Steamed omelette recipe in the microwave. Steam omelette: microwave recipe. Dietary vegetable omelet in the microwave

Steamed omelet in the microwave is one of my favorite breakfast options! This omelet is prepared quickly, it turns out very fluffy, tender and tasty. This omelet recipe is also very good because you can optionally add herbs, pieces of sausage, cheese, and vegetables to it.

The most important thing in preparing an omelet is to observe the proportions, namely: for 1 chicken egg you need to take 2 tbsp. milk. I usually cook this omelet in portions, the calculation is also simple: 2 eggs per eater.

Let's prepare all the ingredients for cooking a steam omelette in the microwave.

Break the eggs into a bowl. Add ground pepper. You can also add your favorite spices.

Add salt to taste.

Whisk eggs with spices.

Pour milk into the eggs. Beat the mixture again with a mixer.

In a microwave-safe mold, melt 15 g of butter by placing the mold in the microwave for a minute.

Pour the egg-milk mixture into the mold with the butter.

The lid that we will use to cover the mold should be greased from the inside with the remaining butter so that the omelette does not stick when it rises during the cooking process.

Cover the pan with the omelette mixture with a lid.

Place the form in the microwave. Bake the omelette for 2 minutes at 800 W.

IMPORTANT! If you don't want to add cheese, herbs or other ingredients, then simply cook the omelette for 4 minutes.

Meanwhile, grate the cheese on a medium grater and finely chop the parsley.

We take out the form with the omelette from the microwave. The omelette has only set on top; inside it is still liquid. Place cheese and parsley in the pan.

Mix everything well with a fork.

We put the form with the omelette back into the microwave, now for 3 minutes, do not forget to cover the form with a lid.

After 3 minutes, take out the form with the omelette. This is how our omelette turned out.

Transfer the steamed omelette prepared in the microwave onto portioned plates and serve hot for breakfast.

Bon appetit and delicious breakfast to you!

Hello, curious readers of my blog. If you're short on time in the morning and you need to prepare breakfast for the whole family, don't panic. You won't remain hungry. You can prepare a healthy and satisfying dish very quickly. Today I decided to tell you how to make an omelet in the microwave. And I even have several recipe options with photos and videos in store for you.

By the way, I loved experimenting with omelettes - so I cooked them. A real egg pancake with ham and melted cheese. Reminiscent of pizza if you add more tomato and cheese. Overeating :)

The word "omelet" is of French origin. But no one can say unequivocally that it was the French who invented this dish. I think it is unlikely that we will ever be able to find the real inventor of the omelette. After all, almost every country has its own recipe for preparing this dish.

If such a dish is cooked in a frying pan, it will have a significant drawback. It will turn out too greasy, which is not very good. And in a microwave oven you will be able to prepare dietary food, spending very little time.

The nutritional value of an omelet in the microwave is 130.6 kcal per 100 g of dish. It contains 10.1 g of protein, 8.9 g of fat and 1.7 g of carbohydrates

To ensure that everything goes without “surprises,” remember the following rules. They will help you prepare an awesome omelet:

  1. You need to cook from fresh eggs - do not buy a week-old product. Although the shelf life is 2 weeks, I don’t really trust it when they’ve been sitting in the store for so long.
  2. The omelet will turn out fluffy if you cook it from chilled eggs. Take it out of the refrigerator, cook it right away. And if you just brought it from the store, put it in the freezer for 5-7 minutes. And only then cook.
  3. Prepare an omelet with milk. Thanks to this, it will be lush, porous and soft. But just don't overdo it. If you add too much of it, the dish will not rise.

Omelette in the microwave - recipe with photos

The advantage of cooking in a micra is that the dish will not burn like in a frying pan. Of course, if you don’t turn it on for half an hour and forget. If this happens, read the article "". I'll definitely have to wash it :)

Let's start by making a classic omelet:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • seasonings at your discretion.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, beat them with a mixer for 1.5-2 minutes. Then add flour and milk here, continuing to beat the mixture with a mixer at medium speed. Salt this mass and add seasonings to taste.

