Laurent pie with chicken and mushrooms is the most delicious. Laurent pie with chicken and mushrooms: recipes. Dough ingredients

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Tip 2: How to use fizzy drinks for household purposes

Pepsi, Fanta, Cola, Sprite. Who among us hasn't tried one of these bubbly drinks? I think that there are almost no such people. Meanwhile, it is known that the components of these drinks are ingredients that are chemical compounds with very practical properties in the household. Let's talk about their everyday use.

You will need

  • carbonated drinks (Sprite, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta).


Chemical compounds in Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, recognized as food grade, are, first of all, acids that give drinks their taste and make them possible for long-term storage. These acids successfully affect, for example,. Plaque comes off from both metal and plastic surfaces when any of these drinks are boiled.

Also, the cleaning properties of Fanta or Sprite can be checked while tidying up the plumbing. For example, pour a liter of drink into and leave for a couple of hours. The fizz perfectly corrodes all plaque and rust, so the insides of the bathroom will turn white. You can add any of the drinks to the tank, then not only the cleaning properties will appear, but also the smell of cola or forfeit will refresh the room.

To clean stains from clothes, you can use Sprite or seven-up, drinks that do not contain bright dyes. You need to soak the stain in pop for 20 minutes and then machine wash it. Don't be afraid that the drink is sweet, sugar dissolves in water and rinses without residue.

The components of fizzy drinks are good solvents. Therefore, Sprite, Cola, and Pepsi are suitable for washing window glass, mirrors and even car glass, including headlights. Initial treatment with a fizzy drink, which will dissolve the dirt, then wipe with a damp cloth to wash away the sweetness. And you will be convinced that the glass will shine like new!

Helpful advice

It’s up to you to decide what to do with consuming these drinks internally. In any case, don't overuse it.

The world-famous drink “Coca-Cola” has many interesting properties that allow it to find many different uses and become a good helper around the house.

Coca-Cola as a cleaning agent

Coca-Cola can easily descale a kettle. You need to pour it inside and leave it overnight. In the morning the kettle inside will be like new. Using the same method, you can clean a car radiator from plaque.

Coca-Cola can be used to clean jewelry. To do this, you need to place them in a glass of drink for 1-1.5 hours, and then just lightly walk over them with a brush. However, this is not worth it if there are any stones on the jewelry. This is very harmful for them.

A burnt pan can easily be returned to its original state with the help of Coca-Cola. To do this, you need to pour the drink into it and bring it to a boil. The result will not be long in coming.

Coca-Cola poured into the toilet makes it much cleaner, and it can also be used to clean the tiles from plaque and rust.

"Coca-Cola" for hair

Coca-Cola is a good hair conditioner. The acid it contains neutralizes the alkaline effect of the shampoo. Just pour Coca-Cola on your head, rinse and dry.

If after dyeing your hair color is too rich, Coca-Cola will help make it lighter.

Other uses of Coca-Cola on the farm

Coca-Cola will help get rid of slugs in the garden. It is enough to pour it into wide and flat saucers and place it around the garden. Its sweetish smell will lure the slugs into the vessel, and they will no longer be able to get out.

If the bolt does not unscrew, then Coca-Cola will help here too. You need to soak a rag in it and wrap it around the bolt and leave it for 2-3 hours. After this procedure, the bolt will unscrew much easier.

Glass washed with Coca-Cola will have a natural shine and there will be no streaks left on it.

Using Coca-Cola, you can make a photograph look aged by slightly wetting it with the drink and immediately wiping it off. The main thing is not to make it too wet, as you can ruin everything.

Coca-Cola enjoys constant popularity in the world. Despite doctors' warnings that regular consumption of Coca-Cola negatively affects the functioning of the heart, causes asthma, obesity and introduces an imbalance in the functioning of the body, adults and children continue to drink this tonic effervescent drink with pleasure. Much has been said and written about the dangers of Coca-Cola, and everyone decides for themselves whether they should drink it or not, but in the home this chemical cocktail can bring a lot of benefits and it’s hard to argue with that.


Coca-Cola is an excellent cleaning agent that can clean your toilet with ease. You should just pour it into the toilet and wait an hour or leave it overnight. The fizzy drink has done its job - now you just need to clean the toilet with a brush and flush the water. After this procedure, the toilet will shine like a new coin.

