List of energy drinks prohibited for sale to minors. What should the average buyer do? Where can't you buy energy drinks?

On January 1, 2018, a ban on the production and sale of low-alcohol energy drinks came into force in Russia. Corresponding changes have been made to the federal law “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products”, published on the official legal information portal.
Production, trade and storage of alcoholic products containing tonic components and ethyl alcohol in an amount of less than 15% of the finished product is possible only if it is intended for export outside the Russian Federation.
In addition, this law prohibits, from January 1, the retail sale of alcohol-containing food products, including remotely, as well as the retail sale of alcohol-containing non-food products using vending machines.
People started talking about the dangers of energy drinks back in 2009. In 2014, a bill banning alcoholic energy drinks was submitted to the State Duma twice. But such bills were rejected with enviable frequency; it’s no secret that it was most likely due to a good lobby. Energy drinks lobby, just like beer and other popular drinks.
In 2015, a bill banning alcoholic energy drinks was introduced by deputies from A Just Russia. Then the Fair Russia deputy, Oleg Nilov, said: “I am in favor of ending this whole story of accustoming the population, especially children, to energy doping. This must be prohibited at all levels, from advertising to free sale; energy drinks must be equated with alcoholic drinks and their presence in people’s lives must be minimized.” He blamed lobbyists for the stalling of such initiatives: “The excess income is too great that such opportunities remain to support this business.” Also, similar initiatives were proposed by deputies of different factions; they all passed through the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship, but were rejected.
Once again, the issue of banning alcoholic drinks was raised in the Federation Council after cases of mass poisoning with surrogate alcohol in 2016. The senators were especially impressed by the poisoning of the residents of Irkutsk with the alcohol-containing liquid “Hawthorn”, then 123 people were injured, and 76 of them died.
One must think that the upcoming presidential elections played a significant role in the adoption of this law. The authorities need to show their concern for the health of the population at least once every six years.
In RuNet, the ban on alcohol drinks was warmly supported; the general opinion is that this is a very necessary, but belated step; an entire generation has been lost. The public also suspected that the ban on energy drinks was initiated by the “beer lobby” in order to get rid of competitors in getting minors drunk. Critical bloggers noted that the ban on alcoholic drinks is, of course, a good measure, but it should be followed by a complete ban on advertising of beer and alcohol-containing cocktails in any form, since it is with the consumption of such drinks that in most cases teenage alcoholism begins.
All alcoholic beverages where the alcohol content does not exceed 15 degrees were banned. In other words, the entire segment of such drinks in general.
Daria Pimenova

Energetic drinks are becoming increasingly popular, not only among adults, but also among children and teenagers. Energy drinks lift your spirits and stimulate mental and physical performance. Did you know that they may soon be banned in Russia?

How do energy drinks work?

Energetic drinks- a fairly young invention, but people have been using the substances included in their composition to raise tone and increase activity for a long time. By stimulating the nervous system, energy drinks are indispensable in situations where a person is under conditions of increased stress: during exhausting physical and mental stress with minimal opportunity for rest. In such cases, an energy drink can really come in handy.

The manufacturers of these drinks promise only good effects: improved mood, increased energy and strength, and increased mental abilities. However, there are always recommendations on the packaging - not to consume more than one or two cans of energy drink per day. This means that not everything is so rosy - otherwise, why such restrictions? Let's figure it out.

List of ingredients in energy drinks

Energetic drinks contain the following substances and components:

  • Caffeine (or its analogues), which is found in all energy drinks without exception. It is this that has a stimulating effect on the brain.
  • Carbohydrates are a source of energy that is easily absorbed by the body.
  • Matein is the name of the extract from mate tea, which suppresses the feeling of hunger and helps fight excess weight.
  • Ginseng and guarana are medicinal plants that have tonic properties, help cleanse the liver and help remove lactic acid from the body.
  • Vitamins “B” are designed to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and brain.
  • Also included energy drinks includes melatonin, which regulates circadian rhythms, and taurine, which improves metabolic and energy processes.

