Coconut: benefits and harm. Coconut benefits and harms: what you should know about the tropical nut

Coconut, or coconut as it is called, is an exotic fruit exported from warm ocean shores. Few people think that in addition to its unusual taste, this nut can benefit the health of men and women, help with weight loss and strengthen the immune system during pregnancy. Everything about the coconut product, its benefits and harms, how to take it and prepare it, is in this article.

From this article you will learn:

Coconut: description

Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm, a plant from the palm family. Many scientists consider the coconut palm to be one of the most ancient plants on Earth! Its name comes from the Portuguese word "coco", which means "monkey" and is due to the fact that there are spots on the surface of the coconut that resemble a monkey's face.

Coconut or coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm tree, growing in tropical regions both in wild and cultivated form.

In fact, the fruit of the coconut palm is not a nut at all, as is commonly believed, but a drupe fruit, which is covered with a thick layer of durable fibers. Its diameter is from 15 to 30 centimeters, and its weight ranges from 400 grams to 2.5 kilograms. Some specimens can weigh up to four kilograms!

The definition of nut is popular, but from a botanical point of view it is incorrect. The fruit of the coconut palm is a drupe, such as peach, cherry, viburnum, plum or cloudberry. Inside the coconut there is another “nut” - this is the edible pulp, which is called copra. It is white, juicy (if the nut is ripe) and sweet.

Coconuts can have a round and slightly elongated shape with a length of up to 30 cm and a weight of 1.5 to 2.5 kg. The outside of the ripe fruit is covered with fibrous coir, which covers the hard shell of the nut - the endocarp. Underneath it is a seed consisting of a dense, white, oily mass and a clear, sweetish liquid. On average, 15-20 coconuts grow on one palm tree, reaching full ripeness within 8-10 months. It is noted that one tree produces from fifty to 120 fruits per year.

Modern classification divides coconut palms into two main categories: dwarf and ordinary. The former ripen quickly, but do not produce small nuts. Conventional palm trees have large coconuts, but often coir takes up most of their volume, so such varieties are of great importance for coir production. The range of both types of palms is the same.

Coconut milk is produced from the solid part, and the liquid part is consumed by tropical peoples and exported to other countries as coconut water. Coconut oil is also extracted from the white fruit pulp, the beneficial properties of which are widely used in cooking and cosmetology.

Where do coconuts grow: producing countries

Malaysia is considered the historical homeland of the coconut palm, but many centuries ago the plant spread throughout the tropical zones of both earthly hemispheres.

Historical reference

There is evidence of its cultivation in India, the Malay Archipelago and Sri Lanka dating back to prehistoric times. Not only human cultivation, but also natural factors contributed to the expansion of the area - coconuts do not sink in water and retain their reproductive function for a long time while they are transported by ocean currents to other shores. Currently, the coconut palm is distributed in both hemispheres.

This palm grows well on the sandy soils of the sea coast. This largely determines Indonesia's world leadership in nut production - the state consists of many tropical islands.

In 2013, the top ten coconut-growing countries looked like this (according to the UN FAO):

  1. Indonesia – 18.3 million tons.
  2. Philippines - 15.35 million tons.
  3. India - 11.93 million tons.
  4. Brazil - 2.89 million tons.
  5. Sri Lanka -2.513 million tons.
  6. Vietnam – 1.304 million tons.
  7. Papua New Guinea - 1.207 million tons.
  8. Mexico - 1.171 million tons.
  9. Thailand - 1.01 million tons.
  10. Malaysia – 642 thousand tons.

On a note!

Most of the exported coconuts to Russia are sent from Indonesia, China, Thailand, and Malaysia. The stone, cleared of coarse fibers, ends up on the shelves of our stores, the outer shell of which looks like a hard shell with three “eyes” - these are soft holes. If you pierce them, you can extract the coconut water (juice) that is inside from the nut.

Fresh coconut benefits and harms: how to choose

Finding a good and healthy coconut in a Russian hypermarket is not a trivial task. During long transportation, the nuts deteriorate, cracks appear on them, due to which the juice leaks out and the pulp begins to deteriorate.

Due to such difficulties, such goods are not found in every store and not in very large volumes. But when you find yourself in front of a shelf of coconuts, you should choose according to the following criteria:

  1. Integrity. If there are even small cracks, the fruit should be discarded.
  2. Sound. When shaken, the juice inside the drupe should gurgle. If this is not the case, choose another fruit.

Overall, that's it. True, in Russia it is impossible to buy a coconut fruit, plucked from a palm tree at ripeness and delivered whole to the final buyer. Almost all available options are unripe fruits that have been left in storage. But it's not a bad coconut. The health benefits and harms are the same, and the taste is not much different from those that are ripened on a palm tree.

True, before eating, you will have to make an effort to open the drupe. This is the main disadvantage of nuts that ripen en route.

Chemical composition, calorie content and nutritional value of coconuts

Nutritional value and nutrient table of raw coconut pulp per 100 grams of product:

Food baseContentVitaminsContentMineralsContent
Calorie content354 kcalB10.066 mgPotassium356 mg
Squirrels3.3 gB20.02 mgCalcium14 mg
Fats33.5 gB412.1 mgMagnesium32 mg
Carbohydrates15.2 gB50.3 mgSodium20 mg
Alimentary fiber9 gB60.054 mgPhosphorus113 mg
Water46.99 gB926 mcgIron2.43 mg
Ash substances0.97 gC3.3 mgManganese1.5 mg
E0.24 mgCopper435 mcg
K0.2 mgSelenium10.1 mcg
PP0.54 mgZinc1.1 mg

Nutritional value and calorie content of products made from coconuts:

Content per 100 gCalorie contentSquirrelsFatsCarbohydratesCelluloseWater
Oil899 kcal0 g99.9 g0 g0 g0.1 g
Shavings501 kcal2.88 g35.49 g43.17 g4.5 g12.55 g
Coconut water (juice)19 kcal0.7 g0.2 g3.7 g1.1 g94.99 g
Flour392 kcal18.26 g19.23 g45.18 g
Milk230 kcal2.29 g23.84 g3.34 g2.2 g67.62 g

The beneficial properties of coconut pulp for the body are enhanced due to the presence of lauric acid. It occupies more than half the mass fraction of fats, converting saturated fatty acids, hated by nutritionists, into healthy ones. Lauric acid has a strong antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, thanks to which it cleanses the body of pathogens that have already entered it. In addition, this substance tones the immune system, increases its ability to resist viruses, fungi, bacteria and cancer.

