Light vitamin salads. Vitamin salad. Prune salad with nuts and garlic

The beginning of spring is the time when the lack of vitamins in the body makes itself felt especially clearly. Of course, you can buy vitamins at the pharmacy, but it is still better to include as many vitamin-rich foods as possible in your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables will allow you to absorb all the beneficial vitamins and microelements as best as possible, and I, with the help of recipes from the League of Culinaries, will tell you how to make this process the most tasty and enjoyable!

Vitamin A

This type of vitamin is responsible for maintaining the condition of hair and skin, as well as vision and the most productive functioning of the immune system. Also, with a lack of vitamin A, problems with the functioning of the lungs, heart, and thyroid gland can occur. One of the most vitamin A-rich foods is carrots. Try the following carrot recipes with photos:

Apple-carrot smoothie

A very tasty and healthy drink for adults and children!

Carrot soup with honey

Unusual carrot soup: sweet, spicy and aromatic. Probably not everyone will like it, but for those who like carrot soup, it will become one of their favorites! Recipe from the book "50 American Cuisine Recipes"

Korean salad with cucumbers, carrots and meat

My family really likes Korean salads. This salad turned out delicious. Try it!

Vitamin D

Vitamins type D are responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body, and also take part in metabolic processes and are responsible for cell reproduction. This product is quite difficult to obtain from conventional foods, since the daily requirement of vitamin D is contained, for example, in 900 grams of cod, a spoonful of its liver or 150 grams of salmon. Therefore, if you want to saturate your body with this vitamin, you need not only to adjust your diet, but also to spend more time in the sun, which becomes more abundant every day in the spring. For recipes with vitamin D, I can recommend you:

Salad with cod liver

Very tender and tasty layered salad made from canned cod liver.

Salmon tartare - recipe with photos

I present to your attention salmon tartare, a recipe with photos of which I have tried more than once. This classic dish of French cuisine is prepared from the freshest raw fish or meat. This option is our family's favorite. And from a dietary point of view, this type of salmon has the least amount of calories)

Cod liver pancakes

Vitamin E

By receiving a sufficient amount of vitamin E, your body will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and will also be provided with all sufficient resources to slow down the aging of cells and improve their nutrition. A large amount of vitamin E is found in vegetable oils of pumpkin, olives and corn, which should be used to season healthy spring salads (the beneficial substances are partially lost when frying), as well as in nuts, liver, milk, cereals and avocados. Try the following step-by-step recipes rich in vitamin E:

Bean salad with liver

The salad is simple in execution and in the availability of ingredients.

Avocado and chicken salad

First, an avocado appeared in the refrigerator, and the ingredients for the salad came up spontaneously. It turned out delicious!

Granola - recipe with photo

I bring to your attention a step-by-step granola recipe with photos. Granola has gained universal recognition, first in the USA and then throughout the world. Baked oatmeal with the addition of nuts, seeds and dried fruits is a balanced and very tasty dish. And how many variations there are, for every taste! If you are allergic to honey, replace it with maple syrup (although it is expensive here), this is an equivalent and common replacement. In Russia, this dish is traditionally called “muesli,” although in its homeland “muesli” is granola bars.

Vitamin K

This vitamin is necessary for proper kidney function, full absorption of calcium, and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Spinach, lettuce, and white cabbage will help you get enough of this vitamin. You can make a huge variety of dishes with these ingredients, but I recommend the following recipes for dishes rich in vitamin K:

Tomato and apple salad

Cabbage salad with kiwi

Salad "Brush"

Salad "Brush" is a wonderful salad for fasting days, and for those who are watching their weight. I took this recipe from Elena Malysheva’s program, and I really liked it. The “Brush” salad includes foods rich in minerals and vitamins; they will help you get rid of harmful toxins accumulated in the body. The salad is consumed all day, divided into several meals without salt and oil, and it is advisable to drink water, at least 2 liters in small sips.


  • ½ head of cabbage;
  • 2–3 small cucumbers;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 stalk of celery;
  • 1 ½ bell peppers;
  • 1 apple;
  • green onions, dill, parsley;
  • 2–3 tablespoons sunflower oil;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Shred the cabbage, mash it, add a little salt and let it stand so that excess water comes out. Chop the greens, cut all other vegetables into thin strips. Drain excess water from the cabbage and add chopped vegetables and herbs to it in a bowl.

Add to vinegar, stir well until completely dissolved, pour in sunflower oil. Add dressing to salad. Mix well, salt and pepper to taste.


  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 1 cup baked pumpkin;
  • ½ cup baked beets;
  • ½ cup feta cheese;
  • ½ cup chopped walnuts.


