a lid and cook for about 20-30 minutes. There is no need to stir the porridge while it is cooking. Just check the water level from time to time, since we are preparing porridge and there should be no liquid left. Stir the porridge before serving.


  • g Buckwheat – 200 g,
  • g Minced meat - 200 g,
  • g Onions - 2-3 pcs.,
  • g Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • g Salt and black pepper to taste.


First, finely chop the onion and prepare the buckwheat. Sort and rinse in water at room temperature. Salt and cook until done.

For frying, it is better to use a saucepan or frying pan with high walls and a thick bottom, since we will add all the products to them.

So, fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, add the minced meat and stir, fry until half cooked. Let's add salt and pepper.

Then add the previously boiled cereal to the minced meat, mix, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking the porridge for 10 minutes.

It is better to serve the porridge hot.

So, ladies, we’ve sorted out the rice and buckwheat groats. I’ll write about the rest of the cereals in another article: this one is already long, you’ll get tired of reading.

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Most people believe that rice porridge with water is not a very tasty dish. This is partly true. After all, cereals cooked in this way are not very filling and nutritious. However, it is still possible to make such a dish very tasty. But for this you will have to follow all prescription requirements. After all, this is the only way you will get tasty and nutritious rice porridge on water.

Product preparation

Behind the preparation of simple rice porridge there are many subtleties that allow you to create an aesthetically pleasing and high-quality dish. To begin with, the cereal should be sorted correctly. To do this, unsuitable grains are thrown away, and the rest are washed until clean water is obtained. By the way, such a procedure is necessary not only to clean the product from dust and dirt, but also to remove excess starch and fat from its surface.

Proper washing of rice grains is carried out in two stages. First, the product is washed in warm water, removing excess starch, and then in hot water, washing off the fat. This is where the subtleties of preparing cereals for rice porridge end, and we can safely proceed to its immediate preparation.

Crispy rice porridge with water: a simple and easy recipe

There is more than one way to prepare delicious rice porridge at home. If you like a crumbly dish, then we suggest using this recipe. To implement it we will need:

  • round rice (you can use Chinese) - 1 cup;
  • drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • table salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • high-quality butter - use according to taste and desire.

Cooking process

Before cooking rice porridge in water, the cereal should be thoroughly processed. We described how to carry out this process at the very beginning of the article.

After the rice is prepared, pour plain water into a deep bowl or saucepan, add a little salt and place on the stove. After the liquid begins to boil strongly, add rice cereal to it. To make such a dish more nutritious, a small piece of butter (or a little vegetable oil) is also added to the dish.

Reduce heat to low. The crumbly rice porridge in water should be cooked over medium heat for about 30 minutes. At the same time, it should be stirred occasionally.

After the cereal swells, remove the pan with the porridge from the stove and leave it aside for another half hour.

There is another way to prepare this dish. As in the first recipe, rice cereals are placed in already boiling salted liquid, cooked until tender, and then thrown into a sieve, washed with cold water and scalded with boiling water. Finally, add a little butter to the dish, cover tightly and leave to simmer for about half an hour.

Also, crumbly rice porridge in water can be prepared in another way. Boil the cereal until it swells, then transfer it to a water bath and cook for another 30 minutes. During this time, the rice will be completely boiled, and you will have a very satisfying and nutritious porridge.

Making thin porridge from rice

Now you have a general idea of ​​how to cook rice porridge in water. If you don’t like a crumbly rice dish, we suggest making a liquid version. The technology for preparing such porridge is based on long-term cooking of cereals in a large volume of water. To implement the presented recipe, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • round rice - 1 cup;
  • water at room temperature - 4 glasses;
  • high-quality butter - to taste;
  • medium-sized salt, granulated sugar - use to taste.

Cooking method

How to cook rice porridge with water? First of all, you should carefully process the cereal. It is sorted and washed several times. After this, the product is placed in boiling slightly sweetened and salted water. Reducing the heat to low, cook the product for 30 to 40 minutes, stirring regularly.

Such heat treatment will lead to disruption of the integrity of the grains, as a result of which starch will be actively released into the water, which, in fact, will make the rice porridge as viscous as possible.

Serving for breakfast

Having studied the presented recipe and implemented it at home, you should no longer be interested in the question of how to cook rice porridge in water. It should be noted that this dish turns out to be very pleasant in texture. After the cereal is completely boiled, the porridge is seasoned with butter and immediately presented to the table.