Coconut benefits and harm to the body

The effects of coconut pulp and the oil it contains on the body are vast and varied. Their effect consists of the influence of minerals and vitamins on the functions of internal organs, the functioning of fiber in the digestive system, and the inclusion of fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates in metabolism. Beneficial effect of the product:

  • magnesium normalizes the nervous system, improves brain activity, attention, and makes sleep more productive;
  • phosphorus and calcium strengthen joints, bones, nails, teeth, and also maintain muscle tone;
  • iron and copper regulate and disinfect blood composition, increase the efficiency of oxygen transport to tissues and organs;
  • selenium and vitamin E create a powerful antioxidant tandem that preserves youth and prevents cancer;
  • potassium maintains a healthy balance of fluids and salts in the body, is necessary for stable heart function, makes vascular walls and valves strong but elastic;
  • ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system and helps produce collagen.
  • It has excellent anthelmintic, antimicrobial, antiviral, and bactericidal properties.
  • Coconut pulp contains a large amount of coarse dietary fiber (fiber), which perfectly cleanses the intestines and helps improve its functioning.
  • Coconut meat, coconut oil and coconut water (juice) are recognized dietary products.
  • Coconut is an excellent aphrodisiac. And in addition to its beneficial effects on the reproductive system, it helps to increase libido.

Coconut aroma

Coconut aroma is delicate, exotic, sweet, creamy and cool at the same time. It is the aroma of coconut that makes it so popular in cooking, cosmetology and perfumery.

Coconut benefits and harms for weight loss

Due to the high amount of fat in the composition, you might think that eating coconuts for weight loss is a bad idea. However, the concept of low-fat diets has long been recognized as a failure and even harmful - whatever one may say, fats are important for health, without them effective metabolism is impossible. The root of the problem lies in the nature of fats and how they work.

Then how does coconut help in weight loss? The benefits come from two sources: fiber and so-called healthy fats. Dietary fiber allows you to achieve good results already in the first week, as it removes delayed undigested ballast from the intestines. In addition, their health benefits are reflected in another, slower action. The swollen fibrous mass massages the walls of the digestive organs, increasing blood flow. Active blood supply is the key to the efficiency of any organ. As a result, food is better broken down and absorbed, and tissues and other organs receive more essential nutrients.

Healthy fatty acids, unlike “harmful” ones, are not deposited in the subcutaneous layer, but help break it down. With sufficient physical activity, these fats are completely converted into energy after entering the body, and then they start the process of burning stored reserves.

Coconut: benefits and harms for diabetes

Opinions vary regarding whether it is permissible for diabetics to consume coconut. Doctors note that you can eat nut pulp in small quantities. It will promote better metabolism, which is always good for health. In addition, the pulp contains almost no simple sugars, which provoke surges in glucose levels. This explains the low glycemic index of the pulp - 45 units.

Considering that diabetes is often accompanied by excess body weight, its dietary characteristics described above will enhance the health benefits.

Coconut: benefits and harms for men's health

Both the pulp and the oil or juice of coconuts are not harmful to men's health. Exotic fruit is not a product that reduces potency or reproductive capacity. Moreover, there are opinions that it has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system of men.

One way or another, we can say with confidence that good metabolism and intake of zinc, manganese, iron, selenium and copper help maintain reproductive health and prevent diseases, including cancer. A variety of minerals also contributes to rapid recovery after exhausting physical and mental stress. Coconut water is an excellent way to restore water-salt balance after sports training.

Coconut: benefits for a woman’s body

It is useful for a woman to consume coconut pulp because it contains many vitamins B, C and E. They maintain skin health, its elasticity and strength, and increase the immunity of the epidermis. It also nourishes and improves the health of hair, nails, and skin. Fatty and organic acids help stabilize hormonal levels and improve the functioning of the endocrine system.

In general, coconut comprehensively improves the efficiency of the body, modulates its immune abilities, and also improves physical and psycho-emotional tone.

Video: coconut benefits and harms

How to eat a coconut and how to open it

Coconut is consumed both fresh and dried. Of course, more beneficial substances are found in the pulp and juice of fresh coconut. Coconut drinks that are made in the coconut itself are very popular.

Cosmetological use

In fact, the only product made from coconut that is used for cosmetic purposes is oil. It is used very widely in products for hair, skin and nails. Coconut oil is a butter, a solid oil, so it can be easily added to industrial or homemade soap.

The basis of the oil’s effect on the skin and hair is its moisturizing, nourishing and disinfecting effect. Thanks to it, damaged and dry epidermis regains its elasticity and healthy structure, and hair columns get rid of fragility and delamination. Thanks to the supply of vitamins B, E and minerals, the functioning of the follicles is improved, and the fat balance of the skin of the face, hands, and head is stabilized.

Tocopherol, lauric and ascorbic acid create a barrier on the skin that prevents the negative effects of not only microorganisms and viruses, but also negative environmental factors: dust, high humidity, frost, wind. The cosmetic properties of coconut oil allow it to be used in:

  • massage mixtures;
  • sun creams;
  • products for sun-damaged skin;
  • face masks;
  • hand creams;
  • lip balms;
  • creams for cracked skin;
  • scrubs;
  • bleaching agents;
  • masks for hair and scalp.

Today, coconut oil is no longer a scarce product, so it can be widely used in creating homemade cosmetics.

Coconut: benefits, harm in different areas

In the tropics, the coconut palm is called the “tree of a thousand uses.”

