Description and characteristics of Chinese pear varieties. Nutritional value of Chinese pear. Amazing Chinese fruit jam

The fruits of the Chinese pear have a light yellow color, a round shape, small brownish spots on the skin, and white dense pulp. The ancestor of this fruit, which is also called neshi, is the Yamanashi pear, which is distinguished by its hardness and astringency. Through the efforts of Chinese breeders, the Chinese pear was developed on its basis, the benefits and harms of which have been fully studied, but are not known to everyone. The new variety got rid of the shortcomings, but retained all the best qualities of Yamanashi.

Neshi fruits not only have a pleasant sweetish taste with a piquant sourness, but also contain great amount nutritious and important components for the human body. Chinese pear is rich in: folic acid; niacin equivalent; choline, thiamine, pyridoxine; vitamins K and C; phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium. One hundred grams of nasha contains approximately 42 kilocalories. On average, each pear weighs about 200 grams. Thus, the calorie content of one fruit does not exceed 84 kilocalories, which makes it the perfect complement to dietary healthy eating. The amount of carbohydrates in this fruit prevails over fats and proteins. Carbohydrates make up 85% or 7 grams, and fats and proteins account for 15% or 0.8 grams of the total weight.

Thanks to its balanced composition, which contains minerals, vitamins, and acids important for the body, the fruit has a multifaceted positive effect on human health: calms the nervous system; stimulates brain function; regulates blood composition; participates in the process of formation of new cells and protein synthesis; resists the formation of cancer cells; prevents heart disease; improves the functioning of the digestive system; promotes the normal course of metabolic processes. The value of the Chinese pear lies not only in maintaining important processes for life, but also in its beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, and teeth. This is due to the high calcium content in Nashi.

The fruits are usually eaten in fresh. They are great for cooking fruit salads, sweet desserts combined with chocolate, ice cream, caramel. Nashi has not only culinary value, but are also used for therapeutic purposes. The fruit is recommended to be included in the menu of adults and children in the treatment of functional digestive disorders. Its regular consumption helps normalize heart rate, relieves nervous tension, and improves well-being. Juices and compotes made from it help cope with diarrhea. Chinese pear juice is especially beneficial for diabetics. It lowers blood sugar levels. You need to start taking it with 50 milligrams per day, and then gradually increase the dosage to 1 glass. You need to drink the drink half an hour before meals. Baked, boiled pears and thick decoctions relieve severe coughs with attacks of suffocation. Regular use raw fruits, decoctions, juices remove excess fluid from the body, strengthens capillaries, vein walls, prevents varicose veins, has a positive effect on circulatory system, heart muscle. The fruit practically does not accumulate chlorine and sodium, so this fruit should be included in a salt-free diet, especially with kidney pathologies. Low calorie content of the product and a large number of nutrients made a Chinese pear great addition For diet menu for the purpose of losing weight. The fruit fulfills the body's need for sweets, but does not cause you to gain extra pounds.

In order for eating Chinese pears to bring only benefits and no harm, you need to exclude ripe fruits. Unripe nash has a powerful laxative effect and can cause prolonged and painful indigestion. If the daily menu contains fresh milk, it is better to refuse the fruits of this fruit. This combination can cause serious disruptions and disorders of the digestive system. Meat products negatively affect the body's absorption of the nutrients present in nashi. Therefore, eating both Chinese pear and meat at the same time is extremely undesirable. You cannot eat fruits in unlimited quantities. This is fraught with bloating and heartburn attacks. This fruit may cause individual intolerance. It is better to introduce it into children's diets in baked form. Heat treatment destroys almost all allergens present in the pear.

Chinese pear Nashi is exotic fruit, which differs from others in its tart taste and toughness. Initially, its taste parameters were not best quality, however, breeders managed to develop a lot of new varieties that have an exquisite sweet and sour taste and a minimum of shortcomings. Regarding where this grows delicious fruit, then it is cultivated in Korea, China, Israel and Japan. These fruits are quite popular and displace many European varieties, as they differ pleasant taste, beautiful appearance And for a long time storage The ancestor of the Nashi variety is considered to be the Yamanashi pear, which has a piquant tart taste and quite hard flesh.

There are more than 20 varieties of Chinese pear on sale, but they all have distinctive features. What does this fruit look like? The fruit has a round shape and light yellow color. If it is ripe, its skin acquires light brown spots. Pears Nashi pear has juicy, sweet flesh white, it contains practically no acid, as happens with other varieties. Taking into account the variety of a particular variety, the description and weight of pears varies, on average it can be 190-305 grams. When they are well ripe, they are very aromatic, juicy and tasty.

