Corn porridge in a Moulinex pressure cooker. Corn porridge with milk in a slow cooker. VKontakte group: Interesting videos: Meat dishes in a redmond slow cooker

Who cooked what in this miracle of technology.

common topic.

Anna (Cahir)  The recipe book that comes with Brand 6051 can be found in the group’s documents: dl=89325bb724092..
From the book they made: Buzhenina, Rassolnik (with variations on boiled pork broth), Soup.
Now the millet porridge is being cooked. Since the device hasn’t even been alive for a week in our house, that’s all for now. :)

Evgeniy (Karlijn)  So, the porridge is ready and eaten. I’ll tell you a secret - it wasn’t prepared from a book. Before cooking, I found somewhere on the Internet that porridge under pressure is not so tasty and there is no need to overheat the milk (well, we went through chemistry and what lactation is).
In a word, how it was:
in the liter bag there was about half a liter of 3.2% milk left, brought it to a liter with cold boiling water, poured 3/4 measuring cup of selected millet (taken from the mouse) into the bowl, poured it with diluted milk (it is not necessary to dilute it, there is milk in the house there was no more..

no.. at all.. because..) they threw in a tablespoon of granulated sugar and sprinkled it with a pinch of salt, closed the lid and after connecting the network cable to the network - pressed the MANUAL MODE button, checked the temperature of 95 degrees and set the timer to an hour, that’s it ...let's start a group ;)
And an hour later... an hour later we devoured delicious millet porridge to our heart's content :)

Evgeniy (Karlijn)  Meat in a piece, a la boiled pork:
kilo of meat. perfectly fresh pork neck
Cut 2-3 cloves of garlic into slices, insert with a knife into the thickness of the meat piece (stuff)
black pepper, rock salt - mix together, grate a piece of meat
basil, mustard seed, crushed bay leaf, horseradish, Indian cumin... (well, who else will find anything in the stash) mix with a spoon of mayonnaise, spread with your hands on the kusman grated with salt and pepper.
Forget all this on the table for an hour, covering it with something from the encroachments of a domestic predator (fresh meat cut into pieces of 1 cubic cm and placed in a bowl also helps well against the encroachments of a domestic predator).
After an hour, return to the kitchen and in a deep, thoroughly heated frying pan (when the olive oil poured into it begins to give off a slightly noticeable smoke) fry the kusmanchik on all sides until golden brown, deftly turning it over with two wooden Chinese chopsticks (you can also use tongs for meat anyway, it won’t be offended anymore)
Next: place everything in the pan into the pressure cooker bowl and add a measuring cup of any water. Close the lid, plug the plug into the socket and set the MEAT mode and time to 45 minutes - start preparing the delicacy, go about your business.
After about an hour, take the piece out of the pressure cooker bowl and leave it to cool until it cools, then either put it in the refrigerator, or cut it into pieces and, using another no less Chinese vacuum device, seal it in a plastic bag and put it out of sight so that the guests didn't see it ;)

Tags: How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker or pressure cooker

VKontakte group: Interesting videos: Meat dishes in a redmond multicooker: ...

Corn porridge in a pressure cooker cooks very quickly, even in... To cook milk porridge, take 0.5 liters of milk (you can...

Jun 15, 2014 - This is a miracle!! I practically don’t know how to cook porridge, using instant cereal on the stove! I threw everything into the slow cooker for 20 minutes. and that's it...

how to cook corn porridge in a pressure cooker? | Topic author: Kirill

Victor a glass of cereal for three glasses of milk, 5 tsp. sugar, half tsp. salt. Close the lid and cook for 50 minutes over low heat.

Leonid  Composition
corn grits - 3 tablespoons,
butter - 5 g,
milk - 100 ml,
water - 100 ml
Rinse the corn grits in cold water, place in a saucepan, add cold water and cook until tender.
Rub the hot porridge through a sieve or grind in a blender.
Add hot milk, stir, bring to a boil.
Season the finished porridge with butter.
You can add 50 g of banana, peeled and mashed with a fork, to the corn porridge.