Coconut has over 100 uses! Cooking, traditional medicine, cosmetology, industrial household applications are just a few ways to use it. Among other things, coconut fibers are used to make ropes, mats, fishing nets and much more.

  1. Nutritionists advise using a coconut diet to lose 2 extra kg in 7 days. This diet plan can last no more than a month, and it involves the consumption of fairly fatty foods: butter, cream, butter. You can also use meat and fish oil from cod liver in the menu. You are allowed to eat no more than 800 kcal per day, and you also need to eat 2-3 large spoons of coconut oil, which is also added to other dishes. This diet is not suitable for heart patients and those suffering from atherosclerosis.
  2. Coconut hair or coir is widely used. Because the fibers growing on the surface of the nut are very strong and moisture-resistant, they can be used to create paper, brushes, ropes, ropes and even carpets. A lot of construction and household items are created with the addition of durable hairy skin. Mattresses are also stuffed with coir. However, to make the final product from coconut fiber, you must first soak the hairy part in water for a whole year, then dry it thoroughly and soak it in latex.
  3. The coconut base itself, i.e. The shell frame is the basis for creating souvenirs in many countries. Toys, dishes - cups, teapots and plates - and musical instruments are made from whole halves of an empty nut. For many Filipino peoples, coconut shells are still part of their national dance costumes. At factory enterprises, buttons are made from walnut shells.
  4. The coconut tree itself also finds its use in everyday life and cooking. For example, the juice of young inflorescences makes it possible to obtain crystallized sugar, which is used in syrups and wine drinks. The trunk, or rather the bark of the palm tree, is used to create fences, furniture, beams, and also small boats. Coconut leaves can be used to weave baskets and hats, as well as create a roof for a house in a tropical climate and collect brooms.

Coconut benefits and harms: use in cooking

Today, all components of the palm fruit, except the shell itself, are used in cooking. Thus, shavings and flakes are produced from the dried pulp, and coconut water and oil are obtained from the whole nut. A wide range of dishes with coconut is due to the fact that this ingredient provides energy without causing obesity, and also stabilizes metabolism and improves digestion. First of all, housewives associate coconut components with desserts such as puddings, fruits and sweet cereals, pastries and various drinks. However, more and more often you can find soups, salads, snacks and sauces based on this product. Coconut is especially abundant in Asian recipes, where it goes well with seafood and meat, for example.

Before you can cook anything from a coconut, you need to break it up. For most housewives, this is the main difficulty, because of which they deny themselves exotic dishes. In fact, cutting this nut is easy: tap its circumference with a hammer and break it or insert a knife into the middle, using pressure like a lever.

If you want to extract coconut water (sometimes called juice) first, you need to make a hole in the shell and drain the liquid. In the future, from the resulting pulp you can create shavings, flour, and flakes - it all depends on your culinary goals.

Thus, shavings are the main decorative element in confectionery products, and are also added to liqueurs and wines, and used as a seasoning. Flour becomes the base for creating tender and airy dough for baking or is used as a breading. Coconut flakes help create delicious and healthy breakfasts.

Coconut pulp is added to sweet dishes, used as a breading for preparing meat and fish dishes, as well as in salads, soups, pies, and so on.

On a note!

All parts of the coconut are used in folk and official (traditional) medicine. Coconut perfectly restores strength, strengthens the immune system, improves vision, and has excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Coconut oil: benefits and harms

This product, obtained from the whole fruit or copra (both fresh and dried), is the most difficult to make at home, because a special press is needed. This part of the nut is valued mainly due to its high concentration of fatty acids, including those not produced by the human body on its own. The stores offer both edible oil, which can be used for frying, because it is not carcinogenic, and cosmetic oil, which becomes the basis for various masks and creams, balms for the skin of the face and body, as well as for hair.

Coconut fruit squeeze is also used in the creation of tanning products and massage oil mixtures. There is refined, i.e. purified oil, which retains fewer nutrients and has almost no odor, as well as a product that has not undergone this stage of processing.

At low temperatures, coconut oil hardens, but this does not affect its quality in any way, so you can freeze and melt the product several times if necessary. Interestingly, recycled oil can be used to produce soap, which is used as fuel in light bulbs.

Coconut and coconut milk: benefits and harms

Coconut milk is a sweet liquid made from the flesh of ripe coconuts and coconut water (juice).

After the coconut pulp, crushed with water, is squeezed out, coconut milk is obtained, which is very widely used in cooking and in folk medicine. According to oriental doctors, coconut milk is the healthiest milk of all!

Some housewives mistakenly believe that by piercing the nut and draining the liquid, they get natural coconut milk. However, it is a man-made product made by soaking coconut meat in boiling water.

Today, stores sell coconut milk of varying fat content, which is used to create soups, desserts and curries. Some unscrupulous companies make the product using preservatives, so sometimes it makes sense to make milk at home by leaving fresh shavings with water for half an hour. Ideally, this squeeze should be a viscous and sweet white liquid.

Modern housewives use milk to add tea or coffee, and also use it to make pancake dough and rice side dish, which acquires a piquant, sweetish taste and unique aroma. This coconut liquid is useful to use to boost immunity and fight various viruses and bacteria in your own body.

Video: benefits of coconut milk

Coconut juice or coconut water: benefits and harm

Coconut water (juice) is a natural liquid in the coconut, unprocessed and considered very healthy, used both for nutrition and in treatment and cosmetology.

Compared to milk, coconut water (or juice) is considered more useful, because it is a concentrate of all the beneficial substances of this nut and accumulates directly inside the fruit. If to obtain milk you need to do certain manipulations with the pulp, then to produce water you need the coconut itself and a tool that will be used to make a depression for the juice to flow out. Interestingly, even green coconut is suitable for obtaining liquid.

Coconut water is a versatile energy and thirst-quenching drink that contains no calories or sugar. Therefore, fans of a healthy lifestyle, athletes and simply lovers of physical activity include this liquid in their diet to prevent dehydration and maintain overall tone. With the help of nut juice, you can lose weight, recover from a hangover, and even normalize the PH environment of the body. The sterility of this liquid determines the widespread use of the product for medical purposes. In cosmetology, coconut water is used as a natural cleanser and as a base for tonic. You can also rinse your hair with it. However, due to the concentration of certain substances, this juice (especially when taken orally) has slightly more contraindications than the same milk or pulp.