  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Wash the beets, cut them in half, salt, pepper, coat them and wrap them in foil. Place in this form in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 40 minutes. To check if the beets are ready, you can pierce them with a toothpick. If the toothpick goes through easily, then the vegetable is ready.

You can bake the pumpkin separately, or you can bake it together with the beets, you just need to take it out of the oven earlier. Cut the pumpkin in half if it is small, or take a couple of slices, salt and pepper to taste, coat with olive oil and place on a baking sheet in a preheated oven.

Cut the finished vegetables into small cubes and place in a bowl. Then add lettuce, carrots, nuts and feta pieces.

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing well, add them to the salad and mix very gently.


  • 1 cup raw sunflower seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 4 cups lettuce (any kind);
  • 2 cups Brussels sprouts;
  • 1 peeled apple;
  • ¾ cup pomegranate seeds.


  • 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup or honey;
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard;
  • a pinch of salt and pepper.


Place sunflower seeds in a preheated dry frying pan with a thick bottom and dry, stirring constantly, for 1–2 minutes. Then add balsamic vinegar and stir vigorously. When some of the vinegar is absorbed into the seeds and some has evaporated, add honey and mix well again for 1-2 minutes. Place the prepared seeds from the frying pan and let them cool.

Cut the apple, lettuce and Brussels sprouts into thin strips, place in a salad bowl and mix. In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients for and add to the salad. Mix everything thoroughly again and place pomegranate and sunflower seeds on top.


  • 2 cups arugula;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 tangerine;
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds;
  • a pinch of sea salt.


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 2 ½ tablespoons orange juice;
  • a pinch of salt and pepper;
  • ½ tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • ⅛ teaspoon of honey.


Mix all dressing ingredients in a small bowl until smooth.

In a large salad bowl, combine 1 tablespoon of the arugula salad dressing. Taste it and, if you think it’s necessary, add a little more dressing to your liking.

Before serving, evenly distribute the citrus fruits, cut into thin slices, on a bed of arugula, sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and, if desired, add a little sea salt.


  • ½ cup almonds;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 3 tablespoons walnut oil;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger root;
  • 1 large apple;
  • ½ cup orange juice;
  • 120 g arugula;
  • 90 g soft goat cheese;
  • ⅓ cup pomegranate seeds;
  • ground black pepper.


Heat a frying pan and dry the almonds in it for 5 minutes until golden brown. Set aside and let cool.

In a small bowl, mix walnut oil with lemon juice, then add honey and grated ginger root and mix well again. Cut the apple into thin slices, place in a shallow bowl and fill with fresh orange juice.

Place arugula in a salad bowl, add pieces of goat cheese, apple slices, chopped almonds and pomegranate seeds. Pour the dressing over the salad, add black pepper and mix well.

Vegetable salads - simple recipes

The best step-by-step recipe for sweet and sour salad Vitamin with cabbage, carrots, cucumber and apples will surprise you. We cook quickly, tasty and most importantly - healthy!

20 minutes

75 kcal

5/5 (2)

I, like many who love to eat but don’t like to cook for a long time, am very susceptible to simple recipes. But I’m also very skeptical, because it often happens that some dish is praised, and there’s absolutely no time to make it, but in the end it turns out bland and uninteresting. Therefore, when my aunt made the “Vitamin” salad for me for the first time, I was not very impressed with its appearance and set of ingredients.

At first I didn’t even want to try. But how wrong I was in my judgments! After eating a couple of spoons, I immediately fell in love with it. Simultaneously sweet, salty and sour salad I was amazed by its taste, so now my family and I often make it both at feasts and on everyday occasions. Besides, if you know any vegetarians or vegans, they will also like it.

Later I saw this “Vitamin” salad in my student cafeteria, only with apples; I liked it even more, since the apples added more sweetness. I adopted this feature for myself.

I suggest you don’t waste a minute and prepare the “Vitamin” salad, like in my university canteen. It is healthy and very refreshing in the spring.

Kitchen appliances: grater.


Since this spring salad recipe is intended for 1 serving, we choose carrots, cucumbers, onions and apples small sizes.

Vegetable oil it can be anything: sunflower, olive, corn, sesame or flaxseed - there are a lot of them on the shelves now, so rely on your taste. I used proven unrefined sunflower oil the old fashioned way; it adds a special aroma to the dish.

Onion, of course, you can take any, but I recommend the red Crimean one, it’s much tastier. Quantity dill I took it by eye, perhaps you like to add it more to your salads, please, it will not spoil the salad. If you wish, you can add parsley; some versions of this dish contain it, but I don’t really like it.

