The first milk porridge. Ready-made porridge "FrutoNyanya": reviews. Recipes for preparing various cereals with milk

After introducing vegetable complementary foods, at the age of approximately 6 months, porridge may already appear in the child’s diet. From the moment they are introduced into the menu, they become one of the most important sources of nutrients for a growing body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. The first porridges for a baby are cooked with water, formula or breast milk; cow's milk (preferably ultra-pasteurized) and cream can be added only when the child reaches one year of age. You should introduce porridge, like any new food, starting with one spoon and gradually increasing the portion. From the age of one, when the child already has enough teeth, he can easily eat almost any cereal porridge cooked in milk.

Of course, you can always buy industrially produced ready-made porridges, which are offered in abundance in modern stores and pharmacies. However, homemade porridges have a number of quite significant advantages:

You know for sure that the cereal has not undergone any pre-treatment;

Are you sure that there is no sugar in the porridge, which is not at all beneficial for the baby’s delicate body;

Seasonal vegetables and fruits in porridges will enrich the child’s body with fresh natural vitamins.

In addition, there are cases when the baby categorically refuses to eat any brand of store-bought cereal. Then the mother, willy-nilly, will have to conduct culinary experiments herself until she gets a porridge of optimal taste and composition that will completely satisfy the wishes of the tiny gourmet.

To cook milk porridges for a child over one year old, you can use cow's or goat's milk. Milk obtained in a dairy kitchen, as well as store-bought ultra-pasteurized or sterilized milk, does not need to be boiled, but pasteurized milk must be boiled for two to three minutes. It cannot be processed longer, otherwise all the beneficial substances in it will be destroyed.

Cereals suitable for cooking porridge for a baby are, first of all, and. It will also be useful, but it must be processed in a special way - gluten, which can cause allergies, is removed from corn intended for baby food. After these types of cereals, you can introduce semolina, millet, barley and pearl barley porridge.

Before cooking, any cereal, except semolina and corn, must be sorted. Buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, barley and rice will also need to be washed. To make the porridge have a more pleasant aroma and cook faster, heat the cereal before cooking in a frying pan without oil. So that milk does not lose its benefits due to prolonged processing, but the porridge can be sufficiently boiled, you should first boil it in water or diluted milk until the cereal absorbs all the liquid, and then dilute it with hot milk, boil and remove from heat.

To prevent your baby from getting bored with the boring taste, we advise you to offer him a new porridge every day of the week. An excellent option to start the week would be, for example. Use Hercules brand flakes for cooking - this is a well-established quality standard. To make the porridge more tender and easier to digest, grind the flakes using a coffee grinder. You need to add butter and sweeteners (if you think this is required) after cooking, when the porridge has cooled slightly. It is worth noting that it is better to sweeten porridge for children not with sugar, but with Jerusalem artichoke syrup, maple syrup, honey, and best of all, with fruits and berries. Oatmeal with chopped banana is especially delicious. If your baby doesn’t even like this kind of porridge, you can beat it in a blender - the resulting delicate cream will definitely be eaten in the blink of an eye.

The next day, cook delicious and healthy buckwheat for your child. Use a high-quality kernel, crushed in a coffee grinder: first boil it in water until thick, then dilute it with milk, boil it and season with butter. You can also cook.

Millet porridge is suitable for the Wednesday menu. You can cook it in baked milk - this will make it more tender and sweeter. Boil it to a semi-liquid consistency, and at the end of cooking add butter or cream and fresh fruit. You can also cook: it is very healthy and absolutely all children like it.

Thursday is time for tender rice porridge. Before cooking this porridge, it is also best to grind rice grains using a blender and coffee grinder. You can cook porridge from any type of rice, from round to brown. When cooking, it is good to add fruits to it: apples, bananas or pears. will help you save energy and time.

For Friday breakfast or lunch, cook barley for your child. Barley porridge is quite difficult to digest, but it is very useful for children, especially those suffering from stomach problems or excess weight. To cook pearl barley porridge for a child, you must first soak the cereal for about 12 hours, and then cook it for three to six hours in a water bath. You can add cream or butter and dried fruits soaked in water to the finished pearl barley.

On Saturday, you can offer your baby an unusual surprise - porridge with coconut milk. It is best to cook semolina or oatmeal this way. Coconut milk should be mixed with water and brought to a boil over medium heat. After this, slowly add the cereal, cook the porridge for about 5 minutes, let it brew for another 10 minutes, and then serve, sweetened with syrup, fruit puree or fresh fruit.

Sunday is the best time to pamper your child with sweet corn porridge! You can cook porridge from whole grains (this will take about an hour) or grind it in a coffee grinder (then you will need a little over half an hour). If the porridge turns out lumpy, rub it through a sieve.