Gennady  It’s better not to cook porridge in a pressure cooker. If you decide to cook porridge in a pressure cooker, add more water than necessary. From the moment the “whistle” begins, about 30 minutes, reducing the heat. Then cool, open the pan and look - if there is excess water, drain it, cook in a regular saucepan, adding salt and Parmesan.

Vladimir  Mamalygu, or what? You don't need a pressure cooker for this. An ordinary saucepan.

Porridge in a slow cooker - 9 recipes for 9 cereals on one page!

How to cook milk porridge without it running away? ... 9 recipes for 9 cereals + milk porridge and porridge with meat... Corn porridge in a slow cooker... add more and more recipes for a slow cooker - pressure cooker.

How to cook corn porridge - step-by-step recipes with photos

To prepare corn porridge in a slow cooker you will need: ... Corn porridge in a pressure cooker turns out very tasty and rich. And time for...

Step-by-step recipes for cooking corn porridge in a pressure cooker using water or milk

2017-10-31 Ekaterina Lyfar





In 100 grams of the finished dish

4 gr.

4 gr.


12 gr.

104 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for corn porridge in a pressure cooker

Corn porridge is usually underrated and rarely seen on the dinner table. But this cereal contains vitamins A, B and C, fiber and other useful substances. It is hypoallergenic and leaves a feeling of fullness in the stomach for a long time. But housewives do not like to cook porridge because of the need for constant stirring. You cannot leave the stove for a minute, because the dish can “escape” from the pan.

With the advent of the multicooker, cooking has become much easier. You just need to choose the right ingredients, set up the device and wait for the result. Using different pressure cooker modes, you can get original dishes that will appeal to all family members. Ground corn kernels go well with berries, meat and vegetables.


  • Cereals - 150 g;
  • Milk - 1200 ml;
  • Butter - 20 g;
  • Salt and sugar;
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for corn porridge in a pressure cooker

Rinse the cereal and place it in the pressure cooker bowl.

Add milk, sugar and salt to corn kernels. Mix everything thoroughly, put a piece of butter on top.

If milk sometimes escapes in your multicooker, grease its walls with butter. The liquid will not rise beyond this line.

Place the valve in the “closed” position if your device has one.

Cook the dish for 20 minutes in the “milk porridge” or “cereals” mode.

Once cooking is complete, open the valve to release steam. Stir the porridge and serve. To make the dish even tastier, sprinkle it with berries or dried fruits. Instead of sugar, you can add honey or sliced ​​bananas.

The amount of milk and its fat content directly depend on the cereal. If it is finely ground, use more liquid. For a crumbly side dish, combine milk and water in 1:1 proportions, do not add sugar and vanilla. For children, it is better to prepare soft porridge with plenty of liquid.

Option 2: Quick recipe for corn porridge in a pressure cooker

Kids will definitely love this sweet porridge. It can be prepared even if there is no milk or butter at home. Such porridge will be very tasty and nutritious, although it does not simmer in a pressure cooker for 40-50 minutes. If you have the Multicook function, it will help to significantly reduce the cooking time.


  • Corn grits - 100 g;
  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Condensed milk - 50 g.

How to quickly cook corn porridge in a pressure cooker

First, combine condensed milk and water in one container. Stir everything thoroughly, add a little sugar if necessary.

Rinse the cereal with cold water and sort it.

Pour corn grits into a pressure cooker, add water and condensed milk. Stir gently again.

Turn on the multicooker to the “rice” or “porridge” mode. As a rule, 15 minutes are enough to prepare.

Let the dish sit for 10 minutes, then open the valve and remove the finished porridge. Serve with butter and sprinkle with sugar if desired.

If your pressure cooker has a “Porridge” mode, try to always use it. Sometimes it takes more time, but the result is worth it. Some models use several levels of cereal processing: first it is heated, then simmered and evaporated.

