What is the difference between natural and store-bought dairy products? Boiling method

If you are looking for natural milk for yourself or for your child, it is not difficult to understand. Nowadays, under the guise of milk, in most cases they sell a dubious drink that embodies the delusional (but pragmatic) fantasies of food technologists and businessmen.

But you can still buy the real thing. It's still possible. So don’t yawn – at the same time you will help conscientious producers!

List of addresses in Moscow where you can buy natural, good “country” milk or just more or less high-quality milk

1. “Izbenka” and “Podvorye”: pasteurized products

(Update as of December 26, 2017: the “Izbenka” brand has become popular and is now commercially available, draw your own conclusions).
Pasteurized dairy products “Izbenka” (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.) can be bought at reasonable prices in stores of the same name located in various districts of Moscow. Milk is supplied from the Sukhinichi district of the Kaluga region and other places. Milk from the same farm, but under the “Podvorye” brand, can also be purchased at Podvorye company outlets. Unfortunately, this is machine milking - not hand milking.

2. Real milk, butter and dairy products from an organic farm near Kamyshin

There's milk here fresh, raw unpasteurized(!) and, importantly, manual milking. They make dairy products “for themselves and for friends.” Production volumes are small (which is for the best), strict adherence to cleanliness during the preparation process, etc. As a result, the products are of very high quality, clean, incl. environmentally.
The authors of the site once had a chance to try their sour cream - since then we have been constantly pampering ourselves, buying excellent milk, cottage cheese, butter, cream, the same sour cream from them with delivery to Moscow... Having tried it once and compared it with what we have been buying all our lives in stores, I no longer want to return to the usual “Village Houses” and other rubbish.
Want to try, what is real milk, butter, cottage cheese - go to the online store >>
Conscientious quality.

3. Pasteurized milk from Klenovo-Chegodaevo

In the south of Moscow (as of 2011), more or less high-quality pasteurized milk is sold from the experimental farm of the All-Russian Institute of Animal Husbandry “Klenovo-Chegodaevo”(Podolsky district). Unfortunately, this is machine milking - not hand milking.
Product for sale packaged in white soft bags and pasteurized, these are the rules of trade.
Points of sale in Moscow (please note that milk of other brands of lower quality may be sold there):
– Chertanovskaya street – houses 54 and 9, building 2 (Bely Iris microdistrict),
– Shopping center “Kvadrat” (Northern Butovo, Starokachalovskaya St.),
– Shopping center “Yuzhnoye Butovo” – st. Venevskaya, 4,
– Bitsevsky market,
– Kaluga Agricultural Fair – Moscow, Profsoyuznaya st., 127,
– Podolsk: in “Podolskoye Raipo” stores and markets.

4. Store of the Timiryazev University (Timiryazev Agricultural Academy)

In the scientific vivarium of the academy, cows are kept and sold in the mornings from 9:30 to 10:00 (opening hours may vary) good draft natural milk (fresh, seemingly unpasteurized), and also - dairy products. On weekends, it happens that they are released earlier - from 9:00.
Store address: M. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, then across Dmitrovskoye Highway along Verkhnyaya Alleya Street. Go to the academy grounds and ask there.
Still on sale there honey at affordable prices.

5. Natural pasteurized milk “Boncharovo Products”.

Made from whole cow's milk. The assortment also includes fermented milk products and cheese.
For a list of retail outlets, see their website Boncharovo.rf.

6. Natural (and not so natural) milk in Moscow markets.

Bottled natural* milk can be bought in many markets in Moscow - on counters where they also sell “village” cottage cheese, sour cream, and butter at triple the price (be careful with these products - in the markets there are clever fakes for the “rich Pinocchio” - I personally had to pierce myself, which I later accidentally learned about from market insiders).

By the way, when buying natural village milk in bulk, don’t be lazy later boil his! Why? E. coli and its brothers are frequent guests in barrels. Read more in.

7. Natural or similar milk in Moscow stores

For now, you can still find good pasteurized milk in Moscow stores (the word “good” only means that it is better than dead sterilized milk).
Left in a warm place, good unboiled pasteurized (not sterilized or ultra-pasteurized!) milk sours on the 2-3rd day and turns into excellent tasty yogurt ( Please note: even this method of verification can be cruelly deceived. It happened that the method failed, and people foolishly rejected excellent, homemade milk - this is explained in detail in the article at the link above, read it).

Examples of more or less normal pasteurized products at the time of 2010: milk “Narodnoye”, “Ruzskoye Moloko”, “Vologda Laces”, etc. In winter and spring, the quality of these brands may drop.

8. Outside the city. Village milk from private owners.

Travel outside the Moscow Ring Road. There you can buy village milk at some local market, or on the roadside ( warnings about counterfeit the same as in the case of Moscow markets - see paragraph 6).