These are the main components found in almost all energy drinks. Depending on the “specialization” of the energy drink, it may also additionally contain ascorbic acid, glucose, L-carnitine, D-ribose and some other substances in small quantities. Naturally, if the energy drink is alcoholic, ethyl alcohol will be found in its composition.

In general, energy drinks are divided into “coffee” and carbohydrate-vitamin drinks. The former have a more pronounced invigorating effect, and are suitable for those who need to withstand some intense period of life (active work with little sleep, sessions and exams, etc.). The latter are intended for physically active people, for example, for those who often work out in the gym.

Energy drinks: benefit or harm?

The energy drink manufacturer promises benefits. What is it like and why not just drink coffee to tone up? There are several reasons for this:

  • Vitamins and carbohydrates included in the composition energy drinks, entering the body and absorbed into the blood, they enter into oxidative processes and help produce the necessary energy for organs, muscles and the brain. Thus, energy drinks really help cope with increased stress.
  • Almost everything energetic drinks undergo carbonation, and this accelerates the onset of their effect on the body (faster than coffee).
  • Invigorating effect energy drink lasts much longer than the same effect from coffee: according to manufacturers, 3-4 hours versus 1-2.
  • Ease of use: you can always buy a jar of energy drink at the right time and drink it even in “camping” conditions, for example in the car, but coffee is not always at hand.

But, like any stimulant, energy drink works according to a simple mechanism - it “borrows” a large amount of energy from the human body, and if it is not replenished in time and rested, the consequences may not be very good.

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How are energy drinks harmful and who are they contraindicated for?

Debts must be repaid, and this fully applies to energy workers. By constantly activating our hidden energy resources with an invigorating drink, we risk falling into a “debt hole” to our own body in the form of accumulated fatigue, irritation, and depression. Under no circumstances should you constantly resort to energy drinks, drowning out the body’s natural need for rest.

The permissible amount of drink per day is 2 cans. Consuming energy drinks above this dose may adversely affect your health. What can happen?

  • Increased blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Energy drinks are contraindicated for hypo- and hypertensive patients and diabetics.
  • The appearance of tachycardia. Energetic drinks should not be taken by people with heart disease.
  • Long-term use of energy drinks can cause addiction. The average duration of the invigorating effect of the drink is 4 hours, but then the person still needs to rest. If you take additional doses over and over again, you can become dependent on the stimulant.
  • Caffeine is a very effective stimulator of diuretic activity, and this must be taken into account. Therefore, energy drinks should not be taken if there is a large loss of fluid, for example after active training.
  • The effect of some components included in energy drinks has not been fully studied by doctors and scientists. Doses of these components, entering the body with a drink, can be several times higher than the daily norms of human needs. For example, it is still not known for certain how increased doses of taurine and glucuronolactone affect the body, but the content of the latter in just one can of energy drink exceeds the daily norm by almost 250 times!

We think there is no need to explain that such drinks are not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women. However, all of the negative aspects listed are, rather, the result of an overdose and excessive use of stimulants. As for alcoholic energy drinks, their harm is determined by the ethyl alcohol content, and the consumption of any alcoholic beverages should be extremely careful and abstinent.

However, there is one more subtlety: energy drinks and alcohol perform opposite functions - the first is stimulating, and the second is depressing. As a result, a person may be unable to sense the permissible amount of alcohol for himself and significantly exceed it.

Regions against energy drinks

As you can see, it cannot be said that energy drinks are completely harmless. The main problem is that not all consumers know about their composition and how the components of these drinks can affect their health, and, of course, the availability of energy drinks for children. For this reason, in some countries (for example, Norway, Denmark), energy drinks are equated to medicines and are sold only in pharmacies, and a number of countries impose restrictions on their use or completely exclude stimulants from circulation.

Russia did not stand aside either. In recent years, several Russian regions have come out against energy workers. Non-alcoholic stimulants are already prohibited in Krasnodar, Stavropol, Vologda, and Chechnya. They are joined by other regions of our vast country.

