Technical and technological map of buns. Instructional and technological map for the “sugar” bun dish. After monitoring the possible product remaining in the hopper using a digital indicator and resetting it to zero via the remote controller, the dispenser is ready for formation

Technological map No. 31

Ordinary baking

name of raw materials

Raw material consumption per 100 pcs. products in grams

Requirements for basic raw materials and semi-finished products


For dusting, for cutting dough


Flour 1s

Unsalted butter

Dough weight

Melange for lubricating sheets

Summary of raw materials





The flour is white with a yellowish tint, moisture content is 14.5%.

Butter must be unsalted, with a moisture content of no more than 16%, without foreign tastes and odors; butter that has a rancid, putrid, fishy, ​​musty, greasy taste and smell is not allowed to be used.

Dense yeast should break easily, not be smeared, the smell of mold and other foreign odors should not be allowed, humidity 75%.

Cooking technology

An ordinary pastry is baked from yeast dough prepared using the sponge method. To prepare the dough, pour water heated to 30-35*C into the bowl (50% of its total quantity), add yeast diluted in water and strained, add flour (15%), sugar (15%) and mix until a liquid dough is obtained. . The surface of the dough is sprinkled with flour, the bowl is placed in a room with temperature 35-40*C. When the dough increases in volume by 2-2.5 times and then begins to fall, add the rest of the warm water with salt and sugar dissolved in it, mix the eggs well, add the remaining flour and knead the dough. 2-3 minutes before the end of kneading, add melted margarine and leave the dough for 2-2.5 hours to ferment. During fermentation, the dough is kneaded once or twice. The finished dough is divided into pieces weighing 2-3 kg. Roll them into a rope and then cut into pieces. Pieces of dough are rolled into an oblong flat cake, lightly greased and rolled lengthwise into a roll. The prepared roll is aligned by stretching so that its thickness is the same along the entire length, folded in half, and the ends are placed one on top of the other and fastened. After this, the roll is cut lengthwise with a knife into two parts for a single and into three parts for a double stick, leaving the fastened ends uncut. When laying on a sheet, the bun is turned to the sides along the cut line. For a round-shaped bun, the ends of the roll are not fastened, but after the cut it is unrolled, giving the product a round shape. The cut up buns are placed on sheets, placed to proof and allowed to rise. 10-15 minutes before planting, grease the bun oven with milange.

Characteristics of the finished product

APPEARANCE - plush, not blurry, without physical damage, dents, marks, the surface is smooth, elastic, glossy, greased with egg. The color of the crust is from golden yellow to light brown, without burning. The taste and smell are characteristic of freshly baked dough without foreign tastes and odors of stale products.

physical and chemical indicators

Humidity no more than 37%

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Rationale for use

The collection of recipes was compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most frequently used recipes in modern practice.

The recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally used in public catering establishments, because they comply with all currently valid laws and regulations.

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. When producing the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, the technological regime of product production, or deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

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This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the dish Butter roll with poppy seeds produced by a public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparing dishes must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \Gross\Net


1 Pasteurized milk 1.5% fat 250\250
2 Premium wheat flour 600\600
3 Pressed yeast 30\30
4 Chicken eggs 100\88
5 Refined sunflower oil 34\34
6 Table salt 5\ 5
7 Unsalted butter 95\95
8 Granulated sugar 200\200


9 Poppy (seeds) 180\180
10 Pasteurized milk 1.5% fat 200\200
11 Granulated sugar 30\ 30
12 Spices Vanillin 1\ 1

For the glaze

13 Chicken eggs 50\44

Yield of semi-finished product, g: 1757 Yield of finished product, g: 0/1155/342/0


Pour warm, but not hot milk into a bowl (temperature within 38 - 40 0C), add 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar with a slide and dry or fresh yeast. Mix thoroughly with a spoon.

