Technology for preparing potatoes in milk. Open lesson on the topic: "Technology for preparing mashed potatoes and potatoes in milk." Name of dish: minced potatoes with onions


Technological map No. 205 Product name: Boiled potatoes 2 sp

Recipe number: 105

name of raw materials

1 serving

Gross, g

Net, g





Miner. substances, mg

Vitamins, mg

Proteins, g



Energy value, kcal


IN 1

AT 2










Cooking technology: Peeled potatoes are poured with hot water, salted and boiled at low boil for 15-20 minutes, covered with a lid. The broth is drained, the potatoes are dried, and watered with vegetable oil. Use as a side dish or as an independent dish.


Technological map No. 206

Product name: Potatoes in milk 1 sp

Recipe number: 106

Name of the collection of recipes:

Korovka L.S. "Collection of technological standards,

Recipes for dishes and culinary products for preschool educational institutions" Perm 2004.

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

1 serving

Gross, g

Net, g







Chemical composition of this dish


Miner. substances, mg

Vitamins, mg

Proteins, g



Energy value, kcal


IN 1

AT 2











Technological map No. 207

Product name: Potatoes in milk 2 sp

Recipe number: 106

Name of the collection of recipes:

Korovka L.S. "Collection of technological standards,

Recipes for dishes and culinary products for preschool educational institutions" Perm 2004.

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

1 serving

Gross, g

Net, g






Chemical composition of this dish


Miner. substances, mg

Vitamins, mg

Proteins, g



Energy value, kcal


IN 1

AT 2










Cooking technology: Peeled potatoes are cut into medium cubes, put in a saucepan, poured with hot salted water, boiled until half cooked, drained with water, add hot milk, cook until tender, add flour diluted with milk and, stirring, bring to a boil, season with oil.


Technological map No. 208

Vegetable oil 2 sp

Recipe number: 107

Name of the collection of recipes:

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

1 serving

Gross, g

Net, g



Vegetable oil


Chemical composition of this dish


Miner. substances, mg

Vitamins, mg

Proteins, g



Energy value, kcal


IN 1

AT 2











Technological map No. 209

Product name: Boiled potatoes, baked with

Vegetable oil 1 sp

Recipe number: 107

Name of the collection of recipes:

A. Klyavinya "Big recipe culinary dictionary."

Publisher: Agropromizdat Collection of recipes.

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

1 serving

Gross, g

Net, g



Vegetable oil


Chemical composition of this dish


Miner. substances, mg

Vitamins, mg

Proteins, g



Energy value, kcal


IN 1

AT 2










Cooking technology: Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them, cut them in half, place them on a baking sheet, cut side down, salt them, add oil and bake them in an oven at 100-120 C for 10 minutes. Serve at 45-60 C.


Technological map No. 210

Product name: Potatoes baked in milk sauce 1 sp

Recipe number: 108

Name of the collection of recipes:

A. Klyavinya "Big recipe culinary dictionary."

Publisher: Agropromizdat Collection of recipes.

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

1 serving

Gross, g

Net, g








Chemical composition of this dish


Miner. substances, mg

Vitamins, mg

Proteins, g



Energy value, kcal


IN 1

AT 2










Cooking technology: Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes, boil until tender, remove from the water and place on a baking sheet, pour in milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, grease with butter and bake.


Technological map No. 211

Product name: Potatoes baked in milk sauce 2 sp

Recipe number: 108

Name of the collection of recipes:

A. Klyavinya "Big recipe culinary dictionary."

Publisher: Agropromizdat Collection of recipes.

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

1 serving

Gross, g

Net, g





Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products 2003 Rec. No. 845


Name of raw materials

NET Weight in kg







Bulb onions

Vegetable oil

OUTPUT: - 1000

COOKING TECHNOLOGY : Before using the vegetables, wash the potatoes, cook with the lid closed in salted water, mash warm so that there are no lumps. Sauté the onion in heated oil up to 110-120C until golden brown and stir until smooth.

Quality requirements:

Appearance:__ _ potato mass with the addition of sautéed onions.

Consistency: _ homogeneous without lumps.

