Mimosa step by step preparation. Mimosa salad is the right recipe with layers in order. Mimosa salad - classic step-by-step recipe with photos

Layered Mimosa salad with fish and eggs is always associated with spring and the holiday of March 8, although it is prepared mainly in the cold season.

One has only to hear: “mimosa salad”, and one immediately imagines a family dinner in a festive atmosphere, the happy faces of loved ones, and, of course, a favorite salad from childhood and such a native one, which has long become a classic, along with Olivier and “fur coat”.

By the way, layered mimosa salad appeared relatively recently, in the 70s, when there was no particular abundance of products; the salad contains the most common ingredients that can always be found. Despite this, the unknown author of the recipe managed to create a real culinary bestseller, which is as relevant today as it was 40 years ago.

Let me note right away: in order to prepare Mimosa - a layered fish salad with eggs - that deserves the highest rating, you need to follow several rules. The rules are not complicated, but they are there. Rather, not even rules, but subtleties.

The most important secrets and subtleties of the Mimosa salad


Perhaps the most important thing is to choose a good mayonnaise. You need to buy a product with a high fat content, thick and must be from a trusted manufacturer, preferably containing less dyes, stabilizers and flavors. Some housewives use low-fat mayonnaise, thinking that this will make the salad lighter. But, as we show in practice, it is better to take something fattier, but put less of it, this will not affect the taste, but if on the contrary - less fatty, but a lot... In puff salads, and Mimosa is no exception, each layer should retain its own taste, an excess of mayonnaise can “lubricate” all taste sensations and then, no matter how carefully the salad is prepared, the result will, to put it mildly, not be very good.


It is equally important to boil the eggs correctly; if you keep them in boiling water, the yolk will get a greenish tint, and this is undesirable, because we need it for the final stage - decorating the salad. So cook the eggs for no more than 10 minutes. By the way, you can use quail eggs instead of chicken eggs, but you need more of them.


Pay careful attention to the choice of canned fish (the fish must be sea fish - mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, saury or horse mackerel), there are many manufacturing plants, both ours and imported. If you already have certain preferences, buy tried and tested products (I have a couple of favorite canned food brands). Diet lovers can recommend canned tuna, it has very few calories, but, however, the taste is not for everyone.


Before starting cooking, be sure to bring all salad ingredients to approximately the same temperature. If the temperature contrast is large (for example, eggs at room temperature and canned food from the refrigerator), the layers will not turn out beautifully.

Recently, the choice of products in stores is simply huge, and therefore many recipes for Mimosa salad have appeared, which include components that are not mentioned in the original recipe. I tried to collect the most popular options that definitely deserve attention.

Mimosa salad according to the classic recipe

In my opinion, the most successful recipe, characterized by a balanced taste.

Ingredients for the recipe:
boiled potatoes 3-4 medium size
boiled carrots 3pcs
1 white or red salad onion
hard-boiled eggs 4 pcs
canned fish 1 piece (200g)
greens for decoration

How to make classic Mimosa

Take a salad bowl of a suitable size. If you want all the layers of the salad to be clearly visible, you can use a cylindrical cooking mold without a bottom or cut one out of an unnecessary large plastic bottle.
We grate the potatoes and carrots separately on a fine grater; on a coarse grater, of course, it’s faster and easier, but it won’t be as tender.

Many people use fish as the first layer; in my opinion, this is not the best solution; after standing, it can drain and the salad will begin to “float”. We will have potatoes first, take half of the total amount and distribute them evenly over the bottom of the dish, trying not to compact them too much. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise without overdoing it.

From canned fish (I usually take saury), carefully select the bones and mash it with a fork on a separate plate, after draining the oil into a separate container. Place the fish mixture on top of the potatoes. Again, grease with mayonnaise.

It was the turn of the salad onions. Cut it very finely and lay it out in the next layer. When adding onions, it is important not to overdo it with the quantity, because it can overwhelm the taste of the other ingredients. As the saying goes, everything is useful, but in moderation. If you don’t have salad onions, you can take regular onions, but after cutting them, you need to scald them with boiling water. This will remove excess sharpness and unnecessary bitterness.

For juiciness, at this stage, pour Mimosa with a spoonful of canned fish oil. Let's coat with mayonnaise.
The remaining grated boiled potatoes will be the next layer; just like the previous ones, we spread it with mayonnaise.
Next comes the carrots, with mayonnaise on top as standard.
The final layer is chopped egg whites. We also coat them with mayonnaise. Mimosa salad is almost ready, it’s just a matter of beautiful presentation.

There are many decoration options, it all depends on your imagination. Usually crushed yolk is used, sprinkling it on the top of the dish, and the edges are often decorated with finely chopped herbs. An applique of green onion feathers in the shape of a mimosa sprig and yellow flowers made from yolks on it looks impressive. A great option is to serve Mimosa on green salad leaves.
Having finished decorating, place the salad in the refrigerator for several hours so that all layers are soaked.
In general, be creative and your guests will gasp with delight!

Mimosa salad with cheese

Many people may like a good recipe even more than the classic one because of the new flavors.

Ingredients for the recipe:

boiled potatoes 3 or 4 medium size
boiled carrots 2 pcs
hard-boiled eggs 3 pcs
hard cheese 150g (can be replaced with a similar amount of processed cheese)
canned fish 200g
salad onion
dill, parsley

How to prepare layered Mimosa salad with cheese

Peel the pre-boiled potatoes and carrots and grate them using a fine grater into different plates.
Peel the eggs, separate the yolk from the whites and grate them separately on a fine grater.
Cut the salad onion into small pieces.
We also grate the cheese on a fine grater.
Salt the butter from the canned food, remove the visible bones and mash it with a fork.
Divide the potatoes into two equal halves.

In a suitable, preferably glass (so that all layers are visible), salad bowl, we begin to assemble our salad. We lay out the ingredients in layers, coat each layer with mayonnaise and only after that add a new one. The order is as follows: potatoes, fish, onions, potatoes, cheese, carrots, egg whites, yolks.

We do not spread the final layer with mayonnaise. This is essentially the face of our salad.
Additionally, as a decoration, we will place a sprig of fresh dill on top. You can also combine several types of greens or, for example, surround the dish with green salad leaves.
Serve after refrigerating for at least a couple of hours.

Mimosa salad with rice

This salad uses rice instead of potatoes. Very good, try it!

Ingredients for the recipe:
boiled rice 1/2 cup
boiled carrots 3pcs
boiled eggs 3-4 pcs
canned fish saury or mackerel 1 piece (200g)
salad onion 1 piece
mayonnaise provencal
greens for decoration

Let's prepare the products: grate the carrots onto a fine grater, peel the eggs and cut them in half. Cut the salad onion into smaller pieces. Separate the whites and yolks and grind them separately using a fine grater, take the fish out of the can and mash it with a fork, first removing the remaining bones; they are absolutely not needed in the salad.