For rich yeast dough we use only premium wheat flour. Sift it through a sieve and add 2 tbsp. l. into the dough. Mix so that there are no lumps. Cover the dough with a linen napkin and put it in a warm place to rise for 20 - 30 minutes. If the room is cool, you should pour hot water into the pan and place a bowl of dough on top so that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water.

In a warm environment, yeast fungi begin to rapidly divide. If everything is done correctly, the yeast is fresh and of high quality, then the dough will become covered with bubbles and increase in size several times.

When the dough is ready, prepare the pastry. Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove.

Beat 2 eggs into a separate bowl and combine them with a glass of sugar. Beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Then, without ceasing to beat, pour in melted butter in a thin stream, and then lightly salt (half a teaspoon of salt is enough).

Pour vegetable oil into the dough. Now, for the convenience of kneading the dough, pour the eggs, beaten with sugar and butter, into a deep
bowl. And we’ll send the dough there too. Let's mix everything.

Gradually add flour to the prepared mass and knead the yeast dough. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, periodically moisten your hands with vegetable oil.

We will knead the dough for 15 minutes.

The rich yeast dough is smooth, elastic and does not stick to your hands. Let's give the finished dough a round shape, cover the bowl with a napkin and send it to a warm place for 1 - 1.5 hours. During this time the dough should rise well.

When the yeast dough has risen, knead it several times to release carbon dioxide bubbles, cover the bowl with a napkin and send it back to a warm place to rise again.

Filling for buns with poppy seeds:

While the dough is rising, prepare the poppy seed filling. Add poppy seeds to boiling milk and boil over low heat for five minutes. Then remove from heat, cover the bowl with a lid and let the poppy seeds brew for 1 hour.

After this, strain the poppy seeds through a sieve and press down with a spoon to remove the remaining milk to the last drop. Even if it adds up
The impression is that there is no milk in the poppy seed, it should still be strained. Residual liquid may settle the dough.

Place the strained poppy seeds in a dry bowl, add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar and grind into fine crumbs with a blender.

Forming and baking poppy seed buns:

Meanwhile, the dough has risen for the second time, and we need to knead it and divide it in half. Place part of the dough on a countertop sprinkled with flour and roll it into a thin layer 3–5 mm thick.

The thinner the dough is rolled out, the more layers the finished buns will have. Just do not overdo it so that the dough does not tear when
rolling into a roll.

Spread the poppy seed filling evenly on top and roll it up. Cut the roll into 7 - 8 buns. We do the same with the remaining dough.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the buns. Place them in a warm place to proof for 20 - 30 minutes.

When the buns have risen, brush the tops with beaten egg. We will bake buns with poppy seeds in an oven preheated to 180 C for 20-25 minutes, until the top is browned.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer’s order and used according to the recipe for the main dish. Shelf life and sales according to SanPin, SanPin Note: the technological map was compiled on the basis of a development report.


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance – Characteristic of this dish.

Color – Characteristic of the products included in the product.

Taste and smell – characteristic of the products included in the product, without any foreign tastes or odors.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical indicators:

In terms of microbiological and physicochemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food products” (TR CU 021/2011)


Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal (kJ)

121,6\ 222,1\ 669,4\ 5163 (21617)

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Instructional and technological map for the dish "Sugar" bun


  • Introduction
  • 1. Characteristics of the bunCsaccharine"
  • 1.1 Technology for preparing buns "Csaccharine"
  • 1.2 Nutritional value of the bunCsaccharine" and the meaning of eein human nutrition
  • 2. Instructional and technological map for a plate of bunsa " Csaccharine"
  • 3. Quality control card for the bun disha " Csaccharine"
  • Requirements for the quality of the Sugar bun (organoleptic assessment)
  • Conclusion


Aactuality. Public catering helps improve people's lives and frees them from unproductive household work. It creates conditions for the most rational use of material and technical resources and makes it possible to organize food for the population on a scientific and hygienic basis.

An extensive network of canteens, snack bars, restaurants and cafes has emerged in our country, so the proper organization of the work of public catering establishments, their further technical equipment, and the expansion of the range of products they produce are of particular importance.