Option 3: Millet-corn porridge in a pressure cooker with pumpkin

This colorful mess is sometimes called "Friendship". As a rule, it is prepared from a mixture of millet and rice, but with corn grits it also makes a very tasty dish. Soft pumpkin enhances the taste and color of cereals, and also increases the healthfulness of the finished porridge. Be sure to try making it for your kids!


  • Corn - 100 g;
  • Millet - 100 g;
  • Pumpkin - 200 g;
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Butter - 20 g;
  • Salt and sugar.

Step by step recipe

To prepare porridge according to this recipe, prepare low-fat milk. If its fat content exceeds 3.2%, dilute it with water. Warm to room temperature to avoid pouring cold milk into the slow cooker.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into small portions. You can use both fresh and frozen vegetables.

Wash the millet and scald it with boiling water. If necessary, you can also rinse the corn.

Place a piece of butter in the pressure cooker. Heat it in the “Frying” or “Deep Frying” mode. Fry the pumpkin pieces for 6-7 minutes.

Pour two types of cereal into a bowl. Salt and add sugar.

Pour milk over the porridge, mix all ingredients.

Leave the valve open but close the lid of the pressure cooker. Cook the cereal for 40 minutes in the “Milk porridge” mode. To make it thicker, extend the time to 60 minutes, the last 20 of which the device will be in the “Heating” mode. Serve hot on plates.

If you serve cereal as a side dish for meat, add a little more salt and turmeric to it. To prepare a sweet dish, add vanilla, cinnamon and dried fruits. You can make sunny porridge without pumpkin, but in this case the taste will not be the same.

Option 4: Corn porridge in a pressure cooker with aromatic pork

Corn grits can be more than just dessert or breakfast. In a pressure cooker you can cook it with vegetables, mushrooms or even meat. In this case, porridge becomes a complete side dish; it can be served for lunch or dinner for the whole family.


  • Cereals - 2 multi-cups;
  • Meat - 600 g;
  • Water - 2 multi-glasses;
  • Large onion;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, pepper, favorite spices.

How to cook

First you need to prepare the pork. Rinse it, remove veins and excess fat, cut into portions.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Pour a little oil into the multicooker bowl and fry the onion along with the meat in the “Frying” mode.

When the onions and pork turn golden brown, add corn grits. If you buy portioned porridge in bags, you can do without additional rinsing.

Stir corn into remaining ingredients. Add salt, pepper and spices to taste.

To speed up the cooking of the porridge, add a small amount of warm water. In this case, the pressure in the pressure cooker will build up faster.

Close the multicooker valve. Turn it on in “Porridge” mode, set the timer for 12 minutes.

When the countdown ends, open the valve. After this, you can immediately serve the delicious porridge to the table.

You can add other favorite vegetables to this recipe. Pork goes well with carrots and garlic; in season, you can prepare a dish with tomatoes or bell peppers. Just chop them and add them to the onions at the very beginning of cooking.

Option 5: Banosh corn porridge with cheese in a pressure cooker

This dish with an original name appeared for the first time in Transcarpathia. Local men cook it in a cauldron over a fire. Of course, far from the mountains it is difficult to completely reproduce the banosh recipe. But with the help of a pressure cooker it is quite possible to prepare a very similar tasty dish.


  • Corn grits - 500 g;
  • Sour cream - 450 g;
  • Milk - 600 g;
  • Forest mushrooms or champignons - 200 g;
  • Brynza or suluguni - 300 g;
  • Butter and vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Step by step recipe

First you need to peel and finely chop the onion. Wash the champignons and cut into thin slices. Grate the cheese.

Heat a little vegetable oil in a multicooker bowl. Fry the onion in the “Fry” mode. When it turns golden, add the mushrooms.

Wait until most of the liquid has evaporated from the champignons. Transfer them to a separate container.

