Bolognese pasta with minced meat recipe. Two approaches: classic Italian spaghetti bolognese. Cooking in a slow cooker

Spaghetti (pack 30 RUR) 450 gr.
Homemade minced meat (pork and beef) 175 rub. 700 gr.
Tomato paste (30 rub.) 150-200 gr.
Parmesan or other hard cheese (100 rub. per 200 g.) 150-200 gr.
Dry red wine (to your taste) - 250 rub. 100-150 ml.
Onions (5 rub.) 1 PC.
Carrots (5 rub.) 1 PC.
Garlic (5 rub.) 3-4 cloves
Fresh or dried basil (30 RUR) packaging 15 g
Butter (60 rubles per pack) 60 gr.
Olive or sunflower oil
Salt, pepper to taste

The cost of products for spaghetti Bolognese as of 06/01/14: 690 rubles.

Bolognese is one of the most popular meat sauces for dishes with spaghetti or other pasta.

It turned out that my bolognese turned out to be very simplified. So I couldn’t find celery in the store, they didn’t make meat broth, and I replaced the tomatoes with tomato paste. It is better to replace the tomato paste in this recipe with a 500-700 ml can of tomatoes in their own juice. Grind them in a blender and use where tomato paste is added in the recipe.

The sauce must be prepared for at least 2 hours, which there was no time for on a weekday. But in the end it still turned out very tasty.

In the future I will make bolognese with tagliatelle according to the classic recipe, where I will take the Italian traditions of preparing this sauce as a basis.

Before cooking, a little information about the sauce:

Bolognese sauce(Italian: Ragù alla bolognese, French: Sauce bolognaise) - meat pasta sauce originally from Bologna. Traditionally prepared by the residents of Bologna with fresh tagliatelle (Italian: tagliatelle alla bolognese) or green lasagna. Less traditionally, the sauce is served with other types of pasta. Serving with mashed potatoes is also common.

The officially recommended recipe by the Bologna delegation to the Accademia Italiana della Cucina limits the Bolognese sauce to the following ingredients: beef, pork, pancetta (Italian bacon), onion, carrots, celery, tomato paste, meat broth, red wine. If desired, add milk or cream.

Spaghetti bolognese. Step-by-step preparation at home:

  1. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Grate the carrots.
    Add 60g of butter and 2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil to the pan. Fry the vegetables over medium heat for 4-5 minutes until the onion becomes transparent.
    Place the prepared vegetables into a separate bowl.

  2. Bring the pasta water to the fire in the classic ratio of 1000/100/5-10 (water/pasta/salt).
    Add 2 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil to the pan where the vegetables were fried. Fry the minced meat over medium heat. Stir and divide it into small pieces. Add a little salt.
    When the moisture comes out of the minced meat, pour in 100-150 ml of dry red wine. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring once a minute, until the wine evaporates.
    If the water in the pan boils, then add the spaghetti to cook.

  3. Add 4 tablespoons of tomato paste to the minced meat and mix.
    Scoop out a cup of water from the pot with the pasta and add it to the pan. When the liquid boils, add fried vegetables, herbs, salt and pepper.
    Leave to simmer over low heat while the pasta is cooked.
    If the sauce is too thick, add another 100 ml of water from the spaghetti pan to the bolognese.

  4. Place the finished pasta in a colander and return it to the pan. Pour in the prepared bolognese sauce.
    Mix thoroughly and cover for a minute while we grate the Parmesan and remove to a plate.

  5. The spaghetti bolognese recipe is ready.
    Sprinkle the serving with grated cheese and buon appetito.

Not all professional chefs with a big name consider Italian cuisine to be high and refined. More often than not, her dishes are called food for the poor. There is some truth in these words. But it is precisely the simplicity of recipes and, in most cases, the availability of ingredients that Italian cuisine is so popular all over the world.