The steady growth of well-being is increasingly developing the needs and tastes of people. Requirements for the quality of public catering products and the culture of customer service are increasing. Employees of public catering establishments must improve the quality of dishes, master the technology and experience of production innovators, learn the most advanced techniques for processing products, preparing and decorating dishes, and improve the culture of serving consumers.

Cooking studies rational methods and techniques for preparing various dishes and aims to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy food, i.e. food that contains all the nutrients necessary for the body.

Correctly conducting the technological process of cooking requires the cook to have theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Only under these conditions can one achieve the preparation of high-quality dishes that have good taste, nutritional value and attractive appearance.

dish sugar bun product

1. Characteristics of the “Sugar” bun

Bakery products are baked from wheat flour, weighing less than 500 g. These include loaves, wickerwork, rolls, saiki, and bakery products. The content of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) in bakery products depends on the type, type of flour and additives used. A sugar bun is a sweet product made from premium wheat flour with the addition of jam, sugar, margarine, chicken eggs, powdered milk, vanillin and other raw materials. Dough for bakery products is prepared using the sponge method, mainly using pressed yeast. Products are baked on a hearth or sheets.

1.1 Technology for preparing the “Sugar” bun

With the sponge method, first prepare the dough by dissolving the yeast in warm milk (38 C). The dough ferments for 3-4.5 hours. Add salt, sugar, eggs and melted butter to the finished dough and stir well. Add flour and knead soft dough. Place the dough in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours until it rises approximately two to three times. From the dough prepared using the sponge method, balls weighing 100 g are formed. After cutting, the baked goods are proofed for 50-90 minutes at 35-40°C and a relative air humidity of 85-90%.

5-10 minutes before placing in the oven, the products are partially greased with egg. When placed on a baking sheet, the distance between the dough balls should be 8-10 cm. After this, the baking sheet is placed in a warm, damp place for proofing. 5-10 minutes before baking, the buns are evenly brushed with egg, sprinkled with granulated sugar and baked at 230°C for 10 minutes.

Technological diagram for preparing the “Sugar” bun

1.2 Nutritional value of the “Sugar” bun and its importance in human nutrition

The quality of food products, including bakery products, is a set of characteristics that determine the consumer properties of food products and ensure their safety for humans. There is a bread quality structure, which includes physicochemical and organoleptic indicators and hygienic criteria that determine the quality of bakery products.

The type, grade of flour, moisture content of the product, as well as prescription additives are the main determinants of the nutritional value of bakery products. Butter products have a very high energy value than unleavened bread baked from the same type of flour, and this is due to the fact that the baking recipe includes fats, sugar, eggs, and the moisture content of the buns is much less than the moisture content of the bread.

The nutritional value of bakery products is a set of properties that provide human physiological needs for energy and basic nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber). Foodvalue100 Gproducts"Sugar" buns: proteins - 8.3 g; fats - 4.0.

Due to bakery products, the human body is 50 % satisfies the need for B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and nicotinic acid (PP). The presence of vitamins in bread is mainly determined by the type of flour. When grinding grain into flour, up to 65 % vitamins, and the more, the higher the grade of flour.

Bakery products are important as a source of minerals. They contain potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium; in slightly smaller quantities - chlorine, calcium, sodium, silicon and other elements in small quantities. Bread and bakery products made from lower grades of flour contain more minerals.

Organoleptic quality indicators of bakery products are determined by indicators of taste, color, smell and consistency characteristic of each type of bakery product.

Physico-chemical indicators of bread quality are regulated by the requirements of the relevant GOSTs. The quality of bakery products depends on the quality of raw materials, primarily on the baking properties of flour, methods and modes of carrying out individual stages of the technological process for preparing bakery products and the use of special additives that are quality improvers.