You can use Coca-Cola to get rid of stubborn stains. The drink copes well with blood and grease stains. It is necessary to mix cola with detergent during washing. Phosphoric and carbonic acid, which are part of the drink, help remove stains.

Coca-Cola removes stains from more than just fabric. It can also be used to clean oil stains from the floor of a garage or workshop. You just need to pour the drink over the stains and let it soak in, and then wash the floor.

Coca-Cola contains citric acid, which will help clean dusty windows and clean a dirty window sill. Citric acid is found in many window cleaners, so cola is no worse and costs less.

It's not just people who love this pleasant-smelling chemical tonic. Cockroaches, ants and pests are also not averse to tasting sweet water. And in India, in general, many farms use Coca-Cola to get rid of pests, including.

Using Coca-Cola, you can also lighten your hair several tones and even make it light natural, and using the drink as a hair rinse will help highlight your wavy hair.

Coca-Cola can also easily remove gum stuck to your hair. You just need to pour a little drink onto the stuck chewing gum and leave for a few minutes. Now you can easily remove it from your hair without resorting to scissors.

Cola helps neutralize pain after being stung by insects, bees or jellyfish. A small amount of drink poured onto the injured area quickly soothes unpleasant itching, burning and pain.

Coca-Cola will help remove stains from dishes. The chemicals contained in the drink can cleanse deep-seated dirt. Now you don’t need to scrub the surface for a long time - just pour Coca-Cola on the contaminated surface and leave for a few minutes. Dark stains will then be very easy to wipe off, and the dishes will again acquire their original appearance.

There are situations when you have to do several things at the same time: clean the apartment, check on your child’s homework, prepare dinner, etc. Food left on the stove unattended can burn, and the dishes will be hopelessly damaged. You can clean the saucepan using regular Coca-Cola, just pour the drink into the bowl, bring it to a boil, and leave for a couple of hours, this will return the burnt saucepan to its original appearance;

You can also give the photo an antique effect using your favorite drink; quickly moisten the photo with Cola and immediately wipe it dry, the main thing is not to overdo it with the drink, otherwise the photo will simply be ruined;

If, when dyeing your hair, the color turns out to be too dark or saturated, you can rinse your hair with cola and it will become lighter. By the way, you can use Coca-Cola as a conditioner;

Cola will help you deal with limescale in a kettle; you need to pour it into the kettle to the top and leave it overnight, and rinse thoroughly in the morning; not a trace of limescale will remain;

Cola works well against urinary stones; to do this, you need to pour it into the toilet and leave it for several hours;

Rust from nuts, old coins or leaky taps can be removed in the following way: look at a cloth in Cola, wrap the surface to be cleaned for several hours, and then rinse; coins can simply be placed in a container and filled with drink;

Coca-Cola can be used as a means to clean jewelry; just put a glass of it, fill it with soda and leave it for a couple of hours, and then carefully go over it with a toothbrush. This procedure will help restore your jewelry to its former shine. This method of cleaning is not suitable only for jewelry with stones.

Despite the fact that Coca-Cola is considered a very harmful drink, it copes well with intestinal diseases, such as rotavirus infection. To cope with intestinal upset, you need to drink 1 - 2 glasses of Cola on an empty stomach, after releasing the gas from it.

Coca Cola- soda, known all over the world. This drink is more than 100 years old, but, nevertheless, it has not lost its popularity. Both adults and children love him. But besides its taste, this drink is notable for its “special” properties.

So why is regular Coca-Cola so interesting? There are a couple of interesting facts about cola!

This drink can completely dissolve a nail in 4 days.

Coca-Cola can wash away traces of dried blood on concrete or asphalt. Traffic police are well aware of this; they use it after an accident.

How to use Coca Cola at home?

Now let’s look at the ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life.

1) To remove scale from inside the kettle, simply pour the drink inside and the kettle will sit like that for 10-12 hours. You will see that the scale will disappear. So easy, clean the kettle with cola.

2) It happens that sometimes you have to age photographs for collages or as a gift copy. This will also help make cola. Just wet the picture with it. The effect is simply amazing.

3) Even the most attentive housewife is not immune to pan burning. And we all know how difficult it is to wash off such stains. But Coca-Cola will help you get rid of the burning. To do this, pour cola into a saucepan and boil. After this, rinse with clean water, and the pan will sparkle with pristine cleanliness.

