Chocolate fountain as a business reviews. Chocolate fountain as a way to attract customers. Possible distribution channels and advertising

Chocolate is a product that has always been controversial about its benefits or harm. But now scientists have already proven that it still has more benefits. Chocolate is of interest all over the world. Cocoa beans contain polyphenols, which are antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. And it’s no secret that the best cure for depression is to eat a couple of pieces of chocolate. Dark chocolate contains flavanol, which helps speed up the flow of oxygen into brain cells, moreover, slows down the aging process, improves sleep and resists long-term fatigue. Hot chocolate, with some composition of cocoa butter and cocoa beans, also has beneficial properties.

In Europe, chocolate fountains have been popular for quite some time; their unusual feature is that chocolate is poured into them instead of water. Such unique fountains began to become widespread in our country. Therefore, there is an opportunity to find your niche in chocolate fountain business.
Such an “appetizing” chocolate fountain will not be out of place at any event, but rather will decorate it. The fountain can be placed at any event, be it a corporate party, children's birthday, wedding or anniversary. The chocolate fountain will not leave any of the guests indifferent, but will give an amazing impression. You can decorate the fountain in a variety of ways, as soon as your heart desires. Usually pieces of fruit are placed around it, which guests dip into flowing chocolate, thus turning it into an amazing dessert. Such an original business will allow you not only to make a good profit, but also to feel festive and experience a lot of positive emotions.

What is a chocolate fountain?

Technically, this is a metal structure of three or more tiers. The design is powered by electricity. A special container constantly melts the chocolate, and tiers of a fountain are installed on top of it. Thus, liquid chocolate constantly spreads throughout the fountain, creating a unique aroma in the room.

53% chocolate is best suited for a fountain; it has a high content of cocoa butter. This chocolate is not as viscous as others and has the ability to melt at the lowest temperature. It’s up to you to choose which country of origin to use chocolate from – Belgium, Sweden, France, Russia. In addition, chocolate is not only white or black, which we are already accustomed to, but also colored. To obtain this unusual chocolate, fruit extracts are used. When serving fruits or desserts with chocolate, you must remember that if they are sweet, it is better to serve dark chocolate, and sour or sweet-sour ones are best combined with white chocolate.

Basics production of chocolate fountains concentrated in England, France, USA, China and Switzerland. If you want to start such a business, you just need to contact a representative of one of the manufacturing companies in your city. In order to understand the design and operating principle of the fountain, you will not need much effort - everything is quite simple and accessible. The size and height of the fountain can be very different, most often from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. The fountain can run as long as you want.

How to organize this business? We offer you two options:

  1. Place a fountain in the lobby of a cafe, restaurant, hotel, theater, etc.
  2. Provide fountain rental to other persons for celebrations. The rental price includes delivery, installation, configuration, and maintenance of the fountain.

Let's see what it will be like income from the chocolate business.
Let's look at a small fountain that can serve about 50 people. You will need 2.5 kg of chocolate ($50), 7 kg of fruit ($30). The rental fee will be approximately $250. The approximate income is $170.
A chocolate fountain will pay for itself in about 1 month.
In this business, as in any other, advertising plays an important role. It's a good idea to have a paid demo show. This will make it easier to understand what demand will be and determine prices.

Currently, the entertainment industry, including the restaurant business and all kinds of holiday agencies, is experiencing natural difficulties associated with the crisis. That is why the search for new ideas that could attract or at least save client traffic at the same level, more relevant than ever. “In this regard, a non-standard approach that evokes strong associations with the holiday, with a bright taste and an alluring aroma may be of interest,” advises Igor Malyugin, a startup expert. “If you ask yourself which product is a win-win in this regard, the easiest answer is chocolate.”

In this regard, according to the analyst, a fairly simple and at the same time effective solution is to include chocolate fountains in a restaurant menu or in the list of various services. Representing cascades of bowls up to one meter high, chocolate fountains fully reflect their name. We will tell you how an entertainment business can get additional income with their help.

Russian interest

Before starting any business, including attracting additional clientele through chocolate fountains, it would be right to think about whether there will be demand. It is clear that it would be unreasonable for the director of a restaurant with, for example, two hundred tables to order a special study on this topic. As they say, the game is not worth the candle. But it’s not that difficult to look into the various forums where this issue is discussed, so that’s what we’ll do.