Let's choose the dishes and proceed directly to cooking. All components go in layers, and each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. The first layer is to evenly distribute the rice, then the fish mixture, then the onion, again rice, carrots, egg (white) and the last will be a layer of grated yolk. It acts as a decoration; there is no need to cover it with mayonnaise.

All that remains is to decorate the salad. To do this, we use greenery and imagination.
Two to three hours in the refrigerator is enough for the prepared salad to soak in and acquire its true taste. Now you can serve it to the table!

Mimosa salad with canned food

Another version of your favorite salad. Another order of alternating layers. It seems to be the same products, but the taste is new.

Ingredients for the recipe:
potatoes 300g
carrots 200g
onion 100-150g
canned fish 200g
eggs 3-4pcs
greens optional

Boil carrots and potatoes until tender. When cool, peel and grate on a fine grater.
Separately, boil hard-boiled eggs. Let's put them in cold water and put them on the fire, so they won't burst during cooking. After cooling, remove the shell from the eggs. Cut them and separate the yolks from the whites.
From canned fish, I note, you can take any sea fish (whichever you like best), add salt to the oil. Mash the fish on a separate plate with a fork; if necessary, remove large pieces of bones.

Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water over it for a few minutes to remove bitterness and excess pungency. Add boiling water and rinse the onion with cold water. If you have sweet salad onions, you don’t need to pour boiling water over them.
Line the bottom of the salad bowl with a layer of canned fish and grease it with mayonnaise.
Place grated egg whites on top and coat with mayonnaise.
The next layer is carrots and mayonnaise.

Now the onion will go, we also grease it with mayonnaise.
Next are potatoes and, again, mayonnaise.
The final layer is grated egg yolk; we do not smear it with anything.
Decorate the salad with herbs as desired.
Before serving, keep the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Bon appetit!

Mimosa salad with apple

An excellent salad with a slight sourness from the apple. The Semerenko variety is well suited.

canned fish (saury or mackerel, you can have tuna, salmon, pink salmon) 200g
carrots 200g
1 medium-sized salad or regular onion
eggs 3-4pcs
hard cheese 180-200g
strong, juicy apple 1 pc.

Let's start by preparing the food: boil the eggs and carrots and peel them when they cool. Salt the oil from the canned food, remove visible bones if necessary, and mash the fish until smooth. Finely grate the carrots, egg whites and yolks separately.

Cut the onion into small pieces and scald with boiling water to remove the bitterness. If you have salad onions, you do not need to pour boiling water over them.
There are also three smaller cheeses on a grater. Peel and grate the apple just before adding it to the salad to prevent it from darkening.
We begin assembling the salad in a suitable container. We lay out the products in layers and coat each layer with mayonnaise, except the last one.

Order of layers: fish, onion, egg white, grated cheese, apple, carrot, grated yolk.
Let it brew (it’s better to leave it overnight) and serve, garnished with herbs.

Mimosa salad with crab sticks

Pleasant taste and low calorie content at low cost make crab sticks a rather interesting product; they are also good for salads. Let's try mimosa with crab sticks!

Ingredients for the recipe:

potatoes 3pcs
hard cheese 150g
chilled crab sticks 200g
apple (Semerenko variety) 1 pc.
bow 1pc
frozen butter 100g
eggs 4pcs

How to cook
To prepare the salad, take a transparent form and lay out the components in layers, and grease each one (except the butter) with mayonnaise.
Sequence of installation: finely grated boiled potatoes, grated egg whites, grated cheese, butter (must be frozen in the freezer first), grated, finely chopped white or red onion (if not, regular onion will also work, but after chopping, you need pour boiling water over it), chopped crab sticks, grated apple and, finally, finely chopped yolk, which does not need to be lubricated with anything.

In order for the layers to become saturated, you need to keep the salad in a cool place for 5-6 hours; it is best, of course, to leave it overnight.
Serve as a whole dish or in individual portions. You can decorate as desired.

Mimosa salad with salmon

The essence of the recipe is that the fish is not canned, but boiled, and there are no potatoes in the composition. Let's get started?

Ingredients for the recipe:
salmon fillet 200g
chicken egg 4pcs
carrots 150g
cheese 150g
green onion 1 bunch
greenery for decoration

Mimosa recipe with salmon

First, cook the salmon in a small amount of salted water.
Let's also boil carrots and eggs. When they have cooled, peel and chop the carrots using a fine grater, remove the yolks from the eggs and also grate them separately from the whites.
Grind the cheese in the same way.
Mash the fish fillet with a fork, removing any bones.
Let's cut the green onions.

In a container of suitable size, we begin assembling the salad, laying out its components in layers. Coat all layers with mayonnaise.
Products alternate in the following sequence: egg whites, fish, carrots, green onions, cheese, yolk.

We do not spread the last layer with mayonnaise, but decorate it with herbs, for example, dill.
After several hours of “rest” in the refrigerator, the salad can be served.

Help yourself!

Mimosa salad without potatoes

Potatoes are an important component in many salads, but you can do without them, as in this recipe.

Ingredients for the recipe:
boiled eggs 4 pcs
hard cheese 150g
fish (canned) 200g
butter 100g
sweet salad onion 1 pc

How to make Mimosa salad without potatoes

We prepare the salad in a transparent salad bowl, but if you don’t have one, any suitable container will do.
Let's start by laying out the first layer of grated egg whites. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
The second layer is grated cheese and mayonnaise.

We will place the fish in the third layer, which we will first mash with a fork and, if we find any, we will remove large fragments of bones. Mayonnaise on top.
Next, spread the butter, coarsely grated (for convenience, it is better to keep it in the freezer). Here you can do without mayonnaise.
Then follow: chopped onion, mayonnaise, the rest of the fish, again mayonnaise and, finally, finally, grated yolks.

The salad will taste much better if you keep it in the refrigerator for several hours before serving.

Mimosa salad with cod liver

Cod liver is a valuable dietary product and an excellent substitute for canned fish in a salad.

Ingredients for the recipe:
cod liver (canned) 200g
boiled potatoes 3pcs
boiled carrots 2 pcs
cheese 100g
boiled eggs 3 pcs
bow 1pc
greens for decoration

Peel and grate the pre-boiled potatoes and place them in a salad bowl or other suitable dish. Distribute it evenly and apply a thin layer of mayonnaise on top.
Mash the pieces of cod liver with a fork on a separate plate, it will go next. If desired, you can season with a little ground black pepper.
Next - chopped onion, grease it with mayonnaise.

It's the carrot's turn. We clean and grind it using a fine grater. We lay out another layer, not forgetting to grease it with mayonnaise.
Distribute the egg whites, crushed on a fine grater, in an even layer and also grease with mayonnaise.

The next one will be a layer of grated cheese, we will also spread it with mayonnaise.
Sprinkle the salad with chopped yolks and decorate with fresh herbs.
Place in the refrigerator for 6 hours to gain flavor and serve!

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options. I hope there is one among them that will become your favorite!

Fantasy on the theme of Mimosa salad with beets, cucumber and red caviar.

