Fruits of palm oil and oil palm. Various palm fruits and my attempts at planting fruits

The dwarf palm has a long history of use. The black fruits of the plant were the first to be eaten by the Indians of South and Central America. In Europe about healing properties berries were discovered only in the 26th century, after the complete colonization of most tribes. The male population of that time chose this remedy as a tonic and sexual stimulant. No less popular medicinal plant and today. From fresh or dried fruits prepare a variety of nutritional supplements and medicines.

Dwarf palm - botanical description

The dwarf palm or saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) grows in the southeast of America, mainly along sea coasts or in pine forests. Single trees are found in the Antilles archipelago and the Yucatan Peninsula. The scientific name of the palm is Sabal serrulatum, under which the plant is used medicinally. Locals call the tree co-palmetto, which means saw palm, because of the leaves with sharp, cutting edges.

This is interesting. The genus Serenoa got its name in honor of the American scientist Serenoa Watson. The specific name (creeping) characterizes the appearance of the tree.

A low plant with a horizontal, grassy trunk topped with a cap of fan-shaped leaves with serrated edges. Fragrant, white-yellow flowers are collected in dense panicles-inflorescences up to 50 cm long. The fruit is a single-seeded drupe, which, as it ripens, changes color from green to bluish-black. Inside the berry is a hard seed.

Native Americans used saw palmetto to treat disorders genitourinary system and prostates, they were used to prepare a rich useful substances a tonic drink given to patients with tuberculosis and bronchitis. Women believed that the fruits of Serenoa repens stimulated breast growth and eliminated black body hair.

Fruit composition

It is the berries of the sabal palm that have a pronounced healing effect. To prepare medicines, brown or dark red drupes containing greatest number valuable substances. They are dried in special installations or laid out directly in the sun in one layer. Stored in paper bags or cardboard boxes no longer than 3 years.

This is interesting. Pickers medicinal berries take great risks when procuring raw materials. Not only do the razor-sharp leaf petioles inflict deep and long-lasting wounds on people, but many rattlesnakes lurk in the thickets of the dwarf palm.

But all this risk pays off great benefit berries Saw palmetto fruits contain a large amount of polysaccharides and rare organic acids (myristicic, lauric, oleic).

Other useful compounds found in drupes include:

  • plant sterols;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • tanning compounds;
  • enzymes.

Found in berries a small amount of vitamins and microelements, steroid components, resin and tannins.

But the main value of dwarf palm berries is given by phytosterols: beta-sitosterol 3-O-β-glycoside, fagasterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, and cycloartane.

What are the benefits of palm tree fruits?

In non-evidence-based medicine, saw palmetto berries are used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and sedative.

Attention. Most of medicinal properties palms today are still not confirmed by clinical trials.

Since the pulp of the fruit has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect, medications based on it are used to combat androgenetic alopecia and various skin problems: acne, pimples, seborrhea.

Other beneficial features saw palmetto:

  • strengthening the body after serious illnesses;
  • restoration of prostate functions;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of male sex hormones, preservation of reproductive qualities;
  • maintaining the functioning of the urogenital system, facilitating urination in men;
  • recovery hormonal levels in women, reduction of skin oiliness.
The fruits of the dwarf palm can be used as an aid in the treatment of rheumatism, autoimmune disorders, and respiratory infections. The extract from the berries is considered an excellent sunscreen, preventing and eliminating negative impact ultraviolet.

Dwarf palm extract - application features

Today, the extract of the fruits of the creeping palm tree is used to make all kinds of dietary supplements and medicines. In Russia, the product is sold under the trade names Prostamol or Permixon. The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor, since the drugs are considered full-fledged medicines.

In the USA, dry saw palmetto extract is used as food supplement and are included in various dietary supplements. Sometimes the product is found in the form of a dry powder or alcohol tincture.

Attention. Those who use sabal palm fruits for hair should remember that preparations based on them do not stimulate the growth of new curls, but only slow down the loss of existing ones.