FrutoNyanya porridge is a valuable product for children. Dairy and dairy-free, they do not cause allergies, and are enriched with various vitamins and minerals. They do not contain substances such as sugar, gluten and milk protein. Ideal for first feeding. Kids eat them with pleasure. In addition, porridge is easily absorbed by the body.

Food line from FrutoNyanya

For thirty years, the Lebedyansky plant has been producing baby food, including FrutoNyanya porridge. The products are absolutely safe and have passed all clinical tests. Approved not only by mothers, but also by the Scientific Center for Zete Health. Recommended by the Russian Union of Pediatricians.

During the manufacturing process, no dyes, preservatives, artificial chemical additives or thickeners are added to the porridge. Allowed for use from the age of four months.

The FrutoNyanya line includes:

  • fruit juices and nectars;
  • fruit and fruit and berry puree;
  • drinking cocktails made from berries and fruits;
  • vegetable puree, ideal for first feeding;
  • meat puree;
  • purified water for children;
  • jelly;
  • fruit drinks;
  • milkshakes;
  • vegetable nectars;
  • dairy and dairy-free porridges;
  • liquid porridge.

All have a low level of immunogenicity and do not cause allergies. They are reliable assistants in child care.

Dry dairy-free porridges: assortment

FrutoNyanya dairy-free porridge is ideal as a first complementary food. Its hypoallergenicity is clinically confirmed. The composition is enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby to fully grow and develop. Does not contain GMOs, dyes, preservatives and gluten, which can cause allergies in young children. Added prebiotics to improve digestion.

The assortment of this category is not rich and includes two types of products: buckwheat dairy-free porridge “FrutoNyanya” and rice. They do not require cooking; just dilute the porridge with hot water, following the proportions indicated on the package, and the product is ready to eat.

The packaging of the cereals is white and pink and has a round red label “FrutoNyanya”. This design makes the products stand out from the rest.

About milk porridges

Milk porridge "FrutoNyanya" has a richer composition compared to dairy-free. Enriched not only with vitamins and minerals, but also with fruits, vegetables, and berries. They significantly improve the taste of the dish. The range of these products is quite extensive, this is porridge:

  • multigrain (buckwheat, corn, wheat, oatmeal);
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • and bananas;
  • rice with pumpkin and apricots;
  • wheat with apples and strawberries;
  • oatmeal with peaches;
  • buckwheat with peaches and apricots;
  • wheat with pumpkin;

This “FrutoNyanya” porridge improves digestion, contains only natural ingredients, and is enriched with all necessary vitamins and minerals.

All are packed in a blue box. Products without added fruits and vegetables have a blue “FrutoNyanya” icon, while products with vegetables and fruits have an orange one. This design makes it easy to find the right option.

How to properly breed dry cereals

FrutoNyanya porridge is tasty and healthy, and its preparation does not require significant effort. The product cannot be prepared for future use. Only for one time and immediately before feeding the baby. Leftover porridge cannot be stored.

The daily amount of porridge for a 4-6 month old child is 150 grams, by eight months it increases to 180 grams, and the baby is given 200 grams per year.

Porridge can be diluted with breast milk, water, artificial formula, whole, skim or diluted milk.

Preparing baby food is carried out in four stages:

  1. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly and make sure that the utensils are clean.
  2. Pour 200 ml into the prepared dish at a temperature of 40-50°C.
  3. Add three tablespoons of dry porridge to the water, without a slide. The excess should be removed with a knife.
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

If you consume 200 grams of the product per day, then the package is enough to prepare six servings of milk porridge and eight servings of dairy-free porridge. Single-component cereals are introduced into the diet from the age of four months, multi-component cereals - no earlier than six months.

Ready-to-eat cereals

Liquid porridge "FrutoNyanya" is simply an irreplaceable product. It is convenient to take it for a walk or on a trip. It can serve well at night, when the child demands another portion of food, and there is no time to cook ordinary porridge.

Most products in this category contain inulin. This is a prebiotic that not only improves digestion, but also stimulates the development of all the necessary bacteria in the walls of the digestive tract. Normalizes stool. Useful for children suffering from constipation.

Ready-made porridge “FrutoNyanya” comes in two types: night and day. The first package is dark blue, and the second is white. Recommended for babies from six months of age. At six months they give 120-150 grams of liquid porridge per day, by one year the volume of product consumption reaches 200 grams.

Before use, the product is poured into a feeding container. Heat in the microwave or in a water bath. Porridge in its original packaging cannot be placed in the microwave. Before feeding, baby food is mixed. If a child eats porridge from a bag, shake it well before eating.