Mimosa salad is definitely one of the most popular salads on the holiday table these days, along with Olivier and Herring under a fur coat. People especially often remember it on New Year's Eve, because it is hearty and beautiful, laid out in delicious layers of very popular products. Whatever Mimosa recipes you look for, they will always have one thing in common: the salad is made from canned fish, eggs, vegetables and mayonnaise. The main vegetables are potatoes and carrots. And then improvisation begins, some add other vegetables and herbs, some cheese, some change the fish. All options are good in their own way. Today I will tell you how to prepare Mimosa salad with canned food and various ingredients according to the classic recipe, as well as with original additives. And you can choose the one that you like the most.

Mimosa salad is a classic layered salad; it is never prepared by mixing the ingredients together. This is practically the same blasphemy as mixing all the components of a herring under a fur coat together. Here, layering is the main advantage, which allows each ingredient to simultaneously stand out with its own taste and mix with neighboring layers. In addition, the ingredients of Mimosa are very delicate and layering makes the salad airy and melting in your mouth.

To prepare the salad, you will need a deep bowl for laying layers, preferably with transparent walls so that each layer is visible. You can also arrange the layers on a large flat plate in a mound, or use a springform pan to make the layers look like a “cake.” In this form, the salad takes on a very festive look.

This salad was called mimosa for a reason; the whole point is that the top layer of the salad is necessarily a fine crumb of egg yolk, light and airy, like the flowers of a spring mimosa branch. These are the associations that the appearance of Mimosa salad evokes. And then the delicious layered surprises begin.

Let's start.

Classic Mimosa salad - step-by-step recipe

You know, I tried for a very long time to find which of the Mimosa salad recipes is actually classic. Legend has it that this salad was first prepared somewhere in the 70s, but no one knows exactly who its author was. There is also a big debate about what kind of fish is used in the classic recipe. Somewhere it is claimed that it is pink salmon, somewhere it is saury, and someone insists that it is sardines in oil. It is clear that these were some kind of canned fish, and everyone chose the best taste for themselves.

For the Mimosa salad to be just that according to the classic recipe, it must include: potatoes, carrots, eggs, onions, fish, mayonnaise.

This is the so-called minimum set to make Mimosa salad and not some other one. Having tried this set of products more than once, I can say for sure that it wonderfully reflects everyone’s love for it, because it is very, very tasty!

We will build on this.

  • canned fish - 1 can,
  • potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 4 pcs,
  • onion - 1 piece,
  • mayonnaise,
  • salt to taste.


1 Boil the potatoes and carrots for the salad in advance. You can cook them both in their uniform and without it. It's all about what taste of boiled vegetables you like best. This is not very important for cooking. The only important thing is that the potatoes and carrots are cooled by the time you assemble the salad.

2. Hard-boil the eggs, cool them under running ice water and peel them. Now you need to carefully separate the white from the yolk so that the yolk does not crumble prematurely. To do this, I make a shallow cut on the side of the white, and then open it to remove the yolks and put them on a plate. We will need the yolk last.

3. Open the can of canned fish and place the pieces of fish on a plate; it is better to drain the liquid. But if you want the salad to be juicier, then leave a small part of it, just enough so that the fish is juicy, but does not form a puddle in which our salad can get soggy.

Remove the bones and spine from the fish, and then mash the fish thoroughly with a fork.

4. We begin to lay out layers. First of all, grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and lay out the base of the salad from it. This is especially true if you place the salad on a platter rather than in a bowl.

If you cooked the potatoes without salt, you can add a little salt to them now. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on top. This can be done by squeezing it out in a thin stream, and then leveling it with a spoon or spatula.

5. Place a layer of fish on the potatoes, level it with a fork so that there are no too large pieces or slides anywhere.

6. We put onions on top of the fish. For Mimosa salad, it is better to use sweet varieties of onions, which will not spoil the taste with their pungency and bitterness. If there is no such variety, then take a regular onion, but after finely chopping it, put it in a bowl and pour boiling water over it for 2 minutes. This will kill the bitterness in the onions without ruining their flavor or crunch. Don't forget to cool the onions before serving.

Spread mayonnaise again on top of the onion layer.

7. The next layer is egg whites. They must be grated on a coarse grater and distributed evenly. Spread a very thin layer of mayonnaise again. Here, mayonnaise serves not so much as a sauce for flavor, but as cement to strengthen the layers.

8. Next, grate the boiled carrots and spread them very evenly. Press down a little, and then spread this layer with mayonnaise. The top layer of mayonnaise can be made a little thicker so that the yolk salad decoration sticks to it better. If you spread the salad in a mound, you can also spread it on the sides of the salad.

9. To turn our salad into Mimosa, you need to take the egg yolks and grate them on a fine grater, and then sprinkle them evenly and beautifully on the salad on all sides. First fill the entire top, and then if there is any left, decorate the sides. The top of the Mimosa salad should turn out uniformly yellow and “fluffy” without gaps, like a mimosa flower.

Now the salad needs to be covered and put in the refrigerator to infuse for a couple of hours. This is a mandatory rule; it is the infused Mimosa salad that is truly tasty and tender.

Before serving, take it out, decorate it with sprigs of greenery to make it look even more like flowers, and treat your guests.

Mimosa salad with canned tuna and green onions - step by step with photos

Another delicious Mimosa salad is made if you make it from tuna and add green onions to the layers instead of onions. This will greatly refresh its taste and make it unforgettably piquant. Tuna is considered a very healthy fish, but the oil version is not very dietary. If you want to make the salad lighter, use tuna in its own juice. Mayonnaise, unfortunately, cannot be removed from this salad, as it creates the basis of taste and layers. You can simply spread it on not all layers, and do it in a very thin layer. Then the Mimosa salad will turn out lighter and more crumbly.

To prepare you will need:

  • tuna in oil - 2 cans,
  • boiled potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • boiled carrots - 1 piece (large or 2 small)
  • boiled eggs - 5 pieces,
  • green onions - a bunch,
  • mayonnaise - 150 grams,
  • dill for decoration,
  • salt to taste.


1. Prepare all the ingredients for the Mimosa salad. Boil potatoes and carrots in their skins, then peel and cool. Boil the eggs, but boil for no more than 10 minutes, so that the yolk does not turn green and the salad turns out beautiful. Grate the whites on a coarse grater and the yolks on a fine grater. Cut the onion into small slices. Remove the tuna from the can without oil, remove the bones and mash it with a fork into very small pieces.

2. Place potatoes as the first layer. You can grate it on a coarse grater directly into the salad bowl, and then give the layer the desired shape. Lightly press it down with a spatula and spread it with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

3. Now place the fish on a layer of potatoes and gently smooth with a fork. There is no need to smear this layer with mayonnaise so that the taste of the fish is brighter.