Lightly grease the pan with oil and pour the egg mixture into it. Just remember that you don’t need to fill it to the brim. During the cooking process, the omelette will first rise intensively, and then settle slightly.

Set the oven to maximum power and place the mold in there for 2 minutes. But remember, friends, that in your case the time may be different. This indicator depends on the power of the microwave, so be guided by the characteristics of your kitchen assistant.

Omelette in a mug

If you make this option, then the classic recipe for eggs with milk will be easy for you.

Main ingredients you will need:

  • egg;
  • 2 tbsp. hard grated cheese;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • salt + ground pepper;
  • a piece of bread.

An excellent option for filling would be vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots) and herbs. If you wish, you can prepare this dish with sausage or ham. The result is a very tasty and satisfying breakfast.

Melt the butter in a cup - to do this, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds. Beat the egg with a fork and combine with milk. Then add grated cheese, chopped vegetables and slices of ham. Salt the mixture and season. And put all this mass into a mug. Add a crumbled slice of bread here.

Place the dishes in the microwave. Set the maximum power and set the timer to 3-4 minutes. Then remove the cup from the microwave and turn it upside down over a flat plate. The omelette is ready. It turned out not only tasty, but also beautiful - the shape of such a dish is wonderful. By the way, this video will help you in the intricacies of preparing an omelette

Protein omelet

This dish can be eaten even by those who suffer from pancreatitis. And it is in demand among athletes.

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt + ground black pepper;
  • greens (at your discretion).

Separate the yolks from the whites, then beat the latter with a mixer until foamy. Add milk here. Add and season the mixture. Next, add finely chopped greens to the protein mixture. Mix everything well.

Place the mixture in a microwave-safe container and cover with a lid. We set the power to 500-600 W, on the timer for 3 minutes. The food is ready: enjoy your omelet! 🙂

Omelette in a bag

How to cook this dish without milk and without special utensils? Just replace the milk with water (you only need a little) and find a heat-resistant bag.

  • 4 tbsp water (or milk);
  • 3 eggs;
  • ½ medium onion;
  • 80 g boiled sausage;
  • ½ part melted cheese.

Break the eggs into a bag, close it and shake it. Add milk and shake again. Tie the bag and place it in the microwave. Cook at 620 W for 3 minutes.

Omelet like in kindergarten

For 3 eggs you need about a glass of milk. The mixture should be salted and stirred until smooth. But under no circumstances should you beat it. Grease the inside of the glass mold with softened butter and pour the mixture into it. Cover the top of the dish with a lid and place it in the microwave. Set the power to 450 W and set the timer to 20 minutes. After cooking, do not rush to immediately remove the dish. Wait a bit.

Omelet for a 1 year old child

When cooking for your baby, be aware of the dangers that exist. The main one is the use of milk. Well, first of all, the baby may have a reaction to lactose. Secondly, for a baby’s liver, a lot of fatty milk is a big burden. Therefore, when preparing porridge or other dishes for your baby, be sure to dilute the milk with water. The recommended proportion is 1:1. And besides, consuming a large number of eggs puts a lot of stress on the liver.

And when cooking for babies in the microwave, you need to pay special attention to the choice of dishes. It must be marked. This is the only way you can be sure that the dishes are safe for your child. Otherwise, the cooking method is the same as according to the classic recipe that I wrote above.

Every mother knows that the morning time flies by, so breakfast options should be prepared in advance.

Difficulties arise when parents do not have time to prepare food for the baby: here a simple and quick dish called egg omelet comes to the rescue.

Over the course of several centuries, famous chefs have come up with a huge number of omelet recipes, the simplest of which will help feed a child and an adult.

For a growing child's body, obtaining calories and essential elements daily is an important criterion.

As you know, eggs have a wide range of vitamins and minerals that help saturate your diet.

Instead of frying, parents use the steam method of preparing an omelet in the microwave, which is presented in detail with a photo:

  1. Prepare your ingredients. According to the traditional recipe for an omelet, ingredients are taken at the rate of 1 egg per 1 shell of milk, which is equal to 2 tablespoons.

    For a child under 1 year old, 1 egg is enough; older children can use 2 eggs.