Ban on the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks in 2014

In March 2014, a bill was introduced to the State Duma limiting the sale of non-alcoholic drinks. energy drinks. If the law were passed, non-alcoholic energy drinks would become virtually unavailable to minors. In addition, the bill provides for a ban on their retail sale in the following places:

  • Youth, children's, educational, cultural (except for catering establishments), medical and sports organizations. Here, according to the bill, it will be impossible not only to buy non-alcoholic energy drinks, but even to consume those purchased elsewhere.
  • Urban and suburban transport.

The bill does not allow the consumption of non-alcoholic energy drinks by minors in any public places. Violations are subject to administrative liability.

Prohibition of low-alcohol and alcoholic energy drinks

Another bill, concerning alcoholic energy drinks, was proposed to the State Duma for consideration at the end of 2014. It provided for amendments to Article 26 of Law 171-FZ of November 22, 1995 “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol...”.

The project involves legislatively equating such drinks with alcoholic products if they contain 1.2-9% ethyl alcohol. If the relevant law were adopted, their retail sale would be prohibited. First of all, this is due to the fact that currently energetic drinks are easily accessible to young people who quickly get used to their effects and easily fall under the harmful influence of alcohol.

What awaits the energy industry in the near future?

So, the fight against the uncontrolled use of energy drinks in Russia is in full swing, and it cannot be said that there are no grounds for this. Expert opinions on actions energy drinks many, and often they are opposite. Some scientists generally believe that they are no more harmful than coffee. But what do our officials think?

As for the bill to limit soft drinks for minors, it has not yet found support in the Duma: deputies considered that the packaging of energy drinks contains enough warning and restrictive information - both according to indications and age.

The State Duma also did not really like the law regarding alcoholic energy drinks - after all, Law 171-FZ already contains restrictions on the sale of alcohol to minors, which means there is no point in additional prohibitory acts.

At the moment this is exactly the situation with energy drinks in our country. But this is probably not the end of attempts to limit their sale. We will monitor developments and inform you of any changes.

February 24, 2017, 23:50, question No. 1551344 Alexander, Moscow


Lawyers' answers (3)

    Sirchin Sergey

    Lawyer, Zheleznodorozhny

    • 413 replies

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      • Lawyer, Moscow


        In Moscow, there is no ban on the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to minors; there is only the Moscow Law of March 18, 2015 No. 11 “On establishing restrictions in the retail sale of low-alcohol tonic drinks” (came into force on May 1, 2015) prohibits the sale of low-alcohol energy drinks BEVERAGES (containing ethyl alcohol up to 9 percent of the volume of the finished product and containing caffeine or another tonic component) at retail, and to everyone.

        But the Law of the Moscow Region No. 40/2015-OZ “On establishing restrictions on the retail sale of low-alcohol and non-alcoholic tonic drinks in the Moscow Region” (came into force on May 1, 2015), which prohibits the retail sale of non-alcoholic tonic drinks to minors. Based on this law, the seller may require an identification document (including an identification document of a foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation) and allowing the age of this buyer to be established. By non-alcoholic tonic drink, the legislator of the Moscow region understands non-alcoholic drinks for special purposes, including energy drinks (with a mass fraction of dry substances of at least 10 percent) containing caffeine more than 0.151 mg/cu. cm and (or) other tonic components in quantities sufficient to provide a tonic effect on the human body, in accordance with the national standard (labeling of consumer packaging contains the phrase “Not recommended for persons under 18 years of age, older and elderly people, patients with hypertension, with impaired cardiac activity, increased nervous excitability, severe atherosclerosis, persons suffering from insomnia, pregnant and lactating women"), except tea, coffee and soft drinks based on tea and coffee extracts. Many stores have decided that drinks such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc. fall under this ban, but this is not the case. Coca-Cola contains only 0.097 mg/cc, which indicates free retail sale of this drink to minors.

        It is important to note that regions can establish such bans at their discretion. For example, in Altai, Crimea, Tuva, Trans-Baikal Territory and Omsk region. The sale of energy drinks to minors is prohibited, as well as in children's, medical, educational and other institutions and during cultural events with the participation of young people under 18 years of age.

        At the federal level, there is only a bill, Bill No. 467791-6 “On restrictions on the retail sale and consumption of non-alcoholic energy drinks,” but this is only a draft.