Taste: boiled potatoes and well-fried onions

Smell :_characteristic for this dish

Color: _light yellow

Technological map No. 0

Name of dishBoiled potatoes

2005 year Rec. No.296


Name of raw materials

Raw material consumption per 1 serving in g.

NET Weight in kg







Weight of boiled potatoes


EXIT: - 220 2200 6600 11000

COOKING TECHNOLOGY Potatoes are placed in boiling salted water (0.6-0.7 liters of water per 1 kg of vegetables). The water level should be 1-1.5 cm above the level of vegetables. Salt is used at the rate of 10 g. for 1 l. water. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and dry the potatoes, for which the dishes with them are left for 5-7 minutes on a less hot section of the stove. When cooking crumbly potatoes, the water should be drained approximately 15 minutes after the boiling point, then the potatoes are brought to readiness with the steam generated in the boiler.

Potatoes should be cooked in small portions according to demand. When stored in a hot state for a long time, the color of the potato changes, the taste deteriorates and its nutritional value decreases. Steamed potatoes have the best taste.

Boiled potatoes are served as whole tubers, sprinkled with butter or sour cream, or onion sauce, or sour cream, or mushroom sauce. Potatoes can be served with vegetable oil.

Butter or sour cream or sauce can be served separately with potatoes.

Quality requirements:


Consistency: loose

Taste: characteristic of boiled potatoes

Smell : characteristic of boiled potatoes

Color: from white to yellowish (depending on the potato variety)

Technological map No. 1

Name of dishpotatoes in milk

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products2005 year Rec. No.298


Name of raw materials

Raw material consumption per 1 serving in g.

NET Weight in kg








EXIT: 205 2050 6150 10250

COOKING TECHNOLOGY Raw peeled potatoes are cut into large cubes, immersed in small batches in a bowl of boiling water, brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the water is drained, the potatoes are poured with hot boiled milk, salted and cooked until tender. After this, add part (50% of the norm) of oil and bring to a boil. Serve with butter, you can sprinkle with herbs.

Quality requirements:

Appearance: Potato tubers may be slightly boiled, but retain their shape well

Consistency: loose


Smell: characteristic of boiled potatoes with milk

Color: from white to yellowish, (depending on the potato variety)

State budgetary professional educational

establishment of the Krasnodar region

"Kurganinsky Agrarian and Technological" College


on educational practice

Topic: “Technology for preparing mashed potatoes and potatoes in milk.”

From work experience

industrial training masters

Alemskaya Zoya Ivanovna

Kurganinsk - 2014


Lesson topic: Technology for preparing mashed potatoes and potatoes in milk

Lesson objectives:

Educational : to consolidate professional skills in the use of various combinations of techniques and operations when preparing dishes and side dishes from boiled vegetables.

Educational: To develop students’ independence in performance and strengthen the skill of self-control.

Developmental: To develop the mental activity of students when performing educational and production work.

Lesson type: formation of skills and abilities

Teaching methods: conversation, reproduction of knowledge, with elements of a business game, frontal survey, demonstration, independent work, analysis.

Material and technical equipment of the lesson

Workshop equipment – ​​electric stove with oven, production tables;

Utensils: 1.5 liter saucepans, medium-sized frying pans, plates for second hot courses, table knives, table forks;

Tools and accessories: spatulas, kitchen knives;

natural products: flour, salt, eggs, butter, vegetables: potatoes,

didactic material – technological diagrams, payment cards;

Handout – collection of dish recipes

Interdisciplinary connections:

MDK 01.01 Technology for processing raw materials and preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms - “Preparation of dishes and side dishes from vegetables”,

OP 03. Technical equipment and organization of the workplace - Topic “Machines and mechanisms for processing vegetables”,

OP 02. Physiology of nutrition with the basics of commodity research of food products - Topic “Biological significance of food and its composition.”

