Easy decoration. DIY jewelry: how to create a unique image. Salad decorations for any occasion

The new review brings to the attention of readers 12 stylish jewelry, each of which can be made with due diligence and attention to the issue with your own hands. Definitely, any of these crafts will help make a positive impression on others, so take a look and remember.

1. Thread earrings

Original long earrings that will be a wonderful addition to both an everyday look and an evening one, and the process of creating them will take no more than half an hour. To create such earrings, you need a skein of floss thread of the color you like, which you need to carefully cut, form two tassels, attach loops to them, secure with a thread of a contrasting color and put on base hooks purchased in a specialized store.

2. Necklace made of pins

Using safety pins of the same color and size, beads, and two strong cords, you can create an unusual and very impressive necklace that will become an elegant addition to any look.

3. Resin pendants

You can create incredibly beautiful pendants from epoxy resin without much skill or effort. To do this, you need to put dried flowers, shells, beads or sparkles in special silicone molds, fill them with epoxy resin, pre-mixed with a hardener, and wait for it to harden.

4. Glitter pendant

A simple and at the same time very attractive shimmering pendant that you can make yourself from a metal base, decoupage glue and glitter. The glitter should be carefully laid out in layers on a base coated with glue. Each new layer must be smeared with glue and filled with glitter until they fill the entire pendant.

5. Bright necklace

A stunning large dyed bean necklace will be a wonderful addition to your spring and summer look. The painted beans along with the fittings must be glued onto thin plastic according to a specially prepared template. When the layout is finished and the glue has dried, the necklace needs to be carefully cut out, holes made on the sides and secured to the chain.

6. Asymmetrical necklace

An original asymmetrical necklace in the Christian Dior style, which can be made from a hoop by sewing strings of beads of different lengths to it.

7. Choker

An ultra-fashionable choker with a ring in the middle, which is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. To do this, using glue and a small ring, you need to fasten two identical pieces of thin velvet ribbon and equip the product with a clasp or ties.

8. Statement necklace

An original massive necklace made of rope and knots, which, despite the simplicity of its creation, will become a universal decoration and addition to any outfit.

9. Necklace-harness

An ordinary clothesline can be braided with threads of beads and you can create a unique and very beautiful neck decoration that will undoubtedly attract attention to its owner.

10. Wooden earrings

From small wooden blocks, special fittings, glue and varnish, you can make unique long earrings, which will surely appeal to all lovers of natural materials and connoisseurs of creative things.

11. Dream catchers

Simple to make, but at the same time beautiful and airy talisman earrings, which you can make yourself from special fittings, small rings, wire, threads and feathers.

12. Voluminous necklace

Leather accessories always look expensive and elegant, and if the product is also made with your own hands, it automatically becomes exclusive. Getting a unique necklace is not difficult at all. You just need to cut out several identical petals from leather, give them the desired shape, fasten them together with glue and connect them with a chain.

Handmade jewelry always looks original, stylish and attracts the attention of others. Many people do not take on such creativity due to a lack of imagination and certain skills, however, guided by the master classes presented below, it will be very easy to make a beautiful decoration at home yourself.

Stylish lace


  • leather or suede lace;
  • accessories;
  • pliers.

Cut the cord to the desired length and attach fittings to its edges.

Bottle pendant


  • wire or pin with a ring at the end;
  • small bottle with stopper;
  • beads, sparkles, keys;
  • chain or cord;
  • pliers, round nose pliers;
  • Super glue.

At the initial stage, you need to secure the pin to the cork so that the bottle can be conveniently hung on the cord. To do this, coat the pin well with glue and stick it into the cork, as shown in the photo.

Then twist the free part of the pin into a ring using pliers, and you need to pay attention to the diameter of this ring - the chain on which the pendant will hang should easily pass through it. If the size of the pin does not allow making a ring with a sufficient diameter, then an additional ring of the required diameter can be made from wire and attached to the pin.