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        Lawyer, Omsk


        Currently, there is no ban on the sale of energy drinks to persons under 18 years of age at the federal level.
        However, this issue is being considered.
        “The State Duma Committee supports the initiative to introduce fines of up to 500 thousand rubles for the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to underage customers.
        Selling energy drinks to minors will be punishable by a fine.
        The State Duma Committee supports the initiative to introduce fines of up to 500 thousand rubles for the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to underage customers. Vadim Solovyov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building, reported this to the Moscow agency.
        According to him, energy drinks have a very negative effect on the body of a developing child. There are many examples of children under 18 years of age being overly addicted to such drinks. “I support the struggle that is being waged in a number of regions and I believe that the same measures need to be taken in a number of regions. Therefore, I will support this bill, this is a fight for the health of the nation and our future,” Solovyov noted.
        According to the draft law, the fine for selling non-alcoholic energy drinks to children and adolescents will be 30–50 thousand rubles for citizens, 100–200 thousand rubles for officials, 300–500 thousand rubles for legal entities.
        The bill also states that for drinking energy drinks in public places there will be a fine in the amount of 100 to 300 thousand rubles, and for involving a minor in the use of such drinks will entail a fine in the amount of 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles.
        Let us remind you that the current law prohibits the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to minors in the Moscow region. The fines are currently several times less than in the draft federal law under discussion.”

They are gaining more and more popularity. They are drunk not only by adults, but also by teenagers and even children. Energy drinks are believed to lift the mood and improve the performance of the body and brain.

How do they actually work?

Energy drinks themselves were invented relatively recently, but humanity has been using individual substances from their composition to increase activity and improve tone for a long time. The action of these components is based on stimulation of the nervous system, which is necessary in situations of increased stress. For example, when a person is subjected to debilitating stress, mental or physical, and does not have the opportunity to fully rest.

It is in such a situation that an energy drink will come in very, very handy. Manufacturers lure buyers with promises of exclusively positive effects: a good mood, a surge of strength and vigor, and increased brain activity. But take a closer look at the recommendations on the packaging - consuming more than one or two energy drinks per day is highly not recommended. So what's the deal? Is everything so rosy in reality?

What components do they contain?

Energy drinks consist of the following substances:

1. Caffeine. It is its action that stimulates the brain.

2. Carbohydrates - as an easy and quickly absorbed source of energy by the body.

3. Mateina (we are talking about a squeeze from mate tea), whose task is to suppress the feeling of hunger in order to combat excess weight.

4. Ginseng and guarana are medicinal plants with tonic properties. They are supposed to cleanse the liver and remove excess lactic acid from the body.

5. Vitamin B, intended to normalize brain activity and central nervous system function.

6. Melatonin, whose task is to regulate the daily rhythm, and taurine, which affects the metabolic process.

These main components are available in any energy drink. Some of their types may additionally contain glucose, ascorbic acid, D-ribose, L-carnitine and other additives. If an energy drink is classified as alcoholic, it contains, among other things, ethyl alcohol.

Energy drinks are classified as either coffee or carbohydrate-vitamin drinks. The first is accompanied by a bright invigorating effect. They are suitable for those who currently have a busy lifestyle (intensive work with lack of time to sleep, passing exams, etc.) The second type is addressed to physically active people, most often athletes.

So is it good or bad?

The manufacturers of these drinks clearly state their benefits. What is it? Why not tone up with a classic cup of coffee? Let's consider the arguments for:

1. The carbohydrates and vitamins contained in energy drinks are absorbed into the blood and enter into an active oxidative process. This produces the necessary energy for the brain, muscles and other organs. Therefore, energy engineers are indeed our assistants under increased loads.

2. Almost all of them are sold in the form of carbonated drinks, due to which they affect the body faster than a cup of coffee.

3. The invigorating effect of energy drinks lasts longer than coffee. Manufacturers claim 3-4 hours instead of 1-2.

4. They are convenient to use. A jar of energy drink, purchased in advance, is always at hand. You can drink it in the car, on the beach, etc. But the same cannot be said for coffee.

