Is it possible to cook mushrooms the next day? How long to cook mushrooms and how to do it correctly? How to cook dried and frozen mushrooms? Boiling dried mushrooms

How long to cook mushrooms

Cook milk mushrooms for 15-20 minutes

Cook honey mushrooms for 40-60 minutes

Boil porcini mushrooms for 30-50 minutes

Boil chanterelles and boletus for 20 minutes

Boletus and russula are boiled for 30-40 minutes

Boil butter and mushrooms for 25-35 minutes

Boil morels for 30 minutes

How long does it take to cook mushrooms?

How to properly prepare wild mushrooms for cooking and how long to cook? With them everything is more complicated than with the familiar champignons and oyster mushrooms. Wild mushrooms require careful cleaning and high-quality rinsing with running water. Of course, if you have time, it is best to soak them for 10 minutes, which will greatly facilitate the process of removing dust and dirt. Fresh wild mushrooms are denser and stronger, and therefore much easier to handle. If you collected them yourself, start preparing for cooking immediately after returning from the forest. Among forest mushrooms you may find wormy ones, they should be selected. You will also need to trim the legs.

Wild mushrooms have their own characteristics in preparation, which are different for each individual variety. For example, milk mushrooms, in addition to preliminary cleaning, require additional soaking in salted water for 1-2 hours. They cook in 15-20 minutes. Cooking porcini mushrooms and honey mushrooms will take a little longer. Such wild mushrooms require changing the water after boiling. They should be cooked over low heat, periodically removing the resulting foam. Honey mushrooms will be ready in 40-60 minutes, porcini mushrooms – 30-50 minutes. The fact that the product is cooked is indicated by its lowering to the bottom of the pan.

It is necessary to first remove the skin from the caps of chanterelles and boletuses. These wild mushrooms are boiled in a large volume of salted water for 20 minutes. As for boletus and russula, they will be ready in 30-40 minutes. Butter and mushrooms must be cooked for 25-35 minutes. Morels require pre-soaking in cold water for about 1-2 hours. They cook for about 30 minutes.

When preparing duboviks, volnushki and svinushki, you need to be very careful. Such forest mushrooms should be pre-soaked in several waters; the cooking process is also carried out in stages - the water is changed several times. If you are not confident that you can properly prepare duboviki, volnushki and svinushki, it is better not to risk your health or the health of your loved ones.

Flattering mushrooms are very tasty and aromatic, but do not forget that some of their varieties are dangerous. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can cook them correctly, do not take on this task.

How to cook mushrooms? Cooking mushrooms correctly

The stem of the mushroom is cut at the base or, if the mushroom is not familiar enough, carefully pulled out. The lower part of the mushroom stem is characterized by some signs that allow us to determine its type, in particular, to distinguish fly agaric mushrooms (thickening and ring) from edible mushrooms. Due to its nutritional value, the stem of the porcini mushroom is used entirely for food. The legs of honey mushrooms and variegated umbrellas are distinguished by their viscosity; they can be cut off or broken off from the cap. Not a single mushroom should be abruptly pulled out of the ground, as this causes great harm to the mycelium.

The mushroom basket should be low and wide. In a tall, narrow basket, mushrooms become wrinkled and are difficult to remove. You can also use boxes, but in a mesh or bag, especially made of plastic, the mushrooms crumble.
The knife for picking and cleaning mushrooms should be small and sharp, preferably made of stainless steel. A dull knife only chops mushrooms. In the forest, wormholes and other damaged parts are removed, debris and leaves are removed. At home, they once again carefully sort through the mushrooms, clean them and prepare them for processing.

Sorting by type. It is advisable to process and prepare mushrooms by type, since their taste and cooking methods are different.
If there are few mushrooms, then first of all you should separate mushrooms that can be fried fresh from mushrooms that require heat treatment. It is advisable to distribute the mushrooms by size to facilitate their subsequent processing.

Clearing debris. Needles, leaves, moss and other forest debris are cleaned off with a wide soft brush, cotton swab or soft cloth. Debris adhering to the smooth mushroom cap is scraped off with a knife. From mushrooms that do not require heat treatment, debris is removed especially carefully, cleaning the folds with a brush, since they are often used dry; For frying, drying and baking, unwashed mushrooms are used, or they are quickly washed and immediately dried.