Dwarf palm - benefits for men

Dry statistics say that more than half of men over 45 years old experience the first symptoms of an inflammatory lesion or prostate adenoma, and by the age of 60, most of the stronger sex have a diagnosed disease. Serrata palm extract will help prevent or slow down the development of pathology.

The mechanism of action of the healing substance is based on reducing the level of DHT directly in the prostate gland, without affecting its total content in the body.

Reducing the concentration of dihydrotestosterone slows down tumor growth, eliminates the inflammatory process and swelling, resulting in a gradual restoration of urogenital functions.

The effect of creeping palm extract depends on the stage of the disease at which therapy was started. Treatment will be more effective at the very beginning of the development of pathology.

Long-term practice has proven another beneficial quality of sabal palm for men - sexual rejuvenation. Regular use of the product restores potency, increases libido and improves reproductive function.

Benefits of dwarf palm for women

A woman’s appearance largely depends on the state of her hormonal levels and if there are any problems with it, then no cosmetic procedures, expensive creams and a healthy lifestyle will not help you look good.

Elevated DHT creates a lot of problems and leads to excessive hair loss, oily skin, acne, a boyish figure, and irregular menstruation.

Palmetto berry extract is considered a strong antiandrogen. He harmonizes endocrine system, without disturbing the concentrations of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Due to this property, the drug is widely used for the following diseases in women:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • hirsutism;
  • androgenetic alopecia;
  • stretch marks and stretch marks;

An additional and very pleasant bonus is the fact that Serenoa repens extract, with long-term use, enlarges the breasts and rejuvenates the skin.

The German company BASF has developed and introduced to the market many cosmetics, containing saw palmetto extract. Studies have shown that saw palmetto extract accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin in damaged fibers and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

Attention. Unlike most similar products, dwarf palm concentrate is quite effective on old stretch marks.

Saw palmetto: instructions for use and contraindications

The effect of taking the extract increases gradually, so it is recommended to use it for at least 4-6 months. Then, after a break of 30–60 days, administration can be resumed. If no adverse reactions occur during treatment, there is no need to do an interval between courses.

The recommended dosage of the drug in capsules is 160 mg twice a day. The extract tincture should be consumed 1 tsp. in a day. You need to start taking it with a minimum portion, gradually increasing the dosage to the recommended one.

Palma repens goes well with licorice root and nettle, which are also used to alleviate the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

However, despite the unique therapeutic qualities, the fruits of the dwarf palm tree will not be useful to everyone. Their use is prohibited in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • while taking birth control pills.

In case of overdose, the drug can cause digestive upset, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, insomnia, and allergies.

Dwarf palm extract: which one to buy?

Today, saw palmetto extract is available in different forms. These can be tablets, powder capsules, liquid tincture, creams and lotions. Dietary supplements with dwarf palm are most widespread among women suffering from hirsutism and polycystic ovary syndrome. There are many good reviews on this topic, but it is difficult to judge their objectivity, since women often use the supplement together with other drugs that are similar in effect.

As for the benefits for men, everything is much more definite here - representatives of the stronger sex usually use one thing, so they are more impartial. Thus, the majority of those suffering from prostate adenoma note in their reviews a decrease and sometimes the disappearance of symptoms of malaise, easier urination, and an improvement in overall well-being.

Lotions and creams made from the fruits of the dwarf palm are used externally to rejuvenate the skin and stimulate hair growth.

Acai berries are dark purple palm fruits. Euterpe oleracea, growing in the territory of Central and South America. They are collected twice a year, but storage and transportation are difficult. This berry, a bit like a grape, with large seeds, spoils quickly, so it comes to us in the form of food additives.

The acai palm fruit is valued primarily for its antioxidant and dietary properties. They are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins, which form a strong shield against free radicals and diseases caused by these molecules, such as cancer and heart disease.

As for the use of acai berries for weight loss, serious scientific research has not been conducted on this topic and, perhaps, the loud statements of dietary supplement manufacturers are just a cunning advertising ploy.

100 g of fruit contains 247 calories. In addition to antioxidants, acai is rich in fiber, vitamins A, C, D, K, E and group B, microelements (calcium, manganese, potassium, copper, zinc and iron).