There are three types of porridge in blue packaging: rice, buckwheat and cereal (buckwheat, corn and rice), and three types in white packaging: oatmeal, oatmeal with banana and buckwheat with apples.

The company produces two more types of ready-made porridge in glass jars. These are thicker foods that are not meant to be drunk and are eaten with a spoon. Before eating, transfer the porridge into a bowl and heat it up. Can be heated in a glass jar in the microwave.

Porridge "FrutoNyanya": composition

All cereal products are excellent for first feeding. FrutoNyanya rice porridge is no exception. Healthy and quick to prepare, they have the following composition:

  • whole milk powder (only in milk porridges);
  • finely ground cereal;
  • 12 vitamins and 3 minerals;
  • prebiotics;
  • fruits and vegetables, with the exception of one-ingredient cereals.

All ingredients are natural. This porridge not only satisfies hunger, but also enriches the body with all the necessary nutrients and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition of ready-made porridges is somewhat different from dry ones. Here the main ingredients are:

  • whole milk;
  • cereals;
  • inulin;
  • maltodextrin;
  • thickener in the form of corn starch;
  • acidity regulator - sodium citrate;
  • drinking water.

Ready-made cereals in glass jars contain:

  • boiled cereals;
  • berry and fruit puree;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The range of FrutoNyanya cereals is huge, and everyone can choose the most suitable product for their baby.

Positive sides

The products in question have the following advantages:

  • “FrutoNyanya” porridges are enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex;
  • the presence of prebiotics that accelerate the digestion process;
  • ease of preparation;
  • quickly absorbed by the child's body;
  • are diluted without lumps, forming a tender and airy mass;
  • contain only natural substances;
  • does not contain harmful components such as preservatives, thickeners, dyes, sugar and artificial flavors;
  • the taste of the porridge is improved by natural fruit, berry and vegetable ingredients;
  • manages to save time spent on cooking.

Without a doubt, the porridges from the FrutoNyanya company are tasty and nutritious. Dairy-free buckwheat porridge especially stands out from the rest. It is rich in digestible vegetable proteins, contains many complex carbohydrates, which charge the body with energy and give a feeling of satiety. It also contains fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, a lot of iron and B vitamins. Doctors recommend eating it if your hemoglobin level is low.

The products packaged in special bags do not require special storage conditions, so it is convenient to take them on a trip, to the country house or to nature.

Disadvantages of instant cereals

Let's dwell on one negative point. It is based on careful grinding of grain. As a result of crushing, grinding, cleaning and heat treatment, raw materials lose the lion's share of useful substances. For example, when oats are converted into flakes, the integrity of dietary fiber is disrupted, and, accordingly, instant cereals ground into flour are less beneficial for the body. It is for this reason that the manufacturer often enriches porridge with artificial vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and prebiotics.

“FrutoNyanya” buckwheat and rice porridge without milk, like other single-ingredient porridges (millet, oatmeal), is the most preferable for first feeding. Introduce the product into the diet gradually, starting with one teaspoon.

Porridge for children of the first year of life should not contain sugar, as it contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Flavor enhancers, flavorings and other chemical additives are also prohibited. The product must be enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for the successful growth and development of the child.

You can choose porridge with or without milk. Here, each mother decides for herself, based on the individual preferences of the child. Dairy-free is recommended for children with lactose allergies. At first, it is better to eat gluten-free cereals, as this substance often causes an allergic reaction. The presence of prebiotics, which are added to almost all FrutoNyanya brand cereals, is also one of the important selection factors. They help the child’s body absorb the product. Fruit additives improve the taste of porridges, but, in turn, can cause allergies, and are not suitable for all babies in their first year of life.

You should not introduce complementary foods before 4-6 months, since only from this moment the baby’s body is ready to process more solid food.

Shelf life

If the integrity of the packaging is not compromised, then such porridge should be stored in a dry, fairly cool place, protected from the sun, at a temperature no higher than +25°C and air humidity no more than 75%. such a product is one year from the date of manufacture.

An open package is stored in the same conditions as an unopened one, but no more than twenty days. After each use, the bag should be tightly closed.

Cost of grain product

The price of dry cereals “FrutoNyanya” fluctuates around one hundred rubles per 200 grams. Liquid porridge costs around 30 rubles. The finished product in glass jars can be purchased for 45-50 rubles. The cost varies depending on the markup of the retail outlet.