Next comes the fun part - choosing the contents for the bottle. Here your imagination can run wild to its heart's content, but we suggest putting something small or something memorable in there. An original key, dried flowers, beads, beads, sparkles and sequins will look good.

Glitter pendant


  • glitter;
  • metal base for necklace;
  • matte glue for decoupage;
  • brush;
  • pliers;
  • chain with accessories.

Apply glue to the workpiece using a brush. Then sprinkle glitter on the glue. After drying, remove loose glitter from the workpiece and apply glue and glitter to it again. Repeat these steps until the workpiece is completely filled. Measure the desired length of the chain, attach a lock to it and put the pendant on it.

Broken glass pendant

Instead of glitter from the master class described above, you can use broken glass to fill the blank. This glass must first be crushed and then carefully glued to the base, as in the previous version. After drying, the glass can be painted in any desired color using nail polish.

Braided choker


  • elastomeric beading thread or wire from old headphones;
  • scissors;
  • scotch.

Secure the thread on the table with tape and weave the choker according to the pattern as shown in the photo.

Ribbon choker


  • tape of the desired width;
  • accessories for processing the edges of the tape;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.

Cut the required length of tape. Attach the fittings to its ends. A similar ribbon can be tied around the neck as shown in the photo.

Choker with ring


  • ribbon;
  • metal ring;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Cut the ribbon into 2 halves. Glue the edges of the tape to the ring. Tie the choker around the neck in a knot. A similar decoration, but smaller in size, would make an excellent wrist bracelet.

Chanel style choker


  • wire;
  • large beads;
  • fittings for fastening;
  • Super glue;
  • pliers.

Measure the length of the wire according to your neck size and bite off its edges so that it is convenient to put the choker on your neck. Place beads on the edges. Drop glue into the holes of the beads and insert fittings there for fastening.

By analogy with a choker, you can make the same original bracelet or ring.

Chain with braided pendant


  • 6 laces of different textures and shades;
  • chain;
  • meter or tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • chain clasp;
  • masking tape.

At the initial stage, you should decide on the length of the product, and based on this, cut the desired size of the chain.

Then this piece must be folded in half on the table, and 6 different laces placed on top of it.

Tighten the chain around the laces as shown in the photo, then secure it with tape to the table and begin weaving.

After the pendant is ready, you should trim the ends of the laces.

And fasten the clasp on the chain.

Bean necklace


  • product template printed on a printer;
  • beans;
  • beads;
  • transparent plastic 2-3 millimeters thick;
  • nail polish of the desired color;
  • chain with clasp;
  • cutting board;
  • stationery knife;
  • tweezers;
  • hole puncher;
  • Super glue.

First, the beans must be painted with nail polish and wait until they dry completely.

Attach the paper template on the reverse side to a sheet of transparent plastic.

In accordance with the diagram, glue the beans onto the plastic, spreading it well with glue.

First, it is better to collect large patterns from beans, and fill the gaps between them and small patterns with beads.

After the workpiece is completely glued, it needs to be given time to dry, and then using a stationery knife, cut the plastic strictly along the edge of the product. Using a hole punch, you need to make holes in the plastic at the extreme points of the necklace and insert the chain links into them.

Bead necklace


  • beads, beads or beads;
  • hairband covered with fabric;
  • needle and thread;
  • a piece of fabric to match the beads;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

To quickly create such jewelry, it is better to take ready-made beads, which are usually sold by the meter, and cut them into pieces of different lengths. Or assemble beads or beads yourself on a strong fishing line.

Fold the pieces of beads so that one end is shorter than the other and carefully sew them to the fabric of the hoop.

The maximum length of beads should be located at the edges of the hoop, and the shortest in the middle. In this case, the transition from the edges to the center should be made very smoothly.

When all the pieces of beads are secured, you need to sew or glue a piece of fabric to the inside of the choker, which will hide all the seams.

