Beef rice soup recipe. Rice soup with beef. Pea soup with beef broth

If you and your family are lovers of balanced soups and try to combine benefits and taste, we recommend preparing a nutritious vegetable soup from meat and rice. The dish is easy to prepare and quite quick, in about one and a half to two hours, and for first courses this does not take long, a rich hot lunch is already ready on the stove - delicious meat soup with rice. For a satisfying midday meal, Vegetable Broth with Beef is the ultimate hot meal option with a satisfying finish.

    Ingredients for preparing soup for 2.5-3 liters of water:
  • 400 g beef,
  • 1 head of onion,
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 60 g rice,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh dill,
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of oil for frying vegetables,
  • Salt, ground black pepper and peas.

In fact, it takes a lot of meat and vegetables to cook. They are the ones who make the broth rich and tasty. Well, the final note, sophistication and aroma of the dish are given by spices, such as bay leaf, dill and finely chopped garlic.

Meat soup with rice and vegetables

Prepare in advance all the necessary products that will be needed during the cooking process.

Rinse the beef and cut into small pieces. Meat can be used either the pulp or the bone part.

Place the chopped pieces of meat into a saucepan, cover with water, add a bay leaf and place on the stove. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cook the soup over low heat, with moderate bubbling, for 1.5 hours.

Peel and rinse the carrots, cut into small and thin pieces. First chop the onion into strips and then cut into cubes.

Pour oil into the frying pan, heat and fry the vegetables first over medium heat until the onion begins to release juice and the carrots are lightly browned, then reduce the heat, cover the frying pan with a lid and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

After 1.5 hours, after the meat is ready and the broth is cooked, add the washed rice.

Place the fried vegetables and all the contents of the pan into the pan, add salt, black pepper, chopped dill and stir. Bring it again meat soup until boiling and continue cooking over low heat for another 8-10 minutes.

As you can see, preparing a delicious homemade soup from meat, rice and vegetables is simple and easy. You can cook broth in completely different ways and using other products. Following this recipe, you can cook it in the same way or with noodles, peas and sausage. You will find all these delicious recipes with step-by-step instructions on our culinary website, where you will learn how to prepare the most delicious home-cooked food and can easily repeat the whole process yourself.

So, dear friends, I decided to dedicate my first review on a photo recipe to a very simple and uncomplicated, but very tasty dish called “Rice Soup”. I really hope that my recipe will be useful for someone.

Above I present all the ingredients that are needed to make my soup recipe. I indicated the number of products in a special form above, so we won’t dwell on this.

First of all, I put a pan of water on the fire and wait for the water to boil completely. Once this moment comes, I put my small piece of meat into boiling water and leave it there to cook over medium heat for about thirty minutes. During this time, I just have time to prepare all the other ingredients for the soup.

As soon as I have everything ready and I understand that my not too rich broth is already ready, I send all the potatoes to accompany the beef.

After some more time, when I see that the potatoes are almost ready, I add rice.

While the rice is cooking, I heat a frying pan with sunflower oil and place chopped onions and grated carrots on it. The sound accompanying this action cannot be compared with anything! Thus, over medium heat, I cook the fry, stirring it constantly so that nothing burns.

As soon as I see that the volume of the onions and carrots has been reduced by half, and this happens using a simple frying method, I immediately put the entire contents of the frying pan into the pan. The most important thing is to wash the pan immediately so that dirty dishes do not accumulate and mar the joy of finishing cooking.

As soon as the frying is in the pan, the soup takes on a very beautiful sunny color. Thanks to carrot carotene!

Once you feel that the rice is almost ready, it is very important not to wait until it is completely ready! You need to catch the moment so that the middle of the rice is slightly hard. Since the rice will continue to cook while your pan is cooling, you will need to turn off the soup before the rice turns into porridge and remains intact.

In the last minutes of cooking the soup, I squeeze out a few heads of garlic using my garlic press. The presence of garlic in the soup provides a special piquancy to the taste. The main thing is not to completely cook the garlic.

The very last touch is, of course, salting the soup. I do not add various mivins, galina blancs, and so on to my dishes. Our family advocates healthy eating. And what is important, once you give up this kind of chemicals, you will understand that even without it, dishes can be very tasty.

That's all, my soup is ready and is already in my plate. Serve it very well sprinkled with finely chopped fresh herbs. This time, unfortunately, I didn’t have one, so I had to have lunch without it.

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

The first course must be eaten every day, because liquid food is very good for the stomach. And to make the soup more satisfying, it is better to cook it in some kind of meat broth. I suggest preparing a soup with rice and meat; for it we will use beef, which is leaner and healthier than pork. If you can find veal, it will be even better. To make the preparation of rice soup take a minimum of time, the broth can be cooked in advance, for example, in the evening. But for now I’ll tell you how I did everything in order.

beef rice soup recipe


  • 2 liters of water,
  • 200 grams of beef,
  • 5-6 medium potatoes,
  • 50 g rice,
  • one onion,
  • one carrot,
  • two pieces of bay leaf,
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add the beef cut into pieces and put on fire. If you put the meat in cold water, the broth will be tastier and richer. To keep the broth clear, the meat should be immersed in boiling water. The pulp will cook for about one hour. To make it transparent and beautiful, when boiling the meat, you need to remember to remove the foam and add something to it. And we will add to it a whole raw onion and carrot rings fried in vegetable oil; half the root vegetable will be enough. You also need to add a little salt so that the meat has time to salt.

2. While the meat is cooking, prepare the roast. We threw half of the carrots into the broth, and the other half, three at a time, on a coarse grater and fried in vegetable oil. You can also fry additional chopped onion, but I did without it - for the flavor, the onion, which was boiled in its entirety in the broth, was enough for me.