The Chinese pear is known all over the world, but has many names among gardeners, for example, it is called Nashi, Nashi, Japanese, Asian, shortbread, Taiwanese or Chinese.

Where and how does Pears Nashi grow? It is readily planted in garden plots, where it gives a good harvest, can withstand frosts, is early ripening and has high resistance to many diseases and pests common in our latitudes.
In addition, the Chinese pear tree is well adapted to drought and can withstand changes in environmental temperatures.

An important factor for the value of a pear is its suitability for transportation, including the longest distances. It is not surprising that in our supermarkets you can easily buy Chinese pears at affordable price. But it is worth knowing that if the fruits are fully ripe, then at home they cannot be stored for a long time and quickly deteriorate. If after purchase they are stored in a cool room, their taste and commercial qualities will be preserved for two weeks. You can find out about the varieties of dwarf pear.

Reproduction of the crop in question

Today, several varieties of Chinese pear are common, each of which has its own unique taste and appearance. The most famous of them remain: Kosu, Hosu, Olympic and Crystal Pears. Each variety is grown differently, however, they are all very tasty, aromatic and produce large yields, even in small areas. By visiting specialized nurseries, you can buy ready-made seedlings of Chinese pears, from which you can grow a full-fledged, fruit-bearing tree.

If desired, this fruit can be grown from seeds. To do this, just buy ripe fruits in the store and collect their seeds. In nutritious, well-moistened soil, the seeds quickly germinate and produce the first shoots. They grow very quickly, so next year from ordinary seeds you will get a full-fledged seedling. For planting, cuttings from a healthy tree are also used, which are often available for sale at the gardening market.

Chinese pear, its features

This fruit is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its exotic external characteristics. In each country it is called differently, it can be Taiwanese, Asian or sand. Chinese pears began to be grown even in Israel, Japan and Korea. At its core, it is a hybrid obtained from several varieties at once; one of the materials used was the Yamanashi variety.

In ancient times, people did not like this fruit because it was very sour, but modern scientists managed to select the best from it and remove the unnecessary. In terms of external parameters, the fruit has the size of a winter apple, as it differs round shape. Average weight Chinese pear 1 pc. is 180 grams, but there are varieties with a larger indicator. The peel of most varieties has dark, small spots, the taste is delicate, juicy, and sweet. If the pear is ripe, then its calorie content is no more than 42 kcal, so it is readily used to prepare many dietary dishes, including desserts and casseroles.

Pear varieties

Today, several hundred varieties and varieties of Chinese pear are known, which can be different sizes, With different terms ripening, differ in color and degree of yield. In our country, due to difficult climatic conditions, only certain varieties of Chinese pears grow, adapted to any vagaries of nature. Most of them are undemanding to soil, withstand frost well and are characterized by high productivity. They are also distinguished by good resistance to pests and dry growing conditions.

Pear Morning freshness

Good summer variety pears, harvesting occurs in the first half of August. If other varieties such as Kieffer, Bronze or Eastern golden grow next to the tree, then it produces maximum yield. The first fruits after planting the seedling will be for 3-4 years, since the tree grows very quickly and is able to resist diseases. Morning freshness is resistant to various bacterial diseases and fungi, capable of negative consequences tolerate low temperatures. Its fruits are round, small, weighing 120-180 grams. The pear itself is yellow, fragrant, with a thick skin.

Pear Kosu

Also a summer pear variety, but ripens in more early dates, usually the end of July. Kosu is resistant to pests, frost-resistant, bears fruit in the second year and produces a large harvest. The fruits have a rich bronze color, juicy, sweet pulp, their weight is 130-160 grams.

Pear Hosu

This variety is self-pollinating, but if other varieties of Chinese pears grow nearby, the tree will produce maximum yield. According to the ripening period, Hosu is an autumn variety, since the harvest occurs at the end of August. Fruiting begins very early; already 2-3 years after planting the seedling, the first fruits will appear. His distinctive qualities steel: resistance to pests and frost resistance. The fruit has a bronze-brown hue, aromatic, juicy, with dense pulp. The size of the pears is quite large, as their weight is about 300 grams.