Handmade is becoming more and more popular. This is not surprising - such things contain a particle of the good energy of the master who created them, and besides, they are unique and inimitable. Maybe you will see something similar on someone else, but no one has exactly the same!

It turns out that it’s not so difficult to create simple decorations with your own hands - you just need to use your imagination and have some time!

First of all, no one said that it could be jewelry. You will perfectly decorate your look by adding the necessary details - for example, by sewing several rhinestones or huge buttons imitating jewelry to the hem of a blouse or dress.

But even if you have long dreamed of having your own, we will give you some ideas.

This bracelet can be woven in 5 minutes! It is based on a regular braid made of suede lace. We make the end of the bracelet with a slot, and tie a knot on the other side. The clasp is ready!

You'll never guess what this colorful jewelry set is made of! From ordinary... rubber bands, they are usually used for wads of money. It's a good sign to wear such jewelry :).

We've all done macrame or baubles at some point. Take a good cord (preferably made of natural material), pass it through a bone button, braid a beautiful knot as a clasp - your ethnic bracelet is ready!

This is made from an old boring t-shirt. It was enough to cut it into thin strips, stretch them so that they curled into flagella. The author also came up with the idea of ​​tying them on the sides with knots (you can use colored threads). The decorations turned out to be very simple, but so interesting!

If you gravitate more towards a conservative style, take a few beads that you rarely use and weave them into... a braid! Original, bright, fashionable - today at the peak of popularity.

One of the most suitable materials is denim. Take some old jeans and make some simple and beautiful jewelry out of them. Shiny beads, rhinestones and even buttons will come in handy.

Do you know how to embroider with satin stitch or cross stitch? Your skills will not go to waste in these denim jewelry:

This necklace is very simple to make: sew pieces of jeans rolled into flower-shaped flagella onto a felt base. Sew a ribbon to both sides - the original jewelry is ready. It's 15 minutes!

Gone are the days when making your own jewelry was considered bad taste and a lack of money. Many designers are developing jewelry collections that are much more expensive than gold and diamond jewelry.

So, what is costume jewelry?

According to the definition, costume jewelry (from French bijouterie)- decorations made from inexpensive materials. A variety of metals and alloys, transparent and colored glass, plastic, ceramics, wood and leather can be used for production. But high-quality jewelry can consist of expensive crystals, gold or silver plated. Such costume jewelry may be indistinguishable in appearance from real jewelry, but cost much more.

In more complex leather jewelry, real patterns are created or figures are cut out.

Natural materials (wood, stones, shells)

Wonderful summer decorations can be made from shells coated with varnish and strung on a thread.

Ordinary pebbles can also be used to create jewelry. Most often, a stone of an interesting shape is braided with wire to create a pendant:

And wooden jewelry has long become a classic:


Felt is an excellent material for creating jewelry. The decorations turn out very bright and truly sunny.

Even the simplest salad can be dressed up in such a way that it becomes the main decoration of the holiday table. In this article we tried to select the simplest and most beautiful ideas for decorating salads.

Salad decorations for any occasion

Salad decoration: Shape, sprinkle with grated cheese. The keys are made of slices of cheese and olives. Rods from tomato and greens.

Salad decoration: salted straw; fresh cucumber rings arranged in the shape of a chain, red fish rolled into a roll at the ends of straws, lettuce, olives, canned corn.

Salad decoration “Bees”: black olives, olives and fresh cucumber for wings.

Calla lilies salad decorations: calla flower base from processed cheese (in bags), stamens from boiled carrots, stems and leaves from green onions.

Decoration of the Asters salad: crab sticks are used as flower petals. The leaves and stems are made from fresh cucumber.

Decoration of the “Basket” salad: the basket is made of green onions, which are intertwined between salted straws.

Decoration of Lukoshko salad: basket weaving is made from pieces of hard cheese, flowers from egg whites and boiled carrots. Green onions, cut into rings.