3. 15 minutes before the end of cooking the broth, you can peel the potatoes. Clean it, rinse it well and cut it into small pieces. Also rinse the rice.

4. At the end of cooking the broth, remove the onion and carrots from it. Pour potatoes, washed cereals and fried carrots into the pan. Cook the soup with rice and potatoes for 15 minutes, then add a little more salt to taste, seasonings and bay leaf.

After another ten minutes, you can turn off the delicious rice soup. It is recommended to serve it with fresh herbs, sour cream and black bread.

Soup with rice and beef turns out to be very satisfying and rich.

Yes, how I got out of it! But for search engines, I’ll clarify that this is a completely domesticated and Russified kharcho soup.

For 4-6 servings you will need:

500 grams of beef pulp

2 liters of water

8 level tablespoons of rice

100-150 grams of tomato paste

250 grams of onions

1 head of garlic

6 tablespoons vegetable oil

2.5 teaspoons salt

red pepper and spices to taste

This soup is quick and easy to prepare. The main thing is not to overdo it with rice, but use proven proportions - and everything will turn out great.

Cut the meat into small pieces.

Place in a frying pan, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry until the meat completely changes color, all the liquid has evaporated, and fried crusts appear on the pieces of meat.

Pour 2 liters of water into a small (up to 3 liters) saucepan.

Transfer the cooked meat from the frying pan to the pan. Place the pan on the fire. Add salt.

Cook for 15 minutes from the moment it boils.

Attention, sometimes I make this soup from lamb ribs. They can also be cut into small pieces, and fried in a frying pan, or baked in the oven (20 minutes at 200 degrees). I do not add vegetable oil to lamb.

Peel the onion and garlic.

Cut the onion into half rings or small cubes.

Grind the garlic using a grater or through a press.

Transfer the onions to a clean skillet. Add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Sauté the onion, stirring occasionally for 8-10 minutes.

Then add tomato paste to the onion and stir well.

There is no need to fry the pasta. You just need to warm it up for a couple of minutes along with the onions. And immediately remove the pan from the heat.

Measure out the rice at the rate of two tablespoons per serving. You can use any rice, just not steamed.

Here, servings of soup are calculated at almost half a liter. Huge plates! Well, he ate it and fell. To have soup as a main course, and not as an addition to the second course. So I measure out 8 spoons of rice. It turns out to be about half a glass of 200 ml. But keep in mind that in this particular soup, rice is the main filler. If you are preparing soup with other vegetables - potatoes, etc. then measure the rice at the rate of one tablespoon per half liter of water.

Prepare the spices. I have a pinch of chili for spiciness, a teaspoon of paprika, oregano from my own garden, and a little dried dill from the same place. You can use any red pepper, in principle, only carefully, taking into account the spiciness. The soup should be spicy, but so that it can be eaten calmly, and not while sweating and breathing like a dragon.

After the meat has simmered for 15 minutes, add the sautéed onion and tomato into the soup.

Tender, rich, satisfying, healthy - all these epithets rightfully belong to a dish that, without a doubt, should be in the daily diet of every person and this, of course, is freshly brewed soup.

There are so many recipes for making soup that you can make a new one every day throughout the year. Any country in the world can confidently say that their classic soup is the most delicious. And this, most likely, is not far from the truth, because every nation has its own food preferences.

For example, in hot Spain they give priority to gazpacho, a dish of ripe bright tomatoes and peppers seasoned with garlic and olive oil. This soup is served cold and is great in the summer.

In Germany, preference is given to nutritious, rich soups in which the main ingredient is meat or fish. A prominent representative of such a soup is eintopf. In Japan, miso soup is considered the most popular and beloved. The calling card of France is. Georgian cuisine is famous for its kharcho.

In general, as you understand, all kinds of soups are important, all kinds of soups are needed!

In this topic we offer you a fairly simple but nevertheless tasty, hearty beef soup with rice. It can be called a version of the Georgian soup kharcho.


  • Beef (shank meat) – 300 g;
  • Purified water – 1-1.1 l;
  • Round rice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Tomato – 1 pc.;
  • Celery – dried or fresh herbs;
  • Mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • Garlic – one or two cloves;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Kitchen salt - to taste.


Since our soup will be made with beef broth, let's start with the meat. In this case, we have beef from the shank without bone. It is usually used for stewing, as it turns out very soft and tender.

We wash the meat thoroughly and then leave it in cold water for 15-20 minutes. Then we transfer it to a pan with cold water and set to cook. We watch until it boils and skim off the resulting protein foam.

After boiling, you can cover the lid and reduce the heat to low. We will cook the meat broth for about an hour and a half until the meat is completely cooked. Don't forget to add a little salt so that the meat gets its share of salt.

By this time, peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Take round rice and wash it a couple of times.

Remove the finished meat from the broth, and add prepared potatoes and rice to it. Cook these two ingredients at the same time.

We immediately begin preparing the remaining vegetables involved in the preparation of beef soup with rice. Peel, wash and finely chop the onion and bell pepper. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.

Place all the vegetables in a frying pan heated and watered with vegetable oil.

Sauté with the lid closed for 5-6 minutes.

Cut the tomato in half and grate it into three, discard the skin.

Add the tomato to the sautéed vegetables, stir and fry for a couple more minutes.

Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add salt, pepper and dried celery.

Cut the meat into portions.

Add to the soup along with chopped garlic and taste. Boil for a couple of minutes and the rice soup with beef is ready. Let it brew for 7-10 minutes and you can serve.