Olympic pear

Popular autumn variety Chinese pear, which has a lot of positive qualities: resistance to low temperatures, pests, early ripening, high yields. In addition, trees are not afraid powdery mildew and scab. The first fruits appear in the second year, they have a beautiful, golden color and small gray inclusions on the skin, their weight is about 160 grams. In our country, this variety is quite popular, as it is able to quickly adapt to new soil and climatic conditions. Pears also have a pleasant fruity aroma and wonderful taste.

Pear Pyrus Serotina

This pear variety is grown only in warm regions of our country, as it does not tolerate frost well. The tree is up to 12 meters in height, therefore it is a record holder among other species. Pyrus Serotina is round and light yellow in color, meaning it is almost white or cream. The fruits are small in size, their weight is no more than 150 grams, they are about 4 cm in diameter. The pulp of the fruit is sweet, hard, juicy. Her main feature it becomes juicy, which is why among gardeners it is called Chinese water pear.

Crystal pear

This variety is very popular today, as it has unique taste and a shape similar to the European varieties known to many amateur gardeners. It is worth considering that the crystal pear is the lowest in calories and has dietary properties. Since the fruit contains a lot dietary fiber, which are easily digested by the intestines, the body is saturated with all the necessary microelements. But how is pear useful in medicine?

Today it is widely used in Chinese folk medicine, since many diseases are treated with its help gastrointestinal tract. And the fruits also contain a lot useful microelements, which are required by the internal organs and cells of the human body. Pear is the most important and desired fruit, which is present in the diet of residents throughout Asia. She is also in demand here, thanks to her original taste and beneficial properties.

The benefits of Chinese pear

Chinese pear, like many fruits and vegetables, has a composition that contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and its calorie content is about 42 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Large fruits weigh more, which is about 300 grams, so the calorie content of one such pear will be 140 kcal. This is an ideal figure for a diet menu, so many women use it to lose weight and get back in shape. What are the benefits of the Chinese pear, and does it have beneficial features- here are its most important advantages:

The Chinese pear was and remains one of the most useful fruits; it gives strength, health and beauty, however, if a person has an individual intolerance to this fruit, then it is not advisable to eat it. When there are no contraindications, everyone is allowed to eat it at any age.

Use during pregnancy

While carrying a child, a woman is not allowed to eat all the fruits. This is due to allergic reactions and calorie content of foods, since it is not advisable for pregnant women to gain a lot excess weight. Average while carrying a baby 10-15 kg during the entire pregnancy. Chinese pear is allowed on the daily menu during pregnancy. Sometimes a doctor may advise expectant mothers to peel the pear and then eat it, as there may be harmful chemicals and organic fertilizers on its surface. However, such rules are useful before consuming any vegetables and fruits, so prevention will not be superfluous.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding Chinese pear reduces permanent body temperature and also improves the functioning of the kidneys, which work overtime in the last months of bearing a baby. The fruit also contains a lot of folic acid, which is very important for the full development of the child, especially if the first trimester occurs.

Harm to the human body

It is forbidden to eat the fruit in its unripe form, since at this time it has a persistent laxative property, so such food will lead to painful and long-term indigestion. It is strictly forbidden to eat the fruit and drink it with milk, as this will cause an upset stomach and disruptions in the digestive system. In general, eat fruit with fermented milk products You can, but it’s better to drink fresh steamed milk a little later. It is not advisable to eat pears on an empty stomach, as such a snack will lead to bloating and cause heartburn. Many doctors do not advise people to combine them with meat products, because this will worsen digestion, the products will be poorly absorbed.

Calories in Chinese pear

Many people are concerned about the calories in Chinese pears. Her energy value minimal. Therefore, it is ideal for dietary nutrition. There are only 42 calories in Nashi fruits, so you can eat them three times a day, 3-5 pieces per day are enough. Relatively nutritional value product, then most of it is carbohydrates, the smaller part is fats and proteins. But how many carbohydrates are in a pear? As a percentage, carbohydrates account for 85%. By weight, proteins and fats together amount to 0.8 g, and carbohydrates – 7 g. A lot of useful information in the article:

Thanks to the development of economic relations between countries, people got the opportunity to feast on exotic fruits, grown in other territories. The fruits of the Chinese pear appeared on store shelves in other countries not so long ago, but during this time they managed to gain their fans. But the benefits and harms of Chinese pear are still known only to a small number of people. Chinese pear also has other names: neshi, Asian, Japanese or sand pear. The ancestor of the Chinese pear is the Yamanashi pear. This variety was not liked because of its astringency and hardness. However, Chinese breeders were able to develop a variety based on Yamanashi that retained the best taste qualities and got rid of the shortcomings.