If necessary, rinse the corn grits. Place it in a bowl. Add salt, milk and sour cream.

Boil the porridge in the “Buckwheat” mode for 35 minutes. After this, switch the pressure cooker to the “Warming” mode and simmer the dish for another half hour.

Just before serving, sprinkle the corn grits with grated cheese and top with mushrooms.

The original banosh recipe uses sheep cheese. But it has a specific taste and smell, so not everyone likes it. You can replace feta cheese with regular processed or hard cheese. It would be interesting to combine corn porridge with smoked cheese or suluguni.

For some reason, tasty and healthy corn porridge is often left out of the daily menu. And in vain, because it is rich in vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body. Corn porridge is very tasty if prepared correctly. We will now tell you a recipe for making corn porridge in a slow cooker with meat, and not just in a slow cooker, but in a Redmond pressure cooker.

This porridge can be prepared in a slow cooker, but it will take a little longer. If you are the happy owner of a pressure cooker and have never cooked corn porridge in it before, then our recipe will help you a lot.

We already know exactly the cooking time for corn porridge in the Redmond pressure cooker and we know how much water needs to be added to make the porridge tender.

Ingredients for the dish “Corn porridge in a slow cooker with meat”:

  • - corn porridge – 2 multi-cups;
  • - onion – 1 large onion;
  • - pork – 600 grams;
  • - water – 2 multi-glasses;
  • - spices to taste;
  • - a little vegetable oil.

How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker with meat:

To prepare a hearty corn porridge in a slow cooker, let's start by frying the meat and onions. Pour some vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. Select the “Frying” mode. While the bowl is heating, cut the meat into small pieces and chop the onion into cubes. Place the chopped products into the multicooker bowl of the pressure cooker.

Fry the meat and onion together until golden brown.

When the meat and onions are already fried, you can add corn porridge. There is no need to rinse it if you buy porridge packaged in bags. We cut this bag and pour the porridge onto the meat and onions. Salt and pepper the porridge.

Pour warm water over the corn porridge until it covers the porridge. Why pour warm water over porridge? To help the multicooker build up pressure faster. Close the lid of the multicooker pressure cooker. Set the valve to the “Closed” position. Select the “Porridge” mode, cooking time 12 minutes. When the pressure cooker reaches pressure, the countdown will begin. When the multicooker beeps, open the valve and release the pressure.

Serve the finished porridge immediately to the table.

Bon appetit.

Corn porridge in a pressure cooker with pork

Recipe for the Moulinex pressure cooker (Moulinex CE500E32)

I bring to your attention a recipe for cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker with meat. This dish is perfect for lunch or dinner, as a second course.

In our country, corn grits are not very popular compared to other cereals. It refers to products that are easily absorbed by our body. It contains many vitamins and microelements. If you care about your figure, corn porridge in a multi-cooker, without meat, of course, will help you achieve the desired result. Cereals for cooking come in coarse and fine grinding. They are used to prepare soups, cereals, casseroles, and hominy. From large grains, flakes and puffed grains are prepared in a large production facility. From ground corn kernels, corn flour is obtained, from which Italian polenta is prepared. During heat treatment, all beneficial substances are not destroyed.

We will cook corn porridge in a pressure cooker (I have a Moulinex CE500E32). So let's cook.

Ingredients for the dish “Corn porridge in a pressure cooker with pork”:

  • - corn grits 2 multi-cups;
  • - water 4 multi-glasses;
  • - fatty pork 300 grams;
  • - 1 onion;
  • - garlic 3 cloves;
  • - 1 carrot;
  • - sunflower oil 30 ml;
  • - salt to taste;
  • - ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook corn porridge in a pressure cooker with pork:

We start by frying the vegetables. Wash the carrots and peel them using a vegetable peeler. Cut into short thin strips. Peel the onion and garlic and cut into small slices. Pour sunflower oil into a bowl, add onion, garlic and carrots. We start the “frying” mode for 10 minutes. I set the temperature to 160 degrees. I stir with a silicone spatula. I fry for about five minutes.