OP 01. Fundamentals of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene in food production - Topic “Personal hygiene of catering workers”,

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment (5 min)

1.1. Monitoring attendance and readiness for class.

1.2. Explanation of the course and sequence of the lesson, appointment of duty officers.

1.3. Distribution by workplace.

2. Introductory briefing (25 min)

2.1. Reporting the topic of the lessons, its goals and objectives;

The topic of our lesson: “Technology for preparing dishes and side dishes from boiled vegetables.”. In today's lesson we will cook Potatoes in milk and mashed potatoes.

2.2. Updating students' attention to the content of the lesson topic

(The student reads out historical information, material that was prepared in advance, as homework)

Student's speech:

The homeland of potatoes is South America. It was cultivated here at the very beginning of our era. In Europe, this plant was initially viewed as a curiosity with beautiful flowers and, to a lesser extent, as a food product.

Many high-society fashionistas pinned bouquets of potatoes to their hair.

Pharmacists in Paris and Berlin bred potatoes as a medicinal plant.

Potatoes were brought to Russia under Peter 1. While on a trip abroad, Tsar Peter 1 sent a bag of potatoes to Alexander Menshikov and ordered them to be grown in Russia.

In 1800, potatoes were still so rare that they were given as gifts on holidays and sold at court balls as a rare delicacy.

3.1 Individual work on the card (5 min)

Answer the questions

1. What cooking methods are used to prepare boiled dishes and side dishes from vegetables?Basic, poaching, steaming, at low temperatures.

2. Describe cooking as a method of heat treatment.Cooking is the heating of a product in a liquid (water, milk, broth, broth) to a temperature of 100 or in a saturated steam environment.

3.2 Group frontal survey (10 min)

1. Name the range of boiled potato dishes?(boiled potatoes, potatoes in milk, boiled cabbage, boiled pumpkin, boiled beans, mashed potatoes, etc.)

2. describe cooking in the main way? (cooking the product in a stovetop container in a large amount of liquid.)

3. Describe cooking at low temperatures.(cutlets in this method use the principle of a water bath or steam table, placing the dishes with the product in boiling water.)

4. Cooking with high or low pressure? (at increased pressure - in autoclaves - speeds up the process of cooking vegetables (temperature 110-130). At reduced pressure - cooking in vacuum devices (temperature below 100), the nutritional value of the products is preserved.)

5. Steaming. ( Produced in a special steam oven or steamer, the product is cooked using steam generated by boiling water, while preserving the nutrients of the food. Used in medical and baby food)

6. Allowance rules? (This is cooking in a small amount of liquid or the product’s own juice with the lid closed)

7. Question: what technological process are characterized by the listed words?The following words are posted on the board: sorting, additional cleaning, calibration, weighing, cleaning, washing, acceptance, washing.(technological process of processing potatoes)

8. Select the necessary words in the sequence of the technological process for preparing mashed potatoes. (Withsorting, calibrating, peeling, finishing, adding water, salt, boil, drain, wipe, add hot milk and melted butter).

9. What rules should be followed to preserve nutrients when preparing dishes and side dishes from vegetables?(potatoes should be cooked in a small amount of hot water, adding salt and closing the lid, observing the cooking time, and using non-oxidizing utensils when cooking.)

The results are summed up.

2.4. Conduct safety training, make entries in the software log (form No. 3)6

1. When working with piercing cutting objects.

2. With the help of what machines and mechanisms can the process of mass preparation in the production of dishes and side dishes from vegetables be accelerated and facilitated?using a potato peeler, vegetable cutting machine.

3. What safety practices should you follow when preparing vegetable dishes and side dishes?Safety rules for potato peelers. rules for operating an electric stove Rules for safe work when performing culinary work

4. Personal hygiene of the cook.

2.5. Demonstration of techniques, ways of working on a new topic: 30 min

Analysis of the technological sequence diagram for preparing dishes Appendix 2, 3

to prepare 15 servings, check calculations with the master.

2.5. Demonstration of techniques and ways of working on a new topic:

The master shows the entire technological processPreparation of boiled potatoes and mashed potatoes: Primary processing of potatoes. Thermal culinary processing of potatoes. Methods of serving and decorating dishes.

Cooking vegetables poached in milk sauce: Primary processing of vegetables. Slicing vegetables. Thermal cooking of vegetables. Methods of serving and decorating dishes.

