Marbled green painted eggs. Marble colored eggs: amazing Easter eggs. Ninth: funny faces

Quilling- This is an interesting activity, it has many fans among both children and adults. Products using this technique do not require a lot of tools for production. They are very beautiful and easy to make. In this master class you will learn how to make an owl from the “Owl Birds” series using paper and glue. The product can be used as earrings, a pendant or as a keychain.

To create a miracle you will need:

- scissors,
- paper of the required colors,
- accessories for the product you want to make.

The paper should be thin strips, 5 mm wide.

Let's get to work.

1. Making the head for the owl.

1.1. We twist a yellow strip 15 cm long. First we twist it tightly, then we release it, as in the photo
Roll brown on top (2-3 layers).
1.2. Take a white strip (0.5 cm) and twist it, then yellow (3 layers) and brown (1 layer). These will be the eyes.
1.3. We twist 2 brown strips of 1.5 cm each, let them go and make the shape of a curved droplet using our fingers. You can take paper with a width of 3 mm.
1.4. Let's make a composition. On a large stake we glue the eyes, then the ears, these are brown “droplets”. We coat everything generously with glue.

2. Making the torso.

2.1. We take a yellow strip - 25 cm and a brown strip - 20-15 cm.
We combine them, twist them, let them go. Fix with glue.
2.2. We take four strips of 15-20 cm each of yellow and the same brown. We combine yellow with brown, twist, form droplets. These are wings.

3. Making a composition.

3.1. Glue the head to a large circle. Then glue the wings symmetrically.
3.2. On top of the head, glue a circle, it is so that there is a place for fastening accessories.
3.3. We coat everything generously with glue. You can use 3-5 layers, you just need to wait until each one dries.
3.4. We cover it with acrylic varnish (you don’t have to do this) for a better appearance.
3.5 The product is ready, wear it with pleasure!

Visual master classes of different birds from strips of paper:

The art of quilling allows you to embody the most incredible ideas and ideas in inconspicuous paper strips, creating real masterpieces that you want to cover with glass and admire, like in a museum. Animals and birds made from paper strips occupy a separate category. The diversity of the animal world is very easily reflected in the paper world.

Such crafts are very simple to make and do not require a large amount of materials, special tools or special skills in the quilling technique. Most often they consist of a small number of parts - a few spirals, a couple of droplets, etc.

Animals using quilling technique

Using the skills of this art, you can get very different results. Quilling for beginners allows you to create funny little animals from the simplest elements that will become children's favorite toys.

Based on special patterns, you can decorate various postcards with quilling animals, or create a panel or picture for the wall in the nursery. The funny faces of these animals will entertain you during the creation process and will delight the eye for a long time afterwards. Children really like this; they happily twist the stripes to decorate a postcard for their mother or teacher with a cute animal.

Using cut paper you can create a real home puppet theater or a small zoo. Children will be happy to participate in the creative process and make their first crafts. And playing with toys you’ve made yourself will not only be a joy, but will also allow you to be proud of your skills.

Very often, not only standard paper strips are used for children's creativity. Animals twisted from corrugated cardboard of different colors turn out to be interesting.

Volumetric animals will become a magnificent interior decoration that will attract attention and delight guests. Such crafts will require a certain level of skill, tools, and consumables. Those who are just mastering the art of paper rolling can rely on master classes that describe the entire process step by step.

Paintings using the contour quilling technique deserve special attention. From a distance they look like real watercolor paintings.

An animal or bird “drawn” with paper strips will organically complement the design, become the highlight of the interior, and most importantly, will warm the soul with the pleasant knowledge that this masterpiece was made by hand.

Video tutorials on animal curling

Birds using quilling technique

The kingdom of birds is no less diverse. Quilling allows you to very elegantly convey the airiness and lightness of birds. Funny little figures will be a great decoration for a postcard or Christmas tree.

Quilling birds can serve as an independent, central element of a full-fledged picture or become part of a larger plot canvas.

When creating birds, the same techniques and elements are used as when creating animals. These can be two-dimensional images of basic shapes.