There are several dozen types of Chinese pear. In appearance, they all look like a round pear. Fruit color: light yellow, sometimes with a greenish tint. The skin of the fruit is covered with small brownish spots.

All pear varieties have a juicy and sweet taste with a slight sourness. At the same time, the white flesh is quite dense, which is appreciated by many buyers.

What are the benefits of Chinese pear?

Like all vegetables and fruits, the Chinese pear provides the body with water, fiber, minerals and vitamins. The calorie content of a Chinese pear is only 47 kcal per 100 g. However, if you consider that the average fruit weighs about 300 g, it turns out that the calorie content of one pear will be about 140 units. Even this figure is small for dietary nutrition, so Chinese pear can be included in the diet of weight loss diets.

Chinese pear has the following beneficial properties:

Chinese pear is useful fruit, which will give the body health and strength, unless a person has an individual intolerance. The benefits of Chinese are available to everyone, regardless of age and health.

The valuable properties of pear, Jerusalem artichoke and Chinese pear have been known for a long time. These crops are very beneficial for the human body. Recommended by nutritionists and medical professionals. However, it is important to know the composition of the fruits, since in some cases the substances contained in them can be harmful. There are very few contraindications for use in food, and they are all described in detail here.

Biochemical composition of pear fruits

The pear is one of the most significant fruit plants, cultivated in ancient times. The most valuable substances in the composition and low calorie content make it extremely beneficial for the body. The fruits contain:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;

Pear fruits contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals

  • zinc;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins A, C, K, E;
  • monosaccharides;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • arbutin (natural antibiotic);
  • tannins;
  • organic acids.

The benefits of pears and contraindications to its consumption

Nutritionists recommend eating fruits for pregnant women. They are able to have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic activity. The use of pears for the youngest children is shown. It is believed that at large physical activity It is useful to eat these fruits when playing sports. They give strength and reduce fatigue. For diseases of the gallbladder, genitourinary disorders, and liver, pears should be included in the regular diet. These are very delicious fruits are an excellent preventative against prostatitis. You can eat them even with this dangerous disease like diabetes. These fruits also have a positive effect on metabolism, mood, and general tone of a person.

Eating fresh pears has some contraindications

People suffering from colitis or peptic ulcers It is better to consume pears minimally. For constipation, these fruits can aggravate the situation somewhat. But if you peel them and remove the core, thereby reducing the tannin content, you can eat a little without risking anything. Elderly people, young children and patients undergoing rehabilitation should only eat ripe fruits.

Consumption of fresh fruits is considered the most beneficial, but in winter or northern regions It is common to use them dried. Throughout the history of cultivation, many recipes for preparing pears have been invented.

The pear is capable of storing a lot useful substances even canned

  1. Pear in its own juice. Prepare the fruits, peel them and cut them into small pieces. Spread by liter jars. Add to each container citric acid(5 g) and sugar (75 g). Next, jars of fruit are sterilized in boiling water for half an hour and rolled up.
  2. Curd dessert with pears. Wash, peel, cut 3 large fruits into several pieces and place in a bowl. Grind cottage cheese (about 100 g) with 50 g of low-fat sour cream. Add sugar to taste and fruit juice. Pour the well-mixed mixture into the pear slices.

Chinese pear: content of valuable substances

The Chinese pear is gaining more and more popularity throughout our country and is no longer perceived as exotic. Externally, the fruit looks more like an apple with small spots on the peel. The fruits are distinguished by their amazing juiciness and rich biochemical composition:

  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;

Chinese pear

  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • vitamins (C, K);
  • choline;
  • thiamine;
  • folic acid.

Beneficial properties and possible harm of Chinese pear

The large amount of potassium in Chinese pear has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart valves. You can classify these fruits as preventive agents against heart attacks and strokes. In addition, as a result of the effects of magnesium, the functioning of the atria is stabilized. Chinese pear has a beneficial effect on digestive function. Phosphorus, which this fruit is very rich in, improves the condition of muscle tissue. Regular consumption of food helps strengthen immune system and resistance to infections. It is recommended to eat Chinese pears during pregnancy. These fruits will compensate for the lack of essential elements for the health of mother and child.

Advice. Dried Chinese pears have a number of unique characteristics. They remove toxins and heavy metal compounds from the body. They contain so much iron that in ancient times, fainting conditions were treated with the help of these dried fruits.