4. Now sprinkle the tuna layer with green onions and spread it with mayonnaise using a spatula or spoon.

5. Place the next layer of carrots, grated on a fine grater. And again mayonnaise.

6. The penultimate layer of our Mimosa salad is grated whites, which will become the background of our picture.

7. Now we will make a Mimosa flower from the yolk and a sprig of dill. To do this, place the dill in the middle of the dish and fluff it up. Use a spoon to place small mounds of mimosa florets on top of the dill. Place the remaining yolk in a frame around the flower. It will turn out very beautiful and festive. Real Mimosa salad.

Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour, preferably two. After this, he will be ready to receive guests or a family holiday. Eat with pleasure!

Recipe for Mimosa with saury and cheese

Another very popular ingredient in Mimosa salad is cheese. Many people add a layer of cheese to this holiday salad and I can completely understand them; cheese harmonizes wonderfully in this combination of products. And given our man’s great love for cheese, which is added almost anywhere, Mimosa simply could not do without it.

Any of the delicious hard varieties of cheese will work here. And for this option we will take saury as the fish. If you have previously tried it with one type of fish, for example pink salmon, then be sure to try replacing it; you may find how interesting the taste of the salad changes just by replacing the fish. Who knows, this might become your favorite version of Mimosa salad. You can and should try new things.

To prepare you will need:

  • canned saury without oil - 2 cans,
  • potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • eggs - 5 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • red onion - 1 piece,
  • hard cheese - 150 grams,
  • mayonnaise for dressing,
  • greens for decoration.


1. Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs in advance. Clean them. Divide the eggs into white and yolk. Remove the fish from the jar and mash with a fork.

2. Take a large plate, place a springform pan on it and start layering. The first will be potatoes. It can be grated or cut into cubes.

3. Then place the saury and smooth it out. Saury is a fairly oily fish in itself, so there is no need to spread mayonnaise on it. It will also saturate the bottom layer of potatoes. They will highlight each other's taste.

4. Place a layer of onion on top of the saury. If you took red onion, it is not very hot and can be used fresh. But if you have white, then you can scald it with boiling water or use it.

Spread this layer with mayonnaise.

6. Place egg whites on top of the carrots and spread them with mayonnaise.

7. And now the final layer of yolks. Grate it directly into the salad using a fine grater. This will make it more airy. Now decorate the Mimosa salad with sprigs of herbs and vegetables, put it in the refrigerator and wait for guests!

Before serving, remove the springform pan so that all the colorful and delicious layers of the salad are visible.

Bon appetit to you and your guests!

How to cook Mimosa with rice and cheese - recipe with pink salmon

Pink salmon is one of the most popular canned fish in our time, so it is not surprising that Mimosa salad also began to be prepared with it. Many people love its delicate taste, plus it is healthy and not too fatty, since it is preserved not in oil, but in its own juice.

There is a variation of Mimosa salad, where traditional potatoes are replaced with rice. Most of us have, of course, tried a salad with rice and pink salmon, which almost every family knows how to prepare. So Mimosa is a more festive and tasty version of a salad with pink salmon and rice, since it is layered and contains additional ingredients such as cheese and carrots.

This salad is traditionally dressed with mayonnaise, which is quite logical and we love the taste.

To prepare you will need:

  • canned pink salmon - 1 can,
  • rice - 100 grams,
  • cheese - 150 grams,
  • eggs - 4 pieces,
  • carrots - 1 piece (large or 2 small),
  • onion or green onion - 1 piece (bunch),
  • mayonnaise for dressing,
  • salt to taste.


1. Start preparing Mimosa salad with those ingredients that will take the longest to prepare. In this case it is rice. It must be well cooked in advance and cooled to room temperature.

2. Hard-boil the eggs too, but don’t let them boil for too long, no more than 7-10 minutes, otherwise you’ll end up with a dark yolk. And we, if you remember, need bright yellow, like a mimosa flower. Peel the boiled eggs and separate the white from the yolk.

3. Peel the onion and chop it very finely. If it is bitter, then pour boiling water over the already chopped onion for 2 minutes, then strain the water through a sieve. Scalded onions lose their bitterness.

4. Open the pink salmon and remove the bones. Mash the fish with a fork in a separate plate; if it is a little dry, add a little broth from the jar, but do not overdo it so that the salad does not float.

5. Carrots must be boiled in advance, then peeled and grated on a fine grater.

6. Now we begin to lay out layers of Mimosa salad with rice. The first layer is pink salmon. Place it on the bottom of a salad bowl or large dish if you are making a mound of salad or shaping it using a round mold. Press it down a little so that the fish lies tightly and becomes a good foundation for the salad.

You can lightly grease the layer with mayonnaise, then quite thinly.

7. Place onion on a layer of pink salmon. Before doing this, be sure to let it cool down if you scalded it with boiling water. The salad must contain cold ingredients. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the onion.

9. The next layer is rice. If you used round rice, the salad will not start to fall apart, but if your rice is too crumbly, you can mix it with a spoon of mayonnaise before doing this. This will stick the rice grains together. Don't forget to salt it if you didn't do so during cooking.

10. Place cheese on rice. It must be grated and distributed evenly over the entire surface. Spread the cheese with mayonnaise.

11. After the cheese, add a layer of grated egg whites. Lubricate them with another layer of mayonnaise.

Not everyone likes to grease each layer with mayonnaise; this can be done one after another. But I prefer to smear each layer, just very thinly.

12. The top layer is made of airy yolks, grated on a fine grater. Now you can immediately above the salad, or you can put it on another plate first. But the yolks stick together pretty quickly, so don’t let them sit for long.

Now the salad can be decorated. The prepared Mimosa salad with rice must be kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours before placing it on the holiday table.

And after that, feel free to help yourself!

Classic festive Mimosa salad with sardines - video recipe

If you can’t figure out how to beautifully serve Mimosa salad on the holiday table, then the following recipe will be a good helper for you. Here we prepare not just Mimosa salad according to the classic recipe with sardines in oil, but also a wonderful and very elegant option for decorating the salad for the holiday.

Enjoy your holidays, elegant salads and good feasts!

16.12.2017 74 496

Mimosa salad - classic recipe and cooking secrets

Mimosa salad, the classic recipe of which has already been forgotten by many, can become a decoration for your holiday table, so it’s worth remembering how to prepare this dish, its composition, how to properly lay out the layers in order and what variants of the dish there are - with rice and cucumber, potatoes, pink salmon, saury, variations with apple, butter, cheese and other ingredients...

What products are best to choose for making Mimosa?

One of the traditional salads on the festive table was the Momosa salad, the classic recipe of which is familiar to many experienced housewives - this dish became especially popular during the Soviet period, when it was difficult to get food delights, and they were prepared from what could easily be purchased on store shelves . Mimosa has not lost its relevance today. To make the salad truly tasty, it is important to follow simple rules for its preparation and choose the right products.

First rule– choose a good mayonnaise for Mimosa dressing, – you should choose a thick product with a high fat content, and be sure to look at the composition – it is better to choose mayonnaise with a minimum amount of color, emulsifiers, aromatics and other harmful additives. Experienced housewives advise not to use liquid mayonnaise - this will not have the best effect on the taste of Mimosa, even if you take the best products.