According to experts, such a breakfast is especially useful for people suffering from various diseases of the digestive tract. However, it is not recommended to season rice porridge with oil. Moreover, it is advisable to grind the cereal itself after heat treatment or cook already ground grains.

Making rice porridge with pumpkin in the oven

Rice porridge with water, the recipe for which involves the use of pumpkin, is not only very tasty, but also healthy for the body. This dish satisfies well and lowers cholesterol.

So, before you cook rice porridge in water, you need to prepare:

  • round rice - 1 cup;
  • drinking water - approximately 800 ml;
  • fresh or frozen pumpkin - approximately 250 g;
  • coarse granulated sugar - 1 dessert spoon;
  • table salt - a pinch;
  • high-quality butter - use as desired.

How to cook?

The calorie content of rice porridge cooked in water is not very high. 100 g of this dish contains about 79 energy units. But if you add sugar, salt, butter, and other ingredients to a ready-made meal, its calorie content immediately increases. Therefore, if you are on a strict diet, then it is not advisable to use these ingredients.

To prepare delicious rice porridge, the cereal is thoroughly washed and shaken in a sieve. Also wash the pumpkin separately and cut it into small cubes.

After preparing the main components, a piece of butter is placed in a clay pot, on top of which half of the pumpkin and half of the rice are placed. After scooping up the ingredients with a spoon, add the remaining vegetable and cereal back to the bowl. The products are sprinkled with sugar and salt on top and then filled with water.

Covering the pot with a lid, it is sent to the oven. At a temperature of 180 degrees, the dish is cooked for 60 minutes. After this, the porridge is taken out and served directly in the pot.

Sweet rice porridge with water in a slow cooker

If rice porridge is intended for children, then it is recommended to make it with sugar, raisins and cinnamon. This combination of ingredients will definitely appeal to kids, and they will happily eat the dish for breakfast or lunch.

So how is rice porridge prepared using water in a slow cooker? To make this dish you need:

  • round rice - 1 cup;
  • drinking water - approximately 800 ml;
  • dark raisins - approximately 150 g;

  • coarse granulated sugar - 1 dessert spoon;
  • crushed cinnamon - ½ dessert spoon (use to taste);
  • table salt - a pinch;
  • butter - use as desired.

Preparing children's breakfast

Rice porridge with water is no more difficult to prepare than a similar dish made on the stove or in the oven. Pour drinking water into the multicooker bowl and bring to a boil in baking mode. After the liquid begins to boil, add round rice and granulated sugar. In this composition, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, covered with a lid and cooked in porridge mode for 25 minutes. After the specified time has passed, chopped cinnamon, raisins (pre-processed) and butter are added to the dish.

After mixing all the components again, cover them with a lid and leave in heating mode for 20-35 minutes. During this time, all grains of rice should be completely boiled, making the porridge more viscous and thick.

After the dish is ready, it is placed on a plate and served for breakfast along with a sandwich with butter and cheese. Rice porridge with raisins, made according to the recipe described above, turns out very tasty, and most importantly, healthy and nutritious.

Cooking rules milk rice porridge They require you to first boil the rice until half cooked in water, and only then finish cooking it in milk This rule is based on the fact that Rice does not cook well in milk.

I don’t like long preparation procedures, so I took a risk (for the first time) and prepared porridge without following the rules. But I can say with confidence: rice porridge can be immediately cooked in milk.

Milk rice porridge It can be liquid, semi-thick and thick. My husband likes semi-thick porridge, i.e. so that there is a slightly perceptible hint of milk. In this regard, I will tell you step-by-step preparation of milk rice porridge, whom Slavik loves.

If you like liquid milk porridge, then to prepare it, you should increase the amount of milk by 1 glass. For thick porridge, the norm remains the same as in this recipe, the only thing is that cooking time liquid porridge should be increased by 7-10 minutes.

Initial composition of products.

As we see our future dish, it has a simple composition: milk, water, rice, sugar, salt, butter.

Step-by-step description with photos of milk rice porridge.

1. Prepare products with photos.

Rice , For milk porridge , I take the regular one, not steamed and not long . Because My rice contains more gluten than others, which allows it to bind cereals and milk well when cooked.

I wash the rice in cold water - once, no more, otherwise we will wash off the starch we need.