Cousin Ksenia Eduardovna (23 years old): “...I have never seen or tried a chocolate fountain, I have only heard admiring reviews. But we also ordered a chocolate fountain, I hope that at our wedding we’ll get a glimpse of this beauty... and if we’re lucky, we’ll try it too.”
Lydia Slavnaya (28 years old): “When I saw the chocolate fountain for the first time, it somehow sank into my soul, well, I really, really love chocolate.”

Kuritsyna (Kozlova) Anna Aleksandrovna even posted a photo on the “Wedding Services” forum ( on right), where guests enjoy a chocolate fountain.

JustMarried_: “We had a chocolate fountain at the buffet while the guests were getting ready, and according to plans there was supposed to be a whole evening... then we were told that everyone liked it so much that when it was turned off, the guests scooped chocolate from below.”

There are a lot of such posts. As you can see, the majority of the population chocolate fountains cause nothing but delight. And the demand for this product may be much higher than it initially seems.

Restaurateur Roman Yashin from Moscow, who was one of the first to include chocolate fountains in the menu of his establishment, says that the highlight of this additional business lies in the indirect benefits. “When they offered me a chocolate fountain, I immediately refused,” says the businessman. - He said that the clients would get dirty, especially children, not to mention the tablecloths and floors. Meanwhile, when I thought and calculated the indirect benefits that would certainly “overwhelm” these possible troubles, I immediately agreed with the proposal.”

Indeed, selling fruit and biscuits skewered into cascading hot chocolate can increase an evening's income by a quarter. By the way, equipment for chocolate fountains can be rented out at a profit. So, in a post written by forum member sarahs-sweet-fountains on the ebay portal, there are events where this equipment is most often asked for:

  • weddings;
  • hen parties;
  • stag parties;
  • bar mitzvahs - coming of age celebrations;
  • birthdays;
  • parties;
  • Exhibitions;
  • children holidays;
  • presentations.

However, the main interest of chocolate fountains is still for entertainment and as a source of additional income. “For example, after purchasing a three-tier nine-stage JM Posner Cascade machine for approximately six thousand rubles, my income for the year increased by two hundred thousand rubles,” explains Roman Yashin. - My calculation was based on an increase in the average cost of the check of the served tables. It cannot be said that chocolate fountains bring priority profits, but they are a good help, that’s for sure.”

First thing of the wedding

Expert Jan Komarovski claims that this business has good prospects, especially in wedding catering industry. He believes that the best clue to whom to offer the “chocolate fountain” is the list of upcoming weddings. In many countries, this information is public and posted on relevant websites. “In Russia, bridal salons can become such a source of information,” advises Igor Malyugin. “Agree with the managers of these stores, and they will show your equipment for a certain margin.”

According to statistics, in Russia in 2013, 1,225,501 marriages were registered, approximately one celebration per hundred people. Obviously, some cities are more likely to get married than others. At the same time, some average indicators, these data may well be taken into account when calculating the profitability from the purchase of a chocolate fountain by a particular restaurant. “If one hundred thousand people live in a city, then you can roughly count on a thousand weddings a year,” Malyugin calculates. - At the same time, each restaurant occupies its own niche. Most often these are two celebrations a week, since, as a rule, the entire hall is rented.”

For an average provincial city, a restaurant check for a wedding of one hundred guests is about 200-250 thousand rubles, so adding a chocolate fountain to the menu with a price tag of one to four thousand rubles does not significantly change the customer’s spending. Thus, one hundred weddings (two per week) will bring the restaurateur two hundred thousand rubles for a service cost of two thousand.

There are many ways to make a beautiful chocolate fountain. Although it is interesting in itself and attracts people, businessmen still try to show additional options.

“Put the table with a fountain near the wall, which should be draped with a beautiful white tablecloth with lace,” explains designer Sveta Mizintseva. - Against her background, the fountain will look brighter than in the middle of the room. Keep the fabric clean and change it if necessary.”

“Think about lighting in such a way that the fountain flickers in a room with dim lighting,” says chef Ilya from Moscow. “Then you can look at it as long as you like, like looking at a burning fire.” This means that clients will approach him more often.”