Pasta can rightfully be called the unofficial symbol of Italy, and the Italians themselves are the main experts and connoisseurs of these flour dishes. Every self-respecting Italian has his own recipe for this or that dish. Many recipes are passed down from generation to generation.

Among our housewives there is a popular dish called “naval pasta”, which vaguely resembles the classic Italian dish “spaghetti Bolognese”.

A look into history

The sauce originated in the small province of Bologna, the current gastronomic capital of this country. Thanks to her, the world learned about balsamic vinegar, Parmesan and other delights of Italian cuisine. Mention of the sauce in recipes began in 1891.

Officially from Bologna

The sauce has become so popular and beloved by people that there is even a special delegation that developed its official recipe. It includes: pancetta (one of the types of bacon), meat broth, vegetables, olive oil. The sauce also requires tomatoes, and beef and pork broth with the addition of red wine.

Bolognese sauce is usually seasoned with pasta or used as a base for lasagne. You can often find recipes for mashed potatoes with this sauce, but currently one of the most common versions of the dish is spaghetti with bolognese.

But it is worth paying attention to the Italian recipe. Local chefs say that this dish has nothing in common with spaghetti, and the original uses tagliatelle.

Product selection

If you take the classic recipe, but it includes pork and beef in equal proportions, you also need to add red wine. The original recipe calls for pancetta.

Italian chefs believe that there is no need to add any spices and herbs to spaghetti bolognese with minced meat.

But it's a classic. In our area it is not always possible to find pancetta, and to buy olive oil and wine for one dish. Therefore, there are recipes adapted for residents of our latitudes. Thanks to them, you can easily prepare bolognese sauce for spaghetti at home.

Taste Info Pasta and pasta


  • Chicken broth – 3 l.;
  • Chicken wings - 3 pcs., use only if there is no ready-made chicken broth;
  • Spaghetti, long vermicelli – 300 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Minced meat – 300 g;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Dry spices (oregano, thyme, white pepper) - 1/2 tsp each;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Canned tomatoes – 300 g;
  • Tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • Hard cheese – 50 g;
  • Butter – 6 tbsp. l.

How to cook spaghetti with bolognese sauce and minced meat

The first step is to prepare the chicken broth. To do this, you need to put clean wings in cold water, wait for it to boil and then cook for 20 minutes. Here you can add a peeled onion, which will later be used to prepare the sauce.

One of the main rules of Bolognese is to finely chop the ingredients. Therefore, you need to take onions, garlic and chop them as finely as possible. Then place them in a hot frying pan and fry for 5 minutes. After this add minced meat.

Fry the contents of the pan for about 15 minutes, then add the canned tomatoes. If they are in the peel, it needs to be removed. You can add whole ones or cut into arbitrary pieces. All the same, over time everything should turn into a homogeneous mass.

After 15 minutes, add tomato paste, salt, pepper and spices. Reduce heat and cook covered for about 10-15 minutes.

Place butter cut into small cubes in a saucepan.

Place some spaghetti on top and pieces of butter again on top.

Now you need to season the dish with half of the Bolognese sauce, pour the remaining spaghetti on top, pour in the Bolognese again and sprinkle the resulting dish with grated cheese.

Take a saucepan with a dish and place it in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Readiness is determined by how the cheese completely melts.

Useful tips

  • In Italy, spaghetti with Bolognese sauce is not served in portions, but served on one large dish.
  • As for seasonings, Italians advise using only grated hard cheeses.
  • Due to the richness of the dish, it is often served with salads made from fresh vegetables.
  • Spaghetti should be cooked until al dente. To do this, you need to look at the packaging for the time it takes for the pasta to cook, and cook it a minute less.
  • There is no need to break spaghetti when cooking! After a minute they will become soft and sink to the bottom of the pan.
  • If you use fresh tomatoes in the recipe, you will need to remove the skins from them. To do this, you need to make cross cuts on them, put them in boiling water for a few seconds, after which the skin can be easily removed.
  • Tomatoes are a very important part of the sauce, so don't buy cheap varieties. If you can’t buy good tomatoes, it’s better to make do with tomato paste.