    You also need salt, microwave-safe glassware, and a hand whisk. If you use a mixer instead of a whisk, the dish will turn out fluffy and tall.

  2. Break the eggs, add salt. Mix gently with a hand whisk or mixer until foam is created. For small children, it is better not to add seasonings.
  3. When the mass has a homogeneous consistency, you need to add milk. It is better to do this gradually and smoothly so as not to splash the liquid on the table.
  4. A tall glass container for the microwave should be filled with 1/3 of the total volume. This approach will prevent the omelette from leaking out of the bowl.
  5. The container is placed in the device and it is turned on at a power of 800 W. At this power, the omelette will be cooked in 2 minutes. If you reduce the power to 400-600 W, it will take 5 minutes.

The finished dish increases in size and turns out tall and fluffy.

It is served for breakfast or afternoon snack with tea, compote, and bread. In the photo you can see how tall the omelette is.

Recipe for a fluffy egg white omelette

Using egg whites almost always guarantees a fluffy, spongy result. The same goes for an omelette: an omelette made with properly whipped whites will be happily eaten by children and adults.

Before preparing a protein omelet, look in the refrigerator - maybe there are a few proteins left after preparing the pastry.

Follow the following recipe:

  1. For a fluffy, tall, airy dish you will need about 6-10 egg whites.

    This recipe will come in handy after Easter, when only yolks are put into the butter dough. The fluffiest option will be made from 10 proteins.

    You also need to take 10 tablespoons of milk, salt to taste, and a little butter to grease the pan.

  2. Cold whites are transferred to a glass bowl - it is advisable that it and the whisk are also cold.

    It is better to use a mixer or blender - the devices will help you quickly beat the mixture with salt.

  3. You can start whipping the whites at low speed, and after a few minutes increase it. The mass should be snow-white and dense.
  4. Put the mixer aside and take a spoon. Add milk 1 tablespoon at a time and mix.
  5. It is better to cook in a non-stick pan. Melt the butter and spread the protein mass. Cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes. If possible, the omelet can be turned over.

It is appropriate to sprinkle the finished dish with salty hard cheese - then you will get a viscous and tasty mass called a protein omelet.

Important! Before transferring the dish to a plate, grease it with oil, then the omelette will be even tastier.

Even a child can make such an omelet: if you know how to use a mixer, you can get a tasty, nutritious breakfast.

Recipe in a mug with and without milk

Recently, quick recipes have been in demand among busy people: they save time, while saturating the body with nutrients and satisfying hunger.

Note! You can prepare a dish in a cup using a microwave: the mug must be made of the appropriate material.

There are several simple options for preparing an omelet in a mug: they can be divided into recipes with and without milk:

Stage With milk Without milk
Ingredients 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons milk, tomato, grated hard cheese, butter 2 eggs, a slice of bacon, tomato, processed or sausage cheese, butter
Beating eggs The eggs must be beaten well with the milk. Beat eggs with seasonings and salt
Product slicing The tomato needs to be cut into cubes Tomato and bacon cut as desired
Preparation All ingredients are mixed, placed in a mug and cooked on medium power for 3 minutes. Delicious omelette is ready Place the mixed ingredients in a mug and microwave for 2 minutes. As products increase, the power can be made more or less

Calorie content and how else you can cook

Nutritionists say that 100 grams of egg omelet contains 154 calories.

At the same time, during cooking in vegetable oil, the calorie content increases, and a steam omelette has a lower calorie content.

Several options for how else you can prepare this traditional breakfast dish:

  • Steamed: for cooking you will need a multicooker; foil is placed on the upper grill for steaming, where the egg mass is poured - you can add vegetables if you wish.
  • In a bag: beat eggs with milk and pour into a bag, placing it in boiling water on the stove for 20 minutes.
  • Diet option: made using an oven at low temperature.
  • In a glass: after traditional beating, the mass is placed in a thick-walled glass and placed in a pan of water on a cloth, cooking under the lid until the water boils.

Options for preparing an omelet are expanding thanks to methods of heat treatment of eggs, as well as with the addition of other ingredients. Choose the best recipe for yourself and cook it for breakfast.

