Thin sponge cakes in a frying pan. Sponge cake in a frying pan without an oven: step-by-step recipe with description and photos, cooking features. Sour cream in a frying pan

Many housewives don’t even suspect that you can cook sponge cake in a frying pan without an oven. This is very convenient, since not all kitchens have an oven. Especially if the family rents an apartment or is on vacation. But I still want dessert for tea. In such a situation, a recipe for sponge cake in a frying pan without an oven is a real salvation.

What is a biscuit?

It belongs to the universal confectionery baked goods. Many cakes are made using biscuits. Moreover, they are often used to prepare various rolls and cakes.

There are millions of them. Sometimes they are made lush, and sometimes dense. To prepare them, you can use butter, cream, nuts, and carrots. But the cooking technology is always the same.

Any biscuit dough must include eggs. Moreover, they need to be thoroughly beaten and only then carefully add the remaining ingredients to them. It is thanks to the air that is added during beating that the dough then rises.

What happens when you bake a sponge cake in a frying pan without an oven? When heated, the air increases in volume, so the dough rises. Simultaneously with this process, the walls of the pores with air become solid, as they undergo heat treatment. That, in fact, is the whole secret.

To prepare a delicious sponge cake, you need to thoroughly beat the eggs, add the remaining ingredients, do not lose air and choose the right temperature.

The first recipe for sponge cake in a frying pan with photo

This is the simplest recipe you can imagine. The only thing is that it doesn’t turn out very lush. You may still need to separate the yolks from the whites.


  • Four eggs.
  • One hundred grams of butter or margarine.
  • Baking powder - one teaspoon (can be replaced with soda).
  • Flour - one glass.
  • The same amount of sugar.

You can add a tablespoon of cocoa.

Cooking process

Below is a detailed description of how to cook a sponge cake in a frying pan without an oven with a photo:

You can check the cake for doneness using a wooden skewer.

Chocolate pie

There is one not very pleasant feature of biscuits - it is not always possible to beautifully cut them into several layers. But if you cook in a frying pan, you can simply bake several thin cakes. One side is glossy and slightly sticky, while the other is lighter and smoother.

What you will need:

  • Three eggs.
  • Half a liter of kefir.
  • Four hundred grams of sugar.
  • Melted butter - one hundred grams.
  • A teaspoon of slaked soda.
  • A little more than half a kilo of flour.
  • Cocoa powder - one hundred and thirty grams.

How to cook?

Preparing a chocolate sponge cake in a frying pan without an oven is quite quick. Preparing one cake layer will not take more than ten minutes, so you can have time to bake a tall cake in an hour.

From the ingredients listed above, you can bake six cakes. One of the main advantages of this biscuit is its softness. That is, it does not need to be further impregnated. All you have to do is coat it with any cream, and the delicious cake is ready.

Tall Pie

How to cook a tall sponge cake in a frying pan without an oven? It's also easy. It is important that it can be easily divided into not even two, but three cake layers. There is just a small nuance. The difficulty is that frying pans usually have low walls. So you will have to take a large, cast iron one.

The amount of ingredients is indicated for a cake with a diameter of 18-20 centimeters.


  • Chicken eggs - six pieces.
  • Sugar - two hundred grams.
  • Vanillin - ten grams.
  • Flour - one hundred and sixty grams.

Cooking technology

The entire process takes about an hour. But it may turn out a little more, since it is better to bake the cakes over low heat. After all, it’s better to spend a little more time than to end up with a burnt pie.

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the dishes. Here, an aluminum pan will serve as a baking dish. Any housewife will understand that it is strictly forbidden to place such utensils with dough on an open fire. So after the dough is ready, you need to put it in a pan, and then put it in a cast iron frying pan.
  2. The dough itself is quite simple to prepare. First, beat the eggs and sugar well using a mixer. The mass of the liquid should double or even triple. And all the sugar will completely dissolve in it.
  3. Flour is added carefully, in small parts, preferably one tablespoon at a time. You can stir the dough using a spatula. If you use a mixer for these purposes, be sure to switch it to minimum speed.
  4. Place parchment paper on the bottom of the pan that will be used for baking. There is no need to lubricate the walls with anything. The container is covered with a lid and wrapped in a waffle towel.
  5. Then you need to heat the frying pan properly and only then put the pan in it.
  6. After this, the fire is reduced to a minimum. Now you just have to wait forty-five minutes to an hour. After the appetizing aroma has spread throughout the kitchen after the specified time, you can open the lid and use a wooden skewer to test the cake for doneness. Until this moment, you cannot open the pan - the dough may fall.

All that remains is to remove the biscuit with a knife and cool it.