Other health benefits in acai berries include monounsaturated fats, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates.

Why are they useful?

Tribes living along the Amazon discovered the beneficial properties of acai berries centuries ago. This generous gift of nature local residents used to treat ulcers and diarrhea, microbial infections and bleeding.

The extract from the seeds is used to fight fever, and the powder from the roots of the palm tree is taken for menstrual cramps and liver problems.

But, since not all of our readers believe in the power of traditional medicine, let us turn to the properties confirmed by official medicine.

For the cardiovascular system

The high concentration of antioxidants makes this product effective in protecting the heart from damage, lowering cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation. To combat vascular plaques, acai berries have a special weapon: oleic and linoleic acids (they reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase “good”), as well as beta-sitosterol.

By the way, heart-healthy beta-sitosterol is also present in some other foods. plant origin: , And .

Antitumor properties

High levels of vitamin C and plant antioxidants suggest strong anti-cancer properties of acai fruit.

According to a study conducted by Florida scientists and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, acai berries cause cancer cells to self-destruct in 86% of cases.

Anthocyanins for good vision

Being good source vitamin C and anthocyanins, American palm fruit prevents glaucoma, night blindness and macular degeneration.

For retinopathy with subsequent vision loss (a common complication in patients with diabetes), acai berries will also be useful and can slow down this process.

Sweet dreams

Sexual attraction

Residents of South America believe that the fruits of this palm tree increase libido, which is why they are often called “tropical Viagra.” Scientific research confirm that acai berries have aphrodisiac properties and increase sexual stamina.

Doctors suggest that the secret of the properties just announced lies in the ability of these fruits to activate brain activity and influence the level of sex hormones in the body.

My light, mirror

What there is definitely no point in doubting is the unsurpassed cosmetic properties acai berries, since today almost every third skin care product manufacturer uses them in their creams and lotions.

When applied externally with berry extract, you will get excellent skin immunity, smooth and clean skin without rashes, protection against the premature appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

And regular consumption of these tropical berries will make your skin healthier and more radiant.

In addition to the beneficial properties already listed, acai berries strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of digestive tract(relieves constipation and bloating), prevents the development of diabetes, activates the brain and nervous system, speeds up metabolism, fills the body with energy, increases the body’s endurance and prevents aging prematurely.

For conception and pregnancy

Worried about the health of your reproductive system? Acai berries normalize hormone levels in the body and speed up metabolism, preventing excess weight“settle” in your body. But the absence of fat deposits is a very important point for normal ovulation.

When it comes to nutrition for pregnant women, acai berries can also come in handy. Their natural compounds will be equally beneficial for both the expectant mother and her baby. And plant antioxidants will protect the embryo from mutations.

Side effects

Among the properties of these berries, there is one that for some may seem more beneficial than harmful. We are talking about reducing appetite - the dream of every chubby girl. But let's not forget that there are also those who are trying to gain weight. Acai berries are contraindicated for them.

The acai palm tree causes allergies in some people, so getting to know this exotic product You should start with small portions, checking the body's reaction.

Following the euphoria that gripped the public about it, it was the turn of acai. Today on sale you can easily find the most different shapes release: tinctures, powders, capsules, etc. And since many of the beneficial properties of acai berries are confirmed by science, it is likely that some of these supplements will help you improve your health. But don't expect miracles and don't believe in the existence of a magic pill.

The content of the article:

Peach palm (lat. Bactris gasipaes) is a plant of the Palm family without a voluminous crown, having a not very thick trunk up to 30 m high with evergreen leaves, the length of which can be 3.6 m. The flowers are yellow-white, the fruits are edible, yellow, orange or red, depending on the season, collected in clusters of 50-70 pieces, thin skin. Inside hides juicy pulp with a sweet aftertaste and one large bone. The jungles of South America - Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia - are called the homeland of this palm tree. In the wild, it grows mainly along the banks of the Amazon, and is cultivated in Costa Rica and India, the Philippines, in a word, in the tropics, where all year round hot and sunny. The fruits are most often eaten fried or boiled.