Useful video

Hello, curious readers of my blog. If you're short on time in the morning and you need to prepare breakfast for the whole family, don't panic. You won't remain hungry. You can prepare a healthy and satisfying dish very quickly. Today I decided to tell you how to make an omelet in the microwave. And I even have several recipe options with photos and videos in store for you.

By the way, I loved experimenting with omelettes - so I prepared a closed omelette with filling. A real egg pancake with ham and melted cheese. Reminiscent of pizza if you add more tomato and cheese. Overeating :)

The word "omelet" is of French origin. But no one can say unequivocally that it was the French who invented this dish. I think it is unlikely that we will ever be able to find the real inventor of the omelette. After all, almost every country has its own recipe for preparing this dish.

If such a dish is cooked in a frying pan, it will have a significant drawback. It will turn out too greasy, which is not very good. And in a microwave oven you will be able to prepare dietary food, spending very little time.

The nutritional value of an omelet in the microwave is 130.6 kcal per 100 g of dish. It contains 10.1 g of protein, 8.9 g of fat and 1.7 g of carbohydrates

To ensure that everything goes without “surprises,” remember the following rules. They will help you prepare an awesome omelet:

  1. You need to cook from fresh eggs - do not buy a week-old product. Although the shelf life is 2 weeks, I don’t really trust it when they’ve been sitting in the store for so long.
  2. The omelet will turn out fluffy if you cook it from chilled eggs. Take it out of the refrigerator, cook it right away. And if you just brought it from the store, put it in the freezer for 5-7 minutes. And only then cook.
  3. Prepare an omelet with milk. Thanks to this, it will be lush, porous and soft. But just don't overdo it. If you add too much of it, the dish will not rise.

Omelette in the microwave - recipe with photos

The advantage of cooking in a micra is that the dish will not burn like in a frying pan. Of course, if you don’t turn it on for half an hour and forget. If this happens, read the article “how to clean a microwave.” I'll definitely have to wash it :)

Let's start by making a classic omelet:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • seasonings at your discretion.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, beat them with a mixer for 1.5-2 minutes. Then add flour and milk here, continuing to beat the mixture with a mixer at medium speed. Salt this mass and add seasonings to taste.

Lightly grease the pan with oil and pour the egg mixture into it. Just remember that you don’t need to fill it to the brim. During the cooking process, the omelette will first rise intensively, and then settle slightly.

Set the oven to maximum power and place the mold in there for 2 minutes. But remember, friends, that in your case the time may be different. This indicator depends on the power of the microwave, so be guided by the characteristics of your kitchen assistant.

Omelette in a mug

If you make this option, then the classic recipe for eggs with milk will be easy for you.

Main ingredients you will need:

  • egg;
  • 2 tbsp. hard grated cheese;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • salt + ground pepper;
  • a piece of bread.

An excellent option for filling would be vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots) and herbs. If you wish, you can prepare this dish with sausage or ham. The result is a very tasty and satisfying breakfast.

Melt the butter in a cup - to do this, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds. Beat the egg with a fork and combine with milk. Then add grated cheese, chopped vegetables and slices of ham. Salt the mixture and season. And put all this mass into a mug. Add a crumbled slice of bread here.

Place the dishes in the microwave. Set the maximum power and set the timer to 3-4 minutes. Then remove the cup from the microwave and turn it upside down over a flat plate. The omelette is ready. It turned out not only tasty, but also beautiful - the shape of such a dish is wonderful. By the way, this video will help you in the intricacies of preparing an omelette

Protein omelet

This dish can be eaten even by those who suffer from pancreatitis. And it is in demand among athletes.

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt + ground black pepper;
  • greens (at your discretion).

Separate the yolks from the whites, then beat the latter with a mixer until foamy. Add milk here. Add and season the mixture. Next, add finely chopped greens to the protein mixture. Mix everything well.

Place the mixture in a microwave-safe container and cover with a lid. We set the power to 500-600 W, on the timer for 3 minutes. The food is ready: enjoy your omelet! 🙂

Omelette in a bag

How to cook this dish without milk and without special utensils? Just replace the milk with water (you only need a little) and find a heat-resistant bag.