Second rule– boil eggs correctly, since the yolks of overcooked eggs acquire an unappetizing green tint, and this ingredient is used in Mimosa not only to give it flavor, but also for decoration. You should boil regular chicken eggs no more than 10 minutes .

Classic mimosa is prepared with canned fish, and fish must be chosen sea ​​- pink salmon, horse mackerel, mackerel, and for those who choose dietary products, we can recommend canned tuna.

Mimosa salad classic recipe

Before you learn how to prepare a traditional Mimosa salad step by step, remember one more important secret - all salad ingredients must be in one temperature regime, if the eggs are hot and the canned food has recently been taken out of the refrigerator, the salad will turn out uneven and the layers will look unsightly.

Mimosa salad - a classic recipe, nuances and subtleties of a delicious dish

No matter how many variations of Mimosa there are, its classic recipe is optimal and properly balanced. To prepare it you will need:

  • 3-4 medium boiled potatoes
  • 3-4 medium sized boiled carrots
  • Red or white salad onion - 1 onion
  • 4 chicken eggs, hard-boiled
  • Can of canned fish
  • Mayonnaise, herbs to taste.

Those who value not only the taste of the salad, but also its original appearance, prefer to prepare Mimosa in a transparent salad bowl - the multi-colored layers of the salad will be visible through the walls.

Mimosa salad, serving option

Grate the cooled boiled vegetables on a fine grater - you will get a very tender Mimosa (if you don’t have enough time, you can replace the grater with a standard one).

Often they start preparing Mimosa with fish, but it’s still better make the first layer from potatoes, – it will absorb the juice from the canned food, and the salad will not float. For the first layer of Mimosa, you will need half of the prepared potatoes - spread the grated ingredient on the bottom of the salad bowl in an even layer and grease it with mayonnaise (not greasy).

Let's move on to the fish– we select bones from the fish pieces and gently mash them with a fork in a separate bowl, then place the fish prepared in this way with a subsequent layer of Mimosa on top of the potatoes and again coat with mayonnaise.

The next layer of Mimosa is finely chopped onion, and the main thing here is not to put too much of it, otherwise it will interrupt the taste of other components. If you don't like the bitter taste of onions, – scald chopped vegetables with boiling water,so all the bitterness will go away. The onion also needs to be greased with mayonnaise, you can also add a spoonful of oil from a jar of fish - this way the Mimosa salad, the classic recipe of which does not contain juicy ingredients, will become more tender and rich.

Closing the bow another potato layer, on top of which we lay grated boiled carrots, – don’t forget to coat the layers of Mimosa with mayonnaise. The final stage of the salad is a layer of egg whites, which also needs to be coated.

Now you know how to lay out the layers in Mimosa salad in order - all that remains is to decorate the dish beautifully before serving. Decorating a salad, as a rule, is directly related to its name - we make a neat sprig of mimosa, the green part of which can be made from any greenery - onions, parsley or dill, and the role of yellow balls will be taken by egg yolk.

The finished Mimosa salad, the classic recipe for which you just learned, needs to be kept in the cold for several hours so that it has time to nourish and become juicy.

Tender Mimosa - variations of recipes for every taste

Considering the huge selection of products on store shelves, today there are quite a few recipes for the popular Mimosa salad with non-traditional ingredients - by the way, the taste of these dishes turns out to be quite interesting and pleasant.

Mimosa salad, design option

So, one of the most popular variations is Mimosa salad with rice, and here everything is simple - layers of potatoes according to the traditional cooking recipe are replaced with layers of boiled rice.

For lovers of sourness in salad, the Mimosa salad with apple will be interesting - this recipe also does not contain potatoes, but apple and cheese are added, and the sequence of layers in this version is as follows:

  • Canned red fish
  • Finely chopped onion
  • Egg white, grated or finely chopped
  • Finely grated cheese (200 g)
  • Strong apple grated on a standard grater (1 pc.)
  • Finely grated boiled carrots
  • Mashed or grated yolk.

Mimosa is less nutritious if you replace the canned food with crab sticks - to prepare a standard portion you will need a package of 200 g sticks, and for a piquant taste you can also add grated apple to this recipe.

These are not all the variations of the Mimosa salad, so beloved by many - it is also prepared with cod liver, with salmon, cucumbers are added to the standard set of ingredients, etc. Each of the recipes is worthy of special attention, so experiment and choose the one that you and your household will like best!

How to decorate Mimosa, beautiful presentation of salad

You can prepare mimosa at home in one of several ways, with the addition of different ingredients, but the recipe for mimosa salad with canned food is especially popular. The main components, besides fish, are vegetables or rice, onions, eggs. The traditional dressing is high-fat salad mayonnaise. Some recipes use butter, processed cheese, and apples.

Mimosa - multi-layer salad with canned fish. Delicious and nutritious. A frequent guest at holiday feasts, it is popular in everyday lunches and dinners due to its simple cooking process.

Mimosa salad got its beautiful name thanks to its top layer. Traditionally, it is made from grated or crumbled yolk over the surface of the salad, which is associated with a delicate spring flower.

The salad was extremely popular during the Soviet Union. Now housewives often prepare a tasty, nutritious dish that can be beautifully decorated and served on a holiday table, just like Olivier salad.

About choosing mayonnaise

The best solution for mimosa salad is thick, high-fat mayonnaise. Lightweight, low-calorie cold sauces are healthier, but do not allow the salad’s flavor to fully develop.

How to make layers in mimosa correctly

3 basic rules

  • Potatoes or rice (depending on the recipe) are the basis.

This is a classic version of a salad base (“pillow”) for other ingredients, especially canned fish.

  • Canned onion mashed with a fork is added after a layer of potatoes (rice).

Place the remaining layers in the mimosa as you please, for example, divide the grated potatoes into 2 parts and add an additional potato layer to the salad.

  • The traditional top is finely grated yolk without mayonnaise mesh with decorations from fresh herbs (green onions, parsley, dill, etc.).

When laying mimosa in layers, try to evenly distribute the products over the area of ​​the dish. Pay attention to the grated carrots and potatoes. Gently scatter the ingredients, avoiding the formation of lumps.

Mimosa salad recipes with canned fish

Mimosa salad - a classic recipe with canned food


  • Potatoes – 3 medium sized tubers,
  • Carrots – 3 pieces,
  • Egg - 3 pieces,
  • White onion – 1 head,
  • Canned salmon (pink salmon) – one 200-gram jar,
  • Ground black pepper, mayonnaise - to taste,
  • Greenery - for decoration.


  1. Preparing the ingredients for the salad. I boil vegetables and hard-boiled eggs. I fill it with cold water for easy cleaning. I put it on a separate plate.
  2. I peel the onions. I wash it and cut it finely.
  3. I grate peeled vegetables and eggs using a medium grater. I transfer them into separate dishes.
  4. I take a large and beautiful salad bowl. I lay out the crushed components in layers. The first layer of mimosa salad (base) is potato. I don't tamp the vegetable. I spread half of the grated ingredient evenly. I squeeze the mayonnaise on top and distribute it over the entire area of ​​the salad bowl.