Composition and calorie content of peach palm fruits

The calorie content of peach palm fruits has not been fully elucidated, but it is definitely low. But it is known that 100 g of pulp contains 37 g of carbohydrates necessary to maintain vitality on high level and improving performance.

Let's consider the benefits of vitamins in fruits:

  • Vitamin C. Ensures the normal functioning of the immune system, increases the body's defenses and prevents illness, especially in winter.
  • Vitamin E. Necessary for timely tissue regeneration after injuries, maintaining water-salt balance, and preventing heart and vascular diseases.
  • Vitamin A. Promotes good metabolism, which eliminates the occurrence of obesity, diabetes and a number of other problems. It is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals and thereby prevents premature aging and tumor growth.
  • Vitamin B. With its help, the condition of the skin, nails, and hair improves, hemoglobin levels are normalized, visual acuity increases, all metabolic processes in the body are restored and bad cholesterol is removed from the blood.
  • Vitamin K. Participates in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas. It is also important that it neutralizes the strongest and dangerous poisons- aflatoxin, coumarin, etc. This allows you to reduce the likelihood of cancer cells appearing and reduce their number in time if they do form.
The peach palm fruit contains a number of micro- and macroelements. First of all, it is necessary to mention gland, without which normal hematopoietic processes would simply be impossible. This element is needed to maintain high hemoglobin levels and to prevent hair loss.

Particularly worth highlighting magnesium and potassium, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. They strengthen the heart muscle, normalize its contractions and supply it with sufficient quantity blood to prevent a heart attack.

They deserve the closest attention calcium with phosphorus, which strengthen bones and teeth, promote tissue renewal after injuries and prevent the development of various dental diseases (caries, periodontal disease) and rheumatic diseases, such as arthrosis.

Palm fruits are also rich in zinc, which is very useful for men who want to lead a full intimate life. It also has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, reducing it. This is a reliable antioxidant that protects cells from destruction.

Note! The fruits have a high concentration of starch and vegetable fats.

Beneficial properties of peach palm fruits

They improve overall well-being, as a result of which fatigue and migraines go away, appetite is restored and mood improves, and the amount of vital energy increases. Sleep is also normalized, which eliminates bags under the eyes, swelling on the face and a number of other signs of fatigue. All this is possible due to the fact that the product has tonic and soothing properties.

Here are the benefits of peach palm fruits:

  1. Normalizes cardiac activity. This is facilitated by strengthening the heart muscle, restoring its normal rhythm, and providing this organ with a sufficient volume of blood for stable functioning. Such effects help minimize the possibility of heart attack, stroke, angina, arrhythmia and a number of other cardiac diseases. That is why the product is more useful than ever for people over 60 years of age, who are more susceptible to this than younger people. It should also be noted that the pressure level decreases, which, in turn, improves the general condition.
  2. Takes care of blood vessels. The pulp of fruits cleanses their walls of cholesterol that has accumulated there for years, sooner or later forming life-threatening plaques. It dissolves them and gently brings them out without clogging the passages or disrupting the blood flow. This helps restore it and prevent a lack of oxygen in various internal organs, to which it arrives along with the blood. In the same way, the development of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and a number of other vascular diseases is prevented.
  3. Accelerates skin regeneration. The fruits of the tree contain iron, potassium and magnesium, which are actively involved in the renewal of damaged tissues. Therefore, they will come in handy for those who suffer from dermatitis, eczema, urticaria and other skin diseases. They are also recommended to be included in the diet if there are wounds and cuts on the body, which thanks to this heal much faster.
  4. Improves health. Fruits increase immunity, due to which the body becomes stronger and is less exposed to harmful bacteria, viruses and infections. This minimizes the possibility of influenza, tuberculosis, and hepatitis. The likelihood of infection with helminths, staphylococcus, and streptococcus is also reduced, and this is very important for the prevention of sore throat, tonsillitis and other otolaryngological pathologies.
  5. Increases hemoglobin. If its level in the blood is low, then a person may experience constant dizziness, nausea, a feeling of coldness in the extremities, weakness, hair loss, peeling skin and peeling nails. As a result of insufficient production of red blood cells, the internal organs do not receive what they need for normal operation the amount of blood and, accordingly, oxygen. This same fruit eliminates such deficiency and provides normal nutrition to the liver, kidneys, heart, intestines, etc. First of all, pregnant women should take a very close look at the fruits of this palm tree, as in most cases they have a low level of hemoglobin.
  6. Improves bone health. Fruits supply the body with phosphorus and calcium, which are especially valuable for joints. They make them stronger and more durable, which minimizes the risk of injuries (dislocations, fractures) and various rheumatic diseases - arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc. For this very reason, they are recommended to be included in the menu primarily for older people who are at risk of developing these pathologies are significantly higher than in young people.
  7. Increases potency. This is made possible due to the content of zinc in the product, which is widely known as a “male” microelement. It improves the quality of intimate life, increases libido and sexual arousal, promotes good erection and prevents impotence.