Do you think it's impossible to prepare a delicious dessert in a matter of minutes? Today your idea of ​​confectionery masterpieces will be turned upside down. You will learn how to make cake layers in a frying pan. A little time, a little patience, the necessary set of products and cream - that's all you need for your culinary creation.

Breaking stereotypes

For several years now, housewives have been interested in how to prepare cake layers in a frying pan. This method of baking the base greatly simplifies the task. We don't need to use the oven. Recipes of this kind have become a godsend for homemakers whose kitchen is not equipped with an oven. Just a couple of minutes - and the cakes are ready.

Before we move on from words to action and prepare simple cake layers, I would like to draw attention to some nuances:

  • the surface of the frying pan must be perfectly clean and dry;
  • We do not use oil for baking;
  • We shape the cake using a plate, a lid, or, in general, any round object at hand;
  • kefir, condensed milk, sour cream, cream, milk - any ingredient can become the basis for cakes;
  • bake each cake for no more than 2 minutes;
  • To prevent the dough from bubbling, use a fork to make punctures in it;
  • only season the cooled cakes with cream;
  • To keep the cake soft longer, place it in the refrigerator a couple of hours after applying the cream;
  • do not rush to throw away the scraps of cakes, they can play the role of decorating your confectionery creation.

Complete the initial level - get three stars

Many girls love to watch different cooking shows. And games on similar themes simply fascinate with their design. Let's turn the game into reality and prepare cake layers for holiday baking.

Read also:

How to make cake layers in a frying pan? This question is mostly asked by beginners in the confectionery business. By preparing the simplest baked goods, you will become a master and receive the highest reward in the form of smiles from your household.


  • 100 g butter;
  • ½ tsp. table soda;
  • 1/3 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 1 egg.


  • You can prepare such a cake even in the field. The main thing is to have a fire and suitable utensils.
  • First, place the butter in a heat-resistant bowl and melt it.

  • This can be done the old fashioned way in a water bath or in the microwave.
  • Leave the oil in a water bath or on low heat and continue to heat it.
  • It's time to add baking powder - baking soda.

  • Stir everything well and watch the reaction. After a few minutes, the baking soda will begin to foam.

  • Immediately add granulated sugar and stir everything vigorously.

  • Please note - the fire should be minimal so that our mass does not cook.

  • Immediately remove the prepared mixture from the stove.

  • First, knead the dough with a spatula or spoon.
  • As soon as the dough forms lumps, you need to work with your hands and knead according to all the rules.
  • The dough should be moderately elastic and tight.

  • Divide the entire dough into equal parts. Their number is the number of cakes.
  • Roll out the cakes thinly, don’t be lazy.

  • Literally bake each cake for 2 minutes in a hot, dry and clean frying pan.
  • Now we can prepare our favorite cream and grease the cakes with it.

Curd joy - the most delicate taste

Is this the first time you’ve decided to bake cake layers in a frying pan? The recipe without condensed milk will pleasantly surprise you. The basis of the dough will be cottage cheese. Thanks to its amazing taste, lightness and delicate texture, the cakes will turn out to be confectionery perfection. These curd cakes go perfectly with any cream.


  • 2 ½ tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp. table soda;
  • vanilla to taste.


  • The cottage cheese should be dry and crumbly.
  • A little tip: too wet cottage cheese should be placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out.
  • In a deep bowl, combine the granulated sugar with the egg and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

  • Add curd mass and vanilla to taste to the egg-sugar mixture.
  • Let’s work with the whisk again and mix everything thoroughly.

  • To make the cakes fluffy, we simply cannot do without baking powder. Quench the baking soda with vinegar and add it to the curd dough.
  • You will notice how literally before your eyes the mass will begin to increase in volume.
  • Now add flour in portions, without ceasing to stir the dough.

  • Let's continue kneading it with our hands. To prevent it from sticking to the work surface, sprinkle it with flour.
  • We form the dough into a sausage, which we divide into 7-8 equal parts.

  • Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it up.
  • Now a little trick: sprinkle the bottom and sides of the pan with flour. Thanks to this breading, our cakes will not stick or break.

  • Roll out the cakes and shape them using a sieve or plate.
  • To prevent the cakes from swelling, pierce them with a fork in several places.

  • Now we can fry the cakes on both sides and stack them.

  • After cooling, proceed to grease the cake with cream.

Delicious, simple and easy!

If you don’t like to bother with kneading dough, then you need to find a simplified version of baking cake layers for a birthday cake. We will prepare a kefir-based dough, which will have a slightly denser consistency than pancakes. The highlight of our baking will be cocoa. Chocolate cakes are bright and tasty.