Today we will talk about a business idea related to food, or more precisely, milk. Milk in our country, as well as throughout the world, is valued, because it is one of the healthiest foods. But it's not that simple. For milk to be truly beneficial, it must be fresh and without any additives. The best option is, of course, fresh cow's milk from some farm located outside the city. Cows on such farms eat exclusively natural food without any harmful impurities or additives. They simply graze in the meadows and produce milk of the highest quality, which every Russian family would like to see on their table.

It turns out that potential clients have been identified. The product in this case is fresh cow's milk. All that remains is to develop a plan for creating a business delivering fresh milk to the client.

The first thing you need is a car. You can’t go anywhere without it; it’s where milk will be delivered to the consumer. Best of all is some kind of economical van. The second is milk. Where can you get it if you don’t have your own farm with cows? The only way out is to negotiate milk supplies with farmers located near your city. I think there should be no problems, since farmers will happily agree to cooperate. Next - bottles. We will deliver milk to customers in bottles (glass). I think you will find where to get them.

The scheme of work is as follows: the client pays for a monthly delivery of milk, and every morning you bring him a bottle of fresh fresh milk. After consuming the product, the client returns the empty bottle and in return receives a full one with milk. As you can see, everything is quite simple and does not require large expenses. The niche is quite free, so hurry to take it. Happy business.

For those who have at least once drank real fresh milk, dairy products from the supermarket may seem at least strange. They have a completely different, unusual taste, which is called “powdery”. Let's figure out how it differs from cow-made products from products produced in industrial conditions. Is it really more beneficial for the body? And how can you avoid running into products of dubious quality in the supermarket?

What is the difference between natural and store-bought dairy products?

Since 2013, the Customs Union has had a technical regulation “On the safety of milk and dairy products.” It is designed to protect people’s lives and health, and to prevent manufacturers from trying to mislead buyers about the quality of their products.

The technical regulations list more than 100 types of dairy products. All of them are combined into 3 large groups:

  1. Dairy products - drinking milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. Such products are made from milk or its components, without the addition of non-dairy fats and proteins. The composition may contain additional components that are needed for milk processing.
  2. Dairy products - yoghurts with crunchy flakes, curds with pieces of fruit. These products are also made from milk and its components, which are partially replaced by non-dairy components. The share of milk should be more than 50%, and in ice cream and sweet milk products - over 40%.
  3. Dairy products - sour cream, processed cheese. Such products are made from milk, its components and dairy products, but the permissible proportion of milk fat substitute is more than 50%. It is also possible to use non-dairy protein.

The packaging always indicates which group the product belongs to. The highest quality are dairy products. Compound milk and milk-containing products are cheaper, but they do not contain any beneficial substances, and the taste may have little in common with the taste of real milk.

How to read the label correctly?

You should always read the label before purchasing dairy products. Please note the following information:

  1. Name - if the product contains non-dairy components, it must have a mark indicating that it is a milk-containing product.
  2. A manufacturer's standard or technical document in accordance with which milk is processed. Please note that, unlike GOST, the manufacturer can change specifications (technical conditions) at its discretion.
  3. Ingredients listing all ingredients.
  4. Mass fraction of fat as a percentage. On processed cheese, cheese products and skim milk processing products, the mass fraction of fat in dry matter is indicated as a percentage.
  5. Mass fraction of milk fat - indicated on packages of milk-containing products.
  6. The content of microorganisms - lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria and other probiotics.
  7. The content of micro- and macroelements, vitamins and their relationship to a person’s daily needs.

A separate issue is the shelf life. Dairy products made from natural milk without the addition of chemicals are always perishable, but they can only be found in stores with great difficulty. If the shelf life is 3 days or more, it means the product contains preservatives. The longer it can be stored, the more chemicals it contains and the fewer components beneficial to the body.

Cow's milk, fresh, natural, pasteurized,chilled. It is this kind of milk, environmentally friendly, of the highest quality, that we supply to our automated milk sales network every day for you.

Some facts about fresh milk...

This is milk without extracts and additions of dairy and non-dairy components, subjected to primary processing (cleaned from mechanical impurities and cooled to a temperature of (4±2)0 C after milking and intended for further processing. Milk, depending on microbiological, organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, are divided into grades: highest, first, second and non-high-grade Milk is obtained from healthy animals in farms free from infectious diseases, in accordance with Veterinary legislation, and the quality must comply with this standard and regulatory documents regulating the requirements for quality and food safety. .

Chemical analysis of incoming milk

Milk obtained from healthy cows is allowed for acceptance, which must be confirmed by a certificate of veterinary and sanitary welfare of the suppliers' dairy farms, issued by a veterinary specialist for a period of no more than one month. First, incoming milk is assessed by determining color, smell, taste, and consistency. Determining the composition and properties of incoming milk can be divided into conducting analyzes characterizing the quality of milk and determining the components of milk.