When demonstrating practical techniquespay attention to the shape of the cuts and vegetables.

2.6. When demonstrating practical techniques, pay attention to:

1. forms of cutting vegetables;

2. boil water to preserve vitamins.

3. for weight compliance.

2.7. 2 students repeat under the supervision of the master with comments all the techniques shown in the lesson

2.8. Review of safety precautions.

    Current briefing

The subgroup is divided into 4 mini-brigades. They independently carry out the entire technological process of preparing dishes and side dishes from boiled and stewed vegetables, using the instruction card handed out by the master.

The master conducts a targeted walk-through: a) – organizing the workplace; b) – strict adherence to safety precautions when working with cutting tools; c) – technological process of preparing portioned semi-finished products.

Give a qualitative assessment of ready-to-serve semi-finished products.

The subgroup is divided into 4 microgroups. You need to carry out the entire cooking process yourself using the instruction card that I gave you.

All aspects will be assessed if carried out strictly according to technology.

    Final briefing :

Self-assessment, analysis of the working day;

Pay attention to general and individual errors;

Announce, give grades in the journal;

Demonstration of the best works.

So, today we learned how to cook dishes and side dishes from boiled and stewed vegetablesPay attention to how they did ……… microgroup Name the lesson assessments.

Repeat homework assignment: Cooking dishes and side dishes from fried vegetables.

Cleaning workplaces.

Annex 1


Recipe No. 201 Potatoes in milk 96 / 2

Product Name

By Sat. rr

15 servings










Appendix 2


Preparing mashed potatoes

Exercises: 1. Processing potatoes

2. Boiling potatoes

4. Submission rules

Equipment : electric stove,

Dishes a: saucepans, frying pans, plates, table knives, table forks;

Tools and accessories : cutting boards, spatula, kitchen knives, masher, potholder, calculator;

Raw materials : products according to the collection of recipes;

1. Potato processing

2. Boiling potatoes

3. Making mashed potatoes

4. Submission rules

1. Potatoes are sorted

2. Calibrate

State budgetary professional educational

establishment of the Krasnodar region

"Kurganinsky Agrarian and Technological" College


on educational practice

Topic: “Technology for preparing mashed potatoes and potatoes in milk.”

From work experience

industrial training masters

Alemskaya Zoya Ivanovna

Kurganinsk - 2014


Lesson topic: Technology for preparing mashed potatoes and potatoes in milk

Lesson objectives:

Educational : to consolidate professional skills in the use of various combinations of techniques and operations when preparing dishes and side dishes from boiled vegetables.

Educational: To develop students’ independence in performance and strengthen the skill of self-control.

Developmental: To develop the mental activity of students when performing educational and production work.

Lesson type: formation of skills and abilities

Teaching methods: conversation, reproduction of knowledge, with elements of a business game, frontal survey, demonstration, independent work, analysis.

Material and technical equipment of the lesson

Workshop equipment – ​​electric stove with oven, production tables;

Utensils: 1.5 liter saucepans, medium-sized frying pans, plates for second hot courses, table knives, table forks;

Tools and accessories: spatulas, kitchen knives;

natural products: flour, salt, eggs, butter, vegetables: potatoes,

didactic material – technological diagrams, payment cards;

Handout – collection of dish recipes

Interdisciplinary connections:

MDK 01.01 Technology for processing raw materials and preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms - “Preparation of dishes and side dishes from vegetables”,

OP 03. Technical equipment and organization of the workplace - Topic “Machines and mechanisms for processing vegetables”,

OP 02. Physiology of nutrition with the basics of commodity research of food products - Topic “Biological significance of food and its composition.”

OP 01. Fundamentals of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene in food production - Topic “Personal hygiene of catering workers”,

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment (5 min)

1.1. Monitoring attendance and readiness for class.

1.2. Explanation of the course and sequence of the lesson, appointment of duty officers.

1.3. Distribution by workplace.

2. Introductory briefing (25 min)

2.1. Reporting the topic of the lessons, its goals and objectives;

The topic of our lesson: “Technology for preparing dishes and side dishes from boiled vegetables.”. In today's lesson we will cook Potatoes in milk and mashed potatoes.