Coconut water is also used as an excellent refreshing drink; even alcoholic drinks are prepared on its basis.

Coconut flakes: benefits and harms

Coconut flakes are an interesting ingredient that is added to various culinary products and desserts for a spicy taste and coconut aroma.

For anyone with a sweet tooth, coconut flakes are a familiar delicacy. It is obtained from coconut pulp, which is dried in the oven. The main purpose of the product in cooking is filling for confectionery products and their decoration. Almost no delicious cookie or cake is complete without fresh or fried chips, which can come in different colors. You can also make milkshakes and ice cream based on it. In Thai cuisine, a special spice is created based on this component by adding shavings to chili pepper. There are several types of chips depending on their size and fat content. Some of the dried pulp becomes the raw material for creating coconut flour.

Coconut flakes

The healing properties of the shavings are not much different from the amazing abilities of the coconut itself, because it preserves all its nutrients: acids, vitamins, minerals. Grated and dried pulp is an excellent remedy for crunch lovers, even for small children.

Of course, this product is not as popular here as in the West, but nevertheless, it is an excellent alternative to potato chips.

Most often, coconut flakes can be bought in online stores.

Dried coconut: benefits and harms

Sometimes coconut flakes, consisting of nut pulp, are called shavings. In fact, this is true, but in everyday life, coconut shavings appear as a fine crumbly mixture, while flakes are slices from the pulp of palm fruits, and each piece is 5-6 cm in circumference. We can say that we are talking about coconut chips.

Cereals are rarely made at home; it is much easier to buy an organic product in sealed packaging. This coconut pulp tastes pleasantly crunchy and also smells naturally like coconut. Since the slices are very thin, dough can be kneaded on their basis. Most often, cereals are added to ready-made breakfasts, i.e. muesli, mixing them with other nuts and cereals, and also decorating confectionery products and fruit salads with them. Many housewives put the flakes in cottage cheese, adding honey for sweetness.

Coconut flour and its uses

Coconut flour is very popular among healthy food supporters and is used in weight loss diets because... Coconut flour is gluten-free.

To make flour using coconut pulp, the benefits and harms of which are described just above, you need to combine chopped white pieces of the nut with water, chop in a blender and dry in the oven, and then chop again. In other words, the dry mixture is obtained from palm fruit shavings. The main area of ​​application of coconut flour is cooking, since baked goods based on it are very tender, airy and retain freshness for a long time. In addition, coconut flour allows those people who are on a gluten-free diet to diversify their diet and do not have the opportunity to try sweets based on a wheat component.

However, when deciding to cook with coconut flour, it is important to know that it significantly changes all the proportions in the recipe. So, you cannot replace this flour with any other in equal proportions. Also, coconut flour absorbs a lot of liquid, so you need to add water, milk, syrup or a lot of eggs to the dough. The only option for using flour when nothing changes in cooking is to create a coconut breading for fish or meat.

Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar is a very healthy sugar substitute product, which is produced from the sap of the coconut palm and is suitable for diabetics and supporters of a healthy diet. This sugar is considered healthier than regular white crystalline sugar.

The glycemic index of coconut sugar is 35. This is the lowest among known sugars. Just a few years ago, cane sugar was considered the healthiest, but now everything has changed, and the beneficial properties of coconut sugar have been revealed to the world!

Coconut sugar has a very subtle and delicate sweet taste, very similar to the taste of brown sugar, but with a hint of caramel. Ingoda, the taste of coconut sugar is reminiscent of nutty, and sometimes nutty-caramel. The color of sugar, its smell and taste can depend on many factors - the types of coconut tree used, the season when the coconut sap was collected, and even the way in which it was obtained.

Coconut liqueur

This alcoholic drink is called “Malibu”. Fr. is considered his homeland. Barbados, where, according to legend, a fruit from a palm tree somehow fell into a barrel of rum. When the owners of the rum decided to taste the contents of the container, they realized that the taste had changed, and they liked this new product. The liqueur usually contains coconut extract and white rum, sometimes brandy and additional fruit are found. In the home version, the drink is made from light rum, sugar with vanilla and coconut milk with shavings of the same nut. Less experienced drinkers make Malibu from vodka, coconut flakes and condensed milk.

Most often, coconut-flavored liqueur is added to various cocktails. The most famous drink is Pina Colada, which, in addition to pure rum and liqueur, contains pineapple juice. You can also mix liqueur with apple squeeze and cognac, or simply pour over ice cream for a piquant flavor.

How to make coconut liqueur: video recipe

Coconut cream

Despite the exotic nature of this dairy product, today every housewife can prepare cream without effort, having only a large and mature (!) coconut on hand. You need to grind the pulp, add water, squeeze, and then put the resulting coconut milk in the refrigerator. If you decide to make a product from store-bought milk, it should have good fat content. The jar of liquid should not be shaken; it should also be refrigerated overnight. Some chefs advise moving the milk to the freezer or onto the balcony an hour before cooking. When you take out the milk, you will see a thickened top layer. This is cream that can be whipped or added directly, for example, to coffee.

Another option for creating cream: pour fresh coconut pulp into a blender with water and immediately start whisking until a thickened fatty layer appears on top.

Cream is usually thicker than milk, but in cooking it is used for the same purposes. For example, you can use them to make sauces for meat and fish, soups, and cocktails. In the US, pie is very popular and is topped with whipped coconut cream. And the simplest dessert option with this ingredient is ice cream.

Eating cream allows you to saturate the body with minerals and vitamins, as well as improve digestion due to the fiber in the product. This component also helps in the comprehensive fight against depression, sleep disorders and overexcitation.