  • 4 tbsp water (or milk);
  • 3 eggs;
  • ½ medium onion;
  • 80 g boiled sausage;
  • ½ part melted cheese.

Break the eggs into a bag, close it and shake it. Add milk and shake again. Tie the bag and place it in the microwave. Cook at 620 W for 3 minutes.

Omelet like in kindergarten

For 3 eggs you need about a glass of milk. The mixture should be salted and stirred until smooth. But under no circumstances should you beat it. Grease the inside of the glass mold with softened butter and pour the mixture into it. Cover the top of the dish with a lid and place it in the microwave. Set the power to 450 W and set the timer to 20 minutes. After cooking, do not rush to immediately remove the dish. Wait a bit.

Omelet for a 1 year old child

When cooking for your baby, be aware of the dangers that exist. The main one is the use of milk. Well, first of all, the baby may have a reaction to lactose. Secondly, for a baby’s liver, a lot of fatty milk is a big burden. Therefore, when preparing porridge or other dishes for your baby, be sure to dilute the milk with water. The recommended proportion is 1:1. And besides, consuming a large number of eggs puts a lot of stress on the liver.

And when cooking for babies in the microwave, you need to pay special attention to the choice of dishes. It must be marked. This is the only way you can be sure that the dishes are safe for your child. Otherwise, the cooking method is the same as according to the classic recipe that I wrote above.

Don't like to cook? Constantly don't have enough time in the kitchen? Don't be discouraged - there are a lot of great pp recipes that will take just a couple of minutes. For example, if you know a few simple ways to make an omelet in the microwave (with or without milk), you won’t be able to stay hungry! It's as easy and fast as it gets!

Is it possible and how to cook an omelet in the microwave?

A lush omelette is a slightly modified traditional dish of French cuisine, satisfying, but at the same time light and healthy.

A variety of omelette fillings allows you to experiment and get new tastes every time - with cheese, with mushrooms, with milk, with cream, with tomatoes, with herbs, with vegetables, with chicken or turkey fillet.

And the original Italian recipe for cooking an omelet in the microwave even allows for the addition of fruit (apples, pears, quinces) and a sweetener. So in 5 minutes you get a sweet egg-fruit dessert beloved by children and many adults.

Despite such popularity and versatility, some, even experienced housewives, still do not know whether it is possible to cook an omelette with water or milk in the microwave, whether it will taste good, whether it will bake. In fact, the dish turns out no worse than in the usual version - in a frying pan. But its main advantage is that an omelette without milk in the microwave on water, and even an omelette with milk or low-fat cream in the microwave comes out completely low-fat, since no oil is used in its preparation! It turns out that the omelet is dietary, like in kindergarten, and that is why it will fit perfectly into everyone’s menu.

The best options for every day

A diet omelet recipe in the microwave is an excellent tasty option for breakfast, lunch or light dinner for a PP person and someone who follows a low-fat diet.

There are many options for preparing an omelet in the microwave. Our selection is the most successful recipes that produce low-calorie dishes, approved for children, for pregnant women and nursing mothers (provided they are not allergic to egg products). They are absolutely irreplaceable for weight loss!

Lush omelette in a mug in the microwave

Microwave omelette in a cup requires light whisking.

Then it turns out tender, porous, almost airy.

Take a larger mug for this omelet, with a volume of at least 300 ml, otherwise the omelet may “run away”.

It just expands in volume as it cooks.

Then it will settle, but there should be enough room for growth.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 110
  2. Proteins: 8
  3. Fats 6
  4. Carbohydrates: 6


  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • milk – 4 tbsp. l.
  • whole grain flour – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • spices, herbs - optional
  • salt - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. First, beat all liquid products with a fork or whisk.
  2. Add flour a pinch at a time, continuing to lightly whisk.
  3. Add salt, spices and chopped herbs.
  4. Pour into a cup or glass and cook for 2 minutes on medium power.

Steam omelet in the microwave

There are few ways to cook a real steam omelette in the microwave.