Decoration of Palm Tree Salad: Palms are made from olives skewered on wooden skewers and green onions.

Decoration of “Heart” salad: grated cheese, green onions at the base, pomegranate seeds for edging, cherry tomatoes as berries, fresh cucumber - leaves, green onions - stems.

Decoration of the “Bouquet” salad: tulips made from tomatoes stuffed with lettuce; green onion stems.

Decoration of Chamomile salad: egg white and yolk, thinly sliced ​​fresh cucumber.

Decoration of salad "Mushroom": mushroom stem - egg white, lower part of the cap - grated cheese or boiled potatoes, upper part - Korean carrots.

Salad decorations: Grapes made from green peas and cucumber. The following shows ideas for original decorations for salads made from simple ingredients (cucumber, egg, olives, radishes). You can make beautiful spirals from green onions: separate the feathers from the onion, cut each feather lengthwise, carefully tear into thin strips along the entire length, soak the onion strips in cold water for 0.5 hours.

Decorate the salad You can also use regular bell pepper.

Decorating Christmas salads: dill, pomegranate, corn, green peas.

Salad decoration: In this version, the salad is simply portioned onto potato chips.

Decoration of “Boats” salad: original fresh cucumber boats filled with salad. The sail is attached with a toothpick.

Decoration of Lapti salad: processed cheese (in bags), herbs, canned mushrooms.

Pineapple salad decoration: walnuts, green onions. The second option uses chopped canned mushrooms and green onions.

Decoration of the “Mice” salad: mice are made from boiled eggs, cheese and black pepper (peas), the surface of the salad is sprinkled with grated yolk.

Decoration of salad “Slice”: Place the salad on a plate in the shape of a crescent. Sprinkle the top completely with grated cheese. The edge of the “watermelon slice” is grated cucumber. Next is the cheese. And then a tomato without a crust. Watermelon seeds from olive half rings. In the second version, grated egg white and boiled carrots were used as decoration.

Decoration of “Fish” salad: Sliced ​​sausage (of different types) and cheese are laid out in the shape of a fish. The mouth is a cutout of a tomato, the eye is a ring (white from an egg), the pupil is a piece of tomato or olive.

Decoration of the “Roses” salad: roses are made from a thin slice of sausage, rolled into a roll, with the edges straightened.

Decoration of beet salad.

Decoration of salad "Cob": Canned corn and green onions, cut lengthwise on one side, are used for decoration.

Decoration of the “Cards” salad: green onions, tomatoes and olives.

And thus, you can roll any puff salad into a roll and then cut it. Looks original. In the photo, ““ is wrapped in a roll.

Salad decoration “Bags”: the salad is placed in portions into pancakes, the pancake bag is tied with green onions.

Boiled egg swan.

Roses from tomatoes.

Ladybugs made from tomatoes and olives.

Scallop of tomato and boiled egg.

Chain, fan and openwork rings made of fresh cucumber.

To decorate a salad, sometimes all you need is a head of onion and a little imagination.

Decoration of New Year's salad "Dog"

This Poodle will perfectly decorate any New Year's dish 2018. Symbol of the year. The muzzle is made of cauliflower inflorescence, the body is made of eggplant, the paws and tail are made of zucchini.

"Cockerels from boiled eggs"

Charming New Year's table decoration "Cockerels made from boiled eggs." They can decorate any salad. Or make an independent dish by seating the cockerels on the greens. The photo clearly shows how easy it is to make such a rooster from a boiled egg. In a small incision at the sharp end of the egg you need to insert a scallop with a beak, made from boiled carrots. Eyes can be made from poppy seeds by first preparing a hole with a toothpick.

"Egg White Rooster"

Shape the salad into a rooster shape and sprinkle grated egg whites on top. The feathers on the tail and wings are made from half olive rings, the rooster's paws and beak are made from French fries. Tomato comb and beard.