Porridge "FrutoNyanya": reviews

Porridges from the FrutoNyanya brand have caused many controversial reviews. It was noted that they are diluted without lumps and are easy to prepare. There are mothers who complain about the bland taste and color of dairy-free buckwheat porridge. They say it is more like glue than porridge for children. It has a strange smell, despite the fact that its composition is significantly superior to other brands. Milk porridges with added fruit cause allergies. Rice porridge, according to parents, is more suitable for children who are not prone to constipation. For some, it causes constipation lasting up to four days.

For some, FrutoNyanya porridges have become their favorite. Reviews mention that children eat them with pleasure. The products are tasty and healthy, containing vitamins and minerals. Completely natural. They contain prebiotics that improve the digestion process. Do not cause allergies. Promote active growth and development. Convenient to prepare and significantly save time.

Porridges from FrutoNyanya provide a tasty, healthy and nutritious meal for children. They provide energy and saturate the body with all necessary substances. Contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Provides a feeling of fullness for a long period.

Children from 6 months

Ready-made milk porridge Agusha “Fall asleep” Buckwheat from 6 months. 200 ml. Eating ready-made liquid porridge has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and normalizes stool. Buckwheat is rich in B vitamins and minerals - phosphorus, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium. Buckwheat saves the body from intoxication and poisoning. The high iron content in cereals helps in the fight against anemia. Prebiotics help increase immunity and improve the child’s health.

Contains prebiotics.
. Contains grains that have a satiating effect and can promote restful sleep for your baby.
. Ready to eat.
. Without preservatives, dyes, GMOs.

Cooking method: when feeding children under one year of age, pour the amount of product prescribed by the doctor from the package into a clean container and heat in a water bath to a temperature of +36 to +38°C.

Storage conditions: store at temperatures between 0°C and +25°C. Shake before use. Products that have been opened cannot be stored.

Ingredients: normalized milk, water, buckwheat flour, sugar, prebiotic substances - fibregam, oligofructose

Nutritional value (per 100 g): proteins 2.6 g, carbohydrates 8.4 g, including sucrose 2.4 g, fats 2.5 g, prebiotic substances 0.6 g, calcium 95 mg.

Energy value 68 kcal / 284 kJ.

Shelf life 6 months.

There are 18 pieces in a box.

To make a decision on the timing and method of introducing this product into the child’s diet, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Age restrictions are indicated on the packaging of goods in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Porridge is an indispensable dish on the children's menu. It is a unique source of energy, plant proteins, B vitamins and various minerals. Porridge is introduced into the baby’s diet from 4 to 6 months. By this age, the baby begins to move more and expend more energy, so he needs more high-calorie food to replenish energy losses.

Usually porridge is introduced into a child’s diet after fruit and vegetable purees. However, according to individual indications, it can be introduced into the child’s diet as the first. So, it is better for low birth weight children to first introduce porridge into their diet, and then puree.

The modern food industry offers various types of cereals. They are not only easy to use, but also have a number of remarkable properties - they are enriched with vitamins, minerals, iron; easy to swallow and digest; have a delicate taste and convenient consistency. They do not contain preservatives, artificial colors, stabilizers or chemical additives. Porridges are divided into:

  • dairy, dairy-free;
  • mono- and multicomponent;
  • gluten-free (low-allergenic) and gluten-free;
  • containing various additives;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic.

It is recommended to introduce dairy-free, gluten-free cereals as the first complementary foods. These include rice, buckwheat and corn. Provided that the baby tolerates these types of cereals well, you can switch to milk cereals and cereals with various additives. Milk porridges are made on the basis, they are high in calories and are intended to feed healthy children. Porridges with fruit and vegetable additives stimulate intestinal function; they are introduced into the diet from 6-7 months. From 9-11 months, you can introduce porridge from whole-ground cereals, specially designed for baby food, into your baby’s diet.

There are a number of medicinal cereals intended for children with certain problems. Low-allergenic porridges are prepared based on one type of cereal, do not contain gluten, fruit fillers, or fructose and are intended for children with allergies.

Dairy-free cereals are prescribed to children with lactase deficiency and children with an allergy to cow's milk protein. Porridges with prebiotics contain inulin and lactulose. They are intended for children prone to constipation.

Industrially produced porridges have an advantage over homemade ones. Firstly, modern technologies make it possible to preserve vitamins in products as much as possible, making porridges healthy, varied and easy to digest. Production technologies make it possible to process vegetables and fruits without loss of beneficial properties, safely combine various important ingredients in one product, and also add all the necessary substances (vitamins, minerals) and protect the growing baby from their deficiency.

Dairy-free instant porridges are made, as a rule, based on rice, buckwheat or corn flour; they may also include fruits (bananas, apples). Such porridges do not require cooking; they can be dissolved in water, in any milk food familiar to a child, or in diluted cow’s milk. Porridges are well digestible, do not contain sugar, gluten, and are enriched with vitamins.