Cleaning with a knife. Using a sharp stainless steel knife, cut out all darkened and softened areas, as well as those parts that are damaged by forest pests. For older tubular mushrooms, the tubular part of the cap is cut out. For some mushrooms that have a viscous stem, it is cut off entirely. For russula, late and granular russula, remove the skin from the cap, starting from the edges, since after heat treatment it becomes slimy.

Washing. You should wash and soak the mushrooms as little as possible. Mushrooms that are used for frying or drying are not washed. Mushrooms used for other types of processing are quickly washed with cold water and placed on a sieve, sieve or flat board to drain. Only mushrooms with an uneven surface - morels, stitches. variegated blackberries, etc. - should be washed longer to remove sand adhering to the folds of the cap.

Soaking. Salted mushrooms or mushrooms that have a bitter taste are soaked to improve their taste, dry mushrooms - to restore moisture in them. The washed mushrooms are placed in cold water and soaked until the desired results are obtained, usually within 2-6 hours. When soaking bitter or salty mushrooms, change the water every hour so that unwanted substances dissolve faster. The water in which dry mushrooms were soaked is used for food along with the substances dissolved in it. After prolonged soaking, especially if the mushrooms are soaked immediately after cooking, many valuable nutrients also dissolve in the water.

Slicing. Washed larger mushrooms are cut into pieces. Porcini mushrooms, champignons, saffron milk caps and russula are consumed together with the stems. To make the prepared dish or canned food look more beautiful, mushroom stems are cooked separately. The mushroom cap is carefully cut into equal pieces - divided into four parts, six parts, etc. The mushroom stem is cut into thin circles, thus breaking the vertically arranged viscous fibers that make it up, and a more tasty mushroom dish is obtained.

Heat treatment. The purpose of cooking mushrooms is to reduce (eliminate) the bitter taste or toxicity. It should be borne in mind that heat treatment reduces the nutritional value of mushrooms and weakens their taste and aroma. Therefore, mushrooms should be used whenever possible without prior heat treatment. In no case should you heat porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, champignons, morels, umbrella mushrooms, summer mushrooms and caps. Most russula and rows also do not need cooking. Chanterelles, caps, boletus stems and some other mushrooms become viscous after cooking.

Mushrooms that contain toxic substances soluble in water should be cooked: common strings, russulas that are stinging and brittle, pink volzhankas (volzhanka), yellow and black milk mushrooms. Boil for 15-30 minutes in plenty of water. The broth is drained, as it can cause poisoning in animals.

Because of their bitter taste, many mushrooms require heat treatment: bitter mushrooms, violin mushrooms, real milk mushrooms, camphor, alder, sweetish and non-caustic milk mushrooms, serushkas, white mushrooms, some types of russula, moths, some types of talkers, pigs and many others. It is enough to cook these mushrooms for 5 to 15 minutes so that the bitter taste in them disappears. The unpleasant taste of gall mushroom does not disappear even after cooking.

There are several ways to cook mushrooms:
* Bring water to a boil, add 1/2 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. The mushrooms are dipped in boiling water and kept there for 5-15 minutes, then transferred to cold water so that they cool faster.
* Dip the mushrooms into cold salted water and quickly bring to a boil. After boiling, remove the dishes from the heat and allow the mushrooms to cool in the same water or pour over them with clean water.

After the water is drained, the mushrooms are transferred to a cloth bag or on a sieve to drain the water. It is not advisable to dry mushrooms by pressing firmly, because this removes many valuable substances from the mushrooms.

Blanching. To maintain integrity and elasticity during cold salting and fermentation, mushrooms are blanched. Mainly russula with a large flat cap, as well as saffron milk caps, are subjected to this treatment. The washed mushrooms are thrown into a sieve and scalded with water for a few minutes, dipped in boiling water or kept over hot steam. After such a quick heat treatment, the mushrooms become more elastic and, when placed in a storage container, do not break.