I used fatty pork so that the cooked porridge would be juicier and tastier. Rinse well and dry with a paper towel. Cut into small pieces using a sharp knife. Add to the fried vegetables and mix well. Fry in the same mode and at the same temperature for five minutes. After frying, turn off this program.

Take corn grits and rinse well in cold water a couple of times to remove all the dust. Add to the fried ingredients. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Here you can use your favorite spices if you have them.

Pour in the required amount of water. Stir and close the lid tightly. Turn on the “rice/cereals” program. The time is automatically set to 9 minutes. This will be enough for us to prepare delicious porridge.

A beep sounded. Disable the program. Open the steam valve slightly, release the resulting steam, then open the lid.

Corn porridge with meat in a pressure cooker is ready. Transfer to another pan and pour into serving bowls. Serve with vegetables and any salad. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

The recipe “Corn porridge in a pressure cooker with pork” was prepared by Svetlaya74

Corn milk porridge in a pressure cooker

Today I invite you to cook sunny milk corn porridge with me in a pressure cooker. For some reason, rice, millet and rolled oats relegated corn grits to the background. Milk porridges made from corn are cooked much less frequently. Meanwhile, the cereal is not only tasty, but also healthy. Corn is considered low-calorie and hypoallergenic. This porridge is good to eat for breakfast. Or maybe even for a second meal for lunch or dinner. For example, in our family it so happens that milk porridge is more often served for dinner than for breakfast.

Corn porridge is quite finicky when cooked on the stove. It needs to be stirred frequently and kept under constant control. The advent of multicookers has made the life of housewives much easier. Now there is no need to stand with a spoon over a saucepan of milk porridge. Corn porridge with milk in a pressure cooker will cook perfectly without our intervention. But I still wouldn’t recommend leaving the device unattended until the milk boils. If the process went without incident, the milk did not “come out” through the valve and from under the lid of the multicooker, then you can move on to other things.

So, if you are in the mood for a delicious Instant Pot corn milk porridge, follow me next.

1. Prepare the ingredients for milk corn porridge. Measure the cereal using the measuring cup that comes with the “miracle pot.” The cereal must be poured so that it reaches the division 120. Pay attention to the amount of milk in the package you purchased. Now they began to pour milk into bags not in liters, but in smaller quantities. If your package contains 900 or 950 ml, then add boiled water to make one liter of liquid. Regarding the fat content of milk, you can cook porridge in milk with any fat content. But it’s better not to go above 3.5%, as there is a risk that it will “run away”. It is also possible to dilute milk with water in a 1:1 ratio, or in any proportions to suit your needs.

2. To be on the safe side, let's coat the bowl with a piece of butter - the bottom and walls to the middle of the height. This is not only from running away, but also due to the fact that during the cooking process the corn porridge forms a film at the bottom of the pan. Then pour in the corn grits. There are a number of grains that do not need to be rinsed before cooking. Corn is one of them.

3. Pour milk into the multi-bowl. Add sugar and salt according to your tastes.

4. Close the multicooker-pressure cooker with a lid. Since the mode in which the corn porridge will be cooked operates without building up pressure, we leave the valve open. Select “Milk porridge” from the menu and change the time to 40 minutes. (Please note - the cooking time depends on the grinding of the cereal!) Leave it to cook until the signal. Once ready, open the lid and stir the porridge. Next, if desired, leave on “Warming” for 20-30 minutes. The longer it sits, the softer it will be, but at the same time it will thicken more.

5. When serving, ready-made corn milk porridge can be supplemented (of course, if desired) with berries, pieces of fresh fruit or steamed dried fruits. This will not only be tasty, but also attractive. Especially for kids.

