The benefits and possible harms of dark chocolate. What are the benefits of dark chocolate for the human body, composition, calorie content and potential harm

Everyone, without exception, knows chocolate as a delicious treat, but not many people think about its benefits.

But chocolate, especially bitter chocolate, has a lot of beneficial properties. What are the benefits of dark chocolate? What effect does it have on our body? Regular consumption of dark chocolate affects many metabolic processes occurring in our body, including normalizing weight.

Before you rush to buy tons of dark chocolate, let's figure it out - is dark chocolate good for everyone or are there any contraindications for its consumption? There are several “buts” - dark chocolate should not be included in the diet of children, patients with diabetes and people suffering from serious metabolic disorders and obesity. True, in reasonable quantities, dark chocolate can even be part of a balanced diet.

Dark chocolate - types according to several parameters

Several varieties of dark chocolate can be distinguished, based on the content of grated cocoa in it and the taste of the bar.

By content of cocoa liquor (in percent)

  • Dark chocolate 55.
  • Chocolate 65.
  • 70 percent cocoa content.
  • 80 %.
  • 90 %.
  • 99 %.

Different manufacturers may have their own variations on this theme. The main thing is that dark chocolate, of which there are a great many types, must contain at least 55 percent grated cocoa and at least 30% cocoa butter.

According to taste characteristics

Depending on the proportion of powdered sugar and grated cocoa beans in chocolate, chocolate can be:

  • very sweet;
  • sweet;
  • semi-sweet;
  • semi-bitter;
  • bitter;
  • very bitter.

Very dark chocolate (reviews about it are mixed) have a unique taste. Some people can’t stand him, while others prefer to deal with him without any options.

By its structure

Depending on the degree of particle size reduction:

  • ordinary;
  • dessert.

The effect of dark chocolate on health

Dark chocolate and tooth enamel

Tannins, which are a dime a dozen in dark chocolate, have antibacterial properties. Therefore, eating dark chocolate with a minimum amount of sugar is harmless to teeth. Moreover, scientists from Japan have found that the substance included in the husk of cocoa beans can effectively remove plaque. The appearance of chocolate toothpaste in the near future is quite possible.

Dark chocolate and atherosclerosis

Not everyone knows that dark chocolate and cholesterol are incompatible concepts. The high content of essential oils in the chocolate product prevents cholesterol from attaching to the walls of blood vessels. And this is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis, because cholesterol plaques are the cause of this disease.

How to prevent a heart attack?

Ten-year studies by Swedish scientists have shown that 45 g of dark chocolate per day can prevent myocardial infarction. With regular use, bone tissue is strengthened and blood pressure is normalized. Dark chocolate and hypertension are two mutually exclusive things in the literal sense of the word.

In addition, British scientists discovered another interesting property of dark chocolate. Theobromine, present in large quantities in cocoa beans, is able to cleanse the bronchi, dilate blood vessels and suppress the cough reflex. Dark chocolate for cough is a real tasty and effective medicine with only one “side” effect. Long-term use is addictive, and stopping the “medicine” means a likely resumption of symptoms.

For the most part, according to statistics, the weaker sex prefers milk chocolate. In extreme cases, white or porous. But bitter, with its natural bitterness in taste, is welcomed by few people. But in vain. After all, the benefits from dark natural chocolate are really significant, while from milk chocolate there are no benefits at all, except for dubious pleasure. Why is dark chocolate so beneficial for a woman, and can it harm?

Dark chocolate: composition optimal for healthy consumption

Each type of chocolate has its own preparation method and composition, ranging from the amount of cocoa to its taste properties. As for dark chocolate, it is made from a certain combination of cocoa and powdered sugar. Moreover, the more cocoa, the richer the bitterness. The ideal option is 72 percent excellent quality cocoa . In dark quality chocolate you will never You won’t feel a sour taste and won’t find any filling or nuts. .

What are the benefits of dark chocolate for women - the benefits of dark chocolate

This type of chocolate is indeed very beneficial for health in general and for specific purposes, but with one caveat - you should consume it a little at a time. That is, no more than 25 g per day (quarter of a bar) . Then the effect will really be only positive. So what's the benefit?