Buckwheat porridge is rich in vegetable proteins, valuable in amino acid composition. It is gluten-free and has maximum dietary fiber content. It contains vitamins B1, B2, E, iron salts, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It has the highest nutritional value.

Rice porridge has a low protein content, but it is very valuable in amino acid composition. Gluten free. The richest in starch content, it is low in sugars, fats and dietary fiber. Rice is well digestible, is a dietary product, and is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (but only if the baby does not have constipation).

Corn porridge is low in protein, gluten-free, high in carbohydrates, high in dietary fiber, but low in vitamins and minerals. It is able to inhibit the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.

Children with a tendency to constipation are first given porridges high in dietary fiber (buckwheat, corn), and after six months oatmeal is added. For babies with unstable loose stools, it is recommended to start with rice porridge and limit the consumption of buckwheat and oatmeal.

Instant milk porridges are prepared on the basis of infant formula, adapted to the needs of infant. They are enriched with essential vitamins, calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, do not contain gluten and are easily soluble in water.

The most optimal choice for preparing formulas, cereals and other dairy products for young children is organic milk. It has several important advantages: it has a naturally balanced composition and contains up to 3-4 times more polyunsaturated fatty acids, which play an important role in the formation of the brain and retina, cell functioning and strengthening the immune system. They are best absorbed when found naturally in milk. If milk has been artificially enriched with them, absorption is worse. The secret of organic milk is simple: it comes from cows that spend 220 days a year on organic pastures, eat grass and hay, drink clean water and breathe clean air. This milk is produced only on farms certified for the production of environmentally friendly products, under strict control. The BIO icon on the packaging will help you determine whether a dairy product is environmentally friendly.

Cereal porridges are made from specially processed cereals, as a rule, these are whole grain flakes of rice, wheat, oats, which retain all nutrients and are well digestible. The composition also includes fruits (apples, peaches, banana, mango), as well as fruit juices (for example, apple or orange) and water, which makes the porridge completely ready to eat. Such porridges are low in acid, do not contain milk protein, and are produced without added sugar, flavorings, dyes, preservatives or thickeners. And if such porridge contains environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits, then they contain 10-15% more vitamins and beneficial microelements, because such vegetables and fruits are grown in environmentally friendly conditions: on environmentally friendly lands, without the use of artificial fertilizers and only traditional methods.

Oatmeal is rich not only in valuable vegetable proteins, but also has a high content of vegetable fats. It contains gluten and a lot of dietary fiber. It contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, E, calcium salts, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Oatmeal has high energy value. It is an excellent adsorbent of heavy metal salts, which is especially important for residents of large industrial cities.

Semolina porridge has a fairly high protein content, which has low biological value. Contains gluten, also a lot of starch and little fiber and fat.

Industrially produced milk porridges are completely ready-to-eat, prepared on the basis of a milk formula adapted to the needs of the child; the composition also includes boiled rice or semolina, fruit puree (apples, pears, apricots). Porridges are enriched with vitamins C, A, E, D, B1 and microelements.

If you wish, you can cook the porridge yourself. The requirements for homemade porridge are as follows. The porridge is boiled in water, and then 20-30 ml of breast milk or formula is added to it. You can add butter (3-5 grams) or 10% baby cream to homemade porridges. Whole milk is used in the preparation of cereals for children over one year of age. Semolina porridge can be prepared for children only after one year. Porridge from several grains can be prepared only after you have made sure that the baby is not allergic to individual components.

Eremeeva Alina Vladimirovna
pediatrician, gastroenterologist,
Candidate of Medical Sciences,
HiPP expert


What about flaxseed porridge? We are 5 months old. We eat buckwheat, rice and rolled oats in water with fruit... I want to try flaxseed (they say it’s very healthy), but I don’t know if it’s possible (I can’t find anything on the Internet). Maybe someone knows?

Somehow it so happened that most of our baby food products are Humana. Porridge in particular, because there is a wide variety and the child eats it best. Again, no allergies. I always read the ingredients very carefully, especially when it comes to baby food. My children didn’t eat homemade porridge for a long time: not because I was lazy, but because they didn’t want to. They really didn’t want to - right up to the gag reflex :-) Then I went to a large store, re-read all the annotations on all the packs and chose several dairy-free ones for the first tasting. And the child chose Humana, which was more suitable to his taste. They stayed there. And after a while, he began to eat adult porridge without any problems.