“Don't forget flowers and fruits as a great option for decorating a fountain,” writes sarahs-sweet-fountains. - To taste, flowing chocolate harmonizes perfectly with marshmallows and strawberries. Sometimes it makes sense to install two machines. One with dark chocolate and the other with white chocolate.”

Food for thought

As we have already said, you can make money from chocolate fountains as a separate business- for sale and rental. Specialized portals for those who want to open such companies publish detailed instructions - from registration to local marketing policies. “A small but tasty-smelling office, dealer agreements with manufacturers of equipment for chocolate fountains, an exhibition of equipment and your personal charm - this is what is needed for success in a small town,” they write in the article “A startup called a chocolate miracle.” “But you should remember: in order for the business to generate income, you need to regularly arrange presentations.”

It is clear that business is business, and no one can predict one hundred percent success. However, you can always find some average estimates that apply to one or another. “According to expert estimates, companies engaged in renting out chocolate fountains reach the break-even point on average in six months,” says Igor Malyugin. - In a crisis, it will most likely take more time. An advantage can be considered an inexpensive start, about 100-150 thousand rubles. The money will be used to rent an office and purchase a small batch of equipment, for example CCF200DT (priced from 6,500 rubles).”

In addition, you can also pay attention to the fact that a review of the market for offerings of this device states the absence of domestically produced fountains, although this product has a high demand potential from Russian restaurants and holiday agencies. All this, of course, may be of interest to our (existing or potential) in terms of the development and production of domestic analogues.

This chocolate fountain, made of high quality stainless steel, is an elegant decoration for any birthday, wedding, party or other occasion. If you don't know what it looks like, imagine several cascades of different heights through which melted chocolate flows non-stop.

As soon as your guests see such a fountain, they will gather around it like bees around a pot of honey, anticipating the opportunity to try this delicious delicacy.

There are a number of things to consider before choosing a chocolate fountain.

First contact

How quickly does the supplier respond to your requests? Most of the information about the fountain should be on the manufacturer's website, but it is possible that you will need more detailed information. If you do not receive answers to your questions within 24 hours, then it is very likely that the company is not very interested in you as a client. Look for a more responsible seller.

Size matters

The most impressive are the 111-centimeter fountains with a capacity of 10 kg of chocolate. They are designed for 100 people.

If, for example, you need a small chocolate fountain for a children's party, then a 50-centimeter fountain with a capacity of 3 kg of chocolate will do. There is enough dessert for 30 people.

And for a celebration to which 70 people are invited, it is best to choose a fountain with a size of 90 cm and a capacity of 7 kg.

Trust the professionals

Some people who rent a fountain try to set it up without an operator to save on costs. However, this is a bad idea. Something can go wrong and the chocolate ends up not in your guests' stomachs, but on their clothes and faces. Inexperienced users will not be able to ensure a continuous flow of chocolate. Or they won’t know what to do if problems arise with the chocolate fountain equipment.

Give preference to the long-lived

Be careful when choosing a chocolate fountain company. Look for reviews about it on the Internet. Find out how many years the company has been on the market.

Backlight and children

3-4-tier fountains often have lighting on the stand to increase their height. Remember that the light stand is very wide at the base (to give the impression of greater height). This means that if small children are involved in the event, they will not be able to fully enjoy the experience of diving into the fountain because they are too small.

Not all chocolate is created equal

If the price of the fountain looks too good to be true, then it does not “work” on high-quality chocolate. Many companies offering chocolate fountain rentals for weddings and other celebrations use an inexpensive product, hoping for a less demanding consumer. Therefore, before the start of the event, you should conduct a tasting to see and taste the product that will be offered to your family and guests. Chocolate with a high content of cocoa butter is suitable for the fountain. It begins to melt at a temperature of about 35 ° C and has a low viscosity. This makes it convenient to use with fruits and baked goods to make fondue.

At the right time and in the right place

A professional or home chocolate fountain should be installed away from air conditioning systems, swing doors, dance floors, exterior doors, etc. When exposed to cold air, the chocolate will begin to harden and will not flow well.

Never use the chocolate fountain outdoors. Most likely, you will have such a desire, but it is better to forget about it. There's nothing worse than a strong gust of wind blowing chocolate all over your clothes and those of your guests. Or an unexpected downpour can turn the fountain from chocolate to water. And if there is no wind or rain, there will definitely be insects in the open air. Oh yes, they love chocolate too.