The kitchen, first of all, is a field for experimentation, thanks to which such tasty and simple dishes are obtained. Bon appetit.

Today we will reveal the behind the scenes Italian cuisine. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about Italy? Many will agree with me that the hallmark of this country is pasta, and the ideal companion for this dish is bolognese sauce. This meat sauce comes from Bologna, a province in northern Italy, which is where it gets its distinctive name. There is an officially recommended recipe for making Bolognese sauce, but it tends to change depending on the regions where it has had the opportunity to take root. For example, pasta with bolognese sauce classic recipe preparations with photos, we will do without pancetta, red wine and milk, but we will experiment with spices and fresh herbs. Enter the new and definitely improved version of pasta bolognese sauce!

Ingredients for making pasta with bolognese sauce

Step-by-step preparation of pasta with bolognese sauce

When serving, place spaghetti on the dish, top with sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. You can decorate with greenery. Bon appetit!

Want to try Bolognese ragu in Italy? Look for “tagliatelle al ragu” or “ragu alla Bolognese” on an Italian restaurant menu. Better yet, prepare the famous Bolognese pasta at home - a step-by-step recipe will help you recreate a real gastronomic miracle in your kitchen!

Pasta Bolognese Recipe: Basics

Chopped meat

According to the traditional recipe, the base component of the dish is beef, although a mixture of beef and pork can be used. To give Bolognese pasta a smoked flavor, a few slices of pancetta - pork belly cured with spices (rosemary and sage) - are sometimes added to the minced meat.

When choosing beef, give preference to a cut that requires a long stew. For example, shank or shoulder are ideal; they have a rich meaty taste. Of course, it is best to buy a whole piece of meat and cut it yourself with a knife or grind it in a meat grinder. If this is not possible, then buy ready-made minced meat, of good quality and always fresh.

Lots of fresh vegetables

To make Bolognese tasty and rich, be sure to take: onions - for flavor, carrots - add sweetness, celery - prevents the meat from darkening. Garlic is not a mandatory ingredient, but a couple of cloves added at the initial stage when frying vegetables will not be superfluous.

As for the tomato component, options are acceptable here. You can use pureed fresh tomatoes, tomatoes in their own juice, or concentrated tomato paste. In the first two cases, additional effort will be required; you need to constantly stir and make sure that the tomatoes do not burn. If you add tomato paste, the taste of the stew will be radically different, it will be more rich, and the stewing process itself will be simplified in many ways.

Red or white wine?

Wine gives the stew a special taste, so add it without fail. It is best to take dry red wine, it suits the dish very well. If you only have a bottle of white in the fridge, use it as long as it's dry! Dessert and semi-sweet wines are not suitable.

What to serve with Bolognese?

In Bologna they believe that ragu and tagliatelle are simply made for each other. Tagliatelle is an egg paste that is flat and rough, has a porous structure, due to which it perfectly absorbs meat sauce. The width of an ideal strip of noodles should be 8 millimeters - this is exactly the standard for tagliatelle adopted by the Italian Institute of Nutrition on the initiative of the residents of Bologna in 1972. Uncompromising Italians allow you to complete the preparation of Bolognese pasta with one single addition - a pinch of grated Parmigiano-Reggiano. Parmesan cheese enhances the taste and aroma of the dish.

In addition to pasta bolognese, meat ragu is suitable for creating more complex dishes, such as lasagna or pizza bolognese. In any case, it will be delicious!