1.3 Changes that occur in products during cooking

When kneading and kneading, the dough is subjected to mechanical stress, which affects, on the one hand, the microflora of the dough, and, on the other, its structural and plastic properties. When stirring the dough, carbon dioxide is removed from it, microorganisms and the nutrient medium for them are redistributed in the dough, and the dough is enriched with oxygen. Under certain conditions, two coupled energy processes occur in the yeast cell - respiration and fermentation.

Fermentation of the dough covers the period of time from the moment it is kneaded until it is divided into pieces. Fermentation loosens the dough, gives it certain structural and mechanical properties, accumulates substances that determine the taste and aroma of the product, its color.

In the dough, during its mechanical processing, the structure is strengthened due to greater compaction of the molecules and due to the “straightening” of the globules of protein macromolecules. Destruction of the structure to a certain limit as a result of increasing mechanical forces. Intermolecular bonds are broken, as well as the secondary and primary valences of protein macromolecules, while the shells are broken and the surfaces of the particles develop.

Some time after the destruction of the structure, the dough is compacted again, and a new “secondary” strengthened structure is formed. When some molecules are destroyed, the number of polar points increases. After mechanical action, the dough becomes compacted, sometimes even a new structure is obtained, stronger than the original one; this occurs due to the fact that individual protein molecules, as well as starch, are in contact and “overgrown” with a hydrate shell. Relaxation of the dough during aging occurs as a result of biochemical and colloidal processes in it. Substances that determine the taste and aroma of a bakery product begin to form during the fermentation of the dough and during the final proofing of the dough pieces.

At these stages of the technological process, as a result of alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation, final, intermediate and by-products of these types of fermentation are formed in the dough, and partly the products of their interaction (alcohols, organic acids, esters, carbonyl compounds, etc.), which participate in formation of the taste and aroma of bread.

In addition, already when the dough ripens, products are formed that enter into the melanoid formation reaction that occurs during baking. These are reducing sugars, which are formed as a result of the hydrolytic breakdown of starch, and protein breakdown products. As a result of the melanoidin formation reaction, melanoidins are formed, which give color to the crust, and intermediate and by-products of this reaction, which participate in the formation of the taste and aroma of the finished products.

As a result of physical processes, the temperature of the dough increases by 1.2°C and its volume increases due to saturation with carbon dioxide. The biochemical processes occurring in the dough are one of the most important, since microbiological, colloidal, and physical transformations depend on them. The essence of biochemical processes is that under the action of flour enzymes, yeast and microorganisms, the constituent components of flour, primarily proteins and starch, are broken down. During the fermentation process, the dough, which is prepared in portions, is kneaded, i.e. briefly re-process for 1.5-2.5 minutes. In this case, carbon dioxide bubbles are evenly distributed throughout the dough mass, its quality improves, and the bread crumb acquires fine, thin-walled and uniform porosity.

In addition to the baking properties of flour, the components of the recipe, including water, yeast, salt, sugar and fatty products, have a great influence on the processes occurring during dough ripening. The amount of water has a great influence on the processes occurring during dough ripening. With higher humidity of the dough, the processes of swelling and peptization of proteins occur more intensely, and the liquefaction of the dough occurs faster. The action of enzymes is accelerated, the vital activity of fermentation microflora is intensified. When eggs and butter are added to yeast dough, the finished products acquire rich qualities. Eggs make baked goods lighter and moister, and butter makes them more tender. Depending on the amount of any of these ingredients taken, as well as on the method of their administration, the results are very varied.

Mixing a few eggs and a moderate amount of butter into the dough produces a loaf with a soft crust and a moist yellow crumb. The more eggs and butter you add, the more pronounced these characteristics will be.

1.4 The chef’s tasks to ensure maximum safety of valuable substances in the dish

In the context of industrialization of the industry, the manufacturability of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products becomes important, i.e. their suitability or adaptability to modern industrial processing methods with minimal labor input. Any new raw material must be technologically studied. Based on knowledge of the technological properties of products and their reasonable use, it is possible to improve the quality and technology of culinary products. The use of raw materials by the cook ensures the best use of the nutritional benefits of the raw materials. The principle of the best use of raw materials should be observed at all stages of production and sale of culinary products. Compliance with it also provides for a high degree of waste disposal for its intended purpose. Methods for intensifying technological processes, as a rule, help improve the quality of finished products. Machines and devices with the required performance must have low energy consumption, stable operation, be convenient and safe to operate, and repairable. In the context of industrialization of the industry, the possibility of automatic control is desirable.