Helpful advice. Add ground black pepper between layers.

  1. For the second layer of salad I use canned pink salmon. I open the jar and drain the liquid. I put the fish on a plate and soften it with a fork. Transfer to a salad bowl on top of the potatoes. If desired, add mayonnaise dressing.
  2. I spread the onions. If it is too bitter and pungent, I add less, after dousing it with boiling water.
  3. Next in the mimosa is the second part of the grated potatoes, followed by carrots. I make a small mayonnaise “pillow” between the vegetables.
  4. Finally, I add a grated egg to the salad. White first, yolk on top.
  5. I decorate with chopped herbs. Classic mimosa salad is ready to serve. The salad will be an excellent addition to the New Year's table, along with Olivier, crab, Caesar and classic Greek salad.

Video recipe

Unusual recipe with canned food in tomato

Using sprat in tomato sauce is an interesting and bold move in preparing mimosa salad. The dish has an unusual taste, but is no less nutritious.


  • Potatoes – 3 tubers,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Carrots – 2 pieces,
  • Egg – 6 pieces,
  • Sprat in tomato sauce – 200 g,
  • Mayonnaise (cold sauce) - to taste.


  1. I cook eggs and vegetables in separate pans. Carrots and potatoes can be pre-peeled for convenience. After boiling, boil the eggs for 5-8 minutes.
  2. I put the boiled eggs in cold water. I clean and separate the whites from the yolks. I prefer to use yolks in salads for decoration. Add protein as desired.
  3. I peel and finely chop the onion.
  4. I take the sprat in tomato from the jar. Transfer to a separate bowl and add chopped onion.
  5. I spread the salad in layers in a large, deep plate. I make a small potato “pillow”.
  6. Then I add a mixture of fish, tomato sauce from a jar and onions. I pour mayonnaise over the mimosa salad.
  7. I make the next layer again from grated potatoes. I grease it with mayonnaise.
  8. I add the grated white, followed by the yolk.
  9. To decorate the salad, I add sprigs of fresh parsley on top.

Bon appetit!

Mimosa salad with mackerel and cheese

A classic version of preparing mimosa salad with canned food. For piquancy and special taste, grated cheese is used.


  • Canned mackerel – 250 g,
  • Potatoes - 3 tubers,
  • Onion – 1 head,
  • Carrots – 2 pieces,
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces,
  • Hard cheese – 150 g,
  • Mayonnaise (cold sauce) – 70 ml,
  • Greens for decoration (parsley) – 3 sprigs.


  1. I let the potatoes and carrots cook. In another bowl I boil hard-boiled eggs.
  2. While the food is being prepared, I work on the onions. I peel off the husks. I cut it into small cubes. If the taste is pronounced, I scald the onion with boiling water.
  3. Holding the cooked vegetables, I drain the boiling water. I pour in cold water and let it sit for a few minutes to make the cleaning process easier.
  4. I peel the eggs. I separate the whites from the yolks. I grate them on a fine grater (separately) and transfer them to different plates.
  5. I grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  6. I take the canned mackerel out of the can and mash it with a fork.
  7. I decorate the salad beautifully using a large metal mold. I make the base from potatoes. I level it. I add cold mayonnaise, followed by finely chopped onions.
  8. Once again I don’t lubricate it with mayonnaise, canned food is already very greasy.
  9. I make a “hat” of egg white on top. I coat it with cold sauce.
  10. I grate the peeled carrots on a fine grater. I add it to the salad. I distribute it over the area. I add mayonnaise mesh.
  11. To decorate the mimosa beautifully, I make a top layer of grated egg yolks. I stick in sprigs of fresh herbs. I prefer parsley.
  12. To soak the salad, I put it in the refrigerator for two hours.

Video recipe

Eat for your health!

Simple mimosa with cheese and butter

An interesting version of the salad without the classic vegetable ingredients (potatoes, onions and carrots). The main emphasis in this mimosa recipe is on the combination of cheese and butter. It is very easy to prepare and turns out incredibly tasty.


  • Hard cheese – 100 g,
  • Chicken egg – 6 pieces,
  • Canned pink salmon – 1 can,
  • Butter (pre-frozen in the freezer) – 100 g (for grating),
  • Mayonnaise (cold sauce) – 100 g,
  • Dill - to taste.


  1. I boil the eggs. I clean and separate the whites from the yolks. I grate the whites on a coarse grater, and the yolks on a fine grater.
  2. I peel the onion and chop it finely.
  3. I open a can of canned food. I drain the excess liquid and lay out the fish. I remove the bones and chop with a fork, turning it into a homogeneous mixture. I add onion. I stir.
  4. I take a piece of butter out of the freezer. I finely chop it with a knife or grate it. I do the same with cheese.
  5. I move on to assembling and decorating the salad.
  6. First I put the whites. I add cold sauce. Next on the list is cheese. I'm making a mayonnaise mesh again. I put fish and onions in the third layer (half of the total volume). I add a little mayonnaise.
  7. I spread the crushed butter, followed by the fish and onion mixture with mayonnaise. The finishing touch is crushed yolks with decorations from sprigs of fresh dill.
  8. I put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the mimosa is soaked. After the specified time, I take out the salad and serve it on the table.

How to prepare mimosa salad with saury


  • Potatoes - 3 medium-sized pieces,
  • Carrots – 2 pieces,
  • Processed cheese – 2 pieces,
  • Onions – 1 piece,
  • Chicken egg - 4 pieces,
  • Saira – 1 jar,
  • 9% table vinegar - 2 large spoons,
  • Mayonnaise, salt - to taste,
  • Greenery - for decoration.

Helpful advice. Use a fork to test the vegetables for doneness. Calculating the exact cooking time is quite difficult. The specific value depends on the variety and size of the tuber.


  1. Wash the potatoes and carrots thoroughly. I put it in a saucepan and pour in cold water. Cook until done.
  2. I fill the cooked vegetables with cold water to cool them faster.
  3. Place the eggs in a saucepan with cold water. I add 2 tablespoons of salt and pour in a little 9% vinegar. After boiling, cook for 7-9 minutes. I transfer it to cold water.
  4. I peel and peel the onions. I rinse under running water. I place it on a cutting board. I chop it into small and thin pieces. I transfer it to a deep plate.
  5. I open canned food. I remove excess liquid and remove bones that can ruin the salad. I spread the saury over the chopped onion. I stir with a fork while chopping the fish.
  6. I grate the vegetables. I put them in separate bowls. I separate animal products first. I rub the white and yolk separately from each other.
  7. I remove the foil from the processed cheese. Grinding.
  8. I form the mimosa salad in layers and “assemble” the prepared ingredients.
  9. I take a deep round dish. I put the potatoes in and distribute them on the plate. I add mayonnaise dressing. A little salt (optional). Next comes saury with onion. Next are layers of processed cheese and proteins. I add mayonnaise product.
  10. At the final stage, I add grated carrots to the salad. Sprinkle yolks on top. I don’t make the top mayonnaise mesh.
  11. I cover the prepared mimosa salad tightly with plastic wrap. I put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

How to make mimosa with sardine in tomato sauce


  • Potatoes – 4 pieces,
  • Onion – 1 piece,
  • Egg - 4 pieces,
  • Sardine in tomato sauce – 250 g,
  • Carrots – 1 root vegetable,
  • Mayonnaise, green onions - to taste.