If you don't have 6% apple cider vinegar, any will do. Just remember, if its percentage is higher than 9, then be sure to dilute it with water, otherwise the salad will turn out very sour and it will be impossible to eat. On the Internet you can find measuring tables for calculating a high-percentage vinegar solution.

Sequence of preparation of Vitamin salad

Salad video recipe

I offer for your consideration video recipes for this salad in slightly different variations with the addition of bell pepper, which will add red colors to your dish.

Among other things, you can add cumin, coriander, cilantro, sesame and other spices or seeds to taste to the salad dressing. This will only make it healthier and the taste more interesting.

In general, any addition of vegetables and herbs a priori cannot make any salad worse; in the spring, this is even for the better, since our body suffers from vitamin deficiency and has been starving for useful substances over the winter. Although, of course, it will be a different salad.

Salads for a feast

The “Vitamin” salad is perfect for any side dish, and there is no need to decorate it with anything else, since it itself is full of colors: green, white and orange. And if you are going to make this salad for some holiday, but want to prepare other similar fresh salads, then here is a list of recipes for other salads on our website that will definitely be useful to you in this matter.

Each product has its own set of vitamins and microelements. Hippocrates said: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine.” Vegetables, fruits, nuts, and herbs contain valuable biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on human health and well-being. Vitamin vegetable salad is a simple tasty dish without which no meal should begin.

Vitamins and their benefits

The benefits of vitamins and microelements in our diet are indisputable and proven by modern science. Vegetables are useful for their low calorie content, biological value, and their positive effect on the entire digestive system. They contain vitamins C, K, group B, carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements. In their raw form, vegetables are much healthier and are better absorbed by the body. The fiber contained in them is necessary for good intestinal motility.

Flavoring and aromatic substances stimulate appetite and add variety to our table. A vegetable salad will provide the required volume of the dish and maintain the acid-base balance in the body, and will also have a stimulating effect on the glands of the oral cavity and stomach, pancreas and liver.

The right vitamin salad

Salads are prepared from raw vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery, white cabbage, apples and herbs. Beetroot salad has its own characteristics: it is most often prepared from boiled root vegetables. There should be a vitamin salad on the table all year round, the recipe of which can consist of just one vegetable or several “gifts of nature”. It can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat, fish, and poultry. It is necessary to remember that salads are prepared before serving, and they are seasoned immediately before eating, as the appearance and taste of the dish will deteriorate.

Vitamin recipes for adults

Vitamin salad is very healthy and tasty. The recipe with vinegar is relevant both in summer and winter. It is suitable for white or red cabbage. The cabbage is finely chopped, salt and vinegar are added and, stirring, heated over low heat. As soon as the cabbage becomes slightly soft, remove it from the heat and cool. Then add sugar, vegetable oil and green onions. If desired, you can add cranberries to this salad. The number of ingredients in the salad is unimportant; all components can be put “by eye” and guided by your taste. But you shouldn’t add a lot of cranberries: they add acidity to the salad, which is enhanced by vinegar.

Salad “Parade of Vitamins”

The vitamin salad, the recipe for which follows below, consists of vegetables, berries and fruits. For it, cut 200 grams of carrots and celery into thin strips, one large fresh green apple, one tomato and one cucumber - into slices, add half a handful of pitted cherries. Season with sour cream, salt to taste, add sugar and lemon juice. The finished salad is placed in a heap in a salad bowl, and around it is decorated with beautifully cut pieces of fruits and vegetables that make up the dish. You can add canned green peas to this vitamin salad, the recipe of which is original and unusual.

Salad “Red-beautiful”

Beetroot is very beneficial for the body and rich in microelements. The vegetable is notable for the fact that it retains its beneficial properties even when cooked. Note to the housewife: when cooking beets, put them in cold water, and clean them after cooking. This is the best vitamin salad. The beetroot recipe has many variations.

For 100 grams of beets you need to take two cloves of garlic and 3-5 walnut kernels. If desired, you can increase the amount of additives. Garlic and prunes improve the taste of beets. To prepare the salad, you need to grate the boiled beets on a medium grater and cut the prunes, pre-soaked in cold water, into strips. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise, salt, add crushed walnuts and garlic if desired.

Vitamins for little ones

A child’s growing body must receive sufficient quantities of carbohydrates, vitamins, and microelements for good brain function, replenishment of energy costs, and bone growth. From early childhood, it is necessary to teach children to eat only healthy foods, and what could be healthier than fresh vegetables and fruits! They are sources of glucose and fructose, vitamins and microelements, which are easily and quickly absorbed by the child’s body and give it energy.