  • Nourishes the brain and stimulates mental activity, thanks to the phosphorus in the composition. Useful for knowledge workers, will not hurt writers for inspiration.
  • , promoting more efficient functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to magnesium.
  • Strengthening bone tissue(calcium).
  • Strengthening teeth, thanks to fluorine and phosphates.
  • Treatment for a sore throat, when sucking pieces of dark chocolate.
  • Mood boost. No matter how skeptical everyone is about this fact (they say, these are all fairy tales invented by women), but this is really a fact. It is dark natural chocolate that can pull a woman out of spleen, thanks to an antidepressant such as magnesium.
  • PMS relief. An “analgesic” such as a 25-gram piece of chocolate can significantly relieve habitual symptoms.
  • Extension of youth. Tell me, is it a fairy tale again? Nothing like this. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can slow down the aging process. The main thing is not to overdo it. The daily norm is enough, on a regular basis.
  • Prevention of vascular and heart diseases.
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels.
  • Normalization of pressure with excess weight.
  • An increase in such properties in the body as absorption of sugar in food, due to flavonoids. Which, in turn, strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots, neutralizing “free radicals”.
  • Reduced inflammation(C-reactive protein level).
  • Decreased cortisol production, stress hormone.

The harm of dark chocolate to the female body - why is dark chocolate harmful?

Common consumption of chocolate not recommended for children and adults with metabolic disorders, diabetes etc. But, as a rule, these recommendations apply to milk, white and other types of chocolate. Bitter chocolate can only cause harm if consumed above the specified limit. But is this dark chocolate so perfect? In what cases does it become harmful?

  • Those who periodically suffer from migraine attacks should not indulge in chocolate. . Tannin in chocolate has a vasoconstrictor effect.
  • Low-grade dark chocolate can lead to exacerbation (and appearance) of gastritis.
  • Large amounts of dark chocolate can cause dizziness , insomnia and allergic reactions.
  • Considering (although, in comparison with other types of chocolate, it is very low), Excessive consumption of dark chocolate contributes to the appearance of extra centimeters on the waist .

How to identify quality dark chocolate - important tips for choosing chocolate

A delicacy that was once available only to members of the royal family is prohibited by some, outright refusing even a small tile, while others continue to eat it at any time of the day or night. What are the benefits of dark chocolate? And most importantly, is it possible to lose weight without denying yourself the pleasure of putting a melting piece on your tongue, the aroma of which drives sweet tooths around the world crazy?

We know very well that many “goodies” are strictly prohibited for those who strive for an ideal figure. Turning into fat deposits, buns, cakes, sweets and bars spoil our figures, forcing us to look in the mirror with grief and longing. Are there “beneficial” exceptions to this list?

There is no need to give up bitter tiles: you just need to follow simple rules. For example, not everyone knows that you can eat aromatic delicacies only until a certain time - 16:00. Later, all the calories received go straight to the “fat depot”. What other secrets do you need to know, and why not everything tasty is harmful?

Bitter dark chocolate: health benefits and harms

What determines the properties of the slices that we eat with such pleasure? It turns out that the higher the cocoa percentage, the better. Oil obtained from beans and seeds is the main ingredient thanks to which we can enjoy the rich taste. This is an extremely expensive product, so when buying a chocolate bar, remember: you have to pay for quality. By choosing a favorable price, you risk getting a sweet that is absolutely devoid of those beneficial properties, which we will discuss later.

Why does our body need this delicacy? The answer is simple: a product made from cocoa beans has many advantages. One of them is participation in the normalization of metabolic processes and the fight against free radicals. What else does this sweet helper do for our health?

    Theobromine and caffeine are powerful antidepressants that will instantly relieve us of bad mood and apathy.

    Purifying the blood and normalizing blood pressure are the undoubted advantages of consuming this healthy delicacy.

    Living a stress-free life by indulging yourself in dark dark chocolate is as easy as shelling pears. The reason for effective relief from increased nervous tension is the direct effect of “beneficial” sweetness on cortisol produced by the adrenal glands.