  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 350 ml kefir;
  • 0.2 kg granulated sugar;
  • 0.4 kg of sifted flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 g butter.


  • To give the cakes a rich chocolate taste and color, we brew cocoa powder with boiling water.
  • Stir this mass until it becomes homogeneous.
  • First take the kefir out of the refrigerator. It should be warm.
  • Mix kefir with baking soda.
  • There is no need to extinguish the soda; kefir will take over this function.
  • In a separate bowl, combine eggs with granulated sugar.
  • We will beat the eggs until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  • Combine the egg-sugar mixture with melted, but not hot, butter.
  • Now add cocoa and beat this mass thoroughly.
  • A little secret: alternately add kefir and sifted flour to the mixture.
  • Mix the dough. It will be liquid, so you need to bake the cakes like pancakes.
  • This cake will be delicious and incredibly porous. Choose the right cream that will highlight the aroma and softness of the cakes.

I recently learned that you can cook sponge cakes (and not only) in a regular frying pan, without using an oven. This is just a godsend for those who don't have it. I have an oven, but I still decided to try it and my experiment turned out to be very successful. The biscuit came out airy, with a pleasant lemon taste.

First I made a simple biscuit dough. I beat the eggs into a fairly large bowl, add sugar and a spoonful of soda.

I shake with a mixer for a couple of minutes until the bulk components are completely dissolved. My recipe contains soda and acid (lemon), they will ensure a good rise of the dough, so I don’t try to beat the eggs too much. Then I add vegetable oil, it can easily be replaced with melted margarine or butter, lately I have been using vegetable oil more often and I don’t see any difference.

I pour in the milk and now everything needs to be mixed again.

I pour flour into both glasses at once. And with a mixer I knead the dough, which in the end came out a little thicker than for regular pancakes. The result may be different, it all depends on the size of the eggs and the flour itself, so if necessary, adjust the consistency of the dough by eye, adding flour or liquid if it turns out thinner or thicker.

At the very end, I add the crushed half of a lemon (zest, pulp and resulting juice). It will give a unique taste and aroma, plus it will act as an acid that will quench the soda and thereby give my biscuit a good rise. I mix it with the main mass until evenly distributed.

I take a frying pan and, without greasing its bottom, pour in a portion of dough. I decided not to take risks and not to make the cake too thick (you never know, maybe it won’t bake through) and divided the dough into two parts. The frying pan is standard, 28 centimeters in diameter.

I baked it under the lid. The heat is low, otherwise it will burn before it has time to bake inside. After 3-4 minutes, the sponge cake has increased significantly and is covered with bubbles.

Then I saw that the bottom was fried and decided to turn it over to the other side to achieve complete readiness. This must be done carefully; I used two wooden spatulas, which I used to support the cake from different sides and turn it over.

On the second side I fried it even faster and in total I baked one cake for about 8 minutes. This is much faster than if I cooked it in the oven. Real time saving.

The biscuit turned out to be very fluffy inside and with a golden brown crust on top. The second one was fried similarly to the first one.

There was no time to prepare the cream, and the children had already started asking to try it, so I decided to cut it in half and soak it in apricot jam. I have never had such a “holey” biscuit before.

It was instantly (literally in 3 minutes) saturated with jam, it simply flowed into these holes formed during the baking process and made an ordinary sponge cake more juicy.

The second cake layer was not soaked in anything, it was eaten just like that. The result was a simple, delicious, lemon, airy cake in a frying pan. You can cover it with any cream or chocolate glaze, it will be much better. The children and husband liked it, so I will continue experimenting with cakes in a frying pan; I noticed that they cook much faster than their counterparts from the oven.

Cooking time: PT00H20M 20 min.

In almost every family, cake is served at the end of the festive feast. Of course, as they say, there are “store-bought” cakes nowadays, whatever you want, for all tastes, but...

You won’t find a tastier cake made by yourself! This is the taste of our childhood and youth and cannot be replaced by newfangled, albeit tasty, confectionery products.

In Soviet times, the most common recipes were those for Napoleon and Medovik cakes, which have not lost their positions even now.

Of course, in our fast age, when everyone is short of time, baking cakes has changed, new technologies have appeared. If earlier cakes were mainly baked in the oven, now they are often baked in a frying pan.

And I’ll tell you that the taste of such a cake is no worse than those baked using established technology, but that’s it. You can prepare them not only at home, but also in the country where there is no oven. It's very convenient.

I have made a selection of recipes for the 4 most popular cakes baked in a frying pan and today I offer them to you.

The ingredients for this cake are very simple and can be found in any home refrigerator. Classic Napoleon is prepared like this...