Comment on the article "Modern cereals for children"

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I would be glad for any advice, I don’t have the strength anymore. The child is 1.5 years old and she is still on breastfeeding; for a month now the child has been refusing any food in favor of breastfeeding... I began to worry whether my milk alone was not enough for proper nutrition? Meat, fish, cottage cheese, porridge, he doesn’t eat anything like that at all, will he really have to stop breastfeeding?

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In Soviet times, semolina porridge was a mandatory item on every child's menu. Some of the mothers who were of kindergarten age at that time will probably remember how they were stuffed with disgusting, slippery semolina porridge in kindergartens, while others with a smile remember how delicious it was - you could swallow your tongue! - semolina, which was prepared by mothers and grandmothers. Just like memories of semolina porridge, opinions about it also differ. Is semolina porridge healthy or harmful? Let's figure it out. ABOUT THE MINUSES: 1. Semolina is purified by the most...

In the Tupperware® booklet “Proper nutrition for the health of your child. Recommendations, recipes" presents recipes for simple and nutritious dishes approved by doctors for baby food. Proper nutrition is very important in a child’s recovery. The diet is important - a fixed number of meals, intervals between them, volumes of meals, distribution of daily calorie content, balance of all essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) Recommendations for nursing...

Since childhood, we have known the common truth that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for both adults and children. In children, during night sleep, the body expends a large supply of energy, and care must be taken to restore it and replenish reserves for the coming day. As a result of research, Harvard University scientists have found that children who eat a good breakfast achieve excellent academic results and grow faster than their peers who underestimate breakfast. Such...

An open auction has been announced in Moscow for the right to build a football-competitive complex at Sports School No. 63 “Smena” in the Kapotnya district of the South-Eastern District of Moscow. FSK will be located at the address: 1st quarter of Kapotnya, building 4B. Its total area will be 12,080 square meters. m. The competition was announced by the Moscow Construction Department. It is planned to conduct training sessions for athletes at the complex's sites. The football arena will have spectator stands for 400 seats. Except...

Lately I have to feed my child breakfast:) the child doesn’t really like porridge, sandwiches get boring, in general, an eternal problem. We recently tried out a new way to use oatmeal. On the Internet this miracle is called “granola”. The idea is that dried fruits and oatmeal are mixed, maple syrup is added (replaced with a couple of spoons of honey) and dried in the oven for about 40 minutes at 160 degrees. It turned out to be a wonderful thing. Only honey to follow. I'll use less now. With milk - very...

Nutrition for children in the first year of life performs several functions. The first is to give the child the substances necessary for growth and development. The second, no less relevant, is to ensure the prevention of allergic diseases or, if an allergy has already manifested itself, to minimize its manifestations by selecting low-allergenic products. And the third is to promote the skills of swallowing, chewing, and the formation of a eating routine. How to feed a child of the first year of life if he has allergies? Breast-feeding. For...

Milk porridge is a traditional and healthy dish for children, but it is better to cook the first portion of porridge for a baby in water. After checking the body’s reaction to the selected cereal and making sure that it is positive, the mother can begin preparing the dish with milk. It turns out to be high in calories and has high nutritional value. Most children love milk porridges and eat them with pleasure.

Most kids enjoy eating milk porridges

When can you introduce milk porridge into a child’s diet?

A question for which there is no clear answer. For many housewives, the “milk porridge” dish involves the use of a certain type of cereal and milk. We often cook rice, oatmeal, and millet cereals, and not only for children. Preparing such a dish for babies is significantly different from the usual recipe.

You can cook the cereal yourself or use a ready-made mixture. Stores offer a wide selection of baby cereals that are not cooked. The variety of methods, of course, pleases, but we must not forget about the characteristics of the body of a small child.

The timing of introducing a new product into the baby’s menu depends on its composition and the baby’s reaction to the new food. Some babies are ready to eat porridge as early as six months, while others eat only mother’s milk for up to a year.

When to start feeding milk porridges?

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Let's start the conversation with ready-made baby food products that arrive on our shelves. Today, unique recipes for gluten-free and dairy-free hypoallergenic porridges have been developed. They are based on breast milk and formula, thereby minimizing the risk of food allergies in a child. Pediatricians believe that milk porridges with these properties are ideal for feeding infants as complementary foods.

If your baby has already tried cereals cooked in water and is used to it, you can introduce milk porridge with gluten-free (buckwheat, corn, rice) cereals into his diet.

If your baby likes porridge with water, you can switch to dairy-based gluten-free porridge.

For example, your baby happily eats buckwheat with water, which means it’s time to let him try the same, but with a 1:1 mixture of milk + water. Doctors believe that when breastfeeding, this type of complementary feeding can be introduced from 8 months.