When preparing raw materials to ensure maximum preservation of valuable substances in baked goods, flour of different qualities is mixed in such a way as to obtain a mixture with good baking properties. As a rule, weak flour is mixed with stronger flour, dark flour with light flour, etc. To separate foreign impurities, the flour is sifted, and it is saturated with oxygen, which improves its baking properties. The flour is then passed through magnetic traps to remove metallic impurities.

2. Instructional and technological map for the “Sugar” bun dish

Quality requirements: ingredients that meet GOST requirements.

The taste is pleasant, sweet. The color is brown-golden. The smell of fresh baked goods is pleasant and sweet.

3. Quality control card for the “Sugar” bun dish

Table 3.1

Requirements for the quality of the Sugar bun (organoleptic assessment)

Rice. 3.1 Sugar bun.

4. Commodity characteristics of raw materials

In accordance with the stage-by-stage characteristics of the technological process - raw materials, finished culinary products - can be determined as follows. Raw materials are products from which the production of finished culinary products is carried out according to a complete technological scheme. Finished culinary products consist of various culinary and confectionery products that are sold by catering establishments. Raw materials arrive at the confectionery shop accompanied by a document certifying its good quality. The quality of food products is largely determined by such indicators as taste, smell, color, appearance, and shape. These most important quality indicators stipulated by the standards are determined organoleptically.

The main raw materials for the production of Sugar buns include flour, water, salt, yeast and certain cultures of lactic acid bacteria; additionally - fats, sugar, milk, eggs, etc. Wheat and rye baking flour of various grades is used.

Flour, supplied to a bakery enterprise must be accompanied by a certificate indicating for wheat flour: grade, moisture content, grind size, ash content (or whiteness index), gluten content, amount of metallomagnetic impurities, compliance with regulatory documentation on safety indicators.

The quality certificate for rye flour must indicate: flour grade, ash content, grind size, amount of metal-magnetic impurities, compliance with regulatory documentation on safety indicators.

An important condition for the production of high-quality products is the compliance of the quality of raw materials with the requirements of regulatory documentation, therefore employees of a bakery enterprise must carry out quality control of purchased raw materials, primarily flour.

The analysis of raw materials is carried out by laboratory workers in accordance with the test methods presented in the relevant GOSTs, the presence of which is necessary at bakery enterprises.

The taste should be characteristic of wheat flour, not sour, not bitter, not sourish. When chewing flour, you should not feel a crunch on your teeth.

The color of flour is of great importance, since the color of the bread crumb mainly depends on it. The lower the grade of flour, the darker it is, since it contains more grain shells, and they contain more pigments that give color to the flour.

Water must meet the requirements of the drinking water standard. The water is heated so that the temperature of the dough during kneading is 30°C.

Table salt and sugar are dissolved in water, filtered and supplied to production in the form of a solution of a certain density.

Liquid fats are filtered, solid fats are melted at a temperature not exceeding 45°C and filtered.

Creamy oil is a product made from concentrated cow's milk fat. It contains 61.5-82.5% fat and 16-35% moisture. The oil contains large quantities of low molecular weight unsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to this composition, it has a low (28-35°C) melting point and good taste.

The butter contains a small amount of proteins, minerals, vitamins A, D, E, K, C, group B. Butter contains phosphatides (lecithin) and sterols (cholesterol). The calorie content of 100 g of butter is about 750 kcal, and its low-melting properties ensure 95-98% absorption by the human body.

The advantage of the oil is its high taste properties. The surface of the oil on the cut should be shiny, dry in appearance, the consistency is homogeneous, plastic, dense. The color of the oil is from white to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.