The energy drink extremely activates us, invigorates us to the limit of our energy capabilities - this is the property of all stimulants. If the reserve energy reserve is not replenished in time, the consequences will not be the best.

About harm and contraindications

By constantly taking away our own reserves of strength with the help of these drinks, we deplete our own energy resources and find ourselves “in debt” to the body. Our body reacts with accumulated fatigue, irritation and depression. Under no circumstances should energy drinks replace natural relaxation with good sleep.

You are allowed to drink no more than two cans of drink per day. But what happens if the dose is regularly exceeded?

1. First of all, under their influence, blood pressure rises and blood sugar levels rise. Diabetics and those with heart and vascular problems should not drink such drinks.

2. Tachycardia appears. As already mentioned, it is better for heart patients to forget about energy drinks.

3. Frequent use causes an addictive effect.

4. After a four-hour (on average) period of action of the stimulant, you need complete rest. By taking additional doses, you drive yourself into a chemical dependence on stimulants.

5. Caffeine actively stimulates diuretic activity, which should not be forgotten. You should not drink energy drinks under conditions of severe fluid loss, for example, after completing a serious workout.

6. Not all components in their composition have been thoroughly studied in terms of their effects on the body. They can be contained in doses that exceed the daily human norm by an order of magnitude. In addition, their detailed action has not been studied and is fraught with the most unpredictable consequences.

It seems unnecessary to warn about the dangers of energy drinks for children, pregnant and nursing mothers. However, the negative aspects listed above most often turn out to be the result of an overdose. When it comes to energy drinks containing alcohol, the main harm lies in the consumption of ethyl alcohol.

Here lies another trap. The functions of alcohol and energy drinks are directly opposite - alcohol-containing drinks depress the nervous system, and the stimulating components of the drink act in exactly the opposite way. As a result, the ability to control an acceptable dose of alcohol disappears with all the ensuing consequences.

Who is against energy drinks

As we can see, these drinks cannot be completely called harmless. The main problem is the lack of public awareness of their composition and potential health hazards, coupled with their availability even for adolescents and children. This does not create the best situation. This is why some countries, including Denmark and Norway, have passed legislation on the sale of energy drinks. In these countries, energy drinks are equated to medical drugs, and their sales have been transferred to pharmacies. In other countries, the law on the sale of energy drinks introduces certain restrictions on their sale, up to and including complete withdrawal from circulation.

What about Russia? In recent years, our public has risen to fight against dubious stimulants. A number of regions of the country have called for the introduction of a law banning the sale of energy drinks to minors. A ban on non-alcoholic stimulants has already been introduced in the cities of Stavropol, Krasnodar, Chechnya, Vologda and many other regions.

Is there currently a law in place to ban the sale of energy drinks to minors?

Information on this topic is quite contradictory. Nobody really knows whether there is a law on the sale of energy drinks as such. Let's try to clarify a little on this issue.

A draft law to restrict the sale of energy drinks was submitted to the State Duma in 2014 (March). If adopted, access to energy drinks for minors would be cut off. In addition, this bill provided for the introduction of a ban on the retail sale of such drinks in places related to youth, children's and educational organizations, as well as cultural (except for catering establishments), sports and medical.

According to the draft law banning the sale of energy drinks, not only the purchase, but also any use of such a drink should be stopped. Transport, both urban and suburban, was also banned. According to the proposed law, the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to minors in any public place should be strictly prohibited. Violation of it was supposed to be punishable by administrative liability.

On the ban on alcoholic and low-alcohol energy drinks

Another draft law on alcohol-based sales was submitted to the State Duma at the end of the same 2014. They were asked to amend the twenty-sixth article of Law 171-FZ, which regulates the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol. According to it, ethyl energy drinks were equal to alcoholic products provided the alcohol content was 1.2 - 9%. If the corresponding law on the sale of energy drinks were adopted, their retail sale would be prohibited.

This fact is important given the fact that currently any energy drink is available to young people who quickly get used to the harmful effects of alcohol.

What are the prospects?