Coconut syrup

This product is a thick, light-colored liquid with a rich odor, based on concentrated sugars. In the syrup, the sweet component occupies 40-80%; purified water and milk from the nut or its shavings are also added. In principle, this syrup is a ready-made drink and an excellent alternative for those who do not want alcoholic liqueur. It is customary to serve syrup after meals in glasses. You need to drink in small sips, enjoying the depth of flavor, but you can snack on fruit.

At home, syrup can be made by grinding the pulp of the nut and mixing it with coconut juice. Then the mixture is poured with water and cooked over low heat, without letting it boil. At the end, granulated sugar is added, boiled and filtered.

Coconut fruit syrup is included in various non-alcoholic cocktails. This is grog, lemonade, milkshake. You can serve it with ice cream and various desserts. The healing properties of syrup boil down to normalizing digestion, increasing appetite and improving mood. However, this product is prohibited for people with diabetes.

Coconut cream: recipes

This filling is one of the most common for confectionery products, because it is tender and aromatic. There are two versions of this cream: from chips and from milk.

Coconut puree: recipes

This product is created from the pulp of a ripe nut, bringing the mass to a homogeneous consistency. In this form, coconut is easily digestible by people even with digestive problems. The unsweetening but sweet taste of this ingredient allows it to be part of various desserts and creams. On its own, the puree is usually consumed with tropical fruits. You can also find puree in cocktails:

  • To make Tom Yum Martini, combine lemongrass, ginger root and lime leaves in a shaker. You can also add coriander. Add coconut puree, lime juice, simple syrup and light rum. Top with ice and shake. Garnish the drink in a glass with chili pepper and cilantro.
  • For a fresh Caribbean coffee, brew a classic pick-me-up with ground coffee and water. Then put palm nut puree into a glass, add passion fruit syrup and coffee. Stir everything with a cocktail spoon and serve in an Irish coffee cup with whipped cream. Another option: brew coffee from deep roasted Costa Rican beans. Pour it into a cup, add the same amount of regular milk. Add sugar and top with a mound of coconut puree.

Urbech from coconut: benefits and harms

This product is often called coconut manna, and it is also made from the pulp of the nut, or rather its residual fibers. At its core, it is a paste or creamy substance with an abundance of dietary fiber. Since the part of the fruit that contains a lot of oil is used in the manufacture of the product, manna can also harden at low temperatures, but it is less fatty.

Urbech facilitates digestive processes, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, fights bacteria, stops the aging process of cells and even has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart. Also, consuming manna strengthens the body's defenses.

Urbech is a type of superfood. The word "Manna" in in this case began to be used because one of the most branded companies producing environmental products released a line of coconut products of the same name. All the healing properties of manna are associated with the 50% content of lauric acid. In cooking, manna is a substitute for milk, cream, yogurt, and cream.

Video: how to make milk, cream, flour and shavings from one coconut

Growing coconut at home

It is best to grow Cocos Nucifera or Weddeliana in an apartment, but you can take a chance and plant any ripe coconut, although it may not be capable of further development. The nut must be placed sideways in the pot so that shoots can emerge from the eyes of the fruit. Before this, the coconut can be placed in warm water for a day. The sprout appears in a maximum of six months. If the coconut has not produced roots by that time, you can throw it away.

It is very important to provide warm temperature conditions for coconut germination. You need to choose an area with the greatest exposure to the sun. At the same time, coconut needs a certain soil: ideally, it is a moist substrate with big amount sand. There should also be drainage such as pebbles or coal, expanded clay. While sprouting, you can keep the pot in a bag and spray the fruit with water and sea salt. In winter, the palm tree needs to be provided with additional light and watered only once a week. Coconut requires abundant moisture from May to August, and then it must be watered twice in seven days. In spring and during the hot season, it is useful to use fertilizers for palm trees.

During the first period of growth, the palm tree will not have a trunk, and only bright, wide leaves will begin to appear from the nut. At home, the tree grows up to 3 meters, but never bears fruit. The reason is that there is insufficient humidity in the house. In open areas in our area, a palm tree is also unlikely to start producing coconuts, but you can try to grow it in a greenhouse, creating the necessary climatic conditions.

Yellowing of palm leaves indicates dry soil, and if the tree turns brown, the air is not humid enough. Dark spots on greenery indicate cold, waterlogged soil or hard water. It is not recommended to replant an adult palm tree, but you can do this in rare cases in the spring, being sure to preserve the roots. Sudden changes in room temperature are also detrimental to coconut.

Do not forget to promptly cut off broken and aged leaves on the palm tree, but take care of the top. Make sure that the tree does not get sick. For example, if it lacks nutrients, it will stop growing. With a lack of minerals, the leaves suffer from chlorosis.

Storage and shelf life of coconut

Ideally, coconut fruits should be kept in the refrigerator. The more mature the nut, the longer it retains its freshness at low temperatures. In addition, the shelf life is shortened by cracks and various types of damage to the shell. Do not keep fruits on the shelf with coconut that release a substance that accelerates the ripening of the fruit. First of all, we are talking about bananas and apples.

Also, sealed cream, water, milk, and puree should be stored in the cold. It is advisable to choose a container with a vacuum lid or a glass jar/bottle with a stopper. Alternatively, liquid nut derivatives can be frozen in an ice cube tray and stored in the freezer. But you can put coconut shavings in the same container or fabric bags in the kitchen cabinet. Please note that contact with ultraviolet radiation and sunlight always shortens the shelf life of coconut derivatives and the fruit itself. Here's how long palm nuts and some palm nut-based products can be stored:

  • Whole fruit – up to three months.
  • Opened coconut, water and coconut cream - no more than a week.
  • Fresh coconut milk – 24 hours.
  • Milk from the manufacturer - more than a year.
  • Pulp soaked in water - 5 days.
  • Frozen pulp – 6-8 months.
  • Dried pulp (chips and flakes) – year.
  • Ice cubes with water or milk – 2-3 months.

Main contraindications for use

Coconut is considered a safe product, including for pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly, children and patients with chronic illnesses. However, children should not be given this nut until they are three years old to avoid digestive problems.