Sugar- the taste is sweet, without any foreign taste or smell, both in dry sugar and in its aqueous solution. The consistency is loose, without lumps. The color is white with a yellowish tint. The sugar solution must be transparent, without insoluble sediment or other foreign impurities.

Eggs - a valuable food product, as they contain complete proteins, are well absorbed by the body and have a high calorie content. An egg consists of three main parts - the white, the yolk and the shell. Chicken eggs contain 56-58% protein, 30-32% yolk, and 12% shell weight. The shell protects the contents of the egg from mechanical damage, microbial contamination and moisture evaporation. Egg shells contain calcium carbonate (93.5%) and magnesium (1.4%), calcium phosphate and magnesium (0.8%), and a small amount of organic substances.

Eggs - chemical composition (%): proteins - 12.7, fats - 11.5, carbohydrates - 0.7, minerals - 1, water - 74, vitamins: gr. B, RR, etc. The air chamber is motionless, the protein is dense, light, transparent. The yolk is firm, barely visible, but the outline is not visible. The shell is clean and undamaged.

Eggs must be sorted by quality. Eggs must be fresh, without foreign odors.

The weight of one egg ranges from 40 to 60 g, the average weight of an egg is 40 g. Eggs should be stored at the enterprise at a temperature of 1 - 30C and a relative humidity of 85 - 88%.

Vanillin used to impart vanilla flavor to food and beverages, enhance other flavors, and mask or soften unwanted off-flavors. Vanillin has a pleasant spicy bitter taste.

Yeast. Pressed, dried and liquid yeast and yeast milk are used in baking. Pressed yeast are yeast cells expressed under special conditions, isolated from the environment in which they multiplied. They are a perishable product and require storage at t=0?-4?C for no more than 12 days.

An important indicator of the quality of yeast is its lifting force. Good yeast rises the dough in 60-65 minutes. Preparing digested yeast for production consists of releasing it from packaging, preliminary coarse grinding and preparing a well-mixed homogeneous mass in warm water with t = 30-35? C.

Dried yeast is used in cases where it is impossible to deliver to the plant or store pre-molded yeast.

Yeast milk is a liquid suspension of yeast in water, obtained by separating the culture medium after the yeast has multiplied in it.

Cooked salt is a necessary ingredient for preparing dough. It reduces the swelling and solubility of flour proteins, delays their disaggregation, and makes the dough more plastic.

5. Characteristics of equipment, tools, devices

Electronic dispensersbulk products"EDSP-100", "EDSP-200" (on strain gauges) are intended for discrete dosing of bulk products in the baking industry, as well as for measuring, digitally displaying the weight of the dose formed in the hopper, issuing "dry contact" type signals that control operation of electric motors of the bulk product feeder and gate, transmission of information about the weights of dispensed doses to the PC for automated systems for monitoring and accounting for product consumption.

Rice. 5.1 Flour dispenser EDSP-100/200.

The dispenser consists of: a hopper with a suspension and a lever system for a flour dispenser MD-100 or MD-200 and a remote controller for controlling the dispensers.

The formed dose of the product is poured into the container by opening the hopper damper.

After monitoring the possible remaining product in the hopper using a digital indicator and resetting it to zero via the remote controller, the dispenser is ready to form a new dose.

Flour sifter Ш2-ХМВ-02 consists of a frame, a sifter, a drive motor and a cyclone.

When the air-flour mixture is fed into the cyclone, the flour settles on its conical part and enters the sifter. The sifter shaft, rotating in bearing supports, transports flour using an auger to the sieve.

Rice. 5.2 Flour sifterШ2-ХМВ-02.

Car dough mixing machine " MTM-140 "Stanko" is used for kneading dough and yeast dough from rye and wheat flour and belongs to the category of periodic machines with forced rotating bowls. Dough mixing machines are designed for kneading dough and yeast dough from rye and wheat flour and belong to the category of periodic machines with forcedly rotating bowls.

Rice. 5.3 Dough mixing machine "MTM-140 "Stanko".