"Chicks in an Egg"

Well, aren't they cuties! Boil the eggs, carefully cut off the sharp end of the egg, down to the yolk. The yolk needs to be taken out, mashed with a fork and mixed, for example, with melted cheese. Fill the egg again with the filling and cover with a “hat of whites.” We make the chickens' eyes from black pepper, and their beaks and legs from boiled carrots.

Decorating New Year's salads

Also, the ideas presented below are perfect for decorating a New Year's salad.

Christmas trees for the New Year's table

Cut the apple in half. Place the apple half cut side down on a plate. Insert a wooden kebabs skewer into the middle of the apple. And put slices on it. You will get wonderful Christmas trees.

Father Frost

A Santa Claus-shaped salad can be made using unwrapped crab sticks, boiled rice, grated egg white (beard) and pieces of cheese (Santa Claus' bag and face).

New Year's bell

Decorating New Year's salad: Grated boiled carrots on top. Ornament made from grains of black caviar (caviar snack). On top there is a spruce branch and a bow.

Decorating salads

Serving the dish is already half the battle. And even if you are preparing a simple and extraordinary salad, by decorating it correctly, you can depict the most unusual and original dish. The main thing is to stick to the theme of the holiday or event, for example, for the New Year you can decorate salads in the form of an animal whose year is coming, in the shape of a Christmas tree or a snowman. Or, for your birthday, create unique salads, giving them the shape of a festive cap, cake or gift wrapping. For children you can make cats, fish, and even a car. On March 8, make a salad in the form of a bouquet or just a flower: a tulip, rose or lilac.

To decorate a salad, even the simplest one, let’s take, for example, a vegetable one, you can use either the same vegetables, or take an original and tasty inclusion, in our case it will be cottage cheese, garlic and herbs. The dish may consist of bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes, but the decorations will be made from cottage cheese mixed with chopped herbs and garlic passed through a press. We form balls and place them around the perimeter of the plate, here you have a regular snack with a spicy touch.

A salad of pineapples and chicken, cheese and onions can be served directly in the fruit itself. Just take out the pulp, put it on the dish itself, and leave the peel - a boat - as a salad decoration. Place the salad directly into the pineapple trough and garnish with herbs on top.

Mimosa salad is simple and familiar to most. But how original and new it will look if you plant a sprig of white flowers on top. This decoration of salads is very unusual, since we will make snow-white flowers from a boiled egg, or rather the white and yolk. Cut the yolk into circles - this will be the middle, and for the flower itself, use the tops of the egg white, giving it sharp jagged corners. Place the parsley along with the branch, and build flowers around it, placing a round yolk on a white base.

Even an ordinary holiday Olivier can be beautifully transformed with the help of a fresh apple and cucumber, an egg and a Korean carrot. Here, as they say in the famous film: “Another thing that matters is ingenuity.” Therefore, all products must be combined in taste and theme with the main ingredients of the dish. We cut the apples into thin half-slices, and the cucumbers into rolls. We make a circle of cucumbers, folding them in half. We will make a swan from apples in the middle: simply fold the wings from half rings, and the neck from a separate piece of apple, which can be obtained by cutting the fruit in half and leaving the spine on it. Now, as in the previous salad, we will make flowers from eggs, only in the middle we put not the yolk, but several Korean carrots.

You can simply and easily make calla lilies from cheese, as a decoration for absolutely any salad. Just cut the cheese into thin squares, then roll the pieces like a glass for seeds, as they used to do from paper, put it on the salad, add the yellow center of the pepper, eggs, and lay out the green onion stalks. The centers can be made black - from olives, green - from olives.

You can also make flowers from plum tomatoes. Excellent tulips are obtained if the fruit itself is cut into four parts at the top, a few centimeters apart, placed on a salad, and stems and leaves are made from parsley or dill. But lilac can be depicted from processed cheese, simply grated on a coarse grater in the form of a cluster of these flowers, and adding a drop of food coloring.