There may be contour images emphasizing the lightness, tenderness, and delicacy of the bird

Three-dimensional quilling bird figurines are often rolled up and can be used as interior decorations or toys for children.

Video tutorials on bird curling

Schemes for creating animals and birds using the quilling technique

Sometimes your own ideas flow like a fountain and your hands can hardly keep up with the flight of thoughts. But it happens that you cannot come up with your own sketch of a future job, especially if you still have little experience. In this case, various quilling patterns can come to the rescue. They can serve as specially created sketches by other masters, as well as ordinary black and white pictures for coloring or contour, silhouette paintings.

Below you will find a selection of diagrams, sketches, and contours of varying complexity that will serve as the basis for creating animals and birds from quilling. They can be used as a basis for gluing elements (to create cards or paintings), and as a basis for contour quilling. Not only experienced craftsmen, but also novice needlewomen or even children will be able to work with such schemes.

Despite their apparent simplicity, birds or animals made using the quilling technique rightfully take pride of place on the shelves and walls of their creators, allowing them to be proud of their efforts.

Video: Quilling for beginners

This fabulous creature is a symbol of rebirth. Legends say that she bestows unfading beauty, youth and immortality. A paper firebird is a fun creative process for the whole family. There is something for everyone. We invite you to an exciting master class!

To make it you will need:

  • colored paper
  • base (on which the bird will be glued)
  • pencil
  • sheet of paper for template
  • scissors

We chose bright and dark orange for the bird. When we have prepared all the materials used, we begin to work.

First, take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and draw a firebird template on it.

Then we carefully cut it out and unfold it. Our template will look something like this in the figure below.

Take it and paste it onto the base (choose the color at your discretion) and put it aside to dry.

Now let's start making feathers. To do this, first cut the sheets into pieces of different sizes, fold them in half, and glue them together. The stripes should make a feather. They must be different sizes. Preliminarily the same as shown in the picture below.

Their number will depend on the size of the bird. Keep in mind that much more yellow feathers will be used than dark orange ones.

When you have made the parts, you begin to gradually glue them onto the prepared Firebird template. Glue first on the left and then on the right. However, please note that the first wing will not consist of 5 stripes, but of three. Everything should turn out as shown in the figure.

We glue the second row in the same way, only we glue one dark orange feather at the bottom.

On the third and fourth rows, only dark orange feathers will be glued.

We glue it on the other side in the same way. And the wings are ready. And they look like this.

Now let's make the tail. Here we carefully glue four yellow feathers from below.

Then on the second row we glue again three yellow ones, and on the third - two dark orange ones, on the fourth - one of the same color.

We completely seal the body with smaller parts. We start gluing all the elements from the bottom, gradually rising to the top.

The poultry base is ready. Now we make curls on the tail on both sides. To do this, you need to clamp several pieces of paper tightly at the end, then wrap them carefully and give them the shape of curls. We glue them from the very beginning of the tail and on both sides. The size of these curls is at your discretion.

Now we make the head for the firebird from the yellow pieces. First we glue them at the ends, their length will be approximately 3-4 m. The result is a tape. We carefully spread it with glue and roll it up little by little. The result should be a small circle. We glue one rhinestone onto it, which in turn will serve as the basis for the eye. Although it is possible to use a ready-made plastic eye, or one that you make in advance. Glue on top of the body. We make a mouth out of red. To do this, press and shape it into a triangle. And on top there is a green crest. You should get it as shown in the picture.

Carrying out such quilling appliqué will not present any difficulties even for novice craftsmen. In this case, the firebird is first cut out of ordinary colored paper, and then the applique is given volume using openwork curls.

To make the picture beautiful and neat, first of all we draw or print a template with the image of a firebird. Transfer it to colored paper and cut it out. Then we glue the colored parts onto the base.