Dough divider grade A2-ХТН is designed for dividing wheat dough into pieces of equal weight. Machine type - dough injection with a continuously rotating blade. Design and principle of operation: the main components of the machine are: base with drive, frame, test chamber, dividing head, receiving hopper, control cabinet.

From the hopper, the dough enters the testing chamber, where it is captured by a continuously rotating blade. The screen makes a rotational movement. When the valve is in its lowest position, the dough, under the pressure of the rotating blade, fills the measuring pocket of the dividing head during communication with the test chamber of the measuring pocket.

Rice. 5.4 Dough divider A2-ХТН.

Proofers cabinets They are widely used in bakeries and confectionery shops for preliminary proofing of dough pieces before placing them in the bread machine.

Rice. 5.5 Proofing cabinet RSHE-3.

After removing the dough from the dough mixer, the dough placed in bread molds or on baking sheets is placed in a proofer, in which high humidity and an optimal temperature of +400C are maintained. Under these conditions, the dough rises quickly (within 20-40 minutes) and is ready for baking in a bread machine. The proofer guarantees a continuous process of baking baked goods in the bakery and eliminates downtime waiting for the dough to be ready.

Baking trays designed for baking bakery products.

Rice. 5.6 Flat baking tray, steel.

Rice. 5.7 Sheet wavy, perforated.

Bakery cabinets ShPESM are intended for baking bakery and confectionery products.

Rice. 5.8 Electric bakery cabinet ShPESM.

6. Organization of the chef’s workplace

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of a variety of flour confectionery and culinary products. The workshop premises include dough mixing, dough cutting, baking, cooling departments; rooms for finishing products, for preparing minced meat, washing for eggs, dishes, containers, expedition.

The area of ​​the premises of a confectionery shop depends on the type, capacity of the enterprise, and the number of employees.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop must correspond to the sequence of operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of counter flows of raw materials and finished products.

The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (molding) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, fondants, whipped egg whites. To perform these operations, workplaces are organized in the departments of the confectionery shop.

In the dough cutting department, the dough is kneaded and the necessary semi-finished products are prepared.

First sift the flour (preferably in a separate room).

Dough kneading machines are used to knead dough, an operation that requires physical effort. In small shops, a universal drive with a beater is used for this purpose. To ferment yeast dough, mobile bowls are used, which are placed for some time near pastry ovens.

For cutting and shaping confectionery products, a dough dividing machine, various molds, and recesses are used. The workplace should have a production table, a flour chest, a mobile bowl with dough, scales, a drawer for knives, and mobile racks with pastry sheets for prepared products.

Rolling out the dough is carried out using a dough sheeter, which allows you to obtain a layer of dough of the required thickness. The workplace should have a refrigeration cabinet for cooling butter, as well as dough when making puff pastries.

To prepare fillings, minced meat, syrup and fudge, install a small stove (gas or electric) and use a meat grinder, a grinding machine (from a universal drive). Fillings are transported in mobile tubs.

An important mechanical assistant for the confectioner is the cream whipper. Baking of confectionery products is carried out in confectionery and bakery cabinets. Baking ovens that run on electricity, solid, liquid or gaseous fuel are also used. Confectionery cabinets can maintain a certain regime.

Separate production tables are used to decorate confectionery products, and in large enterprises special rooms are allocated for this purpose. Tables should have drawers for tools; a tripod for pastry bags is mounted on the table tops, a syrup tank and scales are installed. There should be mobile racks near the work tables for delivering finished products to the refrigeration chamber or to the expedition.

7. Labor protection at work

Occupational safety includes a whole range of measures on safety precautions, industrial sanitation and hygiene, as well as fire-fighting equipment.

The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is mandatory production training. To avoid accidents, kitchen workers must learn the rules for operating equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. The floor in workshops must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.

When working in a confectionery shop, you must follow the following basic safety rules. It is prohibited to take a sample, load flour and other products into the bowl until the kneading lever has completely stopped, or add them to the tank of the beater while it is operating. You can only remove pastry sheets from ovens or baking cabinets using special gloves.