Short-term storage of fresh mushrooms. If it is not possible to process the mushrooms on the same day, they are stored for one night (no more!) peeled, but not washed or cut. The mushrooms are placed in a wide basket or some kind of flat dish and stored openly in a cool room with plenty of air access: in the basement, barn, corridor, etc. A very good storage place is a refrigerator with a temperature of +2--+6°. Mushrooms to be cooked can be filled with cold water. The soaking container should be wide and low. Before processing, the mushrooms should be carefully sorted again and any damaged parts that may have occurred during storage should be removed. Previously unnoticed individual wormholes, softened spots and other damage can increase so much during storage that most mushrooms become unfit for consumption.

Before using forest products in a dish, it is necessary to pre-heat them. This should be done to improve the taste, remove toxins and harmful substances that can accumulate in boletus, aspen mushrooms, milk mushrooms and other species. Find out how to cook mushrooms correctly and for how long.

How long to cook mushrooms

The variety of species is so great that each representative requires an individual approach for preparation. Experienced people know exactly how long to cook mushrooms, but housewives who have not encountered this type of fishing find it difficult to complete the task. All types have their own cooking time, so to create a delicious soup you should know exactly the cooking hours. Thermal treatment methods are influenced by the condition of the product, which can be either recently picked, frozen or dried.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

The gifts of nature in this form are the most fastidious. If they are not processed correctly, they will be tough even after cooking, so be sure to find out how long to cook the mushrooms. First, they should be soaked for 3.5-4 hours, filled with ice water, and then sent to the pan. You shouldn’t throw out the water after soaking, because the rich aroma will go away with it; it’s better to cook food with this broth. For any dish, it is advisable to cook dried mushrooms after soaking for about 2 hours. We can consider that the gifts of the forest are ready when they settle to the bottom of the container where they were boiled.

How long to cook fresh mushrooms

When the mycelium ripens, the autumn harvest period begins. Artificially grown champignons and oyster mushrooms are available in markets and stores all year round. There is a general rule that indicates that fresh mushrooms should be cooked for no more than 20 minutes. However, each type requires slight timing adjustments. If you do not want the food to darken, then before cooking the mushrooms, they should be washed in lemon juice or vinegar. How many minutes to cook mushrooms? It is enough to boil the champignons for 5-10 minutes, and the white ones need to be brought to readiness for at least half an hour.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms

Frozen forest gifts are good because they will always be at hand: they are often sold in stores or caring housewives stock them up during the summer-autumn harvesting period. When frozen, water remains, which should not get into the pan, so the food should be defrosted naturally or in the microwave, then rinsed. Frozen mushrooms should be cooked for about 20-30 minutes, and thrown exclusively into cold water, while they should boil exclusively over low heat. Foam will appear during the process, but it must be removed.

How to cook mushrooms correctly

Many people like the taste of the gifts of the forest, but in order to make a rich soup, puree, minced meat for pies or an appetizing second course, you should take into account the rules for preparing mushrooms. Almost every type of them can be cooked, which is a simple and effective method of heat treatment. Thanks to this process, all the contaminants that the forest’s gifts absorbed during the growth process, toxic substances, are removed, and bitterness is neutralized. How to cook mushrooms? During heat treatment, some of the nutrients are lost with water, so it is better to pour very little liquid.

How long to cook porcini mushrooms

Representatives of this species are among the most nutritious and delicious gifts of nature, but they must be boiled before frying or baking. Many housewives are interested in how long to cook porcini mushrooms for soup? The average heat treatment time is at least 20-25 minutes. If you are planning to prepare a product for the first course, then it is better to let it boil for about half an hour, and then combine it with other ingredients. Representatives of this species should not be overcooked, because they will taste rubbery, and during the process you need to periodically remove the foam.

How long to cook honey mushrooms before frying

Honey mushroom occupies a leading position for rolling and marinating, but this type can also be fried with onions in sour cream - the dish is also very tasty. However, before frying, this type should be boiled for the required amount of time. How long to cook honey mushrooms until done? The process occurs in a couple of stages: first, they are boiled in water for about twenty minutes, then the water is drained and boiled again. At the second stage, add honey mushrooms, onions, bay leaves, peppercorns, and leave on the stove for another 20 minutes. Cooking time depends on the size of honey mushrooms: small ones cook faster, and large ones take longer.