To prepare we will need:

  • 150 g butter
  • 200 g flour
  • 0.5 tbsp. light beer

For custard cream:

  • 4 eggs
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 200 g butter
  • a pinch of salt


1. Prepare the cream.


  • For the cream we only need the yolks, so we separate them from the whites.
  • Place the yolks in a saucepan, add sugar, vanillin, pour in half a glass of milk and add 3 tbsp. flour and salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly using a blender or broom.

  • Boil 1 liter of milk and pour in the egg mixture in a thin stream, stirring continuously, and bring to a boil.
  • Cool the resulting cream and mix with butter.

  1. Let's do the test.
  • Beat the butter in a blender.
  • Pour in the beer and stir again.
  • Gradually add sifted flour, kneading the dough. It will turn out soft but elastic.

3. Form the dough into a sausage and cut into 8-9 pieces, cover them with film so as not to dry out, put them in the freezer for 30 minutes.

4. Heat the frying pan, without oil. It is better to take one with a non-stick coating or a thick bottom.

5. Roll out the pieces of dough thinly along the diameter of the pan.

6. Place in a dry frying pan and bake the cakes on both sides, 3 minutes on each side.

7. Take a springform pan, put parchment on the bottom and lay the cake. Fill with cream, top with cake and cream again, and so on one by one until the cakes run out.

8. We knead one of the worst cakes into crumbs, maybe with a rolling pin, to sprinkle on top of the cake.

9. Let it sit in the cold for 10-12 hours, or better yet, a day.

10. You can serve with raspberry syrup or cream.

Honey cake (grandmother’s classic recipe at home)

This honey cake recipe is original and has a delicate taste.

For this you will need:

  • 100 g honey
  • 180 g sugar
  • 75 g butter
  • 600 g flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 pack of baking powder
  • 400 ml milk for soaking

Preparation of the dough:

1. Melt the butter in a steam bath.

2. Add honey and sugar to it, stir until the sugar dissolves. Then add baking powder and stir quickly.

Please note that the mixture increases in volume, so watch carefully to remove from heat in time. Cool a little.

3. Break the eggs, mix with a broom and add to the honey mixture, stirring.

4. Sifted flour, gradually add and knead the dough.

5. The dough is divided into 10-12 parts, cover with film.

6. Heat the frying pan. We try to roll out the dough according to the diameter of the frying pan; to do this, you can take any plate and trim off the excess dough.

7. Bake the cakes in a dry frying pan on both sides. Let's cool them down.

8. The cakes can be coated with any cream: sour cream, custard with boiled condensed milk.

We use butter cream with mascarpone cheese. We will need two servings of cream.

  1. Forming a cake.

Place a spoonful of cream on the dish and spread it, this is done to prevent the cake from sliding on the plate.

11. Pour milk into a wide bowl, take the cake and dip it in milk for 30 seconds on each side, so the cakes are soaked.

12. Then we put these cakes in a stack, covering each one with cream.

Cover the resulting cake with cream and sprinkle with crumbs.

Butter cream with mascarpone cheese:


  • 200 g cream 30%
  • 250 g mascarpone cheese
  • 1 sachet (8 g) vanilla sugar
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 sachet (8 g) sour cream strengthener

1.Whip the cream with a mixer, add vanilla sugar and sour cream strengthener. Continue whisking until the cream turns into a thick mass. Ready cream should not overflow from the container. We put it in the refrigerator.

2. In another bowl, mix the mascarpone cheese with a mixer, add sugar and continue stirring.

3.Pour the cream in small portions into the cheese mass and mix. Place the finished cream in the refrigerator.

Chocolate cake from Maria (a simple recipe for two or three)

I picked up the recipe for the cake from my friend Maria, and that’s why it’s named after her.

For this you will need:

  • 2 cups (level) flour
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa (heapful)
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 pack of baking powder
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 2/3 tbsp. boiling water

For cream: 0.5 kg sour cream; 0.5 tbsp. Sahara


1. Mix all dry ingredients - flour, sugar, cocoa, salt.

2. Beat milk, egg and vegetable oil in another bowl.

  1. Mix these two mixtures so that there are no lumps.

This can be achieved either with a whisk or a blender.

  1. We put the kettle on the fire in advance and by this moment the kettle should boil.
  2. Pour boiling water into the mixture and stir quickly. The mass has the consistency of thick sour cream.

6. In a hot frying pan with a non-stick coating, place 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture in the middle, level it with a spoon, and form a crust.

7.Bake over medium heat until holes appear on the surface, then carefully turn over to the second side and continue to fry.