The first include organoleptic indicators: acidity, purity group, reductase test, density;

the second - the mass fraction of fat, protein, lactose, dry matter and others.

Milking cows

Cows are milked either automatically or manually. During machine milking, the most favorable physiological conditions are created for the removal of milk from the udder: the machine milks all four lobes of the udder in turn; with manual milking, only two lobes are milked, although irritation of even two nipples causes a reflex milk release in all quarters of the cow's udder. Interestingly, attempts to mechanize milking were made back in the early 19th century. In 1836, milking tubes operating on the principle of suction appeared in Great Britain. The operation of a modern milking machine is based on creating a vacuum under the teat. Cows are prepared for milking: the udder is washed with warm water, the first streams of milk are milked (by hand) into a separate container, and no later than 1-1.5 minutes later, milking cups are placed on the teats. Before the end of milking, the so-called milking is carried out: the milking cups are pulled down and slightly forward by hand several times. The duration of milking depends on the amount of milk yield and the milk ejection reflex. A well-prepared cow is milked in 4 to 5 minutes.

Bactericidal properties of milk

Milk after milking contains microorganisms, the number of which not only does not increase within 2 hours, but also decreases. The ability of milk to suppress the action of microorganisms is called bactericidal properties, and the period of time during which bactericidal properties appear in milk is called the bactericidal phase.

The bactericidal properties of milk are due to the presence of enzymes (lysozyme, peroxidase), immunoglobulins, and leukocytes.

The bactericidal phase depends on bacterial contamination, which depends on compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions and on the temperature of the milk (the higher it is, the shorter the bactericidal phase). If the milk after milking is immediately cleaned and cooled to 4 °C, then the duration of the bactericidal phase will be 48 hours, if up to 2 °C - up to 72 hours.

Pasteurized milk is produced as a result of heat treatment of raw milk - heating to a temperature of 74 - 76 degrees for 15 - 30 minutes using special equipment. Pasteurization of milk allows you to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms without boiling and preserve the beneficial properties of raw milk; in the process of pasteurization, bacteria dangerous to health are killed. It is recommended to store pasteurized milk in a cool place.

Daily milk intake

The effectiveness of the immune system decreases as we age, resulting in weakened resistance to disease and shortened life expectancy. This biological process, defined as “aging of the immune system,” can be slowed down to some extent by the consumption of probiotics, namely lactic acid bacteria, which have immunomodulatory and antitumor effects. The positive effect of a particular strain of probiotics is due to the interaction of bacteria with the mucous membrane; in addition, lactic acid bacteria release biologically active peptides, which in turn can modulate the immune response at the cellular level. Daily consumption of dairy products can be considered as one of the methods to reduce immune system disorders.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products", raw milk is recommended boil before eating. When selling raw milk at agricultural markets, sellers are required to inform consumers about the need for mandatory boiling of raw milk, as well as present consumers with documents issued by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to conduct state control (supervision) in the field of veterinary medicine, and confirming the safety of raw milk. milk.

For many years, experts have been arguing about whether milk is beneficial or harmful, especially for mature and elderly people.

Meanwhile, it remains the favorite drink of millions.

There is an opinion that with age, the human body stops producing the enzyme that breaks down the milk protein casein, so milk is not digested.

Moreover, it has a negative effect on the body.

Is this true or a myth, is it worth introducing milk into your diet?

As you know, practice is the criterion of truth, and practice shows the following.

What does milk consist of?

Is milk a liquid product or a productive drink?

Most likely, two in one, because you can get enough of it and quench your thirst.

Nutritionists classify milk as a product:

“Milk is one of the most important food products; it contains all the substances without which the human body cannot exist normally, namely: complete proteins, fats, carbohydrates, inorganic salts (microelements), vitamins.”

In fact, milk is a source of:

calcium and vitamin D, so necessary for building the skeleton and its strength;
phosphorus and vitamin A, which are required for mental activity and vision;
magnesium, potassium, sodium and B vitamins - essential for the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
vitamins C and E, which support the hormonal, immune systems and reproductive function of the body.

The original purpose of milk is to ensure the growth and development of a newborn organism, which is not adapted by nature to accept other products.

Naturally, it has everything!

A child grows more in the first year of life than in all other years, feeding on mother's milk or formula.

There is a well-known case: a village resident lived to be 90 years old, eating exclusively milk and bread.

In addition to being nutritious, milk also performs the function of neutralizing toxins that are formed in the body during metabolism or that enter the body from the outside.

That is why those working with harmful chemicals are provided with a daily supply of milk at the rate of 0.5 liters per person in accordance with the Labor Safety Legislation.