    This delicious drug reduces the level of C-reactive protein, the appearance of which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process.

    Surprisingly, chocolate helps prevent the formation of tartar. This unexpected statement was made by dentists from Canada.

    Stimulation of cerebral circulation is another wonderful property of bitter lobes. How to make your workday more productive and recharge your batteries at the same time? A small piece eaten before 16:00 will be an excellent incentive for tireless activity.

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We remind you: only treats with a high content of cocoa beans (up to 90%) are healthy. Milk chocolate consists of sugar and turns into fat so easily that it is pointless to count on it to help you lose weight. It’s unlikely to help you get rid of extra pounds, but accumulating calories “in reserve” and ruining your teeth by treating yourself to Snickers, Twix or Mars is as easy as shelling pears.

Now let's look at another important indicator - the glycemic index. The dark delicacy has 22, and the milk one has 70. It turns out that by eating the bars, you contribute to an increase in blood sugar levels, and this is the path to diabetes. Who wants to earn new sores? As you can see, the bitter bar is much healthier than the cloyingly sweet one, and there are far fewer problems from it.

Is there any harm? It is important to remember that everything is good in moderation. If you ate more than your daily allowance, you gained extra pounds and ruined your teeth. It is also not recommended to give milk and white chocolate to people with metabolic disorders. What about the bitter slices? Are there any side effects from such a healthy treat and what are they associated with?

    Tannin, which is part of the beloved sweet by many, constricts blood vessels, and this leads to increased migraines in those who suffer from painful headaches.

    If you saved money and bought a low-quality product, be prepared for an exacerbation or the appearance of gastritis.

    Excessive consumption of chocolate leads to allergic reactions and weight gain.

Stop harming yourself by binge-eating candy and candy bars. Remember that the daily norm was invented for a reason: increasing it leads to a deterioration in well-being and weight gain. Do you want to lose weight? Then eliminate from your diet the “unprofitable” “Snickers” and “Alenka”, which contain only sugar, and switch to a treat with a high content of cocoa beans, monitoring the energy value of what you eat. Surprisingly, but true: you can lose pounds by pampering yourself with healthy goodies. The main thing is not to forget about caloric intake.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate for women?

Let us repeat the golden rule again for those who want to lose weight without depriving themselves of their favorite product: only bars with a cocoa bean content of at least 70% are welcome. Do not overuse the “bargain” treat and eat it exclusively before 16:00. We banish the rest of the “goodies” – milk and dessert chocolate – from our diet once and for all.

What are the benefits of bitter sweetness from cocoa beans for women? It has a lot of advantages over its “sugar” brother. Among them are:

    Nourish the brain – “stimulating” mental activity is especially important before a long day of work, so a small piece of treat will be a wonderful remedy for a crisis of ideas.

    Another plus is the acceleration of metabolism. The metabolism starts, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, and you will be sure that fats are not stored “for a rainy day.”

    Calcium, which is part of bitter dark chocolate, strengthens our bones, and fluoride and phosphate prevent the formation of tartar.

    PMS is a real test of strength for many women. A small piece of the sweet “analgesic” and “antidepressant” will save you from a bad mood and ease the usual symptoms.

    Reducing the risk of developing diabetes - a little dark chocolate a day is an excellent prevention of this serious disease.

    As we remember, the level of cholesterol in the blood directly affects our weight. A piece of sweet “medicine” will help normalize an important indicator and prevent the formation of fat deposits.

    Is it possible to prolong youth by allowing yourself a 5-gram slice per day? It turns out that this is not a fairy tale, but reality! The reason for this miraculous effect is antioxidants that slow down the aging process and preserve our beauty. The main thing is not to get carried away with the treat. Exceeding the daily norm is a step towards new kilograms, and not getting rid of them.

Let us immediately warn you: the benefits of dark chocolate for women will turn into harm if you overdo it and allow yourself too much. So pay close attention to quantity and don’t forget about quality. It's easy to determine:

    A good dark tile will definitely have a white coating. Having found it, do not rush to throw away your purchase - it is much healthier than advertised bars and candies.

    The aromatic slice should quickly melt in your mouth.