Note! Fruits have immune-correcting, strengthening, analgesic, hemostatic and regenerating properties.

Contraindications and harm to peach palm fruits

It is strictly contraindicated for people with allergic reaction on these fruits, which usually looks like redness and itching of the skin, irritation of the nasal mucosa and sore throat. The product must be included in the menu of pregnant women and the elderly very carefully. It is also worth doing this with great caution for any gastrointestinal diseases.

To prevent harm from peach palm fruits, you should try not to eat them in the morning. Before this, you should either have breakfast with something else, or, as a last resort, drink a glass of warm water, which will prevent irritation of the stomach mucosa from fruit pulp.

How to eat peach palm fruits?

They are practically not eaten raw due to their specific taste. Before cooking, the fruit is poured with water and left for 1-2 hours, after which it is dried and boiled in salt water for 2-3 hours. They are served hot, most often with some kind of gravy.

No less popular is the combination of pulp with cheese and mayonnaise. It can be boiled, fried, stewed. The peel and seeds of the fruit are always removed. Wine is prepared from them, various soft drinks, Dessert. We also have experience in manufacturing butter and flour based on the product.

Recipes for dishes with peach palm fruits

You need to take only fresh ones, raw fruits, not covered with mold and with a rather hard peel, which should also be smooth. They can be added absolutely to different dishes- salads, desserts and even soups. They can be fried, stewed, boiled, stuffed and baked in the oven; they turn out very tasty and healthy.

Of all the recipes with peach palm fruits, we can offer the following:

  • Jam. Wash the “peaches” (1 kg), dry them, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Then chop, add boiled water(50 ml) and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. After the appearance large quantity juice in a saucepan, stir the mass and remove it from the stove. Then combine sugar (300 g) and warm water (100 ml), boil the mixture and mix with boiled palm fruits. After this, put the mixture on the fire again and do not remove for about 20 minutes, stirring regularly with a spoon. After this time, beat it with a blender and pour over clean glass jars volume 0.5 l and roll up with sterilized lids. Place the finished jam in the basement, turn the jars upside down and leave it that way for 2-3 days.
  • . Dissolve gelatin (20 g) in cold water(100 ml) and leave to swell for about 30 minutes. Do the same with another same volume of gelling agent, only this time use the syrup from the bottle as the liquid. canned pineapples. Next, crumble some shortbread cookies as finely as possible without any additives and place them in a baking dish lined with special paper. Then mix sugar (120 g), liquid cream (100 ml), vanillin (1 tsp) and beat the mass with a blender. Bring the gelatin swollen in water to a boil and combine with the cottage cheese, ground through a sieve. Mix these two compositions and pour them over the cookies previously placed in the mold, put it in the refrigerator. After 20 minutes, place fruits cut into semicircles around the edges and add boiled gelatin soaked in syrup. Place the dish in the refrigerator for 3 hours to cool and set.
  • Jam. Wash, peel and seed and chop the fruits (1.5 kg). Place them in a multicooker bowl, add sugar (700 g) and cook in the “Jam” mode for about 50 minutes, stirring the mixture periodically and removing the resulting white film or foam. After this time, beat the mixture with a blender until smooth and without lumps. Ready jam immediately place in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and place upside down for 2-3 days, then return to normal position. It can be used both for greasing a slice of bread for tea, and adding it as a filling to pies, pies, and buns.
  • Stuffed fruits. Wash and boil them (200 g) together with the peel and pit in salted water. Then peel them and beat them with a blender. After this, simmer white chicken meat (200 g), fry champignons (150 g), grate hard cheese(150 g). Combine all this, season with grated garlic (3 cloves), sprinkle with pepper and salt to taste, pour in sour cream (2 tbsp). Then wash, cut the fruit in half and fill with the prepared mixture. Place them on a greased baking sheet vegetable oil, and put it in hot oven for 15 minutes.