4) It happens that a child, no, no, even gets gum tangled in his hair. If your child has full hair, you can do without scissors. Just dip your hair in cola and the gum will soon dissolve. All that remains is to comb it out. If there is chewing gum on your clothes, you can remove it in the same way.

5) It happens that ladies, after dyeing their hair, receive too saturated light. In order to partially remove the dye, apply cola for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair with warm water.

6) If you collect old coins and they have lost a little shine, you can return it with the same cola. Just hold the coins in it, then rinse and dry. Such a simple way to clean coins with cola.

7) Coca-Cola is an indispensable assistant when it comes to cleaning plumbing fixtures. To clean a toilet or tile, rub it with cola, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry. The drink will remove not only plaque, but also the unpleasant aroma.

How to remove rust with Coca Cola?

8) Traces of rust? And then cola will save you! A little drink on a napkin, which you need to wrap around the rusted bolt, and the rust will disappear. The bolt can be unscrewed without effort.

9) Gold and silver also tend to darken. There are many ways to clean them, one of them is Coca-Cola. Pour the drink over the jewelry and scrub a little with a toothbrush. Then rub with a cloth. The plaque will disappear! Only this can be done with jewelry without stones.

Any self-respecting owner should take care of his home both during its construction and during use. This concern also includes the elimination of consequences resulting from chemical reactions that are observed in a variety of materials. This includes rot, mold and rust. The last negative phenomenon can turn any metal product into brown flakes. Therefore, it will be useful to know how to remove rust from metal, because a rusted element is not always to be thrown away. In many cases, this drawback is easily eliminated, and cleaning the metal from rust turns the part into a high-quality element suitable for further use.

How and how to remove rust from metal

How to remove rust from metal at home

Removing rust from metal can be done using “home” methods or using professional means.


Lemon juice with vinegar

These components, after mixing (in equal portions), are applied to the stain and after exposure (on metal - 2 hours, on other materials - 20 minutes) are washed off.

Baking soda

If the question arises of how to remove rust from metal, then baking soda mixed with water (until a very thick slurry is obtained) after treating the metal surface (for a quarter of an hour) with further removal using a steel wool will solve it perfectly. The procedure is usually repeated several times.

Sparkling water or the well-known Coca-Cola

This is a more modern remedy for rust on metal, the effect of which was once “discovered” by American housewives. The reason for this is phosphoric acid, which removes rust. It is enough to soak a sponge or food foil crumpled into a loose ball in the indicated drinks and treat the rusted area.


This remedy will also work. Ketchup (you can also use tomato sauce) is applied to the rust stain for 10 minutes, after which everything is wiped dry.


This creation of modern chemistry perfectly resists rust stains on aluminum cookware. The elements are completely immersed in water, into which tablets (4-5 pieces) of the specified product are added. After 5-10 minutes, the dishes must be rinsed with clean water and dried.

How can you remove rust from metal if you use professional products?

There are also a huge number of rust converters available here. The principle of their operation is similar - the chemical reaction of the composition used with rust: a dark blue coating is formed (sometimes the color can be black), which can then be easily hidden by metal rust paint. Everything is reliable and fast. Such compositions have proven themselves to be effective in removing rust from water pipes, metal rods and other all-metal objects.

Lactic acid

Before removing rust from the metal, take 50 grams of this substance and 100 ml of petroleum jelly (the components are mixed). Iron oxide under the influence of acid is converted into a salt - iron lactate, which is easily dissolved by petroleum jelly. After removing the defect, the surface should be wiped with a cloth (also moistened with the oil mentioned above).

Zinc chloride

You will need to mix 5 grams of the substance with 0.5 grams of potassium hydrogen tartrate, followed by adding the resulting composition to 100 ml of water. Removal of rust from metal occurs due to the hydrolysis product in solution, which participates in the creation of an acidic environment. Removing oxide is not always easy. It is much easier to prevent the consequences of this phenomenon. For example, objects that cannot be painted can be treated with a mixture of gasoline and wax. You can also perform a similar manipulation with rarely used elements.

Metal objects should be stored in a dry (if possible) place. Do not neglect regular painting of metal surfaces.

Coca Cola removes rust: video

Don't believe those who say that Coca-Cola is a harmful drink. Very useful! Doing laundry, cleaning plumbing, fertilizing plants with cola. Secrets of using Coca-Cola at home.