2. Place the cereal in the liquid.

Pour milk and water into a thick-bottomed pan, place it on the stove, turn on the gas at full power and add salt and sugar. Mix everything and bring the liquid to light bubbles . As soon as formula milk Once it has heated up, add the washed rice and stirring constantly, bring it to a boil. My foam started to rise after 3 minutes.

Tip: Frequent stirring at the initial stage will prevent the rice from sticking together into lumps.

3. Cooking rice porridge.

As soon as the milk and rice have boiled, reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and cook, periodically lifting the lid, making sure that the milk does not escape. Also, do not forget to constantly stir the contents, otherwise it will burn. After 18 minutes the porridge will begin to thicken, from this moment you need to pay close attention to it.

The lid can be removed and cook the porridge for another 8 minutes, stirring every 15 seconds.

After 8 minutes, add 2 tbsp to the porridge. spoons butter, mix, cover with a lid and turn off the fire completely. Because I have a saucepan with a double bottom, then I just leave it on the stove to evaporate for 15 minutes. During this time, the porridge cannot be opened or stirred.

If you have a simple saucepan, then it will not be able to retain heat on its own; to do this, you just need to wrap it in a terry towel.

Here's ours milk rice porridge ready. When it is placed on a plate, its structure is stable and not subject to spreading. But at the same time, it turns out not dry, but viscous, i.e. The milk mixture combines perfectly with the rice and, when eating the porridge, gives it lightness and airiness.

Invite your household to the table. Bon appetit!

Published on August 1, 2017

Rice porridge with milk. Many people remember it from an early age as it is often prepared for children for breakfast. This is understandable, because rice and milk contain a lot of useful substances that are so necessary at an early age. Moreover, it is also very tasty, which is not always the same thing as tasty and healthy.

It can be prepared either with milk or water with the addition of various additives. Such as apples, berries, pumpkin, nuts, chocolate. When preparing such porridge, problems can rarely arise. If you do everything correctly and according to the recipe, there will be no difficulties. You need to correctly calculate the amount of water and rice. Rice should be washed thoroughly before cooking. But take only natural milk and then there will be no problems.

There are really many recipes for preparing this rice porridge, but most are similar since the ingredients used for preparation are often the same. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances and then the porridge will turn out tasty, rich and healthy.

This recipe is the simplest and the oldest, since porridge has been prepared according to this recipe for a very long time. Probably ever since rice appeared and they first tried to cook it.


  • A glass of rice.
  • Milk 350.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • Butter to taste.

Cooking process:

In order for your porridge to turn out tasty and the rice to cook well, take first-grade rice. It is easy to determine by eye what type of rice it is. Just look at the figure itself. It should be whole without any debris, there should be no debris (small pebbles of rice husk) in the bag of rice, the rice should be whole without halves. The fewer halves there are in the rice, the higher the grade.

Before you start cooking rice, you need to rinse it well to remove all the rice flour from it, which adds excessive viscosity to the porridge.

1.Rinse the rice 5-6 times under running water. Or wash until the drained water from the rice becomes clear.

2.And so the rice has been washed, now it needs to be cooked. In order for the rice to cook well, you need to correctly calculate the amount of water. You need to pour water 2-3 cm above the rice.

3. Place the rice in a pan, level it over the entire surface in an even layer and pour water in a thin stream so that it is 2-3 cm higher than the rice.

4.Put the pan on the stove and start cooking. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat under the pan by exactly 40% so that the water boils, but not so violently. And cook the rice for 12 minutes after the water boils. Of course, you need to stir, otherwise the rice will burn and the porridge will not work.

5.When the water in the rice has almost completely boiled away, you can add milk. But milk must be added already boiled or pasteurized. Pour in the milk, stir and cook for 2-3 minutes until the porridge thickens.

6.If the porridge turns out too thick, add a little milk. Remember that after the finished rice porridge sits, it will become even thicker.

7. After adding milk, the porridge boiled for 2-3 minutes, now add sugar and mix well so that the sugar is distributed throughout the dish and you can turn off the heat under the pan.

8. You can add butter now, or you can put a small piece on a plate just before serving.

Rice porridge is ready, enjoy your meal.

Calorie content of rice porridge with milk

Those who strictly watch their figure or simply adhere to a healthy diet are accustomed to paying attention to what they eat. They also pay attention to the calorie content of food. Yes, in some dishes, such as salads, it can be difficult to count calories. But as for rice porridge, there is little complexity here.