Corn porridge in a slow cooker

Corn porridge made with milk in a multicooker - pressure cooker - turns out incredibly tasty and tender. Just 5 minutes of preparation and your nutritious and healthy breakfast is ready. Of course, our magic saucepan will need a little more time to build up pressure, but this time is worth it to get a charge of vigor and good mood in the morning :) So, let’s hurry up and start cooking.

To prepare we will need:


  • Corn grits (we used crushed No. 5) - 1 multi-cup
  • Milk – 4 -5 multi-glasses (you can use 3 multi-glasses of milk and 1 - 2 water)
  • Salt or sugar - to taste
  • Butter – 20 – 25 g

The smaller the grain, the faster the porridge cooks. The porridge is delicious both sweet and savory. Brew the one you like best, or even better, try different options. If you prefer the porridge to be thinner rather than very thick, add more milk and vice versa.

We will prepare unsweetened porridge and sweet porridge, with the addition of apples and raisins. Both porridges are very tasty 😉


To prevent the porridge from burning, it is better to grease the bowl a little with butter. To prevent the porridge from escaping, do not forget to close the steam release valve in the multi-pressure cooker.

Rinse the cereal and place it in the multicooker bowl.

Pour milk, add salt to taste or sugar if you choose a sweet cooking option. Add butter. To stir thoroughly.

Close the lid and steam release valve. Select the MILK PORridge mode. Cooking time is average (5 minutes).

Cook the porridge until the end of the mode. Then open the valve and release the steam. Mix the finished porridge well and can be served. Divide the porridge into bowls and add another piece of butter.

You can add half an apple, cut into small cubes, and a handful of raisins, pre-washed and lightly steamed, to the sweet porridge.

Bon appetit and please yourself and your loved ones as often as possible!

Still delicious 😉

Oatmeal in a slow cooker

Rice porridge with milk

How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker

Preparing corn porridge for breakfast is not difficult, especially for owners of a multicooker; you don’t need to stand nearby and constantly stir, making sure it doesn’t burn.

Recipe for corn porridge with milk with step-by-step photos

By the way, corn porridge is also suitable as a side dish if you cook it in water and without sugar, but that’s a completely different story.


  • corn grits 1 multi-cup
  • milk 2 multi-cups
  • water 2 multi-cups
  • butter 50 gr.
  • granulated sugar 5 teaspoons
  • salt - a pinch

How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker:

1This amount makes 4 servings of porridge. Type of equipment used: multicooker-pressure cooker REDMOND RMC-RM4506, volume 5 l, power 900 W How to cook corn porridge in a multicooker with milk: Rinse the corn grits and pour them into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Pour in milk and water (or just milk if you like). Add salt, sugar and butter.

The appearance of a pressure cooker in the kitchen has simplified cooking for many housewives. Often, pressure cookers are purchased by young mothers in order to prepare healthy food for their children, as well as to save time. A pressure cooker prepares a dish due to the high pressure inside the pan; cooking, as the name of the device implies, is very fast.

The advantages of a pressure cooker over a regular saucepan are obvious: first of all, it saves time spent on preparing any dish; also, dishes cooked in a pressure cooker have a richer and brighter taste. Since the products are steamed and cooked for a short time, they retain the maximum possible amount of vitamins and nutrients. The pressure cooker pan is sealed, the lid fits tightly to the pan, which ensures high pressure during cooking, high pressure makes it possible to increase the boiling point and the porridge is cooked at a high temperature. The pressure cooker lid is equipped with two valves that allow steam to escape and normalize the pressure so that the pan does not burst. And if the operating principle of a pressure cooker is clear, let’s try to figure out how to cook using it. You can cook vegetable, meat and other dishes in a pressure cooker. Take, for example, cooking porridge in a pressure cooker.