The active component of Coca Cola is phosphoric acid. It is used both for the production of carbonated drinks and in industry for the production of fertilizers. Doctors say that those who drink Coca Cola in large quantities have livers like those of alcoholics.

But this drink can be very useful if it is not consumed internally. Here are some useful secrets for using Coca-Cola in the home.

I use Coca Cola to clean plumbing fixtures.

They say that Coca Cola can completely dissolve a coin in just 3 days. May be. But it has been tested and proven that this is an excellent product for cleaning plumbing fixtures. To remove limescale or rusty deposits from a sink, apply cola directly to the surface, wait a few minutes and wipe with a cloth. This drink is great for cleaning tiled floors.

It is very useful to pour Coca Cola into the drain pipe overnight to clear it of hair and grease deposits.

Yes, and one more plus! If the smell of bleach from detergents bothers you, the aroma of Coca Cola can be a pleasant alternative.

Coca Cola is good for washing

Coca Cola dissolves grease, which means it can be used to wash kitchen towels and remove fuel oil and machine oil stains from clothes. Soak things with Coca Cola and leave for about two hours. The acid it contains will separate the grease from the fabric and can also be effective in removing rust stains.

Get rid of rust with Coca Cola

Coca Cola is an excellent remedy for removing corrosion and oxidation on battery terminals. Rusted metal objects can be easily cleaned with its help. Apply the drink to problem areas and leave for a while. The acid contained in the drink will cope with corrosion. Remove any residue with a sponge.

You can also make old coins shine in the same way.

Rusted latches or hinges on a country gate can be easily repaired and their mobility can be restored by watering them several times with cola. Threaded connections covered with rust are soaked in gasoline to restore their mobility. Cola can successfully replace gasoline, and it does not corrode the skin of your hands.

Use Coca Cola to clean dishes

Coca Cola is suitable for removing carbon deposits. Pour cola into the pan and bring it to a boil. It can be easily cleaned from the inside. By boiling Coca Cola in a kettle, you will get rid of. To clean the outside of the dishes, soak them in a drink for half an hour or wrap them in a well-moistened cloth.

Coca Cola is used as fertilizer

Gardeners also advise spraying berry bushes with Coca Cola and half water against pests. Many chemical pest and disease control products are not recommended for use during crop ripening. Cola is very effective in this case. It is sprayed on currants and cucumbers.

Date: 2014-10-17

I am glad to welcome all guests and regular readers of our site! Today on our menu is a hearty and incredibly tasty Laurent pie with chicken and mushrooms. This dish is also called Quiche Laurent (French cuisine), it is an open pie with a base of unsweetened shortcrust pastry and a juicy filling of chicken with mushrooms in a creamy cheese filling. By the way, you can experiment with the filling to suit your taste by adding your favorite ingredients (for example, eggplant, broccoli, etc.). For the juiciness and beauty of the dish, we will decorate our Quiche Lauren with cherry tomatoes. Well, if you have several eggplants in stock, I also suggest preparing a delicious one in a tender and juicy cheese and sour cream filling.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Butter – 125 gr.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Water – 3 tbsp.
  • Flour – 250 gr.
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.

For filling:

  • Chicken fillet – 300 gr.
  • Mushrooms – 300 gr. (I have white ones)
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Salt, ground black pepper

For filling:

  • Hard cheese – 150 gr.
  • Sour cream – 250 ml (you can use heavy cream)
  • Eggs – 1 pc.


First, let's make shortcrust pastry for the base of the pie. To do this, mix softened butter with flour, water, egg and knead into a loose dough. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Let's make the filling for the Laurent pie. To do this, you need to peel the onion, cut it into half rings and fry it in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Cut the mushrooms (I used white ones) into cubes and add to the onion, stir and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Then add the diced chicken fillet and simmer until the chicken is done, don't forget to season to taste.

To fill, mix grated cheese, sour cream (or cream) and egg.

Roll out the dough into a layer and place it in a baking dish, forming sides (I did not roll out the dough, but leveled it with my fingers into the mold).

Place the chicken and mushroom filling on the dough and smooth it out.

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and place cut side down on top of the filling.

Top the pie with the prepared filling.

Bake in preheated to 180 degrees. oven for about 45-50 minutes until the filling and dough are browned.