It is important to pay attention to the milk from which you are going to prepare the porridge and add the calorie content of rice to this.

And of course, if you add butter or sugar, then this too will need to be taken into account.

On average, 100 grams of ready-made porridge with milk contains 97-98 calories.

But what’s interesting is that raw rice has more calories than boiled rice. There are 340-350 calories per 100 grams of raw rice. But when cooked, grains lose 3 or 4 times their calorie content. Since the grains absorb moisture abundantly and increase in size, thereby losing their nutritional value.

And one more fact in favor of rice and milk. According to recent tests and experiments, scientists were able to find out that those children who regularly eat milk rice porridge showed a high level of intelligence compared to children who did not eat rice at all. Rice also has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and increases the elasticity of muscle tissue.

Rice porridge recipe like in kindergarten

Since the topic was raised about the benefits of rice porridge for children. So here's a recipe for making porridge for children. Porridge is often prepared using this recipe in kindergartens.


  • 1 cup rice.
  • Half a liter of milk.
  • 1 glass of water.
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.
  • Butter to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Before preparing porridge, the rice must be washed well and sorted so that the grain is clean without foreign impurities.

2.Put clean rice into a saucepan, pour a glass of water and place on low heat.

3. Cook the rice until all the water has boiled away.

4. As soon as the water boils, pour the milk into the pan with the rice, add sugar and mix well.

6. It is important that the milk and rice boil for at least 2-3 minutes. During this time, the milk will completely combine with the rice, so to speak.

7. All that remains is to add butter and you can serve the porridge. Bon appetit.

Recipe for rice porridge for a slow cooker

You can easily prepare such porridge in a multicooker, since many multicookers have a porridge mode. In addition, covering the multicooker bowl will allow you to cook rice porridge without frequent stirring and you won’t be afraid that the rice will burn to the walls of the dish.


  • 1 cup of rice.
  • 1 glass of full-fat milk.
  • 2 glasses of water.
  • A tablespoon of butter.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

Rinse the rice. Leave it in the sieve so that all the water drains away.

Place the rice in the multicooker bowl.

Pour in milk and water. Add salt and sugar.

Close the lid and turn on the milk porridge mode. It is possible that your multicooker will have a rice or just porridge mode.

Basically, the cooking time is set automatically, but in older multicookers it needs to be set manually. So, the cooking time for milk porridge from rice is 40-45 minutes.

And when the porridge is cooked, the multicooker itself will notify you with a sound signal and the porridge is being prepared. All you have to do is add butter and you can eat the porridge. Bon appetit.

Rice porridge with milk and apple in a slow cooker

Bon appetit.

Rice porridge with pumpkin and milk

Rice porridge goes very well with pumpkin. And housewives very often cook porridge with the addition of pumpkin. Pumpkin contains a very large amount of vitamins, which is very good.


  • 350-400 grams of pumpkin.
  • 1 cup rice.
  • 1 glass of milk.
  • Salt, sugar to taste.
  • Oil.

Cooking process:

1. Peel the pumpkin from rough peel and entrails. Cut into 2-3 cm cubes.

To make porridge using pumpkin, you need to pay attention to the pumpkin itself. For porridge you need to choose sweet varieties of pumpkin. If the pumpkin has a watery taste, it is of course better to use it in others.

2.Now rinse the rice well, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and cook it until done.

3.Put the pumpkin in another pan, fill it with milk and cook until soft.

4.When both rice and pumpkin are ready, combine everything in one pan, add sugar and butter. Mix and serve.

Bon appetit.

Milk rice porridge with dried fruits

In addition to pumpkin, you can add dried fruits to rice porridge.


  • A glass of rice.
  • Glass of water.
  • Half a liter of milk.
  • 100 grams of dried apricots.
  • 100 grams of dried apples.
  • Salt and sugar to taste. (you can use vanilla sugar)
  • Oil.

Cooking process:

1. Dried fruits must first be filled with water to make them soft.

2.And then rinse the rice, put it in a saucepan, add water and cook until done.

3.Cut dried fruits into small pieces.

4. As soon as the rice is ready, drain the water, pour in the milk, boil for 2-3 minutes, add sugar, dried fruits, butter. Stir and turn off the heat.

5.You can also not throw dried fruits into the milk, but place them on a plate on top of the porridge in a beautiful pattern. Bon appetit.

Rice porridge with milk and raisins video

Bon appetit.