If you have firmly decided to spend the holiday outdoors, then it is better to place the fountain in a tent or marquee.

If the room is cold, the metal of the bowl and tiers will also be cold. This can cause the chocolate to harden and not flow properly.

Buying a new or used chocolate fountain for your home or office party will be a fun and delicious decision. You'll see that you can do a lot more with this item than just pour chocolate into it. At the same time, only you can answer the question “which chocolate fountain is better”, based on your aesthetic preferences and based on the number of invited guests.

A chocolate fountain can be the perfect centerpiece for any celebration, from a simple birthday to a grand wedding for 100 people. It is extremely easy to use, fairly easy to clean, and will appeal to everyone, from children to adults.

Catering establishments attract not only delicious cuisine, friendly staff and unusual interiors. The chocolate fountain was created to surprise and treat.

Everyone loves chocolate. A Canadian chef managed to make the dream of millions of sweet tooths come true and create a chocolate fountain. No, this is not a huge fountain in the middle of the park, unfortunately or fortunately. Modern electrical appliances can often be seen today at special events and holidays. It is original, unusual, beautiful and tasty. They dip fruits and various pastries into the fountain and enjoy a delicious dessert. They are often ordered for buffets. They gather a lot of guests around them, attract attention, and you can make your own treats. It’s enough to dip your favorite fruit or place it under the chocolate that flows non-stop.

The chocolate fountain was first introduced in 1991. It was developed by chef Ben Erisman from Canada.

The Canadian company Design & Realization began promoting products that managed to interest many.

Operating principle of the equipment

To operate the unit use chocolate with high cocoa butter content. This allows the product to melt at a low temperature and provides better viscosity. Melted chocolate is poured into the main bowl of the fountain. There is a heating element underneath that maintains the required temperature so that the chocolate does not harden. It moves upward using a shaft, after which it flows down the tiers. There is a deep catch bowl at the bottom. The chocolate is constantly heated in it.

The volume of the sweet mass depends on the number of cascades on the fountain. Fruits, crackers, marshmallows, and pastries are served with chocolate. First they are threaded onto skewers. It is not recommended to use dessert, which crumbles and can contaminate the fountain. The unit must be installed on a flat surface.

The chocolate fountain must not be used outdoors or near ventilation systems to avoid getting the chocolate mass on guests’ clothes.

Main types and their differences

Chocolate fountains vary in the number of tiers and the volume of the bowl. Among the different models and brands, there were even those that were included in Guinness Book of Records. An eight-meter fountain in which two tons of black and white chocolate rotate is located in Las Vegas.

For catering establishments: bars, cafes, much smaller models are used. But this does not affect their popularity. The number of tiers varies from three to seven. Height can be 28–140 cm.

  • The small chocolate fountain has a height of 28 cm and is suitable for small establishments.
  • The 40cm tall device is the perfect combination of size and spectacle.
  • The large fountain has a height of 55 cm. It is ordered in establishments for a wedding, anniversary or banquet. It belongs to the household series, has five levels and a two-part body to make it easier to clean.
  • A professional unit has a height of 60–80 cm. If your establishment often hosts buffets or celebrations with a large number of guests, then you simply need a professional fountain.
The amount of chocolate loaded into the bowl varies from 0.5 to 10 kg.

The body of the device is most often made of stainless steel.

How to choose a quality chocolate fountain

Based on the number of guests or visitors, choose a fountain based on the height and volume of the bowl. If we are talking about small family holidays, then even the smallest model will do. Well, if you are planning to seriously impress the guests of a wedding or corporate party, then it makes no sense to place a fountain lower than five tiers on the dessert table. When purchasing, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Material. The body is made of high quality steel or plastic. You can save money with the latter option, but if your fountain falls, you will have to buy a new one.
  2. Legs. Adjustable legs and a rubberized stand help set the fountain level and stable.
  3. Manufacturer. Trust your choice to long-livers in the market. Read reviews, listen to the advice of colleagues.
  4. Backlight. Some models are equipped with a backlit stand. It makes the spectacle more spectacular and the fountain higher.