Let’s clarify a small nuance: first, prepare the dish in water. Once you reach the age of 8 months, you can partially eliminate water and cook a dairy dish (using special baby milk).

Early complementary feeding may be due to other reasons that do not depend on the wishes of the nursing mother. Porridge is added to the baby’s diet if:

  • little breast milk is produced;
  • the child is not gaining weight well;
  • a deficiency of B vitamins was identified;
  • There are reasons why it is impossible to feed the baby with breast milk or formula.

Ready-made milk porridges for baby food

To buy or not to buy a ready-made baby food product is a choice that causes justifiable controversy. Ready-made, balanced porridge that does not require long cooking helps the mother to introduce the baby to a new product and provide him with adequate complementary foods. Manufacturers are sophisticated in culinary delights, and on the shelves we see compositions with fruits and cereals, berries and vegetables. There is a temptation to buy such a dish and not bother with home cooking. However, if you breastfeed or formula feed your baby, or feed him cereals cooked in water, there is no need to take the product from the store.

If the baby is breastfed, you can also prepare porridge for him yourself

You should take into account the fact that porridge from the store, which contains milk (cow or goat), is boiled in water. The time when they can be used as complementary foods is determined by the type of milk from which they are made (more details in the article:). The methods of using them are different and are indicated on the product packaging. Manufacturers produce both liquid types of products, and those that should be diluted with water, and in a dry version.

Features of porridges made from whole and normalized milk

Let's look at the features of both types of milk. Whole milk is a dry version of unmodified cow's milk. When producing a normalized type, they resort to bringing its fat content to a certain level necessary for the child’s body.

Both types are saturated with mineral elements that can overload the baby’s excretory system. The protein content deviates from that of breast milk; they also contain allergenic proteins, and therefore pediatricians do not recommend using cereals made with these types of milk for starter feeding.

Such products are suitable for feeding 8-9 month old children. If before this age the baby’s digestion reacted negatively to new dishes, replace it with others made from a simplified mixture.

The composition of goat's milk is better correlated with the composition of mother's milk, but its absorption requires time for the child's body to adapt. If you are not lactose intolerant, you can get by with regular cow's milk.

Porridges that are prepared at home and those produced on an industrial scale are introduced at the same age.

If the baby is healthy and digests cow's milk normally, there is no need to switch to goat's milk

Since the assortment is large, we studied the properties of the products of the most popular brands that make their products using whole and normalized milk. Our detailed review will help you shop wisely and make the right choice for your baby. Pay special attention to the composition, at what age you can start using it, correlate this with your needs.


Produced in Slovenia, the brand is widely known throughout the world, the raw materials are grown in environmentally friendly places in the country. Baby products are presented:

  • numerous variations of compositions;
  • made from whole milk, enhanced with vitamins, minerals, and sugar;
  • the “Premium for Afternoon Tea” series is available with berries, fruit additions and cookies;
  • porridge “5 grains with apricot and raspberries, enriched with prebiotics” due to the dietary fiber introduced into it, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the “Premium” variety, intended for night feeding, is made from oatmeal, rice and corn, containing various vitamins, sugar, minerals, extracts of medicinal plants such as lemon balm and chamomile;
  • Children under one year old are offered porridges made from whole milk and puffed cereal obtained from cereals, which help develop the child’s chewing skills.


A US brand that has been present on the baby food market since the late 19th century. Today offers:

  • Porridge is made with whole milk and contains sugar.
  • Rice and buckwheat, without fruit, wheat with vegetables (with pumpkin), containing cream.
  • All products contain prebiotic fibers derived from chicory, iron, calcium, iodine, zinc and 12 types of vitamins.
  • The “Tasty Milk Porridges” series is represented by a variety of compositions, the proportion of fruits and milk is increased in it, and berries such as currants, cherries, blueberries, and prunes are added. Helps to expand the child's diet with new tastes.
  • Easy to prepare “Drinking milk porridges”, which just need to be heated to the right temperature. The list of components has been expanded to include prebiotics, fructose and starch.
  • For one-year-old children, “Porridge Lyubopyshki” with extruded cereals and fruits, which help the baby learn to chew. Salt is added, many fruits and vegetables are included, and some types contain yogurt powder.

Produced in Switzerland according to European standards from natural raw materials. Types and features of products:

  • The entire range is made from whole grains without the inclusion of minerals and vitamins. The exceptions are wheat, rice and oatmeal varieties, to which vitamin B1 is added.
  • The raw materials for Fleur Alpin products are grown without the use of various growth stimulants.
  • Milk from a cow or goat is used and maltodextrin is added.
  • The Alpine Goat series includes rice, oat, buckwheat and spelled cereals. There are no fruits in the composition. Made with goat milk, which is less allergenic than cow milk (we recommend reading:).
  • The assortment of the “Bavarian Cow” line includes buckwheat with apple, rice, oatmeal with pear, and a mixture of cereals.