After the main picture is ready, we begin quilling the fire bird, step by step decorating it with quilling elements. For design we use a few simple “building blocks”:

  • Regular curls are strips of paper with spirals twisted on only one side. The second end of the paper tape is free.
  • "Eyes." To create such an element, we first twist the loose roll, and then, slightly squeezing it from the sides, squeeze the opposite ends.
  • "Drops". Forming this part is similar to making an “eye”, only the tip is clamped on one side. In some cases, you will need to additionally bend the “drop” a little so that it follows the bend of the feather.
  • "Triangle". We also form it from a free spiral, pressing the workpiece from below and sharpening it from above.
  • "Pom-poms." In order to make a fluffy element, the quilling strip must first be cut into fine fringe. Then we twist the fringed ribbon into a tight roll, secure the tip and straighten the fringe.

A plastic eye and eyelashes made from simple thin paper strips will help make the bird more “alive.”

To complete the composition, stars of different sizes can be applied to the background (added or pasted, after cutting it out of silver paper or foil).

Craft from ordinary stripes

Another simple craft in the quilling style is a firebird made from bright multi-colored stripes. Since the fairy-tale-mythical bird is primarily associated with the sun and fire, yellow, red and orange colors should predominate in its design. But in order to make the picture more original, you can add other shades to the main colors.

Experienced craftsmen who are already quite skilled in working with paper strips can lay out the applique right away. For beginners, it will be easier to first draw a firebird based on quilling, and only then gradually stick paper tapes onto the outline.

To make the bird look more elegant, it is best to use not very wide strips of paper (no more than 3 mm) to create a picture.

Illustration for a fairy tale

Firebird is found in many Russian folk and even original fairy tales. Therefore, it can also be used to work with children, creating interesting and colorful illustrations for the works they read. A master class on creating a picture with firebirds and an apple tree using the quilling technique using simple elements and techniques will help with this.

To work you will need to stock up:

  • a tool for winding paper rolls;
  • paper of green, red, yellow and orange colors;
  • a sheet of cardboard and a simple pencil.

You will also need PVA glue and a little patience.

The algorithm for making firebird quilling in this microscope consists of several stages:

  1. Draw a sketch of the future illustration. You can simplify the task by printing a ready-made picture.
  2. We make blanks in the form of triangles, squares, curls and rolls of various sizes.
  3. We lay out the “bricks” according to the drawing/template. For convenience, we first mark all the contours, gluing the parts not only to the base, but also to each other. Then we fill in the silhouettes, changing the shape of the quilling elements if necessary, and laying them out as tightly as possible.

The resulting picture can be framed and placed on a bookshelf next to your favorite fairy tale books.

Painting using contour quilling technique

An original and elegant craft in the form of a proud and bright firebird can be made with your own hands in the style of contour quilling on a light background. All you need for this: yellow and red (various shades) strips of thick paper, a silhouette of a bird drawn on paper, and glue.

First, we repeat all the lines of the pencil outline with dark red paper tapes, repeating all the bends. Then we fill the outline with stripes of various shades of red, orange and yellow so that the wings and tail of the bird resemble tongues of flame. To give the bird additional grace, some of the “feathers” can be slightly curled using a toothpick or a paper rolling tool.

A firebird made in this quilling style can decorate any gift or card. Also, with the help of this master class, you can create three-dimensional decor to decorate a children's room or group in a preschool institution.

Feather decoration

Psychologists say that nothing calms the nervous system more than monotonous manual labor. For the purpose of your own peace of mind and, in general, for the soul, you can take up such a common type of needlework as quilling. This type of needlework has a fairly rich history. It is very popular among beginners (children, schoolchildren and youth), as well as among already accomplished masters.

Using the paper rolling technique, you can create beautiful paintings, postcards, photo frames, or decorate a gift for a loved one. This activity is not very difficult, but it requires perseverance and patience, since to create a full-fledged product it is necessary to make a large number of component elements and carry out all the work step by step.

Necessary materials

For this type of creativity you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • thick colored paper (preferably double-sided), which is cut into strips. A ready-made set of special colored paper for quilling is also suitable;
  • a thin rod specially designed for paper rolling;
  • cardboard;
  • stencil with round holes of various diameters;
  • compass;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • PVA glue;
  • paper scissors + manicure scissors;
  • tweezers, preferably surgical ones with a tooth at the end.

Attention! You can read more about all this in the article “”.