It cannot be said that our country is not fighting against the uncontrolled use of energy drinks. Experts are divided over the extent of the harm they cause. Often conclusions are drawn that are completely opposite. Some researchers generally claim that the harm from them does not exceed that from regular coffee. What is the opinion of the authorities?

As we already know, the draft law banning the sale of energy drinks has not yet found support among Duma deputies. The deputies decided that the information contained on the packaging of the drink was sufficient to prevent undesirable consequences. The State Duma also did not want to introduce restrictions into the law regarding alcoholic energy drinks. After all, the mentioned law 171-FZ already contains restrictions on the topic. That is, theoretically, the adoption of a separate additional prohibitory act does not make much sense.

Where can't you buy energy drinks?

You can often hear the question: is there a ban on the sale of energy drinks, say, in Moscow? Specifically for the capital, such measures have not been established at the legislative level. According to Moscow City Law No. 11, adopted in March 2015 and limiting the scope of sales of low-alcohol tonic drinks, the sale of low-alcohol caffeine products (containing ethyl alcohol less than 9%) has ceased in the capital.

At the same time, in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in particular, in the Moscow region), the law on the sale of energy drinks to minors prohibited the sale of any tonic drinks, even non-alcoholic ones. The latter are any that do not contain a special purpose (with the exception of coffee, tea and those produced on the basis of coffee and tea extracts), provided that caffeine is contained in an amount higher than 0.151 mg/cu. see. For comparison: the caffeine content in Coca-Cola is 0.097 mg/cu. cm, making it available for purchase by minors.

Alcoholic energy drinks will be illegal in Russia from the new year

On the territory of Russia, from January 1 next year, the production and circulation of low-alcohol tonic drinks was banned. The corresponding law was adopted by the State Duma, approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

In the Vologda region, the restriction has been in effect since 2015.

It is completely prohibited to sell low-alcohol tonic drinks in the region. And the sale of non-alcoholic tonics is limited.

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Parliament bans sale of energy drinks to minors

The Ministry of Health stated that the amount of caffeine in energy drinks exceeds the permissible daily allowance and can lead to depletion of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and stimulate the development of cancer cells in large doses.
“The consumption of these drinks by teenagers with an immature immune system causes absolute harm to their health, comparable to drinking alcohol.”
, - it is said in the justification certificate for the bill.

Some are already experienced smokers.

It's a scary trend. In my lifetime, people started smoking well into their twenties, and sometimes even after their thirties.

At what age can you smoke cigarettes? Tell us what danger energy drinks pose to a healthy body? Is it really impossible to use them often?

I recently bought a coconut at the store, and when I opened it at home, I was upset.

Outwardly it was not bad, but inside there was almost no juice and not a good smell.

Law on the sale of energy drinks

Hello, is it possible to sell energy drinks to minors, and what law determines this?

Law on the sale of energy drinks: description, requirements and effectiveness

4. Ginseng and guarana are medicinal plants with tonic properties.

They are supposed to cleanse the liver and remove excess lactic acid from the body. 5. Vitamin B, intended to normalize brain activity and central nervous system function. 6. Melatonin, whose task is to regulate the daily rhythm, and taurine, which affects the metabolic process.

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Energy Drinks Law 2019

However, there is Article 426, paragraph 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibits a store from refusing to conclude a public contract (sales by receipt).

There are similar laws in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but not in all.

Demand justice because the law is on your side Not everything revolves around Moscow, you should at least ask the author = (Other than that, your information is useful, thank you =)

Selling energy drinks to minors will be punishable by a fine

The State Duma Committee supports the initiative to introduce fines of up to 500 thousand rubles for the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to underage customers

The State Duma Committee supports the initiative to introduce fines of up to 500 thousand rubles for the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to underage customers. Vadim Solovyov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building, reported this to the Moscow agency.

According to the draft law, a fine for the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks children and teenagers will be 30–50 thousand rubles for citizens, 100–200 thousand rubles for officials, 300–500 thousand.

RUB - for legal entities.

Let us remind you that the current law prohibits the sale of non-alcoholic energy drinks to minors in the Moscow region.

The fines are currently several times less than in the draft federal law under discussion.