Review of models from well-known manufacturers

The CHF 1260 chocolate fountain is presented by the Russian brand Smile, which sells inexpensive household appliances. The three-tier model 1260 is ready to surprise in small weddings, children's parties and corporate events. The fountain is made of stainless steel and operates in three modes, the body is made of high quality steel. The model is equipped with a rubberized stand for stability of the unit.

Dimensions 21*21*34 cm.

Price from 3 thousand rubles.

Review: “I didn’t think that such a small device would attract so much attention from visitors. We use it not only to order, but also run promotions for the holidays and arrange a fruit buffet for children. Everyone can make their own dessert and bathe it in chocolate.”

The Tristar CF-1603 model represents affordable and reliable products on the market. The fountain has a height of 15 cm and two levels, made of stainless steel, with a plastic body. The model is equipped with non-slip feet.

Size 25*16*16 cm.

Price from 1.5 thousand rubles.

Review: “I bought it for a birthday party and left it at the cafe. We offer guests a fountain for the holidays. Rarely does anyone refuse, and when they see a fountain in operation, they are delighted, despite its small size.”

The chocolate fountain ATLANTA ATN-1501 is made entirely of stainless steel. The height of the fountain is 28 cm, the height of the bowl is 17 cm. The model is equipped with adjustable legs. Load 0.5 kg of chocolate into the bowl.

Price from 2 thousand rubles.

Review: “People often book our hall for family celebrations and corporate events. A chocolate fountain is always the main decoration of the table. Both adults and children like it."

    I’m planning to open a beauty salon very soon, I’ll have a buffet in honor of the opening, I want it to be remembered for a long time, I’m thinking about buying a chocolate fountain. I think the idea is great! I really liked the model that was written about in the article - it is CHF 1260 from a Russian manufacturer and with a good price. Thanks to this article for the tip) I’m sure the holiday will be unforgettable and delicious)

    Chocolate fountains are a very profitable idea for starting your own business. It seems to me that they are appropriate for absolutely any event, because both adults and children will be delighted with it. This is much more interesting than the usual holiday sweets like cakes and candies. In general, the very spectacle of pouring aromatic chocolate is delightful, and here you can also take part in the process. Great idea!

Any celebration, be it a birthday, wedding, anniversary, corporate event or children's party ends with a tea party. Traditionally, cake was always served at this moment, but now it is much more popular to surprise everyone present with a chocolate fountain at the end of the party. Indeed, millions of cream roses are no longer interesting. The chocolate fountain gives new impressions:

  • It allows everyone to prepare their own dessert and be at least once in the role of a pastry chef;
  • It gives you the opportunity to try new combinations of flavors, because it is not at all necessary to dip only a biscuit or fruit into flowing chocolate. You can take cheese, for example, or something more exotic;
  • Returns even adults, serious people to childhood, gives them bright emotions and real delight;
  • As for the kids themselves, they get a fairy tale in reality - chocolate rivers and a sea of ​​positivity.

How to choose a chocolate fountain?

Settings for a chocolate fountain vary. Configurations available for commercial use are designed to accommodate large quantities of chocolate loaded, typically having many tiers. In short, high-quality professional equipment. But such a setup is also not very cheap, so if you want to buy a chocolate fountain for yourself so that you can sometimes throw nice parties at home, then you simply don’t need such an instance. This option is suitable for restaurants, bars, cafes, where special events are constantly taking place, and there is a great demand for such entertainment.

For home use, there are practical, but simpler and, accordingly, cheaper modifications at a very reasonable price. Here you will be guided by the availability of funds and your personal preferences: do you want the smallest model or a little larger.

So, if you are tormented by the question of how to choose a chocolate fountain, just answer the following questions for yourself:

  • For home or commercial use, you buy the installation;
  • What height do you need and how many tiers do you want;
  • How much chocolate should the fountain hold?
  • Pay attention to the installation design;
  • And, of course, its price.

Variety of chocolate fountains from the "site"

The online store "site" will help you choose the chocolate fountain of your dreams. We offer a wide selection of installations of any price category and any configuration. You can even purchase a set of fountains, which will create a double sensation at the celebration. You will be pleased with our affordable prices, attention to your order, prompt delivery and product quality guarantees. Chocolate fountains from the site will give you taste pleasure and a great mood!