Heating equipment is used in confectionery shops using fire, gas or electric heating. Each type of fuel requires special precautions and compliance with labor safety rules. You cannot work on heating equipment without working fittings. The pressure gauge dial must have a red line marking the maximum operating pressure. Safety instructions are posted on each device.

The workshop must have a first aid kit with a set of medications.


The development of the baking industry is carried out on the basis of the introduction of new equipment, progressive technology, increasing the production of bread and bakery products with various additives and improvers that increase their biological value and quality. Bread and bakery products are everyday products. The content of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) in bakery products depends on the type, type of flour and additives used. The content of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.) in bakery products depends on the type, type of flour and additives used.

Rolls and bakery products are made from wheat flour weighing less than 0.5 kg. Depending on the recipe, bakery products are baked: simple, improved, rich.

Bakery products include:

· loaves - Nareznoy, Gorodskoy, Podmoskovny, Simple, etc.

· wickerwork - challahs, braids

· buns - buns for hamburgers, buns for hot dogs and others

· Arctic cod

· butter bakery products - puff pastries, horns, braids, butter buns, etc.

Organoleptically determined indicators of the quality of bakery products include appearance (surface condition, color and condition of the crust, the absence or presence of peeling of the crust from the crumb and the shape of the product), the condition of the crumb (freshness, bakedness).

When assessing the porosity of a product, pay attention to the size of the pores (small, medium, large), the uniformity of their distribution throughout the entire space of the crumb cut (uniform, fairly uniform, not uniform enough, uneven) and the thickness of the pore walls (thin-walled, medium-thick, thick-walled), the presence voids and seals.

When assessing the smell of bakery products, attention is paid to the presence or absence of foreign, unusual and especially unpleasant odors in the product.

The taste is determined by chewing the crumb of the product. Attention is drawn to the presence of a taste that is not characteristic of the bakery product.

List of used literature

1. Antipov S.T., Kretov I.T., Ostrikov A.N., Panfilov V.A. Machines and apparatus for food production. Book 2. - M., 2001. - 841 p.

2. Auerman L.Ya. Technology of baking production / Under the general. Ed.L.I. Puchkova. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002 - 416 p.

3. Ogusheva V. Technology of cooking. - Publisher: Phoenix, 2010. - 375 p.

4. Dotsyak V.S. Ukrainian cuisine: Technology of preparing herbs. K.: Vishcha school, 1995. - 550 p.

5. Zdobnov A.I., Tsiganenko V.A. A collection of recipes for culinary products for catering establishments. - Kyiv: A.S.K., 1999. - 656 p.

6. Zolin V.P. Technological equipment of public catering establishments: A textbook for beginners. prof. education. - 3rd ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 248 p.

7. Leontyeva N.A. Development of technical and technological maps for signature dishes: Textbook / N.A. Leontyeva, E.V. Chernova; Ed. M.N. Kutkina. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house. SPbTEI, 2003. - 471 p.

8. Puchkova L.I., Polandova R.D., Matveeva I.V. Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta. Part 1. Bread technology. - SPb.: GIORD, 2005 - 559 p.

9. Collection of recipes for culinary products and dishes. - M.: Citadel-trade, 2005. - 752 p.

10. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. - K.: A.S.K., 1998. - 656 p.

11. Handbook of catering technologist / A.I. Mglinets, G.N. Lovacheva, L.M. Aleshina et al. - M.: Kolos, 2003. - 541 p.

12. Technology of public catering products. T.1. Physico-chemical processes occurring in food products during culinary processing / A.S. Ratushny, V.I. Khlebnikov, B.A. Baranov et al. / Ed. Dr. Tech. Sciences Prof. A.S. Ratushny. - M. Mir, 2003. - 351 p.

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16. Shatun L.G. Cooking technology. Textbook. - Publisher: Dashkov and Co., 2006. - 195 p.

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