    Another sign of quality is the absence or minimal (up to 5%) content of vegetable oils.

How to control yourself if every new tile causes an uncontrollable appetite? Keep a food diary and write down your daily caloric intake in it - this way you will save yourself from the temptation to put an extra piece in your mouth.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate for men?

It is also vitally important for the strong half of humanity to regularly pamper themselves with “profitable” delicacies. Why? The answer is simple: the exceptional effect on the body makes products based on cocoa beans a real salvation from many serious diseases.

    Swedish scientists have concluded that chocolate reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and can be consumed as a tasty preventative against stroke. It's all about flavonoids - active substances that help maintain health and vigor.

    The bitter delicacy normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients and lowers cholesterol levels.

    Chocolate was recognized in ancient times as an excellent aphrodisiac. Tryptophan, which is part of it, increases sexual arousal, dopamine improves mood, and phenylethylamine causes euphoria and promotes the formation of endorphins.

The benefits of dark chocolate for both men and women have been proven by experts, but a positive effect on our body is possible only if you do not exceed the daily norm. Do not forget about the high calorie content of the product - passion for it can lead to weight gain. Another disadvantage of uncontrolled consumption of such sweets is the possibility of developing a severe allergy.

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate while losing weight: pros and cons

Should I deny myself or not? If you think that strict restrictions and depriving yourself of your favorite treat will help you say goodbye to extra pounds, we hasten to disappoint you: this approach will only lead to a deterioration in your health and a gradual increase in body weight. Why?

Apathy, irritability, tears over trifles, melancholy - is this really the beginning of depression? However, this is exactly how our body reacts to stress when we deliberately deprive it of healthy and beloved cocoa bean products. 5 g of this wonderful treat per day is a wonderful remedy for a bad mood. You cannot leave yourself without such “protection” - the daily norm will not allow you to gain weight, and the beneficial properties of the aromatic slices will only speed up the process of getting rid of fat deposits.

Eating dark chocolate while losing weight is not only possible, but also necessary:

    Caffeine and theobromine included in its composition speed up metabolism.

    Regular consumption of this miracle product will help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

    A small piece eaten before 16:00 will allow you not to feel hungry for a long time.

It is these properties of everyone’s favorite delicacy that speak of the benefits of dark chocolate for weight loss. Don’t get carried away with sweets, leave candies and bars in the past and treat yourself at the right time - these are the basic rules that you should remember once and for all.

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If you're still surprised by the fact that sweets can be healthy, try dark chocolate. It has an original taste, does not become boring and can bring many benefits to your body. The main thing is to purchase a quality product and not abuse it.

The benefits of dark chocolate for blood vessels

A bar of dark chocolate stimulates cerebral blood flow and also reduces the risk of stroke, according to recent studies. Australian scientists, thanks to an experiment, found that the need to regularly consume this product has already been proven.

During the experiment, several people ate 100 grams of dark chocolate while lying down. At the same time, they measured the speed of blood flowing through the largest arteries in the brain. As a result, scientists discovered that a kind of “chocolate therapy” led to improved blood flow and a change in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. If you don't eat it regularly a large number of healthy sweets, you can strengthen the walls of brain vessels and make the membrane of blood cells more rigid.

Healthy heart and dark chocolate

The benefits of dark chocolate extend to such an important organ as the heart. Thanks to research, it has been found that consuming chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 50% is an alternative treatment or an addition to existing therapy. This applies to people who have a high risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dark chocolate has unusual properties due to the high content of cocoa beans in it. They contain a large number of flavonoids. These substances act like antioxidants, which help lower blood cholesterol levels. They also prevent damage to cells involved in the proper functioning of the heart. Flavonoids lower blood pressure and maintain the normal balance of certain hormones, such as estrogen.

If you consume 90% dark chocolate daily, the benefits will be truly noticeable for the body. Consumption of 100 g of tasty delicacy reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by a quarter in men, and by a third in women. But do not forget that it is recommended to eat no more than 30 g of dark chocolate per day!