You can prepare a healthy vitamin salad from fruits, berries and vegetables. A recipe for children will differ from a recipe for adults in some rules. This is the absence of hot seasonings such as vinegar, mustard, pepper, and mayonnaise in salads for children. Vegetables for preparing a children's salad are cut smaller, and so that the little picky person does not refuse a healthy dish, it needs to be beautifully decorated.

Bon appetit!

To preserve and maintain health, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and eat a balanced diet. One of the principles of proper nutrition is to eat enough fresh vegetables. Cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes - each of these fruits is a real storehouse of health. Salads made from vegetables, fruits, and herbs are the best start to lunch. Their preparation does not take much time, but they are a “prelude” to a meal. Among the variety, it is easy to choose a vitamin salad, the recipe of which will suit your taste. Prepare for your health!

Natural vitamins are not only healthy, but also tasty. Especially if you are not lazy, show a little imagination, and prepare a vegetable or fruit salad. For men, the good news is that a salad can be a complete hearty dish, and together with vitamins we can get a complete complex of vitamins. After all, many salads contain nuts, seafood, chicken, and they are often seasoned with olive oil, cream or sour cream, and it’s quite possible to chop wood on such a salad for half a day.

But since the topic of our article today is not firewood, but tasty and healthy food from the category of salads, we will dwell on the details, features and wonderful flavor combinations of such a culinary miracle as vitamin salad. Why a miracle? Such an incredible number of recipes fall under this category, and they contain an even greater variety of components, that it seems that someone has already combined everything with everything. But no, in fact, everyone has a chance to create their own masterpiece, the main thing is not to forget the recipe later.

Why do we need vitamin dishes?

A sign that the body does not have enough vitamins may be fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, dull hair and skin, brittle nails and a tendency to catch a cold from every draft. If this is at least to some extent true, then it’s time to saturate your body with vitamins. When selecting ingredients, you should take into account the seasonality of products. The richest vegetables and fruits will be those that grow in season. In the spring, for example, it is better to give preference to green onions, radishes, sorrel and wild garlic rather than citrus fruits that have lain in the warehouse for several months.

Advice: “The spring-summer period right up to late autumn should be the period when we stock up on vitamins and microelements for the cold period. Then no infections will be scary. And along with vitamins, it’s worth stocking up for the whole year with sunny optimism and the energy of all the elements, which is absorbed by fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.”

What vitamins can you get from salads?

Let’s say right away that a well-arranged salad is always preferable to individual products. For example, carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is fat-soluble, and therefore is much better absorbed if you eat carrots with vegetable oil. There are a great many such little tricks that mutually enhance the benefits and taste. In addition to traditional greens like parsley, cilantro, dill, spinach, arugula, etc., red beet tops (which have a sour, pungent taste) or radish greens can add an interesting piquant taste to your dish. In this simple way you can add a new, often unrecognizable taste to an already familiar recipe.

With the help of salads, you can saturate the body not only with vitamins, but also with fatty acids, fiber, microelements such as iodine, iron and many others. To maintain the amount of nutrients necessary for health, eat meals with fresh vegetables all year round, as regularly as possible. Only depending on the season the composition will change. In summer it’s more fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh herbs. In autumn it's time for cabbage and root vegetables. Each season is rich in its own way. And thanks to the fact that today you can buy any fruits and vegetables, you can prepare yourself a summer tropical salad at any time.

So, let's start analyzing popular and interesting recipes for vitamin salads, starting with the most universal category - vegetable salads.

Vegetable salads

The presented recipes are not a dogma, but rather a sample; you can experiment, change, add or remove something to your taste:

Salad "Watercolors"

Recipe for “Watercolors” - this salad is called so because the color scheme of the products resembles an artist’s palette:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • red cabbage;
  • one sweet pepper;
  • onions - feather or bulb;
  • dill, parsley;
  • vegetable oil
  • salt.

Cut all components: radish and onion into half rings. Cut cabbage, peppers and cucumbers into strips. Cut the tomatoes into medium cubes. Combine, mix, add oil. Serve.

The second salad recipe is very refreshing in the heat, and at the same time satisfying, thanks to fresh cabbage, rich in fiber, which takes a long time to digest.

  • white cabbage, half a medium head;
  • cucumber;
  • carrot;
  • medium bulb;
  • butter or mayonnaise;
  • lemon juice or vinegar;
  • salt, red pepper.

Sprinkle the shredded cabbage with salt and rub in your hands to make it softer. Just chop the rest and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle with lemon juice or vinegar diluted in water, add salt, pepper, and season with oil. Serve.