Note! The fruits are well tolerated heat treatment without losing its taste and usefulness. Moreover, after cooking they become much softer and more pleasant in salads.

Interesting facts about peach palm fruits

Each year an average of 7 clusters weighing up to 10 kg grow on one tree. The fruits have a diameter of about 5 cm and from the outside look like ordinary peaches or apricots, which is why the plant got its name. To make a person feel full, it is enough to eat 5-6 fruits at a time, which, by the way, folk medicine serve to eliminate pain in the stomach and head.

Ripe palm fruits do not remain suitable for consumption for long; already 3-5 days after harvest they become moldy or become soft. It is for this reason that it is almost impossible to find them fresh in countries where this plant does not grow. Most often, fruits are sold in supermarkets in canned form. metal cans or to order in online stores.

Boiled fruit is very popular in Costa Rica, where street vendors offer it as a snack. In Panama, in addition to people, these fruits are also loved by parrots, for whom they are used as food. By the way, the harvest here takes place all year round, but it is especially rich in the period from October to November.

The palm tree is protected from animals by sharp thorns, which are used by Indians for tattooing. They - those who live along the banks of the Amazon - call this plant peihuara, and for them the fruits of the tree are one of the main products in the food system.

What a peach palm looks like - look at the video:

We talked about how peach palm fruits are eaten, how they are best prepared and what to serve them with. And it is obvious that there are a lot of options here; these fruits can easily replace ordinary peaches or apricots; they are not inferior to them either in taste, or in benefits, or in ease of preparation. You only have to try them once to be convinced of this.

Its trunk tends upward, and its evergreen crown is like a fireworks display. Traditionally, the beautiful palm tree is the tree of winners, the personification of delight and rejoicing. But not only. It symbolizes prosperity and longevity, because it bears fruit throughout life. Of the things that grow on a palm tree, the most famous are coconuts and dates, and the story will begin with them.

Palm trees are fruit bearing

For residents of the tropics, a palm tree is about the same as wheat for us. The palm tree will feed you where nothing grows except it. She will also give you the juice of her fruits, and excellent dishes will come out of their shell. In some regions, people can live only thanks to these noble plants.

Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera)

This palm abounds in the tropics, especially sea coasts. Its fruits, coconuts, are protected by a thick, rough skin, and their weight can reach 2.5 kg. Coconut milk contains many vitamins and is good at replenishing the lack of moisture in the body. Not everyone will like the pulp, but it is edible. It is quite difficult to get nuts: they grow at the top, it is difficult to knock them down, you have to climb to a height of thirty meters. Crack the nut with a stone on a hard surface. The fruits of the coconut palm are carried by sea currents for thousands of miles; This is how the plant colonized many Pacific islands. It appears on the coat of arms of the Maldives.

Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)

It grows in arid regions, tropics and subtropics, where it is often the only plant with edible fruits. On plantations, low-growing forms are grown, from which it is convenient to harvest. Wild dates are small in size, but cultivated varieties reach 8 cm in length. Tasty and healthy, contain a large range of vitamins and minerals. The length of the date bunch reaches almost a meter. To the average person, dates are all almost the same, but experts distinguish more than five hundred varieties.