Quilling masters with extensive experience use special paper cutting machines, a glue gun to create three-dimensional shapes, and cork boards. But for a beginner, it is quite possible to make do with improvised materials that are found in every home. The thin paper rolling rod can be replaced with an awl, toothpick or manicure stick. When buying ready-made paper, you should pay attention to the length of the stripes. It is desirable that it be significantly longer than the length of an A4 sheet. Many manufacturers manage to sell regular paper under the guise of special quilling paper.

Before you start learning how to make animals or birds using the quilling technique, you need to learn how to make basic elements. There are several main types:

  • spiral;
  • little eye;
  • drop;
  • leaf;
  • crescent;
  • arrow;
  • wing;
  • paw;
  • oval;
  • rhombus;
  • triangle and square.

Photos of finished elements can be found in a book on quilling or on the pages of online publications. The production of each element is based on the creation of a basic element - a roll. In order to make the right roll, you need to:

  • take a strip of paper 0.2-0.9 cm wide and up to 25 cm long;
  • one edge of it must be clamped between the forked end of a rod or a split toothpick;
  • We roll a tight roll along the entire length of the strip;
  • When the entire strip of paper has been used, a little glue is applied to its open end and secured. This is done with a toothpick;
  • All that remains is to remove the finished roll from the rod.

Remember! When making any crafts with their own hands, novice craftsmen must strictly follow the instructions.

Other elements are made using the same scheme; only after removal they are given the desired shape. For example, when we squeeze one edge of the roll with our fingers, we get a droplet; when we squeeze it from both sides, we get a leaf or an eye. In general, everything in quilling is quite simple; you just need to arm yourself with patience and imagination. As practice shows, it takes beginner craftswomen up to 60 minutes to make one flower, while an experienced craftsman needs 15-20 minutes.

Master class: do it yourself

According to experienced quilling masters, after studying the patterns of basic floral motifs, you can safely begin “studying” master classes on making quilling birds. Most often, quilling technology is used to make a firebird or a peacock, which look very beautiful against a plain background of the picture. You can also make a rooster, parrot and other birds and animals.

Step-by-step guide to making a fairy peacock using the quilling technique:

  1. Before you start making a bird, it is recommended to download from the Internet or draw a sketch of the future painting by hand.
  2. For the base you need to take cardboard of the required format, which is covered with a tinted coating or thin fabric of the desired color.
  3. In the picture, the branches of a tree, the same one on which the peacock will show off, are formed by twisting brown paper.
  4. To prevent the tree from looking “naked,” the required number of green leaves are prepared using the quilling technique.
  5. The picture will be complemented by soft pink petals, which are made from paper fringe.
  6. Next, we proceed to making the components of the peacock, for which we will need strips of purple, yellow, green and blue colors, as well as fringe (10 cm in length and 0.8 cm in width).
  7. We attach a purple strip, 15 cm long, to the rod, which we twist into a tight roll. Then we glue a blue stripe to the tip of the purple one, then yellow and green.
  8. We squeeze the twisted multi-colored roll at one edge to give it a droplet shape.
  9. In this way, the required number of multi-colored elements is prepared to create the peacock’s tail.
  10. When all the elements are ready, you need to cover them with bright green or light green fringe.
  11. From a single-color material we make droplets of blue and green color, from which we will later lay out the body and head of the bird.
  12. For the crown we make 5 small rolls on a stem.
  13. When all the pieces are ready, you can begin to “assemble” the bird.
  14. To do this, apply glue to the drawn outline, after which we lay out the head, crown, body, wing and tail of the bird one by one, carefully fastening all the elements with glue.
  15. To give the picture completeness, we attach the flowers to the branches, let the picture dry, and place it in a frame.

This instruction will help you make not only a peacock, but also a rooster or other bright bird. The main thing in this matter is patience, perseverance and imagination. The above-described step-by-step algorithm is only a basic basis to which you can add your own details and elements, depending on your imagination. This picture can be given as a gift to loved ones or friends, because a peacock or firebird are symbols of success and prosperity. And finally, you can decorate your home with it, giving it new colors and comfort.

Enlarge the picture (interesting ideas):