The most high-calorie parts of the coconut, i.e. Pure oil and pulp should be used with caution by people who care about keeping their figure slim. Coconut juice should be consumed in limited quantities by those who have kidney problems. It is worth reducing the consumption of nuts if the gastrointestinal tract is weak.

In any form, coconut will be undesirable for those who are already allergic to tropical fruits or nuts or have an individual intolerance to one of the substances in the fruit.

Coconut is the fruit of the palm tree of the same name, growing in Brazil, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other tropical countries. In fact, it is not a nut, as is commonly believed, but a drupe, which is covered on top with fibers resembling hair. The seemingly unsightly coconut is very valuable. It can rightfully be called a home doctor and cosmetic bag, since it contains a huge amount of healthy substances and is also capable of transforming the human body. So, what is the value of coconut, its benefits and harms, what is its composition and use? Let's look at the answers to these questions today, and also clarify how to open a coconut at home.

Why do we need such a nut, what is its composition, what is its calorie content?

The calorie content of coconut water is low - about 40 kcal per 100 ml, but the pulp of these fruits is quite nutritious - 364 kcal per 100 g of product.

There are many vitamins in the pulp and liquid of coconut:

B1 (thiamine) – 0.06 mg
B2 (riboflavin) – 0.01 mg
B3 – 0.96 mg
B5 (pantothenic acid) – 0.2 mg
B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.06 mg
Folic acid (B9) – 30 mcg
Ascorbic acid – 2 mg
E – 0.72 mg

The mineral composition of coconut is also rich. It contains almost all the micro- and macroelements a person needs for normal life. The fruits contain: iron, potassium (in large quantities), iodine, zinc, fluorine, manganese, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, sulfur and copper. It is believed that even if you completely exclude the use of any other foods for a week, and eat only coconuts, the body will not experience a lack of vitamins and minerals. Essential amino acids are also present in coconut pulp and water. These are tryptophan, leucine, valine and others.

Benefits of coconut

The benefits of coconut are precisely due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. Both the water contained inside the drupe and its pulp help strengthen the immune system, stabilize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the digestive system. Coconut contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the quality of the blood; they cleanse it of harmful substances, remove toxins and bad cholesterol, and also make it a little more fluid. As a result, a person’s risk of developing blood clots is reduced, which means there is almost no chance of getting a heart attack or Alzheimer’s disease. Coconut water inhibits microbes and acts as an antiviral agent and lowers body temperature. Eating coconuts is good for diabetes, as these fruits stimulate the production of your own insulin and reduce blood glucose levels.

Coconut water perfectly quenches thirst, increases the overall tone of the body, and saves you from loss of strength. It is recommended for athletes to drink after grueling workouts in order to replenish the body’s mineral reserves lost during sweating.

Is coconut nut dangerous, what harm is possible from it?

Coconut is an amazing fruit that has absolutely no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to its components. However, there are not many people who are allergic to coconut and its derivatives.

Coconut - Health Benefits

Coconut water, which is inside the fruit, is drunk fresh. It has an excellent healing effect if consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. The pulp extracted from the nuts is eaten both fresh and used to make coconut milk, shavings, and added to various dishes.

It is known that oil is made from coconuts, which is widely used in cosmetology. It is also rich in its chemical composition. It is added to creams and face masks, shampoos, hair masks, and all kinds of body lotions. Cold-pressed coconut oil is especially beneficial because it retains all the vitamins and minerals.

How to use a nut, how to open it with your own hands?

People who bought this fruit for the first time to try, for the most part, encounter a problem, because the nut’s peel is quite strong, and it’s difficult to crack it without knowing how to do it correctly. Before using a drill or hammer, examine the fruit. You will see that it has three spots or shadows - two smaller and one larger. The second is what interests us. Take a knife with a thin blade and make a hole where the larger stain is located. Drain the liquid from this hole, having prepared a cup in advance.

Now you will need a knife with a large and wide blade. Turn it over so that the blunt side of the blade is facing the nut. Strike the center of the nut with moderate force, constantly turning the fruit in a circle. It will take 1-2 minutes for the nut to crack. When you hear a crack, knock 2-3 more times, after which a mother-in-law will form on the shell. Now just open the nut. Ready!

Coconuts are fruits that have high value in the countries where they grow. In the CIS countries, of course, coconut palms do not grow, but still their fruits are not inaccessible to us. You can find nuts in supermarkets, and coconut water or oil of these fruits in pharmacies. So we can experience the benefits of coconuts ourselves. Be sure to treat yourself to this tropical fruit as soon as possible.

Exotic and tropical delicacies have always aroused keen interest among gourmets. Coconut is considered one of these overseas guests - under its hard shell hides extremely tasty and nutritious pulp. How is coconut useful and are there any contraindications to its use?

Chemical composition, calorie content and BJU of coconut

100 g of coconut contains 354 kcal.

The overseas nut also contains:

  • proteins - 3.4 g;
  • fats -33.5 g;
  • carbohydrates -6.2 g;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • lauric acid.

What are the benefits of coconut for the body?

Coconut is an almost universal product; it is difficult to find an area in which it would not be useful.

Main beneficial properties of coconut:

  • Helps fight bacteria, viruses, infections. Lauric acid is responsible for this. In terms of the amount of its content, coconut is second only to breast milk.
  • Helps strengthen the nervous system.
  • Positively affects the state of the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Has an anthelmintic effect.
  • Regulates digestion.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints.
  • Helps improve blood circulation.
  • It is considered a good aphrodisiac.
  • Improves the condition of the skin.
  • Helps fight atherosclerosis.
  • Has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

What are the benefits for women

Coconut is extremely beneficial for a woman’s body:

  1. It has a strong cosmetic effect, beneficially affecting the condition of the skin and hair.
  2. Helps normalize the menstrual cycle. In addition, coconut and its derivatives relieve menstrual pain and prevent the development of fungal infections.

Benefits for the male body

Coconut is also relevant for the male body. Its main function is to maintain normal male health. This is a delicacy - An excellent remedy for the prevention of prostatitis. Coconut extracts are included in many drugs designed to combat pathologies of the male genital area. Coconut has the ability to increase potency and reproductive functions of the stronger sex.