2.2. Updating students' attention to the content of the lesson topic

(The student reads out historical information, material that was prepared in advance, as homework)

Student's speech:

The homeland of potatoes is South America. It was cultivated here at the very beginning of our era. In Europe, this plant was initially viewed as a curiosity with beautiful flowers and, to a lesser extent, as a food product.

Many high-society fashionistas pinned bouquets of potatoes to their hair.

Pharmacists in Paris and Berlin bred potatoes as a medicinal plant.

Potatoes were brought to Russia under Peter 1. While on a trip abroad, Tsar Peter 1 sent a bag of potatoes to Alexander Menshikov and ordered them to be grown in Russia.

In 1800, potatoes were still so rare that they were given as gifts on holidays and sold at court balls as a rare delicacy.

3.1 Individual work on the card (5 min)

Answer the questions

1. What cooking methods are used to prepare boiled dishes and side dishes from vegetables?Basic, poaching, steaming, at low temperatures.

2. Describe cooking as a method of heat treatment.Cooking is the heating of a product in a liquid (water, milk, broth, broth) to a temperature of 100 or in a saturated steam environment.

3.2 Group frontal survey (10 min)

1. Name the range of boiled potato dishes?(boiled potatoes, potatoes in milk, boiled cabbage, boiled pumpkin, boiled beans, mashed potatoes, etc.)

2. describe cooking in the main way? (cooking the product in a stovetop container in a large amount of liquid.)

3. Describe cooking at low temperatures.(cutlets in this method use the principle of a water bath or steam table, placing the dishes with the product in boiling water.)

4. Cooking with high or low pressure? (at increased pressure - in autoclaves - speeds up the process of cooking vegetables (temperature 110-130). At reduced pressure - cooking in vacuum devices (temperature below 100), the nutritional value of the products is preserved.)

5. Steaming. ( Produced in a special steam oven or steamer, the product is cooked using steam generated by boiling water, while preserving the nutrients of the food. Used in medical and baby food)

6. Allowance rules? (This is cooking in a small amount of liquid or the product’s own juice with the lid closed)

7. Question: what technological process are characterized by the listed words?The following words are posted on the board: sorting, additional cleaning, calibration, weighing, cleaning, washing, acceptance, washing.(technological process of processing potatoes)

8. Select the necessary words in the sequence of the technological process for preparing mashed potatoes. (Withsorting, calibrating, peeling, finishing, adding water, salt, boil, drain, wipe, add hot milk and melted butter).

9. What rules should be followed to preserve nutrients when preparing dishes and side dishes from vegetables?(potatoes should be cooked in a small amount of hot water, adding salt and closing the lid, observing the cooking time, and using non-oxidizing utensils when cooking.)

The results are summed up.

2.4. Conduct safety training, make entries in the software log (form No. 3)6

1. When working with piercing cutting objects.

2. With the help of what machines and mechanisms can the process of mass preparation in the production of dishes and side dishes from vegetables be accelerated and facilitated?using a potato peeler, vegetable cutting machine.

3. What safety practices should you follow when preparing vegetable dishes and side dishes?Safety rules for potato peelers. rules for operating an electric stove Rules for safe work when performing culinary work

4. Personal hygiene of the cook.

2.5. Demonstration of techniques, ways of working on a new topic: 30 min

Analysis of the technological sequence diagram for preparing dishes Appendix 2, 3

to prepare 15 servings, check calculations with the master.

2.5. Demonstration of techniques and ways of working on a new topic:

The master shows the entire technological processPreparation of boiled potatoes and mashed potatoes: Primary processing of potatoes. Thermal culinary processing of potatoes. Methods of serving and decorating dishes.

Cooking vegetables poached in milk sauce: Primary processing of vegetables. Slicing vegetables. Thermal cooking of vegetables. Methods of serving and decorating dishes.

When demonstrating practical techniquespay attention to the shape of the cuts and vegetables.