Well-known domestic brand of baby food. Features of “Fruttonyanya” porridges:

  • A mixture of two types of milk (skimmed and whole) is used. Added 12 vitamins, sugar and three minerals.
  • Most of the range contains cream; several types are enhanced with fruit-derived fillings.
  • Rice and buckwheat varieties are made with inulin (a prebiotic).
  • Dry and liquid types are made from dry raw materials, containing maltodextrin, starch, fructose, inulin and fruit. Types are also available without flavoring additions.
  • Interesting “Millet milk porridge with fruit”, made from boiled wheat flour, fruit purees and fructose are added. Fruttonyanya porridges are made without the introduction of vitamins and minerals.

Belarusian brand that produces inexpensive and high-quality baby food. Product characteristics:

  • A normalized type of milk is used, sugar, vitamins, and mineral components are added.
  • Varieties are presented, supplemented with fruit fillings.
  • Dairy varieties are produced without inulin. Dairy-free is fortified with this prebiotic.


The Russian baby food brand Agusha was founded by Wimm-Bill-Dann. Main products:

  • Dry porridges made from whole milk. To enhance the beneficial properties, they are fortified and mineralized, contain fructose and salt.
  • The product “Rice-corn porridge with banana and milk” is produced with fruit filling and prebiotics (FOS, fibregam) (see also:).
  • The “Zapyka” series includes “Milk-rice with apple and pear” and “Milk-buckwheat”, which do not need to be cooked (see also:). The main component is normalized milk, there is sugar and prebiotics. The Agusha brand does not produce dairy-free porridge.

Domestic brand with a wide range of products. What kind of cereals does it produce:

  • “Vinny” porridges are made from whole milk (powdered). Sugar is added for taste, vitamins and minerals are present.
  • Series with prebiotics and fruit supplements are offered. The presence of additives is indicated on the product packaging.
  • There is also a selection of dairy-free products with fruit.

Brands of cereals made from skim milk

By offering low-fat cereals to children, the manufacturer means replacing milk fat with vegetable fat, which contains a lot of polyunsaturated acids. Such acids are necessary for the baby for good development and successful growth. The porridges are balanced in fats, but retain the entire set of proteins. Products with a low-fat base are not suitable as first complementary foods. Among the manufacturers, we will highlight two: “Nestlé” and “Humana”, and we will consider them.

The most famous Swiss brand, offering baby food for more than 150 years. Product Features:

  • Porridges made from gluten-free cereals contain traces of gluten.
  • All types of products contain BL prebiotics, which can improve microflora and work to strengthen the immune system.
  • The Pomogayka series is porridge with a milk yogurt base. A product that improves digestion and strengthens the body's defenses with the help of live yogurt cultures, bifidobacteria, mineral components and vitamins introduced into it.
  • The Shagayka line is offered to children 10-12 months old. To master the chewing skill, pieces of fruit are added to the porridge.


A German brand distinguished by a variety of products suitable for first feeding and for children aged one year and older. Product Features:

  • all types of porridges are prepared using raw materials from which fat has been removed;
  • composition includes 13 vitamins and mineral elements;
  • Porridges with fruit are produced, varieties with the addition of biscuit flour and crackers are presented, some types contain sucrose.

Porridge made from whey or adapted mixture

Adapted or simplified formulas and whey are devoid of casein protein, which suggests they are safe in terms of food allergies. However, children who are prone to it should not be given these types of cereals. For them, experts recommend using dairy-free porridges or those prepared with breast milk. Let's see what products can be found on the baby food market today and what their features are.


The oldest German company Hipp (HiPP) has been involved in baby food for a long time. What are the features of its products:

  • cereals for their products are grown without chemical and synthetic additives;
  • the basis is dry infant formula, the contents of which are enhanced with vitamins and mineral elements;
  • products contain prebiotics and lactose and have a sweet taste;
  • BIO cereals are produced without adding maltose and glucose;
  • The “Good Night” line is desserts made on an adapted basis with cereals, vitamin B1, they contain chocolate, cookies and sugar.


The most popular Russian brand, which many mothers know and love. To make porridges, a partially simplified (adapted) mixture is used. The list of components has been expanded with vitamins, sugar, maltodextrin and mineral elements. Several items in the product range include fruit fillings. A traditional product for the Russian market, “Malyutka” has proven itself well when feeding small children.