Salad "Health"

“Health” - this recipe is so named because of the optimal combination of freshness, benefits and nutrition.

  • two medium carrots;
  • two cucumbers;
  • two medium apples;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • sour cream;
  • herbs to taste, salt, sugar.

Cut the ingredients into slices and strips, (tear lettuce leaves with your hands) and mix. Sprinkle with lemon juice, season with sour cream. Serve to the table.

Fruit (dessert) salads

The first one will be a transitional salad, which once again proves that anything is possible.

Recipe for carrot and apple salad.

  • two medium apples;
  • carrot;
  • half bell pepper;
  • olive oil, salt (optional without salt).

Cut the apples and peppers into strips, grate the carrots. Fill with oil. Serve to the table.

Apple-nut salad. The recipe, although fruity, is quite nutritious.

  • two large apples;
  • leaf salad;
  • walnuts, chopped 4-5 pcs.;
  • celery in a stalk;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • honey, mustard,
  • olive oil, lemon juice.

Mix honey and mustard, add lemon juice, butter - mix vigorously with a fork. Cut apples and celery into slices, mix, sprinkle with nutmeg to taste, and season. Serve to the table.

Recipe "Energy". Also light and nutritious at the same time.

  • apples - a couple of medium ones;
  • one orange;
  • a couple of kiwis;
  • medium banana;
  • dried apricots - a handful to taste;
  • raisins - also about a handful;
  • chopped walnuts;
  • cream.

Pour hot water over the raisins and dried apricots; if the dried apricots are very hard, let them stand for a while. Grind the dried apricots. Use a coarse grater to grate the apples and cut the remaining fruits into small slices. Stir, add nuts, season. You can add honey to the cream. Serve.

Recipe “Tangerine Joy”. The salad is sunny both in color and content. Very bright and tasty

  • three medium tangerines;
  • a couple of apples;
  • bell pepper (sweet);
  • one boiled carrot;
  • a jar of canned corn;
  • vegetable oil, lemon juice and a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

Peel the apples, cut into small slices, just chop the pepper too. Peel the tangerines and remove the membrane, cut the carrots into cubes. Combine the ingredients and add corn. Make a dressing sauce by dissolving sugar in lemon juice and mixing with vegetable oil. Dress the salad. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Hearty salads

Let's move on to the “male” part of our article. Here we will look at recipes that are both vitamin-rich and nutritious.

The first one will be the recipe for the festive salad “Abundance”. Let’s be clear right away that this is not the easiest salad to digest, but it’s not an everyday dish either.

  • a couple of smoked legs;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • hard cheese 50-80 grams;
  • apple;
  • bulb;
  • a handful of chopped walnuts;
  • prunes;
  • mayonnaise.

Grind all the ingredients, grate the apples, pass the boiled eggs through an egg slicer. The salad should consist of successive layers, separated by a thin layer of mayonnaise. The first layer is chicken, then onions, eggs, apples, grated cheese, prunes.

Advice: “The salad needs to be given a little time to soak, for which we leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.”

A lighter recipe, with a marine touch. Suitable for both men and women.

  • half a kilo of shrimp;
  • tomatoes 4-5 pieces;
  • cucumbers;
  • bell pepper;
  • soft salty cheese, for example “Feta”, up to 100 g;
  • leaf salad;
  • olives;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • olive oil, salt to taste.

Scald and peel the shrimp, cut the tomatoes into large cubes, cut the cucumbers and peppers into slices. Cut the olives into rings. Chop (by hand) lettuce leaves. Combine vegetables and shrimp, add diced cheese on top, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, season with oil and lemon juice. The bright and appetizing salad is ready.

An unusual salad recipe with a bright taste and “charged” composition.

  • celery;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a can of canned pineapple;
  • half a head of purple cabbage;
  • about two hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste.

Shred the cabbage, add salt, and mash it with your hands to make it softer. Add chopped herbs (parsley). Next add the pineapple slices. Grate celery and cheese onto a coarse grater. Combine, mix, season, taste for salt and pepper. Serve on the table.

Advice: “It would be a good idea to remind you that seasonal vegetables, such as first cucumbers and radishes, should be consumed with caution, as they may contain a high content of nitrates, and it is better to wait for a flow of normal ground cucumbers. And it’s not for nothing that all recipes strongly indicate that you should tear lettuce with your hands, since the steel of the knife reacts with the lettuce itself, which is not particularly healthy for humans.”

Be well-fed and healthy, feel free to try and use your imagination, remember, the best recipe is a relative concept, the main thing is that you and your loved ones like the salad.