You definitely need to know about the harmful aspects of using Chinese pear. You should not eat unripe fruits as they can cause indigestion. It is better not to eat fruits on an empty stomach, along with dairy and meat products.

Fruits have great taste, they are pleasant to eat fresh. They tolerate transportation well and are stored in the refrigerator. You can prepare delicious dishes from them.

Eat only ripe fruits

  1. Fruit salad with spicy dressing. Mix water (150 ml), honey (3 tbsp), cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. Bring to a boil, leave on low heat for another 10 minutes, strain the warm syrup. Chop kiwi, lime, cherry, Chinese pear, mango. Add a little orange zest and fill everything with syrup. Before serving, garnish with mint.
  2. Chinese pears in sake with chocolate sauce . Pour 600 ml of water into a saucepan, add a small glass of sake, add anise, cinnamon, lime zest. Boil everything, then simmer for another 5 minutes. over low heat. Peel the pears and place in a saucepan, simmer until soft (45 minutes). Cool directly in syrup. For the sauce, melt the dark chocolate, add cream (150 ml), butter (50 g) and lime zest. Before serving, cut the pears, remove the core and pour chocolate syrup over them.

Unique composition of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear It is a root crop that is very unpretentious to cultivation conditions. It is superior in nutritional value to many vegetables and is the most valuable medicinal plant, its composition includes:

  • inulin;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;

Jerusalem artichoke - earthen pear

  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • silicon;
  • copper;
  • vitamins of groups B, C;
  • amino acids.

It is recommended to consume root vegetables for anemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, diseases of the digestive system. Jerusalem artichoke normalizes metabolism. Inulin in the composition is indispensable for diabetics; as a result of consumption, the level of glucose in the blood does not increase, and the carbohydrate deficiency is replenished. It is most useful to eat Jerusalem artichoke fresh. Only in this case does it contribute to weight loss.

Jerusalem artichoke in raw form is very useful

Also, raw it is a prophylactic against atherosclerosis and thrombosis. The root vegetable has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart muscle. Jerusalem artichoke is indicated for people suffering from hypertension. However, not only root vegetables are used, but also the above-ground parts of plants - leaves, stems and flowers. They are dried, decoctions, infusions, and teas are prepared from them.

Advice. For pain in the back or joints, a bath with Jerusalem artichoke decoction can help. For preparation, use leaves and stems (2 kg), add 7 liters of water and boil for 20 minutes. Apply after straining.

Contraindications to the use of Jerusalem artichoke are associated only with intolerance to the substances in its composition. Only in rare cases, with increased flatulence, is it recommended to use root vegetables only as part of dishes. But if you use this product without being too enthusiastic, it will only bring benefits.

Interesting recipes based on Jerusalem artichoke

Although in the process heat treatment Some valuable compounds are lost; dishes made from Jerusalem artichoke are very tasty and healthy. He sweeter than potatoes, you can even make chips from it. Jerusalem artichoke is also dried and preserved. Here are a few proven recipes.

Jerusalem artichoke can make a wonderful salad

  1. Salad with Jerusalem artichoke. Chop the greens (parsley, onion and green onions). Add leaf salad. We do not clean the Jerusalem artichoke, but rinse it thoroughly with a stiff brush. This way, all the valuable elements in its composition are preserved as much as possible. Grate root vegetables (200 g). It is better to use a non-metallic one that does not destroy vitamin C. Feta cheese or goat cheese(150 g) cut into small pieces. Mix everything, seasoning olive oil. You can season it with pepper.
  2. Jerusalem artichoke and zucchini pancakes. Peel and grate potatoes, carrots and zucchini. Wash and chop the Jerusalem artichoke like other vegetables. Add onions, eggs, flour, salt. Fry the mixture in a frying pan vegetable oil, spooning and forming pancakes.

The types of pears considered and, of course, Jerusalem artichoke are not only very tasty, but have excellent medicinal properties. Regularly being on our table, these crops will help maintain health and slimness. They will give you vigor and good mood.

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke: video

The benefits of pears and Jerusalem artichoke: photo

Chinese pear, or Pears Nashi, is especially actively cultivated in China, Korea, Japan and Israel. The fruits of this pear variety are ahead of European varieties in popularity, due to their excellent taste and remarkable appearance. The progenitor of this plant is considered to be the Yamanashi pear, characterized by its astringent taste and hard flesh. Chinese breeders managed to develop varieties based on Yamanashi that retained excellent taste and were almost completely free of the disadvantages of the parent crop.