In addition, the high protein content allows athletes to use coconut as a special nutrition. It helps build muscle mass, increases endurance during training, and energizes you.

Coconut is one of those wonderful fruits that provides the nutritional needs of humans and has many health benefits. By the way, this nut can even save lives. Few people know that this fruit reduces blood levels and prevents dehydration, and in some extreme cases, its juice can be used to replace blood plasma. And that's not all the amazing facts about this fruit.

What is coconut

Coconuts are the fruits of coconut palms growing on tropical seashores. An adult tree reaches up to 30 meters in height, while the diameter of the pillar rarely exceeds 40 cm.

Interestingly, the name of the fruit translated from Portuguese means “monkey”. Someone once noticed that the spotted walnut closely resembles the face of a monkey. This is how the tree got its name.

Although the fruits of this palm tree are usually called nuts, they are actually drupes. It consists of an upper fibrous layer, a hard shell, and the white fleshy pulp used for food is the seed of the fruit. The liquid inside the nut is scientifically called endosperm and is part of the seed. Over time (during the ripening of the fruit) it turns into a yellowish oily substance. A ripe coconut can weigh between 1.5 and 2.5 kg.

It is difficult to say when and where the first coconut tree appeared on the planet. Although it is clear that her homeland is warm countries, presumably Malaysia. Wild trees are common in both hemispheres. But for industrial purposes, this palm tree is grown in Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines.

Nutritional value and composition

It's hard to believe, but not so long ago coconut had a pretty bad reputation.

These nuts were believed to clog arteries, raise cholesterol and lead to heart disease.

Today, however, humanity already knows that these wonderful nuts are extremely nutritious, rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

Coconut water is one of the richest sources of electrolytes, which are necessary for proper hydration of muscles and nerve cells. The liquid contained in coconuts contains almost no calories, carbohydrates or fat. But it is rich in ascorbic acid and proteins. But the fruit crumb, on the contrary, is an exceptional source of healthy fats, and also contains a rich composition of minerals, vitamins and.

Coconut oil is a source of natural lipids, including long-chain lipids, and these substances are useful for improving metabolism and losing excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 g
Calorie content354 kcal
3.3 g
33.5 g
15.2 g
3.5 mg
0.2 mg
0.3 mcg
0.2 mg
0.6 mg
0.4 mg
0.2 mg
25 mcg
12.3 mg
15 mg
2.5 mg
33 mg
115 mg
361 mg
22 mg
1.2 mg
0.5 mg
1.5 mg
10.1 mcg
47 g
1 g

Beneficial features

The people of ancient India knew about the health benefits of coconuts. They used the plant as an antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and immune-boosting agent. But humanity discovered a more complete list of the benefits of this fruit relatively recently - when researchers began to study the chemical composition of coconuts and their effect on the cells of organisms.

One of the most amazing powers of coconuts was discovered during World War II. In the Pacific region, doctors, faced with a plasma shortage, used pure coconut water from young nuts instead of the necessary substance to save the lives of soldiers. It turned out that its composition is almost identical to the chemical formula of human blood. Moreover, coconut liquid is ideal for people with any blood type.

Thanks to their antioxidant properties, coconuts can serve for:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • supplying the body with energy and increasing physical endurance;
  • regulation of cholesterol;
  • improved digestion;
  • glucose stabilization;
  • activation of insulin production;
  • fighting cancer;
  • restoration of proper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • prevention of bladder and kidney diseases;
  • fighting viruses;
  • regulation of hormonal levels;
  • losing weight;
  • improving metabolism;
  • getting rid of bacteria;
  • infection control;
  • memory improvements;
  • protecting hair and skin from ultraviolet radiation and early aging.

Coconut pulp, water, and oil have these and other benefits.

Benefits for the body:

Coconut products: harm and benefit

To experience the benefits of coconut, you don’t have to eat only its pulp. There are other forms that also have a beneficial effect on the body.

Coconut oil

It is considered one of the healthiest and safest for cooking. When it comes to the chemical composition, it becomes clear that it is superior in its benefits to olive oil. Unlike other types of fats used for cooking, coconut oil does not form polymerized lipids or dangerous trans fats that increase cholesterol levels in the body.

This product is rich in , and they help improve overall health. This substance is able to cleanse the body of toxins, and as a cosmetic product it perfectly moisturizes the skin, slows down its aging, and keeps it smooth and healthy for a long time.

Coconut oil is also useful for protecting teeth from bacteria that cause tooth decay and other diseases. And applied to the gums it prevents bleeding and strengthens the teeth.

Another benefit of coconut oil is that it really helps you lose weight. Studies have shown that this product, rich in , regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland and speeds up metabolism. It is these two factors that determine coconut oil's reputation as an anti-obesity product.

Coconut water

Another amazing ability of coconuts is to purify water. These fruits are delicious natural filters. It takes the nut almost 9 months to purify a liter of water contained in its shell. The result is a crystal clear and sterile liquid, which, as it turns out, can even be infused into human blood vessels.

In addition, coconut water contains the highest concentration of electrolytes known in nature. As a result, this substance is ideal for hydration.

Coconut cream

The named product is made from nut pulp, reminiscent, but thicker in consistency. Cosmetologists claim that this is the best product for skin care. Unlike traditional creams, which actually force fat molecules into the skin, coconut oils gently moisturize the skin and activate the production of its own secretions.

When it comes to purchasing coconut products, there are several things to consider. Still, whole coconuts are more useful than products from these fruits. Meanwhile, finding high-quality fruit outside tropical countries can sometimes be problematic.

It is worth remembering that young nuts contain more pure unsaturated fats compared to more mature fruits. It is young coconuts that have a better effect on the immune system, metabolism, and they are also more effective in the fight against wrinkles. But how do you know how old the coconut is in front of you? Young nuts are usually green in color and have an unusual shape. Their crumb is softer, sometimes gel-like, while in more mature fruits it is hard and less juicy. Brown and “hairy” fruits are mature nuts. They are, of course, also useful, but still not as useful as young ones.