And that’s all – dates...

The date palm, without exaggeration, stood at the cradle of civilization. In the ruins of the palace of Herod the Great, archaeologists found a pot of dates that were more than two thousand years old. Scientists took the risk of planting several seeds, one of them sprouted; Now the palm tree “named” Methuselah reaches two meters in height and looks excellent.

Seychelles palm (Lodoicea maldivica)

The fruits of this palm are huge, each weighing 13-18 kg. There can be 70 or more of them on a tree. The diameter of such a giant reaches a meter, and it matures within 6 years. The nut is eaten unripe, when it reaches its maximum size, and this happens after about a year. Its pulp is jelly-like, transparent and almost tasteless, but in the Seychelles it is considered a delicacy.

Because of his unusual looking and size, in the old days such nuts were endowed with magical, mystical properties; they were credited with healing powers. Only influential people could own them; ordinary people were prohibited from doing so. They paid fabulous amounts of money for the fruits; some monarchs were ready to give a ship completely loaded with grain and textiles for one nut.

Peach palm (Guilielma gasipaes)

This palm tree, 18 meters high, has a trunk densely planted with sharp spines the length of a palm; Large leaves are covered with the same needles. Not every animal can overcome such protection, so the harvest on the palm tree ripens quietly. Oval shape, the size of a peach, its fruits form huge clusters that hang down like grapes and range in color from yellow-orange to red. They taste like chestnuts, with high content starch. To obtain hearty dish, the fruits must be boiled in salt water for a long time.

Ginger palm (Hyphaene thebaica)

Not a single palm tree on Earth is capable of branching. Except this one. On its 10-meter-high trunk there are 3-4 or more branches, which end in a lush plume of leaves. The leaves are fan-shaped, and flowers, male or female, are formed between them. Mature clusters contain 200 or more bright shiny fruits. The Egyptians call this tree the "dum palm." The poorest segments of the population eat the fibrous husk of its fruit and believe that it tastes like dried ginger bread.

Areca palm (Areca catechu L.)

One of the most beautiful palm trees. It grows up to 30 meters and lives up to 100 years. The areca palm is also called betel nut; its seeds are used as the main component of betel gum.

This chewing gum has an anthelmintic, tonic, mild narcotic effect and, as the indigenous people claim, is harmless. But doctors consider betel or pan to be the main cause of oral cancer in the peoples of Thailand, India, Myanmar and other countries in this region. The mouth of a betel chewer resembles that of a vampire because the areca nut contains a bright red pigment.

Palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer)

Cambodians call this palm their national tree. The tree grows very slowly in the first years of its life, but over time it gains speed and reaches a height of about 30 meters.

The fruits of the plant slightly resemble coconuts; the pulp is eaten in fresh, and palm sugar is made from the sweet juice. Juice is also taken from the trunk. In the old days, paper was made from leaves - one sheet was enough for 4 pages. Fibers were removed from the central core of the sheet and put on ropes, and the dried sharp cores were used to create an impenetrable fence. Truly a versatile plant!

Peduncle palms

Most palm trees bloom the same way, their inflorescences are racemose. The difference mainly lies in the size, flowering time and location of the buds. But there is one palm tree that needs to be talked about separately; it simply cannot be ignored.

Corypha umbraculifera palm

The Tallipot palm (the second name of the plant) is the national tree of Sri Lanka; it grows only on the island of Ceylon. It is considered an unsurpassed record holder for the size and bulkiness of the inflorescence, as well as for the number of flowers in it.

Tallipota blooms only once in its life. Having lived from 40 to 80 years, it produces a huge plume at the top, containing hundreds of thousands of flowers. A fully blossomed inflorescence reaches 14 meters in height and 12 meters in width. The flowers have a scent sour milk and attract great amount bats. These same animals subsequently eat juicy, fleshy fruits with pleasure. Corypha seeds are considered a talisman and are used to make beautiful rosaries and bracelets.

When flowering and fruiting ends, the huge white-trunked palm tree collapses as if it had been cut down.