  1. I cook the vegetables until done. In a separate bowl, bring the eggs to a boil. Boil for 7-9 minutes.
  2. I peel cooked and cooled vegetables.
  3. I take out a large flat dish. I take a heart shape. I place it on a plate.
  4. Using a vegetable grinder, I chop the potatoes. I'm making a mayonnaise grid.
  5. I open a can of canned sardine. Use a tablespoon to remove a small amount of liquid. I grind the rest together with the fish. I put it in the salad. I distribute it evenly.
  6. Finely chop the onion and place the sardines on top.
  7. Carrots go next in line in mimosa. I chop it like potatoes, using a convenient vegetable grinder. I don't forget about mayonnaise.
  8. I crumble the yolk. Then I spread the chopped protein. I pour mayonnaise on top of the salad.
  9. I decorate the mimosa with green onion feathers.

Cooking video

Mimosa salad with apple, tuna and potatoes

Tuna is an incredibly healthy and nutritious fish with minimal fat and plenty of protein. Using an apple in a mimosa adds a touch of originality to the well-recognized taste and gives the salad the opportunity to “crunch.”


  • Potatoes – 3 medium sized tubers,
  • Egg - 4 pieces,
  • Carrots – 2 pieces,
  • Onion – 1 head,
  • Tuna (canned) – 200 g,
  • Apples – 2 pieces,
  • Mayonnaise – 6 large spoons,
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. I boil vegetables in their jackets. At the same time, I set the eggs to cook on another burner. Pour the boiled salad ingredients with cold water.
  2. While the mimosa ingredients are cooling, I peel and finely chop the onion. If the vegetable is very bitter, add additional boiling water.
  3. I clean the cooled ingredients. I take out a convenient vegetable grinder.

Helpful advice. Do not use a blender to chop vegetables, otherwise you will end up with mush rather than finely and evenly grated ingredients.

  1. I chop vegetables (large fraction), eggs, after separating the whites from the yolks (fine fraction).

Helpful advice. I grate the apple last so that it doesn’t turn black.

  1. I turn to the formation of mimosa. I grease each of the salad layers, except the top yolk layer, with mayonnaise. First up are the potatoes. I distribute the crushed product evenly over the dish. I avoid large lumps.
  2. The next layer is canned tuna. A very important addition to the fish will be finely chopped onion.
  3. I lay out the whites, followed by the carrots (add salt if desired). It's finally the apples' turn! Be sure to peel the fruit. Grate on a coarse grater.
  4. At the final stage of mimosa formation, I add the yolk. I decorate the top of the salad beautifully.

Cooking mimosa with saury and rice


  • Canned saury (in oil) – 1 jar,
  • Carrots – 4 medium sized roots,
  • Egg – 5 pieces,
  • Rice – 100 g,
  • Mayonnaise – 300 g,
  • Green onion – 1 bunch,
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.


  1. I pre-prepare the vegetables for the salad. I put it in a deep saucepan. I put it on the stove.
  2. I set the eggs to cook. I rinse the rice with running water. I transfer it to a bowl. I fill it with water so that the product is hidden by 4-5 cm. I set the burner temperature to maximum. After the water boils, I reduce the heat to a value close to minimum. Cook for 14-18 minutes without lifting the lid. I turn off the stove. I leave the rice to cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. I peel the boiled eggs. I separate the whites from the yolks. I grate the whites using a coarse grater (fine is suitable for yolks).
  4. I open the saury. I drain the excess liquid. I take the fish out of the jar. I mash it with a fork, picking out the bones along the way.
  5. I wash the green onions thoroughly. I dry it. I chop it finely.
  6. I take a large dish (baking dish). I spread the boiled rice. Distribute in an even layer. I make a neat mayonnaise mesh.
  7. Next I put fish mass from saury into the salad.
  8. For each subsequent layer of mimosa I make a mayonnaise grid. The order is as follows: green onion (for piquancy and a harmonious addition to the fish), eggs, carrots.
  9. I leave the yolks for the top of the salad, a traditional decoration for the dish. There is no need to make a mayonnaise grid.
  10. For a rich and pronounced taste, I recommend covering the mimosa with cling film and refrigerating it for two to three hours.

Calorie content of mimosa salad with different ingredients

The energy value of mimosa salad depends on the fat content of mayonnaise and canned fish. In one case, the housewife can use a low-calorie cold sauce along with tuna in its own juice, containing a minimal amount of fat. In another situation - high-calorie salad mayonnaise and saury in oil.

Mimosa salad - choose mayonnaise.

The first subtlety of preparing Mimosa salad is the correct choice of mayonnaise, which is used to coat each layer of the salad, except the top one. Mayonnaise should be thick and high in fat. All dietary and low-calorie mayonnaises, so popular today, can easily spoil the true taste of a real Mimosa salad and ruin any recipe. Personally, I prefer mayonnaise with lemon juice rather than vinegar, and it is advisable that it does not contain any E that is harmful to our health.

What products are needed for Mimosa salad?

In the photo presented you can see what products are needed for the Mimosa salad. To make a real Mimosa salad, you will need a can of mackerel in oil (about half the can will be used), mayonnaise, 4 small potatoes, 4 carrots, 3 hard-boiled eggs, a little red onion, and herbs. Well, and the desire to make such a Mimosa salad so that people will then lick their fingers and admire it. And for this to happen, pay special attention to the next paragraph. I even highlighted it.

An extremely important point for women who want their Mimosa salad to be the subject of universal admiration. Remember once and for all - Mimosa salad is tasty only when all the ingredients (except onions and fish) are grated strictly through a fine grater.Because the whole point of Mimosa salad is in the variety of flavors that simultaneously enter the mouth. This is even more important than making beautiful layers. I will say more - people who are accustomed to finely grated salad simply do not perceive large pieces in Mimosa and begin to turn up their nose, which is very unpleasant for the housewife. You need to salt each layer separately, but very little. Got it? Toga and

let's move on and look

How to alternate layers in Mimosa salad

The second subtlety of my recipe is the correct alternation of layers. In recipes for Mimosa salad, distributed on the internet, it is often recommended to place the fish in the first bottom layer. This is a mistake made by those who want to make Mimosa faster and easier. We're talking about how to make this salad tasty, not quick.

1) The first layer should always be a layer of potatoes. Grate two potatoes and place them on a plate so as to cover the bottom as much as possible (photo 2). But there is no need to compact the layer; the whole beauty of Mimosa salad is in its softness. Spread with mayonnaise (3).