Cooks often resort to using coconuts. Due to its health benefits and low glycemic index, coconut oil has replaced other vegetable fats and butter for many. Cooks are also increasingly turning to coconut sugar and flour, which have a reputation for being healthy and tasty ingredients.

Coconut flour is the dried and ground flesh of the fruit. Valued for being gluten-free, low in carbohydrates, but high in fiber. This substance is ideal for baking.

Coconut milk - made by mixing the crushed coconut and water, then straining the mixture through cheesecloth. This substance is a traditional component of Thai cuisine. The same substance, but in a thicker concentration, is called coconut cream.

Coconut sugar is a product made from the sweet sap of the plant. The taste is reminiscent of cane, but with a caramel flavor. The peculiarity of this product is its high concentration of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It has a characteristic low glycemic index, which makes this product suitable for consumption by people with diabetes.

Coconut meat is a versatile food. It can be consumed raw, boiled or dried. Finely grated or in the form of small, lightly fried pieces, it is excellent in salads. Coconut, crushed in a blender, is an excellent addition to fruit smoothies or drinks with yogurt.

In tropical countries, coconut is used to make an exotic side dish. To do this, add crushed red pepper, juice, coriander and fresh mint leaves, and coconut milk to fresh grated coconut.

How to open a coconut

This is perhaps the only difficulty that arises with these nuts. Now you will learn how to open coconuts correctly.

Place the nut on a cutting board and use a metal screwdriver or nail to make a hole in one of the “eyes” of the nut (only one of the three “eyes” will be soft and susceptible to impact). Drain the coconut water through the hole. After this, hit the point several times with the blunt side of the knife, at a distance of approximately 1/3 from the “eyes” to the other end of the nut. Insert a knife into the crack that appears and turn it easily. After this (if everything is done correctly) the nut will split into halves.

Coconut is a plant with a thousand-year history, and its fruits play a key role as a healthy food product, especially for crops that inhabit the shores of the Western Pacific Ocean. And although opening this nut is not the easiest task, the aromatic pulp and healthy juice inside are worth a little fiddling.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Coconut, or cocoanut, is the fruit of the coconut palm tree and, according to biological parameters, is drupe. The coconut owes its name to its appearance - on the surface of the fruit there are three indentations reminiscent of the face of a monkey (from the Portuguese coco- monkey). Coconut palms grow in many countries with a tropical climate; sandy soils and the proximity of the ocean are ideal for them, so Malaysia is considered the birthplace of the coconut, where the weather conditions are most favorable.

The coconut has an almost round shape (sometimes with a slight elongation), the size of the fruit ranges from 12 to 30 cm in length, the weight can reach one and a half kg, coconuts familiar to us weigh 350-400 g. The coconut is a complex fruit, upper dense part ( coir) covered with hard hairs, the inner flesh is white ( copra) is protected by a thin brown shell. Inside copra there is a clear liquid ( endosperm), which thickens and turns white as the coconut matures. The liquid is called “coconut water”; when microparticles of oil secreted by copra get into it, it thickens and can completely harden. The taste and aroma of coconut pulp are unique; there are no analogues in nature.

Calories in coconut

The calorie content of coconut is 354 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Coconut pulp contains indigestible dietary fiber, which normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates intestinal motility and is a kind of “scrub” that removes deposits from the intestinal walls. Coconut is a supplier of high-quality vegetable fat, which by definition cannot contain cholesterol (calorizator). The product has an impressive vitamin-mineral complex, which includes: vitamins, which is isolated from mineral substances, which is important for the body, it is necessary for conversion into hemoglobin and is involved in the processes of cell growth and hair pigmentation. Lauric acid, which coconuts are rich in, helps convert saturated fatty acids into beneficial ones and has antimicrobial properties.

Coconut water is still used as a saline solution in countries where coconuts are a common staple. Coconut oil is a universal product; it can be added to food (porridge, dough, etc.) and used to moisturize the skin.

Harm of coconut

Individual intolerance to coconut and allergic reactions after eating it are common. Excessive consumption of coconut is not recommended for those who have a “weak” stomach due to its high fiber content.

When choosing a coconut, you should take it in your hands, visually assess the integrity of the shell and the absence of dents, chips and impact marks. Then the coconut should be shaken; if the sound of splashing liquid is heard inside, you can safely purchase the coconut. The absence of any sounds indicates that the nut was picked a long time ago, the liquid has dried out or spilled out through microcracks.

In order to get coconut water, you need to carefully make a hole in one of the three recesses on the back of the coconut. After draining the liquid, you need to arm yourself with patience and the simplest tools - a hammer, a screwdriver or a sharp, strong knife. On the surface of the coconut there is an “equator” - a visible strip dividing the fruit in half. It is along this line that you need to make several holes, and then, using some force using a wide knife blade, divide the coconut into halves. Carefully remove the white pulp and use the shell for decoration or as desired.

Applications of coconut in various fields

Waste from the production of coconut oil is an excellent feed for livestock, the fibers surrounding the nut are raw materials for the manufacture of ropes, ropes, brushes, carpets and mats. Coconut shells are used to make crafts, souvenirs, buttons, musical instruments and tableware.

Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology; it is used to make:

  • Face and body masks;
  • Sun creams;
  • Massage mixtures;
  • Lip balms;
  • Scrubs;
  • Masks for hair and scalp;
  • Remedies for sunburn;
  • Creams for cracked skin and stretch marks after pregnancy.

Coconut in cooking

Coconut is used to make desserts, creams, added to baked goods and decorated with finished delicacies. Coconut pieces are included in many mixtures of nuts and dried fruits; the nut goes well with some meat dishes and is a traditional ingredient in Asian cuisines. Alcoholic drinks - liqueurs and tinctures - are produced from coconut.

For more information about coconut, see its benefits in the video “Coconut Milk, Coconut Oil” from the TV program “Live Healthy”.