How long to cook the champignons until tender?

Some eat champignons even raw, but many housewives still prefer to boil them. Thanks to this, they become more juicy, tender, and richer in taste. Small champignons can be boiled whole, but large ones can be cut into several pieces. Food should be placed in boiling water, but before that it must be salted and seasoned. How long does it take to cook champignons? It all depends on what dish you add them to: if you want to put them in a salad or fry them, then you need to boil them for about 10 minutes, for soup it will take 20 minutes.

How long to cook butter

Butter is a special type that is characterized by a high moisture content. When fresh, they do not require pre-soaking, as they will become even more slimy. It is better to first place the gifts of nature on a wire rack and dry them a little: this process will take no more than 30 minutes. After drying, you need to rinse the butter and add salted water, and then send it to cook. How long should you cook butter before frying? The process will take about half an hour. When the heat treatment has come to an end, the main product will need to be strained through a colander.

How long should you cook chanterelles?

Chanterelles are much easier to prepare than some forest varieties. First of all, they should be washed and then placed in a pan with clean, cool water. Bring to a boil over heat, skim off the foam and turn down the flame. Chanterelles do not require long cooking to avoid loss of all nutrients, so they need to be cooked over low heat for 25-30 minutes until cooked. When the gifts of the forest are ready, you need to drain all the water from the pan and be sure to cut them. After this, you can stew, fry the chanterelles or put them in salads, and you already know how long to cook the chanterelles before frying.

How to cook oyster mushrooms

If oyster mushrooms are intended for frying, then they do not need pre-boiling. However, some housewives believe that oyster mushrooms need to be boiled for 5-10 minutes before frying. This variety is often used for soups, because they can be added fresh or after sautéing along with onions and carrots. In the soup, the gifts of nature are cooked together with potatoes so that they are suitable for consumption. Oyster mushrooms are the type that will taste delicious even after boiling for five minutes. Unpretentious oyster mushrooms are good because their heat treatment takes a minimum of time.

How to cook mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms

Foods that have been frozen make excellent soups, even in a slow cooker. However, the first dish can only turn out tasty if it is cooked correctly. Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms must be started by defrosting the main ingredient. When the products are prepared, they are washed and placed in a pan, filled with cold water. Boil for 20 to 30 minutes, and then add other ingredients. After cooking, you can drain the water or cook soup in it. How long to cook mushrooms with other vegetables? 15 minutes until fully cooked.

How to cook dried mushroom soup

With proper preparation, dried gifts of nature in soup can reveal the best taste qualities. Before direct heat treatment, the morel, butterdish, and polish should be soaked. Some species need 30 minutes, while others need at least 1-1.5 hours. When each one opens, you should put them in a container, fill them with cold water and put them on fire. You need to boil dry forest products for at least 35-40 minutes. There is no need to pour out the broth - mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms will be cooked in it. This soup with the addition of other ingredients can be prepared in 15 minutes.

How long to cook mushrooms before frying

Many people like the fruits of the forest best when fried. If you are a big fan of them, then you better familiarize yourself with how and how long to cook mushrooms before frying. Thus, champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus and other forest gifts need to be heat treated for different amounts of time:

  1. The champignons need to be poured with cold water, put on fire and allowed to boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Oyster mushrooms will be ready in 5-10 minutes, but there is an opinion that they do not need heat treatment at all.
  3. As for how to boil mushrooms from the forest, the bulk of them will be ready only after 40-60 minutes. Don't forget to rinse each honey mushroom, butterfly, boletus or chanterelle in lemon juice so that they do not darken.

Video: How to cook mushrooms for freezing

Do you like to cook a variety of dishes with mushrooms? Then you should definitely learn how to cook mushrooms to get a delicious dish and not harm your health! Read on and we will tell you how much time it takes to prepare different types!

Features of preparing fresh forest mushrooms

Are you an avid mushroom picker and from time to time you go to the forest to pick up fresh and fragrant boletuses, boletuses, and chanterelles? Then you should pay special attention to the process of their preparation, since it is forest species that can cause some harm to your health.