  • the ingredients should fill the pan no more than three-quarters of the total volume to avoid the possibility of clogging the pressure cooker valves;
  • the pressure cooker lid must be closed without cracks or distortions;
  • the amount of liquid when cooking must be taken into account in advance, since it cannot be added during the cooking process;
  • If you need to add ingredients at different times during the cooking process, you will first need to remove the pressure cooker from the heat, cool it in cold water, release the steam, then open the lid and add the necessary ingredients.

Recipes for cooking porridge in a pressure cooker.

Rice porridge with milk in a pressure cooker
To prepare rice porridge you will need:

  • 125 g rice
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt.

Before cooking porridge, rice should be rinsed with cold water. After that, all the ingredients must be placed in a pressure cooker pan; the walls of the pressure cooker above the milk must be greased with butter. Next, you need to select the “Porridge” mode; if it is not available, select the “Soup” mode; if it is impossible to select a mode, you need to cook the porridge for about 20 minutes. In order to diversify the rice porridge, you can add a vanilla pod or vanilla sugar and raisins to the pan.

Barley porridge in a pressure cooker
To prepare barley porridge you will need:

  • 1 cup barley
  • 400 ml water or milk of choice
  • 40 g butter
  • salt - to taste

The cereal must be washed in cold water, put in a saucepan, add water or milk and salt. Place a closed pan with the ingredients in a pressure cooker, first pour 200 ml of water into it and put it on high heat. When you hear a hissing sound, reduce the heat and continue cooking the porridge for 10 minutes. Before serving, you can add butter to the finished porridge.

Barley porridge in a pressure cooker
To prepare pearl barley porridge you will need:

  • 1 cup pearl barley,
  • 300 ml milk or water - optional
  • 40 g butter,
  • salt - to taste.

The cereals need to be washed in cold water, put in a pressure cooker and filled with water or milk, after which you need to add butter and salt the cereals. The porridge needs to be cooked over high heat until you hear a hiss, after which you need to reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes. Bon appetit!

Milk corn-wheat porridge in the Sinbo 5033 pressure cooker is a simple, convenient way to prepare delicious porridge. The porridge turns out to be tender in taste, simmering as if in a Russian oven. It’s also very convenient that you can use the delayed start, add ingredients in the evening, and in the morning, by the time you wake up, an excellent hearty breakfast will be ready. The addition of wheat grits prevents the corn grits from sticking together during cooking.


  • 2/3 cup corn grits
  • 1/3 cup wheat flour
  • 3.5 multi-cups milk
  • 2 multi-cups of water
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar (or to taste)


Place the grains in the multicooker bowl. Add sugar and salt. Pour in milk and water. Mix everything thoroughly with a special spoon (or any spoon that is safe for the non-stick coating of the bowl). If you do not stir, the cereal may clump together or burn during cooking. For this porridge, you need to pour a little more liquid than usual, since corn grits absorb a lot of it.

I cook porridge with a delayed start (that is, the porridge should be cooked after a while, for example, in the morning). Liquids must be poured cold, then the pressure cooker, like a thermos, will keep them cold for a long time, and the milk will not turn sour. Close the lid and turn the valve. Turn on the “Rice porridge (Congee)” program, select the extended time “30 minutes”.

Set the delayed start time. I advise you to set the timer for an hour before the required readiness time (during this time the milk will heat up, the porridge will cook and the pressure will be released). You can also set it earlier for a while - then the porridge will infuse (in the heating mode, which will turn on automatically) and become even tastier. When the porridge is ready, a beep will sound and the pressure cooker will switch to heating mode.

Milk corn-wheat porridge in the Sinbo 5033 pressure cooker is ready. Bon appetit!

If desired, you can add a piece of butter to the plate with the finished porridge.

If the porridge is cooked, and there is no time to wait for the pressure cooker to release the pressure itself, then you can release it manually. You need to cover the outlet valve, for example, with a kitchen towel or a dry rag and carefully turn it with something (not your hand) (not necessarily 90 degrees, it’s better to just move it a little so that the steam stream is not too strong). When the whistle from the escaping steam stops, the lid can be opened.