And there is one more tree I would not like to ignore.

Caryota mitis palm

Caryota leaves are rich in oxalic acid, which is a skin irritant. It is also called wine for the peculiar taste of the fruit pulp. The wine palm has leaves with a characteristic shape: they resemble a fish tail. It cannot boast of height, it grows only up to 3 meters, but the caryota has another feature. It is considered the longest flowering palm tree in the world. It lives only 20 years and blooms at the end of its life, but flowering continues for several years without interruption. When the last fruits ripen, the caryota dies.

Numerous and varied

The palm family (aka arecaceae) includes almost three and a half thousand species, and there are 185 genera in it. There are giant ceroxylon, creeping rattan, oil and sago palms. On each of them you can find something worthy of attention, be it fruits, flowers or even leaves (in raffia they reach 25 meters in length). And for the fruits of the Nipa palm you will have to... swim: this plant lives in mangroves, “knee-deep” in water.

The world of palm trees is unusually rich, and we were able to pay our attention to only some of them, in our opinion, the most interesting.

About palm trees - in one line

  • The smallest palm tree does not grow higher than 10 cm, the tallest reaches 60 m.
  • The palm thief crab, in order to split a coconut, climbs up a tree with a nut and throws it down on the stones.
  • In the Nile Valley, a “palm” calendar still exists: the date palm there produces exactly one leaf per month.

This is how dates grow
Palma dum - the “bread” of the poor
Betel palms and betel bunch Blooming corypha in all its glory
  • "Cash" palm fruit
  • palm nut fruit
  • palm fruit
  • juicy palm fruit
  • m. coconut nut, tree and fruit (nut) Cocos nucifera, genus of palm. Click or blow to the head, tukmanka. Coconut or coconut, related to coconut. There are other types of this tree, for example. coconut oil
  • fruit from a palm tree
  • fruit fallen from a palm tree
  • palm nut
  • nut from palm tree
  • most big nut from a palm tree
  • nut fallen from a palm tree
  • type of palm trees
  • nut on a palm tree
  • fell from a palm tree
  • Spanish sailors, who first saw the fruits of an unfamiliar plant, considered them similar to a painted face and called them this word, which translated from Spanish means “ugly face”
  • palm fruit
  • fruit on ChungaChanga island
  • Which fruit is recommended to open with a knife, corkscrew or screwdriver and hammer?
  • fruit from the diet on the island of Chunga Changa


  • palm fruit
  • edible palm fruit
  • m. Phoenix dactylifera tree and its fruit; date palm. Armenian dates, Elegnus hortegnis. Date, in church seal, side, longitudinal headband, from the field
  • fruit fallen from a palm tree
  • Fruit falling from a palm tree
  • type of fruit palm
  • one of the fruit palms
  • sweets from palm trees
  • type of palm trees
  • fell from a palm tree
  • type of palm fruit
  • fruit suitable for dried fruit
  • edible palm fruit
  • tropical fruit
  • what fruit brings a third of foreign exchange earnings to Tunisia
  • fruit loved by camels
  • edible palm fruit orange and oval


  • m. tree Buxus sempervirens, green tree, boxwood, boxwood; known in turning crafts under the name palms, having been brought to us under Peter by the Dutch, who make folding arshins or feet from it, palms


  • the picang plant can be called “Negro bread”: its fruits are fried, soups and sauces are prepared from them, and the green fruits of this plant are ground into flour from which many dishes are prepared, and by what name is picang better known
  • hairpin or fruit
  • overseas fruit
  • m. tree and fruit of the Adam's fig, Musa paradislaca. Banana m. plant, banana tree; collect banana grove
  • fruit in a peel on which one slips
  • a fruit growing on the largest herb known to us
  • sweet mealy fruit
  • sweet mealy tropical fruit
  • sweet fruit
  • subtropical edible fruit
  • tropical fetus
  • tropical palm fruit
  • tropical fruit
  • tropical fruit in bunches
  • tropical fruit that inspired fashion designers to create trousers
  • tropical fruit plant with sweet fruits