Total cooking time: 3 hours
Cooking time: 2 hours
Yield: 4 servings


  • beef (pulp) – 500 g
  • large onions – 2 pcs.
  • petiole celery – 1 stalk
  • large carrots – 1 pc.
  • garlic – 3-4 teeth.
  • tomato paste – 80 g
  • dry red wine – 100 ml
  • butter – 20 g
  • olive oil – 30 ml
  • dry Italian herbs - 0.5 tsp.
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • salt and pepper - to taste
  • water – 250 ml
  • tagliatelle for serving sauce


    First you need to prepare the meat and vegetables. For the stew, I used beef shank, trimmed the meat from large tendons and ground it through a meat grinder with a coarse grid (if you don’t have a meat grinder, you can chop it finely with a knife). Peeled the onion, garlic and carrots and cut them into cubes with an edge of about 0.5 cm. Be sure to add celery - without it it is not customary to cook Bolognese stew, the taste and color will be completely different. You will need one large petiole, also diced.

    Next, fry the ingredients. I heated olive oil and butter in a frying pan. I first added the vegetables - it should be a decent mound; the volume of vegetables should be approximately the same as the meat component.

    Fry over medium heat, without a lid, stirring with a spatula. After about 10 minutes, the vegetables should be soft and the onions will begin to turn golden.

    It's time to add the meat to the frying pan. Stirring, I cooked the ground beef until well browned - about 15-20 minutes, breaking it up with a spatula to ensure there were no large particles. The beef at this stage should be fried, and not just stewed, otherwise the stew will not have a characteristic meaty taste.

    Added 1 cup of water (or vegetable broth), salt and pepper to taste, bay leaf and a mixture of Italian dried herbs. Reduced the heat to low, covered with a lid and simmered for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. If the water boils too much, you can add it, the main thing is to make sure that nothing burns.

    The simmering time can be increased up to 4 hours. The longer the stew simmers, the richer it will taste. You can cook not on the stove, but after frying, pour into a heat-resistant form, add water and simmer for 3-4 hours under the lid at a temperature of 130-140 degrees. To prevent moisture from evaporating, you can place a couple of sheets of foil under the lid. The good thing about cooking in the oven is that the stewing will be even over the entire area; there is no need to stir the contents of the pan.

After stewing, Bolognese stew should sit for 30-40 minutes, then it will be even tastier. The sauce will absorb into the meat and become a little thicker. While the stew is cooling, you need to boil the bolognese pasta. Serve hot, with tagliatelle sprinkled with grated Parmesan. By the way, if you have prepared a lot of stew, you can store it in the refrigerator, freeze it in small portions, and reheat it as needed. It’s very convenient, you can boil the pasta at any time and you can enjoy a real Italian dish without leaving home. Buon appetito!

Bolognese sauce (Italian: Ragù alla bolognese) was first prepared in the south of Italy in the town of Bologna - it is not just minced meat in tomato sauce, but an amazingly tasty and aromatic dish that has its own characteristics in preparation. In addition to traditional Italian herbs, I add cloves, cinnamon and ginger to it, which makes its taste unforgettable.

If you're interested in pasta with bolognese sauce, also take a look at the recipe. And if you love mussels or have never tried them but want to try a new flavor, this would be a great dish.

You will need:

  • spaghetti 500 gr
  • minced meat 400-500 gr
  • onion 1-2 pcs
  • tomato juice 800 ml
  • milk or cream 0.5 cups
  • dry wine 3/4 cup
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
  • butter 2 tbsp.
  • garlic 1 clove
  • sugar 1-2 tsp
  • ground black pepper

Traditionally Bolognese prepared from beef, but can be used mixture of beef and pork.

Often added to this sauce carrot And celery, which is stewed with onions before frying the meat. I prefer to cook Bolognese without vegetables. I add vegetables to a pasta sauce called.

Wine For Bolognese, you can use any: white or red. Red will give the finished sauce a darker color. In Europe, wine is very often added to food preparation. There is no need to be afraid of this. When boiling, the alcohol completely evaporates, leaving only sourness and aroma. Dishes with evaporated alcohol can be given to children.