The peculiarity of goat milk is its high fat content.

There have been cases of healing of serious diseases with goat's milk, in particular stomach ulcers and pulmonary tuberculosis.

So, milk is a product, a drink, an antidote (antidote) and a medicine at the same time.

So is it worth refusing to eat such a wonderful elixir of life?

New milk- straight from under the cow, with foam - has a special value.

In addition to nutrients, it also contains immune bodies that can destroy bacteria harmful to humans.

In our age of urbanization, not everyone has had the opportunity to try foaming fresh milk.

However, it is not suitable for everyone; in some people it causes bloating (flatulence), rumbling in the intestines, and loose stools.

If you want to cleanse your intestines, it is better to choose milk than colon hydrotherapy or any kind of enemas.

Fresh (raw) milk- no longer steamy, but not sour either.

The properties are the same as those of the steamed one, but the immune bodies, original taste and pleasant warmth are lost.

If you have loose bowels, try drinking fresh milk with bread lightly sprinkled with salt.

Salt has a fixing effect.

Boiled milk- a form more suitable for absorption by the human body than the first two.

When boiled, the protein, which scientists dislike so much, is destroyed, so boiled milk is suitable for almost everyone.

Baked milk- reduced in the oven or over low heat for an hour.

It has a brown foam and a special pleasant color.

Due to evaporation, the volume of milk decreases and the fat content increases.

The fat content of milk ranges from 1% (skim) to 3.5% (fat).

In stores, pasteurized milk is sold in bags and bottles: filtered and kept at a temperature of 80-85 degrees.

During pasteurization, all the nutritional properties of milk are preserved; it does not need to be boiled.

But bottled milk from flasks or bought at the market should definitely be boiled.

Milk should be stored in glass or enamel containers, but not in bags or aluminum containers, where it becomes saturated with toxic substances.

Dairy products

Milk gives us a lot of additional products, being the raw material for their production: sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, cheese, butter, condensed milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt.

Fermented milk products deserve special attention.

Here the opinions of scientists and nutritionists agree: they are well absorbed by all age groups.

Be careful with yoghurts: they are tasty, but contain unwanted food additives and preservatives that are harmful to the body.

You should not overuse yogurts in baby food, despite the fact that babies love them.

And if the body is prone to neoplasms or if there are already existing tumors, doctors categorically prohibit eating yoghurt!

Dairy and dairy-vegetable diets are recommended for many diseases, in particular heart disease, blood and thyroid diseases, lack of calcium in the body, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and bronchi, and various allergies.

In case of cancer, it is vitally important to completely give up meat and switch to a dairy-vegetable diet.

This is explained by the fact that meat contains carcinogens - substances that provoke the growth and development of tumors, but milk and plants do not contain them.

If your doctor prescribed you a milk diet, but you really don’t like it, imagine that you are taking the medicine necessary for healing.

Milk is an excellent way to preserve beauty and youth.

It has been noticed that milk lovers have smoother, velvety skin that is not prone to wrinkles; slimmer figure, stronger bones and teeth.

Even the nervous system is more balanced and the quality of sleep is better.

In addition, dairy and kefir diets allow you to lose weight beautifully without sagging skin and noticeable deepening of wrinkles.

Such negative processes are prevented by the microelements contained in milk, in particular calcium and copper.

Their relative cheapness also speaks in favor of dairy products.

Two milk days a week will significantly save your family budget.

Tasty and healthy

You can make many delicious, nutritious dishes from milk.

Milk porridges will perfectly support the cardiovascular system, from semolina to pumpkin porridge, which takes the longest to prepare. It is especially beneficial for our heart muscle!

Pumpkin milk porridge recipe

Boil milk, add pre-peeled, grated or cut into small cubes pumpkin.

Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

If the pumpkin is not boiled, use a blender to bring the pumpkin and milk until smooth, then add washed rice or millet and a little sugar.

Cook for another 15-20 minutes over low heat until the cereal is cooked.

The porridge should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

Buckwheat porridge is easy and simple to prepare.

You can boil the milk separately and cook the buckwheat, then pour the boiled milk over the buckwheat.

The porridge will have a thickness that you can adjust.

In the old days it was very popular in Rus'

Milk jelly

Boil milk, in a separate bowl stir 1-2 tbsp in a small amount of cold milk. spoons of starch and sugar to taste.

Add to boiling milk while stirring.

Boil for 1-2 minutes over low heat until thickened, stirring continuously.

The jelly should be thick.

Pour into plates and leave until completely set.

You need to eat milk jelly with a spoon; children really like it.

Despite all the usefulness of this product, it should be noted that there are individuals who categorically cannot tolerate milk and dairy products.

Fortunately, there are very few of them.

Bon appetit to everyone!