2) Next comes canned fish - I personally prefer “Mackerel”, aka mackerel in natural oil. Please note that all the bones from the fish must be removed, otherwise some “cooks” put the fish in the Mimosa salad just like that, with bones. This is some kind of horror. In addition, the fish must be mashed with a fork so that the salad has a uniform soft consistency. Do this on a separate plate (4), then transfer the fish to the potato bed (5).

3) The third layer for Mimosa is lettuce onions (red). It is cut into very small pieces. There shouldn’t be a lot of onion for the Mimosa salad, otherwise it will overwhelm the main taste of the fish and egg, but you don’t need to scald it, otherwise the small but necessary spicy note will disappear. It’s another matter if you don’t have red onion, but only the classic one - in its pure form it is very bitter for a delicate Mimosa salad, so you need to cut it and pour hot water for ten minutes, then take it out, squeeze it lightly and put it on the fish. When you add the onions, drizzle them with one tablespoon of oil from a can and coat them lightly (Photo 7).

4) Next, we use boiled potatoes again, as in step 1 - we just have two potatoes left. Distribute over the dish and coat (photo 8).
5) Next up is boiled carrots, photo 9 (rubbed into a fine grater). Sometimes I add a layer of juicy sweet and sour grated apple on top of the layer of carrots in the Mimosa salad. An apple is not necessary for Mimosa salad, but it will be a highlight that will always make your mimosa stand out from others. Mayonnaise on top.

6) Next, for the Mimosa salad, take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Now we need whites, three of them into a fine grater (photo 11). We coat this layer tightly with mayonnaise, as if clogging the salad (photo 12) - then we will decorate it and work on its appearance.

7) The appearance of Mimosa salad is a separate matter. Sometimes greens are placed on top, around which grated boiled yolk is scattered, imitating a sprig of Mimosa. It is the Mimosa salad with bright yellow flower balls that pleases our eyes and reminds us of spring and the sun. The yolks are rubbed into a fine grater and are not smeared with mayonnaise, otherwise the Mimosa salad will lose its attractiveness (photo 13). Another option, no less popular - the yolks are evenly distributed over the surface of the salad, and the edges are filled with greens - also looks very beautiful (photo 14). But if you want to prepare Mimosa salad for a children’s party, make, for example, fish - children really like it, it’s been tested on our own.

Mimosa salad - video

For those who would rather see how Mimosa salad is prepared once than hear it a hundred times, we suggest watching this video. In this case they will tell you, how to prepare a homemade version of Mimosa salad, and to get a festive version, increase the number of layers - as I told you above.

Serving Mimosa Salad

The third subtlety is the correct serving of the salad. For example, a salad bowl should be transparent, then each layer is visible and the Mimosa salad looks colorful and especially appetizing. After preparing the Mimosa salad, place it in the refrigerator for about two hours so that the layers of the salad are soaked. Decorate the salad immediately before serving.

I read here that some “experts” in their recipes advise putting large lettuce leaves on top of Mimosa. Wow, what rude proletarian bad manners. Thin salads need to be decorated subtly. For example, Mimosa dill or young green onions are perfect for salad. Cut them very finely and sprinkle this mixture around the salad bowl, without touching the center. The Mimosa salad will be exemplary - delicate as the flower itself and no frills!!! Or, if you want, you can draw a sprig of mimosa using greenery and yolk - that will be great too. Sorry to repeat myself, but when I see Mimosa salad made crudely, I don’t even want to try it.

Zhenya Zhukova especially for

What other recipes are often looked at by people who are looking for the topic of Mimosa salad recipe?

. Shrimp are rightfully a delicacy, a product of haute cuisine. If you want to build a table based on seafood cuisine and make Mimosa with fish, shrimp will become your reliable helpers. Well, let's diversify our delicious menu with new recipes? Let's begin our transformation...

. In addition to Mimosa salad, why not add other popular recipes to your collection. Just listen to how their names sound, it’s a whole song - “Pomegranate Bracelet”, “Gill Grouse’s Nest”, “Shanghai” - chicken and pineapples, “Capriccio” - chicken with prunes. New taste sensations are guaranteed.

. Greek salads and Greek cuisine are known all over the world as very healthy, tasty and healthy dishes. For a person who wants to prepare Mimosa-level salads, it can provide even more opportunities to demonstrate culinary talents. Well, let's get a taste of true Greece?

. Squids have become a decoration for many salads. Of course, they are unlikely to find a place in the Mimosa salad, but if you are preparing several salads, squid can be an excellent flavor alternative. Plus they can be decorated in a very original way. Try it, we are sure you will like it.

. Salads with cod liver have long been firmly established at the top of culinary ratings. Some recipes even suggest sometimes replacing fish with cod liver in Mimosa salad to get new taste sensations from Mimosa salad. If you like this product, here are some good recipes.

Mimosa salad - reviews and comments

Zhenya, review on the topic “Mimosa salad”.
It so happened that I am allergic to onions, so Mimosa salad for a long time was, so to speak, beyond my culinary competence. But recently I read a recipe in one of the women’s magazines where a woman advised those who don’t like onions to replace them with grated apple. I really think it's possible. I decided to make it, my daughter ate it and said - mom, it’s delicious, my husband liked it too, and it’s even better for me. So, I advise everyone who doesn’t like onions - replace it with an apple, don’t give up Mimosa, the salad is excellent. It’s just important to lightly squeeze the grated apple pulp, otherwise the salad will “float” in the apple juice.

Anna, review on the topic of Mimosa salad
Many thanks to the editors of the magazine and personally to the author for such a detailed recipe. Everyone said my Mimosa Salad (made using this recipe) was amazing. And yet, as a lover of experimentation, I wanted to add something to this composition, and I found a product that fits well into the proposed Mimosa salad. Or rather, it already existed - mayonnaise, but I have mastered my own homemade mayonnaise and will say that it fits perfectly and makes the taste of the dish even better. Try it too, because it’s quite easy to prepare.

From the editor. We agree with our reader Anna - everything you make is always tastier than store-bought. And especially for those who want to try the recipe for Mimosa salad with homemade mayonnaise, we offer special material how to make homemade mayonnaise .

Valeria, review on the topic of Mimosa salad recipe
I also want to thank the editors for this Mimosa salad recipe - I tried different recipes, but my husband liked this one the most. My next experiments - as you advise, try to make Mimosa salad with cod liver, it will probably also turn out very tasty, and secondly, try this homemade mayonnaise, how it goes with it. In a word, everything is ahead of me, I’ll write about the results.

Daria, review on the topic Mimosa salad recipe
Editors, it’s a shame you put on a video interpretation of Mimosa salad, your recipe from Zhenya Zhukova is much better and tastier. The video has a very simple recipe, so quickly put it on the table and declare that it’s Mimosa, a real salad can’t be prepared at that pace. And then it was correctly noted that in the Mimosa salad everything should be very thin and at the same time multi-layered, so that several layers get into the mouth at once, and all the different flavors are felt. And large pieces in one layer are ridiculous.