You can simplify the preparation of the sauce by excluding it from the recipe - replacing it with water. But I think it’s not in vain that Italians use milk, although the combination of tomatoes and milk seems quite unusual to us.

If you don't have homemade tomatoes, use tomato paste (diluted with water) or tomato juice from the store. You can use fresh tomatoes (cut in half, grate on a fine grater, discard the skin). I usually use peeled tomatoes canned in their own juice. For this amount of minced meat - 2 cans of 400 ml of tomatoes. Grind them with a blender.

It is convenient to cook Bolognese sauce in a pan with a thick bottom or a non-stick coating - you can first fry the onions and meat in it, and then simmer.

Step-by-step photo recipe:

Pour into the pan vegetable oil, put butter and reheat. Fry and when it is browned, throw it away - it has flavored the oil and is no longer needed.

Slice and fry it in oil until soft 5-10 minutes.

Add to onions.

Fry the minced meat for 10-15 minutes. Stir to break up any meat lumps. Salt and pepper.

Pour into a saucepan. Stir, cover with a lid and cook until the wine has evaporated. This will take approximately 15 minutes. Stir occasionally.

Red wine will give the minced meat a dark color.

Add to the pan, stir, cover and cook until the milk has completely evaporated - 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally.

When the milk has evaporated, add tomato juice- I crushed canned tomatoes in a blender.

Add italian herbs,sugar, stir, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and simmer on low heat for 25 - 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. During the stewing process, add a little water (0.5 cup). At the end of cooking, taste the sauce, add salt, sugar and pepper if necessary. I'm adding a little ground spices(literally on the tip of a knife): cloves, cinnamon and ginger. They don’t exist in the classic sauce, try it, I like it.

This is how you will get it - bright and rich.

When the sauce is ready, boil the spaghetti. I like the thinnest #1 - they only need to cook for 3 minutes. Add salt and vegetable oil to boiling water (5 liters), add - these long pasta are cooked whole, do not break - lower them into the water and press on top, gradually the spaghetti will soften and completely enter the pan. Stir to avoid sticking to the bottom. Cook for the time indicated on the package. Remember that the pasta should not be overcooked, because... she still has to get enough of the sauce.

Before draining the spaghetti in a colander, pour 0.5 liters of water, in which they were cooked - this can be added to the sauce to make it juicier.

Drain the spaghetti in a colander to drain.

Place in a saucepan pour vegetable oil, stir.

In Italy, boiled pasta is placed in a large deep dish and mixed with hot sauce. You can put the pasta on a plate for everyone and pour the sauce on top.

Don't forget about the cheese - grate it and sprinkle on top.

Bolognese sauce keeps well in the refrigerator and becomes even tastier the next day. Bon appetit!

Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce. Brief recipe.

You will need:

  • spaghetti 500 gr
  • minced meat 400-500 gr
  • onion 1-2 pcs
  • tomato juice 800 ml
  • milk or cream 0.5 cups
  • dry wine 3/4 cup
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
  • butter 2 tbsp.
  • garlic 1 clove
  • dry Italian herbs 1-2 tsp.
  • sugar 1-2 tsp
  • ground black pepper
  • Parmesan cheese - sprinkle over prepared pasta

Heat the vegetable oil and butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, fry the garlic and discard it.
Chop the onion and fry for 10-15 minutes until soft.
Add minced meat, fry for 10-15 minutes, add salt and pepper.
Add wine, stir, cover and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
Add milk, stir, simmer, covered, until the milk has evaporated.
Add tomato juice, sugar and Italian herbs, bring to a boil and simmer covered for 25-30 minutes. Stir and add water while simmering. At the end of cooking, taste the sauce and add salt and sugar if needed. You can add a pinch of ground spices: cloves, cinnamon and ginger. The classic recipe does not contain these spices, but I like it, try it.
Boil the spaghetti for the time indicated on the package. Serve with Bolognese sauce and grated Parmesan.

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