2.6. When demonstrating practical techniques, pay attention to:

1. forms of cutting vegetables;

2. boil water to preserve vitamins.

3. for weight compliance.

2.7. 2 students repeat under the supervision of the master with comments all the techniques shown in the lesson

2.8. Review of safety precautions.

    Current briefing

The subgroup is divided into 4 mini-brigades. They independently carry out the entire technological process of preparing dishes and side dishes from boiled and stewed vegetables, using the instruction card handed out by the master.

The master conducts a targeted walk-through: a) – organizing the workplace; b) – strict adherence to safety precautions when working with cutting tools; c) – technological process of preparing portioned semi-finished products.

Give a qualitative assessment of ready-to-serve semi-finished products.

The subgroup is divided into 4 microgroups. You need to carry out the entire cooking process yourself using the instruction card that I gave you.

All aspects will be assessed if carried out strictly according to technology.

    Final briefing :

Self-assessment, analysis of the working day;

Pay attention to general and individual errors;

Announce, give grades in the journal;

Demonstration of the best works.

So, today we learned how to cook dishes and side dishes from boiled and stewed vegetablesPay attention to how they did ……… microgroup Name the lesson assessments.

Repeat homework assignment: Cooking dishes and side dishes from fried vegetables.

Cleaning workplaces.

Annex 1


Recipe No. 201 Potatoes in milk 96 / 2

Product Name

By Sat. rr

15 servings










Appendix 2


Preparing mashed potatoes

Exercises: 1. Processing potatoes

2. Boiling potatoes

4. Submission rules

Equipment : electric stove,

Dishes a: saucepans, frying pans, plates, table knives, table forks;

Tools and accessories : cutting boards, spatula, kitchen knives, masher, potholder, calculator;

Raw materials : products according to the collection of recipes;

1. Potato processing

2. Boiling potatoes

3. Making mashed potatoes

4. Submission rules

1. Potatoes are sorted

2. Calibrate

“Cold dishes and snacks” - Fish dishes and snacks. Sandwiches. Hot appetizers. Slices of bread. Cocktail salads. Sandwiches. Banquet small cold appetizers. Dishes for serving cold dishes and snacks. Cooking technology. Snacks on matches. Cold dishes and snacks. Meat dishes and snacks. Rolls. Sandwiches and their classification.

“Where does chocolate come from” - Raisins (from Tur. ?z?m - grapes) - dried grapes with seeds. Where do chocolate, raisins and honey come from? Frame with honeycombs, honey and bees. Frame with honeycombs where bees collected honey all summer. Where do raisins come from? Honey. Apiary is the summer stay of bees in the fields. The main production areas of raisins and sultanas are Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

“Preparing salads” - Scheme for preparing vitamin salad. Exotic salads. Modern design style. Slicing products. Decoration with bouquets. Scheme for preparing Stolichny salad. Salads - cocktails. Various salad design options. Scheme for preparing vegetable vinaigrette. "Slide" design. Organization of the workplace.

“Varieties of Fruits” - Apple. Lemon is a small evergreen fruit tree up to 5-8 m high, with a spreading or pyramidal crown. Orange is the fruit of the orange tree, originally from China. Fruit is a juicy edible fruit of a tree or shrub. Some berries are also a type of fruit. A rather tall tree, it belongs to the Citrus subfamily of the Rutaceae family.

“Sweet dishes” - Jelly, mousse, sambuca, jelly, creams. Preparing the zest for making syrup. Making cranberry syrup. Starch. THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON? Agaroid. … Sweet dishes. Dissolving the gelling product in syrup. Lesson topic. Lesson topic? Jelly sweet dishes. Soaking gelatin. "Technology of public catering products."

“Cottage cheese dishes” - List of dishes. Wash the spinach thoroughly and place in a hot frying pan. The secret of cooking. Spinach. Eggs. Cottage cheese dishes. Commodity characteristics of cottage cheese. Curd proteins are digested better than meat proteins. Cottage cheese donuts. Beat eggs with sugar. Delicious cheesecakes. Cottage cheese flatbread with polenta.

There are 31 presentations in total

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