Porcini mushrooms must be boiled before frying. Don't know how to cook porcini mushrooms? To do this, be sure to wash and clean them well, after which you need to boil them for at least 40 minutes, constantly removing the film.

Honey mushrooms are cooked as follows: add water and bring to a boil, after which the water is drained, new water is added, and cooked for another 40 minutes. Chanterelles are cooked for 20-25 minutes until tender. It will take approximately the same amount of time to cook oyster mushrooms.

There is no need to cook champignons before frying. And if you need boiled varieties, for example, for pickling, then they will be cooked in just 5 minutes.

Cooking dried mushrooms

Aromatic dried varieties are great for soup. Before cooking, they should be soaked in milk or cold water for about 1-2 hours. To make the soup rich, you can cook the “drying” in the same water in which it was soaked. If you don’t know how long to cook dried mushrooms, then note to yourself that 30-40 minutes are enough to cook them.

Cooking from frozen

Many varieties are excellent for freezing: in this form they are stored for a long time and are easy to prepare. In this case, you can pre-boil them, or you can freeze them raw.

Before cooking, frozen foods must be thawed either in cold water or at room temperature. Do you know how long to cook frozen mushrooms? You will need approximately 30-40 minutes to cook them until done.

For more information on preparing different types, watch the video from YouTube:

Summer mushroom season is in full swing! You can collect forest gifts yourself, or you can buy them at the market. This tasty and healthy product is superior in nutritional value to many vegetables and fruits, and in a number of ways it is close to products of animal origin. No wonder they call mushrooms forest meat.

They can be cooked separately or added to various dishes, or used as a side dish for meat. But the process of preparation and cooking itself has its own subtleties that are important to consider. "With taste" will tell you about 7 such moments. Where many people make mistakes, you will already know how to handle mushrooms.

What to do with fresh mushrooms

  1. Sorting

    Depending on the type, mushrooms have their own taste and processing method. For example, some can be fried fresh, while others can only be boiled. An assortment is sometimes allowed for frying, in other cases - each type separately. Therefore, freshly picked wild mushrooms need to be sorted. This also applies to the size of the product: small ones can then be cooked whole, but for large and old ones it is better to leave only the cap.

  2. Cleaning and washing

    Most mushrooms have a film on their cap that must be removed. To do this, just hook it with a knife at the edge of the cap and pull it towards you. If necessary, also cut the leg with a knife. Because mushrooms absorb moisture, like a sponge, professional chefs do not recommend washing them under running water. Instead, it is recommended to use a brush and a damp cloth. Do this just before cooking.

  3. Slicing

    If the recipe for a particular dish does not provide for this, do not cut the mushrooms into small pieces. It is enough to divide them into quarters, and if they are small, it is better to leave them whole. There are also varieties that are more convenient to divide by hand, such as oyster mushrooms.

  4. Cooking: which fire to choose

    Fresh mushrooms contain a lot of water, about 90%. During heat treatment, this figure is almost halved. However, if you simmer the product over low heat, it will remain watery. Ideally you need to cook over medium heat- excess liquid will evaporate.

  5. Lack of oil

    As mentioned above, mushrooms absorb water strongly. The same way they absorb oil too, on which you will cook them. You should not spare it, otherwise you will end up with a burnt dish. And you can always remove excess fat with paper towels.

  6. Preparation: all at once or in portions

    Do not cook mushrooms in huge portions at once. Leave some room in the pan or pot so that moisture can evaporate during cooking. It is better to distribute them over several visits. Mushroom dishes should be prepared in small quantities for another reason: everything must be eaten freshly prepared. When reheated, mushrooms form toxic substances, which can cause poisoning.

  7. Storage

    Mushrooms are perishable foods. You can store them fresh no more than 6 hours after collection. Exceptions are chanterelles and oyster mushrooms - they can be stored in the refrigerator about a day. Just don’t do this in the same container with other products, such as vegetables. The best recommendation is to cook freshly picked or purchased mushrooms the same day, or prepare them in a variety of ways (drying, freezing, pickling, pickling or canning).

Recipes for a variety of dishes with mushrooms, and appetizers to hearty stews, are on our website. Choose your favorite and cook! And if mushrooms do not grow in your area at this time, save this article: the information will be useful in the autumn season.