Characteristics and features

Chinese pear is very healthy and is represented by two dozen varieties, distinctive features which are the round shape of the fruit and the light yellow color of the surface. Usually, The skin of a ripe fruit has slight brownish spots. Pears Nashi pear has fairly dense white flesh, characterized by excellent juiciness and sweetness, as well as an almost complete absence of acid. The average weight of a marketable fruit, depending on the variety, can vary from 190 to 305 g. At the stage of full ripening, the fruits are very fragrant.

Other names for Chinese pear have also become quite widespread. Many gardeners know this variety as "neshi", "nashi", Asian, Japanese, Taiwanese or sand pear. Pears Nashi plants have proven themselves positively in home gardening conditions due to increased yields, excellent winter hardiness, early fruiting, and excellent resistance to the most common diseases and pests in our country. Chinese pear trees are perfectly adapted to drought.

An important value of this fruit crop is the suitability of the harvested crop for transportation over fairly long distances. However, it is important to remember that fully ripened fruits do not tolerate long-term storage in room conditions. When stored in a cool room, commercial quality and taste can be preserved for two weeks.

Pear: choosing a variety (video)

Benefits and harms

Like other popular garden crops, Pears Nashi has big amount useful properties, but not without some noticeable disadvantages. The undoubted advantages of the Chinese pear are:

  • positive effect on the digestive system;
  • beneficial effect on the fetus during pregnancy due to sufficient high content in pulp folic acid;
  • good strengthening of the immune system and increasing the body’s protective functions thanks to a significant amount of vitamin C;
  • improvement in the general condition of teeth, nails, hair and bone tissue, which is due to high levels of calcium in the pulp;
  • sufficient quantity phosphorus renders positive influence on the processes of protein synthesis, the formation of bone and muscle tissue and metabolic processes;
  • potassium and magnesium contained in ripe fruits, contribute to the normalization of activity of cardio-vascular system and significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The calorie content of Pears Nashi fruits is quite low, which makes it possible to use the Chinese pear in dietary nutrition people suffering from obesity and atherosclerosis. However, it should be remembered that Pears Nashi can be harmful if there is a tendency to diarrhea and flatulence, and unripe fruits often cause indigestion. It is not recommended to consume Pears Nashi fruits if you are hypersensitive.

Variety name Pears Nashi Description of the tree Fruit characteristics Harvesting Storage duration
"Big Korean" Actively growing, resistant to diseases and pests, early fruiting Large, round in shape, golden in color with small dots on the surface, sweet-sour taste, with a dense and juicy pulp. Weight 175−205 g Second ten days of September Until mid-January
"Hosui" Self-pollinating, winter-hardy and early-bearing, with unevenly ripening fruits Medium in size, with a rich bronze-brown surface color and sweet, very firm flesh. Weight 165−195 g Until the first ten days of December
"Kosui" Very early ripening, with excellent winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests Medium in size, with a yellow-bronze surface color and sweet, fairly dense, but juicy flesh. Weight 135−165 g From the second half of July to the first days of August The fruits are unsuitable for long-term storage
"Morning freshness" Partially self-fertile, frost-resistant, with a low risk of fungal and bacterial diseases Small in size, with a glossy bright green skin and small grayish dots on the surface. Weight 105−155g Starting from the middle of the last summer month No more than one month
"Far Eastern" A complex hybrid form of Ussuri, Chinese and European pear, forming a comfortable crown. Variety with
high winter hardiness, early fruiting and productivity
Medium in size, with a marketable appearance and excellent taste characteristics From mid-August to the second ten days of September Short shelf life

Nutritional value and calorie content

Before correctly assessing the nutritional value and benefits of this fruit crop, you should understand how many total calories and other components the fruit pulp contains. IN ripe pulp Pears Nashi contains 0.37 g of ash, 3.65 g of dietary fiber and 88.3 g of water, in addition, Chinese pear is rich in choline, niacin equivalent, folic acid, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid, phylloquinone and alpha tocopherol. The quantitative content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 0.5 g, 0.23 g and 7.05 g, respectively. The total calorie content of fresh products does not exceed 42 kcal.

Pear: beneficial properties (video)

Varieties with firm flesh do not have a pronounced aroma and are widely used in salads, sauces and side dishes. Chinese pears can be fried and also caramelized with ginger and sugar. The fruits are often used as a tasty and healthy filling when preparing all kinds of baked goods. Pears Nashi is great for sautéing or baking.