8. Lay out the cakes to cool.

9. Prepare the cream. We will use sour cream.

Sour cream for cake

  • 0.5 l. mix sour cream with 0.5 cups of sugar and beat until thick foam.

10. Spread the cooled cakes with cream and arrange them in a stack. Grease the top of the cake well with cream and sprinkle cocoa on top.

To make an original design, before sprinkling, you can carefully cover the top of the cake with guipure, like a stencil, and sprinkle with cocoa. Or come up with something else, it’s up to anyone’s imagination.

Quick cake with condensed milk

I would present it like this: the cake is ready in 20 minutes, and the taste is amazing.

For this you will need:

  • 300 g condensed milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 480 g flour
  • 1 pack of baking powder
  • 1 dark chocolate bar for sprinkling

For custard cream:

  • 500 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 200 g butter
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 pack of vanilla
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 pcs. eggs


1. Prepare the custard, there was a recipe for its preparation above, but you can prepare it like this:

  • Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, beat in eggs, salt, vanillin, mix everything and add 2 tbsp. flour, whisk well to avoid lumps, and pour in the rest of the milk.

Stir and place on low heat. Stir the mixture so that it does not burn. As soon as the first bubbles appear and the mixture thickens, remove. Let it cool slightly and add butter at room temperature, beat with a blender. Cool.

2. While the cream is cooling, let's prepare the cakes.

  • Transfer the condensed milk into a bowl, beat in the eggs and mix.

  • Sifting the flour, gradually add it to the eggs and mix. For further kneading by hand, transfer the dough to a work surface dusted with flour.
  • Cut the sausage formed from the dough into 8-10 pieces, as already mentioned, depending on the size of the frying pan.
  • Heat up the frying pan. Roll out the dough into pancakes and bake one at a time on both sides. Turn the cake over when pimples appear.

  • When the cakes have cooled slightly, spread with cream and stack. You can make two cakes by dividing the cakes in half: five for one cake, and five for the other.
  • Lubricate the top well with cream. Sprinkle with grated chocolate. Let's brew.

To lubricate the cakes, in addition to the creams that we used: custard, sour cream and cream with mascarpone, you can use others: custard with boiled condensed milk, butter, lemon.

For any of the cakes, you can use a different layer: chopped nuts, prunes, dried apricots.

To decorate the cake, you can use: nuts, candied fruits, citrus fruits, kiwi, chocolate, cocoa, cake crumbs and anything your imagination tells you.

Enjoy your tea!

Biscuit is one of the most popular bases for confectionery products. Few people are not yet familiar with how to make a sponge cake, but not everyone gets it right. But beginners in the culinary arts are often surprised at how they can cook something incorrectly from such a meager amount of ingredients! Unfortunately, not everyone has an oven at home, or has one, but can’t handle it, and because of this, they deny themselves the opportunity to prepare delicious homemade baked goods. Many people have repeatedly heard that sponge cake can be cooked in a pan on a gas stove, and not in the oven, as everyone is used to doing. We've heard of it, but haven't tried it yet! Is it possible to bake a sponge cake in a frying pan? The recipe does not require baking it in the oven, the main thing is how to make the dough for the right sponge cake so that it bakes perfectly, rises and becomes airy.

We invite you to see for yourself that the right sponge cake can be prepared in a frying pan or in a saucepan with a lid. Some people use a special grid or divider, but this is not at all necessary. Judging by the recipes with photos, the sponge cake turns out no worse without an oven than with one, and, most importantly, it does not fall off after cooling!

A very simple recipe for sponge cake in a pan of European cuisine, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 1 hour. Contains only 289 kilocalories. Author's recipe for European cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 5 min
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Calorie Amount: 289 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 10 servings
  • Occasion: Dessert
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: European cuisine
  • Type of dish: Desserts and baked goods

Ingredients for ten servings

  • Butter 100 g
  • Wheat flour 210 g
  • Baking powder 1 tsp.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs 4 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. For work we need eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, butter.
  2. Combine 4 eggs with sugar (1 cup).
  3. Beat the mixture until fluffy and tender (approximately 8-10 minutes with a mixer).
  4. Sift flour (210 g) with baking powder (1 tsp). Part by part, using a spatula, stir the flour mixture into the egg mixture in a circular motion from bottom to top.
  5. Melt butter (100 g), cool and gently fold into the dough.
  6. Line a frying pan with a diameter of 24-26 cm with baking paper.
  7. Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
  8. Cook under a tightly closed lid, over low heat, for approximately 30-35 minutes (time will depend on the diameter of the pan and the size of the fire). Remember: to prevent the biscuit from burning on the bottom, set the heat under the frying pan to absolutely minimum.
  9. The sponge cake in the frying pan is ready.