Other beneficial qualities of dark chocolate

In addition to the benefits for the cardiovascular system, dark chocolate has many other benefits:

Stimulates the production of endorphin (the hormone of joy);

Has an invigorating effect (due to the presence of theobromine and caffeine);

Treats depression;

Protects the body from aging;

Activates brain function;

Saturates the body with vitamins and various beneficial substances.

It is worth noting that dark chocolate has all the positive qualities, for example 70% cocoa - there will really be a lot of benefits from it. It is better to avoid milk and white chocolate and consume only healthy sweets.

Is there any harm from dark chocolate?

Almost any product can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on how and how much you consume it. Bitter chocolate is no exception: it also has benefits and harms.

If there is a metabolic disorder, eating any chocolate is contraindicated. But to a greater extent this applies to milk and white chocolate. Dark chocolate can harm the body if consumed more than 25-30 g per day. In this case, carbohydrates will begin to accumulate in the body as fat.

To get the benefits of dark chocolate, you need to buy only a high-quality product. Do not skimp on good chocolate, as low-quality raw materials that have a sour taste can negatively affect the acidity of the stomach. As a result, gastritis or other gastrointestinal problems will occur.

Those with a weak digestive system should limit their consumption of tasty treats. Digestion of dark chocolate requires the consumption of a significant amount of gastric enzymes, so it is not recommended to load the stomach.

For overweight people, you need to choose sweets with a low sugar content, for example, 99% dark chocolate - the benefits of consuming it will be greater than the harm. But at the same time, you shouldn’t eat 3 bars a day. It is necessary to train your willpower and give up unnecessary sweets.

Despite the fact that dark chocolate contains quite a lot of calories, completely removing it from the diet is unnecessary. Save calories on other foods, such as bread or potatoes. Scientists advise not to deprive yourself of pleasure and regularly conduct “chocolate therapy.”

Chocolate is one of the most favorite treats for most people. This is especially true for representatives of the fairer sex. Women are accustomed to eating chocolate to lift their spirits and eliminate depression. Dark dark chocolate has the maximum value for the body. The ideal dessert is one that contains at least 72% cocoa. Scientists have found that the product has a healing effect on the male body. What are the benefits of dark chocolate for men?

Useful composition of the product

Each manufacturer of this delicacy has its own unique preparation recipe. The consumer should remember that dark chocolate always has the maximum percentage of cocoa content. This is what distinguishes it from other types of chocolate. But at the same time, its calorie content increases. So, 100 grams of dark chocolate can contain up to 550 kcal.

Dark chocolate is famous for its rich vitamin B group. Thus, a bar of the delicacy is saturated with nicotinic, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid. These components are extremely important for stabilizing a person’s psycho-emotional background. And the low glycemic index of dark chocolate allows it to be consumed even with diabetes (only in moderation).

In addition, the product contains the following substances:

  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Iron;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Retinol;
  • Vitamin PP.

This composition allows us to consider the product a source of antioxidants and immunomodulators. Dark chocolate never contains milk. Often, sugar is not even added to this dessert. Therefore, nutritionists allow the consumption of small amounts of bitter delicacy while following the strictest diet. This will allow you to avoid mood swings and depression during the period of strict refusal of your favorite food.

General benefits of dark chocolate for men

What are the benefits of chocolate for men? This product contains many healing and preventive properties that we are not even aware of. Doctors advise everyone, both adults and children, to eat a slice of bitter or dark chocolate every day. But it is important to choose a quality product so that it does not cause allergic reactions.

Sweetness for the cardiovascular system

Real dark chocolate is a medicine for the entire cardiovascular system. Thus, experts recommend that people suffering from hypertension eat 30 grams of dark chocolate every day. After all, a dessert containing at least 72% cocoa can systematically lower blood pressure. Also, with moderate but regular use of this product in men, the risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke is reduced.

A large amount of antioxidants in cocoa beans has a beneficial effect on the vascular system. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. Thus, bitter and dark chocolate prevents atherosclerosis. When general blood flow is normalized, brain function also improves.

Dark chocolate for cough

Few people know that just a couple of cubes of dark chocolate can quench a long, suffocating cough. And all thanks to the fact that the product contains a substance such as theobromine. Experts have proven that this component has a softening effect on the throat, which relieves cough.