If there is a device that allows you to steam food in the microwave, then making it will not be difficult.

If you don’t have the device, you can bake an omelet in a bag in the microwave - the bag retains moist hot steam and the omelette turns out truly steamy.

Children's steam omelet, intended for feeding children under three years of age, is prepared without salt or with a minimal amount of it.

It is also good for adults who are prescribed a salt-free diet.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 92
  2. Proteins: 8
  3. Fats 6
  4. Carbohydrates: 3

What you need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • milk - 6 tbsp.
  • salt.

How to do:

  1. The main thing is to choose the “right” one - intact, durable, transparent. Beat eggs into it, add salt and pour in milk.
  2. We tie it up and mix all the ingredients directly in the bag, shaking it.
  3. We make 2-3 punctures with a toothpick, otherwise the bag may “explode”.
  4. Cook for 4 minutes on medium power.

Recipe with vegetables and cheese

A microwave omelette with vegetables and cheese is a great option for a hearty and tasty dinner.

Although this dish is also good for breakfast.

You can take any vegetables - corn, green peas, green beans, cauliflower (remember, we stocked up on healthy ones for the winter). We take raw vegetables. But if you want to add more pieces of meat, mushrooms, fish, then they must be cooked. For example, if you have 1-2 thighs left from yesterday's dinner, finely chop the meat and add it to an omelette - delicious!

I like the option when Parmesan and garlic are added to an omelette with tomatoes in the microwave - very aromatic and tasty!

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 146
  2. Proteins: 10
  3. Fats 10
  4. Carbohydrates: 2,1


  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • sweet pepper – ¼ pod
  • peeled tomato – ½ pc.
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • cheese – 50 g
  • butter - 10 g
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Using a thin, sharp knife, chop the tomatoes, peppers and garlic very finely.
  2. Grate Parmesan.
  3. Lightly beat the eggs, add salt, and stir the vegetables into the egg mixture.
  4. Pour into a greased pan and bake for 5 minutes on high.

Diet protein recipe without milk

A steamed protein omelette is prepared only from whites, excluding even a drop of egg yolk. A protein omelette in the microwave has a very low calorie content and a lot of protein, so it is perfect for weight loss, especially combined with sports. The more thoroughly the protein mass is whipped, the more tender and tastier the dish will be. Here's how to make a fluffy egg white omelette.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 80
  2. Proteins: 9
  3. Fats 5
  4. Carbohydrates: 0,1

What do you need:

  • egg whites – 3 pcs.
  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • dill and parsley - 1 small bunch
  • butter for greasing the pan
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Carefully, preferably using a special separator, separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat the egg whites and salt into a fluffy foam, add water, chopped herbs, and beat again.
  3. Lightly grease the mold (it’s better to take a glass or ceramic one) with oil.
  4. Pour into a mold that has a lid, or cover with film - this will provide a steaming effect.
  5. Cook for 3 minutes on medium power.

Video recipe for another protein omelet

As we know, in addition to eggs, it also includes cottage cheese. And if you make an omelet with cottage cheese in the microwave, you will get a real protein bomb! How to do it is shown in the video below, but I recommend baking it in the microwave at medium power for 5-6 minutes:

Secrets of the perfect pp omelette in the microwave

The form for an omelet in the microwave can, in principle, be of any kind; it can be prepared in a mug, in a glass, even in a bag. It’s also good to make a tender omelette in a silicone mold in the microwave. This dish is prepared very quickly - in 2 minutes, since the egg mass will be distributed in a thin layer.

To reduce the calorie and fat content of the dish, chicken eggs can not be placed with all the yolks. For example, take the whites of 4 eggs, and the yolks of only 1 - purely for taste. An omelette made from 3 eggs is almost 300 kcal, and an omelette of the same size from 5 whites and 1 yolk is about 150 kcal.

Don't skip butter when cooking egg dishes in the microwave. It is only unhealthy in large quantities and when food is fried with it in the traditional way, in a frying pan. A small amount of natural high-quality butter will saturate the body with retinol, carotene, other provitamins and microelements, which are fat-soluble and difficult to replace.