Dessert to restore the nervous system

Scientists around the world have long proven that dark chocolate restores the normal functioning of the central nervous system. And despite the fact that a real bitter product does not contain sugar, cocoa beans are saturated with glucose. Therefore, just 30 grams of dessert will help:

  • Cheer up;
  • Increase work capacity;
  • Eliminate signs of depression;
  • Relieve stress;
  • Normalize sleep;
  • Eliminate headaches.

Regular consumption of sweets increases the synthesis of endorphin, the hormone of happiness. This explains its positive effect. Moreover, this product can act as an analgesic. Just 2-4 cubes of bitter dark chocolate help girls get rid of severe menstrual pain.

Chocolate against the negative effects of free radicals

The product has a large amount of antioxidants. It is these components that fight free radicals. Why is this necessary? Free radicals often cause cancer and the growth of cancerous tumors. Some experts recommend that men consume this type of chocolate to prevent the growth of prostate adenoma. Also, antioxidants protect the body from premature aging and maintain good condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

The benefits of dark chocolate for men for the reproductive system

In addition to the fact that the benefits of chocolate for men include strengthening the immune system, restoring the nervous system, it also has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. In particular, with regular consumption of natural dark chocolate, potency in young people improves. How does this happen?

This dessert can truly be considered... Just a few cubes of the product increase overall blood flow in the body, and accelerate blood circulation in the genitals in particular. Also, the heart rate increases, which excites the nervous system. Due to these functions, the state of potency improves, and the man is ready for sexual intercourse.

All this is achieved through the following nutritional components:

  • Tryptophan. Stimulates sexual arousal in young people.
  • Phenylphetamine. It affects nerve endings, which provokes a feeling of pleasure in the brain.
  • Theobromine. Improves mood, eliminates stress.
  • Dopamine. Restores the nervous system.
  • Anandamide. Increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, provokes a feeling of pleasure.

Experts advise men to consume dark chocolate rather than white or milk chocolate. But, you should adhere to a strict dosage. So, it is enough to consume up to half a tile in 3 days. The natural product contains zinc. This substance has a beneficial effect on the hormonal levels of the body of young people.

Under the influence of zinc, natural production of testosterone occurs. It is this hormone that makes a man out of a man. Both the guy’s appearance, weight, and his sexual activity depend on it. Also, doctors often advise taking large amounts of foods with high levels of zinc when planning pregnancy. The fact is that zinc (like selenium) improves the quality of ejaculate. Both sperm synthesis is enhanced, and their fertility and motility increases. All this significantly increases the chances of successfully conceiving a healthy child.

Can dark chocolate be harmful?

Any product has both beneficial properties and harm. And this delicacy is no exception. So, it is important to consume any type of chocolate in moderation. Excessive consumption of cocoa beans often provokes allergic reactions. In the future, dark chocolate may become a prohibited product for consumption.

If the product contains sugar, metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system may be disrupted. Sugar also increases stomach acidity. If you eat a lot of chocolate, the accumulated carbohydrates will develop into excess fat deposits. Cocoa beans contain caffeine. And excessive levels of this substance in the body provoke overexcitation of the nervous system and insomnia.

There are a number of pathologies and diseases in which this dessert is strictly prohibited for consumption:

  • Allergy;
  • Recent stroke, myocardial infarction;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Gout;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Obesity.

How to choose a quality product?

Dark chocolate is freely available. Many stores offer a wide range of this delicacy. How to choose the best? So, initially you need to carefully study the composition. The highest level of quality will be found in the chocolate bar that contains more than 72% cocoa. But, you can choose dark chocolate with 55% cocoa, but not more than 30% cocoa butter.

Having broken the tile, you should hear a distinct cracking sound. The color of dark chocolate is not necessarily black. It is rather dark brown, but not black. But the taste should feel slightly bitter. In a quality product you will find only grated cocoa, powdered sugar, and cocoa butter. Other, additional components make it cheaper and reduce its quality indicators. The old age of the tile is indicated by a white coating, a tint on the surface.
